Serious question. I have had three family members freak out at me unprovoked over some weird shit the last few weeks, and customers at work are literally on edge, bat shit crazy, seemingly losing their minds and unable to control their rage over the dumbest shit.
Now, the weird part is that the lockdowns are ending in most regions. Does everyone have some kind of PTSD, or are vaxxed people starting to lose it or be controlled by whatever is in that shit?
Anyone else who works in customer service noticing this?
I've noticed our grocery store clerks are slower than usual and making mistakes. And yes, the ENTIRE country is suffering from PTSD. The last 1.5 years has been a psychotic mind fuck en masse.
You’re not primates we are human beings created by God
Time to take a serious look at nature.
We're all primates because apes stronger together
I thought we were Pedes / Frogs
We are Apedefrogs
No thanks… I have seen enough chimpin out the last year!
Ok - so No I have never heard of Ape No fight Ape. So you are correct.. I have no idea what that means! But I do now, so Thank You!
As far as Stonks or stocks or GME - I know nothing about it further than what you talked about on here. So yes I don’t know anything about Stonks.
However- how am I racist? Because I said chimp out? I never once said that chimp-ping out was related to anyone’s race or skin color. That was your assumption- so that would mean you are racist!
Chimp-ping out DID OCCUR last summer, and still is! But my comment is not based on skin color or race, it’s based on the fact that people out in the street acting like animals, and acting like chimps who are fighting. If you’ve ever seen chimps or apes fighting in a documentary, then you would know what I’m talking about.
To be perfectly honest I’m really confused how you went from stocks to racism in one comment. I’m not sure how they go together at all.
humans and modern primates evolved from a common ancestor
Apparently you bought the lie from Satan. So sad
Those dinosaur bones that Satan buried are particularly curious.
Try the flood!
Name does not check out!
Every dinosaur skeleton you have ever seen is ground-up chicken bones. They openly admit this themselves. There is no record of dinosaurs or dinosaur bones found on Earth until the Smithsonian created (theorized) the concept, then mysteriously “discovered” them a few years later. It is prohibited for anyone to inspect an actual dinosaur bone because it is claimed they are all radioactive. You are only allowed to look at the ground-up chicken bones and pictures in books. Nobody has ever found a dinosaur bone outside Smithsonian owned land. Based on the claimed skeletal structure of the “T-Rex”, many biologists think such a creature could not physically function. And all the people behind dinosaurs are high-level Freemasons. I know this sounds crazy and it’s super disappointing too. We all loved dinosaurs as kids.
Or he could repent and ask Jesus Christ into his heart and live in eternity in heaven with other believers?
You're a heretic for insinuating that you know who gets saved and who does not. Only God decides that, it's not up to us
Or you can stop being an asshole to him.
This is why people don't like Christians.
lol dummy doesnt understand basic concepts
There’s that E word again. It’s a “theory” but it still can’t be proven with the available fossil record. It’s a useful theory to Malthusians though as human life becomes no more significant than any other life form. I prefer to consider humans in general and individual humans as endowed with spiritual value. It may also not be provable, but beats being considered a moist robot by a self appointed power elite.
You’d think by now some other bipeds with opposing thumbs would have spoken language and some form of writing, not to mention calendars or megalithic structures, but no, not even cave paintings. Even a million years from now monkeys will still be monkeys.
Now do bats. They are just like they were millions of years ago. No improvement needed. No “proto-bat” fossils have been found. They always have had refined echo location.
if you don't understand evolution you are a fuckin idiot that's all I have to say
I do understand it. I just don’t accept it. My retired biology teacher brother, and I an electrical engineer, have de facto chosen it as the central theme of our sibling rivalry. (He’s the church going religious one though.) For the last 50 years we’ve debated it. I only ever mention it to stir controversy. It never fails. Sorry if you’re triggered, but I don’t have to conform to current groupthink, or even pretend to do so, to mollify those who hurl epithets at others who don’t share their ideas. Of course, I may be utterly mistaken in my beliefs, but so what? Oh, and btw Global Warming is a scam. My brother goes bonkers when I say that too. Do you? Go on trusting the experts if it comforts you, but try not to get smug about it. Today’s science is tomorrow’s ignorant superstition, but only after the old scientists die off.
I’m intentionally contrarian. How that makes you feel ought to be instructive to you. Consider closely why it matters what some rando on GAW thinks about Darwin. It doesn’t. Yet you try to insult said rando? Why? Who are you really talking to? Not to be unkind, but have you never thought of that? No hard feelings. You have at least two known wrong ideas now. Darwinism may be the least important of them.
God Bless You. Best wishes now and always.
Well said Pede!
Yeah, this is why people don't like Christianity.
Science is catching up to some of these frauds.
David Berlinski on the mathematical problems with the Darwinian theory of evolution.
LOL, I think he's LARPing but not entirely sure.
LMAO I think we might have a LARP going on here
oh come one. adam and eve wasn't literal. How tf did they start a population? They would have had to fuck their own kids, they would've become mutated mongoloids and the human race would never have got going.
I guess there's a number of ways Christians could approach this.
As far as I can recall, there is no mention in Genesis whether there are people outside of the Garden before their exile. I could be wrong about this. And I suppose it depends on how much of a literalist one is whether this theory could work. If you are a sentence by sentence literalist, maybe it doesn't work, not sure.
Another way: The incest taboo/prohibition had not arisen yet at this point. I believe prohibition of incest is formally acknowledged around the time of Abraham. So as shocking as it might be to all of us readers now, it would not have been an abomination for Adam and Eve's immediate progeny because it had not yet been expressly forbidden. (after all, if I'm not mistaken, polygamy is also only expressly prohibited some time after the earliest families are discussed in Genesis)
So there's two explanations which, while not entirely satisfying, are more or less workable by a Christian.
i was thinking more about lack of biological variety rather than taboo.
It would only take eve's daughter to die in childbirth or getting eaten by a tiger and humanity would've ended there and then
wow these mental gymnastics bro
I'm not a monkey. Maybe you are, but I'm not and my personality makes me prefer not to be social so I don't miss it.
I'm just an ape when it comes to GME. I just like the stock.
Are you a mammal?
We're sheep?
People like that are sheep.
Sounds more to me like a bot though.
Cogdiss? Is that in the latest newspeak dictionary?
I wish that term were so well known and understood the letters CD would suffice.
Folks are going bat shit crazy. Turns out it wasn't the bat cov-virus after all. Like homeopathy...once connected shit,,,bat shit.
I have to imagine that far more democrats than republicans have taken the death jab. If this is true, then everything you are describing is just typical democrat behavior. Maybe it's exacerbated by the poke.
I think the underlying reason for their frustrations are as follows:
What is MMS?
You are not the first to notice this. I, and several other pedes have posted on this phenomenon.
I have seen more and more public freak out videos being posted as of late as well.
I think this is lib response to being shut down and masked up but not being able to disagree with it. Also many libs are still terrified of us non shot people, and they're very angry that we've taken off our masks and they don't know who's been injected and who hasn't. Tje a.xoery and stressed have literally taken over. Some of this is pure MH stuff and not necessarily due to the shot itself.
Maybe, there was a guy posted yesterday said he was the only one that did not get the vax at his work place. He said all his co workers up and quit on the same day.
They all quit because he didn't get the vax? Clarification please.
Then everybody clapped. Who the hell would believe some random internet person with that story unless it's a two man office and one was a Karen that quit lol.
He just said it was because of some minor issue and they all got carried away.
He said half of them walked if they had hive mind.
I have noticed exactly the same things you mentioned among those vaxxed in March/April. Pointless aggression, going out of one's way to be be critical yet not being able to articulate why they object to something... basically just picking fights for no reason and after a day or so they can no longer remember why they picked the fight.
There is a decent hypothesis for this phenomenon put forward in this interview with Clif High:
but basically I think it's a combination of the superparamagnetic nanoparticles they put in the vax (ostensibly to protect the mRNA while it's in the bloodstream) getting into the brain and brain stem, plus also the spike proteins attacking brain cells.
Essentially the vaxxed covidiots are suffering the onset of neurodegenerative diseases and that is giving them symptoms such as: "brain fog", inability to make quick decisions, inability to analyze or problem-solve. In some cases it will look like mad cow disease; in others it will be result in stroke; laymen will call it 'zombie-like' syndrome.
Just realized, if we see a strange sudden uptick in car accidents or deaths, it can probably be attributed to people who got the jab having brain-fog, slower reflexes, loss of memory, etc.
But it will never be traced back.
Exactly. More than likely they'll ignore it, just like they ignore it now.
It would have similar reactions as when you break say an arm. Particles from the break enter the blood stream. Causes the same thing.
But if she had covid, she has near perfect immunity to it. Why are people who've had covid also getting the shot? It's ridiculous and will make them sicker when exposed to it again.
Because the MSM and social media told them to
Because the MSM and social media told them to
I had covid in December, and any depression or anxiety that might be attributed to that is just the mess this country is in. Nothing from the coof, just from the world falling apart.
I think we are talking about Post-INJECTION.
Probably, but I've heard others say that the "brain-fog" they're having is from when they had covid from a while ago. I don't believe that is the case but with these morons they'll believe anything.
Maybe, maybe not. People today are also just mentally weak.
We’ve become comfortable and soft. We haven’t faced real hardship since the Great Depression and World War 2.
I expect many people to commit suicide in the coming year as the truth continues to come out about everything and the GME squeeze and Silver squeeze come to fruition. It will mentally break a lot of normies and NPC’s. They will feel so stupid that they won’t be able to cope with it.
Many people have no idea that the market will crash soon from GME and unleash silver thus killing the dollar. Lots of people are going to lose everything, my Dad included. I have bought as much GME and Silver as I can to save my family from the storm.
Even those of us who are fully awake will be scared for a bit.
I expect the storm to be on biblical proportions.
We are at war and this is not a game.
Don’t rub it into people’s faces making yourself a target and causing more division. Yes many of us will be happy when we become wealthy from GME and Silver and many of us will be happy to be vindicated. Trust me I have been awake for 10 years.
A large amount of the population has absolutely no clue what is about to happen. We need as many level headed God fearing Patriots helping our family and friends understand what is going on.
Raise the flag, say the pledge and send a prayer.
God Bless Frens. The storm is coming soon.
I am thinking of leaving. My life is here also and I am hoping that when this is all over it won’t be as bad.
Can you explain more about GME and silver? How will people get rich from them?
Read the MOASS thesis. r/superstonk and r/wallstreetsilver can give you all the info you need.
Post traumatic Trump disorder. They can’t be mad at him anymore since their supreme leader is “making the calls,” so they’ve resorted to just freaking the fuck out.
Even the most bonehead liberals enjoyed great economy, job prospects, booming stock market and house prices, EVEN through the pandemic. Now all that is fading and the reality of china Joe is hitting home hard.
aka buyer's remorse
We tried to warn them.. time after time..
Holy shit fucking KEK WEW lad.
yes, I've seen the same. here is a quote from this update on that agenda: "The latest mRNA vaccine abomination is targeting the human brain and bio-neurology in such way that the spiritual layers of the consciousness body are shown to disintegrate at cellular levels and then disconnect from the physical matrix entirely."
That is terrifying. I'm scared for my family and friends. I want to hope they got placebos, but most had instant side effects so I don't think that's the case.
Yes, it is terrifying. And yet there is hope. If you can conquer fear, you are much more protected - your own natural and energetic immune system works well, but it’s drained through the stress hormones that come with fear. That’s why the fear porn. They want you vulnerable. Please fear nothing. It will protect you more than you know.
For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord. Romans 8:38-39 KJV
Pray for all our families that have taken it, I believe the demons behind this vaccine are well aware of the spiritual gifts we have been given and want to sever our ties to God.
I hope this verse helps fren
Don't fear. It's a waste of time.
Fear is the mind killer!
gee where have I read that before
and interestingly everything but the article is gone now
And lets not forget the same studies done with magnets.
Normies are the Ralph I'm In Trouble meme IRL
what happens when the magnet people need an MRI?
Or an EMP?
You can increase mystical feelings with magnets too.
The God Helmet:
So the NPCs are becoming actual NPCs...
Yes, actually. 3 of my coworkers that got stabbed have been pretty low and negative. One of them confessed that he’d been feeling off emotionally for the last few months. Depressed. Another cant seem to talk about anything but how everything pisses him off. The last one is having trouble connecting.. no eye contact, superficial conversation. Another person in my life had a mental break, ended up in the hospital. It’s doing something on an emotional level for sure, from my perspective at least
B vitamins, stat.
Vax regret is real but Leftists will never admit to it. They're probably really pissed at themselves for being so retarded.
Oh wellz! Survival of the least gullible! lulz
Why would you inject anything in yourself while pregnant.
Literally the dumbest thing I have ever heard.
So selfish and basic bitch behavior to do something that negligent
Seriously though..... my wife has been saying for weeks how her friends from work and her social side including playing sports every week plus training etc..that had the vaccine...have been acting differently, like unusually moody, tired looking, looking older, and always complaining of feeling ill but not sure what it is..... plus the higher number than usual in her sport of injuries.... at first I told her She was just seeing it more because She knows more about what’s going on.... to the point that some nights She sits awake worrying about the world not finding out the truth about what our government has been doing against us, using the ‘Pandemic’.... seriously, some nights she cries because she feels so helpless.... she has tried so hard to warn everyone she knows of the need for proper research before deciding to get a vaccine and most thanked her but didn’t bother and went ahead.... I think some of them now realise they made a mistake....anyway, it seems she might be anecdotally right....!
Losing it? Hell if they were stupid enough to take the poison they never "had" it. Can't lose what they never had.
Youre right, the fact is they broke everyone down for just long enough for the majority to beg for any solution, and when it came (real or not) they took the bait in desperation.
BIL and SIL were the only one's in my family who've taken a shot, I don't know which one.
Both typical cnn libs who fly off the handle if you contradict their world view, won't even stop a second to hear what you're saying.
BIL has gone from probably 170lbs to 130~ lbs, gaunt and no color, worried about heart problems for some reason but told by his GP that it's just anxiety.
The people taking the vaccine tend to be more erratic and impulsive. A necessary prerequisite for socialist leanings.
Some of my vaxed friends are in that category, depending on where and how you direct the conversation.
But my 80-90+ year old vaxed acquaintances haven't changed in their behavior. Still calm, rational and kind.
So far all of them seem healthy as well. Unless the 3 year life expectancy doom and gloom turns out true the worst thing that happens will be the vax being like 10-100 flu seasons in one, which is still significantly lower than most causes of death.
I'm not trying to talk it down, but I don't think it's anywhere near as bad as some believe it is, but time will tell and I sincerely hope I'm not wrong on this one.
None of this changes the fact that the people responsible for the forced rollout must hang though.
Any sluggishness and such may also be attributed to the constant mask wearing, which cuts off oxygen and hence impairs brain function and impulse control.
The vaxed are the most likely to wear masks far more than anyone ever should.
See my post from yesterday.
Half the staff where I work quit last week, suddenly and over nothing. All vaccinated. Most have no idea why they did it.
The store has been in transition of new management for about 6 weeks. Everyone unhappy but for most part placid. They continually keep "moving our cheese" if you know that phrase. They didn't coordinate or plan it, no ringleader. One person saw something said to them by a manager as an affront and quit. After that it was one by one in fear that they would be "left behind" or something. Irrational. I had been planning on leaving longer than any of them yet I'm still there.
Is the boss vaxxed?
Yes. You are yourself experiencing PTSD just like everyone else. We are being hit with endless Psy-Ops. A lot of irreversible damage has been done to the whole of civilization. The weaker your will, the more damage was done. But no matter who you are, you have been injured.
Yes. You are right on multiple counts.
There is a level of PTSD involved on all levels. Think about what has been happening on this very forum. Pedes who have been involved since 2016 are dropping out weekly because they can't handle the tension/stress.
Now think about the brainwashed masses, slowly being brought around to what has been happening. The level of betrayal is much bigger than the U2 incident, and that was huge.
This is just pandemic betrayal and election fraud coming out, and they're already losing their minds.
Think what will happen when the full truth is revealed, about the human trafficking, mass pedo infestations, the mutilations and sadistic murders, the Satanism, the utter disdane for life and the sacrifices and genocide done and planned in the name of power and corruption. No wonder people will lose their minds.
My family considers me a rock, solid and determined, the one who springs into action while others freeze, all of which is true/have done.
I will admit, at times, thinking about half this stuff makes me wanna puke and blubber in a corner like a baby for hours on end.
It was wise to start slowly, esp. with comedians, people they already listen to or trust, as misplaced that trust is. If you are a parent, you understand this. You talk and talk and talk to your kid, then a friend or confidant of theirs says the exact same thing and they go with it first time. Enough to drive you batty, but I digress.
What is the U2 instrument.
U2 incident, ~1960. The short of it, the U2 was one of the first long range, high altitude spy planes. Russia hated them flying over, but they didnt have anything that could get as high to take them on.
Russia accused the US of spying, America denied it, even denied to the world that the planes existed IIRC.
Then, Russia demanded the US come clean and admit to everyone they lied, and they did. A U2 had crashed in Russia (finally shot one down). They filmed it and released it publicly to the world. It was a publicity disaster for the US. They, alegedly the good guys, were caught: -breaking treaty on spying. -lying to world governments on the existence of a pretty much illegal plane at the time. -lying to American public. -giving the country a black eye in the UN -allowing Russia to embarrass the US with such a bone head move.
For many of the public this was the big reveal that the USA was not the clean cut hero of WW2, honorable and proud.
It was a wake up call, the feds blatantly lied to the American public, and if not the beginning, a good jump for Americans learning the lesson that they couldn't trust the federal government.
Sources: Internet research, old people, grandparents. Newspapers at the time (was national news).
I have a few vaccinated friends and they all seem normal. I also don’t wish anything bad on any of them nor do I hope negative effects surface so I can say “told you so”. I didn’t take the vax because it’s experimental. For those who did I pray it all works out fine, very scary!
I remember when I became fully saturated in truth for the first time; learning our entire history is fake, that the United States is a corporation, and the money they steal from our wages ends up in the hands of foreigners...Then, the child trafficking opened up in a big way. For a period of about two weeks in 2017, I was in a stupor, couldn't sleep, and looked at the world in a completely different way. This, I believe, is what most folks are going through right now. They are learning that the pandemic was a hoax and they are asking themselves, "What else have they lied about?"
Something else they are lying about is circumcision. It's caused PTSD and cortisol issues in all cut american men, leading to lifelong sexual issues. Look into it. Then look into restoration it can help.
Its more than that, the nerve severed is very long, when removed, it cuts off very sensative connection to soul mate, divine partner & divine connection, this according to ancient texts, the removal gives rise to chaffing, constant irritation on certain material level...
Absolutely :(
There’s a reason certain people push it; they hate us!
I took my four year old son to see a naturopathic doctor, didn't realize the doctor was a member of the tribe...and he legit offered to circumcise my son at the end of the consult.
I was so taken aback...I was like, " thanks, we aren't Jewish."
That was the last time we went there.
What the actual fuck.
True story.
Yes, it’s very evil.
I was spared the "branding ritual".
Honestly they seem the same level of crazy. Hopefully it doesn't get worse.
I think a lot of people are starting to realize they've made a huge mistake.
Imagine accidentally exposing yourself to a lethal dose of radiation because a bunch of assholes on the TV and socialist media told you it was cool.
You'd probably feel a mixture of a sense of impending doom, deep regret, embarrassment, frustration...
They aren't going to want to admit they've killed themselves so they are just going to double down and lash out anytime anyone brings it up.
Probably a little bit of being cooped up for long, plus a little illusion of frequency. I'm vaxxed in a big city and haven't seen an uptick in weirdness.
But you mention this --
-- and I think, Man, people have been like that forever
Yes they have been like this forever, but it seems pronounced and constant.
Well, I am wondering if it's not something in the atmosphere they are bombarding us with. Two of my family members who are not jabbed are having problems cognitively over the past year and it seems to be getting worse. Not aggressive just memory loss and brain fog, terrible. I know about the chemtrails but am wondering if there is something else like 5G. I don't know.
vitamin D deficiency
Do people know when they are becoming zombified?
When they find a comfortable bubble that tells them what they want to hear, generally no -- human nature.
Good luck bro.
Follow up if you notice anything odd...mind fuzz...growing a tail...can't go in the kitchen cuz the silverware and pots stick to you.
I'm sorry
I had ptsd before this and even though I saw through it from the start it has become worse. Good news is I've become even better at mindfulness and staying on the rails. It took a ton of work and I mean real mental work and discipline to get here. Those people haven't done shit and likely don't even recognize they have a problem. Whether its the Vax or pressure I do t k ow.
This was posted the other day. Here's a quote from the abstract:
"Postmortem molecular mapping by real-time [PCR testing] revealed relevant SARS-CoV-2 cycle threshold values in all organs examined (oropharynx, olfactory mucosa, trachea, lungs, heart, kidney and cerebrum) except for the liver and olfactory bulb"
It's literally in the brain (at least for this one individual), and this was only 4 weeks after a single dose. What does two doses look like after a few months?
Also consider that for many Lefties, compliance is the highest virtue. They think that to blindly do as you're told by the govt/MSM is noble and ought to be rewarded, so they feel cheated when they see others ignore those rules without penalty or consequence.
My mom flipped out on my the other day. Her reasoning, I understood in a weird way. I told her we live in a Banana Republic, and she said (freaked on me) that she wasn't ready to accept it yet, so she didn't want to hear what I had to say. Former military, has tried to do right by us, etc.
She verbalized what I think many people are feeling. But in previous conversations about issues (prior to her getting vaxxed, which she did because she's a teacher and a diabetic), she would never act like that.
That's fucked up that's basically what happened to me. My family had a trip planned they kept rescheduling. I said please let's stop rescheduling it until this is over because it's clear we're being lied to about the end of all this by the government. Freaked out calling me a conspiracy theorist and the government here said things would be back no normal by X date I shouldn't be so negative etc.
I think people are having serious trouble of letting go of the security of the past. Things have been ripped away from us and they aren't coming back. Ever.
Your family still believes the lies, for sure. My mom knows they're lies (election fraud, for instance) but wants the news to 100% affirm her before she'll say she believes it. Basically trying to avoid the breakdown that is, things will never be the same again.
She's in her 50s, so I guess I get it. I just can't relate because I've never cared about "the way things are."
Diabetes is sometimes associated with mood swings. Wouldn't be surprising if the jab exacerbates things.
28 Days Later was a trial run
I've noticed this with a few family members.
Wow. Honestly I was wondering the same last week. Clients at my job are acting crazy. We've been getting some really stupid queries and most of our clients are over 40 so they're in the bracket. We have one client who's been asking the same question for a week multiple times a day via email. We answer and sometimes we get a response but most of the time not. Then she just keeps sending it in. People asking how to do things they've been doing for years too. It was exhausting but funny at first and now it's getting sort of worrying.