I'm betting that Princess Di is really ALIVE and she's back. That'd stir things up a bit. She might want to share some info that she has with the world.
Kate wants a divorce and Charles stepping down due to cancer are on my bingo card.
Poor Diana, murdered by these evils because she knew too much and was telling. Hope they don't murder Kate also...her children need her before they are too far gone to be saved.
Could be a really rough pregnancy. 'Abdominal' surgery on fetus and complete bed rest to improve chances of successful delivery. That would possibly lead to many months of incapacitation by Kate.
Something big is happening, "They" have returned the Stone Of Destiny, to Scotland, every Monarch has sat on this stone as part of their Coronation. Now The Scots have it back.
I remember the royals were pissed at PDJT for not returning a 'priceless relic' that was on loan to them, then the plandemic hit and they never got it back.
.... then PDJT builds a beautiful golf course in Scotland..... hmmmmm?
Recently, when I saw that President Trump had a "replica" of the Ark of the Covenant, I thought of this as being the priceless relic in question, but with today's news regarding the Stone of Scone/destiny, I wonder if this is it, perhaps both(and more) relics have been seized?
I can't find the pictures, but Marina Abromavich says to cut the middle finger of your left hand and eat the pain, and there are several pictures of Kate with bandaids on her left middle finger. Thin, I know, but possible.
Soooo… wasn’t there a post that said something about watch for big news or something… a Q proof from the Dayton rally
Edit. Post 540
Q !UW.yye1fxo 01/18/2018 21:09:31 ID: 8chan/greatawakening: 24 Are you following the news today? WHAT A BIG NEWS DAY. These people are REALLY stupid. This will be the END of the D party. This will be the path forward (w/ public outrage) to JAIL many so-called 'untouchables'. You, THE PEOPLE, have the POWER. DOWN SHE GOES. Q
She not ded - spirt box boy asked the spirits if she was with them last night and they said “No” then said “William”…if something comes out out about William then fuck me runnin.
There was some suspicion and theories William was connected with that Duke or whatever that died a week or two ago they implied killed himself in the media
A marital dispute most allege Kate was banging the Duke after getting sick of Williams well publicized infidelities.
KATE - who stepped away from the Families Royal Duties , is comming outof the hormone blocker clinic , and is going to announce that the "TRUCKERS STRIKE" , in New York City , USA - is in "FULL SWING" , and that the - ANON / MAGA / White Hat's / We The uppedy PEOPLE , will be storming Windsor Palace next ! "OH" - the Horror !
Horrific scenario: Kate was incarcerated in the hospital to be inseminated with Jacob Rothschilds sperm and during the implanting process, the Roth stroked out and collapsed on top of her.....
Another weak man produced by the "Windsor" lineage is now gone.
One of a continuous string of extrordinarily weak men going back to their incestuous inbred roots over three hundred years now.
The next one to be king is going to be just another weak man like his forebears.
I suspect this whole ‘Kate is missing’ story is a distraction, but it is very unusual for a royal family who have a team to leak stories and manage the media.
In a shocking announcement, the royal family revealed that they are actually reptilian monsters from outer space here to eat our children.....and I for one welcome our new reptilian overlords...
Be sure to drink your Ovaltene. -- Charles, King of England
“A crummy commercial?! Son of a bitch!” 😂
Congratulations! You win the funny comment of the day award!🏆🏆🤠
I'm betting that Princess Di is really ALIVE and she's back. That'd stir things up a bit. She might want to share some info that she has with the world.
Now that would be a BOOM
Classic line! 👏😹
My thoughts:
"Charles died"
"Katherine Died"
Charles:"I am stepping down and William is to become king"
"We're ending the monarchy"
I'd like a #4, with a side of #1 and #2, pls
Kate wants a divorce and Charles stepping down due to cancer are on my bingo card.
Poor Diana, murdered by these evils because she knew too much and was telling. Hope they don't murder Kate also...her children need her before they are too far gone to be saved.
I'm for #3, Just for Di's sake
Why do you hope Kate’s dead?
No one said they were hoping that
“I’d like a #4 with a side of #1 and #2, pls”
#2 >> “Katherine Died”
Where am I wrong here?
I guess I interpreted it differently ... I took it as a guess on what the royal message would be.
#5 no one gives a fuck
We’re ending the monarchy because we’re ALL Satanic pedophile trans kiddie killers
We're announcing something truly inconsequential to the world...well...consequential only in that it will create diversion for our chosen masters.
A world without the monarchy would be... Honestly kind of weird.
But I suppose I'm down for that, corrupt ass family.
A world without ANY royalty is optimal
Does the United Kingdom become the United Republic then?
I don't think their citizen interests are represented by their government, so maybe Democratic People's United Republic.
United Muslim Republic.
They have been conquered, alla ahkbar!
Someone’s having another baby.
Yep. It's a baby or a new royal doggo
Def some dog comms.
I actually Heard another twist today Katherine might be in the secret witness program and her kids may soon be too. Not sure if it’s true.
Charles' cancerous growth to be crowned as King.
John Fetterman's neck bump has signed a strategic alliance with King Charles' ball cancer
Lordy, KEK
Charles occupying same slab cabinet as the queen did right now.
I'm waiting with bated breath. NOT!
Seriously, I'd like to know what happened to Kate and her kids.
Someone would have announced if they weren't in school every day.
Internatnional THE NEWS' Entertainment news?
Are we entertained yet?
In any case 48 hr rule applies. The only other place this news appears is here.
Did they give Kate the Princess Di treatment?
You mean, Princess Die treatment.
Extremely important royal announcement...
Link suggests something going on with Kate Middleton
Could be a really rough pregnancy. 'Abdominal' surgery on fetus and complete bed rest to improve chances of successful delivery. That would possibly lead to many months of incapacitation by Kate.
Sioooo, they have to give a heads ups to watch for a special announcement .... like there is a chance it could be missed. 😂😂....
Not bloody likely that the team assigned to the royals could possibly miss it. 😂😂😂😂
This notice is for the retards they use to not miss the comms they're about to send.
Something big is happening, "They" have returned the Stone Of Destiny, to Scotland, every Monarch has sat on this stone as part of their Coronation. Now The Scots have it back.
I remember the royals were pissed at PDJT for not returning a 'priceless relic' that was on loan to them, then the plandemic hit and they never got it back.
.... then PDJT builds a beautiful golf course in Scotland..... hmmmmm?
Recently, when I saw that President Trump had a "replica" of the Ark of the Covenant, I thought of this as being the priceless relic in question, but with today's news regarding the Stone of Scone/destiny, I wonder if this is it, perhaps both(and more) relics have been seized?
Yup, It's all connected. Interesting times.
Who died and made you king?
Oh, Charles did.
So another Julie Green prophecy coming true
What exactly was her prophecy? TIA fren
She spoke to the effect of a big shakeup in the royals and that Chucky wouldn’t last
TY...she's been right on many things
fuck the "royal" inbreds
"extremely important announcement"...
I can't find the pictures, but Marina Abromavich says to cut the middle finger of your left hand and eat the pain, and there are several pictures of Kate with bandaids on her left middle finger. Thin, I know, but possible.
I remember seeing photos of Kate wearing bandaids too. But I think there were random, protecting an injury.
Meghan Markle is definitely a spirit cooker:
Meghan Markle (With bandaid on left middle finger): https://assets.vogue.com/photos/5bcdfc521d14a82ca8e378b7/master/w_2560%2Cc_limit/00-story-meghan-markle-beach-hair.jpg
And: https://akns-images.eonline.com/eol_images/Entire_Site/2018918/rs_634x1024-181018145755-634-prince-harry-meghan-markle-bondi-australia-1.jpg?fit=around%7C634:1024&output-quality=90&crop=634:1024;center,top
And: https://fashionista.com/.image/c_limit%2Ccs_srgb%2Cq_auto:good%2Cw_1400/MTU5Mjc3MTM5ODkwMjg0MTI4/megan-markle-prince-harry-invictus-games-matching-shirts.webp
And: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Dp9OMKhUcAEQPFR.jpg
Kate & Will divorce.
Do you think the pope will grant the divorce this time around?
I don't like the pope, so.... I don't think about him.
Context: In 1538 Henry VIII was excommunicated by Pope Paul III over his divorce from Catherine of Aragon.
-- I doubt anyone here gives any weight to the Catholic (anti) pope. I certainly don't.
They uncovered damning evidence about Saville and Charles wanted you to know that he never knew. Then he died.
Soooo… wasn’t there a post that said something about watch for big news or something… a Q proof from the Dayton rally
Edit. Post 540 540 Q !UW.yye1fxo 01/18/2018 21:09:31 ID: 8chan/greatawakening: 24 Are you following the news today? WHAT A BIG NEWS DAY. These people are REALLY stupid. This will be the END of the D party. This will be the path forward (w/ public outrage) to JAIL many so-called 'untouchables'. You, THE PEOPLE, have the POWER. DOWN SHE GOES. Q
She not ded - spirt box boy asked the spirits if she was with them last night and they said “No” then said “William”…if something comes out out about William then fuck me runnin.
There was some suspicion and theories William was connected with that Duke or whatever that died a week or two ago they implied killed himself in the media
A marital dispute most allege Kate was banging the Duke after getting sick of Williams well publicized infidelities.
Throw some pregnant conspiracies in there and you are spot on
Spirit box boy? Please link me to what that is
Why thats the devils playground.
Sorry for the Ticky Tocky
Wow Creepy as hell.
Holey Moley!
William to be Prince Regent is my guess. Kate to remain invisible.
Thinking outside the box here ... what if ... Kate's been out of action for several months now, because ...
... Kate is now Kenny?
"The King of England is gay"
"And fake"
"Sorry not sorry"
Charles stepping down?
I am such a dork sometimes.
My first thought involved Shadow the Hedgehog, lots of profanity, and the moon.
I need to get offline for a bit.
And they just started minting the king Charles coins!
Maybe they will be insanely collectible because there won't be very many of them!
KATE - who stepped away from the Families Royal Duties , is comming outof the hormone blocker clinic , and is going to announce that the "TRUCKERS STRIKE" , in New York City , USA - is in "FULL SWING" , and that the - ANON / MAGA / White Hat's / We The uppedy PEOPLE , will be storming Windsor Palace next ! "OH" - the Horror !
Horrific scenario: Kate was incarcerated in the hospital to be inseminated with Jacob Rothschilds sperm and during the implanting process, the Roth stroked out and collapsed on top of her.....
Gee, that's not on my bingo card.
Chuckie is abdicating before he croaks.
Another weak man produced by the "Windsor" lineage is now gone.
One of a continuous string of extrordinarily weak men going back to their incestuous inbred roots over three hundred years now. The next one to be king is going to be just another weak man like his forebears.
I suspect this whole ‘Kate is missing’ story is a distraction, but it is very unusual for a royal family who have a team to leak stories and manage the media.
Major announcement:
Kate has a horizontal male clavicle and non child-bearing hips.
Kate is dead
Charles is dying or dead, William is passing the crown on to Harry.
In a shocking announcement, the royal family revealed that they are actually reptilian monsters from outer space here to eat our children.....and I for one welcome our new reptilian overlords...