I'm struggling with something for the future. While we should never have gotten to the point where we need Q and POTUA to drain the swamp for us, we nevertheless did. Fine. I trust the plan with a faith that I thought I'd lost. I think that the victory of good over evil is a foregone conclusion for our Republic based on what we are witnessing. Bad actors, evil, corrupt, venal psychopaths eliminated from positions of power. Fantastic, and Godspeed.
But how to we stop it from happening again - or are we just like the Matrix and the machines -destined to keep repeating this over and over throughout history? Is there a way to win once and for all?
That's my question and task for my descendants
Won't stop until Christ returns but if people humble themselves before God perhaps we can live many years in relative peace. Happened in the Bible almost cyclically.
Your statement is true but humble is step one, followed by obedience to God's law and so on.
True, evil will never stop expanding its borders until Christ's return, but God is still working wonders in this world with his faithful servants and without them regardless.
God and his willing vessels are still changing lives, making a deference and spreading light.
I guess the question is, "Are you spreading the gospel and light or fear and darkness"?
And as our founding fathers said, not quoting (because I don't the exact wording), if angels ran the government we wouldn't need laws. They knew men would be corrupt and tried to put safeguards in the system, but the devil had them think of ways to get around those safeguards. Now, prayerfully and hopefully God, with the help of good men, will get us out of this corrupt regime/cabal we are facing today. We can never let this happen again but complacency has a way of creeping into our system and the corrupt politicians can sense it and start to take advantage of this complacency.
Exactly this. I also believe that God is going to use this battle for a massive revival on Earth, creating millions upon millions of new believers. He is giving mankind one last chance to see his glory and to save themselves. When these historical events are all said and done, no one who lived during these times can claim they didn't know. God wins.
Right answer!
Exactly. Part of a sinful world. Man is inherently evil until salvation, even then, man can be evil at times.
Why would a loving God create his subjects this way
The Question that has plagued humankind since the days of Adam and Eve
Man onky knew good until the serpent changed one word of God's Word to them.
God said thou shalt surely die.
Devil said though shalt NOT surely die. Changes one word, no more Word of God.
By the way, when God saw all He made Hebsaid itbwasngood, good, very good. That includes man and women.
They chose to know evil, they are a mother and Father to us all. They also had a son who was then worlds first murderer.
But that was after evil entered the world through a lie.
Not God's doing. There is nothing new under the sun. This means we can see much of what this spiritual warfare is about through the Word of God. This is one thing God's Word provides among many.
Freedom of will, thanks to Christ man no longer needs to be held captive by satans system.
The battle is not in your body, the battle is in your mind, for your thoughts.
Let this mind be in you that was in Christ Jesus. Christ mind was filled with guess what? GODS WORD so he could do the Fathers will. And when tempted in all ways for 40 days and nights his response was TO ALWAYS to say "for it is written!!!
Came here to say this. As long as Satan is on this planet, there will be turmoil.
I know this sounds bad, but you have to kill them.
They are masters at sculpting law, language, and media to gain sympathy.
Monarchism became Republicanism. Republics became Socialist States.
This is the only solution.
These people wouldn't even BLINK if they could kill all of us off. In fact, they just tried.
Peace and Love can only go so far.
I struggle with this idea too, about saving the Republic. I think most of us here would agree that "The price of freedom is eternal vigilance." But in my own lifetime I saw America slip into a hypnotic stupor and allow its gaze to wander from freedom and onto silly, irrelevant things like high-tech toys and the number of likes they got on their social media postings.
In another thread here this morning I said that once 'pon a time I served in the military of the American Empire, knowing all along that we were really supposed to be a Republic. It appears now that the Empire is crumbling, from the fringes inward, and that maybe, just maybe, we can salvage the Republic once again.
If it be Thy will, God.
These aren't average people who made a mistake. This is an evil intergenerational Satanic cabal trying kill and enslave humanity. They must all be publicly executed!
And until satan is finally dealt with it will continue.
And this isn't new! Satan tempted Jesus and it was necessary to explain God's power over evil. Satan hasn't gone away and he will be with us until that day Jesus returns as a Warrior to cast Satan into the lake of fire.
What's the holdup
Fullness of times.
I don't know what that means
Yes. The modern, technical term for this is "psychopath or sociopath," which might help the normies to understand what we're talking about.
You're probably going to get your comment deleted, but I can only agree.
As Trump himself said, "Fast trial, death penalty."
True. But remember we have never lived one second NOT under their system.
Don’t forget their offspring to make it permanent.
After we eliminate the puppet masters, we eliminate the tools and strategies. We teach everyone to be on guard for those tools and strategies to keep them from returning.
This was a great comment, Revodude; thanks for posting it. "Eliminate the tools and strategies" triggered a long comment of my own; see below (or above, as the case may be).
Whoever’s in a prayer group or intercession take this above statement to them.
History books need to be rewritten and our kids and descendants need a classical American education with rigorous testing.
And reinforcement so the message won't get diluted or altered over time
I do not agree with the rigorous testing... I don't remember a ding dong thing I learned for a test. Kids should be immersed in education through museums, documentaries, reading, acting out scenes from history or witnessing live history reenactments (we go to a weekend function every year where a battle of the Revolutionary war is reenacted. So many kids are interested and watch!). They need to be taught that learning is fun, not rigorous. I am in my early 50's, and I am still learning. I always thought it stopped after school was done. Kids need to learn in various mediums, and learn that learning doesn't stop when they are done with the teacher. They shouldn't shut their minds and when they relax, learning happens without us or them even trying.
The next 6 years will be rough as well. The amount of criminal and civil court actions from all the fallout will take years, but hopefully be drastic enough, including punishments, to teach the younger generations to never do this again.
Tribunals are swift and true to the Constitution-the 'courts' will have to settle for survival judicial actions only, if and when they have been trained in Common Law...
Vigilance, a Great Rebuild, and a fair amount of "hunting" for rogue criminal family members is what is coming after the main course of Justice is served: "The Great Rebuild and Vigilance comes after The Great Awakening and Justice?":
Babies being born this year will be tracking, mapping, monitoring, and hunting criminal family members for the next 50 years, so DO NOT give the babies ANY vaccines.
“Hard times create strong men. Strong men create good times. Good times create weak men. And, weak men create hard times.”— G. Michael Hopf
Also, look into the Tytler cycle. In my humble opinion (as well as some historic scholars) this is human nature and we are in a part of the cycle that nobody living has experienced before.
You are here:
You can never totally prevent evil from reoccurring again (only God can do that) but until you EXTERMINATE them all, they are like cockroaches - they will quickly multiply and cause destruction again.
Team Evil is a broad coalition of despotic, satanic leaders and greedy, compromised followers that have infiltrated all the political, economic and social institutions in our country (and all countries around the world).
Many are not willing to accept that widespread military tribunals and executions are necessary to purge this evil from our world. They have the "forgive and forget", "mistakes were made" and "let's just go forward and not look back" mentality that will NEVER deal with this problem effectively. Final judgement is reserved for the Lord - no one will escape His Judgement.
I personally believe that the appearance of the antichrist is imminent - a false savior who will rise up quickly, promise big things, demand that people worship him and he will conduct a campaign of evil and destruction (like the world has not seen before in its history).
I urge people that are concerned about this troubled world (and where it is going) to turn to Jesus Christ now - accept Him as the living Son of God and your personal Lord and Savior. He wants to give you the gift of salvation from sin through His shed blood on the cross if you will only confess with your mouth and believe in your heart. I hope you will do this today because time is running out and soon it will be too late. God bless.
My reading of the Word is that the antichrist is anyone who is anti (against) Christ. I do not believe it is someone we are still waiting to see.
I would reread Daniel 11 and 2 Thessalonians 2. Here are some verses from those chapters:
1 John 2:18. Dear children, this is the last hour; and as you have heard that the antichrist is coming, even now many antichrists have come.
1 John 2:22. Who is the liar? It is whoever denies that Jesus is the Christ. Such a person is the antichrist—denying the Father and the Son.
1 John 4:3. but every spirit that does not acknowledge Jesus is not from God. This is the spirit of the antichrist, which you have heard is coming and even now is already in the world.
Of course, there are many antichrists (anyone who denies Christ) but there is one Antichrist that is yet to be revealed just before the abomination of desolation.
Good description of modern-day nazi Klaus Schwab
Yes if there is time before Christ returns it will be repeated. The Bible is clear that until satan is finally dealt with - evil will continue - even during the millennial reign of Christ with satan in the pit there will still be sin! Remember He is coming to rule with a rod of iron!
Isaiah 65:20 'No more shall there be in it an infant who lives but a few days, or an old man who does not fill out his days, for the young man shall die a hundred years old, and the sinner a hundred years old shall be accursed.'
So as with all empires of man, they start out in a high state of morals/ethics and this degrades over time until it must be replaced due to it's moral/ethical decadence - Known as the 'cycle of empires' lots of pages from a google search.
We cannot prevent a relapse otherwise.
The primary and foundational Strategy for the Bad Guys is to find a way to impose their will upon all others BY FORCE. To be able to commit the crime of Coercion with IMPUNITY.
The only TOOL that really does that is coercive GOVERNMENT.
I know: heads are e'sploding all over the place. Without a forcible government we would be . . . would be . . . what?
FREE, maybe?
Of course, more than freedom is needed. "A moral people" would be a good start (hat tip to John Adams). Various organizations, non-government regulatory agencies (Underwriter Labs, National Fire Safety Organization, etc), and a zillion other things are needed for a well-functioning society. A free people can (and have, in various times and places -- including to a large extent in early America) done all that, despite Big Government having taken over most of it in the last 200+ years (and at an ever-faster pace).
Always remember: Everything government touches turns to shit.
Aren't we all TIRED of living with this SHIT?
Education that makes people mean, stupid, and helpless ("Don't be late for your Critical Race Theory class, children!").
"National Defense" that makes enemies out of nations that should be our friends and has literally killed millions of people needlessly over the years while making the Military-Industrial-Congressional Complex rich, and which increasingly ENDANGERS Americans rather than protecting them. Oh, and let's not forget the military killing off its own with the jabs and other needless dangers.
Health regulators (FDA, USDA, etc) that eliminate as much health freedom as they can get away with, that push unhealthy and unsafe foods and chemical medicines, and that make it difficult or impossible to obtain things which actually ARE "safe and effective", such as Ivermectin.
I'd go on, but if you're reading this, you can make a multi-page list on your own.
Again: EVERYTHING (no exceptions) the government does, it corrupts and ruins.
America began with a TINY government -- the Articles of Confederation (1781 - 1789), which didn't even give the feds power to TAX; the States could (or not) VOLUNTARILY send money to the federal government.
Next, in what some consider a coup, the Constitution was drafted and then replaced the Articles in 1789. From there . . . the United States central government has grown to the monster we have today.
The Constitution, as adopted, FORBID a tax on income (in Article 1, section 9: No Capitation, or other direct, Tax shall be laid, unless in Proportion to the Census or Enumeration herein before directed to be taken) and REQUIRED each state to recognize only gold and silver as money (Article 1, Section 10: Powers Denied to the States No State shall enter into any Treaty, Alliance, or Confederation; grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal; coin Money; emit Bills of Credit; make any Thing but gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts; pass any Bill of Attainder, ex post facto Law, or Law impairing the Obligation of Contracts, or grant any Title of Nobility).
BTW: "Attainder" -- forfeiture --, ex-post facto laws, and laws impairing the obligation of Contracts (such as cancelling student debt, among many examples -- are all commonplace in modern America, Constitution or no. But I don't believe we're granting any Titles of Nobility yet, so there's that.
It's late and I'm going to resist writing another ten or fifteen pages here (stop clapping!), but I encourage everyone to research the provision of needed services by the market -- by the private sector, if you prefer. A good place to start (and an exhilarating read) is The Market for Liberty by Morris and Linda Tannehill. Also, research Voluntaryism.
Freedom will never be held for long by a people ruled by a coercive government. Indeed, "coercive government" and "freedom" are -- well, you can figure that out.
I disagree with you - I think they HAVE started giving titles of "nobility", just not ones we commonly associate with "nobility. Congressman, Senator, are all now treated as tho they are "above us" and they are acting as if we are their underlings.
The family lines must be extinguished, their generational wealth taken and transferred to the People. Their bastards must be hunted down and punished.
Normally I am against inheritance type taxation. But when the wealth and power reaches a certain level there must be a reset. Too much money, power and influence, especially when it is generational, breeds psychopathy and contempt for anyone not 'of their station'. We need an end to the dynasties.
Did anyone witness the red sea parting ?Yes, Moses and more than a few Israelites. The pursuing Egyptian pharaoh and warriors must have been astonished to observe the supernatural phenomenon as well. Especially when the walls of water on both sides came crashing down onto them as their chariots neared the fleeing throng. Just not natural, winds strong enough on their own to create dry land for such a massive crossing.... ( So why didn't they say to themselves oh my there is a Higher God ! Nope they forgot I guess so people have to be shown .. Again)
Recognize and embrace truth only. Actively expose deception.
God’s algorithm.
My theory is/was - what if evil really existed and it knew God existed? How would this evil destroy a country like USA?
Evil is intelligent, maybe a lot of what evil spawns are not.
Evil would read about Sodom and Gomorrah (truthfully would know more about the Bible than Christians do)-they would take that principle and use it against USA and Western Societies.
Evil would know about Noah and how God used a Rainbow as a sign that He would not destroy as that again, but they use the Rainbow as their sign that know this, but the mockers and useful idiots would believe Christians not worthy of their faith and should repent from it and join their “self righteous” cult.
Nonetheless Sodom and Gomorrah was destroyed by God. USA has a lot of fail safes built in our system. It requires checks and balances, but if those who do the checks and balances are the same spirit of those who were destroyed by God. This is their hope. Their light is darkness and they crave Gods wrath.
So how many Lots do we have in the USA? In Western Countries?
What is Gods algorithm. One Lot per how many?
Those who repent and accept Jesus will have remorse and start wanting the light of Jesus. Those who harden their hearts will reap what they sow.
Politics complicate this these days and politics snuffs out Christianity too. The greater good they claim. Yet that too is being a liar, openly.
No. Freedom requires eternal vigilance, love of virtue.
See: George Washington Farewell Address.
Here are some perspectives on what is meant by the first sentence:
1.I cannot recognize as my Child a man who is a slave to another man or to his own lusts, or takes another man as his slave, even if that man owes him. [..] It would be best for you to take this man, burn him and bury his ashes 50 feet under ground, so your cattle will not be spoiled by eating the grass growing over him.
Inculcate freedom into your children, day and night, they speak and dream about it.
Every man has the duty to maintain freedom, and he should defend it with all the means at his disposal and what he can think of using.
Source: Oera Linda bok.
Trump laid out extensive plans for a nationwide celebration of America's 250th birthday, including the commission of artists to create monuments to our greatest heroes.
I think it's safe to assume the PLAN includes measures that will sear these lessons into the collective consciousness for generations to come.
According to a God’s word, at some point we will have a thousand years of peace while Satan is bound. I’ve always wondered why God releases him for a short time after that to deceive man again, but it says what it says. Hopefully we are close to that thousand years of peace.
For starters the the crimes and full evidence of ALL the traitors and evil doers needs to be fully released and the executions need to be public and absolutely fucking brutal!! Then there needs to be some laws put in place for future crimes that will allow people in government to be held accountable when they stray away from the path. And they will, there’s always someone trying to get more power through corruption.
What we do is we simplify our society, with a small economy focused only on food and housing. No institutions, no complex bureaucracies. We raise our kids this way, they raise their kids this way. Globos take advantage of complexity. If we are just growing food and fixing each other's plumbing, there is nowhere for them to come in and fuck things up. Plus a very small, simple government. Here's a manual for that:
Public hangings for the senior officials who conspired on the worst of the crimes and those guilty of enriching themselves in the process. Long prison sentences for those who assisted and enabled the same. This would do wonders in making sure it wouldn’t happen again in the next 50 years. The process would need repeating at times as a reminder to those who don’t heed history.
Might take away is people had to live it for the last six years and know at first hand so they can pass it on to their kids
We'll be doing this again after 200 years unless we find a way to kill the devil himself.
The plan is to create patriots. The best case senerio is enough citizens wake up to their responsibilities to take part in governing and also influence generations to "keep it" in the future.
It's why Q has intimated that people need to be pushed to the brink before they'll really change. A number of us on GAW have been talking for a very long time that it's going to get REALLY bad. Bad enough to leave a psychic scar on this nation as a reminder of how bad things can get if we don't take care of our Republic.
But I think another critical element is making a lot of secret information public. The people at the top of the pyramid have thrived in the shadows. An entire system of hidden finance and all of the infrastructure and high technology that goes along with it. In a more obvious sense, we're seeing the reveal of the kind of scum that populate the political and cultural elite of the West.
So much of the world is hidden from your average person. If they knew this information, it would be nowhere near as easy to rule us.
I am in a position most people are not here
One, noticing the flow of time has changed and time compression is happening routinely. Sign we are entering the age of timelessness
Two, a deep set feeling we are on the brink of massive change. I think we are maybe 1 to 2 years from Q plan completion and new republic...and at that...2 to 4 years from new kingdom
Our enemy are accelerationists. Always have been. There have been talks here of the two-three prong attack on Israel. If that actually happens, and Israel falls, God -will- be forced to step in. This is where cabal likely uses their weapons to try to defeat God only to fail miserably
This all falls in line with the reason cabal has been gaming multiple end scenarios such as the scamdemic, depopulation, multiple wars, etc is because the original plan, the anti Christ, was already neutralized in the future. The only way they can force end times to try their stupid gamble is doing something so outrageous God is forced to intervene.
Trump has hinted at new Republic and new Kingdom already, THAT is why DS NEEDS to take him out...just winning/stealing an election against him is not enough
I think we are still going to see some terrible things come our way before this is over. Perhaps the scare event will be a combination of the threat of nuclear war, perhaps a threat of a draft, economic collapse, all happening simultaneously. It might be so horrendous, the most staunch Biden supporters will be kneeling by their bed and praying for Trump's return.
Add to that, the release of all the pedophile evidence, that Bush was involved with JFK assassination and 9/11, Obama created ISIS, Hillary planned on starting a nuclear war with Russia under the 16 year plan.
Once the swamp is fully drained, NWO cabal is rounded up, Globalist leaders around the planet are removed from power, Federal Reserve and globalist banking system is eliminated, executions take place, the economy around the planet rebounds like never before, new free energy sources and medical cures are rolled out, the burden and anxiety of living paycheck to paycheck will become nonexistent, we will see a religious awakening occur. Most people will feel so blessed, giving thanks the God and Jesus will become common practice.
People will follow the lead; they want to be a part of current consensus. We will revert from a society with evil tendencies to a society that worships our creator. That is the society we had 100 years ago, we can get there again.
Our educational system will be overhauled, kids will learn what it takes to maintain freedom. The Constitution, Bill of Rights, Pledge of Allegiance will be mandatory. Every child will have to read the Q drops and give a 100 page report to graduate..Kek.
I think society will learn every little detail on how we got here and be able to recognize any communist bullshit in the future. I think there will be a trilogy on the Q movement showing how evil was destroyed. It will be a slow gradual reversal from what we have today. People will see that the majority are God loving, God fearing, honest, hard working, patriots who have no interest in LGBT, CRT, equity bullshit, societal changes on a grand scale.
I will be hard work but it can be done. I might be a little over zealous but its the future I'm looking for.
These thing will wax worse and worse as time goes on. Nothing Biblical about a utopia on earth, just a dim outlook for those NOT in Christ. God does win but not before the appointed time. (Satan is a murderer and a liar---deception is his game)
Perhaps the struggle is why we are here.
I think, the previous few years were about.....
Trusting the plan is cool and all that, but what if, "draining the swamp" isn't just about the political swamp, but your own mental swamp? If you wanna talk about matrix stuffs, then I would suggest getting some religious info, or psychology, philosophy is good too. The point about the matrix thing is, i believe, that you can interact with, and communicate with someone in yo brain!
My suggestion, live a life as if you really are in a panopticon. What that means is up to you, seriously... it could be a religious/spiritual panopticon, or govt camera style. It could mean go openly protest on the streets, or quietly not-protest in different ways.
End the FED for starters! This battle will never end until Central Banks are destroyed.
Our experiment in freedom failed and needs a reset. Luckily, patriots were aware of this before the collapse took place. We need a big discussion on how to keep our republic longer. The original one was replaced in 1871 by a deceptive government services corporation based in Puerto Rico. The united States of America became THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, and entirely different entity.
I remember seeing that the truth was for us to know if we choose and wont be for everyone but not all will be disclosed. My Opinion 100% of every nasty thing has to be disclosed down to the smallest detail. That every person has a duty to learn the downfalls of Satan and how we got here. God believes in whole hearted truth and for every truth kept secret from the public this will just begin the cycle again. No Matter how many people can't handle it that is their journey with God and I shall not concern myself with their journey unless it is to help. There are things I dont want to know and rabbit holes I wont go down again. But I know. Every person who participated willingly must face the most severe justice there should not be 1 deal on the table no matter how big the other fish is.
"Is there a way to win once and for all?"
I think there is but no one will have the appetite for it. Besides, it would make us as bad as them if it were to happen.
Thank you for posting this. I had a vision of posting something similar to this yesterday, but didn’t know how to put it into words, and I thought I would get banned.
IMO the ONLY way to stop it from happening again is FULL DISCLOSURE, not the 60%-80% Q has talked about. The people need to see EVERYTHING!
on point