I think that we will be very surprised when and if we ever find out. I wouldn't be surprised if it is someone quite famous. Any guesses? My gut feeling is that it is someone who is supposed to be "dead":
JFK jr Tom Clancy (My No 1 choice) John McAfee
Any thoughts?
My thought is that it is AI attached to Project Looking Glass.
In other words, a super-computer. Or, at least that's what created the content and clues, and then maybe a person put it out there.
As I read through the drops when I started in Nov. 2017, a few weeks after Q started posting, I detected at least two, possibly three, different writing styles, or "voices" if you will. For many years I was a technical editor / technical writer, and I am sensitive to such things as voice and subtle differences in style.
Also, knowing that Q is not a person, but rather a team of fewer than 10 people, a few of which are military intelligence, I believe that the drops were handled by two, possibly three, different people on the Q team.
Could AI have made some of the posts? Anything is possible, but I'm pretty sure that at least one of the Q posters is human.
I do hope we find out in the future.
You are correct. There’s one Q, but multiple posters to help hide Q’s identity. Q is very powerful.
No? Care to explain this?
He's a traveler of both time and space !
KEK! Well, since you bring up THE Q, then Revodude's comment is correct.
I believe Trump and Scavino are a couple of posters
I am in aggreance with detecting multiple voices.
No credentials for me save for a passion for literature, and alrhough decidedly against majoring in English in my youth-- there was a time when studying fiercely the many wonderful western canonical works while also disecting poetry and religion and history all the same a great writer was what I had aspired to become.
of course we all have a dream deffered
I noticed the same. There are different writing styles among the Q drops - almost certainly different people.
Some posts had ALL CAPS and posted in a very direct way, we knew it wasn’t the regular Q.
It wasn't only fonts and caps, it was a different tone of writing, very distinguishable from other posts.
I have seen 0 verifiable evidence for looking glass. Untill I see it, I'm going to assume it's part of the mass psyop war and I cannot assume it's real or fake and just essentially put it on the backburner.
u/#q3585 u/#q3555
Going forward to look back is a process I came up with in the’90s. You jump out far enough into the future where the current legacy items and near future initiatives will not be a decision factor.
Then you create the vision. More complicated than it sounds. Once you do that, then you work backwards to determine the steps to get there.
The ability to look into the future only gets you so far because it is merely a ripple forward of today with some random deviations.
I like it u/Revodude
Username checks out ;)
I was randomly researching glass companies, as the shooter was on top of American Glass Research, and came across this site from Corning glass
Their quote on the page "Moving forward by looking back" stuck out to me.
Excellent find! u/gloriatimbers
Is that verifiable evidence?
It's what's called a circular reference.. so no
I see...
How many hours of research have you spent on it?
It was very clear to (real) anons that Q (team) is utilizing both time travel and a time-viewing device called project looking glass. A guy came out ~12 years ago talking about working on Project Looking Glass in the 90s. Said the cabal was afraid because they kept seeing something in the future "they could not stop, (ncwsic kitty?) no matter how hard they tried to steer the outcome."
The interviewer asked 'what future did 'they' want to prevent?'
He replied:
"Some.. sort of Great Awakening." 👀
Google the "Everett Wheeler model." An infinite number of realities exist
You could not have done any meaningful research without coming across a very clear explanation of the Everett Wheeler model RE an infinite number of realities Exist simultaneously.
Can't stop God's will.
Name checks out.
I don't know what Looking Glass is, only what it has been speculated to do but I do know what Quantum Computing can do according the man over D-Wave. QC is able to reach into other dimensions to get information. Since scientist have proven we live in as many as 10 or 11 dimension universe and we can only access 3 and 1/2 dimensions, who knows what lives or what information is in those other dimensions? We know the military is always many years ahead of any tech that is public, Looking Glass could be a super QC. My 2 cents!
That's fine. I will keep an open mind but I'm not going to base anything off it, that's a slippery slope.
Yeah. Too many slippery slopes this week for sure. Keke
Secret service agrees.
N = 10
I am with you 100%. Is it possible? Sure, maybe. But according to all the hubbubb, it didnt work after 2012 so its kindof a moot point
I thought I heard in an interview, not that it didn't work, but rather, no matter how much they changed the input, they kept getting the same result. "Nothing can stop what is coming"
Yea, after 2012, all the "timelines" were the same
He said "After 2012, all the timelines CONVERGE."
Where we go ONE we go ALL.
We are all Time travelers through our own consciousness and everyone has their own infinite universe. [Everett Wheeler model]
You ever hear of the Philadelphia experiment? It's definitely probable that our government have some type of time travel capabilities
You may be right but you truly don’t know. To completely deny the possibility is very limiting. Let your mind be more open to the unknown. Q has eluded to time travel so keep it in the back of your mind as a minute possibility.
Pfft. You'll never create the Flux Capacitor with that attitude!
Maybe Tesla time travel?? ...as part of the Q 'team'??
Hmmm, Time Travel. In That case, JFK.
That is my leading candidate on the odds board
That would be cool, but scary as well.
I agree with you on this. When I listen to Woodward video I still get chills...
It's Melania 😁
Her birthplace is about a two hour drive from Nicola Teslas' birthplace.
Romanov One post was signed R.
Well based on what Q said in that post, it’s not a matter of if. Q says wait until you find out, meaning that we will at some point. Actually believing now that the game is over and we have already won, gives me a peace that it doesn’t matter to me the who’s, why’s, how’s, and when’s of everything. Because if I believe that we have already won, which I do, that is the only important thing to me. Sure finding out some of those along the way and making predictions of them can be fun. But I also keep in the back of my head that there will probably be a lot of things that will never be revealed to us for various reasons. Which for some things, is hard to stomach. Though it’s gotten easier as this movie has played out.
I'd like it to be revealed to exonerate us from being the dreaded "conspiracy theorists."
There is nothing wrong with being a conspiracy theorist. All it means is that we are trying to figure things out. They try to make it a derisive term, but that makes no sense. It only works for them because people believe what they say, even if it's nonsense.
Bwn250- I feel the same about believing we won so I'm at peace. I WOULD like more confirmation though, that the guilty are punished appropriately as life has been he'll these last several years
I'd say Elon Musk might be a possibility.
JFK jr is dead Q told you that and Mcafee would not have the clearance to get a library card let alone Q clearance.
Agreed. As much as we all love a mad lad, McAfee is wayyy too much of a wild card building Walter White style meth labs in his back yard and paying prostitutes to sit in a hammock and poop on his chest.
Lmao exactly.. He likes to party just a little too much to be part of what might be the most important operation in our nation’s history.
John McAfee is my guess - The drop about "we have it all" meaning ALL of the DS corruption. I hope the big reveal is coming soon. I also wonder if this may trigger the civil war.
This makes sense, considering his business' fingers are in everybody's pies. Not saying it's him, just agreeing he's in the top 3 probables list.
I don't think they ever got his body back..
I posted this a couple years ago and wouldn't be surprised if it is being utilized. What if this tool is being used and it is someone from the past who came to the future?
Biblical 10 posts.
Prophet — Biblical definition. One of which is a person or foretells what is to come.
Matthew 10:41 is interesting
Matthew 7:7-8 is interesting.
If a man who is seeing the world or the USA being destroyed from people who use children as sex slaves all the way to the White House and this person is accepted by others and they all ask God for this to stop—what would that look like?
Then to end with 1 Corinthians 2:14
The MSM will call it all foolish— a conspiracy theory while many asleep people will struggle with confusion.
Conspiracies are real. Two or more people who conspire to commit an illegal act.
Gotcha! No disrespect to you, just saying.
I think Q is a group, not an individual however, we can speculate all we want, and that is not a bad thing to be doing, I mean, that is part of what Anons do right, gather information from a ton of perspectives then, put the pieces together. heh. Just, like most things, unless you do have solid proof, best not to state things as fact when, it is just speculation. Maybe? hhhrmmrmmrmm.
Imagine if it's Nikola Tesla himself brought forward in time. At this point, who knows who it could be
That would be an absolute fun theory to entertain
What if its one of the deep state players that has been playing the other side all along.
How in the world are people still obsessing over this early Q post? It's not a mystery. The answer is Trump, it's Trump. Until then we had no reason to think he was on the forum posting but then we got pics of his watch and even some subtle selfies. That's it. Stop saying it's JFK, or Tom Clancy, or AI or Jesus himself. It makes us look stupid as fuck. Some of y'all seriously lack reading comprehension if you can't understand basic shit that Q is trying to convey, holy shit people.
Trump is Q+ though. But I agree with you and share your irritation. Trump definitely did post as Q, but not most of the time. It’s definitely military.
Again, people in this community have a tendency to misquote and waste their time in dead end conspiracy crap. The OP even wrote the post wrong. Q never said, "Wait until you find out who's been writing every Q post" like so many morons think. Q wrote, "Wait until you FIND OUT who's been talking to you here" I bolded "find out" because we DID find out. I was there from day one following the early Q posts. We always thought it was some insider who maybe worked at the White House but none of us had any reason to think Trump was also talking to us. When it turned out Trump himself, the most powerful man in the world and the VERY person the entire Q operation revolves around, was posting himself (whether it was ONCE or more times, is irrelevant), that led so much credence to the Q operation. Timing tweet deltas is one thing, but when you start posting selfies of Trump himself and pictures that were clearly taken in the oval office, that is HUGE. When anons witnessed that, we were 100% believers. We already found out "who's been talking to you here" so I get extremely annoyed when I see so many idiots posting "Is Barron Trump Q? Is Jesus Christ Q? Is John McAfee Q? Is Q a super computer?" Q isn't a single person. It isn't supposed to be some crazy twist... It's a group of ten or less and the point is the POTUS himself was directly talking to us in some of the posts PROVING that it wasn't a LARP.
The fact anons keep focusing on stuff like this makes me think there are glowies infiltrating this movement to derail it with distractions or make us look stupid or crazy.
Simmer down handshake.
Whatever you say, faggot
bro calm down, it’s obviously George Washington himself! smh…
It sure would be biblical if it was John the Revelator. Think about it. He was to tarry until the Lord comes again in his glory to testify before nations and bring souls to Christ. Kinda like Q is doing
i did not know there were theories he is still alive
Do a deep dive on Vincent Fusca.
Any places to start digging?
Ehh... there's an epic video with dozens of comparisons between Vincent Fusca and the woman he's always with at nearly every Trump rally and JFK Junior and his wife.
Some of them are very high quality and show the teeth. Not only the teeth but just the whole package it's basically undeniable.
But alas Rumbles search is so bad it's likely purposeful. I haven't been able to find it
No problem. I've seen some theories on X that Vincent Fusca is a time traveler or something. I enjoy topics on time travel, multiple timelines, infinite universes, etc. Please don't hesitate to post stuff that people aren't quite ready for.
Agreed! There are some folks on here that flip out at any sort of unconventional theory. But that is why we are here. To not accept the obvious and dig deeper to find the truth that is hidden.
John 21:20-23
There's multiple voices in the drops. One of them is clearly President Trump of course (Q+) and I suspect that's who Q was referring to when they made that statement.
I doubt it's Clancy or JFK Jr., primarily due to them both being dead.
McAfee, even if he is alive (which I won't rule out), would make little sense. He's an anarchist and hedonist. All known data on the man points to him never wanting to be part of a military intelligence operation. He was a man who deeply valued individual liberty, but I never sensed he had any great love of country.
Time travelers went to the future and came back with the info. The information was given to the white hats.
More than likely Elvis. Insert eye roll here
I think he was talking about Trump.
lejohn brames
That was the introduction to Q+
I personally think it's Barron Trump.
Q is likely military related because of all the military lingos they use, I doubt its Barron or anyone in the Trump family.
Its a mix of military and civilian. Already confirmed via drops. You don't have to be military to use the lingo, it's not hard to learn. If you don't know about Barron, do some research. The kid is a genius. Rumored to be autistic, which is why he's almost always with his mom. Rarely leaves her side. But hey, just my opinion.
It’s Dave from x22 y’all. All of your posts about how corny he is have been duly noted by the Q team and will be thrown back in your faces when the time comes.😂
the common material between Matthew and Luke is known as the Q-Source-AKA Sayings Gospel of Jesus. (read it, it explains a lot!)
Q stands for Quelle, which means 'Source' in German.
George Washington referred to God as 'Providence'...
General Flynn quoted an Elizabeth Clare Prophet prayer. she refers to God as a 'great central sun'...
so I think God is behind all of this. God is the omniscient, omnibenevolent 'Source' of light. and anyone who understand Q is one of the 'children of the light'.
remember Q posted the lantern picture.
and Q posted this song;
'open up your mind' and listen to what it is telling us...😇
yes that's what many people say. which is odd, because it is simply the words of Jesus🤔 I've read it quite a few times, and to me it seems like a code/to identify the important words of Jesus without directly telling us to read it.
but perhaps I'm wrong...will consider your reply next time I read it.
yes, it's simple to read.
just get your Bible & read the common material between Matthew and Luke, that's all it is. not sure why people are bothered by the idea...
and they wouldn't have needed an 'original written source'
that defeats the purpose...it was 'inspired' and the Q source proves that more than one received the message...it's like a code.
and for those who don't recognize the commonalities, there are plenty of sites that have the list of the verses. the International Q Project has been analyzing the material for a long time.
yeah I'm not sure why SO many people want to 'debunk' the Q-Source...
especially on a Q board??
how many 'coincidences'...remember.
also the Jefferson Bible has similar content to the Q-Source and JFK was a fan of Jefferson.
AND if you've read the Q-drops...JFK is a HUGE part of Q's plan.
so yes, you can explain this to me a hundred times on WHY I'm 'wrong', but that is not what my reply was about...
the question was; who do we think Q is?
AND I think that Q is God/Jesus/Source
so the FACT that there is a 'HYPOTHETICAL' book ABOUT JESUS & NAMED Q, is the perfect sign/symbol for me.
Having read all the responses in this dialogue, what IF the person is actually Jesus that is Q? There are great ideas on who it could be and respectable arguments to back their respective notions... but Q insight is nothing like any of us have ever experienced? Now I'm not a hyper-religious churchy type, but I do have faith in a supreme diety, not on man's interpretations of how to live... as good as the nominations of who is talking, this has a flavor of super natural powers as I see it. In the end, does it matter if we destroy the evil that has controlled our existence and we are free to live? NCSWIC WWG1WGA
Again, this is just my opinion.
Drop 918 You are learning. How many coincidences before it becomes mathematically impossible? WAIT until you learn who has been talking to you here. Q
Elon or Alex Jones
The female voice could be Melania, but it might be Ivanka.
I have my suspitions,but I would dox them here.
I see know point in giving the deep state any ideas.
I think Scavino is Q.
Barron Trump is Marty McFly.
Elon Musk and Jonathan and Christopher Nolan. They all came from nowhere and are both heavily involved with narrative warfare (distinct from psychological warfare). They had the same start date (circa 1998), are friends and collaborators. The narratives of the Nolan brothers line up with the Q plan.
Nolan has told various stories about
Plot boomerangs,
government corruption,
sex trafficking,
double meanings,
covert messages,
double agents,
failed assassination attempts,
failed bomb diffusion attempts,
game theory,
Long cons
simulation and data analytics,
Total Information Awareness
currency manipulation,
political outliers being used for their networking potential,
poker tells,
duper’s delight,
psychological manipulation,
narrative engineering,
overly specific foreshadowing,
friendly warnings,
Loops and behavior modification,
Mules and Apps that facilitate and monetize crime,
AI control, AI targeting, social credit, predestination,
Nonlinear thinking
Visual thinking
Associative communication
Emotional timelines
Narrative timelines
Just curious, why Jonathan Nolan and not Christopher Nolan? I think even Jonathan would admit his brother is more of the auteur and out of the box thinker. Jonathan puts out more straight forward episodic stuff like Westworld and The Peripheral.
I’ll edit my original post to include Christopher because Tenet is amazing and that was 100% credited to Christopher. But don’t underestimate Jonathan. Plus half the Christopher Nolan movies were jointly scripted.
I feel like Christopher is producing movies explaining why Q is needed and what needs to be done. See Tenet.
Conversely, Jonathan is likewise showing how bad things are, why autists are needed, but Westworld show is about how things would have turned out without Q. Westworld is the darkest timeline. Westworld takes place circa 2070 in a timeline where AI takes over social media, nuclear war happens, and the human race is enslaved, and autists and anons are annihilated.