Looks like another DS plant. They keep doing these fake events to paint Q followers as violent extremists. Now they're trying to say we advocate for killing.
Can you see where the narrative is going? They're going to push that we promote violence and are terrorists and that we must be rounded up. I sense a coming shill wave soon that will push that very thing here.
I sense more false flag murders that they'll claim were by "Q followers". They are that threatened by us.
They're getting extra desperate to paint us as killers and BLM as "innocent angels".
A BLM supporter mows down innocents so now they scramble to paint the narrative that Q supporters are more dangerous. Always gaslighting and projecting.
I don't always show that I'm a Q follower, but when I do it's with body paint, viking horns and having an entourage of press follow me around inside Congress to get the perfect shot of my "rampage in the Capitol".
...why does everyone think a fucking buffalo hat equals viking hat? When I saw that shitty getup I immediately though 'someone dressing up as an amerindian', not 'viking warrior'.
Proper norse helmets didn't even have horns at all. Do a search for 'Gjermundbu helmet', and 'Yarm helmet', for what a proper norse warrior would wear. The best look is when they have a maille aventail as well.
First off, I was being sarcastic and just suggesting a similar but equally absurd get up. Second off, what a weird thing to get this upset about.
"Proper norse helmets didn't even have horns at all."
Ok, but most people see them as having horns. You can blame Hollywood and comics for that one. Maybe go write a stern letter to them. If you're wondering why most would see it as a viking hat, against blame movies and TV shows for depicting them that way. (for example: How to Train Your Dragon).
btw, is your passion dressing up as a proper viking?
Perhaps Norse is part of our frens heritage. It’s no biggie… I would respect their explanation and be good with it 😁 the funniest part of it all is that the liberal sleepers literally believe that’s what we wear when getting together. My lefty fil actually asked if he could see my “horns” hahahaha! I told him they were in the shop being rotated hahahaha! Gullible as hell!
Even on non-political topics (or as non-political as you can get) I've virtually never read an article from Vice that didn't try and shove some ignorant leftist drivel down my throat in the first or second paragraph. A truly next-level shithole of a site.
I actually heard about this from a baby Patriot. Apparently it was a Telegram group that are misinformation ops I’m thinking. They do a lot of date fagging and feed on hyperbole, especially regarding JFK Jr. They push retaliation and “action”. They were grossly disappointed when Jr didn’t show up… Is JFK Jr alive? Q: no.
It's just a cash grab, I feel like all the ghetto walk away folks are doing the same thing. They have the talking points and say them and Charlie Kirk gives them a microphone.
Do a search of her name and read her history yourself, it's not hard at all. Whatever I post you'll say it's BS, so just open a browser and learn the truth.
Or you know that it turns into a BS slider fest where you can show them anything and they'll say ... no that's MSNBC ... no that's Fox ... no that's a blog ... or whatever, so head on over to DuckDuckGo and find out on your own. That's what being a research movement is all about, it's not about being lazy.
I mean, you just say 'Q' and then 'anon' after it. It is just the lazy way to talk about the movement, I love how much the use of Qanon triggers snowflakes, though.
Health workers are in jeopardy but NOT from vigilante violence. They will face Nuremberg trials for their part in this genocide. They will NEED to be hanged in the public square so that all future health workers know what happens when you violate your oath and KNOWINGLY kill your patients. The Deep State is deep (and wide). All will face justice (it will take years).
She’s a DS meat puppet construct pushed to denigrate the Anons and Q. Queen of Canada? Lmao says who? She’s a paid mouthpiece along with quite a few others. As Q said, use discernment… it’s best to observe all, listen and wait because over time other events and information will help to sort the wheat from the chaff. This character is just that. A badly drawn character
This should be applied to the Lin Wood situation. Observe, listen and wait because something is going on below the surface that we are unaware of.In time it will become clear. Until then dont do the enemies work. Dont choose sides and spread division within the ranks over something that seems like a psyop to me.
And for $150 they will give you a new extended warranty on your car insurance, remove your credit card debt, and pay off your college debt to boot! Even if you don't have any!
Read some of her stuff on this site. She appears to be from the Phillipines. And judging by some of the stuff she's written, she's nuts. Claims "royal lineage" though I don't know how that's supposed to make her Queen of Canada.
And speaking of "Queen of Canada"...How did she get the title away from Trudeau? Hand-to-hand combat?
No violence. The judicial system will deal with all of them when it comes out the Covid shots are genocide bullets. Following orders and I didn’t know are no excuse for professionals.
I wonder if QAnon was part of the DS plan all along and the Patriots countered by starting the Q drops before the DS was ready to roll out QAnon. Maybe they stole what was supposed a negative narrative and made it positive.
This made me laugh thinking of Elmer Fudd and Daffy Duck
Goocd times
But yeah, our movement is the nonviolent one that respects the velvet ropes
It's the OTHER side that does the violence, the "Burn Loot Murder" crowd
Kyle Rittenhouse is a soon to be rich hero who killed only in self defense...it was proven in a court of law
The left clings to the BASELESS claim, WITHOUT EVIDENCE, of a bonkers CONSPIRACY THEORY that he was seeking to kill left wingers, but that has been thoroughly DEBUNKED
[Terms in all caps will short circuit commies' brains...use them! ]
It's like they're just making fun of themselves! I don't follow her comments or opinions these days, but Ann Coulter had a favorite quote of mine:
"It's one kind of lie to say that the Holocaust was when the Swedes killed the Jews. It is another kind of lie to say that it was when the Jews killed the Nazis."
This Qanon stuff they keep pushing about violence, shamans, and Canadian queens isn't even that. It is a third kind of lie. It is like saying that the Holocaust was when the Boston Packers butt tested green with a rose stone. It's not only wrong, it's like trying to insist that Khrischons wear orange and vermillion robes in China so that they can be reincarnated with Vishnu. Every word about it is wrong in some way. The devil isn't slipping in a lie here or there anymore, he's just blasting it out every window he can!
My guess is they waited until this Romana Didula got a following on Telegram with people sharing the above link and then added the above part to this article-
By November 21, 2021 at 7:38 PM Queen Romana Didulo had given the green light for the Kingdom of Canada's Military to search, confiscate, destroy, and dispose of any COVID-19 genetic biowarfare injections/vaccines entering or already in the Kingdom of Canada as seen below. In addition, she specifically states that the deployed forces are authorized to shoot to kill anyone who attempts to inject a child under the age of 19 years old with any vaccine as they were all deemed illegal in the Kingdom of Canada since Queen Romana Didulo declared it a vaccine free nation earlier in 2021:
It definitely looks out of place compared to the rest of the article.
I don't see any calls for violence on her gab.com page-
With that being said, she's definitely a nutjob from what I've seen so far. Even as far back as June, the only comments on that article come to the same conclusion that she's nothing but a larp who introduced herself on a $15.00 budget and there's no reason to believe her claims.
Well, there you have it. If it's on Reddit, we know it's a deep state setup. They just keep trying yet can't find true patriots to carry out their sick plans. They have to brainwash, drug and use technology to get their slaves to do their bidding.
This woman is an utter clown grifter who infested Telegram the only platform she isnt banned from. She lives in a run down dump house in Victoria where several defunct bankrupt shell corporations were registered to her.
Queen Dildo is a immigrant grifter sending money back to the philipines. Disavow and block
It will get there... but it will be the left-tards killing them when their family, including kids start dying in numbers heavy enough to overcome their indoctrination.
Looks like another DS plant. They keep doing these fake events to paint Q followers as violent extremists. Now they're trying to say we advocate for killing.
Can you see where the narrative is going? They're going to push that we promote violence and are terrorists and that we must be rounded up. I sense a coming shill wave soon that will push that very thing here.
I sense more false flag murders that they'll claim were by "Q followers". They are that threatened by us.
They're getting extra desperate to paint us as killers and BLM as "innocent angels".
A BLM supporter mows down innocents so now they scramble to paint the narrative that Q supporters are more dangerous. Always gaslighting and projecting.
Q follower? Don't you know we are Qanons? I read it in the OP just now.
The easiest way to tell if a story is 100% bullshit is to find the word qanon
Q anon shaman wizard. I will be there with my duck hunting gear asap. CMON MAN!!
I don't always show that I'm a Q follower, but when I do it's with body paint, viking horns and having an entourage of press follow me around inside Congress to get the perfect shot of my "rampage in the Capitol".
...why does everyone think a fucking buffalo hat equals viking hat? When I saw that shitty getup I immediately though 'someone dressing up as an amerindian', not 'viking warrior'.
Proper norse helmets didn't even have horns at all. Do a search for 'Gjermundbu helmet', and 'Yarm helmet', for what a proper norse warrior would wear. The best look is when they have a maille aventail as well.
First off, I was being sarcastic and just suggesting a similar but equally absurd get up. Second off, what a weird thing to get this upset about.
"Proper norse helmets didn't even have horns at all."
Ok, but most people see them as having horns. You can blame Hollywood and comics for that one. Maybe go write a stern letter to them. If you're wondering why most would see it as a viking hat, against blame movies and TV shows for depicting them that way. (for example: How to Train Your Dragon).
btw, is your passion dressing up as a proper viking?
Even the NFL Minnesota Vikings have horns painted on.
I get all my info about Viking couture from Elmer Fudd and Bugs Bunny. Doesn't everyone? https://www.wsj.com/articles/singers-wecall-how-elmer-fudd-bugs-bunny-tuned-them-to-wagner-roles-1463753848
Spear and Magic Hel-met!
Perhaps Norse is part of our frens heritage. It’s no biggie… I would respect their explanation and be good with it 😁 the funniest part of it all is that the liberal sleepers literally believe that’s what we wear when getting together. My lefty fil actually asked if he could see my “horns” hahahaha! I told him they were in the shop being rotated hahahaha! Gullible as hell!
What a great idea! I would love to gather with other like-minded and horn hatted people.
Probably a history geek. I understand his pain :)
When I saw it I thought village people lol
You sound like my heathen spouse
So the Tribal Leader didn't have Texas Longhorns for headgear???
Thank you.
Even the helmets with wings, even for the leaders, are super suspect, I think. But helmets with horns are a straight up NO. Never happened.
Well played
It’s Q.
It’s anons.
No qanon.
Exactly patriot!
I would argue that one. Even the qdocs in the sidebar mention qanon.
Yeah, it's a dumb argument.
Typical Vice news shit.
Vice news is next level deception.
Even on non-political topics (or as non-political as you can get) I've virtually never read an article from Vice that didn't try and shove some ignorant leftist drivel down my throat in the first or second paragraph. A truly next-level shithole of a site.
I actually heard about this from a baby Patriot. Apparently it was a Telegram group that are misinformation ops I’m thinking. They do a lot of date fagging and feed on hyperbole, especially regarding JFK Jr. They push retaliation and “action”. They were grossly disappointed when Jr didn’t show up… Is JFK Jr alive? Q: no.
I hope we get good memes out of this. Like that picture of fed bois standing around at the honeypot rally.
Look her up, she was a BLM protestor a year ago then picked up a MAGA hat when she had bills to pay.
Just more Antifa larping as Q followers to try to keep the Sheep from hearing our message and waking up.
Shes another FBI fag
Boy oh boy. These "investigative journalists" continue to prove they're nothing more than propagandists.
It's just a cash grab, I feel like all the ghetto walk away folks are doing the same thing. They have the talking points and say them and Charlie Kirk gives them a microphone.
You have a source on that? I tried finding information on her but mostly just found her gab.com page and some MSM articles.
^^^ THIS is an outright lie. Please stop!
It's not. Do your research.
Do a search of her name and read her history yourself, it's not hard at all. Whatever I post you'll say it's BS, so just open a browser and learn the truth.
Or you know that it turns into a BS slider fest where you can show them anything and they'll say ... no that's MSNBC ... no that's Fox ... no that's a blog ... or whatever, so head on over to DuckDuckGo and find out on your own. That's what being a research movement is all about, it's not about being lazy.
Teach a man to fish ...
Q never advocated for violence.
Qanon does tho apparently, whatever that is. I expect its pronounced cannon, another violent thing
That's how I always pronounce it my internal voice when I'm reading articles 😆
I mean, you just say 'Q' and then 'anon' after it. It is just the lazy way to talk about the movement, I love how much the use of Qanon triggers snowflakes, though.
This guy needs a one-way ticket to Mexico.
why not gitmo? he's a DS FBI shill
Even better! Good thinking, fren
He said "cannon", different from canon.
Health workers are in jeopardy but NOT from vigilante violence. They will face Nuremberg trials for their part in this genocide. They will NEED to be hanged in the public square so that all future health workers know what happens when you violate your oath and KNOWINGLY kill your patients. The Deep State is deep (and wide). All will face justice (it will take years).
Maybe you're used to doubletalk on whatever leftist shitbox you frequent but here when we say fair trial we mean fair trial.
WE? You are not "we". Begone, Handshake!
All for a larp
Proud boy narcs didn't do so well, let's try q anon
Never heard here before, but looks like the health workers are realising they committed genocide and reckoning is near
She’s a DS meat puppet construct pushed to denigrate the Anons and Q. Queen of Canada? Lmao says who? She’s a paid mouthpiece along with quite a few others. As Q said, use discernment… it’s best to observe all, listen and wait because over time other events and information will help to sort the wheat from the chaff. This character is just that. A badly drawn character
This should be applied to the Lin Wood situation. Observe, listen and wait because something is going on below the surface that we are unaware of.In time it will become clear. Until then dont do the enemies work. Dont choose sides and spread division within the ranks over something that seems like a psyop to me.
Yup definitely weird.
You can buy 70,000 followers from India, for like $100.
For $120 they will also mail in a vote for pedjoe
And for $150 they will give you a new extended warranty on your car insurance, remove your credit card debt, and pay off your college debt to boot! Even if you don't have any!
Romana Dildo
Lol... I read the board so fast I had to do a double take ‘cause that’s how I read her name the first time. Fitting for a DS/FED plant, buncha dildos.
If this LARP blows up any further, I vote this being our official moniker for this psyop beyotch.
With the occasional L added to the end of Romana. Just because...
Read some of her stuff on this site. She appears to be from the Phillipines. And judging by some of the stuff she's written, she's nuts. Claims "royal lineage" though I don't know how that's supposed to make her Queen of Canada.
And speaking of "Queen of Canada"...How did she get the title away from Trudeau? Hand-to-hand combat?
trudeau probably sucked her man meat
No violence. The judicial system will deal with all of them when it comes out the Covid shots are genocide bullets. Following orders and I didn’t know are no excuse for professionals.
I wonder if QAnon was part of the DS plan all along and the Patriots countered by starting the Q drops before the DS was ready to roll out QAnon. Maybe they stole what was supposed a negative narrative and made it positive.
This made me laugh thinking of Elmer Fudd and Daffy Duck
Goocd times
But yeah, our movement is the nonviolent one that respects the velvet ropes
It's the OTHER side that does the violence, the "Burn Loot Murder" crowd
Kyle Rittenhouse is a soon to be rich hero who killed only in self defense...it was proven in a court of law
The left clings to the BASELESS claim, WITHOUT EVIDENCE, of a bonkers CONSPIRACY THEORY that he was seeking to kill left wingers, but that has been thoroughly DEBUNKED
[Terms in all caps will short circuit commies' brains...use them! ]
Never heard of her. Where are [they] finding these people? "Seems" like a [DS] plant to me.
This weird woman again? Condemn her and pay her no heed.
Well it is Canada. Maybe it is duck hunting season and she really means it's duck hunting season.
It is duck hunting season
Is it ever not in Canada?
It's like they're just making fun of themselves! I don't follow her comments or opinions these days, but Ann Coulter had a favorite quote of mine: "It's one kind of lie to say that the Holocaust was when the Swedes killed the Jews. It is another kind of lie to say that it was when the Jews killed the Nazis."
This Qanon stuff they keep pushing about violence, shamans, and Canadian queens isn't even that. It is a third kind of lie. It is like saying that the Holocaust was when the Boston Packers butt tested green with a rose stone. It's not only wrong, it's like trying to insist that Khrischons wear orange and vermillion robes in China so that they can be reincarnated with Vishnu. Every word about it is wrong in some way. The devil isn't slipping in a lie here or there anymore, he's just blasting it out every window he can!
I found this article from June 2021 (which just happened to be updated 2 days ago)-
Archived link- https://archive.md/E2Vzu
My guess is they waited until this Romana Didula got a following on Telegram with people sharing the above link and then added the above part to this article-
It definitely looks out of place compared to the rest of the article.
I don't see any calls for violence on her gab.com page-
With that being said, she's definitely a nutjob from what I've seen so far. Even as far back as June, the only comments on that article come to the same conclusion that she's nothing but a larp who introduced herself on a $15.00 budget and there's no reason to believe her claims.
This is why Q warned us that there is no QAnon, only W and Anons. This is exactly why.
Who is W?
George Dubya. Nah, typo haha sorry
I personally liked the typo I knew exactly what ya ment :) learn to read a keyboard. Shift 1<
Lol it's ok.
It's a trap
It's most definitely a tarp. I had never even heard of her until now.
I like this. ☝
It's a tarp. A cheap shitty blue one that:
. Tears at the corners when put under any load whatsoever
. Perishes quickly in the light of the sun
. Is the kind that is bought (usually by dullards) for temporary solutions with zero expectations of it holding up over time
every tarp ever
Wow these people sure are creative. What fantastical bullshit the DS comes up with.
Never heard of her
Vice 😂
If this were true, then every suck-ass news station in Canada would be all over it.
It's on the front page of reddit right now:
Well, there you have it. If it's on Reddit, we know it's a deep state setup. They just keep trying yet can't find true patriots to carry out their sick plans. They have to brainwash, drug and use technology to get their slaves to do their bidding.
Claiming to be the rightful heir to the Canadian throne, Queen of Canada...
I think her crown is constructed of aluminum foil.
This woman is an utter clown grifter who infested Telegram the only platform she isnt banned from. She lives in a run down dump house in Victoria where several defunct bankrupt shell corporations were registered to her.
Queen Dildo is a immigrant grifter sending money back to the philipines. Disavow and block
Yep we want things done by courts and laws. Otherwise we would be just as wicked at the elites.
Well, I didn’t say it would be easy. I get your point. I’m saying peacefully protests and out numbering the elites.
Sounds like one of our three letter agencies at work again.
I see the faggots in the FBI have opened a branch office in Canada.
Highest ranked anon 🤭🤭
It will get there... but it will be the left-tards killing them when their family, including kids start dying in numbers heavy enough to overcome their indoctrination.