was just thinking same thing about this brave man of God, saying aloud the parts that the vatican doesn't want told...full armor of God is needed here!
Reading the full letter you can clearly see his callouts to the last time this happened, and he makes the clear case for everyone that he is the one embracing tradition where the man wearing the popehat is clearly embracing the errors of modernism and neomodernism.
If the traditions of the last 2 millennia don't matter, but the New Normal is the only way forward, then something is broken.
He is working within the system to call it out. This is Endgame.
Archbishop Vigano is a light in the darkness of our church that Francis has wrought.
If Archbishop begins a splinter Church, I'm there.
Francis welcomes trannies who violate God's law to the Vatican for praise and condemns a Godly man for speaking against that abomination.
On the judgement day, many will call Jesus Lord, Lord, and they will list out all of their pious works. A life time of works in His name. Even miracles. And Jesus will say to them, I never knew you. Depart from me you workers of iniquity.
It's in Matthew 7. Now, in light of that, how can someone so obviously pious and active in Jesus's name nevertheless be damned? What happened? On what basis are they judged? What did they do wrong? How can this be?
The Bible is full of contradictions. That makes sense, since it was written by an untold number of unknown men, over a period of centuries.
What doesn't make sense is saying Jesus loves and forgives all, just like his Dad ("God is Love"); and that no matter what you've done in life, Jesus will act like he never knew you.
It certainly seems to, but maybe that comes mostly from the fact that we have been lied to about what it says (in original Hebrew and Greek), and what it means.
Nowhere in the Bible does it say that Jesus loves everyone. That is what people say -- people who don't read it, or who misunderstand it. The Bible itself does not say that.
Clearly, there were those who Jesus hated. He did not love everyone. People who say that WANT the Bible to say that, but it does not.
I don’t agree with everything you say on this, which is fine, because I don’t necessarily agree with everything I, myself say on things, but you are absolutely on to some stuff with these comments.
What specifically, we will find out eventually.
This one I agree 100% though. “I came not to bring peace but a sword”, people! And no, Muslims, not a PHYSICAL sword. A spiritual dividing line that results in separating oneself from the corruption and working to establish righteousness.
This is a common misunderstanding of the text and not a contradiction. The short version is that we are beings of sin and that we cannot earn our salvation through "works". We can only genuinely repent and ask Jesus for Mercy. The "fruit of the spirit" is "works". You choose faith first, then works follow.
What you should do is learn enough Biblical theology so that it does makes sense. Rather than insisting that it doesn't makes sense even though you clearly don't even understand it. Then you will have understanding.
Catholicism is not Christianity, it is the culmination of Babylonian paganism which was scattered around at the Tower of Babel and reconvenied at Rome. The Ceasar turned into the Papacy and wrought centuries of hell on earth to anyone who believed differently than the "church"
Tell me when Jesus commanded us to chase people down with swords drawn to give them the Gospel? Or when he told us to bow to a man and kiss his ring? They parade the pope around exactly like a pharoah. Think about it,
OK, you're operating under a different definition of Christianity than what every Christian I know uses, which is basically this:
"The firmly held belief that the Creator of the Universe so loved the world that to save it from evil, He created via the intercession of the Holy Spirit (also God) a human Son (also God), Jesus of Nazareth, who was born of a virgin and sacrificed for the sins of all humankind; that whoever believes in Jesus as the Savior of the world shall not perish but shall have eternal life in Heaven."
That's the trinity-based, virgin birth-affirming definition of Christianity that we were taught for 12 years of Catholic school.
Enjoy picking it apart or criticizing it if you must. Just understand, I have less than zero interest in arguing with anyone raised in other disciplines about their various definitions of Christianity; so the above is just FYI. I don't even practice any organized religion anymore, as they are manmade money schemes founded on greed, control, and guilt. Faith and spirituality are from God; religion is an invention of (extremely flawed) human beings.
I just see it as God, and then everything else. I don't recall Jesus claiming to be God. He claimed to be accurately representing God's nature and character, that God was his father, and that he was on a mission from God and was determined to complete it.
I see it more like "big brother obeyed Father perfectly so he got to rule all the household and we must listen to him (hence why he is now called Lord of all creation)". He also made a way for us all to be reunited with our Father (God) despite our falling short of His requirements.
Furthermore I view the Holy Spirit as an extremity of God. Since God is holy, he chooses to interface with man via this extremity. It seems kinda simple to me. The splitting up into 3 persons part is quite confusing. It makes God seem like some sort of hydra, but we know that we were "created in the image and likeness of God" so show me a person who is actually 3 persons??
Regardless of where you stand it's worth looking into and pondering without dogmatic glasses on. So much of what we've been told has proven false.
edit- check into the myths of Horus, Isis and Osiris for further info
If He had come out and told people, "I am God," that would be a VERY different conversation than, "I am the son of God," because everyone else could claim the same thing.
God created Adam. But His people were not following his rules. So, he wiped out most of His people (not the entire world, but only a local area) via the flood, and left it up to Noah to repopulate because Noah was "perfect in his ancestry."
Later, His people were again not following The Law, so He sent Moses to make it more concrete.
Later still, they were still not doing what He wanted, so He made a special promise for Abraham, that his descendents would multiply across the world and spread the Word.
Again, His people were screwing up, so He came to Earth, in the flesh, to TEACH directly what He wanted His people to do, to set an example, to reveal more truth to again make it more clear, and also to die for their sins, so they would not have to die (as was the rule from the OT). He also clarified what sin is (1 John 3:4 -- Sin is the transgression of The Law), and forever removed death as the penalty for sin.
He gave a lot of information in His time on Earth, but most people (once again) have forgotten, never learned, or ignored.
Jesus never claimed to be God, true. But He did things that ONLY God could do, which (to me) makes it obvious that He was, and understandable why He would not come right out and say it.
Jesus never claimed to be God, true. But He did things that ONLY God could do, which (to me) makes it obvious that He was, and understandable why He would not come right out and say it.
This is explained by him being anointed by God. After that happened he got the power and authority to break or bend natural laws, hence the term "super-natural", or "above natural laws".
I think Jesus existed in Heaven with God long before he came to the earth, but I don't think he was God. I think he was clear in his relationship TO God, as he said he was God's son. Later on it was made more clear that he was God's FAITHFUL son, unlike Adam. I could be wrong and in the grand scheme of things I don't believe this is an ultra-important issue to debate and we should focus on what Jesus taught us, but I'm down to explore it more!
edit- I'll check out the work, thank you! As I said in my opening remark here I'm not 100% on this topic. I'm only relaying what I find more likely based on the passages I know.
1These words spake Jesus, and lifted up his eyes to heaven, and said, Father, the hour is come; glorify thy Son, that thy Son also may glorify thee: 2As thou hast given him power over all flesh, that he should give eternal life to as many as thou hast given him. 3And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent. 4I have glorified thee on the earth: I have finished the work which thou gavest me to do. 5And now, O Father, glorify thou me with thine own self with the glory which I had with thee before the world was.
Prayer for the Disciples
6I have manifested thy name unto the men which thou gavest me out of the world: thine they were, and thou gavest them me; and they have kept thy word. 7Now they have known that all things whatsoever thou hast given me are of thee. 8For I have given unto them the words which thou gavest me; and they have received them, and have known surely that I came out from thee, and they have believed that thou didst send me. 9I pray for them: I pray not for the world, but for them which thou hast given me; for they are thine. 10And all mine are thine, and thine are mine; and I am glorified in them. 11And now I am no more in the world, but these are in the world, and I come to thee. Holy Father, keep through thine own name those whom thou hast given me, that they may be one, as we are. 12While I was with them in the world, I kept them in thy name: those that thou gavest me I have kept, and none of them is lost, but the son of perdition; that the scripture might be fulfilled.
13And now come I to thee; and these things I speak in the world, that they might have my joy fulfilled in themselves. 14I have given them thy word; and the world hath hated them, because they are not of the world, even as I am not of the world. 15I pray not that thou shouldest take them out of the world, but that thou shouldest keep them from the evil. 16They are not of the world, even as I am not of the world. 17Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth. 18As thou hast sent me into the world, even so have I also sent them into the world. 19And for their sakes I sanctify myself, that they also might be sanctified through the truth.
This.. It's right in your face blatant with the ring kissing so people can practice their critical thinking skill and realize it's wrong and know Jesus wouldn't like any of that rituals that worship man and blinded us from the truth.
Oh come now Rome fits the prophecies like a glove. Which aspects don't fit? Do you know the meanings of the prophecies then?
It's funny you target me and the author of this book with 2 Pt. 1:20. If you continue the verse, it reads:
1But there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them, and bring upon themselves swift destruction. 2And many shall follow their pernicious ways; by reason of whom the way of truth shall be evil spoken of. 3And through covetousness shall they with feigned words make merchandise of you: whose judgment now of a long time lingereth not, and their damnation slumbereth not.
Now tell me what I have to gain in telling you these things? It isn't me who's been making a profit off you with bad eschatology - it's TBN, "Israel", mega-pastors and the like.
Ask yourself who all has been saying the things I say and been successful in this world. You will notice a pattern.
"You hypocrites! Well did Isaiah prophecy of you, when he said: 'This people honors me with their lips, but their heart is far from me; in vain do they worship me, teaching as doctrines the commandments of men.'"
This pretty much sums up the leaders of the false religions in the world. Catholicism is doing exactly what the jews in Jesus' day did in setting aside God's word for their own so-called traditions and rules, which by the way reflect the contemporary thinkings of the time. Hence, why the Catholic Church persecuted people like Martin Luther for pointing out corruption in the Church and even executed people like William Tyndale for the crime of translating the Bible. This is reflected now with the Church pushing the globohomo agenda, being no different really that the so-called progressive churches we see now.
Catholicism is doing exactly what the jews in Jesus' day did in setting aside God's word for their own so-called traditions and rules, which by the way reflect the contemporary thinkings of the time. Hence, why the Catholic Church persecuted people like Martin Luther for pointing out corruption in the Church and even executed people like William Tyndale for the crime of translating the Bible.
I wish I could quote this a thousand times, or one for each year of darkness that whore of a church wrought on the world, however many years that would be! And it still wouldn't be enough as I'm sure there are many more horrors which have gone undocumented!
The hierarchy in Christian churches of all denominations are just as guilty of profane and heinous acts before God as is the Catholic hierarchy. Your comment tacitly condones those actions in one, while condemning it in the other.
The Catholic laity has stood strong against satan in all his forms for 2000 years. If it wasnt for the everyday Catholic we would still be living under Roe v. Wade. It was our resolve that finally forced this first step back to Jesus.
Those that call themselves Christians yet denounce half the worlds population because of the evil actions of infiltrators need some time for self-reflection.
Just another ploy by the Satanists to erase religion, faith and God’s commandments. Tell the “pope” to pound sand while he continues to support the LGBQT, abortion, pedophilia, and Satanic agendas.
This sounds like part of the show, I think Vigano is probably in on. Just like Lefebvre and SSPX. They set up "conservatives" they can ban as "schismatic". Our position is rather the Vatican is in schism and Francis is neither a Catholic nor a pope.
edit: The Vatican's legitimacy must be undermined and tradition promoted instead, so that a traditional Catholic pope is elected who rejects Vatican 2 and believes and practices the Catholic faith.
edit 2: also why it seemed like a waste of time for me to try to do anything under the Vatican only to be "excommunicated". Catholicism is "excommunicated" under the Vatican... meaning that the Vatican itself is not Catholic, and itself excommunicated, rather instead.
No Catholic worthy of the name can be in communion with this “Bergoglian church,” because it acts in clear discontinuity and rupture with all the Popes of history and with the Church of Christ.
By simple logic, if Catholics can't be in communion with the "Bergoglian church", then it is not the Catholic Church, and Catholics have no pope (logically this resolves to "sedevacantism").
My only gripe with the sedevacantist "movement" (among maybe others) is I think that we need the "Bergoglian church" (that Francis leads) to be converted back to traditional Catholicism in order to move forward. Some of them go in other directions like thinking the end of the world is coming next instead of there being a pope ever elected again.
It is somewhat of a good drama to see with Vigano, hopefully stirring up people asking questions.
The Trinity is likely another pagan concept that the RCC has adopted and wrapped into Christian clothes, but perhaps that discussion can happen another time. Jesus told us to pray to our Father in Heaven. Pretty simple
I had been concerned for a long time that he could just be a honeypot to keep people from leaving the Catholic Church. It's looking like that isn't the case. If they follow through with this he will take a lot of people with him at bare minimum. Best case scenario is that this is the beginning of the end for the Vatican as we know it. In my perfect world they would all just become Protestants but I know that won't happen, at least not overnight, so hopefully huge reforms can happen.
Every Catholic I know who loves Vigano also says they will never leave the Church because only the Catholic Church has the "true presence" of Christ in the eucharist. They believe the Catholic church has this one thing that cannot be abandoned, so they will never leave under any circumstances.
X censored my post. They don't like the truth. I thought X was beyond this crap.
This is what I posted:
About right, Francis, aka, not my Pope, invites trannies to the Vatican and kisses their asses and then turns around and wants to excommunicate a Godly man. That tells all we need to know about Satan's minion, Francis.
Good. Every God loving Christian should “come out of her”.
I don’t mean to diss anyone’s faith however a reading of Revelation one with eyes to see, ears to hear and a mind to think can easily understand that the Whore riding the beast is the Papacy. IMO
Exactly, if you are a child of God raise your voice and expose the evil. Bottom line is they are pushing to remove God out of our lives. That means all religions.
Everyone will have to make a decision Jesus Christ or the RCC..
Attempting to make things holy that are not is futile.
Jesus doesn't need to unite with ungodly things to win
A war He has already won.
GOD gave everyone common sense to choose life or death.
It's interesting to observe the kind of unforgiving ego-centric behavior present in the comments - which is completely incompatible with Christ consciousness.
Then again, most are stuck in the mind, as if "being right" has one iota to do with spirit. There's the main problem with religion...
So trite. So arrogant. So ugly.
Y'all divide and conquer yourselves on a daily basis... open your eyes and look at the mess you're making.
If you truly understood the spirit then you would know that good and evil can never coexist. One has to go. That is why there is a Heaven and a Hell. Jesus pointed out their deeds to expose the wrong and showed the correct p-ath.
[Then again, most are stuck in the mind, as if "being right" has one iota to do with spirit. There's the main problem with religion...]
It has always been about the Spirit ,and the right way is only by following Gods way. Any alterations made would embrace the negative energies. This affects the spirit.
"It has always been about spirit" - thats the supposition... however, somewhere along the way, regarding religion as a path, that stopped.
Everything dealing with religion has the supposition of being about spirit, but the reality is - it's all centered around the mind via some book that humans transcribed or some middle man telling people what to believe aka control.
Want to REALLY be about spirit? Teach people how to go within and connect to God - in TRUE communion, NOT in prayer like you're asking for a new bike, oh pretty please.
NO religion, most certainly not any Christian denomination, is going to teach you THAT. Why? Because you wouldn't need them...Why would you? It's much easier to ensnare people with words and get them to parrot them with self righteousness, then to guide and point them within their selves.
Once you've experienced, not believed, not read about... actually experienced true communion and Christ consciousness, where you actually love your neighbor as yourself and "get it" - it's all conjecture of the mind.
It's like talking about sex, without ever having experienced it first hand.
The ONLY undeniable UNTAINTED place in this world is within YOUR temple...but I'm fairly certain YOU already know this...
It is what the bible calls praying in the spirit. The mind is to store what God reveals and teaches us. The spirit is the moral compass as it knows. But many stopped listening.
Something worthy of further exploration is if Martin Luther was a cabal plant to destroy the greatest threat to Divine Right. Its difficult to portray yourself as a god when you have GOD as a competitor. I cant recall seeing any research that delved into the possibility.
"I have touched on Luther in previous papers, but here I will hit him more heavily. If you will remember, I reminded you that Monty Python had given us a rather obvious clue with their skit on him in their 1983 film The Meaning of Life. There, Luther is depicted as a Jew, with an outrageous New York Jewish accent. One thing I didn't notice the first time is the fake opening credits, where we are told this “Adventures of Martin Luther” is a production of the Protestant Film Marketing Board, in association with Sol C. Ziegler, Andy Rotbeiner, and the people of Beirut. Jewish producers, of course. You have to laugh at how in-your-face this is, especially considering how few Gentiles got the joke..."
I wouldn't put much credibility on Monty Python as a source for knowledge.
BTW, years ago, I knew a kid who was a jew. Good kid and we were friends. His father hosted a party specifically for John Cleese (star of Monty Python). So, Cleese was good friends with jews.
It's not based on Monty Python, it's only referencing that as a lead-in because many people remember the movie. Cleese was Jewish by the way.
I have Jewish friends they're great and not part of the Cabal. however when you keep looking behind the curtain and 'surprise!' it's another Jewish person well then it starts to become a pattern that looks increasingly unlikely to be simply a coincidence.
however when you keep looking behind the curtain and 'surprise!' it's another Jewish person well then it starts to become a pattern that looks increasingly unlikely to be simply a coincidence.
Agreed. There is something more to it than mere coincidence.
Even the fact that Cleese was a jew and was on one of the most popular TV shows is yet more evidence in that direction.
They don't care if they get control via God or communism or LBGT or anything else. However they can get control is fine with them.
Cabal had control with the Roman Catholic Church for over 1,000 years, until ... Martin Luther.
He showed the world that the RCC was lying about the Bible. That created the split, and Christianity has not looked back since. No way the cabal would want to give up the control they had.
He also wrote, "On the Jews and Their Lies," which was also anti-cabal, if anything.
The Roman emperors were noticing that Christianity was gaining popularity, so they attempted to reign it in under their control, via the Council of Nicea, and propping up the RCC as the "official" voice of Christianity. It worked for 1,000+ years.
Humans have a tendency to follow whomever they perceive to be "experts."
Around Luther's time was also the invention of the printing press, and that was the beginning of the end of "Divine Right to Rule." Just 200 years later, the USA rejected that concept entirely, and American success led the rest of the world to reject it, as well.
The downvotes… I swear. They’re so stupid sometimes.
This is inarguably true, and a major reason people have a negative opinion of the church as a whole.
It must be clarified that due to the centralized church ending up with a lot of money and power, evil people sought to infiltrate it, successfully did so, and used it as a means of power very effectively for a long time.
It does not need to be a reflection against the church or Christianity - re-aim the valid claim to be more properly against centralization, abuse of power, and evil, and in favor of vigilance and standing firm in righteousness.
If the church’s oppressions were undone by the church, which is what happened, then “the church” is not the proper term to use to describe the parties and conflict involved.
I’m actually going through your posts right now trying to find one from a few days ago on the exact same concept, but with “the Jews”. The people who infiltrated the church did so partly to gain access to money and power, but also to tarnish God’s good name and character. Same with the other. Anyone who considers themselves to be among God’s people is commanded by God himself to cast evildoers out from among ourselves.
There is your sign the Cardinal serves God. The Demon at the Vatican shows his true self.
well he's following in the footsteps of a carpenter, ticking off the bigwigs.
Exactly, we need to support in prayers and demand the serpent resign.
The "Pope" didn't like Vigano's anti-globalist club.
Thank you for the link. The "Poop" forgot what Jesus stated about not being able to serve two Masters. Pretty clear who he chose to serve.
That first link had problems
Thank you for providing the link.
A man who walks without fear, God bless him.
was just thinking same thing about this brave man of God, saying aloud the parts that the vatican doesn't want told...full armor of God is needed here!
Amen, Child like faith is the armor of God.
What an absolute fucking legend.
Long live Vigano
Amen, let us all support him in prayers.
Absolutely! Praying he has WH protection because we already know he has Divine Protection! 🙏🙌
Praying he won't go... it's a trap..
I believe the pope is a satanist under cover. I do not like him and he gives evil vibes
Amen my dear sister, important we all join on prayers.
And it begins. Moves and countermoves
Exactlyt, a declass in progress.
Don't go, it's a trap! Remember Galileo...and Martin Luther...
It's not like if you refuse to go you'll get any more excommunicated than if you go. So just don't bother wasting your time. Fuck the red-shoe club.
"Oh? You are not gonna come to get excommunicated? Well! In that case, you are now extra secret, double excommunicated."
That's even worse than double secret probation!
It's not over!
They bombed Pearl Harbor!
Great reminder. I had forgotten this. Thank you.
Reading the full letter you can clearly see his callouts to the last time this happened, and he makes the clear case for everyone that he is the one embracing tradition where the man wearing the popehat is clearly embracing the errors of modernism and neomodernism.
If the traditions of the last 2 millennia don't matter, but the New Normal is the only way forward, then something is broken.
He is working within the system to call it out. This is Endgame.
Amen, this needs to end and return back to the old ways that were clean.
Archbishop Vigano is a light in the darkness of our church that Francis has wrought. If Archbishop begins a splinter Church, I'm there. Francis welcomes trannies who violate God's law to the Vatican for praise and condemns a Godly man for speaking against that abomination.
Amen, he has my respect and support.
I'm surprised Vigano hasn't been excommunicated years ago already.
The Catholic Church has long since been on the wrong side of almost every Godly issue for hundreds of years.
Like all religions these serpents infitrated to destroy all religions from within.
Who is this bishop? Curious to learn more! Because as far as I know the bishop who went to Rome was PETER
The supremacy of the Roman Church predates 1054, though.
This. Carlo should just become a Christian.
Denying his Christianity?? When he's obviously one of the good guys??
That's a hot take there, edgelord
On the judgement day, many will call Jesus Lord, Lord, and they will list out all of their pious works. A life time of works in His name. Even miracles. And Jesus will say to them, I never knew you. Depart from me you workers of iniquity.
It's in Matthew 7. Now, in light of that, how can someone so obviously pious and active in Jesus's name nevertheless be damned? What happened? On what basis are they judged? What did they do wrong? How can this be?
The Bible is full of contradictions. That makes sense, since it was written by an untold number of unknown men, over a period of centuries.
What doesn't make sense is saying Jesus loves and forgives all, just like his Dad ("God is Love"); and that no matter what you've done in life, Jesus will act like he never knew you.
It certainly seems to, but maybe that comes mostly from the fact that we have been lied to about what it says (in original Hebrew and Greek), and what it means.
Nowhere in the Bible does it say that Jesus loves everyone. That is what people say -- people who don't read it, or who misunderstand it. The Bible itself does not say that.
Clearly, there were those who Jesus hated. He did not love everyone. People who say that WANT the Bible to say that, but it does not.
I don’t agree with everything you say on this, which is fine, because I don’t necessarily agree with everything I, myself say on things, but you are absolutely on to some stuff with these comments.
What specifically, we will find out eventually.
This one I agree 100% though. “I came not to bring peace but a sword”, people! And no, Muslims, not a PHYSICAL sword. A spiritual dividing line that results in separating oneself from the corruption and working to establish righteousness.
This is a common misunderstanding of the text and not a contradiction. The short version is that we are beings of sin and that we cannot earn our salvation through "works". We can only genuinely repent and ask Jesus for Mercy. The "fruit of the spirit" is "works". You choose faith first, then works follow.
What you should do is learn enough Biblical theology so that it does makes sense. Rather than insisting that it doesn't makes sense even though you clearly don't even understand it. Then you will have understanding.
Catholicism is not Christianity, it is the culmination of Babylonian paganism which was scattered around at the Tower of Babel and reconvenied at Rome. The Ceasar turned into the Papacy and wrought centuries of hell on earth to anyone who believed differently than the "church"
Tell me when Jesus commanded us to chase people down with swords drawn to give them the Gospel? Or when he told us to bow to a man and kiss his ring? They parade the pope around exactly like a pharoah. Think about it,
OK, you're operating under a different definition of Christianity than what every Christian I know uses, which is basically this:
"The firmly held belief that the Creator of the Universe so loved the world that to save it from evil, He created via the intercession of the Holy Spirit (also God) a human Son (also God), Jesus of Nazareth, who was born of a virgin and sacrificed for the sins of all humankind; that whoever believes in Jesus as the Savior of the world shall not perish but shall have eternal life in Heaven."
That's the trinity-based, virgin birth-affirming definition of Christianity that we were taught for 12 years of Catholic school.
Enjoy picking it apart or criticizing it if you must. Just understand, I have less than zero interest in arguing with anyone raised in other disciplines about their various definitions of Christianity; so the above is just FYI. I don't even practice any organized religion anymore, as they are manmade money schemes founded on greed, control, and guilt. Faith and spirituality are from God; religion is an invention of (extremely flawed) human beings.
I just see it as God, and then everything else. I don't recall Jesus claiming to be God. He claimed to be accurately representing God's nature and character, that God was his father, and that he was on a mission from God and was determined to complete it.
I see it more like "big brother obeyed Father perfectly so he got to rule all the household and we must listen to him (hence why he is now called Lord of all creation)". He also made a way for us all to be reunited with our Father (God) despite our falling short of His requirements.
Furthermore I view the Holy Spirit as an extremity of God. Since God is holy, he chooses to interface with man via this extremity. It seems kinda simple to me. The splitting up into 3 persons part is quite confusing. It makes God seem like some sort of hydra, but we know that we were "created in the image and likeness of God" so show me a person who is actually 3 persons??
Regardless of where you stand it's worth looking into and pondering without dogmatic glasses on. So much of what we've been told has proven false.
edit- check into the myths of Horus, Isis and Osiris for further info
Heresy. Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.
Well, refute something I said with the truth. Your comment adds little beyond "I disagree strongly"
kekekekeke downvote away! I don't care! You are wrong! Fight me!
I think Jesus was God in the flesh.
If He had come out and told people, "I am God," that would be a VERY different conversation than, "I am the son of God," because everyone else could claim the same thing.
God created Adam. But His people were not following his rules. So, he wiped out most of His people (not the entire world, but only a local area) via the flood, and left it up to Noah to repopulate because Noah was "perfect in his ancestry."
Later, His people were again not following The Law, so He sent Moses to make it more concrete.
Later still, they were still not doing what He wanted, so He made a special promise for Abraham, that his descendents would multiply across the world and spread the Word.
Again, His people were screwing up, so He came to Earth, in the flesh, to TEACH directly what He wanted His people to do, to set an example, to reveal more truth to again make it more clear, and also to die for their sins, so they would not have to die (as was the rule from the OT). He also clarified what sin is (1 John 3:4 -- Sin is the transgression of The Law), and forever removed death as the penalty for sin.
He gave a lot of information in His time on Earth, but most people (once again) have forgotten, never learned, or ignored.
Jesus never claimed to be God, true. But He did things that ONLY God could do, which (to me) makes it obvious that He was, and understandable why He would not come right out and say it.
This is explained by him being anointed by God. After that happened he got the power and authority to break or bend natural laws, hence the term "super-natural", or "above natural laws".
I think Jesus existed in Heaven with God long before he came to the earth, but I don't think he was God. I think he was clear in his relationship TO God, as he said he was God's son. Later on it was made more clear that he was God's FAITHFUL son, unlike Adam. I could be wrong and in the grand scheme of things I don't believe this is an ultra-important issue to debate and we should focus on what Jesus taught us, but I'm down to explore it more!
edit- I'll check out the work, thank you! As I said in my opening remark here I'm not 100% on this topic. I'm only relaying what I find more likely based on the passages I know.
First, I addressed most of these here: https://greatawakening.win/p/17tLAw7P7v/x/c/4ZCZxBYuFqV
Second, please explain these passages?
John 17:1-19
1These words spake Jesus, and lifted up his eyes to heaven, and said, Father, the hour is come; glorify thy Son, that thy Son also may glorify thee: 2As thou hast given him power over all flesh, that he should give eternal life to as many as thou hast given him. 3And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent. 4I have glorified thee on the earth: I have finished the work which thou gavest me to do. 5And now, O Father, glorify thou me with thine own self with the glory which I had with thee before the world was.
Prayer for the Disciples 6I have manifested thy name unto the men which thou gavest me out of the world: thine they were, and thou gavest them me; and they have kept thy word. 7Now they have known that all things whatsoever thou hast given me are of thee. 8For I have given unto them the words which thou gavest me; and they have received them, and have known surely that I came out from thee, and they have believed that thou didst send me. 9I pray for them: I pray not for the world, but for them which thou hast given me; for they are thine. 10And all mine are thine, and thine are mine; and I am glorified in them. 11And now I am no more in the world, but these are in the world, and I come to thee. Holy Father, keep through thine own name those whom thou hast given me, that they may be one, as we are. 12While I was with them in the world, I kept them in thy name: those that thou gavest me I have kept, and none of them is lost, but the son of perdition; that the scripture might be fulfilled.
13And now come I to thee; and these things I speak in the world, that they might have my joy fulfilled in themselves. 14I have given them thy word; and the world hath hated them, because they are not of the world, even as I am not of the world. 15I pray not that thou shouldest take them out of the world, but that thou shouldest keep them from the evil. 16They are not of the world, even as I am not of the world. 17Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth. 18As thou hast sent me into the world, even so have I also sent them into the world. 19And for their sakes I sanctify myself, that they also might be sanctified through the truth.
This.. It's right in your face blatant with the ring kissing so people can practice their critical thinking skill and realize it's wrong and know Jesus wouldn't like any of that rituals that worship man and blinded us from the truth.
Cool! Source?
If you want to skip ahead go to pages 49 - 64 (not the pdf page # but the book pages, its a bit jumbled up)
It was common knowledge up until around 1900s sometime... I wonder why we all don't know these things today....
Oh believe me I've heard this one before. In chick tracts.
Yet another private interpretation of extremely symbolic scripture that people accept as fact. I guess 2 Peter 1:20 doesn't apply anymore
Oh come now Rome fits the prophecies like a glove. Which aspects don't fit? Do you know the meanings of the prophecies then?
It's funny you target me and the author of this book with 2 Pt. 1:20. If you continue the verse, it reads:
Now tell me what I have to gain in telling you these things? It isn't me who's been making a profit off you with bad eschatology - it's TBN, "Israel", mega-pastors and the like.
Ask yourself who all has been saying the things I say and been successful in this world. You will notice a pattern.
"You hypocrites! Well did Isaiah prophecy of you, when he said: 'This people honors me with their lips, but their heart is far from me; in vain do they worship me, teaching as doctrines the commandments of men.'"
This pretty much sums up the leaders of the false religions in the world. Catholicism is doing exactly what the jews in Jesus' day did in setting aside God's word for their own so-called traditions and rules, which by the way reflect the contemporary thinkings of the time. Hence, why the Catholic Church persecuted people like Martin Luther for pointing out corruption in the Church and even executed people like William Tyndale for the crime of translating the Bible. This is reflected now with the Church pushing the globohomo agenda, being no different really that the so-called progressive churches we see now.
I wish I could quote this a thousand times, or one for each year of darkness that whore of a church wrought on the world, however many years that would be! And it still wouldn't be enough as I'm sure there are many more horrors which have gone undocumented!
Don't put luther on a pedestal, he spoke to demons.
Also coming from a longtime lutheran
I'm not, but he was right in his protest. There are tons of people who get things right but also get other things extremely wrong.
Catholics probably hate me on here, rarely do they engage, just downvote and move on yes? Smh
Let's go! Fight me!
I believe he got rid of satan by throwing an inkwell at him.
In what context did Luther speak to demons? I'm not disagreeing, I'm genuinely curious.
Edit: Downvoted for literally just asking a question lol
The hierarchy in Christian churches of all denominations are just as guilty of profane and heinous acts before God as is the Catholic hierarchy. Your comment tacitly condones those actions in one, while condemning it in the other.
The Catholic laity has stood strong against satan in all his forms for 2000 years. If it wasnt for the everyday Catholic we would still be living under Roe v. Wade. It was our resolve that finally forced this first step back to Jesus.
Those that call themselves Christians yet denounce half the worlds population because of the evil actions of infiltrators need some time for self-reflection.
All those that downloaded me must love the institution that harbored and enabled actual Nazis to flee Germany to South America.
I'll take your down votes as a badge of honor.
Just another ploy by the Satanists to erase religion, faith and God’s commandments. Tell the “pope” to pound sand while he continues to support the LGBQT, abortion, pedophilia, and Satanic agendas.
Amen, This is what it has all really been about since the beginning.
The Archbishop is the Churches version of Trump. And like Trump I fully expect him to prevail and bring the Church back to God.
(And then please, please, please open the Vatican archives to scholars of every faith so we can know the true history of man.)
Amen, I will support in prayers. The people need to call out the serpent to resign.
To be hated by those who love evil is an honor.
There is your sign you are on the right path
This sounds like part of the show, I think Vigano is probably in on. Just like Lefebvre and SSPX. They set up "conservatives" they can ban as "schismatic". Our position is rather the Vatican is in schism and Francis is neither a Catholic nor a pope.
edit: The Vatican's legitimacy must be undermined and tradition promoted instead, so that a traditional Catholic pope is elected who rejects Vatican 2 and believes and practices the Catholic faith.
edit 2: also why it seemed like a waste of time for me to try to do anything under the Vatican only to be "excommunicated". Catholicism is "excommunicated" under the Vatican... meaning that the Vatican itself is not Catholic, and itself excommunicated, rather instead.
Amen, thankfully more people are paying attention and listening now.
Vigano hasn't publicly endorsed "sedevacantism" as far as I know, but he basically takes that position in saying this:
By simple logic, if Catholics can't be in communion with the "Bergoglian church", then it is not the Catholic Church, and Catholics have no pope (logically this resolves to "sedevacantism").
My only gripe with the sedevacantist "movement" (among maybe others) is I think that we need the "Bergoglian church" (that Francis leads) to be converted back to traditional Catholicism in order to move forward. Some of them go in other directions like thinking the end of the world is coming next instead of there being a pope ever elected again.
It is somewhat of a good drama to see with Vigano, hopefully stirring up people asking questions.
Important that it is kept traditional.
I hope he comes over to Orthodoxy! He would be welcomed, I am sure.
Time to clean the church from all those serpents that had slithered in.
Amen brother!
Amen my dear sister. We will raise our voices and expose them with truth.
The religion is good. Just need to remove the serpents that have slithered in.
The Trinity is likely another pagan concept that the RCC has adopted and wrapped into Christian clothes, but perhaps that discussion can happen another time. Jesus told us to pray to our Father in Heaven. Pretty simple
Vigano is one of many real Christians in the Roman Church.
ITA. Time to expose the evil .
Remember that time Vigano cared what the pope said? Me either
Exactly, follow the way God instructed and not the fool who betrays God.
I had been concerned for a long time that he could just be a honeypot to keep people from leaving the Catholic Church. It's looking like that isn't the case. If they follow through with this he will take a lot of people with him at bare minimum. Best case scenario is that this is the beginning of the end for the Vatican as we know it. In my perfect world they would all just become Protestants but I know that won't happen, at least not overnight, so hopefully huge reforms can happen.
Similar to Jesus cleaning the Temple from the money changers. Make it clean again by removing the serpents .
Every Catholic I know who loves Vigano also says they will never leave the Church because only the Catholic Church has the "true presence" of Christ in the eucharist. They believe the Catholic church has this one thing that cannot be abandoned, so they will never leave under any circumstances.
Sir, as long as God is in your heart you keep doing what your doing.
What can we do to support Archbishop Vigano? Obviously we can pray and share his writings, but is there anything else we can do beyond that?
Get the word and truth out to everyone . And ask them to also support in prayer. The truth will prevail.
About time he got that promotion
He is the one that needs to lead.
X censored my post. They don't like the truth. I thought X was beyond this crap.
This is what I posted:
About right, Francis, aka, not my Pope, invites trannies to the Vatican and kisses their asses and then turns around and wants to excommunicate a Godly man. That tells all we need to know about Satan's minion, Francis.
X still has rats within its ranks.
Devil spitting one out.
Amen , exposing the serpents now.
When the schism comes, Vigano is the only one I trust.
Actually it's a defacto schism already as the Pope has been pretty separated from R.C. teachings for a while now.
Vigano shoukld be leading the church.
Good. Every God loving Christian should “come out of her”.
I don’t mean to diss anyone’s faith however a reading of Revelation one with eyes to see, ears to hear and a mind to think can easily understand that the Whore riding the beast is the Papacy. IMO
Exactly, if you are a child of God raise your voice and expose the evil. Bottom line is they are pushing to remove God out of our lives. That means all religions.
Everyone will have to make a decision Jesus Christ or the RCC.. Attempting to make things holy that are not is futile. Jesus doesn't need to unite with ungodly things to win
A war He has already won. GOD gave everyone common sense to choose life or death.
He's a man of God. He's protected. He'll be fine.
It's interesting to observe the kind of unforgiving ego-centric behavior present in the comments - which is completely incompatible with Christ consciousness.
Then again, most are stuck in the mind, as if "being right" has one iota to do with spirit. There's the main problem with religion...
So trite. So arrogant. So ugly.
Y'all divide and conquer yourselves on a daily basis... open your eyes and look at the mess you're making.
If you truly understood the spirit then you would know that good and evil can never coexist. One has to go. That is why there is a Heaven and a Hell. Jesus pointed out their deeds to expose the wrong and showed the correct p-ath.
Please point out where I stated that "good" and "evil" could possibly exist within a state of Christ consciousness.
[Then again, most are stuck in the mind, as if "being right" has one iota to do with spirit. There's the main problem with religion...]
It has always been about the Spirit ,and the right way is only by following Gods way. Any alterations made would embrace the negative energies. This affects the spirit.
"It has always been about spirit" - thats the supposition... however, somewhere along the way, regarding religion as a path, that stopped.
Everything dealing with religion has the supposition of being about spirit, but the reality is - it's all centered around the mind via some book that humans transcribed or some middle man telling people what to believe aka control.
Want to REALLY be about spirit? Teach people how to go within and connect to God - in TRUE communion, NOT in prayer like you're asking for a new bike, oh pretty please.
NO religion, most certainly not any Christian denomination, is going to teach you THAT. Why? Because you wouldn't need them...Why would you? It's much easier to ensnare people with words and get them to parrot them with self righteousness, then to guide and point them within their selves.
Once you've experienced, not believed, not read about... actually experienced true communion and Christ consciousness, where you actually love your neighbor as yourself and "get it" - it's all conjecture of the mind.
It's like talking about sex, without ever having experienced it first hand.
The ONLY undeniable UNTAINTED place in this world is within YOUR temple...but I'm fairly certain YOU already know this...
It is what the bible calls praying in the spirit. The mind is to store what God reveals and teaches us. The spirit is the moral compass as it knows. But many stopped listening.
Martin Luther was right.
Something worthy of further exploration is if Martin Luther was a cabal plant to destroy the greatest threat to Divine Right. Its difficult to portray yourself as a god when you have GOD as a competitor. I cant recall seeing any research that delved into the possibility.
Yes Luther was a deepstate plant. If you want to know more there has been some great research done here:
"I have touched on Luther in previous papers, but here I will hit him more heavily. If you will remember, I reminded you that Monty Python had given us a rather obvious clue with their skit on him in their 1983 film The Meaning of Life. There, Luther is depicted as a Jew, with an outrageous New York Jewish accent. One thing I didn't notice the first time is the fake opening credits, where we are told this “Adventures of Martin Luther” is a production of the Protestant Film Marketing Board, in association with Sol C. Ziegler, Andy Rotbeiner, and the people of Beirut. Jewish producers, of course. You have to laugh at how in-your-face this is, especially considering how few Gentiles got the joke..."
I wouldn't put much credibility on Monty Python as a source for knowledge.
BTW, years ago, I knew a kid who was a jew. Good kid and we were friends. His father hosted a party specifically for John Cleese (star of Monty Python). So, Cleese was good friends with jews.
It's not based on Monty Python, it's only referencing that as a lead-in because many people remember the movie. Cleese was Jewish by the way.
I have Jewish friends they're great and not part of the Cabal. however when you keep looking behind the curtain and 'surprise!' it's another Jewish person well then it starts to become a pattern that looks increasingly unlikely to be simply a coincidence.
That would explain him clowning Martin Luther.
Agreed. There is something more to it than mere coincidence.
Even the fact that Cleese was a jew and was on one of the most popular TV shows is yet more evidence in that direction.
Heh. “You’ll never succeed on Broadway if…”
Finally found the post. :-). I wish search went into threads rather than just subjects, or that we weren’t completely blocked from search engines.
IMO, zero chance.
Cabal wants control. Nothing else.
They don't care if they get control via God or communism or LBGT or anything else. However they can get control is fine with them.
Cabal had control with the Roman Catholic Church for over 1,000 years, until ... Martin Luther.
He showed the world that the RCC was lying about the Bible. That created the split, and Christianity has not looked back since. No way the cabal would want to give up the control they had.
He also wrote, "On the Jews and Their Lies," which was also anti-cabal, if anything.
The Roman emperors were noticing that Christianity was gaining popularity, so they attempted to reign it in under their control, via the Council of Nicea, and propping up the RCC as the "official" voice of Christianity. It worked for 1,000+ years.
Humans have a tendency to follow whomever they perceive to be "experts."
Around Luther's time was also the invention of the printing press, and that was the beginning of the end of "Divine Right to Rule." Just 200 years later, the USA rejected that concept entirely, and American success led the rest of the world to reject it, as well.
The cabal begins with the worlds monarchies. Go look up a roster of the Council of 300.
"Cabal" goes beyond mere monarchies. It includes those who sought to infiltrate the monarchies of Europe, which is what the Illuminati was all about.
I would argue "cabal" goes back before there were any monarchies.
The downvotes… I swear. They’re so stupid sometimes.
This is inarguably true, and a major reason people have a negative opinion of the church as a whole.
It must be clarified that due to the centralized church ending up with a lot of money and power, evil people sought to infiltrate it, successfully did so, and used it as a means of power very effectively for a long time.
It does not need to be a reflection against the church or Christianity - re-aim the valid claim to be more properly against centralization, abuse of power, and evil, and in favor of vigilance and standing firm in righteousness.
If the church’s oppressions were undone by the church, which is what happened, then “the church” is not the proper term to use to describe the parties and conflict involved.
I’m actually going through your posts right now trying to find one from a few days ago on the exact same concept, but with “the Jews”. The people who infiltrated the church did so partly to gain access to money and power, but also to tarnish God’s good name and character. Same with the other. Anyone who considers themselves to be among God’s people is commanded by God himself to cast evildoers out from among ourselves.
It’s all about the dividing line.
Time to remove the serpents and make it clean again.