4000mg L-lysine/ day total, taken in (2) 2000mg doses on empty stomach or w/ a bit of juice/toast/carbs. Zero protein for minimum 2 hrs before AND 1 hr after Lysine
L-lysine absorption is impaired by protein. (Via amino competition)
4000mg Vitamin C/ day total, taken in (2) 2000mg doses on empty stomach or w/ protein meal. Zero Carbs for minimum 2 hrs before AND 1 hr after Vitamin C dose.
Vitamin C absorption is impaired by carbs. (Via glucose competition)
I would not waste my time on "slow release vitamin C"
Lysine and L-lysine are the same thing.
Vitamin C made out of fruit extracts, etc. is probably best because it's natural. But you need it in pill form. I've read that capsules are preferable over hard-pressed pills for absorption.
SCHEDULE: Do not skip!
Before you take a single pill: For yourself and for God,
My FIL's dose and meal schedule was:
7am: 2000mg Vitamin C on empty stomach or w/ small protein meal. NO carbs 2 hrs before & 1 hr after.
9am: 2000mg L-lysine on empty stomach or w/ a some juice/toast/carbs. NO protein 2 hrs before & 1 hr after.
Noon to 5pm eat whatever.
8pm: 2000mg Vitamin C on empty stomach or w/ a protein snack. NO carbs 2 hrs before & 1 hr after.
10pm: 2000mg L-lysine on empty stomach or w/ some juice. NO protein 2 hrs before & 1 hr after.
The HOW & WHY:
Linus Pauling, -the only one ever to win TWO unshared Nobel Prizes -invented this therapy when he discovered that the calcifications inside arteries featured a (molecular) "lysine binding site". This means Lysine gently but rapidly melts away blockages (arterial sclerosis) like a sugar cube in hot coffee.
The vitamin C helps heal the endothelial layer inside the arteries. Here's a mystery the medical establishment has never explained to you: why do the "clogs" start in larger arteries highest mechanical load, rather than the itty-bitty single blood cell wide capillaries? Any plumbers here?
Heart pumping produces higher mechanical load on all the stereotypical points where clogs are commonly found.
This causes microtears in the single cell layered interior of the artery. The endothelial cells. These microtears are normal and are healed via a process in which vitamin C is CHEMICALLY REQUIRED.
With insufficient vitamin C 'on tap,' sticky LDL cholesterol sticks to the scabby (if you will) wounds that don't heal properly inside the artery. This then builds on its self overtime.
I'd like to pause a moment to share a personal opinion:
If you are a cardiologist and the above questions regarding why arterial sclerosis forms predominantly in "the biggest pipes," and NOT the small micro capillaries have never occurred to you, then your worthless as a healer and should immediately RESIGN YOUR PROFESSION or educate yourself so you can ACTUALLY HEAL DESPERATE people starting NOW.
The reason why this ⬆️ particular failure in the profession is the biggest sin is because you almost certainly have a higher than average IQ.
And yet… You didn't have the stones or common sense TO DECIDE TO DO the thinking necessary, that God Himself gifted you with the mental horsepower to do *that would save most of your patients lives for $40 worth of supplements from CVS on their way home.
FAMILIES HAVE BEEN DECIMATED AND YOU (doctors) ARE IN A POSITION TO PUT AN ALMIGHTY END TO IT if you can reach down and find the balls to do it.
And finally... How I completely cleared out my father-in-law's arteries in 4-weeks. His scheduled Heart Stent procedure: Cancelled.
In 2011, my 47yo FIL was diagnosed with heart disease (arterial sclerosis) after a heart attack and had one stent put in. He smoked a pack a day and drank a 12 pack of Pepsi a day.
In 2015 he used to golfed w/ his friends several times a week. And one summer it got to a point where he would be too tired to do any more than 9 holes. After another month he was too tired to golf at all. Doctor did a heart scan 'with contrast' and found 3 clogs between 70% and 90%. His left ventricle ejection fraction was barely 40%. Doctor scheduled heart stent surgery (technically regarded as non-surgical).
When I heard about his situation I immediately asked him to postpone the procedure out to four weeks. He couldn't even work in this condition and he was very afraid to have such bad heart disease and only 51 so this was a big ask but knows that I am a strange breed when it comes to obscure research like this so he trusted me.
I put him on the Linus Pauling therapy exactly as stated above. You could add more shit to it (that might fuck with the absorption) but I'm telling you here what worked. TWICE.
During the procedure, but after I had already treated him, the doctor said his arteries were "clean as a whistle. Then the doc sort of got scared because he thought it was SO IMPOSSIBLE and that his office might have made a mistake and mixed up heart scans with another patient. Upon further checking, There was no mistake.
Father in law was 51, average build and couldn't walk across the room without getting out of breath. One week into the therapy he was playing 9 holes again. Two weeks in and he felt 100% normal. Went back to work.
Now here's the Encore: 3 years after the above
After his scheduled heart stent procedure was concluded with no stents put in, he immediately stopped the treatment and didn't do it again.
Flash forward to 2018 after continuing to smoke now TWO packs a day and drink a 12 pack of Pepsi a day, the same thing happened. He noticed it again when he was too tired to go more than 9 holes. On a Thursday, he passed out on the green and was taken by ambulance to the hospital. The next day a scan with contrast showed clearly three blockages, 2 @ 80% and the 3rd was near total blockage. His left ventricle ejection fraction was 20%. This is approaching heart failure. 54 years old.
His cardiologist scheduled emergency stent surgery and a mechanical 'rotor-rooter' type procedure for the following Monday. FIL tried to buy time w/ the Doc so he could do the treatment again. Doc said any more than 2 weeks would be life-threatening.
FIL call me up to ask the dosage/schedule again. Two weeks later on 'procedure' day the same thing happened. Catheter scope up the groin. Camera sees no blockages in the first 2 spots and only 20% in the one that was at near total blockage 15 days prior.
Doc abruptly ended the procedure with nothing needing to be done. ZERO STENTS AGAIN. The cardiac catheter camera was pulled from his groin and the doctor left the room.
As the nurses were wrapping everything up, the Doc and an unknown colleague (Doctor?) came back in with notepads and started asking questions.
TO BE CLEAR, two separate times the blockages were clearly visible. Two separate times he was on the table so to speak, with a cardiac catheter up his groin all the way to his heart and (after this therapy) both times there was nothing there and the catheter was withdrawn without mounting a single stent. It's now been 9+ years. He does two weeks of this regimen a few times a year and the problems have never returned.
EDIT: The comments of people expressing such heartfelt thanks, and the Hope that pours off of their words as I read them -for what I assume is the renewing of their Faith that they can save themselves or a loved one- brings me more satisfaction that I can put into words. Thank you to the mods for sticking this so quickly.
With no disrespect meant to any other method, because there certainly are many, I bring you this here with such conviction for two reasons:
Linus Pauling was a genius biochemist, chemical engineer, etc, whose hard work and treatment I presented to you all here tonight, was purposefully obscured and -after his passing in 1994 at 93yo -suspiciously added to. (you'll see if you dig)
This is the method I know first hand works from my own personal experience with a family member and their baffled doctors. Twice. 3 years apart.
I am not a Doctor
Thank you for sharing.
Thanks for sharing JohnTitor17. Very well written, nice structure, easy to read.
If more and more people come out with their own testimonials, alot more people will be brave enough to come forth. In just the past 15 years, alot of naturopaths and whomever claims have treated some type of ailment have all gone missing. That's the biggest hurdle in truly ushering in the 'great awakening.'
Fucking scumbags holding back humanity, holding back our true potential as humans - that we are damn right capable to do what it is we set our minds towards. They even sully the good word of "progress" by attaching it to some political sect.
There are those that look towards the sun and worship the sun, to see what actually is and what is in front of them. Then there are those that look into the night and stargaze thinking of the profound possibilities of what lies beyond the night skies, the hidden and the unknown. The limitless and unlimited possibilities beckons those who dare step out of the light into the darkness.
You couldn’t be more correct that the exposure of the death industry has been one of the greatest victories of the great awakening. Especially since this was never “the” goal. I look forward to starting this treatment myself.
Totally awesome. I'm saving this info.
Excellent post! I second this comment. SAVED, and putting this regimen into practice by experimenting on myself.
This topic along with heavy metal + alum detox (Zeolite, et. al), and anti-parasitic (Ivermectic, et. al) treatment appear to be the upside down triangle death-knell for Big Medicine and Big Pharma.
Do you happen to have a comprehendible long term safety study on zeolite? Fairly sure it’s needed for a good graphene oxide treatment.
More sources:
Linus Pauling's Therapy
AMERICAN JOURNAL OF CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASE - Vitamin C inhibits the calcification process in human vascular smooth muscle cells
JOURNAL OF CARDIOLOGY & CURRENT RESEARCH - A New Look at Atherosclerosis Repeatable Science Ushers in a New Era of Medicine by Sam Wallace
Linus Pauling's specific therapy for cardiovascular and heart diseases are high dosages of two essential nutrients; vitamin C and the amino acid lysine. Vitamin C is required to strengthen arteries so that the body does not try to patch arteries with "plaster casts" (atherosclerosis).
Lysine is an Lp(a) binding inhibitor, meaning at sufficient dosage it can reverse the plaster cast build-up (atherosclerotic plaques.) Lp(a) is the sticky form of LDL cholesterol that Pauling/Rath identified as the primary risk factor.
Very interesting. Imagine how much money Pfizer, and big pharma stand to lose if their overprescribed statins can be outdone by simple cheap Lysine.
I read a book written by a cardiologist who studied heart disease for 40 years and although he didn't talk about the therapy described in this post, he mentioned that statins were determined to be harmful and should be discontinued about 30 years ago, but too much money was being made to end their use.
Look up the correlation between alzheimer's and statins. The increase in alzheimer's after the introduction of statins is crazy.
I think I read the same book. It was by Dr Matthias Rath. He was a cardiologist who threw himself into researching the cause of heart attacks after his father died of one. He found the link to Vitamin C and contacted Linus Pauling who was excited to join in on the research. When they presented their findings at a Symposium of doctors and scientists, the drug companies were so scared they would not make their product to help prevent heart disease. Instead the drug companies formed a cartel worldwide and inflated the costs of raw materials for the product to make the nutrients including Vitamin C expensive. This went on for 10 years. I think the cartel was fined 1 Billion dollars back in the late 80s or 90s. This is a classic example of how the drug companies work against us!!! His book is "10 Years That Changed Medicine Forever"
God Bless you JohnTitor!! 🙏🤍
You have the heart of a born Healer. I pray someday soon all Dr's will be like you, interested in REAL HEALING!
I’m going to give it a go. I don’t drink soda or smoke and I’m pretty active but fat and had a hard time planting all my onions this year. Bad enough that I did half of it laying on the ground I was dead tired and I’m only 46(today actually). Can’t hurt to see what it does
Awesome! Happy Birthday!
Thank You. Where / who is this from ?
"Even as you seek wisdom, so shall wisdom seek you."
You should report back after you finish the treatment!
Gymnema Sylvestre is natures metformin. Berberine is natures ozempic.
C then 2 hours later Lysine morning and night @ 2000mg each dose. Simple and beautiful - thanks, I'm going to try it.
Would you recommend starting this while on a 3 day fast, or wait?
@ u/cryofreeze
I don't see why fasting would be an issue.
Someone mentioned earlier and they are correct, vitamin C might upset your stomach if it's empty.
It is important though about what I said regarding how they can can compete respectively with protein and carbs.
This is a spectacular ‘addendum’ to this .. or ANY protocol. Doing a 3-5 day WATER ONLY fast would be like super charging the process. The FAST allows your bodies natural ‘janitorial’ mechanisms to do a complete deep cleanse on the human temple (body). Not gonna lie frens … IT SUX, but you will come out the other side feeling like a billion bucks 🦌.
FAST right before you kick off your protocol.
I am not a doctor, and in no way ‘qualified’ to give medical advice, but, like all of you, I can fukin read, and have critical thinking skills. I love this place.
I would strongly recommend taking buffered vitamin C. When taken on an empty stomach, regular vitamin C may upset your stomach and/or cause serious nausea.
Yep, I never took anything more than 500mg on an empty stomach or I'd have a stomachache within minutes and have to chug some milk to fix the pH balance in my stomach.
A hard boiled egg or two is usually sufficient.
If Vit C is impacting your stomach pH you have low stomach acid . Reflux more likely.
It is a highly acidic liquid with a pH level between 1 and 2, which is necessary for breaking down food proteins and absorbing nutrients.
Hydrochloric acid (HCl): 0.5-1.5% (mainly responsible for its acidity)
"Ascorbic acid is a weak acid (pKa= 4.2) [3], only slightly stronger than vinegar. When dissolved in water, vitamin C is sour but less so than citric acid found in lemons and limes. Can large quantities of a weak acid such as ascorbate cause problems in the body? The answer is, sometimes, in some situations. However, with some simple precautions they can be avoided."
"Stomach Acidity People with sensitive stomachs may report discomfort when large doses of vitamin C are taken at levels to prevent an acute viral infection (1,000-3,000 milligrams or more every 20 minutes) [1, 5]. In this case the ascorbic acid in the stomach can build up enough acidity to cause heartburn or a similar reaction. On the other hand, many people report no problems with acidity even when taking 20,000 mg in an hour. The acid normally present in the stomach, hydrochloric acid (HCl), is very strong: dozens of times more acidic than vitamin C. When one has swallowed a huge amount of ascorbate, the digestive tract is sucking it up into the bloodstream as fast as it can, but it may still take a while to do so. Some people report that they seem to sense ascorbic acid tablets "sitting" at the bottom of the stomach as they take time to dissolve. It is fairly easy to fix the problem by using buffered ascorbate, or taking ascorbic acid with food or liquids in a meal or snack. When the amount of vitamin C ingested is more than the gut can absorb, the ascorbate attracts water into the intestines creating a laxative effect. This saturation intake is called bowel tolerance. One should reduce the amount (by 20-50%) when this occurs [1]."
This. Vitamins, C included, have made me vomit if I don’t get something else in my stomach quickly enough. Maybe I’m not using the right kind of C.
Buffered C is magical, but you still have to be careful not to take too much at once or else it will still upset your stomach. 500 mg seems to be my limit. If you need to take more than 500 mg per day, then break it up into several doses per day instead of one big dose.
Agreed. I usually use powdered sodium ascorbate (non-gmo), mixed in a little water. 1/4 t = 1000mg
The fasting would probably let his body absorb the treatment better without any interference. He would also go into autophage mode where dead cells and useless matter is better cleaned from the body.
I think a 3 day would be great if the person can handle it. Need to monitor blood pressure and pulse throughout it tho. It is stressful for the body (raises cotisol) but should be doable for most people and health benefits are pretty good.
^^^ 100% THIS ^^^
The vitamin C will probably break your fast.
Vitamin C does not break a fast
Vitamin C has no calories, ergo it does not break a fast. Also it being water soluble is the only reason it still absorbs well during a fast, if it were a fat-soluble vitamin then taking it on a fast would be very inefficient.
I'm no expert, my thinking is that if you take vitamin c derived from fruit as suggested and not ascorbic acid, there'll probably be at least trace levels of carbs. The type i use is somewhat sticky and have a faint sweetness to it.
I'll gladly be wrong about this.
Why not ascorbic acid? Doesn't that come from fruits also? What type of vitamin C would you recommend?
Once again, I might be wrong, but my understanding is that most vitamin C supplements are made from chemicals to form ascorbic acid. Whereas vitamin C extracted from fruit is "real" vitamin C as made by God and nature.
great post! will have to go back and reread it slowly. I've been working on my thyroid, and sure there's some info in here that will help. trying to avoid doctors as much as possible.
thanks:) the video looks perfect for me, lots of facts! & I think we have some iodine, so won't have to go anywhere.
Look up energy wellness podcast with jay feldman. He talks a lot about thyroid. Basically keep up your caloric intake, don't fast, avoid seed oils. If your body perceives scarcity through fasting, keto or other stressors it will down regulate all functions and even hold on to extra fat.
thanks! You might have found part of the issue, I have little to No appetite since my TBI so my diet is 🤡 I've lost a lot of weight, have a hard time with calories. I thought carnivore might be good for awhile to get my strength up. but I'm sensitive with that too, so only want 'strong' happy animals, might have to look into buffalo for the summer
Diets and how we eat are interesting. Now days I really trust my cravings without letting them fooled by the industrial foods. But sometimes the body wants lots of carbs and fruit and it's probably for a reason. I think somewhere along the line we were convinced not to trust our instincts and suffering was good for us.
In short, body's favorite source of energy is glucose which we get from carbs. When it's not available the body releases stress hormones such as cortisol and adrenaline to break down tissue in order to make it available. So by keeping a steady source of energy on hand the body functions as its supposed to. I'm just a podcast listener and definitely not an expert in the field.
The Energy Balance Podcast
thanks! that is my goal, to balance myself & be in the world, not of it. also been going with any cravings; different recipes, foods. also because a lot of old brands just taste like crap. trying to only eat things that feel 'real', not too many ingredients.
That is incorrect. Researching keto will give you the reasons, but essentially carbs require that you feed more often, and get tired more often. When you switch to keto and your body re-adapts to burning fat instead of glucose, you no longer get tired without food and consequently lose the urge to snack.
Your body is optimized to use fat as its fuel source the same way a car is designed to use gasoline. Glucose burns hotter than fat the same way that diesel burns hotter than gas. When your body has an abundance of glucose in the blood it uses it, and gradually adapts by deactivating your mitochondria so as not to become hyperactive; it's as if your 6-cylinder car adapted to diesel by becoming a 3-cylinder. (The body is pretty incredible in how it adapts, and half your mitochondria on glucose is as good as a full load of mitochondria for most purposes.) But here's the problem: when the glucose runs out, now your body taps into your fuel tank of fat, but you're no longer running 3-cylinders of high octane diesel nor 6 cylinders of regular fuel, you're stuck with 3 cylinders of regular fuel when you need all 6. So you get tired, get cravings and grab some sweet carbs.
It would be different if the body had a reserve tank of glucose, but it doesn't, at least not a significant one. Plants store their energy as carbs; us animals store it as fat.
When you train your body to use your fuel as designed, after a month or so your mitochondria come back on line and you're firing on all cylinders again, and you don't get tired or hungry. I recently transitioned to carnivore a few months ago and I have way more energy and better circulation than before.
The body does adapt to burn fat but always requires adrenaline, cortisol and glucagon to convert the fat to glucose. So you can actually be keto but your body will be stressed. That's why mens testosterone goes to shit on keto. Yes, you're burning high octane gas on carbs but it's clean and super efficient. That's why God gave us fruit and the desire to consume it. And you do need fat for optimal digestion and going longer between meals. All cravings are good as long as they are not hijacked by industrial food products. There has never been a purely keto society except maybe eskimos but they aren't known for their centenarian lifestyles.
I hadn't heard that before. I'll look into it some more. Thanks.
That's according to the guys on the aforementioned podcast. But also Mercola has been apologizing for his book Fat as Fuel and Paul Saladino went from carnivore to drinking several liters of orange juice and raw milk a day. Seems like medical opinions are often changing but it's also why I opt for high calorie, carbs, fats and just trusting my cravings.
Share any thyroid tips if you have them please. I'm doing black seed oil and using a healy frequency device for my hypothyroidism.
yes I will. and thanks for the black seed oil reminder. I've also been wondering about Celtic sea salt since I live So far away from salt water.
There are homeopathic drops I'm using on patients with tremendous success! Also, no fasting, eat small portions staying ahead of hunger. Low doses of iodine helps in some cases. Feel free to message me
have been a couple of good replies so far/if you look back in this thread. I especially think that more seafood & regulating my calories better with help. I'm one of those people who forget to eat, too busy reading:) and I think your frequency device will help, as there's definitely an energy block with hypo. have also thought acupuncture might be good.
Yes great help from the frens. I haven't done acupuncture yet but might give it a shot. My chiro is awesome huge Christian and patriot, he adjusts my thyroid maybe every 6 weeks. I've never had any other chiro do that but I can definitely feel something move when he does it.
If you don’t eat seafood - iodine may be low. See Dr Ken Berry on iodine and where to find a good product - You Tube.
thanks! I think this is a big part of it, I'll check out Dr. Berg, need some recommendations & I love seafood. was always a dream to live close to water & I'm like the furthest from it/goiter belt
Thanks for posting. Ordered. I've been watching for this. You're the best!
Where do you get L-lysine from?
Lysine and L-lysine are two names for the exact same thing.
Vitamin C made out of fruit extracts, etc. is probably best because it's natural. But you need it in pill form. I've read that capsules are preferable over hard-pressed pills for absorption.
These are two of the cheapest supplements you can find anywhere.
I got it from cvs. Lots of otc versions.
Puritan's Pride
Box Nutra is supper cheap if you buy a kilogram (1kg=1,000,000mg)
You'll need to buy capsules too, weigh it out & fill the powder into the capsules
This protocol Absolutely worked for me several years ago. Arteries starting to have blockage can’t remember what percentage at the time. Doc said come back in 6 weeks we will check it again and put in a stent when blockage was 70% or more. Decided not to wait looked up and found Linus Paulings protocol. Took exactly as described and in 6 weeks had it checked again - carotid arteries were clear. Got off the sugar and crap seed oils and switched to carnivore-ish and intermittent fasting.
"And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music." ~Frederich Nietzsche
Keep dancing Patriots. Good night and God bless
First - THANK YOU for this information! Saved, printed and trying immediately.
I had massive heart attack in 2013 at 48 and received two stents. Annual checkups, statin sensitive. Old cardiologist understood and monitored.
During covid I had no checkups because I refused to comply with the maskholes.
FF to 2023 cardiologist moved to FL I'm assuming because he could practice real medicine there.
New cardiologist does no testing and wants me to go on a "new and effective" cholesterol reducing med which is EXPENSIVE and not covered by insurance. Researching this new med, the first side effect is elevated blood sugar which, of course, would mean additional medications (kudos to big pharma on that one).
I refused and sought a 2nd opinion. This doctor recommended the same new drug but ordered a stress test. I ended up taking 1 1/2 stress tests because the treadmill quit half of the way through the first one. (The crappy write up said "test ended because patient complained of leg pain and shortness of breath. Who wouldn't be after doing over 12 minutes of a stress test? No mention of first failure in the notes which would explain the previous. I stayed on that treadmill 2 or 3 minutes longer than a healthy person of my age!)
On a funny note, there was a very obese PA overseeing the test. I was running on the center of the treadmill and she literally yelled at me twice to get my belly up to the bar on the front of the treadmill. Running out of breath from the "extended" stress test I said to her "How 'bout you get your fat ass out of the chair and get YOUR belly up to the front of the treadmill". Apparently she didn't care for that response.
So despite having passed the physical part of the stress test, the scans revealed some issues and I ended up getting 10 stents over 3 procedures in a week. I had a disagreement with the dr over statins and right in front of me he complained to the nurse "I don't know why we tell them anything after a procedure, they never remember". All due respect to the doctor but you give a drug that makes you compliant and you can not remember. The meds from the procedure cause a pretty intense depression to say the least.
He insists that I use this new drug again and I tell him no way. He says "you have a genetic condition". I say "Really? Which gene because my cholesterol drops to well within normal ranges when I eat a Paleo diet" and I showed him the proof.
Very sorry for the long response but it's nice to get this off of my chest.
Classic. Good luck...I hope this works for you.
Thank you! Was his plaque calcified or soft?
First time was calcified it had been there a long time. Three years later he had come back because he changed none of his habits except upping it to two packs a day and he never did the therapy again until he was in jeopardy three years later and called me up. That time it came on suddenly and I believe was the softer kind
I would love to know the answer to that too but remember that all things do have limits, you know, you can kill yourself by even just drinking too much water. I guess try a little more & see have it make you feel?
Knowing that doctors prescribe 50,000 IU of vitamin D per week if your levels are low I would guess it would take more than a few lifetimes at 400 IU
They want us always a little sick. I just bought a kilogram of D3 for $36. That would be 100,000,000 IU for that cheap! Enough for my whole town. Heathy things come cheap that's why they try to talk us out of them
Any effect on blood pressure?
His was high and went to normal after the treatment
Wow, This info is a direct answer to a prayer last night. God Bless You!
Heart not getting enough blood....signal for more pressure. Thus High Blood pressure. (upper number)
(stiff / calcified body arteries -high lower number)
I've been following GAW ever since The_Donald days on reddit that started back in 2015 but never created an account here before.
I just created an account simply to post to this thread. I'm a rather strong 43 y/o who works out 4-5 days a week involving 60 mins cardio + 30-45 weight training per session. I have my vices: alcohol and cigarettes when drinking. This is usually x2 a week. I do have an honest 20 lbs to lose to be self-considered "fit".
About 4 weeks ago before starting this whole vitamin C/lysine jazz, my blood pressure was 120-125/75-80.
After 4 weeks on this program (and not changing a single damn thing about my diet, my vices, my sleep habits, my exercise habits), my blood pressure is now down to 105/65.
So to the person who started this thread, THANK YOU. I have quite some friends and family to share this information with now that I have firsthand experience.
Excellent u/ARMENTO!
Thank you for posting your experience and welcome to GAW!!
Some just use it as a news aggregate. Pretty much nothing gets censored here unless you're being an asshole… I have no idea why they make an exception for me though 🤔
Would using such safeguards POSSIBLY make you an even bigger target for the "authorities" you are trying to block?
I guess "blocked" isn't the right term. What I meant was, by using VPN to obscure internet activities from whoever might want to view such activities, are you INCREASING the interest in your activities by whoever would want to know what those activities are, since they might think, "This person is going to a lot of trouble to keep us from looking at what he is doing, so perhaps we need to exert even greater effort to find out what he is doing, who he associates with, etc., etc."?
Is it possible the high-level three-letter agency people know how to get around VPNs? If so, it would just give a false sense of anonymity to those using VPNs?
Related information:
Practicing Medicine Without A License? The Story of the Linus Pauling Therapy for Heart Disease: Second Edition (Pauling Therapy Handbook Book 1)
The title makes it sound as if it might be a hit job on Pauling, but the description and review comments at Amazon make it clear that it isn't.
Absolutely fantastic post, JohnTitor17.
I would like to add a bit from my own research and things I've learned, which supports what you wrote:
(1) Your FIL smoked a pack a day and drank a 12-pack of Pepsi (regular, I take it) per day. It has been known for some time now that smoking and sugar are the primary causes of heart disease. I assume you know that, which is why you stated those 2 things and not how many cheeseburgers he ate (which, contrary to what 99% of doctors are told, are not at all associated with heart disease).
(2) Glucose in the blood (which comes from ALL plant food ingestion) causes microtears in the interior cellular linings of blood vessels, and this is the beginning of heart disease for most people. Smokers are also known to have a 5-times higher rate of heart disease, though I have not investigated why, exactly.
(3) IMO, the HDL/LDL being "good" or "bad" is a scam. These are transporters of cholesterol, and the only difference is their direction. HDL is "Heading to Da Liver" and LDL is "Leaving Da Liver." Cholesterol is a necessary element of health. All cell membranes are made of it. All hormones are made of it. If the body needs more cholesterol, the liver sends it (via LDL) to wherever it is needed. Where excess is detected anywhere in the body, the liver sends a signal to bring it back (via HDL) for repurposing, as needed. There is no health problem associted with "high HDL" because it is merely transporting the cholesterol back to the liver. But when the body needs more than normal cholesterol, for whatever reason, the liver sends it out. There could be a number of reasons why. If a person has cancer, those cells multiply faster than normal cells, and maybe they need more cholesterol for the membranes. If a person is getting really fat, maybe more fat cells are needed. If a person is building muscle, maybe more muscle cells are needed. And if a person has microtears in their blood vessels, more cholesterol is needed because it acts to repair the microtears, similar to spackle used to repair a hole in dry wall. This is why "muh HDL = good" and "muh LDL = bad."
(4) I had never heard of or thought about cholesterol having Lysine receptors that could essentially "melt away" the cholesterol -- until this thread. But a quick scan of a couple of research articles/papers appear to support this thesis. I don't have time to dig into it, but very interesting.
(5) Regarding "every disease is parasite related," it would lend support for the Ivermectin and Fenbenzadol treatments. I think Thomas Seyfried has conclusively proven that cancer is caused by disruption to the mitochondria of the cells, which means that doctors are wrong (again!) about cancer being a genetic problem. It is actually a metabolic problem, and can be "cured" (nobody will use the "c-word") via nutrition. Would be interested to find out any info on if/how parasites might cause disruption to mitochondria, generally. Could be one of the keys to understanding human dis-ease.
Again, great post.
Might be worth doing the protocol for a month for general health and prevention of illness.
Actually, I am 100% shocked that the clogged arteries were completely cleared, and then clogged again -- IN JUST 3 YEARS!
I would not have thought it could happen that quickly.
I'd be careful about using this as a regular protocol. As you point out, cholesterol is required to repair and build cells, a necessary ongoing maintenance process.
In emergency cases like this one, clearing the cholesterol might be needed, both for immediate blood flow improvement but also simply to convince the doctors not to operate, but in general letting the cholesterol do its job is a good thing.
I agree. You probably would not want to do this as a regular routine.
But for a short time, could be beneficial to many.
Your body will make the requisite amount of cholesterol for its maintenance needs, especially if you have good nutrition. A healthy diet (carnivore / keto) is the long term answer.
I personally think this protocol is only useful (and evidently needed!) for an emergency situation like the one described, and I wouldn't do it for maintenance unless the person being treated regularly re-clogs their arteries for whatever reason. OP's FIL clearly falls into that category, proving that our bodies are remarkable and able to take a lot of abuse (or just adapt to a wide variety of circumstances) and to recover from it all.
Respect u/MAG768720
Now I'm speaking with a man who knows how to dig. It's not that hard but just from the above information, you're obviously not a desktop dummy sitting behind a screen.
Cigarettes and carbohydrates folks. And not necessarily in that order. If you ate only a cheeseburger (no bun) for every meal for a year you wouldn't even need to do the Linus Pauling therapy. Meat heals.
I believe the title was "Virtually all" disease is parasitic in nature. There's certainly diet related ones like our main topic. X-ray induced DNA damage related diseases, etc. etc.
Yeah after the first miracle that made him well again, he added another pack a day onto the cigarette habit. He works for Pepsi so a 12 pack a day is easy and free.
I was shocked it worked that quickly myself!
Great stuff! I'd be interested to read some sources for this comment: "Glucose in the blood (which comes from ALL plant food ingestion)". Can you provide?
This is something that is so well understood that I don't have any particular links for you.
All animals are made of protein and fat.
All plants are made of sugars ("carbohydrate" is just a complex set of sugars linked together).
When we eat protein, our digestive system breaks it down to its component amino acids (the building blocks of protein).
When we eat fat, our digestive system breaks it down to is component fatty acids (the building blocks of fat).
When we eat carbohydrates, our digestive system brakes it down to its building blocks -- sugars and fiber. Fiber is not digestible and will be disgarded in your bowels. Sugar will be processed as (a) fructose, which is processed in the liver and converted into alcohol, which can then be eliminated from the body in various ways), or (b) glucose, which becomes blood sugar and is used in the cells for current energy needs, with any excess stored as glycogen (a chain of glucose molecules together) or triglycerides (fat) as bodyfat, both of which are for future energy needs.
Lettuce has low calories and high fiber. So, the sugars will be minimal.
Bread is made from refined flour, which his high in calories, low in fiber, and will break down in the body as a lot of sugar, which will become blood glucose, which can easily be more than the body can handle with the excess converted to bodyfat.
Thanks for that overview. I appreciate your time. I am going to do this as I am 75% all beef diet right now. Great stuff.
Regarding point 2, I believe that raw fruit and vegetables pass through largely undigested, without converting to glucose, due to the cellulose structure of plant cells that prevent digestion. When cooked, the same vegetables and fruit now become digestible and covert to glucose in the body. This is why raw salads are good for you, not because they are good but because they are less bad, and regular (i.e., non-vegetarian) people who eat a lot of salads instead of cooked vegetables are skipping the absorption of carbs compared to those who eat fries and the like.
Fruit and vegetables are made mostly of carbohydrates and fiber.
Fiber is defined as that part of the plant that is not digestible in humans. So, it is true that fiber is not digested. It is turned into a mush in the stomach, then passes through the intestines and when it reaches the colon, the bacteria there will break some of it down, and the rest will be excreted. There is no health benefit to fiber; only harm. It harms us by creating abrasions throughout our digestive tract, all the way down.
Herbavores have bacteria in their stomachs, which can break down the fiber (i.e. "cellulose"), but we have none in our stomachs. Bacteria are the only thing on planet Earth that can break down fiber/cellulose.
In cattle, the grass is broken down by the bacteria in the animal's four chamber stomach, and converted into fatty acids. As the bacteria die off, they become protein, as well as any bugs that were ingested with the grass.
Thus, cattle function metabolically on protein and fat, and not on carbohydrates.
Humans also function on protein and fat, not on carbs -- even if you eat them.
In humans, the fiber is not digested, but the carbohydrates are ingested in the intestines. They are broken down into their component sugars: glucose for vegetables, and a combination of glucose and fructose for fruits.
Fructose is processed in the liver. Too much fruit can cause non-fatty liver disease.
The glucose goes to the liver. Some is sent to various cells of the body for energy. Cancer cells thrive on glucose. Healthy cells can function on glucose, but they function more efficiently on ketones, which come from fatty acids. Cancer cells cannot function at all on ketones.
Some of the glucose is converted to glycogen in the liver and muscles for future use, and any excess is converted into triglycerides, a form of fat, which is stored in the bodyfat cells.
People who are obese ate a lot of carbs to get that way.
Fruits and vegetables are broken down by the digestive system the same way. Whether raw or cooked, they covert to glucose or glucose/fructose.
No, they are bad for you.
Have you ever eaten a raw salad with NO DRESSING? I bet you haven't, or rarely do. Try eating ONLY a plate of leaves and nothing else.
It is absolute garbage, and you will not want to continue eating it.
The only reason people can even eat salads at all is the OTHER STUFF they put on them to make them edible.
That means: ALL.
True, fruits are less toxic than the leaves and stalks of the plant, because the plant "wants" SOMETHING to eat it -- but not necessarily, YOU.
Plants cannot run or hide or claw or bite to defend themselves from being eaten and going extinct.
So, they create chemicals for defense. These chemicals are ALL toxic to one degree or another.
EVERY vegetable in your local supermarket -- EVERY ONE -- has a MINIMUM of 60 known human carcinogens, and most have over 100.
Every one of them has chemicals that created a toxic environment inside of your body when you eat them.
People cook potatos because they are toxic and can kill you if eaten raw.
Every one of the vegetables, along with the grains and legumes, have anti-nutrients in them that prevent the absorption of minerals from the other foods you eat. They also have protease inhibitors which block the absorption of aminio acids in the proteins you eat.
No, they are not skipping the absorption of the carbs. They are still getting them, along with the anti-nutrients. What is happening is they are getting LESS of them if they are ONLY eating vegetables, rather than the much higher calorie-dense combination of potatos (a starch, made of sugars) fried in toxic hydrogenated vegetable oils (a man-made, and not natural food substance).
They are still ingesting something bad, but maybe less of it.
I've eaten raw salad plenty of times. It is not horrible, and after one gives up sugar, the natural sweetness of spinach leaves is very appetizing. Tomato slices with a sprinkling of salt are also very tasty. But I'm not a big fan of vegetables anyway, so won't split hairs on the other points.
Interesting. Thank you. My only comment would be that with an EF of 20% he was knocking on deaths door. Glad he made it.
Not too far away from voting democrat, that's for sure.
And the man still smokes but only a pack or two a week I think. But he's ejection fraction went up to 60% I believe. I have a good memory but if I find out it's different I'll edit the OP
He does the therapy for 2 weeks, once or twice a year maybe.
It can go up. Mine went from about 50% to 59%. I did get two stents though back in 2014.
Yes indeed you can! Glad to hear you improved! My FIL already had one stent from his first heart attack at 47.
Copy/paste from PubMed:
45%-70%, normal.
35%-45%, mildly impaired.
25%-35%, moderately impaired.
<25%, severely impaired.
<15%, end-stage/transplant candidates.
5% is compatible with life, but not long life.
Cardio-C™ Original Pauling Therapy Drink Mix w/Proline
Another possible option for people who don't want to take all those pills everyday. Cardio-C is from
This product link is just where I found the Cardio-C available.
I am not affiliated with this site, just passing along information I found as a result of JohnTitor17's post.
Lysine was also found to prevent and cure Covid and Influenza A, and the combination with Vitamin C supports immune function as well. So many multi-purpose OTC supplements that can replace pharmaceuticals.
So happy to see this spreading!
I have no words
This would work for a clogged carotid artery I presume?
Yes. Throughout the body. Keep digging. I'm not a doctor or a guru.
Ive been doing it since the post first appeared…around a month now. Of course, I’ll have no idea if it worked or not. I had a stint a year ago. Thanks
I have been as well. It feels like I'm breathing easier, like a weight of dread has been lifted off my chest. Maybe it is just 100% in my head, but I'm so glad u/JohnTitor17 shared his experiences and wisdom with us.
For the full effect, you have to to avoid them being out-competed for absorption by certain foods.
The OP is the way.
Thanks, OP. This is truly added value in an Anon kind of way.
Do you happen to have a suggestion for how to sustain the cleanse arteries (other than giving up all the thing that make us happy, or me anyway). I guess what I'm asking is whether or not you've seen anything that suggest doing this once a year, once a quarter, etc.
Obviously trying to be healthy is the number one priority.
My father-in-law does it one or two times a year for two weeks at a time. Still smokes, but a lot less.
Good to know. Thank you.
When I first started taking iron, it wasn't absorbing in my body. I eventually found out that I needed to take chelated iron + buffered vitamin C together every morning on an empty stomach, and to wait at least a half hour before eating. That fixed the absorption problem.
I tried regular vitamin C on an empty stomach, but it caused me severe nausea. The buffered is fine.
Likewise, regular iron caused constipation, but the chelated does not.
Supplements is a really complicated topic. I found out the hard way that when you take supplements is as important as which supplements you take.
I can only speak for my own personal experience, but I can say that without the buffered C, no iron was absorbing. My labs looked the same after I started taking iron as they did before I started taking it. Once I added the buffered C and taking them on an empty stomach, my iron levels went up significantly. There must not be enough calcium in Buffered C to completely interfere with iron absorption.
I've been on this regimen for 19 days now and I feel a lot better. More stamina. Easier breathing. Thanks a million fren.
I don't always take medical advice from the internet, but when I do people are sure to suffer.
Here's to hoping that your primary dr, your cardiologist, and your pharmacist all suffer for a long, long time, fren!
Just wanted to say thanks for sharing this. As someone around your FIL's age and a strong family history of this very thing.... i'm starting this protocol tomorrow. Thanks brother.
Any updates on ' another topic of the obscure REAL medical cures persuasion. However, this one IS dangerous to talk about '?
You've really activated my almonds, and I want whatever this info is badly.
Me too!!!!!!
Save for later thanks
Thank you so much for sharing this wonderful and encouraging story! Another success story Big Pharma doesn’t want you to know.