Technically speaking, the Federal Reserve note (debt IOU) that we use as "money" (a misnomer by definition) is owned by the Federal Reserve, a private corporation. They own them all. Only they can print them, only they can destroy them, they have a monopoly on them. We use them at their pleasure; because they own them.
The IRS is (I believe, but have not yet proven) owned by the Federal Reserve, which is why they are allowed to collect Federal Reserve Notes from us. They are NOT a part of the United States Treasury (the otherwise defunct institution). At no point do our FRNs go to the US Treasury. Some may get there eventually, but only after having passed through the Fed first, because they own the FRNs.
They didn't hate him for mean tweets and bravado. They hate him because he made huge leaps to end the Fed and return to a Gold standard. He was on that train before they countered with a bioweapon that kills two birds with one stone. Electioneering and stopping the Central Banking System from swinging by a noose. We are on a fast track to social credit.
I want certificates back, not this inflated toilet paper being passed around.
Yes. It is called a bail-in versus a bail-out. The mechanism was put in place as part of Dodd-Frank - just helping out the little guy and all that BS. I have no doubt there has been regulatory tweaking quietly taking place behind the scenes since it was passed. The bottom line is that the banks can and will control any money given to them for "safe keeping." The mattress is looking better all the time.
Why Bank Bail-Ins Will Be the New Bailouts
My grandparents and great-grandparents never trusted the banks. They came from Russia right before the revolution. Never gave up their guns and held on to their money. They remembered the Depression chicanery. Don't think it can't happen again. They also refused to turn over their gold coins when FDR order it. I come from a long line of conspiracy theorists.
The so called deposit insurance program is not designed for anything beyond an individual bank failure - not a nationwide one.
Decades ago, I read a small op-ed in the local paper where the writer said that if banks had their way, your money would be deposited and they would give you "an allowance" to spend. If you needed more money for something, you'd basically have to beg them to get your own funds released.
Anyone who has had a controlling parent or spouse will understand this. It's all about playing God with other peoples' lives. It gives people like that a huge rush to think that they hold the quality of someone else's life in their hands.
I’ve been pulling a little bit of cash out here at there.. might need to get the rake out and take out some more. Before you know it they’ll be freezing the accounts of unvaccinated.
Great advice, thanks. I have been attempting to get my hands on smaller pieces of silver coinage as well. What you said about a SHTF scenario is so true. I have tried to come up with other forms of barter that I think could be valuable in those situations as well.
most quarters from 1932 up to 1964 had 90% silver as well. The exception was some years of coins minted in San Francisco there were no quarters minted, think it was 1934-1949
Pre-1964 currency is 90-95% silver. The pieces are easier to barter with than minted silver or ingots. You can still buy bags of it at spot price. Any silver is good, already sliced into denomination is better. Mercury dimes are more valuable.
People seem to love to blame one group or the other for everything evil going on. Truth is there's a ton of groups and secret societies all with their own individual agenda even though they are part of a bigger whole which itself is run by the Vatican/Crown alliance.
From what I know of Freemasonry its simply about preservation of esoteric knowledge. The high degrees are where you get into subjects most people consider "magic" or "magick".
Fun Fact: Do you know the difference between a 32nd and 33rd degree Freemason?
The 33rd degree is where you cross the final line and give up your soul to Lucifer. You are made to commit acts which are unforgivable, such as cannibalism and ritual sacrifice.
A 32nd degree Freemason may still be redeemed.
You know some people just check in on breaks while at work or while waiting to be called on at an appointment
or something, right? Sometimes you just scroll by things and click on what catches your eye.
I wanted to takeout $8000 6 months ago. Was told by Teller that anything over $5000 I had to call in advance. I said since when? I was told 2 years ago anything over $10,000. No response. I said, “No problem. I will take $5000 out today, and $5000 tomorrow.” She changed her tune and said I might not get the denominations I want if I take $8000. I said, “No problem. Doesn’t matter the denomination.” Then she proceeded to ask what I was using it for. Can you believe it? I made something up. None of the bank or the governments business. Walked out with $8000. Same thing happens with my investment account at a broker. Next time I am going to ask if they are required by the government to ask these questions.
Back in the day every employer had a pay master. Every Friday people went to the pay master to get there pay IN CASH. Everyone paid there bills with cash and it worked very well. Lets go back to that!
Yes, but what is there to learn? Buy them. Hold them. I have never traded them for anything and won't until they reach their intrinsic value relative to fiat.
Unfortunately that gets you reported too. There’s a regulation that if you pull out close to the reportable limit and the bank thinks you’re trying to circumvent the process they're required to report.
Can’t wait for the FED to fall, right after the pedos would be fine with me.
The community bank knows what will happen should the IRS use this to start nickel and diming the poor and middle class like they did under Obama. They will simply stop depositing money into their bank and keep as cash or precious metals or other form of investment. The interest missed will not really matter. Those that have enough money in the bank for the interest to be significant have accountants to prevent IRS nickel and diming.
As someone who works in a bank, we view that as suspicious behavior since they are withdrawing just below that amount and legally have to report that to authorities if it’s continuous.
It’s tricky. We truly have no privacy as independent people. It’s sad.
Correct, that goes for deposits as well. But that’s completely different than intruding in personal accounts that do not have that kind of activity running through.
This is what happens under Democrats, even traditional ones. They are very user unfriendly and start moving to squeeze every dime out of people like the Mafia. Probably preaching to the choir here, but I hope people become like Odeseus and has their crew bind them up if they want to listen to the Democrat Party siren song of free stuff, so that they cannot give in to the temptation and swim to their deaths.
It's been since HS that I've studied the "Odessy", but everytime I see people's eyes glaze over in a trance state whenever a politician promises free stuff or to solve their problems for them, I think of the sirens singing the sailors to their deaths in the Greek legends.
I found it to be a poetically evocative and appropriate reference. Props
I find the demons currently singing to have the most disgusting of songs amidst hellish cackles and blood curdling cries of their innocent victims... perspective can turn a sweet song into the call of a monster.
You tell them. I'll start keeping my money in cash in my own vault. I'll pay with one credit card all my bills and I'll get one money order s month to Lu off everything in the card. Banks suck and our banking system sucks.
Banks aren't going to like this because more people will use cash to avoid it.
I mean, let's be real, banks don't give a fuck. This letter is a good reason but I don't believe FNB really gives one flying fuck about privacy. It's literally a money issue.
A contractor for the IRS is getting setup to build a massive big data cluster in Tennessee to process this data. Like 10s of thousand of nodes to process petabytes of data a day. They claim it's for fraud and tracking tax evader.
For those who think this is for TRANSACTIONS $600 and over, IT IS NOT.
This requirement to report ALL withdrawals and deposits to the IRS would apply to all accounts "worth more than $600".
That means if you deposit $1000 to pay your mortgage, your account is now "worth more than $600", and ALL DEPOSITS AND WITHDRAWALS WOULD BE REPORTED TO THE IRS.
Coming soon: We have to ask the Government permission to use our own money.
If your social credit is too low, you get denied
Technically speaking, the Federal Reserve note (debt IOU) that we use as "money" (a misnomer by definition) is owned by the Federal Reserve, a private corporation. They own them all. Only they can print them, only they can destroy them, they have a monopoly on them. We use them at their pleasure; because they own them.
The IRS is (I believe, but have not yet proven) owned by the Federal Reserve, which is why they are allowed to collect Federal Reserve Notes from us. They are NOT a part of the United States Treasury (the otherwise defunct institution). At no point do our FRNs go to the US Treasury. Some may get there eventually, but only after having passed through the Fed first, because they own the FRNs.
They didn't hate him for mean tweets and bravado. They hate him because he made huge leaps to end the Fed and return to a Gold standard. He was on that train before they countered with a bioweapon that kills two birds with one stone. Electioneering and stopping the Central Banking System from swinging by a noose. We are on a fast track to social credit.
I want certificates back, not this inflated toilet paper being passed around.
How about Silver backed, didn't JFK sign an EO on this? Still in play I think.
Don't forget it was Greece or one of those places where they simply confiscated people's bank accounts to help pay down their debt.
Ah, yes thanks.
Yes. It is called a bail-in versus a bail-out. The mechanism was put in place as part of Dodd-Frank - just helping out the little guy and all that BS. I have no doubt there has been regulatory tweaking quietly taking place behind the scenes since it was passed. The bottom line is that the banks can and will control any money given to them for "safe keeping." The mattress is looking better all the time. Why Bank Bail-Ins Will Be the New Bailouts
Definitely keep a cash stash just in case, for sure.
My grandparents and great-grandparents never trusted the banks. They came from Russia right before the revolution. Never gave up their guns and held on to their money. They remembered the Depression chicanery. Don't think it can't happen again. They also refused to turn over their gold coins when FDR order it. I come from a long line of conspiracy theorists.
The so called deposit insurance program is not designed for anything beyond an individual bank failure - not a nationwide one.
Decades ago, I read a small op-ed in the local paper where the writer said that if banks had their way, your money would be deposited and they would give you "an allowance" to spend. If you needed more money for something, you'd basically have to beg them to get your own funds released.
Anyone who has had a controlling parent or spouse will understand this. It's all about playing God with other peoples' lives. It gives people like that a huge rush to think that they hold the quality of someone else's life in their hands.
We will have nothing and be happy, remember?
I’ve been pulling a little bit of cash out here at there.. might need to get the rake out and take out some more. Before you know it they’ll be freezing the accounts of unvaccinated.
what is that mercury dimed thing?
Great advice, thanks. I have been attempting to get my hands on smaller pieces of silver coinage as well. What you said about a SHTF scenario is so true. I have tried to come up with other forms of barter that I think could be valuable in those situations as well.
most quarters from 1932 up to 1964 had 90% silver as well. The exception was some years of coins minted in San Francisco there were no quarters minted, think it was 1934-1949
Pre-1964 currency is 90-95% silver. The pieces are easier to barter with than minted silver or ingots. You can still buy bags of it at spot price. Any silver is good, already sliced into denomination is better. Mercury dimes are more valuable.
Where can you buy these?
90% junk silver, or 90% dimes?
I've been keeping 80% of my money in a crypto wallet with the keys memorized so that my bank account constantly looks like I'm poor with no savings.
👆🏼THIS 😉
It's not just masons. All those organizations have the same father. Satan.
The fuck does freemasonry have anything to do with this? I'm pretty sure freemasons don't want their purchases tracked either. (perhaps more so)
Because the elite are all FM high order.
People seem to love to blame one group or the other for everything evil going on. Truth is there's a ton of groups and secret societies all with their own individual agenda even though they are part of a bigger whole which itself is run by the Vatican/Crown alliance.
From what I know of Freemasonry its simply about preservation of esoteric knowledge. The high degrees are where you get into subjects most people consider "magic" or "magick".
Fun Fact: Do you know the difference between a 32nd and 33rd degree Freemason? The 33rd degree is where you cross the final line and give up your soul to Lucifer. You are made to commit acts which are unforgivable, such as cannibalism and ritual sacrifice. A 32nd degree Freemason may still be redeemed.
For more information.
This should have a better title than "Eh Hem." A description of this issue would get more eyes on it vs people just scrolling by.
Totally agree. This is so much bigger than a side note.
If people are just scrolling and can’t bother to expand a picture then are they really on this site for the truth?
You know some people just check in on breaks while at work or while waiting to be called on at an appointment or something, right? Sometimes you just scroll by things and click on what catches your eye.
Hunter wil have to start getting cheaper hookers.
So he can't use family members anymore???
Whoosh. Brutal because true!
😂🤣👆🏼 I lol'd hard
I wanted to takeout $8000 6 months ago. Was told by Teller that anything over $5000 I had to call in advance. I said since when? I was told 2 years ago anything over $10,000. No response. I said, “No problem. I will take $5000 out today, and $5000 tomorrow.” She changed her tune and said I might not get the denominations I want if I take $8000. I said, “No problem. Doesn’t matter the denomination.” Then she proceeded to ask what I was using it for. Can you believe it? I made something up. None of the bank or the governments business. Walked out with $8000. Same thing happens with my investment account at a broker. Next time I am going to ask if they are required by the government to ask these questions.
I keep less than $100 in the bank now. Pay bills and remove the rest. I pay the bills on the day of the deposit. Remove the rest.
Water and sewage is one and motorcycle insurance is another for me. Dunno bout anyone else.
I got my water down to $45, and my Electric to $50. My router uses most of the juice the rest is flat monthly fee. Winter it's a different story.
He said
He leaves 100 in the bank AFTER bills, not uses 100 to pay bills.
Back in the day every employer had a pay master. Every Friday people went to the pay master to get there pay IN CASH. Everyone paid there bills with cash and it worked very well. Lets go back to that!
Learn how to use crypto and metals. Some progress has been made but conservatives need to lead the way.
It's a beautiful free world once you escape fed bucks.
What do you mean “use metals”?
I imagine he means precious metals, for trade. Gold, silver, platinum, etc.
Or he might mean 'learn welding', a skill that's always useful, even (especially?) during a(n) (zombie?) apocalypse.
Yes, but what is there to learn? Buy them. Hold them. I have never traded them for anything and won't until they reach their intrinsic value relative to fiat.
When frenimies become enimies 😂
I gues you'll have to go make $599 withdrawals every day to replenish emergency cash.
Gone are the days of $5000
Unfortunately that gets you reported too. There’s a regulation that if you pull out close to the reportable limit and the bank thinks you’re trying to circumvent the process they're required to report.
Can’t wait for the FED to fall, right after the pedos would be fine with me.
Then $600 isn't the limit. How close is close? Who decides how blury the line gets to be?
The community bank knows what will happen should the IRS use this to start nickel and diming the poor and middle class like they did under Obama. They will simply stop depositing money into their bank and keep as cash or precious metals or other form of investment. The interest missed will not really matter. Those that have enough money in the bank for the interest to be significant have accountants to prevent IRS nickel and diming.
This made me cry... Its inching its way farther farther into our society and people are too dumb to realise it!
Can something like this happen to credit unions?
Good question 👍🏼
Fk, I bank with Chase. I know they have everything on me..... except my reserves. :)
Shit I might have dox'd myself. I own assets that you can't track (like wake the fk up), shit, should I run away???... lol.
As someone who works in a bank, we view that as suspicious behavior since they are withdrawing just below that amount and legally have to report that to authorities if it’s continuous. It’s tricky. We truly have no privacy as independent people. It’s sad.
Correct, that goes for deposits as well. But that’s completely different than intruding in personal accounts that do not have that kind of activity running through.
Amen to that Patriot!!
This is what happens under Democrats, even traditional ones. They are very user unfriendly and start moving to squeeze every dime out of people like the Mafia. Probably preaching to the choir here, but I hope people become like Odeseus and has their crew bind them up if they want to listen to the Democrat Party siren song of free stuff, so that they cannot give in to the temptation and swim to their deaths.
It's been since HS that I've studied the "Odessy", but everytime I see people's eyes glaze over in a trance state whenever a politician promises free stuff or to solve their problems for them, I think of the sirens singing the sailors to their deaths in the Greek legends.
I found it to be a poetically evocative and appropriate reference. Props
I find the demons currently singing to have the most disgusting of songs amidst hellish cackles and blood curdling cries of their innocent victims... perspective can turn a sweet song into the call of a monster.
Well, well, well so all along they have known who is trafficking and how much.
Looks like I’m paying my credit card bill over the course of 5 days in amounts of $599.
Buy silver. Hold $GME.
This system will end up nosediving before the end of the year.
You tell them. I'll start keeping my money in cash in my own vault. I'll pay with one credit card all my bills and I'll get one money order s month to Lu off everything in the card. Banks suck and our banking system sucks.
Banks aren't going to like this because more people will use cash to avoid it.
I mean, let's be real, banks don't give a fuck. This letter is a good reason but I don't believe FNB really gives one flying fuck about privacy. It's literally a money issue.
A contractor for the IRS is getting setup to build a massive big data cluster in Tennessee to process this data. Like 10s of thousand of nodes to process petabytes of data a day. They claim it's for fraud and tracking tax evader.
For those who think this is for TRANSACTIONS $600 and over, IT IS NOT.
This requirement to report ALL withdrawals and deposits to the IRS would apply to all accounts "worth more than $600".
That means if you deposit $1000 to pay your mortgage, your account is now "worth more than $600", and ALL DEPOSITS AND WITHDRAWALS WOULD BE REPORTED TO THE IRS.
Clearly Biden’s IRS does not want women to have an untraceable way to leave Texas to have abortions.
Careful, them’s cash folks there.... Get your taser ready
Guess who the real fascists have always been?
Not too late… keep buying that silver frens…
1776 is closer and closer...
They want to see everything you do.