I learned a lesson as a child......my brother and I pulled a prank on a amusement ride attendant, we got away scot clean. But that wasn't good enough, we went back to taunt the young fellow after he had to run over a quarter mile to get the "car ride" we had left to create chaos.
I'll tell you what happened next, dude flipped his lid. He hurdled a 4ft fence to get at that 2 ten year old's laughing and mocking his trouble.
You see it's one thing to do something wrong and get away with it..........it's next level shit to make your enemy crazy, letting them know what you did..........All the while laughing in their face.
It's a meme!
Search images ~ "You know dear...Karma's only a bitch if you are."
There she is in all her glory, speaking truth like the badass good witch that she is.
When you know your enemy, you'll understand why they make the moves they do. When so much is at stake, and they aren't firmly in control, they can't afford to risk it all on a bluff.
When you're in control, you have more room to be, let's say, creative with your chess moves. As much as it became cliché and somewhat of a mocking meme at this point, the notion of 4D chess became a thing for a reason! The best chess players can afford to react to certain moves in certain ways, because their overall plan is built around considering these things as they happen. It's hard to fathom, but the player who is firmly in control can literally react to ANY moves the opponent makes, because he's not only gamed out his own moves, but gamed out his opponent and the moves the opponent CAN make. If the master chess player can steer his opponent into the moves he wants him to make, then he knows which ways the opponent has to move before even the opponent does!
So this is why the opponent (Deep State) can't just "do the opposite." They don't have the flexibility available to make that kind of bluff! They're stuck in quicksand and thus the ONLY moves they can think about making right now are the ones that involve getting out of the quicksand! The master chess player has not only steered his opponent into this quicksand FOR their opponent, but has thusly earned themselves the 40,000 foot view where they can not only focus on the entire board, but can zoom in and watch the Deep State sinking in their quicksand too!
This. And I think If gavin had "lost" it would been a major domino toward 11.4.
Biden coms: 'If you don't vote no for recall, you get Trump.' They were all equating Larry to Trump, but I think they were also literally telling their stooges to cheat harder or the jig would be up.
Either way, there is now so much more fraud getting exposed to the sunlight. Take your red pills normies. We have a world to rebuild.
Lucius Quinctius Cincinnatus was a Roman patrician, statesman, and military leader of the early Roman Republic who became a legendary figure of Roman virtue— particularly civic virtue —by the time of the late Republic. Cincinnatus was a conservative opponent of the rights of the plebeians who fell into poverty because of his son's violent opposition to their desire for a written code of equally enforced laws. Despite his old age, he worked his own small farm until an invasion prompted his fellow citizens to call for his leadership. He came from his plough to assume complete control over the state but, upon achieving a swift victory, relinquished his power and its perquisites and returned to his farm. His success and immediate resignationi of his near-absolute authority with the end of this crisis has often been cited as an example of outstanding leadership, service to the greater good, civic virtue, humility, and modesty.
Yeah, then what do they do with it? Give it to the FBI? Or maybe to the Department of Elections? I'm sure they'll 'look into it' -- This is fucking bullshit. They will never stop cheating in elections because they always get away with it and the paid RINO-Democrats never do anything about it.
Yes. I have been voting for decades and for the first time in my life, I don't want to vote. Since I'm a registered R, my vote will probably go to a D. We need to get rid of these voting machines.
I used to buy into the argument that votes don't matter, it's just two sides to the same corrupt coin. Until [Hussein] was 'reelected." Then it all made sense to me. We HAVE to continually vote, otherwise, there IS NO argument.
Funny, that's just what the Ds in Congress were saying before Slow Joe got elected, that the voting machines weren't secure. Suddenly they're reliable and have never been so secure? They really believe that we're stupid. And maybe we have been
Yes. We never really gave the machines a thought until the 220 presidential election. Now we have become very suspicious of them (and they are expensive).
They could make the machines secure if they wanted to. Look at the nuclear ICBM system. It's ancient and isn't connected to the internet so it can't be hacked. These machines have wifi and can be easily accessed and manipulated, by design. Reminds me of a Chris Rock bit. "You really think they can't make a Cadillac where the bumper don't fall off? C'mon man!"
I can tell you this:
I am a California voter. Myself and two others I am close to all voted to remove Gaffin… our votes have not, nor will they be counted. Using the track my vote webby, we show our election docus were sent out August 16th and have not been received, counted, or recorded. We hand delivered our votes inside the voting station, directly into the drop box under the purview of two separate video cameras on September 13. One day before Election Day. We are, as a state, pissed beyond consolation. That was an extremely dangerous move by the DS. I will not stop my statesmen from seeking Constitutional recompense. This is Gavin’s problem now… NCSWIC
I asked for a paper ballot. They weren’t happy about it but had to give to me by law. We had a few friends that asked for a paper ballot and were told that their vote was already cast. It’s all a sham. They want people to react. I say we react but not in the way that they want us to. I say everyone who voted yes should stay home from work until they correct the election. It would shutdown the California economy in the first day.
I live in California also and no our votes out here do not count as long as they're using these machines these machines I'm doing the whole male in thing that can be manipulated In sending out thousands of ballots to people that don't ask for them who would otherwise not vote at all If they had to get off their couch
I voted by mail, then learned that once they remove the ballot from the envelope there is NO way of tracing it back to me (per CA law). Therefore all they have to do is count a ballot for Nuisance in place of mine... and nobody would ever be able to tell! What a ridiculous invitation for fraud!
Absolutely NO DOOMING! Chin up Patriot Pedes. There’s a very good reason Q said “watch California”. We are different from the rest of the nation. We can handle this sh!t no problem. Sending these a$$holes to jail is preferential however, California doesn’t like waiting. POTUS had his opportunity to stop these animals and didn’t take it. Now it’s our turn. Keep doing what Q said and “watch California”. Bring lots of popcorn. First, Gavin will light We The Sovereign People of Northern California on fire… cut off our power and internet… block our food routes… do everything he can to punish us but he will fail. The level of fury here is even beyond what I had originally suspected it would be after Gavin gaffed our votes… these people are not going to be easily quelled. I feel like we’re the kickoff for the beginning of devolution and visible martial law. The military will have to move in and stop the violence because otherwise our forces will reach the elite bastions and bring them all down in a flaming inferno. ~Beware the Slumbering Bear~
I have a feeling it’s not going to be pretty for Gavvy and his minions. Their hubris has consumed them and now they’ve crossed one of those lines, think they’re untouchable. They never learn.
Best of luck to the great people of Cali in eradicating the evil stench that has permeated the state for far too long.
I have to hope the whole purpose of this recall election was to back up the evidence for fraud in 2020. Newsom is going down with the rest of the DS, so “beating” the recall really didn’t get him anywhere.
IMO...They knew this was going to happen, but it goes back to "You have to show the people, they have to see for themselves" I Bet you that 70% to 80% of Californians voted to get him out....
Most Democrats didn’t believe the ‘20 election was stolen. But with this recall, half the Democrats were in favor of it. So now the steal effects them, as well as Republicans. Now they’re seeing the truth, and that is the goal, to make people aware.
Let’s see what happens…
It doesn't matter if they do it again and again and again and nothing happens.
Collusion yes with Ukraine and Afganastan
Corruption yes Hunter is ripe as well as Insider Nancy
Cheating sure why not
Treason yup hold my beer
For the love of God when do the laws apply to the political class?
Maybe they hyped this recall thing so much so that everybody knew about it but Elder had no intention of "winning" but rather let the steal go ahead while all was monitored...Then see what happens...Just a thought...
OF course they show this..........
I learned a lesson as a child......my brother and I pulled a prank on a amusement ride attendant, we got away scot clean. But that wasn't good enough, we went back to taunt the young fellow after he had to run over a quarter mile to get the "car ride" we had left to create chaos.
I'll tell you what happened next, dude flipped his lid. He hurdled a 4ft fence to get at that 2 ten year old's laughing and mocking his trouble.
You see it's one thing to do something wrong and get away with it..........it's next level shit to make your enemy crazy, letting them know what you did..........All the while laughing in their face.
As Glinda the good witch loves to say...
Karma's only a bitch when you are, dear.
She also said, "Hold on to your rifles. Their magic must be very powerful or politicians wouldn't want them so badly."
Glinda never said that
That you heard, anyway. Just sayin'...
You know her privately!??? wow. I'm impressed. I always knew witches lived a long long time. Is she like 175 by now?
Yeah, we went to school together.
It's a meme!
Search images ~ "You know dear...Karma's only a bitch if you are." There she is in all her glory, speaking truth like the badass good witch that she is.
They have zero reason to be afraid of us.
I'd prob rub it in my enemy's face too.
When are we gonna do anything?
I somehow read it as a 41 ft fence and thought, "Man, you angered a superhero... not good!"
Good story. Sad to see that everyone here is missing the point.
I guarantee traps were set and the DS had zero choice but to cheat in real time again !
They read these boards also, why not just do the opposite ? Let him win and fuck up “the plan” ?
When you know your enemy, you'll understand why they make the moves they do. When so much is at stake, and they aren't firmly in control, they can't afford to risk it all on a bluff.
When you're in control, you have more room to be, let's say, creative with your chess moves. As much as it became cliché and somewhat of a mocking meme at this point, the notion of 4D chess became a thing for a reason! The best chess players can afford to react to certain moves in certain ways, because their overall plan is built around considering these things as they happen. It's hard to fathom, but the player who is firmly in control can literally react to ANY moves the opponent makes, because he's not only gamed out his own moves, but gamed out his opponent and the moves the opponent CAN make. If the master chess player can steer his opponent into the moves he wants him to make, then he knows which ways the opponent has to move before even the opponent does!
So this is why the opponent (Deep State) can't just "do the opposite." They don't have the flexibility available to make that kind of bluff! They're stuck in quicksand and thus the ONLY moves they can think about making right now are the ones that involve getting out of the quicksand! The master chess player has not only steered his opponent into this quicksand FOR their opponent, but has thusly earned themselves the 40,000 foot view where they can not only focus on the entire board, but can zoom in and watch the Deep State sinking in their quicksand too!
Greatness here in explanation.
brilliant comment
This. And I think If gavin had "lost" it would been a major domino toward 11.4.
Biden coms: 'If you don't vote no for recall, you get Trump.' They were all equating Larry to Trump, but I think they were also literally telling their stooges to cheat harder or the jig would be up.
Either way, there is now so much more fraud getting exposed to the sunlight. Take your red pills normies. We have a world to rebuild.
Epic explanation.
When has anyone ever gained power, then willingly ceded it?
When have these Satanists ever got in serious trouble for hiding in plain site?
I think the answer is soon.
Based Cincinnatus, fren.
Atta boy!
No one, not once...ever.
Lucius Quinctius Cincinnatus was a Roman patrician, statesman, and military leader of the early Roman Republic who became a legendary figure of Roman virtue— particularly civic virtue —by the time of the late Republic. Cincinnatus was a conservative opponent of the rights of the plebeians who fell into poverty because of his son's violent opposition to their desire for a written code of equally enforced laws. Despite his old age, he worked his own small farm until an invasion prompted his fellow citizens to call for his leadership. He came from his plough to assume complete control over the state but, upon achieving a swift victory, relinquished his power and its perquisites and returned to his farm. His success and immediate resignationi of his near-absolute authority with the end of this crisis has often been cited as an example of outstanding leadership, service to the greater good, civic virtue, humility, and modesty.
So f up newsome? That's an idea.
Yeah, then what do they do with it? Give it to the FBI? Or maybe to the Department of Elections? I'm sure they'll 'look into it' -- This is fucking bullshit. They will never stop cheating in elections because they always get away with it and the paid RINO-Democrats never do anything about it.
Voting no longer matters.
Sir, your lack of confidence in rigged elections is a threat to democracy.
NPR this morning, lamenting the fact that republicans not trusting elections was the “new normal”.
Its bad enough they lie to us,
Then they get mad at us for not believing their lies.
Yes. I have been voting for decades and for the first time in my life, I don't want to vote. Since I'm a registered R, my vote will probably go to a D. We need to get rid of these voting machines.
The more who vote and get their shit stolen the better the case.
I used to buy into the argument that votes don't matter, it's just two sides to the same corrupt coin. Until [Hussein] was 'reelected." Then it all made sense to me. We HAVE to continually vote, otherwise, there IS NO argument.
Fool me once…
Do it and help make it blatantly obvious. And track your vote to prove the fraud.
Funny, that's just what the Ds in Congress were saying before Slow Joe got elected, that the voting machines weren't secure. Suddenly they're reliable and have never been so secure? They really believe that we're stupid. And maybe we have been
Yes. We never really gave the machines a thought until the 220 presidential election. Now we have become very suspicious of them (and they are expensive).
They could make the machines secure if they wanted to. Look at the nuclear ICBM system. It's ancient and isn't connected to the internet so it can't be hacked. These machines have wifi and can be easily accessed and manipulated, by design. Reminds me of a Chris Rock bit. "You really think they can't make a Cadillac where the bumper don't fall off? C'mon man!"
Or out rig the machines.
I'm voting even though I know it never counted.
I'm voting so that when I have to use the other box, I will know I exhausted the previous boxes.
We're down to the last box.
That was confirmed in the Georgia senate runoff "election" last December
I can tell you this: I am a California voter. Myself and two others I am close to all voted to remove Gaffin… our votes have not, nor will they be counted. Using the track my vote webby, we show our election docus were sent out August 16th and have not been received, counted, or recorded. We hand delivered our votes inside the voting station, directly into the drop box under the purview of two separate video cameras on September 13. One day before Election Day. We are, as a state, pissed beyond consolation. That was an extremely dangerous move by the DS. I will not stop my statesmen from seeking Constitutional recompense. This is Gavin’s problem now… NCSWIC
I asked for a paper ballot. They weren’t happy about it but had to give to me by law. We had a few friends that asked for a paper ballot and were told that their vote was already cast. It’s all a sham. They want people to react. I say we react but not in the way that they want us to. I say everyone who voted yes should stay home from work until they correct the election. It would shutdown the California economy in the first day.
I live in California also and no our votes out here do not count as long as they're using these machines these machines I'm doing the whole male in thing that can be manipulated In sending out thousands of ballots to people that don't ask for them who would otherwise not vote at all If they had to get off their couch
Get ‘em!
I voted by mail, then learned that once they remove the ballot from the envelope there is NO way of tracing it back to me (per CA law). Therefore all they have to do is count a ballot for Nuisance in place of mine... and nobody would ever be able to tell! What a ridiculous invitation for fraud!
They have been caught. Now to see some justice!
Flatten the curve!
Two weeks no more
I am venturing a guess and saying that democrats haven't won an election for a very, very long time. Not even in "blue" cities.
Absolutely NO DOOMING! Chin up Patriot Pedes. There’s a very good reason Q said “watch California”. We are different from the rest of the nation. We can handle this sh!t no problem. Sending these a$$holes to jail is preferential however, California doesn’t like waiting. POTUS had his opportunity to stop these animals and didn’t take it. Now it’s our turn. Keep doing what Q said and “watch California”. Bring lots of popcorn. First, Gavin will light We The Sovereign People of Northern California on fire… cut off our power and internet… block our food routes… do everything he can to punish us but he will fail. The level of fury here is even beyond what I had originally suspected it would be after Gavin gaffed our votes… these people are not going to be easily quelled. I feel like we’re the kickoff for the beginning of devolution and visible martial law. The military will have to move in and stop the violence because otherwise our forces will reach the elite bastions and bring them all down in a flaming inferno. ~Beware the Slumbering Bear~
I hope we get a Truman Show style livestream for the life sentences of all the Deep State members who are sent to FEMA camps to serve their sentences.
I have a feeling it’s not going to be pretty for Gavvy and his minions. Their hubris has consumed them and now they’ve crossed one of those lines, think they’re untouchable. They never learn.
Best of luck to the great people of Cali in eradicating the evil stench that has permeated the state for far too long.
Our prayers are with you.
but dooming but demoralized
said watch CA not california, ca could mean canada as a countrycode, election 20thsame day evergrande will go belly up since they are bamkrupt
Well...Q said "Watch CA." Isn't Canada considered "CA" as well?
Catbox backup video link
TY I needed this
Spread to your peers and fight in this information war!
Talk about doing it in front of your face....with impunity...!! MF's
Gavin! You're the next contestant on Club Gitmo Come on Down!
I have to hope the whole purpose of this recall election was to back up the evidence for fraud in 2020. Newsom is going down with the rest of the DS, so “beating” the recall really didn’t get him anywhere.
Just...WOW. But we knew this would happen. Now, to wake the normies.
IMO...They knew this was going to happen, but it goes back to "You have to show the people, they have to see for themselves" I Bet you that 70% to 80% of Californians voted to get him out....
Most Democrats didn’t believe the ‘20 election was stolen. But with this recall, half the Democrats were in favor of it. So now the steal effects them, as well as Republicans. Now they’re seeing the truth, and that is the goal, to make people aware. Let’s see what happens…
It doesn't matter if they do it again and again and again and nothing happens. Collusion yes with Ukraine and Afganastan Corruption yes Hunter is ripe as well as Insider Nancy Cheating sure why not Treason yup hold my beer
For the love of God when do the laws apply to the political class?
They always follow the rules of Karma no matter what they do..... even leading up to ANY big event (WW) ......
The majority of them also follow ‘Feast Days’ with blood..... you can pick any of their past events relative to their Feast Days...
It’s well worth going back over the Q posts related to ‘their’ practices....
This almost feels like it's part of some plan.
Well, Trumpilini did say he believed voter fraud in California would be exposed.
I wonder what their explanation of this would even be? They always have an answer. “Well….ya see….blah blah blah”
Then why did Larry elder concede?
Maybe they hyped this recall thing so much so that everybody knew about it but Elder had no intention of "winning" but rather let the steal go ahead while all was monitored...Then see what happens...Just a thought...
Yeah. And b4 we call it stolen we gotta know who it was stolen from. Was he truly voted out or do we just know fraud helped secure him in.
Even I saw that with my own old nearly blind eyes!
This looks familiar eh?
Thendumbassws turned around and did the same shitnallnover again. A one play pony.
They suck.
Newsome is now a mini Biden who is going to get the political structure of his party demolished in California.
Most awesome
Okay I am watching california. Obviously, the Dems won again, but will something actually be done in a deep blue state?
how many more losses until the big W?
Those were just the obvious ones that got caught what about the other 2 million that they did not get caught on Live TV doing....
" human error "...again and again, not likely.....Not many will believe it this time....
And were gonna let deepstate stay in office to destroy and lock us down while dying under his continuing illegal rule? I call bs.
And so???????
I agree this is super sketch but I don’t agree that this is evidence that necessarily proves anything..
I showed this link to a leftist I've been arguing with over election fraud. It's a pretty damning example I think.
The leftist's response, "WELL PLAYED. It'll always go to whoever does it better."
They are AWAKE.
They KNOW.
Newssolini should R. Budd Dwyer himself on live, uncensored television.
To me, this looks like a cnn poll not the actual vote numbers when it changes, but then again i cant imagine 5 million people watching cnn.
Death to Pedocrats, in Minecraft.
Is this ever going to end
We all knew this was going to happen and it did. But...now what ? Wait months and months for aduits ?