... and I told him, no. Then, he asked me if I was planning on getting it, and I said, no. To my way of thinking, this should have been the end of the conversation, but it wasn't. He then asks me what was stopping me from getting the vaccine. So, I started out easy with him and said, "Well, legally, this isn't even a vaccine." He agreed and went into the mRNA explanation. A little nervous laughter punctuated what he was saying. Then I mentioned how this was only given experimental approval from the FDA and not full approval. More nervous laughter and more agreement. I thought this would end the conversation, but he kept pressing me, which was beginning to annoy me. I assured him I had done my research and I didn't like what I had discovered. He wanted to know even more, so I dropped the MOAB on him. I told him I knew all about the NIH and Fauci working on gain of function research and then sending the experiment overseas to the Wuhan lab...and that I was aware of all of this LAST YEAR. Now, I got some very nervous laughter from the doctor.
And, just like that.....BOOM!....he immediately changed the subject.
Doctors have lost a lot of credibility this year. Guess we gave them too much to begin with.
Came here to say the same. If you need a physician, find a Naturopath immediately. I live in a 'Mayberry' size town and our Doc prescribes HCQ & Ivermectin. Ivermectin is his preference now as a preventive.
Time to put the big pharma Doc's out of business!
Yup I did the same. My naturopath is way more open to listening to me whereas doctors I've been to tend to dismiss my opinions and any research I've done. Doctors tend to dictate which is why I prefer naturopaths or integrative medicine doctors. Also I agree about doctors only discussing one health issue at a time and they don't look at the whole body. They like to see every thing as separate and don't think that one area of the body may affect another, as if we are all separate body parts not a whole functioning human being.
Spell it right if you want to be taken seriously.
Western medicine doctors are overrated. Except for surgeons, all doctors are basically worthless. Recently my wife was depressed and her primary doctor prescribed her Zoloft. Well the pharmacy fucked up and put double the dose on the instructions he prescribed. My wife takes a pill and has a nearly out of body experience and swears to never take that shit again. This angers her doctor that blamed her for taking too much and says that Zoloft has helped many people. Then she said she would rather turn to prayer and God instead which befuddled him further. Turns out her turning to God sparked a spiritual revival in her and now she is happier than I have seen her in a long time. Some kind of post-partum thing I’m guessing and God was the cure, not big Pharma. Imagine that.
Too expensive! I had two of my children seen and it was $600 out of pocket. I wasn't able to afford testing or to have myself or husband checked out. I'd love to do this but we just can't afford it being disabled veterans on a fixed income. I am so happy the option exists for others, though. If we could afford it, that is the route we'd go.
Yeah it was rough. He basically told us the children look fine and give them probiotics and feed them a vegan diet.
Oh and he offered to circumcise my 4 year old boy.
Thanks but no.
Quit going to kike doctors.
Right? Seems to be the only kind I can ever find. I tried asking around for a Catholic doctor to no avail.
If only holistic healing was subsidized like the pharmaceutical cartel is
My younger sister is big into supplements and follows several people like Mike Adams and Health Ranger. I admit I've added more supplements after talking with her, but I'm not deep into like she is.
Actually I heard Mike Adams and the Health Ranger had a really bad falling out. They can't stand each other. lol
Um..that's one and the same person. ;-)
LOL Good to know!
The fact you are learning and trying new things is a great step in the right direction!
Me too!
I kinda lost my faith in doctors over the last few years. I saw an allergist for years and got the shots, and I still have allergies. I saw other specialists and no one has cured me of my problems... just throwing thousands of dollars at drs and I am still left with all the problems as before I lost that money... Sure they can help put a cast on a broken leg, or suture up a wound, but internal medicine is still voodoo it seems, and they dont really have a clue. They will throw pills after pills at problems, but that just makes BigPharm rich as hell, and never solves the issues...
Not voodoo just do the opposite. Eat red meat, get sunshine, drink milk, take vitamin C, eat healthily, exercise. All of this goes against the medical advice we have now.
Eat fat for 70% of your calories, protein 30%. No carbs needed for life. Bacon, salt, MSG, all perfectly fine, except if you already have HBP the salt is a bad idea.
The food pyramid is garbage
Where else have I seen a pyramid before ...
Wow. Good point!
Use moderation. Carbohydrates are used in the pyruvic acid cycle, which allows you to assimilate the nutrients you eat. Without it, your body can try to break down its own muscle and fat for nutrition but the metabolic byproducts acidify your blood which shuts down respiration and you suffocate. That's the problem diabetics have when their bodies can't process sugar.
No need to go over the top. Never heard of anyone suffocating from doing Atkins.
There are essential fatty acids
There are essential amino acids
There are no essential carbohydrates
The amount of dietary carbohydrate necessary for healthy human metabolism is essentially zero. The body adeptly makes all the glucose the brain requires out of protein and fat. The suggestion that these must come from the person's own body tissue instead of from food appears to be without foundation in fact.
That said, I agree moderation is great in most, not all, things. I just don't have any scientific reason to recommend any patient eat some amount of carbohydrates. They will anyway, naturally; but no amount is too small. Sat fat FTW!
Just like I'm always the only guy with no mask on since I've never bought one.
Science background is carved deep. I didn't suffer through it for nothing: Bullshit just floats to the surface for easy skimming.
Saturated animal fat is extremely healthy for humans. That, and protein.
I get criticized for saying that. But criticism rolls off my rock-hard rippling abs I never had before I watched Carb Loaded: A Culture Dying to Eat and woke up. I recommend that 1-hr video to anyone serious about getting off the rollercoaster and losing the spare tire. PERMANENTLY. Exercise is great too, but it's about the food intake. Did I mention bacon?? :)
Don't you just LOVE never, ever being hungry? I sure do, it's my favorite part of the program. When I was on pasta and bread, I had to eat three portions just to not get hungry again three hours later.
Agree with most of what you said, except the MSG part. It's poison.
Fun fact: MSG is naturally-occurring in many common foods.
Yes, but there is a difference in what is naturally occurring and extracted or synthesized equivalents.
It was originally extracted to make rotting food taste edible.
That said, as with most harmful stuff, in small quantities is not really an issue.
Actually, a chemical is a chemical, whether naturally-occurring or man-made. If you know the chemical formula as it occurs in nature, you can faithfully reproduce it. The real difference is, like you say, how much of it you ingest.
Nonsense. Perfectly harmless, naturally occurring, tasty. We've been brainwashed. Do what I did, search it and read up on it
Yes, "umami" is naturally occurring. The MSG created by Japan back in the 1960s was possibly OK. The stuff they add to food now is poison. If I have some my face goes numb, mostly my nose & mouth area. Then a few hours later I get a monster headache. I researched it years ago. Not brainwashed.
I get very very ill on MSG! I hate the stuff.
I can not have msg. Poison for.me.
If you have HBP just need more potassium in your diet that usually is enough.
And make sure to buy the salt WITH added iodine in it- read the label. Most salt doesn't contain iodine these days, and the body needs it. It's hard to get into a diet without iodized salt.
Is pasteurized milk really that good for you?
Not really, no. Pasteurized essentially neutralizes all the positive things in milk that are good for you and adding other things to increase shelf-life that arent so good for you.
This is one of the main reasons they outlawed buying farm milk: they KNOW how beneficial it really is. Can't have Humans doing that now, can we?
Here's a quick read of many you can find on the subject: https://explore.globalhealing.com/raw-milk-vs-pasteurized-milk/
Exactly. As someone who is lactose intolerant, I can drink Raw milk just fine which is interesting. Pasteurizing it kills it in a way. You can try to find semi local farms that sell raw dairy.
Yup I had IBS and milk intolerance now I drink 5 gallons of raw milk per week
I don’t drink milk at all, but I consume Greek yogurt, whole fat, plain. I saw the Greeks do it when I was younger and it’s lactose intolerant safe. They rock like salad bars of honey, berries, nuts, granola. I typically do it with honey or real maple and some blackberries.
Anyways plain Greek yogurt is like a fucking bananas good milk/cream/sour cream substitute for cooking. Throw a tablespoon or two into some pasta, throw a dollop in a bowl of chilli.
It’s probiotics, insane protein, good fat, and it’s damn good to cook with.
Just some thoughts from someone who’s not only leftist intolerant but lactose intolerant too.
The only sweetener I put on Greek yoghurt is cinnamon. Be careful to avoid the 'Greek style' yoghurt, which is "low fat" (high in carbs).
I agree with that, I was just on the fence about pasteurized milk
Which is fucked up and insane. What you listed is the simplest and most effective way of being healthy.
This is great advice. All the blue zones in the world have similar habits. They also drink red wine and also socialize a lot too.
Conventional medicine says red wine is bad but that isn't true when they studied the blue zones of Italy and Greece.
Of course diet and fitness are important but those blue zones consume red wine daily and it doesn't impact their health.
I would take it a step further and say olive oil is probably worse for your health than red wine. And even so olive oil is a staple for Italians and Greeks.
Olive oil consumed in large quantities possibly can be harmful as it does linger in your system and it can impact cardiovascular health. But as others have said there are other factors too like the rest of the diet. sleep and exercise.
Like I said in another post a lot of 100 century mark Italians and Greeks live that long consuming olive oil so it isn't that harmful. But it is still important to know the benefits and risks.
It’s not the wine bud. It’s diet, lifestyle, exercise, and culture despite the wine. Enjoy your vino it’s good on occasion to me too but it’s not healthy and you’re kidding yourself if wine is the secret to the longer lifespans.
They studied these blue zones and the benefits of red wine outweigh the risks.
Depending on your allergies you might have better luck with herbal medicine. I am not that well versed in herbs, but even basic things like quercetin, stinging nettle, and ginger are strong anti histamines.
I was going to suggest quercetine as well. I have bad general allergies... and it seems to help. Plus the other benefit of making my zinc supplement more effective.
I have not seen much improvements in my allergies with Quercetin, I've still needed to take my regular antihistamine but I have noticed that so far I've had no days that I had to double my antihistamine dosage just to be functional. As for the zinc ionophore that does help and when I recently had a cold I added an evening dose of NAC + zinc + Vit C to go with my morning dose of Quercetin + Zinc + Vit C and my cold symptoms were gone after two days.
Look into DAO and bovine kidney.
Thanks for the info I didn't know ginger was a natural anti histamine. That is great for when your body has a physical allergic reaction. Sure beats taking anti histamine medication.
I really think a lot of internally issues, allergy's and such, can be helped with natural herbs. People for centuries before us used these and they lived full lives why did we stop?
You're right...and nowadays they call those people "holistic doctors," as if they're peddling unauthorized treatments for everything.
God forbid your doctor treat your body as a fully integrated machine instead of a serious of systems artificially disconnected from each other!
It’s so funny seeing doctors legit afraid to prescribe some exercise and eating healthy. Like we can have an FDA approved prescription to methamphetamine, not adderall real meth for “weight loss” but they don’t feel confident telling fatty to lay off the twinkies. It’s maddening
Yeah! It is really frustrating. I like holistic doctors though because they consider everything even the spiritual.
Tumeric is a big one which is a staple of dishes in eastern Europe and Asia.
Dont forget to add crushed black pepper while cooking turmeric. Apperantly it activates the amazing
RIP my wife who is allergic to black pepper and turmeric.
She is likely allergic to "crap tumeric", not real good-for-you Tumeric.
You have to pay attention to brands and labels.
Here's a quick read for you and your wife: https://consumershealth.org/turmeric-curcumin-supplement-guide/?msclkid=95d86430e8d41ccc09b10498c745f99b
Additionally, intermittent fasting will allow your body's natural gut cleansing to take place. Eating too much or too often greatly diminishes a body's ability to do what is required for a healthy gut: essentially preventing Bile production for the small intestine to kill off bacteria that is supposed to stay in the large intestine. This creates a health problem known as "SIBO", which is Small Intestine Bacterial Overgrowth. Read about that here: https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/small-intestinal-bacterial-overgrowth/symptoms-causes/syc-20370168
Point is, our bodies are amazing things and for it to reject something as beneficial as Tumeric Curcumin is highly irregular which typically denotes an outlying issue that caused the reaction. Finding out what that is can reset your gut/body to begin accepting what it should again WITHOUT hand-fulls of pills from Pharmekia.
Also local honey is supposed to be dope for allergies. People forget that one. Find a buddy with an apiary. You won’t regret it.
I had sinus problems for years and then I discovered Ayurvedic medicine. According to my body type I needed to cut back on dairy. Sure enough most of of my sinus problems went away. Plus, I switched to organic dairy and meat and most of my inflamation also went away.
Like Hippocrates of thousands of years ago we need to return to understanding our diets for our health. Eastern medicine hasn't lost this but Western medicine has.
I switched to unhomogenized milk and found I got much less arthritis. Now, I'm trying out having no milk and it's even better. (Still having occasional cheese because I assume it's not made from homogenized milk.)
Homogenized milk feels like a rip off. If you ever have tried real, raw milk that hasn't been processed you will feel like you are entering a whole new world.
Pasteurization is just for safety but in the end trying real raw milk is something entirely else.
hey not only natural herbs but check your diet try to eat stuff that is from your location of heritage...try fasting for a week and see what happens? diet is everything. eat honey from wherever you live.
Good Luck
but, but, but, they are frontline heroes.......
Every time I see one of those "heroes work here" signs, it is another indicator of the infiltration from within, sad, vile, and disgusting all at once.
IKR! Same with the 'hero teachers' a couple years back. Like the teachers who wanted to stay zoomers so they could teach while on vacay? Suddenly Drs now the big heros, 'front line' wow. Examples of ACTUAL front line heros:
Prayer warriors- Digital soldiers- Night riders- Truth tellers- Biz owners who stayed open and said FU to tyranny- President DT!- Millionaire biz ppl who put everything they worked for to fight fraud - Lawyers who put everything they worked for to fight fraud- Doctors who wont cave to big pharma- Governors who wont cave to deep state fear mongering clowns- WHO ELSE? Lets name them
Owen Benjamin. A creep podcasted named Jesse Thorn claimed his three-year-old son was “trans” and would now be living as a girl and receiving hormone therapy. On Twitter Owen called that out as child abuse and said a three-year-old can’t be “trans”. He then got a call from his agent (CAA) telling him he needed to delete the tweet, apologize to Thorn, and admit that a three-year-old can be “trans”, or else they couldn’t protect him. He refused. CAA dropped him, his agent dropped him, he was pulled from his TBS sitcom, pulled from movies, banned from all comedy clubs across North America, his development deals with the networks were cancelled, his book deal with I believe Random House was cancelled and he had to pay back the $100,000 advance, his portrait at The Improv in L.A. was painted over, he was banned from all social media, as well as PayPal and Patreon, Joe the Toe Rogan deleted all his episodes, and everyone in Hollywood, including his old “friends” in stand-up comedy, disowned him, blacklisted him, and started slandering him as a “white supremacist” and “meth addict”, even as they stole his jokes since he could now be poached from with impunity. Owen left Hollywood and started tree planting with his brother for $15 bucks an hour. In Hollywood on his sitcom he was making something like $30,000/week.
They took all that away and all he had to do to make it stop is say a three-year-old can be “trans”. But he didn’t. He told the truth.
Wow. People like this. Amazing
Wow, really shows how aligned 'the system' really is. This post makes me want to start listening to him, thanks!
That's so sad.
He’s doing great now! He live-streams comedy, politics, and conspiracy theories (all the forbidden shit) for about three hours almost every day and has a loyal fan base who send him money via the post office, which is still legally obligated to deliver your mail even if you don’t think a three-year-old can be trans. He also started his own websites to produce content as well as a social media site that avoids all the fear porn and conflict. He films stand-up comedy specials in places other than comedy clubs, like airport hangers, and because he produces them himself, he gets to keep the profits and share them with his team. He also started a farm where he takes care of livestock and grows his own food with his wife and three sons. They are all crushing and now since all these PC comedians pledged their allegiance to the beast, they have to do stand-up in parking lots to cars honking at them, and there jokes aren’t even allowed to be true or funny. It genuinely appears that God rewarded Owen for taking his stand and now he is way ahead of all his peers. Plus there is all this absurdity in the world and he is one of few working comedians who are allowed to make fun of it.
Wow, that's the best story I've heard in a while! Thank you! How come you followed him so intently? Because of the bullying from the woke mob?
I think he’s the funniest comedian in the game right now, plus his insights into human nature and rhetorical wizardry are next level. He also goes deep into all the forbidden topics without falling into the common traps. I also like his philosophy of “I might be wrong but I’m not lying”. That’s really all I want from my political commentators and celebrities. Think what you want, even if it sounds crazy, but just don’t lie. Because of this philosophy he has actually changed his opinion on some things publicly over the years, which is nice because so many other public figures let their ego get attached and double down once they are shown they are wrong.
I love that story!!! ☝?
Thanks for the reference, I've never heard of this guy and even his face isn't familiar, but this section of his wikipedia article makes me love him...
Haha, well Wikipedia is obviously just a dumb leftist archive of lies. Owen Benjamin is Friend of the Jews, Enemy of the Grabbler. But he makes fun of all identity groups equally and that is enough to trigger people nowadays. He also constantly clarifies “not all Jews” or “not all blacks” or “not all whites” but it’s not like Wiki is going to mention that. All anyone has to do is actually watch him and they would realize he is not a hateful person.
How has he been? Last time i saw him he was on youtube on his patio drinking claws, playing piano and calling out the DS. those were great streams.
Nevermind, I saw your update. Fantastic to hear. I'll seek out his work.
He’s back on YouTube under cover as the guest host for a fake gay couple’s channel called “Tea Time with Gary and Terry”, but they finally caught on so Gary and Terry were killed off and now it’s Tea Time with Barry and Larry. Just keep dodging them algorithms. There’s also a channel called TruthRaps that does a lot of short compilations.
As if nurses didn't already have oversized egos before this, now they're all insufferable.
They got too much at stake in believing the lies they were taught.
Absolutely true!
When he pressed "what was stopping you from getting the vaccine" you can be assured he was sticking to the script he was given. Mindless medical drone repeating the script as given for whatever payout he gets.
Yeah, that's the impression I got. It was like he was taking notes for "The Machine" in order for them to tweak their jab message to the masses.
I loved the post. I had to explain to my doctor about the concentrations of poly-ethylene-glycol (PEG). He had zero fucking clue. I am no shit going to carry a binder with me and have all the key critical information that is being supressed, tabbed, with a 'give-away' copy. As a disabled vet I have to see my fair share of docs. Most are awesome, but completely unaware. I shit you not, Anons here know more about that fucking shot than probably 90% of medical professionals. That's no shit Fren.
Doctors are often wrong. If you look up your condition on Web MD, etc before you visit your doctor, you will see how many times they get it wrong. We heal sometimes in spite of them, unless the cures actually keep us sick, which is how medicine has been weaponized.
My mother is a pharmacist and I've had arguments with her on "the vaccine doesn't re-write your DNA!" As knowledgeable as she is in so many things she apparently is relying entirely on the official literature on this stuff and doesn't look past it. She also tried to claim that Ivermectin and HCQ are overrated and I almost ruined Mother's Day arguing with her about it.
That does not sound like a doctor I would want to continue working with.
It's only once a year and he doesn't do much beyond reading the lab results and reporting back to my PCP, so I can live with that.
Someone else calls it The Machine.
I also use "The Combine", from One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest.
But mostly I call it The Machine.
When I read Combine I think of Half-Life 2 and think how it does feel like we were invaded in the past year.
Think how much easier life would be if you could just walk through life holding a crowbar.
Half-Life is a documentary.
Holy moly that game did indeed take up Half my Life for a while there. Unreal Tournament took over the other half.
Can you elaborate on the Fauci thing? I clearly missed something. Links?
Dr. Fauci and gain of function:
Doctor Fauci and the Gain of Funkshun!
Live at the Brixton Academy. Two Shows Only.
And sadly coming soon to a venue near you.
Social Distancing Rules Apply. For More About This Please Contact Your Doctor/Lawyer.
I have a feeling this show is going to have a short run. ;-)
“Zero out of Five Stars. Would not recommend.”
Maybe he gets a kickback
"I was just following orders!"
To be fair, most of the medical workers pushing for the mRNA injection are getting it themselves. Sure only around 50% overall are getting it, but I assume those are the same ones pushing it on clients.
I would have also brought up the fact of “why get a vaccine for an illness that’s 99.X% recoverable?” He may have gone on to use the “we don’t know the long term effects of the rona” to which I would have replied “we don’t know the long term effects of the experimental drug either, I’ll take my chances”.
Oh, I could have rambled on about this all morning, but I decided to go in for the kill shot early. I just wanted out of there.
Good plan. Medical establishments are full of sick people spreading their cooties. Look at the morbidity from nosocomial infections--it isn't all practitioner mistakes.
He actually believed the talking head on CNN?!?!?
I'm at a loss for words, fren.
My doc doesn't require a mask in his busy practice. He nor the PA or staff ask or push the issue. I was in the ICU a couple months ago and they didn't make me wear a mask either. Wife was in HD and Whole Foods today and was the only one of two individuals in both stores not wearing a mask. The sheep of DC are not ready to drop the face diaper.
There it is ... right there. These cucks are making medical decisions based on what they heard in the MSM.
Holy rollin' shit. SMH
Joe Biden said the vaccine is... umm, uhhh, good enough for Corn Pop, so... I mean, come on man!
NICE! Im going to remember this sequence. Good takedown lonewulf
my brother was asked by his dermatologist. He told him no. Within a couple days he received an email from .gov pushing the vax. He later received emails from his heath insurance provider pushing the vax. Funny thing, I have the same health insurance provider and plan and received no such email.
Seems that the doctors are not just taking this information, but reporting it to someone.
My wife talked me into getting a physical one year after we got married, because I rarely go to the doctor.
My blood work came back amazing apparently, my blood pressure was 115/72, and other than being a bit overweight, I was in perfect health. Blood sugar was great, no pre-diabetes, etc.
The doctor asked me my secret and I said, "I eat whole foods and don't usually visit doctors."
Haven't been to the doctor's office since.
The whole medical establishment needs a great reset (and awakening) of it's own.
Well, I've seen my doctor three times during the shut down. He hasn't even brought the topic up. He never wears a mask and always shakes my hand. Best doc I've ever had!
The pediatrician wanted to give this crap to my 16 yr old.
I asked her why people who are 'vaccinated' are still getting COVID, she said she didn't have any data on that. I told her that I did if she would like me to share it with her. End of convo.
I like your style there.
Did you also happen to ask him if he had gotten it and which one? Just curious.
No, I didn't ask him. This was a specialist who I had gone to last year. He had asked me then whether I was going to get the shot when it became available, and I told him no then.
At the time, I found it amusing that he was all for it, but his physician's assistant was very much against it. This was the first time I had observed that there was disagreement surrounding the jab even within the medical community.
That being said, today I went into his office metaphorically locked and loaded, and prepared for the inevitable ambush.
Never thought dropping a MOAB could be such fun, lol!
Good job, sounds very satisfying. Keep up the good work.
I thought two polite no's would have gotten my point across. I, then, gave him a warning shot across the bow with the easy stuff. He forced my hand with the MOAB.
Problem solved.
It will also make him think twice about doing this to someone else.
No regrets, fren.
There's always more than one way to skin a cat. Do whatever works best for your situation.
I’m a cancer survivor and sorry to hear you’re still having troubles? I think we chatted before. If you need info on alt-therapies I’ll give you all I got? There are others here who have lots of knowledge too ????
Each day becomes a challenge. Yes. I pity those with no empathy. If any of this vaxx repercussion thing becomes more real, peeps will need to dig deep for empathy. I feel you fren, and if you need anything just ask. Hey howTF do you DM on here? ?
See ... the fact that he knew all that and was still pressing for you to get it? I'd knock his fucking teeth down his throat. Be interested to see what percentage of his patients are prescribed opiods that don't need them.
My Doctor asked if I wanted the shot I told her no and she said "I don't blame you" and left it at that
That response from the doc is very telling.
The medical industry down to primary ‘care’ docs, has lost total credibility. I do not trust doctors anymore. I elect not to go see mine. On my own now.
American are over medicated. Back when I was in the socialist Asian country where I’m from, there’s no annual flu shot there, ever. When I moved to the US, I was a little shock to learn people take the annual jab for flu. That was the first red flag. And now with all of this scamdemic and vax shenanigan, I have come to a conclusion that the medical industry in America wants to poison you all. Depopulation agenda. You all need to stop taking unnecessary jab and let your immune system do the work.
I never got a flu back when I was in Asia. I had a cold once in two years at most and where I’m from, it was in a polluted city. When I moved to the US, I workout outside (not the gym) almost everyday and I take no flu shot, I’ve never had any major cold.
Asians generally eat better too. Better gut health is the result.
The trick is cooking your own food at home and no processed food. When I first moved to LA, I followed the typical American diet with butter (instead of vegetable oil), fries, dine out, Starbucks, I gained 19.8 lbs in 3 months. I ditched that lifestyle ASAP after I couldn’t get into my woven, non stretched dress and I never looked back ☠️
Cook your own food folks. Fresh food only, no processed, convenient store bought food will do wonder to your health ? And walking a minimum two miles a day (roughly 30 mins), you won’t need any vaccine or supplement ever again. Don’t fried your fish with oil. Invest in an air fryer, and bread maker.
Ditch soda too. Seriously, I used to use expired coke and Pepsi to clean my toilet bowl.
Fun facts, roughly 85% of ‘hereditary skinny’ Asian women gain a significant amount of weight during their first few months living in the US.
Excellent post fren.
check out Aajonus Vonderplanitz I dont even cook my food I eat my chicken raw, porc raw, tastes way better tbh especially at room temp. the health benefits include no disease, 200 year life span , no depression , constant energy, everything they say is a lie and based on cooked food I eat raw butter by the pound daily and it actually cleans out my arteries because raw foods actually heal the body its literally not even the same game anymore when you use his primal diet its like human 2.0 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=prwCMLg49yY
My doctor kept just saying "I want you to make an informed decision." I kept asking him in what area was he worried that I was uninformed. I told him I read something on this subject every day. He tried to explain how the "vaccine" worked, and I corrected him and called it gene therapy and kept finishing his sentences. I told him I felt more informed than anyone else I knew. He then said he was afraid my decision was political. I told him I was afraid the medical profession had become political.
Yeah since when is being informed and making decisions about your health political?
That doctor definitely wins the award of clown world participant.
wow ... wonder what he thought of all that
Did you tell her show me one drug that actually cures something....or just covers up symptoms?
So grateful for our doc. He asked me I had been vaxxed. Told him no. Then Doc said that neither he nor anyone in his family was getting it and he was not offering it in his office.
This is why I don't even have health insurance right now. A waste of time and money and I've never gotten great service. As a young unmarried female I'm constantly pressured into getting pap smears, the HPV vaccine, and birth control, all of which I don't need since I'm not sleeping around like typical leftist feminists. In fact when I tell the doctors that I'm a virgin they never, not once, believe me. I say to them "Why would I lie about something like that? And be labeled a prude or seen as unwanted, simply because of that? If I WAS sexually active, I would tell you, but I'm not, so I'm telling you the truth." They're always astonished that some people have self control and don't f*ck around like rabid animals.
And yet they STILL push birth control on me. I say, "No thanks. My periods are normal and I don't get cramps, there's no reason to mess with my healthy cycle." Birth control is classified as a Type 1 Carcinogen, basically the same as cigarettes. Why women think it's healthy is beyond me. They've been brainwashed is my guess.
Smart woman, keep it up.
Went through the exact same thing, but with a twist. I asked him for a Hydroxicloriquine prescription. How do you think this Johns Hopkins trained Doctor responded? Said it was completely unproven that it could provide any help; therefore, he could not prescribe. I ended it by saying not in the sixty years it has been around has it been found to be harmful.
Boom! That is beautiful.
Mine is pressuring me to and last time i was sick she thought it might be Covid, lady was standing on the opposite side of the room in a plastic shield looking frightened. I lost a lot of respect for her.
Dump her like rotten garbage.
Even if they eventually call it (legally) a vaccine, it will never be a true vaccine. The concept of a vaccine is to take a little bit of a virus, inject it into a person, the person's own body creates natural antibodies against it, and stay for life so that if they are exposed to that virus in the future, they will be less sick or not sick.
Never mind that this theory has never actually been proven. NEVER. Set that aside. This new "mRNA" thing is NOT a vaccine. There is NO virus in it -- alive or dead. CDC has NO SAMPLES TO GIVE. Instead, they created a lab drug that "tells your body" to produce antibodies. There is NO PROOF that your body reacts to this artifical drug in the same way it would a virus in your body.
It is not a vaccine, and never will be, because it cannot be. (They will just change the legal/medical definition of "vaccine," but that does not change the facts.)
Similar issue, in the winter I went the Dr for dehydration I knew it was dehydration he knew it was dehydration we did a blood test and it showed dehydration. he told me to assume I had Covid. Fucking Clown world
I once went to a doctor to get blood work to check for anemia and she offered me an Rx for an anti depressant... because I was too exhausted to run the miles I wanted to run. I was furious and had to demand the bloodwork. Surprise! I was right, I was anemic.
Well done holding the line pede
Doctors are good for sewing your arm back on if you're in an accident but other than that they can fuck right off with their quackaceuticals.
I swear if i get another text from my local GP's office to get the vaccine, im going to sue for harassment.
My doctor isn’t like this thank god, because she’s a functional medicine doctor in private practice, but if I encountered a doctor like this I would play dumb and just mess with them. “What vaccine? Oh I hadn’t heard of it. What’s that for? What virus? Co-what? Is that like a new STD?”
I would just make them exhausted.
All the people he doesn't murder due to you standing him down, owe you a beer.
<note to self: gonna need a bigger fridge>
LoL I just got through editing the post down, looked up there was a red alert.
I'm surprised he didn't just have you stand on the middle of a tarp and try to get behind you with a disassembled pool cue and drop you
and have you ground up to make Soylent Green.
It wouldn't have worked -- I have some martial arts training that would have "kicked" in. ;-)
No one's making Soylent Green out of me!
What they're doing is the same level as people in China calling peoples' dogs and killing them with a hammer so they can sell it at the restaurant and buy some beer.
It's just a daily thing, to kill something cause there's a dollar in it.
But it isn't a dog, it's people. Same IDENTICAL principle,
only a government schooled/supervised doctor,
THOUSANDS of them,
are doing it to people.
I was editing and forgot to say congrats on recognizing the old stand on the tarp and face that way trick!
I had the same conversation with my doctor, mentioned everything but the Fauci / Wuhan lab connection, damn I'm sorry I missed out on that. Basically the same scenario went on, keep saying that it has been safe and "most" everyone at the clinic had gotten the jab. Finally quit asking when looked in the eye and firmly said, "I respectfully decline the Vaccination."
Every single doctor who participated in this fraud dead by public hanging for crimes against humanity
And change you doctor asap
I went to my doctor this week for an exam and she never said a word about the shot. Same for my friend who went last month (different doctor). We were both pleasantly surprised.
I have learned doctors are as fallable as the most ignorant man when it comes to medicine. Bad programming in equals bad data out. Truly they suck and should not be trusted. We need a better medical system, on run by better trained people than the AMA hacks.
"Nervous laughter quiets as LoneWulf positions himself between doc and door...."
and BOOM! just like that, you shoulda changed your doctor.
Like I said, he's not doing much other than reading some results and passing it off to my PCP. There's really nothing he can do to harm me. I see him for all of 15 mins a year.
You did better than me, I would have picked up a scalpel during that conversation. "I can give you a jab right now."