even before covid, flying increased the risk of blood clots, especially in people susceptible to deep vein thrombosis (DVT). More detail at https://www.webmd.com/dvt/flying-blood-clots
The combination of high altitude and extended periods where a body remains seated and sedentary make flying a risk of blood clots, strokes, etc. even for people who are only flying once.
Yes. And their licenses are in jeopardy constantly with the required physicals they have to have. A clotting problem will have their licenses revoked. They have no choice but to walk out, they've been put in a lose lose scenario
Less than 100 years ago there was no such thing as getting on an aircraft to fly somewhere for business or pleasure. People lived in local communities they supported and cared about. For travel, they drove the scenic highways and saw this great country up close and personal.
I understand others have to do it, but if I never set foot on another airplane (or cruise ship) I'll miss it some, but I'll be perfectly at peace. I won't be strip-searched and muzzled like a diseased terrorist just to get on a flying bus. Forced to stand ten feet apart at the ticket counter and shut up about it, just so I can be squeezed into a tiny seat touching the passenger next to me 30 minutes later.
Agree. One of the reasons I bought a Jeep, so my family and I can see up-close-and-personal all those forests and mountains you might catch a glimpse of while on a plane, and so we can go where others can't (get away from the crowds, or from forced jabs, whatever ... ). Now I just need to educate myself on how to live off the land.
This is a big one - if they don't pass their physicals, they don't fly. (They don't get disability either because by definition, they are not disabled. )
And that is also hilariously bad because to be a pilot is a highly skilled job that may end up extremely tiring and boring for extended periods of time.
Anyone who sits stands too long . I have it..peripheral artery disease..hardening of the arteries..too many wings n cigarettes.
I am having a hard time finding a job because if it and I wont take the clot shot. .
Trained professional hairstylist. landscaper and mixologist. Cant do any of those things now. Everything I ve done ...even sitting on a phone bank....which I hate but do well at..I've got to be able to move at will..and that gets you fired....I was working production so I was on night shift so I could fight the nursing home days w o missing work.
I think I was the only person who had covid that was happy about it!
I couldnt work more than 2.5 days w o missing time because my legs were swollen and heavy feeling. Would take 2 days w legs up to get to start another week.
It should be enough to go on disability..but God they make you jump too many hoops and years to get it.
not to mention the risks associated with prolonged increased exposure to cosmic and solar radiation, its the most biologically mismatched career for humans we've come up with yet.
Most people living in Colorado don't tend to go from sea level to 6000 feet and back to sea level multiple times a day. That pressure cycling is likely the main issue.
Men but especially women age faster at higher altitudes think Colorado mountain towns. There are also reports of people taking Giger counters on airplanes and getting very high readings. Pressure changes, time zone changes. The impacts to the body just add up.
Also, you are up above the protective atmosphere enough to get more radiation and your cabin is pressurized to 8000 feet so there's the oxygen depletion.
That's slightly higher than Denver, which is not nearly as bad as 8000 feet but still enough to bother unaccustomed people. The 8000 feet is an old number and may be wrong now.
There's a tactic here. It's a little gossip chain, but it exists...
Pilots, stewards/esses, long haul truckers, sailors, etc all travel long distances for work.
You can't stop these people from working, because you'd bring the global economy to a screeching halt, and they're going to talk to each other, and probably a lot of other people besides.
Share the info with these people, get them on board, and they'll share with others. Leftists can shut the internet completely down, but these people still gotta travel, and that means information gets passed around.
Oh, they don't give two fucks about local economies, but if the goods stop flowing, the global businesses stop making money, which they can't have. Communities might learn how to be self-sufficient again...
If I was gonna strike that's exactly how I'd do it.
Wait until I've got an A380 packed full of disgruntled passengers, let them all sit down. Get comfy. Maybe wait for a few passengers to displace an old mans luggage a few rows down so he blocks the isle when he needs to get back up. Put the engines on idle. Burn a few thousand dollars in fuel. Wait for ground crew to load all the luggage and food. Wait for a Karen to get 15 mins into her flight entertainment movie of choice...
Then I'd turn to my co-pilot and say "you know what John, I don't really feel like flying today".
Perfect, except for the engines. Aircraft has an APU (aircraft power unit) that they use at the gate for electrical & air conditioning needs. Good news is the APU uses the aircrafts jet fuel, albeit a much lesser rate than the engines.
You cannot plug in the APU, it’s just a small turbine engine. You plug the whole aircraft into ground power and leave the APU shutoff. The APU burns approximately 150 lbs per hour.
At gate loading up. APU = ON. Close door. Push back. Engines turned on. APU usually will stay on until after takeoff in case it’s generator is needed in an emergency.
Land. Turn on APU. Taxi to gate. Stop at gate. Engines off. Keep APU on.
On a similar note... someone posted a few days ago that nurses at a Charlotte hospital's women's health floor called off/out because they were forcing them to be vaccinated and the nurses refused. I asked my daughter if she'd heard about because she's in healthcare here and she confirmed that it happened.
Walkouts are happening, the media just isn't reporting it. I guess we are the news!
my brother is an engineering professor at a large state university and he told me several professors have walked off the job due to the vax mandate - and that they are filing suit in court for damages. Thankfully my brother is among those who left his job. I do hope he gets it back but at least he didn't take the suicide route of the vax.
well, it's about time we retire conventional aircraft and break out the antigravity ships anyway. If anyone could get that job done, it would be DJT.
The irony of the airline situation is that if the pilots were to accept the vax, in the near future they'd be banned from flying due to risk of clots/strokes and within a few years they'd be dead like all the other vaxxed covidiots. By refusing the vax today they are actually saving their jobs for future years.
Sure, I will. As soon as the vaxxed immune systems get hit with a seasonal flu (each year mutated)...they’re gonna have a “cytokine storm” and probably organ failure. I’m stickin to this lane at 80MPH.
This hasgone from an Action/Drama movie to sheer Horror flik. What should we expect from the luciferians? They’re out in the light now tho...showing us their true mettle.
That’s what frustrates me around here. People make these statements with such confidence. We have no idea what’s going to happen, could be us that die for all we know if you’ve ever looked into Marek’s disease.
Ah yes, any vax situation that doesn't line up with our narrative must be a placebo! Then we can claim that every single person who got the vax did have a reaction to it!
I never said otherwise. It's just ridiculous to claim/imply that every vax case that doesn't end in death or injury isn't really the vaccine. We don't need to push some made-up, "100% lethal" narrative to point out that the vaccine is bogus, unsafe, and ineffective.
That's good news for you. Although, to be fair, tens of thousands are dying from it through no fault of their own except being brainwashed to think it was smart or healthy
I believe the J&J shot is a conventional vax. I don't think they are going to die. I'm on a large deck Navy ship. All the entire crew got the J&J vax. Some of the other ships got the J&J too. I don't know about the rest though. The side effects were sore arms where the shot was. No other losing side effects reported. No one taken off the ship, no personnel suddenly taken off the ship. The mRNA is the problem for adverse reactions. The numbers of side effects for the J&J is much lower, but it was panned by MSM, so I think it isn't the depop shot. Lots of placebos out there, don't know exactly how many though or where.
J&j has traditional vaccine delivery of a dead virus cell but it is still delivering you mRna inside that cell. The use of the dead virus just makes it more stable for storage.
If it does come down to force, I'm not sure what I'd end up picking. Between pfizer and moderna, pfizer seems safer. Between az and jj, jj seems safer but less effective. Then I'd have to choose between gene therapy (suicide + problems for any offspring I may be able to have) or something made of baby parts. Neither of those sit right with me.
Don't be fooled, they are all bad! My brother and his wife had the Pfizer. 3 weeks later my brother became very ill, was diagnosed with full blown leukemia. 2 months later he passed away. This all just happened so my heart feels pretty raw. None of the gene therapy shots are safe. Be forewarned and make a good decision. You have an immune system, let it do the work it was designed to do. God Bless!
Mrna delivered through a dead virus...not even a covid virus. As far as I'm aware from research. It seems to be a common misconception amongst the trump crowd that Jand j isn't mrna. But I could be wrong. It is what I remember from digs on here when it came out.
I wonder about their overall plan. In Britain, they came out and said that the people who received a placebo would be treated as though they had the actual vaccine. They would get the vax passport and not be restricted like the non-compliant. Seems odd, you would think they would want them to come in and get the real shots. Anyone have any theories? It's like the compliance is what they are looking for, or the placebo were given to specific people to keep them alive and healthy. Would be interesting to know who got the placebos. If it were all rich people with ties to the globalists, it would be telling. Need to find out who they gave the placebo to
Good point. Either way, we'll probably not know who received placebos. I'm just curious because those statistics would be good to see. It is fairly obvious that since they will consider those that received the placebo to be the same as vaxxed, that this thing is a scam. Otherwise they would recommend the placebo people to get the shot too. If they found out that the received a placebo and the virus kills them, there world public outrage because they sentenced them to die, while they thought they were safe. Since they aren't concerned about them dying, it is obviously not ac threat
In any medical experiment you have to consider the possibility that the treatment could be worse than the illness or at the very least it could be ineffective.
In any medical experiment, you MUST have a control group which receives the placebo treatment. If you don’t have a proper control group that receives a placebo, then you’re not running a valid medical experiment.
We’re not talking about a desperate situation where the worst virus in history is killing 90% of children. We’re talking about a virus with a known death rate of less than 1% killing vulnerable elderly or people who were already sick with illnesses like cancer or lung disease. These are people were who were already vulnerable to common illnesses like the colds, the flu or pneumonia.
Therefore, rather than throwing desperate treatments at everyone, you would want to run valid medical experiments in order to assess the risk of those new treatments.
If this was truly a desperate situation the government would have pushed the usage of various other treatments like sunlight, vitamin supplementation, HCQ or Ivermectin.
If no one received the vaccine placebos or a non-random group received the vaccine placebo treatments, we will never learn whether the vaccine treatments were effective or not.
If pharmaceutical companies are allowed to hide their raw experimental data, we will never know if the vaccine treatments were effective or not.
I'm truly hoping that the mRNA vax isn't going to kill large numbers of people. Hopefully the people who've had severe reactions are anomalous due to some inherent incompatibility and not because it is a part of some depopulation effort. Take care of yourself and your health as best you can. I don't want to see anyone suffer except people that victimize others. Even then, I just want equal justice for their crimes, not disproportionate punishment.
Please explain antigravity ships to me. Gravity is what holds things to the Earth as it spins. Something that breaks or repels that gravity will fly right off as the Earth spins at whatever hundreds of miles a second that it does.
Not to say something better than aircraft relying on lift don't or can't exist, I just have trouble pinning "antigravity" as the mechanism.
"Anti"-gravity is really a misnomer but one I sometimes use because it's a word people are familiar with. What these newer technologies due is create a bubble of sorts around a craft and this bubble is not affected by gravity due to the way it polarizes virtual particles in the quantum vacuum.
So, it's not so much that one is repelling gravity or acting against it, but rather that one is reducing the effect of gravity to zero or near-zero in a localized space.
Yeah I heard about United saying every employee had to get vaxxed in the company. I didn't hear about if other airlines are doing it also. I said well I guess United won't be around much longer if they stay with that mandate, because those who refuse, especially pilots and other flight crews will walk away.
Pilot shortage isn’t a claim, you can go to airlinepilotcentral website, look up major national carriers, go down to retirements and you will see that every major is losing 50+% of its pilots over the next 7-10 years due to age force retirement at 65.
The fall of the airlines! No more mask mandates. No more shot mandates. You side with big Pharma and the government your loss and demise, not ours. Travel via airplane has become a chore: cost of tickets, crammed seats, no meal service, rude passengers, rude stewards/stewardesses, mask mandates, unclean cabins. You go woke, you go broke. Sane to cruise ships. People need to sacrifice and say no air, train or ship travel until you comply with we the people. No masks, no jabs.
This happened to me.
flight delayed 2 hours, we finally get on the plane, wait another 1 hour before we get kicked off, they then say there was no pilot and tell us to wait an additional 14 hours. Ask us to wait in line for 3 hours to get vouchers for hotels that are all booked because there are like 600+ people trying to get them. I Have a video of the voucher line if enough people wanna see it.
Saturday I flew from DEN to ATL to BOS on Delta (because United sucks). Both flights were over sold, 15 left behind in ATL (never buy their cheapest fare, you aren’t guaranteed a seat). Airports packed. No Spirit/American cancellations but I did see several Southwest.
After a couple thousand flights (first one in 1977), I am sick of flying for business. It used to be fun but passengers - and flight crew - are a commodity.
If this is true - hooray! I hope commercial aviation shuts down, cripples the economy. Maybe then the general public will be red pilled on this vaccine farce.
My husband has had 3 American flights canceled in the past 7 days (2 were today). Today they claimed weather; but last week's cancellation was never identified.
The pilots should take a stand. The Covid shot is a killer and risks the whole airplane full of passengers if the pilot has a cardiac event, stroke, brain aneurysm which is not unheard of with the shot. Instead passengers continue to fly in willful ignorance, until a catastrophe happens. Then it is to late for all the passengers and families destroyed.
Good for them. I’m definitely not a pilot, but I left my career to work semi-independently with a small group of people who think like us. It’s the best decision I could have made.
I'm flying this week and talked to several members of flight crews and ground staff. It's a low-key sick out, and happening across most airlines. Allegiant canceled a bunch that had nothing to do with the official Spirit/AA story about weather.
USAir/United should be expected in the next week or so.
My kid is flying back to the west coast on Weds. We have an hour and a half drive just to get her to the airport from here. We talked about checking out some of the local towns in that area anyway after dropping her off. But now I think we will be staying around longer just to make sure her flight takes off.
My friend's husband is a pilot. When I talked to her last month they were working him like a slave (violating FAA regs on rest) because there weren't enough planes that were up to speed on mtce... since everybody stopped working in 2020 due to the fake pandemic. I know they'll have to fire him- he'll never get the v.
I didn't thought about that we target the pilots we can literally shut down the entire world. We just locate boards, games,social media sites, education sites pilots read and interact with.
A friend of mine took his wife to board a flight yesterday and it was delayed for 15 hours due to 'no pilots available'. They didn't say whether this was due to labor disputes over the vax, but it might have been.
We stopped flying a while ago. The airlines treat you like shit, you pay a lot of money for a ticket that might get you to your destination on the date & time agreed upon purchasing your ticket. A contract they have been been given a special immunity to freely ignore.
And get rewarded with huge bailouts that we the people that withheld our hard earned money from have it given to them anyway without our consent.
Pilots and flight attendants are at particular risk for blood clots.
Can you share some more on that? Is it simply the frequency of the flights or is there something more to it?
even before covid, flying increased the risk of blood clots, especially in people susceptible to deep vein thrombosis (DVT). More detail at https://www.webmd.com/dvt/flying-blood-clots
The combination of high altitude and extended periods where a body remains seated and sedentary make flying a risk of blood clots, strokes, etc. even for people who are only flying once.
Pilots are a fraternity in many ways. If the jab is causing harm to their fellow pilots, most of them will know about it soon enough.
Yes. And their licenses are in jeopardy constantly with the required physicals they have to have. A clotting problem will have their licenses revoked. They have no choice but to walk out, they've been put in a lose lose scenario
Less than 100 years ago there was no such thing as getting on an aircraft to fly somewhere for business or pleasure. People lived in local communities they supported and cared about. For travel, they drove the scenic highways and saw this great country up close and personal.
I understand others have to do it, but if I never set foot on another airplane (or cruise ship) I'll miss it some, but I'll be perfectly at peace. I won't be strip-searched and muzzled like a diseased terrorist just to get on a flying bus. Forced to stand ten feet apart at the ticket counter and shut up about it, just so I can be squeezed into a tiny seat touching the passenger next to me 30 minutes later.
Agree. One of the reasons I bought a Jeep, so my family and I can see up-close-and-personal all those forests and mountains you might catch a glimpse of while on a plane, and so we can go where others can't (get away from the crowds, or from forced jabs, whatever ... ). Now I just need to educate myself on how to live off the land.
Jeep is in bed with pedo joe
This is a big one - if they don't pass their physicals, they don't fly. (They don't get disability either because by definition, they are not disabled. )
And that is also hilariously bad because to be a pilot is a highly skilled job that may end up extremely tiring and boring for extended periods of time.
You can't just pull in anyone off the streets.
Soon pilots will get some bullshit exemption.
There is a condition called PAD. Tankers tend to have trouble with it.
Anyone who sits stands too long . I have it..peripheral artery disease..hardening of the arteries..too many wings n cigarettes. I am having a hard time finding a job because if it and I wont take the clot shot. . Trained professional hairstylist. landscaper and mixologist. Cant do any of those things now. Everything I ve done ...even sitting on a phone bank....which I hate but do well at..I've got to be able to move at will..and that gets you fired....I was working production so I was on night shift so I could fight the nursing home days w o missing work. I think I was the only person who had covid that was happy about it! I couldnt work more than 2.5 days w o missing time because my legs were swollen and heavy feeling. Would take 2 days w legs up to get to start another week. It should be enough to go on disability..but God they make you jump too many hoops and years to get it.
not to mention the risks associated with prolonged increased exposure to cosmic and solar radiation, its the most biologically mismatched career for humans we've come up with yet.
They pressurize the cabin to like 6k feet elevation. You'd see an increased blood clot effect in Colorado if it was elevation.
Most people living in Colorado don't tend to go from sea level to 6000 feet and back to sea level multiple times a day. That pressure cycling is likely the main issue.
I have heard as high as 8K. But the source was this lady. May not be same interview, but she mentioned pressurized to 8K in one of the interviews I saw.
Men but especially women age faster at higher altitudes think Colorado mountain towns. There are also reports of people taking Giger counters on airplanes and getting very high readings. Pressure changes, time zone changes. The impacts to the body just add up.
Um.....what? I'm in the foothills and never heard this. Guess I have some reading to do!
Also, you are up above the protective atmosphere enough to get more radiation and your cabin is pressurized to 8000 feet so there's the oxygen depletion.
My skydiving altimeter said 6k last time I flew commercial
That's slightly higher than Denver, which is not nearly as bad as 8000 feet but still enough to bother unaccustomed people. The 8000 feet is an old number and may be wrong now.
It says why....
There's a tactic here. It's a little gossip chain, but it exists...
Pilots, stewards/esses, long haul truckers, sailors, etc all travel long distances for work.
You can't stop these people from working, because you'd bring the global economy to a screeching halt, and they're going to talk to each other, and probably a lot of other people besides.
Share the info with these people, get them on board, and they'll share with others. Leftists can shut the internet completely down, but these people still gotta travel, and that means information gets passed around.
Maybe that's the point. They want to bring our economy to a halt any way they can.
Oh, they don't give two fucks about local economies, but if the goods stop flowing, the global businesses stop making money, which they can't have. Communities might learn how to be self-sufficient again...
Pilots are catching on.
That was in June, don't know if any more have died since.
Snopes said this didn't happen.
If I was gonna strike that's exactly how I'd do it.
Wait until I've got an A380 packed full of disgruntled passengers, let them all sit down. Get comfy. Maybe wait for a few passengers to displace an old mans luggage a few rows down so he blocks the isle when he needs to get back up. Put the engines on idle. Burn a few thousand dollars in fuel. Wait for ground crew to load all the luggage and food. Wait for a Karen to get 15 mins into her flight entertainment movie of choice...
Then I'd turn to my co-pilot and say "you know what John, I don't really feel like flying today".
"Neither do I Fred, neither do I"
I likey the way you thinkey.
Perfect, except for the engines. Aircraft has an APU (aircraft power unit) that they use at the gate for electrical & air conditioning needs. Good news is the APU uses the aircrafts jet fuel, albeit a much lesser rate than the engines.
The A in APU is for auxiliary. It’s also often hooked up to ground electricity, so no fuel is wasted.
You cannot plug in the APU, it’s just a small turbine engine. You plug the whole aircraft into ground power and leave the APU shutoff. The APU burns approximately 150 lbs per hour.
Yeah but once you power the engines to idle, they disconnect the APU right? Or is that right before they taxi?
At gate loading up. APU = ON. Close door. Push back. Engines turned on. APU usually will stay on until after takeoff in case it’s generator is needed in an emergency.
Land. Turn on APU. Taxi to gate. Stop at gate. Engines off. Keep APU on.
Karen Activate!
On a similar note... someone posted a few days ago that nurses at a Charlotte hospital's women's health floor called off/out because they were forcing them to be vaccinated and the nurses refused. I asked my daughter if she'd heard about because she's in healthcare here and she confirmed that it happened.
Walkouts are happening, the media just isn't reporting it. I guess we are the news!
my brother is an engineering professor at a large state university and he told me several professors have walked off the job due to the vax mandate - and that they are filing suit in court for damages. Thankfully my brother is among those who left his job. I do hope he gets it back but at least he didn't take the suicide route of the vax.
Here in France a pediatric hospital is on strike in Marseilles because the personnel are being forced to vaccinate and they refuse.
M-m-mais les enfants!! Ils vont MOURIR!!!
Tant pis. Y'a trop de monde sur terre a ce qu'on dit. Laissons faire la selection naturelle un peu, on en sortira plus forts en tant qu'espece.
My b Nurse daughter is resigning to stay out.of the shot
well, it's about time we retire conventional aircraft and break out the antigravity ships anyway. If anyone could get that job done, it would be DJT.
The irony of the airline situation is that if the pilots were to accept the vax, in the near future they'd be banned from flying due to risk of clots/strokes and within a few years they'd be dead like all the other vaxxed covidiots. By refusing the vax today they are actually saving their jobs for future years.
Everyone talks about the vaxed “dying within three years” like it’s a guarantee. How are you so convinced they are ALL dead ??
But there was a placebo at first ? There are three different shots ? They are all gonna die !!
Can we pick a lane ?
Sure, I will. As soon as the vaxxed immune systems get hit with a seasonal flu (each year mutated)...they’re gonna have a “cytokine storm” and probably organ failure. I’m stickin to this lane at 80MPH.
The denialism about the skyrocketing death rate due to the vax (even among young, fit, healthy people) is breathtaking. No pun intended.
This hasgone from an Action/Drama movie to sheer Horror flik. What should we expect from the luciferians? They’re out in the light now tho...showing us their true mettle.
The brainwashed sheep think it's a documentary.
I call it sci-fi horror drama film noir.
Glad we’re “Extras” doing our part instead of just watching. Usually glad.
That’s what frustrates me around here. People make these statements with such confidence. We have no idea what’s going to happen, could be us that die for all we know if you’ve ever looked into Marek’s disease.
Did you get the actual vaccine or the placebo?
You don’t know do you, because you’re not meant to know.
Maybe, you just got lucky and received a saline vaccine.
Ah yes, any vax situation that doesn't line up with our narrative must be a placebo! Then we can claim that every single person who got the vax did have a reaction to it!
There were multiple documented cases of people being given saline injections in place of the vaccine.
I never said otherwise. It's just ridiculous to claim/imply that every vax case that doesn't end in death or injury isn't really the vaccine. We don't need to push some made-up, "100% lethal" narrative to point out that the vaccine is bogus, unsafe, and ineffective.
No one said that except you.
That's good news for you. Although, to be fair, tens of thousands are dying from it through no fault of their own except being brainwashed to think it was smart or healthy
I believe the J&J shot is a conventional vax. I don't think they are going to die. I'm on a large deck Navy ship. All the entire crew got the J&J vax. Some of the other ships got the J&J too. I don't know about the rest though. The side effects were sore arms where the shot was. No other losing side effects reported. No one taken off the ship, no personnel suddenly taken off the ship. The mRNA is the problem for adverse reactions. The numbers of side effects for the J&J is much lower, but it was panned by MSM, so I think it isn't the depop shot. Lots of placebos out there, don't know exactly how many though or where.
J&j has traditional vaccine delivery of a dead virus cell but it is still delivering you mRna inside that cell. The use of the dead virus just makes it more stable for storage.
Is it mrna or just rna in the j&j shot?
If it does come down to force, I'm not sure what I'd end up picking. Between pfizer and moderna, pfizer seems safer. Between az and jj, jj seems safer but less effective. Then I'd have to choose between gene therapy (suicide + problems for any offspring I may be able to have) or something made of baby parts. Neither of those sit right with me.
Don't be fooled, they are all bad! My brother and his wife had the Pfizer. 3 weeks later my brother became very ill, was diagnosed with full blown leukemia. 2 months later he passed away. This all just happened so my heart feels pretty raw. None of the gene therapy shots are safe. Be forewarned and make a good decision. You have an immune system, let it do the work it was designed to do. God Bless!
Mrna delivered through a dead virus...not even a covid virus. As far as I'm aware from research. It seems to be a common misconception amongst the trump crowd that Jand j isn't mrna. But I could be wrong. It is what I remember from digs on here when it came out.
True, but the mRNA is destroyed by macrophages, so the mRNA never gets to the reproduction center of a cell
Yeah the media probably try to discredit the J&J vaccine in order to get more people to get the mRNA death vaccines.
I wonder about their overall plan. In Britain, they came out and said that the people who received a placebo would be treated as though they had the actual vaccine. They would get the vax passport and not be restricted like the non-compliant. Seems odd, you would think they would want them to come in and get the real shots. Anyone have any theories? It's like the compliance is what they are looking for, or the placebo were given to specific people to keep them alive and healthy. Would be interesting to know who got the placebos. If it were all rich people with ties to the globalists, it would be telling. Need to find out who they gave the placebo to
I don’t think they want to release that information.
What happens when we see that the death rate for people who got the vaccine is higher than the death rate for people who got the placebo?
They’ve got to hide that data.
Good point. Either way, we'll probably not know who received placebos. I'm just curious because those statistics would be good to see. It is fairly obvious that since they will consider those that received the placebo to be the same as vaxxed, that this thing is a scam. Otherwise they would recommend the placebo people to get the shot too. If they found out that the received a placebo and the virus kills them, there world public outrage because they sentenced them to die, while they thought they were safe. Since they aren't concerned about them dying, it is obviously not ac threat
In any medical experiment you have to consider the possibility that the treatment could be worse than the illness or at the very least it could be ineffective.
In any medical experiment, you MUST have a control group which receives the placebo treatment. If you don’t have a proper control group that receives a placebo, then you’re not running a valid medical experiment.
We’re not talking about a desperate situation where the worst virus in history is killing 90% of children. We’re talking about a virus with a known death rate of less than 1% killing vulnerable elderly or people who were already sick with illnesses like cancer or lung disease. These are people were who were already vulnerable to common illnesses like the colds, the flu or pneumonia.
Therefore, rather than throwing desperate treatments at everyone, you would want to run valid medical experiments in order to assess the risk of those new treatments.
If this was truly a desperate situation the government would have pushed the usage of various other treatments like sunlight, vitamin supplementation, HCQ or Ivermectin.
If no one received the vaccine placebos or a non-random group received the vaccine placebo treatments, we will never learn whether the vaccine treatments were effective or not.
If pharmaceutical companies are allowed to hide their raw experimental data, we will never know if the vaccine treatments were effective or not.
I'm truly hoping that the mRNA vax isn't going to kill large numbers of people. Hopefully the people who've had severe reactions are anomalous due to some inherent incompatibility and not because it is a part of some depopulation effort. Take care of yourself and your health as best you can. I don't want to see anyone suffer except people that victimize others. Even then, I just want equal justice for their crimes, not disproportionate punishment.
Or some of that beam-me-up-Scotty teleportation shit, I'd love to skip the ship part of my voyage altogether.
Please explain antigravity ships to me. Gravity is what holds things to the Earth as it spins. Something that breaks or repels that gravity will fly right off as the Earth spins at whatever hundreds of miles a second that it does.
Not to say something better than aircraft relying on lift don't or can't exist, I just have trouble pinning "antigravity" as the mechanism.
"Anti"-gravity is really a misnomer but one I sometimes use because it's a word people are familiar with. What these newer technologies due is create a bubble of sorts around a craft and this bubble is not affected by gravity due to the way it polarizes virtual particles in the quantum vacuum.
So, it's not so much that one is repelling gravity or acting against it, but rather that one is reducing the effect of gravity to zero or near-zero in a localized space.
A bit of background on Thomas Brown, a U.S. Navy engineer who did some of the early work in this field: http://jnaudin.free.fr/html/ttbrown-01.htm
A videotaped lecture by Paul LaViolette, who covers some of the more recent developments in this field: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ifEgGMFK-VU
Yup their claiming that the great pilot shortage is going to be cause by excess of pilots retiring. They say United will get hit worse.
Yeah I heard about United saying every employee had to get vaxxed in the company. I didn't hear about if other airlines are doing it also. I said well I guess United won't be around much longer if they stay with that mandate, because those who refuse, especially pilots and other flight crews will walk away.
Pilot shortage isn’t a claim, you can go to airlinepilotcentral website, look up major national carriers, go down to retirements and you will see that every major is losing 50+% of its pilots over the next 7-10 years due to age force retirement at 65.
The fall of the airlines! No more mask mandates. No more shot mandates. You side with big Pharma and the government your loss and demise, not ours. Travel via airplane has become a chore: cost of tickets, crammed seats, no meal service, rude passengers, rude stewards/stewardesses, mask mandates, unclean cabins. You go woke, you go broke. Sane to cruise ships. People need to sacrifice and say no air, train or ship travel until you comply with we the people. No masks, no jabs.
You forgot a-hole TSA and shitty airports.
They don’t want us traveling by air, train, or even car.
Might be worth bookmarking this page - https://flightaware.com/miserymap/
LOL LO LO L O L OL O L O Pilots KNOW the GOV was behind 9-11 ... THEY KNOW the vax is BS!!!
This happened to me. flight delayed 2 hours, we finally get on the plane, wait another 1 hour before we get kicked off, they then say there was no pilot and tell us to wait an additional 14 hours. Ask us to wait in line for 3 hours to get vouchers for hotels that are all booked because there are like 600+ people trying to get them. I Have a video of the voucher line if enough people wanna see it.
Saturday I flew from DEN to ATL to BOS on Delta (because United sucks). Both flights were over sold, 15 left behind in ATL (never buy their cheapest fare, you aren’t guaranteed a seat). Airports packed. No Spirit/American cancellations but I did see several Southwest.
After a couple thousand flights (first one in 1977), I am sick of flying for business. It used to be fun but passengers - and flight crew - are a commodity.
If this is true - hooray! I hope commercial aviation shuts down, cripples the economy. Maybe then the general public will be red pilled on this vaccine farce.
My husband has had 3 American flights canceled in the past 7 days (2 were today). Today they claimed weather; but last week's cancellation was never identified.
This is the second source I see claiming this, so it just might be true.
A screenshot of a photo isn’t much of a source for me. Do you have other sources??
Not really. I just saw another random post on Gab with the same claim, which is why I stated it MIGHT be true.
I'm not American and I won't fly again until all test and trace, mask gag orders and jab passports are gone.
I AM American, and I too won't fly again until all test and trace, mask gag orders and jab passports are gone.
The pilots should take a stand. The Covid shot is a killer and risks the whole airplane full of passengers if the pilot has a cardiac event, stroke, brain aneurysm which is not unheard of with the shot. Instead passengers continue to fly in willful ignorance, until a catastrophe happens. Then it is to late for all the passengers and families destroyed.
Good for them. I’m definitely not a pilot, but I left my career to work semi-independently with a small group of people who think like us. It’s the best decision I could have made.
Spirit Airlines had a bunch of cancelations this week and accounted for most of the cancels this week. https://www.usatoday.com/picture-gallery/travel/airline-news/2021/08/08/spirit-airlines-flights-thousands-canceled-passengers-stranded/5528366001/
I'm flying this week and talked to several members of flight crews and ground staff. It's a low-key sick out, and happening across most airlines. Allegiant canceled a bunch that had nothing to do with the official Spirit/AA story about weather.
USAir/United should be expected in the next week or so.
My kid is flying back to the west coast on Weds. We have an hour and a half drive just to get her to the airport from here. We talked about checking out some of the local towns in that area anyway after dropping her off. But now I think we will be staying around longer just to make sure her flight takes off.
The airlines NEED pilots, moreso than vice-versa
Very nice to hear. Thank you pilots and others for standing up for your rights.
Vaxxes kill
Head. Bring it to it.
Is this the real reason why all those flights have been canceled over the past couple of weeks?
Yes!! This is the way! United we stand… pun intended 😉
...until the EASTERN DELTA variant from China brings you to your knees, you spoiled AMERICAN! Then it's TWA: "try walking, assholes!"
I'll see myself out
Job or jab the cabal forced on people...how about neither?
My friend's husband is a pilot. When I talked to her last month they were working him like a slave (violating FAA regs on rest) because there weren't enough planes that were up to speed on mtce... since everybody stopped working in 2020 due to the fake pandemic. I know they'll have to fire him- he'll never get the v.
uh uh.
I didn't thought about that we target the pilots we can literally shut down the entire world. We just locate boards, games,social media sites, education sites pilots read and interact with.
Thank you! You just gave me several ideas
You can't really blackout a story this big, too many people are affected by it all over the country.
Best they can hope for is to spin it, which it looks like they're not willing to do, so this one might be a W for us...
Not willing??!!?!!
Maybe not able to, but even a bad spin has to be better than letting people figure it out on their own.
I dunno, maybe this story is a watershed moment... Maybe the narrative is finally breaking down.
I wouldn't hold my breath, but it's possible at least.
Finally. People are valuing their life.
Pilots are at a huge risk for clots! I would NEVER take it as a pilot.
This will make getting to God rally a bit more of a pilgrimage for folks if it keeps up.
That's some good news.
This makes sense. Need more reports (pilots' social media posts, friends and family etc)
Can we get more of these airline posts in 1 post
I haven’t heard of any flight issues
A friend of mine took his wife to board a flight yesterday and it was delayed for 15 hours due to 'no pilots available'. They didn't say whether this was due to labor disputes over the vax, but it might have been.
That's exactly what I said, I won't fly now anyway because I refuse to wear a mask, but I wouldn't want to fly if the pilot got the jab.
We stopped flying a while ago. The airlines treat you like shit, you pay a lot of money for a ticket that might get you to your destination on the date & time agreed upon purchasing your ticket. A contract they have been been given a special immunity to freely ignore.
And get rewarded with huge bailouts that we the people that withheld our hard earned money from have it given to them anyway without our consent.
Well said
Me either
Yeah, I look for a certain amount of common sense, mental toughness, and bullshit detection ability in my bus drivers and airline pilots.