All Anons knew he would never make it to the election. Here's the reason for the delayed announcement of him backing out...
The new rules put in play by the Democratic party state that once the candidate is chosen by the convention and then subsequently withdraws then a small committee will step in and choose the democratic candidate without a vote. This is why (this week) they tried to select Joe via an early zoom-vote ahead of the convention so they can speed up this process due to Biden's advancing decline.
I am sure they have someone else in mind that we have not been considering. I think they will insert Valerie Jarrett and Susan Rice. One for President and one for VP.
Want to know who has been the feet on the ground making decisions for Joe Biden... here are the people in that orbit held over from Obama. All black. All female. All radical Left.
They can only use the money raised for those on the ticket. Only Kamala.
I've never known them to play by the their minds this is the least of their worries.
Gosh, I am a Latino woman, and just to look at those women make my skin crawl. Even with the make up and nice clothes, they still look like wiches. They all need an exorcim.
You ain't too far off from the truth. Hillary was literally conducing seances in the white house when Bill was president. I could easily see any of them undergoing some type of "ritual" for money and power - the idea of a Faustian bargain is as old as time itself.
When Bill was governor, Hillary would attend Satanic gatherings as a high ranking witch.
They turn into what they are - witches. Remember when the women at a party turned into witches in the movie "The Devil's Advocate"?,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/
Yup, they will use it regardless and then either throw someone under the buss when the SEC or FCC or whatever agency comes after election to go to prison. Or, pay some fine and move and move on.
They care not for rules or laws. Only when they can be used against us.
True... except, they have plenty of money elsewhere. When your entire world is about to collapse in front of you then your money will have no use after the fall... give it up now to prevent it. They can find the money.
Correct, Kamala is the only play they have left. Too much money sitting in the War chest that can't be touched without her. No way they will start from scratch milking the same donors over again.
They will just take the money.. who will stop them? The courts? Even if they do the election will be over... they don't care
The money doesn't matter. They will steal the election. Or they face justice. They don't want that.
Justice like election fraud you mean? Like the justice ruby freeman got?
If they win they don't care, if they lose they got much worse things to worry about..
Sometimes I think people have the memory of a goldfish...
Perhaps you haven't listened to Trump's speeches.
Long ago he said he does payback "in spades"
I believe him.
Perhaps you missed the point. Your assuming he wins, your assuming they wont cheat. Your assuming they will act with a crumb of a moral compass. Communists, leftists ALL universally abide by the ends justify the means...
if they get the money and win, they are good, if they get the money and lose, it's just another in a long list of offenses...
I am assuming President Trump wins. I also assume they will cheat. From tonight speech forward it will be all about bringing the nation together. By the time election day gets here his support will be historic. They will not be able to cheat enough to overcome that. My concern is they will start a war or an attack on an American city and attempt to cancel the election.
They will try.
Trump insists repeatedly and with great force that they will fail.
What choice do we have but to trust him and hope for the best while preparing for the worst?
I'm all in with Trump.
If he says its time to march, its time to march.
But he said its time to fight.
Before he said it was time to gather peacefully.
He is my President.
Yeah, the courts would stop it. It is such an obvious crime, and pretty much impossible to cover up. It would shine yet another giant spotlight on D's being a bunch of criminals, in contrast to their lawfare war against all of their opponents.
Stealing that money from Kumala's campaign for some other candidate is not a viable option for them.
Could they "convince" Kamala to "donate" it to the new candidate?
Perhaps that's the reason for the attempted hit on DJT - to convince Kamala she can be gotten to if she doesn't play ball.
No. These are campaign contributions to a specific candidate (in this case the Biden/Harris ticket). These donations are tightly regulated, and cannot be transferred. They can only be refunded to the original donors.
in 2016 DNC gave all the Bernie money to Hillary
Slap yourself in the face a few more times, moron. You deliberately clipped off the last sentence of the quote "and pretty much impossible to cover up". That is the important part.
Ha ha no. Hate to be the one to disturb your sweet summer slumber, but what you might think is "pretty much" impossible to cover up may very well be covered up by people who cover shit up as a profession. Wake the hell up.
Username checks out
Do you really think they're making the decision based on $240 million in campaign donations, most of which would probably be re-donated to whatever piece of shit Democrat they do decide to run?
Its taxpayers laundered money. Sure there's more where that came from.
Joe would need to release it and then it would be theirs.
The MSM will be their campaign videos and talk non-stop about how awesome whoever they pick is.
All witches.
I'm thinking "Susan Rice" might be Homobama's ol' butt buddy:
"Her" nose was much bigger in older photos.
Did anyone ever research who the other guy might be?
I believe he was identified as Sohale Siddiqi .
GWA Folks found more info on him here.
More here
Do watch this 30 sec. clip. Very relevant:
Love how she’s shaking her head “no” at him, like he’s a child, trying to signal him to STFU.
Good ol kammy.
How does the President now "having covid" fit in with this?
Not sure. My guess, just to keep him off the air because every time he opens his mouth he only makes things worse. Put him in the basement until they decide exactly how to pull this off.
His frail state being elderly it might unalive him 🤷🏻♀️
In my opinion we cannot factually conclude that. They could all just as easily be all arabic/persian, and non-binary, with a bit of plastic surgery. But we can conclude that they are indeed radical left extremists.
Uhhh... fly in the ointment.
What if that is NOT Joe Biden, but a "white hat" controlled set of actors playing the part? In that case, what the Democrats want "Biden" to do is irrelevant.
The other angle is, they finally realized "Biden" is a white hat actor and not really their guy so now they're scrambling to find a way to replace him with someone that is their guy
Took 'em that long, huh?
Prophets that I follow say just that.
Wondering the same, lol....but if they try to take the actor Joe out can't another one just step in? Deepstate nightmare. 🐸
There are at least four states that will complicate this. They don't allow just switching candidates freely.
Do you think any State won't just do what Ohio did to pass whatever they need to pass to ensure the Democrats are on the ballot?
I like Wisconsin's rule the best - the only valid reason they allow for switching candidates is death. Period.
Get ready for the big lavish state funeral to distract focus from Trump's landslide campaign.
That can be arranged. Covid is a very serious disease that has killed millions (/s). It can easily kill one more.
Michelle?! Or is that too risky given her gender status?
I think Michelle was a decoy... and yea, I think if she ran the white hats would expose her privates.
This exactly. This is what I keep trying to tell people. Made a post detailing exactly this with the sauce from the DNC themselves.
Edit: I’d also like to point out that the Q drop also states “Covid-19 concern” and Biden just announced he has Covid.
They have to have another reason to replace ChinaJoe other than mental. Otherwise his decisions are suspect. He will say, his last bout with covid took too much out of him.
I've been calling Hillary for awhile now. I think via the plan it has to demoralize the Dem base and she's a perfect candidate for it. Insane Ego, lost already, no one likes her. Then it lines up with Q's Oct 31 arrested post, right before the Election.
If Q1 ever came true I would fall over in a swoon
You would think at this point it would have to. I know Trump needs to be distanced from it, but I believe we'll get lots of Q posts in succession once the Storm hits to be like "Welp, he told us this here." and show normies.
I could have sworn I heard a report a few days ago that it's already too late to add anyone new to the ballot in like 12 states, unless a nominee dies; that even if Joe stepped down it wouldn't matter, as the new person couldn't be added to the ballot in those states unless he died first.
Anybody else here this and is there any truth to it?
Yes many of the deadlines were back in Fall ‘23 and the remaining deadlines hit by March ‘24, so whoever they replace Joe with, technically, will have had to be on that list of registrants. Can’t add anyone new.
Why isn’t this bigger news?
Ikr. The news is out there but even in here, understandably, people are stuck on “they’ll break the rules anyway.” Which they might.
Don’t forget that the President must be at least 35 years of age.
My opinion: The Military will take over . Each ballot will have a name and ID attached to it. Special Forces, Miltitia will oversee ballot counting (including mail in Ballotts).
When the Marxist Dems learned of this there will be riots. Martial Law will be invoked in certain areas. Mass arrests os ANTIFA, BLM, Illgal Immigrants, and people paid to riot by Soros.
Well yea, I have felt that was the case too... but if they get desperate: Cyber attack brings all utilities down, UFO aliens show up over D.C., and a nuke explodes in Atlanta and Dallas. <-this would stop it. We are dealing with insane people.
And 2nd yea, I am sure we have plans to counter all of these but, even so, they could create enough chaos to delay the election if timed right.
We can agree, it is going to get interesting.
Clearly they are planning to cheat. If your theory were correct, any of those women would lose in an epic landslide to Trump. But, they plan to cheat this time even more than last time, and them installing an unelectable radical leftie (male or female, any color skin), is just them throwing it in our face again. They will explain the win as “that’s how much the population hates Trump”, so normies won’t question 81mm for candidate x vs 74mm for DJT.
Who is on the committee that will decide the next candidate?
Most likely but I wonder which members specifically?
This is probably held close to the vest to prevent the rest of the Democrat voters from flipping to Trump.
Satan alone. Everyone else is just mortal stooges.
Agreed, though the mortal stooges often leave electronic & paper trails to follow.
In a tweet in 2020 Mcafee said that they would find a way to replace him and we would never believe who they chose. He said Russias first time traveler brought that news back. Take it for what you will but the dude seemed to know allot.
Well those two are the c.nts running the show on site, while obama is offsite.
Is that what they'll run on.
Hey we are the wizzards behind the curtain anyway, so why not give us the job officially.
All these disparate events and happenings are, indeed... illuminating two (very large) silos everyone can see. Each one is too large to ignore. Finally, the American people (the world) are paying attention. Our collective assessment skills are very sharp. I suppose we should thank you'all for making things so obvious that an everyday guy can understand it. Yea, so thanks for that. But... we don't like what we are seeing... pal! Most everybody is watching. We are the employer and funders of your operations. Some accountability is appropriate and required. Shall we talk? Like right now? Please have a seat,
“Advancing decline”. Gotta love it… 😸
Stretchin Gretchen & Gruesome Newsom will so sad 😂
One thing I do find irritating about those types of biracial, or probably most times multiracial, individuals is that hell of a lot of them, at least as long as they don't look completely white, seem hell-bent on denying all the other parts of their heritage but the black one. And most of those descendants of slaves you have in America are more or less mixed, and considering the time since those days, a lot of that white part of their DNA is not only from white men raping black women back in those days, it's from voluntary intermixing, even if some of that happened before the couples could get legally married. And those marriages seem to have been always legal in some states, and it has now been decades during which those couplings have been quite legal everywhere. Plus they weren't always illegal in those parts of your country where they became so at some point in time, seems that in the very early days of the colonies they did happen too. And Chinese and American Indians married whites, and their descendants, already mixed, were somewhat more likely to marry other mixed...
Most of those women on that list probably are fully multiracial with more or less large part of that being white, but they want to deny that fact, and so doing deny both those of their ancestors who maybe loved some white person, and their white ancestors who had the guts to choose somebody not of their own race when that was still something they could be made to suffer for.
Interesting side note
The origin of the "white Honky": After the freeing of the slaves the rich land owners gave up their slaves but they didn't want to give up their black whores. They would drive through the black communities and blow their horns for their black mistresses to come get in the car. The black men (still afraid) referred to them as white honkies. So yea, lots of mix children from that era.
It’s going to be the astronaut. Mark Kelly from AZ. I guarantee it.
Q drop 4014. Change of batter coming?
LOL.... yea but not a switch hitter!
I thought they were speeding up the process because Ohio (or another state?) has a deadline for him to be on the ballot that would have passed by the time of their convention in August?
Kumala will be the replacement - maybe Jarrett or Rice will be the VP.
They may have been formulating policy (like school loan re-payment, open border, LGBT... and some others), with help from Barack, but I don't think "Dr. Jill" would let them CONTROL her husband. Obama, maybe, but not all those women, Jill would have spoken up if it were. .
They easily played Jill's ego... plus, she had her hands full already. Jill just told Joe what she was being told. She didn't come up with ploicy and we know Joe didn't... so who is left? Obama? or Obama loyalist?
Well, you are right, someone is making moves through Joe. I hope, pray, and believe we will find out who it is.
This is their plan. Susan Rice fit's the bill. I'll sign on to that. A couple month's back, I think Loomer brought this to light. Had this as my #1 since. Not that it would be Rice that would be inserted, rather that they'd use this avenue to replace the puppet. Clean and easy for the happy cheaters at the DNC. Safe and effective. kek
Who trusts the MSM outside the programmed? They lose that and it’s too big to rig. This revolution isn’t ours, it’s theirs What happens when they wake up? How can the left & media paint the narrative if NOBODY is listening?
This will destroy the media
Not to spoil the speculations, but Biden's recent announcement that "I'm sick" may be the exit via purported medical reasons (in line with his famous quip that he would make up some disease in order to leave office). It strains credulity that a person supposedly vaccinated to the gills and otherwise subject to a rigid personal exposure regime would somehow contract Covid. (According to their lights, as we all know the vaccinations are stage props.)
If they picked Joe and Kamala and Joe steps down how to they dump Kamala?
Kamala is a weed that blows with the strongest wind. She would step aside with one single threat. Wind up at Harvard teaching black culture.
Well, all black or iranian (jarrett, who btw ran Obozo for 8 years).
But "Biden" is the first non binary black Residence of the Ignited States
It has been posted on GA already that there are key states that will not allow this, it is too late to switch Biden out for anyone if he backs out. The only exception to the rule is death. I believe they are arranging this. I believe they let Biden debate without his booster drug cocktail, and they let him falter on purpose. I believe the media is finally calling out his decline not just because they need to have him replaced... but because they need to show him going downhill quickly so his "untimely demise" is believable to the general public. Now he has covid. Very interesting unfolding.
I definitely agree that he will die... or disappear. My guess is he goes into the bunker and lives with Jefffery Epstein and never heard from again. Or, they kill him. Or he is already dead and the maskman disappears. But yea, however they do it... he will have appeared to have died. Shall we donate for a memorial statue of him and George Floyd together
It could still be hillary "shes the only one who could put a campaign together so quickly and we have to save democracy blah blah."
I seriously don't think it matters. I can't imagine America applauding their agendas. Gig is up.
No but it would be poetic justice and bring the q drops together
LOL... get ready for the "Great Re-Flop"