I did at first, but when he started telling people NOT to vote as some alleged moral high ground, I thought he was misguided.
Some twitter statements, not mine…
“ Lin Wood is going directly against the directive and requests of President Trump
Couldn’t be anymore obvious!”
“Also notice this narcissistic maniac Lin Wood continues to make extensive of The Religious Authoritative Voice to sell his increasingly dumb talking points to however many real followers he still has at this point.
Blatantly using religious deception on the gullible. How evil a person do you have to be to even try this?”
“ From the moment that Wood told people not to vote in the special election in Georgia in 2020 everyone should’ve known he was a shill for the establishment. How can anyone follow him at this point? It’s especially offensive that he cloaks his political narratives in Christianity.”
As a citizen of Colorado, I agree with Lin about election integrity or an utter lack thereof. No matter how I voted, the favored of the Dominion machine have always won person or issue. Flipping votes seems to be the prefered tactic and voting in person often nets the tale of woe: "you already voted" And yet to make a "fair fight" the win numbers are always pretty low.. "Heck of a close race"... 😣
This is what us west coasters have been going through for a long time now.
My vote in Washington State literally doesn’t matter. We have mail in voting only.
California, Colorado, Oregon and Washington will need actual military intervention to fix.
I will vote in this election even though it doesn’t matter. If Donald J Trump is not the President heading into 2025 I am done. Plan or not my patience will have run out. Either the white hats got defeated or I will be in complete disagreement that we need to keep suffering to wake up leftists and normies who don’t want to be saved which I am already there on that front.
Hopefully we get boom after boom, DS gets crushed, lefties cry and we all party.
If not I will resist in my own personal life, leave Washington State for good and watch the collapse of America from some mountain town in Idaho, Montana, Wyoming or Utah.
Can I come with you ? San Diego here , as you mentioned we have been suffering for years , people say we got what we deserve … NO , our vote has been stolen for 30 years , 30 years that I’m aware of . Cali was their training ground for election theft. I watched the Gov seat get robbed from Cox, they installed Nusellini . I kind of knew it would happen , but watching it like we watched 2020 years later was tough . I too have long ago lost the whole rediculous exuse “ we need to suffer so normies wake up “ children need to continue to be raped and killed so more people become aware … no that didn’t happen , laws changed so the Pedos are protected and could get lighter or no punishment . The excuse the normies need to wake up is over as far as I’m concerned . Military needs to happen , DJT needs to get in and the theft from 2020 needs to be broadcasted , Jan 6 need to be immedietly released , how any amount of money will make up fro the horror they have lived but as much as they want needs to be given to them . Several men have not seen there children in years . I could go on but I won’t . If DJT does not get in i to will be looking for a mountain to to brace my cabin from the wind .
Fellow San Diegan....I wholeheartedly agree. We've been robbed for decades....however, by voting, it forces them to have to cheat and more likelihood of being caught. It's just a matter of time before they're busted. Criminals always get complacent and get caught. Just a matter of when. Then there's always the 2A just in case. Stay frosty.
Me too , the heat will be back hopefully not with a vengence . I moved about 15 minutes from PB and I miss the cloud covering the beach oftentimes has. I’m not a heat fan . I’m not sure how back east or Flordia does it . I pray for the people and the animals !!
Sure you can! But yeah I have felt for a long time now that the brainwashing excuse has run out. Glad we got some to wake up but there is still a huge portion of the population that is retarded and will have to learn the hard way.
I’m San Diego too and after 20 years ago I finally made the decision to leave for good. Besides the horrible politics here I can’t even afford to leave her anymore. It’s either go homeless or leave. The later is my best option at this point.
Pisses me off that the guess is a million illegals in the past 3 years , not Mexicans but SA r here and they are living great with comfy hotels and food and we are Americans and it’s tough to live here. Hell evrn the Mexicans got nothing accept work .
My prediction is that there will be some major event the DS pulls to shut down the election. Military is the only way and we have an election with paper ballots overlooked by the military.
I just don’t get why they would let the election be stolen again. I don’t know what benefit it brings. I think it would absolutely crush morale. I mean my friends and family would go straight to doomer town if the election was stolen again.
I mean to collect more evidence? If they supposedly have it all how much more evidence do they need after the 2016, 2018, 2020 and 2022 elections?
Only reasoning I can see is that shit gets really bad for the deep state before the election and it’s obvious to anyone who is honest with themselves the shit was stolen.
As of right now though I think the media could gaslight enough people into thinking it was legit though. Or leftists don’t care cause Trump is Hitler to them.
I just don’t get why white hats would let that happen but what do I know.
I just don’t get why they would let the election be stolen again. I don’t know what benefit it brings. I think it would absolutely crush morale. I mean my friends and family would go straight to doomer town if the election was stolen again.
The better question is: why wouldn't they steal it again? They have the means and capability - they have no other choice at this point. They've already been caught by WHs/Space Force and we're seeing the actors play their part in this movie....this biblical war playing out.
The benefit is that by stealing the election, they'll have to make the fraud so completely obvious, even the most cursory glance into the "numbers" will reveal what took place. Thereby waking up leftists, when they see the numbers yet the media reporting on the "free and fair election", simultaneously destroying public trust in the media. I think it will set off a rollercoaster of chain events, which propel us into Great Depression 2.0 and eventually the Precipice.
As of right now though I think the media could gaslight enough people into thinking it was legit though. Or leftists don’t care cause Trump is Hitler to them.
I think moderates are going to have a really hard time come November. They'll be forced to pick a side very soon - the insane leftist, godless communists or the sane right.
Too many people around me in my part of the country are FAST asleep, even people who might support Trump and/or Christian conservatives. They are still tied to the bread and circuses of our day.
True, the hardcore communists, useful idiots, the ones help perpetrating the fraud. Q did mention the 4-6% that won't be waking up from this, which I believe you're thinking of. While it may seem bleak, keep the faith, fren. The section I'm in doesn't look very good, while I've seen posts on here talk about the anecdotes from people around them waking up - but just because that's not my own daily experience, doesn't mean it's happening. Nobody ever said 5th generation warfare would be easy lol
I didn't even mention the bad stuff-my 2022 ballot had the issues and local stuff on one side and the other side with state and national candidates was blank.
I don’t think he is evil. In fact I support his stance to some extend. However throwing a tantrum like a two year old that he will refuse to support Donald Trump unless he gets his was threw me off. I don’t follow Lin. I follow Jesus Christ. I support Trump and therefor I will vote nomatter what even if my will is not done. Be careful who you follow. Some of them may be wolves in sheep clothing and others may just be fools.
I trust exactly zero people, whether I like what they have to say, or whether or not I agree with what they have to say (sometimes two different things).
My research suggests Controlled Opposition is everywhere. Knowing someone's true motives are impossible, especially on the world stage. Even if acting in earnest, someone actually knowing the whole truth themselves is highly unlikely. We all do the best we can with the information we have available to us at the time.
I listen to pretty much everyone (at least more than I used to), but I trust exactly no one. I do not expect that to ever change, nor can I imagine a reason why it should.
Learn how to really listen, learn how to how to let go of the need to trust. That's my best advice from the lessons my life and my recent investigation has given to me.
I'm voting - I refuse to give them one less vote to have to counter. I think EVERYONE should vote - have the numbers so high that it's impossible to cheat - no one believes Biden got 81 mil votes - would ANYONE believe if he needed over 100 mil votes to win and got them, that they were real? They have a serious numbers issue - Trump's numbers are going way up while Biden's are going way down. I'd hope not even the most hardcore of libtards would buy that piece of bs.
Well, that may be true. But quitting has never helped anyone, and I'm a hard headed southern gal who hates to quit. On the off chance that the military or WH have been doing what Q says they've been doing, I'm gonna vote to ensure that I don't just help "give it" to them, by not voting at all. If everything Q has said is true, then it's been/being repaired so 2024 is not a repeat of 2020. And I will not allow my vote to be silent. I will add +1 to whatever they say is the total, out of sheer cussedness and spite. 😁
You literally believe there's a secret screw of military generals in charge of America from the background. Some even believe the election was "lost" on purpose to teach America and the world just how bad everything truly is. If you believe either of these then you must also believe that voting matters in this next election cycle.
You'd literally fantasize about "Minecraft activity" rather than doing the most American thing you can do: vote for your next President.
I get his sentiment. As a WA state resident I have no option other than mail in ballots. I know the implications of mail in but I will still cast my ballot the only way I'm allowed to though.
He said this in 2020 and 2022. He said what is the purpose of partaking in something obviously rigged? How many times do we have to “swamp” the voting booth? Look at yesterday how the machines went down again and how high a total Nimrod birdbrain got.
2018,2020, 2022 and so on. I believe tue vote flood will be so large the only move is to cause an event to try and cancel the elections. That’s the only play for the cabal.
I don't think it is mathematically possible to acheive the flood you are hoping for, especially if the MSM is still functioning and gaslighting everyone.
We stand around at the water cooler and say, "no way biden got 80 million votes. Trump must have had 95 million."
What happens when the MSM tells us that Biden got 81M, and Trump got 79M?
Gaslighting is what keeps us all civil. No one grabbed pitchforks in 2020. No one will in 2024.
Because Q and Trump told us not to. I don’t think we’ll have the same shitshow of election fraud in November that we had in 2020, but if we do, Q and Trump wouldn’t be able to keep a lid on people’s frustration. Things would go kinetic on many fronts. The Plan probably has already accounted for people’s limited patience, so it probably won’t allow people to go through a stolen election again.
Elections don't matter as much as the will of the people. You could elect Trump over and over again, but the people are the power. It does us no good if we are at the mercy of the rest of the population. Things will not change if people don't. That's the whole point of the great awakening.
I really dont think were going to wait for elections..things are not going to go that far. The whole campaign bs is busy work for cabal n never trumpers thrusting their true self into the light.
We haven't fixed 2020.
Trump won.
Were in devolution
If theres any real voting to be done. It wouldnt be for Corporation presidency.
The republic needs to go on line w CIC trump and military.
Then the vote for Republic would matter.
Trump saying to vote would then be whenever we vote for the republics President.
Lins a lawyer...couched meanings.
We shall see.
How can you have a proper election on the back of a fraudulent one. My opinion is that the "peanut butter" is going to hit the fan soon and the fraud exposed. If this happens there is no way to just go on as if nothing happened and have one in 2024. Remember all the times that DJT has said we can't wait until 2024 because we won't have a country by then. SOME OTHER HUGE PLAN IS IN THE WORKS. Maybe it is going back to the Republic we had before the "sell out" of 1871. We are in unchartered waters and someone more legal minded than I am is going to have to figure it out. I would just suspect that it will all be according to the Q team plan, I trust Trump. The only thing that I know for CERTAIN is that God told me that DJT is a DECOY. To me that means that he is out front making speeches, being indicted, etc. drawing attention to himself while the MILITARY, WHITE HATS, Q TEAM OR WHOEVER ELSE IS INVOLVED IS DOING THE DIRTY WORK. TRUMP IS GREAT AT GETTING THE ATTENTION OF THE BAD DUDES AND THEREBY ALLOWING THOSE DOING THE REALLY HEAVY LIFTING TO BE ABLE TO WORK BEHIND THE SCENES. His job has been to "rally the troops" and get them ready to participate in what comes next when he is once again the KNOWN PRESIDENT of the USA He has been able to do this through the "campaign rallies" which may have just been a way to give information to the troops, live and in person.
I completely agree. I completely Trust Lin. I hope one day he will become my Governor in SC, or maybe VP with Trump. He continuously is fighting for the kids.
I will always vote. I live in the state that perfected stealing; but I still have hope and faith that Trump and the WH have figured out a few things in the past 4 years and are ready to stop the steal. I have HOPE.
I'll say one thing. Woods is good. The fact that he can get so many otherwise sane people and awake people to swallow his swindle is a testament to his methods and the level of evil behind him.
For those that see him, he is transparent. Unfortunately, there are a number of people among us who simply haven't awaken internally to see lies, deception and the smoothest manipulation for what it is.
Never trusted him anyway. Never trusted the Kraken either. I don't trust Trump either. The only person I trust is Jesus. I trust Jesus to use the broken vessels of Mankind to fulfill His plan.
I’ll be voting this time, as it may be the last time. I agree with Wood here. Or I should say I get what he’s saying. Problem is I don’t really trust the military right now either. As of right now we are to “vote harder” to win this election. That’s coming from Trump himself. To overwhelm the system. That’s not gonna happen. We did that last time. Remember hundreds of thousands in a blue line straight over Trumps margin of votes? I do. They know we know now. And they don’t care. So, saying that, I will be voting. Why? Because I hope they(white hats) have secured our elections. I have no proof. I only have hope.
I hope I’m wrong about our military. I hope I’m wrong about what I feel is gonna happen. I haven’t been wrong yet. I do have faith in God. He’s the only thing I do have faith in. I have zero in the world, and those in it. But I do have hope for it. But I also know none of this is worth it if God doesn’t get the credit. And honestly, I’m hearing less and less about God. And to be really honest, I want none of the plan to work if He doesn’t get credit. It would be worth nothing to me personally.
We’ll see what happens. But this all comes down to one event. It’s the election. If Trump isn’t sworn in next January or whenever, where will we stand then? Do we go for another four years? What happens after Trump. Even if he wins? It’s all hollow. Only God can fulfill. Only Jesus can sustain. If America doesn’t place the true King back into position, we’ve already lost.
But I will vote, at least one more time. I own that much for the plan. And will encourage others as well. One last ride.
Lin has gone off the rails a bit. The Trump team is going to take big chunks out of the voter fraud. That in combination with swamping them will carry the day. I heard a good tidbit out of True the Vote and the fractal folks are hard at work.
I believe that Trump will win all 50 states. Not hopium.
Vote no matter what. That is the stance I have. South Carolina is an example. Trump won. No way the none mouth mover got 40 percent.
What has to be done is this needs to be fixed. People need to stop doubting it can be fixed. Will it be tough to fix? Yep. Will evil always be hiding in the daylight? Yep.
I've never trusted any thing or anyone except for DJT. Did Q not say something along the lines of "People who we think are on our side will be revealed to be against us?" Basically unless the GEOTUS signs off on a particular individual, I don't trust 'em one bit.
Who told you that your state is blue? Commies in the media? They’re not reliable. Vote anyway because you really don’t know the true color of your state.
Well, I dunno about Lin but he is saying what we ALL want to see. I just don't know if it will be like that and we NEED to get out to vote regardless. If they are going to steal the election, we have to make it so obvious that the election was rigged it will cause a Revolution! (Kek) If people do not vote in protest, it will just help legitimize the steal!
I feel the same way. What's the point, you know they are gonna rig it anyways. Debating whether I should get a team together to conduct exit polls that I can give the sheriff to prove fraud. I think I probably will.
I still trust him. I think he has to keep pushing this out there to get the complacent peoples attention. People get lazy when they think all is well. I really believe that by the election we will be all paper votes. There is a reason he is doing this. I’m totally convinced that Lin is in the know, or they wouldn’t be trying to shut him down so hard. What are they afraid of with him. Just like with Trump they want him silenced. I’m completely all in with Lin just as I am with Trump. He says things that make me go hmmm, where have I heard that before. I pay close attention to what he says.
There are a lot of knee jerk reactors here. People say trust the plan, but then they don’t. They only trust the plan if it’s their heroes. I have never ever got a bad vibe from Lin. I ask God for discernment everyday. There are only 3 people that I have complete confidence in at this point. Donald Trump, Lin Wood and Jeff Sessions. When the real truth surfaced I believe Wood and Sessions will be considered heroes. Nice to know I have a Fren here. You are the only one that made a comment about my post. I figured I would’ve gotten hammered.
there is absolutely no reason that electronic voting should have been started, nor should it be allowed at this point.
all the internet outages (they claim) that have caused disruptions in the voting processes are ridiculous. the machines aren't even supposed to have internet access.
if we cannot enforce paper ballots with IN-PERSON voting, transparent counting & simple voter ID, then prepare to get screwed again & again.
if you can't make it to the polls to vote, tough.
if you can't prove you're a legal citizen, fvck off where you came from, you don't have a say in who becomes president.
if we can't ensure transparency & enforce common sense laws, what else can we expect?
I did at first, but when he started telling people NOT to vote as some alleged moral high ground, I thought he was misguided.
Some twitter statements, not mine… “ Lin Wood is going directly against the directive and requests of President Trump
Couldn’t be anymore obvious!”
“Also notice this narcissistic maniac Lin Wood continues to make extensive of The Religious Authoritative Voice to sell his increasingly dumb talking points to however many real followers he still has at this point.
Blatantly using religious deception on the gullible. How evil a person do you have to be to even try this?”
“ From the moment that Wood told people not to vote in the special election in Georgia in 2020 everyone should’ve known he was a shill for the establishment. How can anyone follow him at this point? It’s especially offensive that he cloaks his political narratives in Christianity.”
You've got my upvote. This is my take on the guy as well.
As a citizen of Colorado, I agree with Lin about election integrity or an utter lack thereof. No matter how I voted, the favored of the Dominion machine have always won person or issue. Flipping votes seems to be the prefered tactic and voting in person often nets the tale of woe: "you already voted" And yet to make a "fair fight" the win numbers are always pretty low.. "Heck of a close race"... 😣
This is what us west coasters have been going through for a long time now.
My vote in Washington State literally doesn’t matter. We have mail in voting only.
California, Colorado, Oregon and Washington will need actual military intervention to fix.
I will vote in this election even though it doesn’t matter. If Donald J Trump is not the President heading into 2025 I am done. Plan or not my patience will have run out. Either the white hats got defeated or I will be in complete disagreement that we need to keep suffering to wake up leftists and normies who don’t want to be saved which I am already there on that front.
Hopefully we get boom after boom, DS gets crushed, lefties cry and we all party.
If not I will resist in my own personal life, leave Washington State for good and watch the collapse of America from some mountain town in Idaho, Montana, Wyoming or Utah.
Can I come with you ? San Diego here , as you mentioned we have been suffering for years , people say we got what we deserve … NO , our vote has been stolen for 30 years , 30 years that I’m aware of . Cali was their training ground for election theft. I watched the Gov seat get robbed from Cox, they installed Nusellini . I kind of knew it would happen , but watching it like we watched 2020 years later was tough . I too have long ago lost the whole rediculous exuse “ we need to suffer so normies wake up “ children need to continue to be raped and killed so more people become aware … no that didn’t happen , laws changed so the Pedos are protected and could get lighter or no punishment . The excuse the normies need to wake up is over as far as I’m concerned . Military needs to happen , DJT needs to get in and the theft from 2020 needs to be broadcasted , Jan 6 need to be immedietly released , how any amount of money will make up fro the horror they have lived but as much as they want needs to be given to them . Several men have not seen there children in years . I could go on but I won’t . If DJT does not get in i to will be looking for a mountain to to brace my cabin from the wind .
Fellow San Diegan....I wholeheartedly agree. We've been robbed for decades....however, by voting, it forces them to have to cheat and more likelihood of being caught. It's just a matter of time before they're busted. Criminals always get complacent and get caught. Just a matter of when. Then there's always the 2A just in case. Stay frosty.
Make no mistake ,, I will still vote , you’re right about making it harder! The weather we’ve had lately makes it easy to stay frosty lol .
Lol! Yep. I love the coolness right now. Feels nice.
Me too , the heat will be back hopefully not with a vengence . I moved about 15 minutes from PB and I miss the cloud covering the beach oftentimes has. I’m not a heat fan . I’m not sure how back east or Flordia does it . I pray for the people and the animals !!
Sure you can! But yeah I have felt for a long time now that the brainwashing excuse has run out. Glad we got some to wake up but there is still a huge portion of the population that is retarded and will have to learn the hard way.
Can’t save em all.
Retarded is correct lol !
I’m San Diego too and after 20 years ago I finally made the decision to leave for good. Besides the horrible politics here I can’t even afford to leave her anymore. It’s either go homeless or leave. The later is my best option at this point.
Where about in San Diego r u if u don’t mind me asking , wish we could meet before u go .
Pisses me off that the guess is a million illegals in the past 3 years , not Mexicans but SA r here and they are living great with comfy hotels and food and we are Americans and it’s tough to live here. Hell evrn the Mexicans got nothing accept work .
My prediction is that there will be some major event the DS pulls to shut down the election. Military is the only way and we have an election with paper ballots overlooked by the military.
I just don’t get why they would let the election be stolen again. I don’t know what benefit it brings. I think it would absolutely crush morale. I mean my friends and family would go straight to doomer town if the election was stolen again.
I mean to collect more evidence? If they supposedly have it all how much more evidence do they need after the 2016, 2018, 2020 and 2022 elections?
Only reasoning I can see is that shit gets really bad for the deep state before the election and it’s obvious to anyone who is honest with themselves the shit was stolen.
As of right now though I think the media could gaslight enough people into thinking it was legit though. Or leftists don’t care cause Trump is Hitler to them.
I just don’t get why white hats would let that happen but what do I know.
The better question is: why wouldn't they steal it again? They have the means and capability - they have no other choice at this point. They've already been caught by WHs/Space Force and we're seeing the actors play their part in this movie....this biblical war playing out.
The benefit is that by stealing the election, they'll have to make the fraud so completely obvious, even the most cursory glance into the "numbers" will reveal what took place. Thereby waking up leftists, when they see the numbers yet the media reporting on the "free and fair election", simultaneously destroying public trust in the media. I think it will set off a rollercoaster of chain events, which propel us into Great Depression 2.0 and eventually the Precipice.
I think moderates are going to have a really hard time come November. They'll be forced to pick a side very soon - the insane leftist, godless communists or the sane right.
Too many people around me in my part of the country are FAST asleep, even people who might support Trump and/or Christian conservatives. They are still tied to the bread and circuses of our day.
I actually think leftists know the elections are stolen they just don’t care.
True, the hardcore communists, useful idiots, the ones help perpetrating the fraud. Q did mention the 4-6% that won't be waking up from this, which I believe you're thinking of. While it may seem bleak, keep the faith, fren. The section I'm in doesn't look very good, while I've seen posts on here talk about the anecdotes from people around them waking up - but just because that's not my own daily experience, doesn't mean it's happening. Nobody ever said 5th generation warfare would be easy lol
yes, it all does feel a bit... automated.
I didn't even mention the bad stuff-my 2022 ballot had the issues and local stuff on one side and the other side with state and national candidates was blank.
Good post. Yes we must vote. No matter what.
I don’t think he is evil. In fact I support his stance to some extend. However throwing a tantrum like a two year old that he will refuse to support Donald Trump unless he gets his was threw me off. I don’t follow Lin. I follow Jesus Christ. I support Trump and therefor I will vote nomatter what even if my will is not done. Be careful who you follow. Some of them may be wolves in sheep clothing and others may just be fools.
I trust exactly zero people, whether I like what they have to say, or whether or not I agree with what they have to say (sometimes two different things).
My research suggests Controlled Opposition is everywhere. Knowing someone's true motives are impossible, especially on the world stage. Even if acting in earnest, someone actually knowing the whole truth themselves is highly unlikely. We all do the best we can with the information we have available to us at the time.
I listen to pretty much everyone (at least more than I used to), but I trust exactly no one. I do not expect that to ever change, nor can I imagine a reason why it should.
Learn how to really listen, learn how to how to let go of the need to trust. That's my best advice from the lessons my life and my recent investigation has given to me.
The only one to trust is God.
Wow , what a concept: Words have meaning. And lying liars lie.
Watch what they do.
I'm voting.
I'm voting - I refuse to give them one less vote to have to counter. I think EVERYONE should vote - have the numbers so high that it's impossible to cheat - no one believes Biden got 81 mil votes - would ANYONE believe if he needed over 100 mil votes to win and got them, that they were real? They have a serious numbers issue - Trump's numbers are going way up while Biden's are going way down. I'd hope not even the most hardcore of libtards would buy that piece of bs.
As long as the machines are in play, they could flip all of the votes to the dimented guy all they want.
Well, that may be true. But quitting has never helped anyone, and I'm a hard headed southern gal who hates to quit. On the off chance that the military or WH have been doing what Q says they've been doing, I'm gonna vote to ensure that I don't just help "give it" to them, by not voting at all. If everything Q has said is true, then it's been/being repaired so 2024 is not a repeat of 2020. And I will not allow my vote to be silent. I will add +1 to whatever they say is the total, out of sheer cussedness and spite. 😁
That's always been his stance since the 2020 fraud.
He got dragged for the opinion but I don’t know what the other option is.
Really? You dont know what the other option is?
Chris Wray is always listening.
Just go fucking vote.
You literally believe there's a secret screw of military generals in charge of America from the background. Some even believe the election was "lost" on purpose to teach America and the world just how bad everything truly is. If you believe either of these then you must also believe that voting matters in this next election cycle.
You'd literally fantasize about "Minecraft activity" rather than doing the most American thing you can do: vote for your next President.
? The last Presidential Election was allowed to lose on purpose. lol. Are you new here?
I get his sentiment. As a WA state resident I have no option other than mail in ballots. I know the implications of mail in but I will still cast my ballot the only way I'm allowed to though.
He said this in 2020 and 2022. He said what is the purpose of partaking in something obviously rigged? How many times do we have to “swamp” the voting booth? Look at yesterday how the machines went down again and how high a total Nimrod birdbrain got.
2018,2020, 2022 and so on. I believe tue vote flood will be so large the only move is to cause an event to try and cancel the elections. That’s the only play for the cabal.
I don't think it is mathematically possible to acheive the flood you are hoping for, especially if the MSM is still functioning and gaslighting everyone.
We stand around at the water cooler and say, "no way biden got 80 million votes. Trump must have had 95 million."
What happens when the MSM tells us that Biden got 81M, and Trump got 79M?
Gaslighting is what keeps us all civil. No one grabbed pitchforks in 2020. No one will in 2024.
The military is the only way.
Because Q and Trump told us not to. I don’t think we’ll have the same shitshow of election fraud in November that we had in 2020, but if we do, Q and Trump wouldn’t be able to keep a lid on people’s frustration. Things would go kinetic on many fronts. The Plan probably has already accounted for people’s limited patience, so it probably won’t allow people to go through a stolen election again.
He is trying to influence people to not go vote. The fewer votes for Trump the easier the cheat and the harder to identify the cheating.
Lin Wood can kiss my ass.
Boycotting voting may be the absolute stupidest advice to give anyone... We need to vote in numbers great enough to overshadow their cheating.
The deep state wants to make us tired/weary and Lin Wood is falling into their trap....
Elections don't matter as much as the will of the people. You could elect Trump over and over again, but the people are the power. It does us no good if we are at the mercy of the rest of the population. Things will not change if people don't. That's the whole point of the great awakening.
We have to reach the precipice......when/wherever that is. Maybe we have to wait for the "scare event"
God works through His people on this earth. We all have a part to play.
Gives me goose bumps to read that.
I really dont think were going to wait for elections..things are not going to go that far. The whole campaign bs is busy work for cabal n never trumpers thrusting their true self into the light. We haven't fixed 2020. Trump won. Were in devolution If theres any real voting to be done. It wouldnt be for Corporation presidency. The republic needs to go on line w CIC trump and military. Then the vote for Republic would matter. Trump saying to vote would then be whenever we vote for the republics President. Lins a lawyer...couched meanings. We shall see.
Well said
How can you have a proper election on the back of a fraudulent one. My opinion is that the "peanut butter" is going to hit the fan soon and the fraud exposed. If this happens there is no way to just go on as if nothing happened and have one in 2024. Remember all the times that DJT has said we can't wait until 2024 because we won't have a country by then. SOME OTHER HUGE PLAN IS IN THE WORKS. Maybe it is going back to the Republic we had before the "sell out" of 1871. We are in unchartered waters and someone more legal minded than I am is going to have to figure it out. I would just suspect that it will all be according to the Q team plan, I trust Trump. The only thing that I know for CERTAIN is that God told me that DJT is a DECOY. To me that means that he is out front making speeches, being indicted, etc. drawing attention to himself while the MILITARY, WHITE HATS, Q TEAM OR WHOEVER ELSE IS INVOLVED IS DOING THE DIRTY WORK. TRUMP IS GREAT AT GETTING THE ATTENTION OF THE BAD DUDES AND THEREBY ALLOWING THOSE DOING THE REALLY HEAVY LIFTING TO BE ABLE TO WORK BEHIND THE SCENES. His job has been to "rally the troops" and get them ready to participate in what comes next when he is once again the KNOWN PRESIDENT of the USA He has been able to do this through the "campaign rallies" which may have just been a way to give information to the troops, live and in person.
I TRUST LIN. He is part of the plan......how??? I don't know, but he is. He had to move out of GA because of our corrupt state government.
I completely agree. I completely Trust Lin. I hope one day he will become my Governor in SC, or maybe VP with Trump. He continuously is fighting for the kids.
I will always vote. I live in the state that perfected stealing; but I still have hope and faith that Trump and the WH have figured out a few things in the past 4 years and are ready to stop the steal. I have HOPE.
I'll say one thing. Woods is good. The fact that he can get so many otherwise sane people and awake people to swallow his swindle is a testament to his methods and the level of evil behind him.
For those that see him, he is transparent. Unfortunately, there are a number of people among us who simply haven't awaken internally to see lies, deception and the smoothest manipulation for what it is.
Never trusted him anyway. Never trusted the Kraken either. I don't trust Trump either. The only person I trust is Jesus. I trust Jesus to use the broken vessels of Mankind to fulfill His plan.
God uses mankind as his tools. Always has .
I’ll be voting this time, as it may be the last time. I agree with Wood here. Or I should say I get what he’s saying. Problem is I don’t really trust the military right now either. As of right now we are to “vote harder” to win this election. That’s coming from Trump himself. To overwhelm the system. That’s not gonna happen. We did that last time. Remember hundreds of thousands in a blue line straight over Trumps margin of votes? I do. They know we know now. And they don’t care. So, saying that, I will be voting. Why? Because I hope they(white hats) have secured our elections. I have no proof. I only have hope. I hope I’m wrong about our military. I hope I’m wrong about what I feel is gonna happen. I haven’t been wrong yet. I do have faith in God. He’s the only thing I do have faith in. I have zero in the world, and those in it. But I do have hope for it. But I also know none of this is worth it if God doesn’t get the credit. And honestly, I’m hearing less and less about God. And to be really honest, I want none of the plan to work if He doesn’t get credit. It would be worth nothing to me personally.
We’ll see what happens. But this all comes down to one event. It’s the election. If Trump isn’t sworn in next January or whenever, where will we stand then? Do we go for another four years? What happens after Trump. Even if he wins? It’s all hollow. Only God can fulfill. Only Jesus can sustain. If America doesn’t place the true King back into position, we’ve already lost.
But I will vote, at least one more time. I own that much for the plan. And will encourage others as well. One last ride.
He's not lying.
They haven't fixed much.
Lin has gone off the rails a bit. The Trump team is going to take big chunks out of the voter fraud. That in combination with swamping them will carry the day. I heard a good tidbit out of True the Vote and the fractal folks are hard at work. I believe that Trump will win all 50 states. Not hopium.
Vote no matter what. That is the stance I have. South Carolina is an example. Trump won. No way the none mouth mover got 40 percent.
What has to be done is this needs to be fixed. People need to stop doubting it can be fixed. Will it be tough to fix? Yep. Will evil always be hiding in the daylight? Yep.
I've never trusted any thing or anyone except for DJT. Did Q not say something along the lines of "People who we think are on our side will be revealed to be against us?" Basically unless the GEOTUS signs off on a particular individual, I don't trust 'em one bit.
I could understand his stance… I am in blue state, I don’t want to vote either, I did sign up to work as poll worker though…
But the one in charge is not citizen yet and have up to 12 days after election days for them to count. I have no problem with Early voting.
Who told you that your state is blue? Commies in the media? They’re not reliable. Vote anyway because you really don’t know the true color of your state.
Thank you for being a poll worker.
We must vote HARDER!
Lin wood = 🤡
Is Lin saying military is the only way?
That has been his position for a while now.
Well, I dunno about Lin but he is saying what we ALL want to see. I just don't know if it will be like that and we NEED to get out to vote regardless. If they are going to steal the election, we have to make it so obvious that the election was rigged it will cause a Revolution! (Kek) If people do not vote in protest, it will just help legitimize the steal!
Lin, by NOT participating you give them another name THEY can use to cast a ballot. At least if you vote in person you make it harder for them.
I think everyone will be shocked in November.
Nope! He’s pushing people to not vote.
Nice guy, But I think he lost his mind.
Nope. Sounds like a weak ploy to get people to not vote.
Christ is King !!
I feel the same way. What's the point, you know they are gonna rig it anyways. Debating whether I should get a team together to conduct exit polls that I can give the sheriff to prove fraud. I think I probably will.
Vote, monitor, exit poll, whatever you can do. Thank you
I still trust him. I think he has to keep pushing this out there to get the complacent peoples attention. People get lazy when they think all is well. I really believe that by the election we will be all paper votes. There is a reason he is doing this. I’m totally convinced that Lin is in the know, or they wouldn’t be trying to shut him down so hard. What are they afraid of with him. Just like with Trump they want him silenced. I’m completely all in with Lin just as I am with Trump. He says things that make me go hmmm, where have I heard that before. I pay close attention to what he says.
Absolutely agree. Note all the haters on this board, especially note how they twist his words.
There are a lot of knee jerk reactors here. People say trust the plan, but then they don’t. They only trust the plan if it’s their heroes. I have never ever got a bad vibe from Lin. I ask God for discernment everyday. There are only 3 people that I have complete confidence in at this point. Donald Trump, Lin Wood and Jeff Sessions. When the real truth surfaced I believe Wood and Sessions will be considered heroes. Nice to know I have a Fren here. You are the only one that made a comment about my post. I figured I would’ve gotten hammered.
Not exercising the right and duty to vote is definitely not the way.
You can believe it's not going to matter, you can believe they'll just steal it and defraud the American people.
But the fight still continues, and backing down just because you believe it's bleak is not the way to win.
Not when Trump is on the ballot, anyway.
We’ve been worked in the last 4 or so elections. It is what it is. Boy who cried wolf shit. It’s goofy. And we need a legit win by now.
there is absolutely no reason that electronic voting should have been started, nor should it be allowed at this point.
all the internet outages (they claim) that have caused disruptions in the voting processes are ridiculous. the machines aren't even supposed to have internet access.
if we cannot enforce paper ballots with IN-PERSON voting, transparent counting & simple voter ID, then prepare to get screwed again & again.
if you can't make it to the polls to vote, tough.
if you can't prove you're a legal citizen, fvck off where you came from, you don't have a say in who becomes president.
if we can't ensure transparency & enforce common sense laws, what else can we expect?
Apparently, it was federally mandated via law after 2000.
no never did.. he is telling you not to vote..