I'm leaning that way too.... Dividing the Republic party will make sure the Patriots only vote patriot and the life long "vote red till I'm dead" guys will just keep throwing votes at the uniparty candidate.... Not a smart move in my opinion. Why not take back the republican party? It's getting easier to spot DS Rino's I think. Once they slip up, they're out in the open
We tried to take it back in Virginia and the GOP fucked us deep state style. They canceled the primary because Amanda Chase was gona win. They picked the CEO of the Carlyle Group CCP style by party members only. They let Mike Pence campaign but told Trump three times not to come to Virginia. They were telling people with confederate flags to leave and making people wearing Qanon clothing leave or take their clothing off. Why would anyone support this shit at all? I’m not f’n stupid. I’m sorry but we must have our own party. We lost. Obviously. I’m not doing mental gymnastics to support the above shit that happened. The GOP is The Deep State and so is the Democrat party. So why would I be in either party now??
"They" didn't pick Youngkin, those of us who attended the convention did. Youngkin was not the state party pick, Pete Snyder was. Who did you vote for at the convention?
Sears and Miyares were not state party picks either. Chase was the very first candidate eliminated. If she had such a poor showing among Republican convention delegates, why on earth would you think she could have won a primary? In Virginia, anyone can vote in the primary of their choice so Democrats could have determined the GOP candidates.
Youngkin is a RINO/DS as they come. People need to do their due diligence on him. Two words: Carlyle Group. He basically started his career there in the early 90s and slowly climbed the ranks up to CEO before retiring with a supposed nest egg of over $500 million. But it’s not all about him, it’s more about the Carlyle Group itself. He worked there during Enron, 9/11 and the housing market crash if ‘08. The Carlyle Group is one of the most, if not one of the biggest, most destructive, literally (MIC military industrial complex ties) investment companies on the planet.
Today they try and paint the Carlyle Group as a “newer” version of itself with less ties to the MIC - bullshit, they still have those ties - they are just better at hiding them today.
Youngkin was placed in victory. Next stop, the White House. You can’t tell me that a guy who amassed over a half billion dollars throughout his career did so by working an honest days work for one of the most vile companies on the planet? No, this guy is shady as fuck. Why Trump gave him his endorsement, I dunno, maybe it’s more 5D chess. Letting the DS think they are getting away with it again perhaps.
So you would have voted for McAuliffe. Or not voted and let the Dems elect McAuliffe. That was the only choices. Unless like the other guy you don't even live in Virginia.
I'm not a party member. I got involved because it's clear that we all have to get involved to get this election crap fixed. So did a lot of other people, which is why the party's picks lost. I'll ask again, who did you vote for at the convention? Did you actually attend? The way the convention was done it couldn't have been easier to attend.
It was obvious they were canceling Amanda Chase. I don’t even live in that state. Amanda Chade was going to win. You helped the deep state win. Continuing the same bull shit we fought so hard against. If you’re cool with a system that picks the deep state Carlyle Group CEO then you’re part of the problem. We lost because you did not fight back. We by would you participate in a rigged system? By your own words we lost.
You don't live in Virginia but you know all about it. Right. I was actually ready to vote for Chase but she ran such a poor nomination campaign it was clear she would never win statewide, especially with Northern Virginia liberals making up more than half the electorate.
I never said or implied we lost. I know some of you, suspiciously, have come on here and trashed Youngkin. I have some concerns about him too but will wait and see how he does. At any rate, he's certainly a HUGE improvement over McAuliffe. And cheating was minimal in the election thanks to the Virginia Project and the patriots who did get involved.
Tell me exactly, in detail, what you've done to fix anything or fight back? I have and I will do a lot more. Again, please detail what you have done. Looking forward to your answer.
(1. We don't name the new party some cringe boomer shit like "Patriot party" or "Freedom party"
(2. We broaden the platform to include more traditionally "left" populist positions. Like legalizing pot and criminal justice reform. I don't necessarily agree with those positions but I'm willing to accept it as a political necessity. If we are sacrificing a portion of the default R voters, we need to pick up more disaffected Dems.
We also have to start telling our side to understand optics as well.
The confederate flag has no value to us in the long run.
I don't care if someone has one.
But on the poltical stage.
It will cause a loss more than a gain.
Everyone needs to show the American flag at this point.
Trump has made the American flag a beacon of hope again.
I see more and more people supporting the American flag.
Um what? Patriots don’t pretend or act. We wear our confederate heritage and state right flags and paraphernalia with pride. Most Americans agree with us. Not going to act like a f’n RINO.
Yes, but we brought it back in its glory. That’s why the south went blue to red after LBJ signed that stupid bill in the 60’s. Our side took it over and we are winning with it. I definitely don’t see Democrats using that flag today. We Republicans live the flag and it’s been part of the maga culture. We adopted it for a reason. The Dems should have held on to the only good they had in that party. Their mistake is our gain.
No one knew who the fuck she was until the steal was done. I'm not buying the pissed off soccer mom act. It's suspect as hell that she appears on fox all the time during manufactured crises and has a hard on for trying to bury Lin Wood recently. I have had huge red flags in my eyes for her for the entire year. All she does is yell "based" shit on the podium and in front of cameras. No results or receipts. Her job is division, and this proves it.
And there was a post on this site showing the members of Congress that smashed the S&P average returns. She just so happened to be on that list investing in “infrastructure” companies MTG that is
I've been calling her out on these boards for a while and I'll get shit for it from her fans.
So heres my opinion:
She's right-winged AOC. She's the same piece on the other side of the chess board. Think big, optics are important.
MTG takes extreme positions and it pisses the Libs off. AOC takes extreme positions and it pisses the Conservatives off.
What you're left with: Both sides believe the loud horse-faced woman on their side is correct.
Doesnt this sound like opposition by design?
Was it any coincidence the spat between her and AOC was publicized in the media?
Shes simply put here so we feel justified in any "extremist" views. As if we ACTUALLY have someone fighting for us in Washington.
Look at the comms - Their names are both 3 letter acronyms that end in an "ee" sound.
Another thing that tipped me off to MTG was her going to the Midwestern rallies and the negative inflection she would use when speaking about New York.
Doesn't she realize that people left NYC and moved to the Midwest when our manufacturing started going to India and China? Did she even do her research on the demographics prior to her opening her mouth? If she chooses to go with the whole mainstream paradigm of Left vs Right, "city folk bad, country folk good",
He’s not. Republicans are traitors. They kicked us out of Virginia and let Mike Pence in to campaign for The Deep State candidate Glen Youngkin. The Deep State works with Dems and Republicans. This has been proven over and over and anyone that can’t see this at this point May as well just campaign for Biden. Pence, Biden, Youngkin, same thing. We need our own party and it will work with Trumps backing.
Yeah, I don't like this. Additionally there is a lot of division being pushed within our ranks all of a sudden. Lots of misinformation. They only way forward is to get rid of ALL the bad apples, not try to side step them.
Too much he said/ she said emotional garbage being slung around on these boards now.
If we want to out infiltrators we need RECEIPTS, logic, discernment and specific accusations.
I think the reality is a small amount of infiltrators have sowed division in a large group of people who know what the problem is but having clashing ideas/ methods on how to tackle it while they laugh in the background.
I haven't seen anything specifically damning or convincing for all these names being slung around MTG, Gaetz, Wood, Boebert etc...
With the way MTG is talking about Lin Wood and now this, I feel like Trump's base is attempted to be divided. We need to be careful with who we follow and be wary of what their end game is.
Bingo. She really loves the camera as well. She has been sowing division all year. Everyone on here was looking for hope and they molded a few characters for us. It's a movie.
Yeah but after reading Lin Woods own defense on telegram it really seems like Kyle has handlers taking advantage of his nativity and desire to restore his reputation.
Well it better come in with a bang and a lot of money AND grassroots level support, because third parties in American politics has always created more problems than they intended to fix. The worst thing a third party could do right now is split the conservative vote and give the Demwit Party a stranglehold on government.
Now if Pres. Trump were to come out and wholeheartedly support that party and MAYBE EVEN RUN FOR OFFICE as a member of that party, that might be the ONLY thing that could give it legs.
exactly! It's a long time till next election. Let's see how this plays out. By then we will know if he's part of Trumps plan, part of the oppositions attempt to divide us or just a little kid screaming to see if he'll get any attention. I'm wary but let's wait & see on this one
I cannot see a new party working, by working I mean will it result in electoral victory and achieving power? More likely the media will have a free run at attacking it, with full support from R and D sides, probably some DS FF thrown in for good measure.
This is a bad bad idea. Democrats will always win if that’s the case. It would split the conservative side between moderate and Trump supporters. This push is sus as fuck.
Good. We’ll replace them both with maga republicans while they jerk each other off in their new “club”. This is suspect as hell for anyone who supports Trump.
Then I will not be supporting Matt or MTG. I hope Trump comes out again and talks about uniting the Republican Party. Like he always has. MTG and Matt are grifters.
Member when they said we're making a patriot party and Trump was like they're dividing us and its stupid, this is the same thing. Gaetz is snake or ofp.
This is such a stupid idea. Splitting the Republican base will not turn out well. We need Patriots to win elections against Rinos in primaries, but this move unnecessarily complicates matters.
idk about Matt G and MTG. From what Ive seen they run their mouths but actually accomplish nothing. MTG is obnoxious, not bold, obnoxious. Matt reminds me of a salesman. Both give me a bad vibe
This looks like an attempt to divide Trump's base...
I'm leaning that way too.... Dividing the Republic party will make sure the Patriots only vote patriot and the life long "vote red till I'm dead" guys will just keep throwing votes at the uniparty candidate.... Not a smart move in my opinion. Why not take back the republican party? It's getting easier to spot DS Rino's I think. Once they slip up, they're out in the open
We tried to take it back in Virginia and the GOP fucked us deep state style. They canceled the primary because Amanda Chase was gona win. They picked the CEO of the Carlyle Group CCP style by party members only. They let Mike Pence campaign but told Trump three times not to come to Virginia. They were telling people with confederate flags to leave and making people wearing Qanon clothing leave or take their clothing off. Why would anyone support this shit at all? I’m not f’n stupid. I’m sorry but we must have our own party. We lost. Obviously. I’m not doing mental gymnastics to support the above shit that happened. The GOP is The Deep State and so is the Democrat party. So why would I be in either party now??
"They" didn't pick Youngkin, those of us who attended the convention did. Youngkin was not the state party pick, Pete Snyder was. Who did you vote for at the convention?
Sears and Miyares were not state party picks either. Chase was the very first candidate eliminated. If she had such a poor showing among Republican convention delegates, why on earth would you think she could have won a primary? In Virginia, anyone can vote in the primary of their choice so Democrats could have determined the GOP candidates.
Youngkin is a RINO/DS as they come. People need to do their due diligence on him. Two words: Carlyle Group. He basically started his career there in the early 90s and slowly climbed the ranks up to CEO before retiring with a supposed nest egg of over $500 million. But it’s not all about him, it’s more about the Carlyle Group itself. He worked there during Enron, 9/11 and the housing market crash if ‘08. The Carlyle Group is one of the most, if not one of the biggest, most destructive, literally (MIC military industrial complex ties) investment companies on the planet.
Today they try and paint the Carlyle Group as a “newer” version of itself with less ties to the MIC - bullshit, they still have those ties - they are just better at hiding them today.
Youngkin was placed in victory. Next stop, the White House. You can’t tell me that a guy who amassed over a half billion dollars throughout his career did so by working an honest days work for one of the most vile companies on the planet? No, this guy is shady as fuck. Why Trump gave him his endorsement, I dunno, maybe it’s more 5D chess. Letting the DS think they are getting away with it again perhaps.
So you would have voted for McAuliffe. Or not voted and let the Dems elect McAuliffe. That was the only choices. Unless like the other guy you don't even live in Virginia.
Yeah and now youngkin folded like a cheap suit
Right exactly. Party members picked at the leader at convention just like the CCP picks their leaders.
Why was the primary canceled? Had nothing to do with Amanda Chase leading in all the polls??
I'm not a party member. I got involved because it's clear that we all have to get involved to get this election crap fixed. So did a lot of other people, which is why the party's picks lost. I'll ask again, who did you vote for at the convention? Did you actually attend? The way the convention was done it couldn't have been easier to attend.
Looking forward to your answer.
It was obvious they were canceling Amanda Chase. I don’t even live in that state. Amanda Chade was going to win. You helped the deep state win. Continuing the same bull shit we fought so hard against. If you’re cool with a system that picks the deep state Carlyle Group CEO then you’re part of the problem. We lost because you did not fight back. We by would you participate in a rigged system? By your own words we lost.
You don't live in Virginia but you know all about it. Right. I was actually ready to vote for Chase but she ran such a poor nomination campaign it was clear she would never win statewide, especially with Northern Virginia liberals making up more than half the electorate.
I never said or implied we lost. I know some of you, suspiciously, have come on here and trashed Youngkin. I have some concerns about him too but will wait and see how he does. At any rate, he's certainly a HUGE improvement over McAuliffe. And cheating was minimal in the election thanks to the Virginia Project and the patriots who did get involved.
Tell me exactly, in detail, what you've done to fix anything or fight back? I have and I will do a lot more. Again, please detail what you have done. Looking forward to your answer.
Agree. R & D are parties of corruption
We have the base. Just need to give it our own name
Greene Party
would be a mindfuck
Lol take it over. Make it red. America first or Patriot Party is the way I think. More appealing to Americans.
Greene not Green
I agree on two conditions:
(1. We don't name the new party some cringe boomer shit like "Patriot party" or "Freedom party"
(2. We broaden the platform to include more traditionally "left" populist positions. Like legalizing pot and criminal justice reform. I don't necessarily agree with those positions but I'm willing to accept it as a political necessity. If we are sacrificing a portion of the default R voters, we need to pick up more disaffected Dems.
Don't agree with either two conditions. Quite the opposite. Give nothing to compromise. We believe what we believe.
Then we're going to lose.
No two people agree about everything. You just going to divide until you're the only one left?
Love it. Freedom party that doesn't fight for the freedom to smoke weed.
Just keep posting memes you clown
Maybe we just become the new Rinos? Rinojada Rep in name only just a different animal Not the uniparty rino but our own beast!
I mean maybe. But why? Better to form our own party as we have already been fucked over big time by the GOP.
We also have to start telling our side to understand optics as well. The confederate flag has no value to us in the long run. I don't care if someone has one.
But on the poltical stage. It will cause a loss more than a gain.
Everyone needs to show the American flag at this point. Trump has made the American flag a beacon of hope again.
I see more and more people supporting the American flag.
Um what? Patriots don’t pretend or act. We wear our confederate heritage and state right flags and paraphernalia with pride. Most Americans agree with us. Not going to act like a f’n RINO.
Not what I am saying.
The confederate heritage was destoryed by the democrats. If I remember correctly.
Most of the confederate states were democrats (dixiecrats). The democrats started the KKK and supported slavery.
So it was the democrats who ruined the confederate flag in the eyes on most people.
I am not saying get rid of the flag. You might wear it in pride.
But a political figure isn't going to be in a photo with someone wearing it. Just saying.
Yes, but we brought it back in its glory. That’s why the south went blue to red after LBJ signed that stupid bill in the 60’s. Our side took it over and we are winning with it. I definitely don’t see Democrats using that flag today. We Republicans live the flag and it’s been part of the maga culture. We adopted it for a reason. The Dems should have held on to the only good they had in that party. Their mistake is our gain.
I hear you friend.
This is why I got a certification in Digital Marketing. Marketing and building a brand is everything.
This was my only criticism of the flag. It has been branded as a symbol of slavery, hangings and lyching people.
That's what tons of people are going to think when they see the flag. Once something has had years of counter bad messaging against it.
You have to destory the brand (logos, symbols, literature, etc)
If you look at education programs in college.
Majors like Communication, Marketing and Journalism. Is heavy left wing.
Left wing people understand the power of communication via logos and symbols. They know how to build fake realities.
As I mentioned. I am not oppose to the flag.
But to take it to a public meeting with officals/candidates.
I can see why they would not let someone with the flag in.
It's the same as the Nazi symbol to a lot of people. That's unfair.
But branding is everything!
Every vote they make is an interview to be fired.
Tbat is why they want to split it. Its too easy to spot them.
Well then fuck those guys. Learn about your fucking candidates and policies, people.
Why would Gaetz want to divide the base?
why would Gaetz start a 3rd Party when Trump has been stating consistently for 5 years about taking back the Republican Party, the party of Lincoln?
like I said... SHADY
Exactly. This was my first thought.
additionally, look at the timing.. more than a little late for 2022, dontcha think?
Isn't there a certain trial that just kicked off in NY ?
something, something, Maxwell....
also isn't Lindell before SCOTUS today?
guess i worded it wrong....Lindell: Election Integrity Complaint Filed to the Supreme Court November 23, 2021
Don’t believe MSM. They are trying to make maga and Qanon look bad. Stay focused on the goal.
The better question - why does anyone trust MTG?
I haven't seen her do anything but talk big. She's the poster-girl for "We'll get them in 2024, guys!"
No one knew who the fuck she was until the steal was done. I'm not buying the pissed off soccer mom act. It's suspect as hell that she appears on fox all the time during manufactured crises and has a hard on for trying to bury Lin Wood recently. I have had huge red flags in my eyes for her for the entire year. All she does is yell "based" shit on the podium and in front of cameras. No results or receipts. Her job is division, and this proves it.
And there was a post on this site showing the members of Congress that smashed the S&P average returns. She just so happened to be on that list investing in “infrastructure” companies MTG that is 🤔
The white Maxine waters
MTG voted for Juneteenth.
I've been calling her out on these boards for a while and I'll get shit for it from her fans.
So heres my opinion:
She's right-winged AOC. She's the same piece on the other side of the chess board. Think big, optics are important.
MTG takes extreme positions and it pisses the Libs off. AOC takes extreme positions and it pisses the Conservatives off.
What you're left with: Both sides believe the loud horse-faced woman on their side is correct.
Doesnt this sound like opposition by design?
Was it any coincidence the spat between her and AOC was publicized in the media?
Shes simply put here so we feel justified in any "extremist" views. As if we ACTUALLY have someone fighting for us in Washington.
Look at the comms - Their names are both 3 letter acronyms that end in an "ee" sound.
Another thing that tipped me off to MTG was her going to the Midwestern rallies and the negative inflection she would use when speaking about New York.
Doesn't she realize that people left NYC and moved to the Midwest when our manufacturing started going to India and China? Did she even do her research on the demographics prior to her opening her mouth? If she chooses to go with the whole mainstream paradigm of Left vs Right, "city folk bad, country folk good",
What the Hell does she really think of us?
I’m still undecided on MTG and still appreciate that she’s been able to be a face for some of our concerns…
But that said, this is a good analysis and should be taken seriously.
One million upvotes
Isolated firebrand sets herself up as DNC and MSM punching bag.
She's the AOC of the right.
He is finally letting his glow show.
He’s not. Republicans are traitors. They kicked us out of Virginia and let Mike Pence in to campaign for The Deep State candidate Glen Youngkin. The Deep State works with Dems and Republicans. This has been proven over and over and anyone that can’t see this at this point May as well just campaign for Biden. Pence, Biden, Youngkin, same thing. We need our own party and it will work with Trumps backing.
Fucking Shill!
Get the fuck outta hear with this shit post.
Yeah, I don't like this. Additionally there is a lot of division being pushed within our ranks all of a sudden. Lots of misinformation. They only way forward is to get rid of ALL the bad apples, not try to side step them.
Too much he said/ she said emotional garbage being slung around on these boards now.
If we want to out infiltrators we need RECEIPTS, logic, discernment and specific accusations.
I think the reality is a small amount of infiltrators have sowed division in a large group of people who know what the problem is but having clashing ideas/ methods on how to tackle it while they laugh in the background.
I haven't seen anything specifically damning or convincing for all these names being slung around MTG, Gaetz, Wood, Boebert etc...
Trump's base doesn't vote for a douchebag like Mitch.
With the way MTG is talking about Lin Wood and now this, I feel like Trump's base is attempted to be divided. We need to be careful with who we follow and be wary of what their end game is.
Bingo. She really loves the camera as well. She has been sowing division all year. Everyone on here was looking for hope and they molded a few characters for us. It's a movie.
Absolutely. Read my comment in this thread.
That's a Texas sized 10-4 from me bud
Yeah but after reading Lin Woods own defense on telegram it really seems like Kyle has handlers taking advantage of his nativity and desire to restore his reputation.
naivete :)
Gah! You got me Covfefe...
Even Barnes as much shit as he talked about Lin, has stated this in a Viva Frei podcast the other day.
No no no! The plan is to infiltrate the GOP with Patriots
This will split the normie conservatives
Exactly their plan
Well it better come in with a bang and a lot of money AND grassroots level support, because third parties in American politics has always created more problems than they intended to fix. The worst thing a third party could do right now is split the conservative vote and give the Demwit Party a stranglehold on government.
Now if Pres. Trump were to come out and wholeheartedly support that party and MAYBE EVEN RUN FOR OFFICE as a member of that party, that might be the ONLY thing that could give it legs.
exactly! It's a long time till next election. Let's see how this plays out. By then we will know if he's part of Trumps plan, part of the oppositions attempt to divide us or just a little kid screaming to see if he'll get any attention. I'm wary but let's wait & see on this one
No we just need to kick out the RINO'S and treat them like the traitor Democrats
I cannot see a new party working, by working I mean will it result in electoral victory and achieving power? More likely the media will have a free run at attacking it, with full support from R and D sides, probably some DS FF thrown in for good measure.
Right-o. We need to hold current Republicans accountable to what we stand for and kick the ones out that refuse to be.
Yeppo! Never surrender
Third party is death sentence. Only idiots would support this.
This is a bad bad idea. Democrats will always win if that’s the case. It would split the conservative side between moderate and Trump supporters. This push is sus as fuck.
This is fucking retarded, Trump is taking over the Republicans and the Dems are disintegrating. WTF is this horse shit????
Trump needs to get these two to heel now or 2022 is as good as lost and oh yeah, no fixing 2020 either.
EDIT: then again if Devolution is true then maybe it doesn't matter...
(moonman with a gun) "It never did..."
No, they need to take over the Republican Party. This literally hands the election over to the Terrorists.
They should stick with the GOP and Trump and clean house
Good. We’ll replace them both with maga republicans while they jerk each other off in their new “club”. This is suspect as hell for anyone who supports Trump.
This appears to be fake news. Will delete in 1 hour unless a URL of an original or archived tweet can be produced.
Gaetz can go fuck himself and if MTG is with him, so can she...
It's very simple, DJT supports this new party, it will succeed, he doesn't and it will fail, miserably.
This is why Trump says take over the GOP rather than start a third party.
Third party is death for conservatives and will guarantee permanent democratic authoritarian dictatorship.
Need to TAKE OVER the GOP like Trump did, and run it that way.
Had Trump started a third party, he would be a forgotten trivia game answer, like Ross Perot.
Don't both Gaetz and MTG have some questionable backgrounds?
I don’t trust Gates & definitely don’t trust “sign here for my 50 cal” M.G.T.
Great! Let’s split the party and give the future to libs. Nice going retard. How about fix the repube party?
Then I will not be supporting Matt or MTG. I hope Trump comes out again and talks about uniting the Republican Party. Like he always has. MTG and Matt are grifters.
Gaetz is not someone I trust.
He’s a PAYtriot, everything out of his mouth is “I need support! Donate to…..”
Member when they said we're making a patriot party and Trump was like they're dividing us and its stupid, this is the same thing. Gaetz is snake or ofp.
This is such a stupid idea. Splitting the Republican base will not turn out well. We need Patriots to win elections against Rinos in primaries, but this move unnecessarily complicates matters.
idk about Matt G and MTG. From what Ive seen they run their mouths but actually accomplish nothing. MTG is obnoxious, not bold, obnoxious. Matt reminds me of a salesman. Both give me a bad vibe
Trust neither of them.
Trump is the Republican party.
If you're running against the Republicans, then you're running against Trump.
We now know without a doubt these two are fake.
Not buying this.
Has this tweet been deleted? I can't find it in his tweets?
I dipped my weiner in the Libertarian Party. Big mistake.