I am, but I'm glad he just got nicked. I just read about this though, and apparently someone besides the shooter, got shot and died. Don't know if that is true, but if, then that is very sad.
Interesting that the only time we've seen him speak behind bulletproof glass before was on January 6, 2021. 🤔 EDIT: Okay, I guess he had it for a 4th of July speech once as well.
He would not allow it. He needs to be a leader and leaders do not hide. I am sure he will be advised though. What I am curious about is all that stuff of late. SP saying if POTUS acts he is safe and then this?
Well a bullet zipping by your ear will change my perspective. IDK, how our leader will be affected. 20% public and 80% private. Israel the DS for last. I'm ready for the WH to end this. Less than an inch and we would be having a different conversation. Potus, is safe? I don't think you know what that means. I'm sorry SS, but I'm really not pleased with your definition of safe is. If the best president since George Washington or Abraham Lincoln is getting shot at. Red Castle, Red Castle, Red Castle. All leashes removed.
Not my decision for anything. The best opinion I can give one is something like this.
IF I had the ability to go to war I -personally- would not want to return from war until it is over. These soldiers of the last few decades go back and forth and that causes psychological trauma. VERY few people can do that and those that can would be at the tier of delta and seal. They go through psychological testing and such.
I am nobody but Trump is somebody.
Notice his wife has not been with him for how long?
What Trump is doing is risk and he knows the risk and in my opinion I believe he is with God—albeit many Christians want to clammour about him being an anti Christ for some reason. Now they claim his wound in the head is a sign and Biblical, but they still ignore Biden having a brain injury — many Christians took the mRNA and wore masks and to me that is sign on THEM being lead astray and weak.
I can only imagaine the world Trump is in and those in the know. It is very fascinating.
However Trump has always said he will take the arrows knowingly and ALL people of God and people in history that have the same spirit as Trump is showing—never hide.
I would say if he could he would have another rally today.
The real people that need to be looked at might be those who protect him. In history it is those who betray and even Jesus had how many betray Him?
Remember Trump is not a God-he is a man.
My question is what if? What if Trump was given the gift he is portraying by God and He accepted it? Could I be wrong? Definitely. Christians have become so entitled and weak.
If any Christian votes for a democrat, that person is not a Christian. That has been my stance for decades—however republicans are weak too.
Right. However the reflection of that would be Alive Men tell tales. JFK albeit he is alive or dead - doesn’t matter… they made him dead to the geopolitics of that time.
This time JFK 2.0–JFK (Trump) is still alive.
Obviously the protection Trump has has been compromised. It is desperation it seems….
The only other thing that would match this would be if Trump was part of an elaborate hoax to do this. Understand I am nobody and yet I guarantee you those who oppose Trump want to spin it that way.
I think this is it guys. Can we do a GAW fast and pray for the next 40 days. We need the strength and power of Holy Spirit flowing through us and hearing our prayers..it's now or never.
I believe it is our prayers that helped Trump dodge the bullet. Devine intervention is what we witnessed today and Trump will win from this and come out stronger than ever.
I had just left Sam's Club and was driving home when I found out. I was "bigly" pissed. When I got home I gave my wife a soda I got for her and went to get the rest of the stuff from my car and she asked me what's wrong. She could read it on me. I told her to wait until I got the stuff inside and I would show her. I think she thought I wrecked the car or something.
I thought ahead Saturday morning and set my channels-dvr software to record the Trump rally (with 2 hours extra past when OAN thought it would end). Normally I would give it 1 hour - I chose 2 this time. I got to see the extra coverage OAN had thanks to that decision.
Didn’t a MAGA rally attendee get shot in the head? If it’s staged then all of them are fucked; because I’m not gonna sit here and allow this kind of plan to carry out! It was an attack, period! Stop acting like these fucks wouldn’t do it. Q didn’t let us in on a secret, Q showed us what they’re willing to do…and now we see.
This place is unfortunately infested with "its part of the plan" or "vote them out" type of idea. I hope I am wrong but if THIS doesn't make ppl do something more I dont think Americans have the spirit in them to do anything even if he dies, and by then it'd be too late because who will take office to continue trumps work?
We will.
It’s part of the KNOWN tactics coming.
This WILL get much worse before it gets better. Who does this incident fall on? Joe? But they need to replace him, right? Then, that means they currently have a wild card up their sleeve; Joe can be blamed for anything and it will only ruin HIM.
The fight isn’t about Joe, and we should think twice about that. I hope we stop blaming a guy that allegedly can’t even stand trial and focus on the monolithic, autocracy on their last stand.
Just remember: If the left were confident in their inevitable victory, either through cheating or just being flat out better, this wouldn't be necessary.
Just heard on RSBN the shooter is dead and another person is in a serious condition. Also, the bullets came from multiple directions so there's more than one shooter..oh my..
Pray for all who got hurt. About the shooter who was killed, isn't it convenient to shut him up? Are they paid mercenary? MS-13? CIA? Antifa? MK Ultra'd goons?
I feel that way. SS shut the shooter up. BBC had a guy on after the assassination attempt saying he told butler cops there was a guy on the roof with a rifle. He pointed where, etc and they didn't do anything. Sounds like some people were paid off to look the other way. The eye witness on BBC feed needs to make sure he tells someone he will not kill himself.
Apr 25, 2018 4:33:17 PM EDT
Q !xowAT4Z3VQ
Are you awake?
Do you SEE (for yourself) the MSM = propaganda tool of the LEFT?
Do you SEE FB/Twitter/GOOG censoring non LEFT POVs?
Do you SEE the corruption?
Do you SEE the EVIL?
Are you a SLAVE?
Are you a SHEEP?
6y, 2m, 2w, 4d, 2h, 8m ago
8chan qresearch
Judging by the sound the first 3 shots were the shooter. The next few rounds were secret service engaging the shooter and the last round was when the shooter was down and still moving
Name of shooter needs to be released. I know the name will not be released until info about him is scrubbed and their info placed in there to make him a wackadoodle.
Edit: It's the first time ever I've used gif here. Worth it! The Don just won the election - what a brave leader! Saluting you sir from NZ. God Bless!!!
Shot him in the ear. He must have God watching over him. I think he is going to be alright. Praying for anyone injured or affected by this heinous crime. Praying for our true president and that God mends this nation.
Looking forward to seeing what kind of boogeyman they come up with as the shooter. What his political affiliations might be. His motivation. Manifesto? The anti gun narrative will surely be deployed. It was an AR after all.
How will they obfuscate and explain away the narrative that will surely emerge of their dog whistles calling for violence and their dehumanizing of Trump and more than half of America. Bidens bullseye comment right after the debate? Videos of Scalise, the summer of love, Mad Maxines soliloquy. All political violence comes from the left. EVERY SINGLE BIT OF IT!
Is it true Biden was in a Church when it went down? The visual of Pacino at the baptism while his rivals are taken out snaps into my mind.
My grandkids, grandkids, grandkids will see the picture of Trump pumping his fist, blood coursing down his face, yelling FIGHT, FIGHT, FIGHT!! And thier teachers will tell them that this is the moment when humanity finally won their freedom. I really believe this is that momentous, that consequential.
Edit: Oh man this convention is gonna be off the hook.
And the contrast with the rat shitshow a short time later, telling.
Remember this moment folks. This is history, and he took that for us.
Look at him, he's pumped and he's gonna be just fine! Now the world knows what we've known!
I'm sure he's pissed, I know I am 🙏
Just gonna say, He's Pissed!! And so are us all!!
Shot heard around the world. I’m 😡 to.
I am, but I'm glad he just got nicked. I just read about this though, and apparently someone besides the shooter, got shot and died. Don't know if that is true, but if, then that is very sad.
This man loves us, and he keeps fighting.
I adore our king! He's not our Heavenly King, but he is certainly annointed and highly favored by God!
So this “attempt” is part of the movie?
Unless people dying at his rally was also part of it.
because it was “reported”?
Henceforth, bulletproof glass is mandatory wherever President Trump is speaking
Interesting that the only time we've seen him speak behind bulletproof glass before was on January 6, 2021. 🤔 EDIT: Okay, I guess he had it for a 4th of July speech once as well.
Yeah I remember the glass on Jan 6th as well, also snipers on every rooftop and drones monitoring the area.
He would not allow it. He needs to be a leader and leaders do not hide. I am sure he will be advised though. What I am curious about is all that stuff of late. SP saying if POTUS acts he is safe and then this?
Can they really be that stupid though?
Well a bullet zipping by your ear will change my perspective. IDK, how our leader will be affected. 20% public and 80% private. Israel the DS for last. I'm ready for the WH to end this. Less than an inch and we would be having a different conversation. Potus, is safe? I don't think you know what that means. I'm sorry SS, but I'm really not pleased with your definition of safe is. If the best president since George Washington or Abraham Lincoln is getting shot at. Red Castle, Red Castle, Red Castle. All leashes removed.
Not my decision for anything. The best opinion I can give one is something like this.
IF I had the ability to go to war I -personally- would not want to return from war until it is over. These soldiers of the last few decades go back and forth and that causes psychological trauma. VERY few people can do that and those that can would be at the tier of delta and seal. They go through psychological testing and such.
I am nobody but Trump is somebody.
Notice his wife has not been with him for how long?
What Trump is doing is risk and he knows the risk and in my opinion I believe he is with God—albeit many Christians want to clammour about him being an anti Christ for some reason. Now they claim his wound in the head is a sign and Biblical, but they still ignore Biden having a brain injury — many Christians took the mRNA and wore masks and to me that is sign on THEM being lead astray and weak.
I can only imagaine the world Trump is in and those in the know. It is very fascinating.
However Trump has always said he will take the arrows knowingly and ALL people of God and people in history that have the same spirit as Trump is showing—never hide.
I would say if he could he would have another rally today.
The real people that need to be looked at might be those who protect him. In history it is those who betray and even Jesus had how many betray Him?
Remember Trump is not a God-he is a man.
My question is what if? What if Trump was given the gift he is portraying by God and He accepted it? Could I be wrong? Definitely. Christians have become so entitled and weak.
If any Christian votes for a democrat, that person is not a Christian. That has been my stance for decades—however republicans are weak too.
Or doppelganger, if I looked like him I wouldn't hesitate for a second to take a bullet for him.
What a massive DS failure. They just made Trump into folklore and legendary status for generations to come.
This. There will be a fist in the air, bloody ear photo in every history book from here on out.
Edit: and here it is
The perp won't get away... and the perp will tell all or commit suicide. Like –jEs2We9Qbw said, massive failure.
How could they miss? Or did they want to?
He's already dead...unconfirmed reports.
Yep this is where the 3 letter agencies start spinning the story.
Dead men tell no tales, ask Oswald...oh wait
Exctly what I told my wife when RSBN announced that the wannabe assassin was dead. The CIA was covering the evidence.
Right. However the reflection of that would be Alive Men tell tales. JFK albeit he is alive or dead - doesn’t matter… they made him dead to the geopolitics of that time.
This time JFK 2.0–JFK (Trump) is still alive.
Obviously the protection Trump has has been compromised. It is desperation it seems….
The only other thing that would match this would be if Trump was part of an elaborate hoax to do this. Understand I am nobody and yet I guarantee you those who oppose Trump want to spin it that way.
According to a witness interview, the shooter got his head blown off. "They blew his head off". They being Secret Service.
Sounds like he got arrested some Antifa scum
You mean deep state scum?
Glad they didn't have one here.
I think this is it guys. Can we do a GAW fast and pray for the next 40 days. We need the strength and power of Holy Spirit flowing through us and hearing our prayers..it's now or never.
I believe it is our prayers that helped Trump dodge the bullet. Devine intervention is what we witnessed today and Trump will win from this and come out stronger than ever.
I know I pray for him, his family, his people, and his security every night.
Brought tears to my eyes....
Same here!
It did to me too, very emotional, and his "FIGHT" fist pump! 😥
Yep, first thing I thought was C O W A R D S ! ! !
Same and it’s not even onions this time
I had just left Sam's Club and was driving home when I found out. I was "bigly" pissed. When I got home I gave my wife a soda I got for her and went to get the rest of the stuff from my car and she asked me what's wrong. She could read it on me. I told her to wait until I got the stuff inside and I would show her. I think she thought I wrecked the car or something.
I thought ahead Saturday morning and set my channels-dvr software to record the Trump rally (with 2 hours extra past when OAN thought it would end). Normally I would give it 1 hour - I chose 2 this time. I got to see the extra coverage OAN had thanks to that decision.
I'm still pissed.
no more retribution.... its now vengeance. the king is still standing.
You tell em’ I’m coming and Hells coming with me
Everyone will just stick with "go vote them out, there's only legal action" blah blah blah.
Vincent Fusca Front and Center recording
Big yellow cloth hanging out of his pocket made him hard to miss
If you aim for the king, you better not miss.
The DS missed. Trump just won 2024.
Deep states in deep shit, desperate faggits
Didn’t a MAGA rally attendee get shot in the head? If it’s staged then all of them are fucked; because I’m not gonna sit here and allow this kind of plan to carry out! It was an attack, period! Stop acting like these fucks wouldn’t do it. Q didn’t let us in on a secret, Q showed us what they’re willing to do…and now we see.
Exaclty...saying staged is pathetic...that' DS playbook...someone has his wires crossed
Like cornered rats at this point 🐀
This place is unfortunately infested with "its part of the plan" or "vote them out" type of idea. I hope I am wrong but if THIS doesn't make ppl do something more I dont think Americans have the spirit in them to do anything even if he dies, and by then it'd be too late because who will take office to continue trumps work?
We will. It’s part of the KNOWN tactics coming. This WILL get much worse before it gets better. Who does this incident fall on? Joe? But they need to replace him, right? Then, that means they currently have a wild card up their sleeve; Joe can be blamed for anything and it will only ruin HIM. The fight isn’t about Joe, and we should think twice about that. I hope we stop blaming a guy that allegedly can’t even stand trial and focus on the monolithic, autocracy on their last stand.
Agreed, after time to cool off, that frustration still remains but I must believe in the lord as he knows what's best
How did they miss. Either God or staged.
People can miss moving targets, especially a leftist.
Apparently Teflon is bulletproof. Staged my ass, I watched the videos you can't fake that emotion
He was about 120 yards away...how can he miss....incredibly insensitive to call this staged...
Amen. I worry that once the VP is announced at the convention, that person will be in harm's way too. Prayers will be continuous for our leaders.
Shot heard around the world -
Any datefags able to reverse engineer this one?
New GIF code for this monumental moment!
u / # Teflon Don (remove the spaces!)
Maybe I'm not following, but can you help me figure out how to download this GIF please?
The gifs on comments can't be downloaded (yet).
The gif in the post can though! Right click the image in the post title and click "save as" to download it.
OK, NOW I'm pissed. I thought I was before, but NOW I really, really am.
Ready for Civil War myself
Just remember: If the left were confident in their inevitable victory, either through cheating or just being flat out better, this wouldn't be necessary.
What I have been thinking for many years. If Trump were not a danger to ((them)), they would not be so much after him.
Just heard on RSBN the shooter is dead and another person is in a serious condition. Also, the bullets came from multiple directions so there's more than one shooter..oh my..
Pray for all who got hurt. About the shooter who was killed, isn't it convenient to shut him up? Are they paid mercenary? MS-13? CIA? Antifa? MK Ultra'd goons?
I feel that way. SS shut the shooter up. BBC had a guy on after the assassination attempt saying he told butler cops there was a guy on the roof with a rifle. He pointed where, etc and they didn't do anything. Sounds like some people were paid off to look the other way. The eye witness on BBC feed needs to make sure he tells someone he will not kill himself.
I've not heard this. Has it been confirmed there were multiple shooters?
they won't. it will always be a lone cRaZeD gunman using an AR-15 style rifle. that's what they're pressing right now
The news keep updating and changing. I just wrote that from what I heard hours ago..who knows now.. I'm at X looking for new info
Sure looks like it. Q said the scare event was necessary. If Trump is fine, then I'll take this over a possible nuclear war scare.
I've been following reports. His campaign says he is fine. Thank God.
Thank You GOD!!!
What reports are you following? The gunshots sounded like a .22lr or pellets. It looks like the bullet just graze him in the ear.
NBC (I know) and RSBN. Both say the campaign said he was okay. Looks like he got dinged on the ear.
Awfully close ding
This is so true.
That's good to hear! But it sounds like they are going off what they saw. Did Trump's campaign say anything?
Sorry - thought I said that. This was the campaign telling RSBN and NBC.
Oh ok. Yeah, I'm now reading that too. That's great news!!!
Prepare for the storm tweet
I hope he is OK. Anyone notice Vincent Fusca behind?
That’s the most gangster shit I’ve ever seen!
He made sure that there was at least one photo of him looking defiant and not scared.
To have the presence of mind to do that... I shouldn't be surprised, but it's really mind blowing.
(Upvote #45.)
On the replay on Fox News, you can clearly hear them say SHOOTER DOWN.
Hopefully that proves accurate.
Judging by the sound the first 3 shots were the shooter. The next few rounds were secret service engaging the shooter and the last round was when the shooter was down and still moving
Is this the shot heard around the world??
I can't believe their are fucking idiots saying this is staged
Guys this could have gone another way. I mean a half inch and god knows what happens
But it didn‘t and God knows why.
Now finding the dickhead who exactly shot at Trump needs a proper visit very soon.
Shooter is down.
Wish he was captured and tortured to find out which 3 letter he did it for.
Patsy probably wouldn't even know, this was obvious not a pro sniper and might have been remotely activated via MK Ultra.
Good news brother, may he burn in the lowest levels of hell forever!
Name of shooter needs to be released. I know the name will not be released until info about him is scrubbed and their info placed in there to make him a wackadoodle.
Pretty sure secret service smoked his ass
Another piece of shit in a place specially deserved for such as him.
Question, is the like button broken? I tried liking a few posts, it won't let me.
I notice it's working for some people but not me.
God bless President Trump and all who love him around the world.
Loved the girls on RSBN where I can watch the rally here in England saying 'Time to lock n' load patriots'
Edit: It's the first time ever I've used gif here. Worth it! The Don just won the election - what a brave leader! Saluting you sir from NZ. God Bless!!!
Shot him in the ear. He must have God watching over him. I think he is going to be alright. Praying for anyone injured or affected by this heinous crime. Praying for our true president and that God mends this nation.
Vincent Fusca in the background.
Great catch.
I'm mad at the secret service leadership and the military (by extension , Q team) for dropping the ball here and that's putting it lightly.
"POTUS is 100% insulated" my butt
How did they allow that shot to get soooo close?! Damn it that could have been bad. Glad he’s okay but WTF? Doesn’t seem fully insulated!
Looking forward to seeing what kind of boogeyman they come up with as the shooter. What his political affiliations might be. His motivation. Manifesto? The anti gun narrative will surely be deployed. It was an AR after all.
How will they obfuscate and explain away the narrative that will surely emerge of their dog whistles calling for violence and their dehumanizing of Trump and more than half of America. Bidens bullseye comment right after the debate? Videos of Scalise, the summer of love, Mad Maxines soliloquy. All political violence comes from the left. EVERY SINGLE BIT OF IT!
Is it true Biden was in a Church when it went down? The visual of Pacino at the baptism while his rivals are taken out snaps into my mind.
My grandkids, grandkids, grandkids will see the picture of Trump pumping his fist, blood coursing down his face, yelling FIGHT, FIGHT, FIGHT!! And thier teachers will tell them that this is the moment when humanity finally won their freedom. I really believe this is that momentous, that consequential.
Edit: Oh man this convention is gonna be off the hook.
And the contrast with the rat shitshow a short time later, telling.
yeah, gay ABC is pushing the AR-15 style rifle accurate to 200 to 300 yards without a scope. blah blah blah
Great post, Fren.
This was just before he said multiple times for the Secret Servoce to let him get his shoes in proper Boss fashion.