My wife used to be a Pharmacy Tech for a chain. The central offices did the harmful interaction reviews and programmed the computers, so the branch Pharmacists never really had to worry much about details.
She was always pissed because the techs did all the work while her boss played games on his phone all day.
Every time I go to Walgreens to pick up syringes for Vita B shots the pharmacist is on their phone. He yells at the tech who's busy actually working to "help the customer" and weirdly it's a different tech EVERY TIME like they have high turnover or something.
Because it's someone new, they never know where the non-insulin syringes even are nevermind how to ring them up, so the pharmacist ends up needing to do it anyway.
I'm petty AF so I ALWAYS go to that Walgreens now just to fuck with that pharmacist lol
Jesus. Give the guy a break. He’s obviously cramming to learn the new dance routine. The pharmacists have joined the dancing nurses and they’re going on tour to a hospital parking lot near you.
If you look up the first one, it didn't matter whether you knew or not. Just because he is in the position of responsibility and administered the drug without informed consent, he is guilty.
Exactly! As a pharmacist his job is to be the last protector between his customers and bad/dangerous drugs. They should know everything there is to know, within reason, about the medicines they dispense. Unfortunately too many pharmacist nowadays are simply pill counters.
This. We are learning in real time the results of "simply following orders." Pharmacists should not be in a position of responsibility if they must cede their own critical thinking to blind trust. If they can't be a critical thinker, why are they a pharmacist? If it's because standards have been lowered, then why were they lowered? Is it about the expertise of the individual or reducing a pharmacist to a mere "yes sir I'll do that" type of position? Is it by any coincidence how dumbed down society has become? Why was society dumbed down? Who decided to dumb society down and for what reason? You start to get to some really interesting questions when you continue down this route.
You are right FL94. I know a number of pharmacists, some very well, because of what I do. Pharmacists giving inoculations is a relatively new thing. This was put upon them by Big Pharma via the chain drug corporations. Most pharmacists did not want this. At first the chains used pharmacists that would volunteer for this duty. Eventually it became mandatory. If you would not vaccinate then you were fired. As you can see from this video cognitive dissonance abounds.
The funny thing is... this guy isn't being "grilled" at all... he's being asked totally inert and logical questions. That's how deceived we've all been. When basic, common questions seem like an aggressive interrogation.
That's what's going on. This man sees himself as a good person and a good pharmacist. He believes his chain, I think he said CVS, has an interest in helping people. And up until this point, he's had no reason to question that. People come in with all kinds of ailments and health conditions, he gives them medication, and they get better or at least stay alive.
Now this lady is asking questions. To his credit, he realizes that her questions are valid and legitimate, and he tries to answer them. But now he's confronted with evidence that he's been deceived. And that he's been fooled. And that a good pharmacist would have reviewed all of the safety information before dispensing anything.
His distress comes from this realization which challenges his own identity.
Also to his credit, he's handling it better than most people would.
Think about how many people he administered the shot to that wound up dead or horrifically injured because they were randos off the street and he wasn't their family doctor. This is why VAERs reporting is so ridiculously low.
This is more of a spiritual battle above all else. Going to be a lot more examples like this - individual egos battling to survive the attack from truth
He handled it very well, these are the kind of internal crisis moments that can collapse peoples personal worldviews and drive them straight to suicide.
Look at the pharmacists body language throughout. All the hand wringing (attempts at self assurance via stroking) and stammering.
It is a real life milgram experiment. We are not allowed to rerun the milgram experiment because of the psychological trauma it causes. I don’t remember seeing a detailed review of the trauma and recovery, but this may be relevant to us today.
Holy Cow! He had a melt down, I really thought he was going to break down and cry. He was mentally shaken by that conversation with this woman, and ready to hand in his license. I think he already kinda new what’s going on with the shots but was trying his damndest to be blind to it, and her showing him the pamphlet was blank started his downward spiral and with each of her questions that he had no answers for made his drop harder. Better to wake up now than to keep putting up blinders and saying he didn’t know just to keep his job. Not only that I’m sure he got double jabbed & boostered up and finding out what he willfully put in his body & others is a death sentence.
I don’t know if I could have been as calm as that woman was, in the end she ended it pretty fast knowing this guy couldn’t take anymore questions, he would have had a mental breakdown, heck he probably did after she left. I wouldn’t be surprised if he quit his job after she left. Usually some pharmacists think they are above others and act like your stupid. I’m glad she pushed him to fully awaken to the truth.
That night he probably had a crisis moment but realized there was a simple solution to play both sides, that night he probably snuck in and swapped all the covid vials with saline and carried on like nothing ever happened.
Did you see how fast he ran to trash it, while saying “I’ll have to look it up online”? He knew right there that was at the least a major lawsuit, if not down right criminal to have that paper be blank.
the sad part here, he seems to be a decent person. Based on how he is engaging with her... rather that he is even engaging with her at all over this rather than just pointing her to 'cdc/nhs website' that is just full of bullshit general statements like "studies have shown its safe and effective" x 1001 iterations.
"I was just following orders" was proven to not a valid defense during the Nuremberg trial. He needs to take off his white coat and resign now and turn into a whistle blower if he wants to save himself.
Did you ever see the quality of the dental and hospital buildings at the death camps? They probably had world class surgeons stealing gold teeth and organs for the nazi elite.
I do too. Beta male that won’t fight for himself. It is also BS what they make people do to keep their job. Vax or fired. Vax people or fired. Fuck the people who put us in these positions. They must pay.
I feel like he is autistic he rainmaned his way through pharmacy school now he’s being forced to inject people on behalf of the state when he just wanted to count little pills all day.
I know lmao he had his happy little world of precisely putting 30 or 15 pills in their little bottles making sure everything is orderly now he’s been thrust into the center of a battle he wanted no part of.
Insert Rambo meme “wait until the people who just wanted to be left alone get involved” hahahahahaha
This is actually very interesting. You can tell he just wants her to really, go away. But he’s decent. He knows these questions deserve answers. He’s so nervous, I would not doubt he’s actually considered giving this up line of work. A pharmacist near where I live no longer gives out the jab. They tell people to go somewhere else.
When that paper was blank, that guys thoughts were probably like “ what the actual @&$?!!”, but he maintained. Then the Nuremberg comment. I could feel his hands sweating. This stuff is getting real. People need to decide. What side of history do you want to be on, when this is all over. Who do you want to see in the mirror. Do you have faith in Jesus, or do you not.
There's a difference between wishing someone well on the holiday they celebrate and making the claim that someone else is a lesser human being for not believing in their personal God. THAT is asshole behaviour.
We have always given medical professionals carte blanche with our trust, the hippocratic oath and a general belief that these people mean well. I believe that many deserve that respect.
Unfortunately, this has been systematically destroyed (much as our faith in law enforcement) has been shredded.
IMO, This is ultimately good for us, we need to be less reliant on any power center. We need to educate ourselves and see what the earth provides for us naturally. Strikes me that just about everything we really need has been available to us naturally since the dawn of man.
I almost feel sorry for the guy. The woman was perfect - talk about red-pilling in such a non-threatening way! I thought he was gonna fall apart when he ripped open that long, blank sheaf of paper that should have all the contraindications on it and she asked, “How is this informed consent?” Wow! And the clenched fist - he was completely unnerved because he’s been going through the motions to keep his job and hanging on for dear life that “nobody I’ve given it to has had any reaction - therefore it’s safe”. Well, that’s one narrative that is pretty fragile - first person who keels over on his floor and dies would push him right over the edge, with no going back. You can tell he’s just a good guy trying to do his job - unfortunately, he’s being naive doing “what they tell me to do”. Too many people afraid to ask questions for fear of ridicule or loss of livelihood. We really have become slaves. It’s sad.
Ignorance of the law does not forgive the punishment. It's his job to know these things. Especially for something supposedly this big! He seems like a good person. But it's still his job to know.
Wow, that guy’s whole education just flashed before his eyes. Near the end there - when he stammers it felt like he was thinking about drinking a Fifth of whiskey and eating the barrel of a gun when he got home that night.
He seemed genuine and she was being super calm and polite which probably helped him open up his mind.
The only one that has a working insert is Comirnaty, the FDA approved vaccine that removes the legal indemnification.
I don't know why the public has such a hard time understanding this or getting it, all you need to do is visit Elon Musk's SpaceX facility and set the wormhole generator to go to 2024 when it's available. Really simple to do, totally safe, like the vaccine.
This information can be used at his trial. He knows he isn't supposed to be giving untested vaccines to people but is doing it anyway. If it wasn't for the fact he is murdering people I would almost feel sorry for him.
Poor guy.
But he does have a conscience..he is awakening.
My wife used to be a Pharmacy Tech for a chain. The central offices did the harmful interaction reviews and programmed the computers, so the branch Pharmacists never really had to worry much about details.
She was always pissed because the techs did all the work while her boss played games on his phone all day.
Every time I go to Walgreens to pick up syringes for Vita B shots the pharmacist is on their phone. He yells at the tech who's busy actually working to "help the customer" and weirdly it's a different tech EVERY TIME like they have high turnover or something.
Because it's someone new, they never know where the non-insulin syringes even are nevermind how to ring them up, so the pharmacist ends up needing to do it anyway.
I'm petty AF so I ALWAYS go to that Walgreens now just to fuck with that pharmacist lol
Jesus. Give the guy a break. He’s obviously cramming to learn the new dance routine. The pharmacists have joined the dancing nurses and they’re going on tour to a hospital parking lot near you.
TikTok bosses are a thing now?
trust is a powerful tool that the cabal has used against honest people
A lot of people do what they're told and are pressured into doing so.
50% were in the bottom half of their class
That's literal regurgitation right there.
Many people myself included had full trust in the system so I'd assume this is what this guy also ran into
Yeah I felt really bad for him. He’s a useful idiot but he’s still a person.
Still gonna hang. Nuremberg 2.0.
If you look up the first one, it didn't matter whether you knew or not. Just because he is in the position of responsibility and administered the drug without informed consent, he is guilty.
Exactly! As a pharmacist his job is to be the last protector between his customers and bad/dangerous drugs. They should know everything there is to know, within reason, about the medicines they dispense. Unfortunately too many pharmacist nowadays are simply pill counters.
Yeah, after this video was filimed he most likey went right back to what he had been doing. With a sigh of relief.
This is the kind of squib that praises fauci. He probably watched the fauci documentary from national geographic and belives it.
In the old days, the pharmacists were manufacturing some of the drugs. The best pharmacists had the best recipes.
Forgive them.
Edit: Doesn’t God say to forgive in the Bible?
This getting downvoted says a lot. Funny and sad at the same time.
Glanced at your reply history. Constantly getting downvoted says a lot.
Yeah people downvote you when you say things that break their little bubble.
Sometimes people need someone to be real with them and naturally downvotes come with that.
Oh well.
I know. I can still feel bad though. He could’ve killed my family, I get it. These people are brainwashed.
He was aboutvto have a panic attack i felt bad as well. Hopefully he rethinks his position
He’s too much of a pussy to make a stand.
Pharmacist: you are right I shouldn’t be giving it to people. Lady: so why are you giving it to patients… Pharmacist: bc I need the money.
This. We are learning in real time the results of "simply following orders." Pharmacists should not be in a position of responsibility if they must cede their own critical thinking to blind trust. If they can't be a critical thinker, why are they a pharmacist? If it's because standards have been lowered, then why were they lowered? Is it about the expertise of the individual or reducing a pharmacist to a mere "yes sir I'll do that" type of position? Is it by any coincidence how dumbed down society has become? Why was society dumbed down? Who decided to dumb society down and for what reason? You start to get to some really interesting questions when you continue down this route.
Rockefeller took over medicine a century ago
Cant have two Gods: its either God or money. Aint that the truth
I thought that until he said he shouldn’t be giving these vaccines. I think he feels bad.
You are right FL94. I know a number of pharmacists, some very well, because of what I do. Pharmacists giving inoculations is a relatively new thing. This was put upon them by Big Pharma via the chain drug corporations. Most pharmacists did not want this. At first the chains used pharmacists that would volunteer for this duty. Eventually it became mandatory. If you would not vaccinate then you were fired. As you can see from this video cognitive dissonance abounds.
“Because they told me to.”
He literally said he was just follower orders. Like a good little Nazi.
It's not too late for some to realize what they've done and do the right thing.
Ignorance of the law is no defense.
The honest will be saved by the value if the loyalty.
"What have I been doing with my life?"
The funny thing is... this guy isn't being "grilled" at all... he's being asked totally inert and logical questions. That's how deceived we've all been. When basic, common questions seem like an aggressive interrogation.
Cognitive Dissonance
That's what's going on. This man sees himself as a good person and a good pharmacist. He believes his chain, I think he said CVS, has an interest in helping people. And up until this point, he's had no reason to question that. People come in with all kinds of ailments and health conditions, he gives them medication, and they get better or at least stay alive.
Now this lady is asking questions. To his credit, he realizes that her questions are valid and legitimate, and he tries to answer them. But now he's confronted with evidence that he's been deceived. And that he's been fooled. And that a good pharmacist would have reviewed all of the safety information before dispensing anything.
His distress comes from this realization which challenges his own identity.
Also to his credit, he's handling it better than most people would.
Think about how many people he administered the shot to that wound up dead or horrifically injured because they were randos off the street and he wasn't their family doctor. This is why VAERs reporting is so ridiculously low.
This is more of a spiritual battle above all else. Going to be a lot more examples like this - individual egos battling to survive the attack from truth
He handled it very well, these are the kind of internal crisis moments that can collapse peoples personal worldviews and drive them straight to suicide.
Yes - and or rage.
I've learned people are not smart.
They're trained.
That's very true.
Trust the science! Don’t question the science! The science is settled!
The experts all agree!
The woman asking the questions was great in her delivery. I marveled at how calmly she asked these direct questions. She kept pulling him along.
I wish I could do this.
Study Chris Voss. Within 1 year with practice you can.
Me too Fren.
I love how she dropped a MOAB on "Safe and Effective" with just a single question.
Big true
I really admire the lady talking. She's so calm and soothing that it breaks through his cognitive dissonance. You can see his distress.
Agreed! I wish I had that kind of poise.
...and right, right now, I'm feeling totally inadequate as a ph...
Here is the rest of it:
Thank you fren! I had to see the end of that.
Look at the pharmacists body language throughout. All the hand wringing (attempts at self assurance via stroking) and stammering.
It is a real life milgram experiment. We are not allowed to rerun the milgram experiment because of the psychological trauma it causes. I don’t remember seeing a detailed review of the trauma and recovery, but this may be relevant to us today.
Here's the full vid, from the begining. - - 5min:16sec
This is what we print as QR codes on stickers and place EVERYWHERE
Holy Cow! He had a melt down, I really thought he was going to break down and cry. He was mentally shaken by that conversation with this woman, and ready to hand in his license. I think he already kinda new what’s going on with the shots but was trying his damndest to be blind to it, and her showing him the pamphlet was blank started his downward spiral and with each of her questions that he had no answers for made his drop harder. Better to wake up now than to keep putting up blinders and saying he didn’t know just to keep his job. Not only that I’m sure he got double jabbed & boostered up and finding out what he willfully put in his body & others is a death sentence.
I don’t know if I could have been as calm as that woman was, in the end she ended it pretty fast knowing this guy couldn’t take anymore questions, he would have had a mental breakdown, heck he probably did after she left. I wouldn’t be surprised if he quit his job after she left. Usually some pharmacists think they are above others and act like your stupid. I’m glad she pushed him to fully awaken to the truth.
Seems God sent her to him to help open his eyes for he has been blind
I was surprised he staid and talked with her also.
Hopefully he told everyone to stop giving the shots to people.
That night he probably had a crisis moment but realized there was a simple solution to play both sides, that night he probably snuck in and swapped all the covid vials with saline and carried on like nothing ever happened.
Yes! I wanted to hear more. WTF
This guy is malfunctioning in real time.
As I was watching it that was the same thing I thought. He’s an npc and he’s short circuiting!!! Look! There is smoke coming out of his ears!
I think the short circuit began the precise moment he unfolded the insert and it was, indeed, blank.
In his head, "there's no way this giant insert is actually blan -- holy shit it is what the fuck I have to find out why this is"
Did you see how fast he ran to trash it, while saying “I’ll have to look it up online”? He knew right there that was at the least a major lawsuit, if not down right criminal to have that paper be blank.
and the fact he did not know and had never informed anyone of anything.
"Safe and Effective"
pharmacist.exe has stopped responding.
You are witnessing the destruction of the Matrix in real-time.
the sad part here, he seems to be a decent person. Based on how he is engaging with her... rather that he is even engaging with her at all over this rather than just pointing her to 'cdc/nhs website' that is just full of bullshit general statements like "studies have shown its safe and effective" x 1001 iterations.
"I was just following orders" was proven to not a valid defense during the Nuremberg trial. He needs to take off his white coat and resign now and turn into a whistle blower if he wants to save himself.
"I didn't know"
"But isn't it your job to know?"
"I was just doing my jo-"
"No you weren't."
Did you ever see the quality of the dental and hospital buildings at the death camps? They probably had world class surgeons stealing gold teeth and organs for the nazi elite.
How well did that work anyway given that Germany and Austria are going right back to being Nazis less than a century later?
Who’s he going to whistleblow to? The people he would speak to are 100% in favor of all this shit, the ones enforcing it etc.
I almost feel sorry for him.
I do too. Beta male that won’t fight for himself. It is also BS what they make people do to keep their job. Vax or fired. Vax people or fired. Fuck the people who put us in these positions. They must pay.
I feel like he is autistic he rainmaned his way through pharmacy school now he’s being forced to inject people on behalf of the state when he just wanted to count little pills all day.
He absolutely seemed to be on the spectrum.
I know lmao he had his happy little world of precisely putting 30 or 15 pills in their little bottles making sure everything is orderly now he’s been thrust into the center of a battle he wanted no part of.
Insert Rambo meme “wait until the people who just wanted to be left alone get involved” hahahahahaha
That moment he opens the whole informed consent form and it’s blank: priceless.
This is actually very interesting. You can tell he just wants her to really, go away. But he’s decent. He knows these questions deserve answers. He’s so nervous, I would not doubt he’s actually considered giving this up line of work. A pharmacist near where I live no longer gives out the jab. They tell people to go somewhere else.
When that paper was blank, that guys thoughts were probably like “ what the actual @&$?!!”, but he maintained. Then the Nuremberg comment. I could feel his hands sweating. This stuff is getting real. People need to decide. What side of history do you want to be on, when this is all over. Who do you want to see in the mirror. Do you have faith in Jesus, or do you not.
Tick tock people.
I was with you all the way until you decided to make it about Jesus.
If you don’t have Jesus in your life, I’m sad for you. Jesus has saved my life. And in the end, will be all that matters.
I would never say that you seem like the type to correct people who say merry Christmas with “happy holidays”. Never. Would never say that about you
There's a difference between wishing someone well on the holiday they celebrate and making the claim that someone else is a lesser human being for not believing in their personal God. THAT is asshole behaviour.
We have always given medical professionals carte blanche with our trust, the hippocratic oath and a general belief that these people mean well. I believe that many deserve that respect. Unfortunately, this has been systematically destroyed (much as our faith in law enforcement) has been shredded.
IMO, This is ultimately good for us, we need to be less reliant on any power center. We need to educate ourselves and see what the earth provides for us naturally. Strikes me that just about everything we really need has been available to us naturally since the dawn of man.
For too long we have doubted our own intelligence and ability to reason.
those you trust the most
👆🏻 That right there
I almost feel sorry for the guy. The woman was perfect - talk about red-pilling in such a non-threatening way! I thought he was gonna fall apart when he ripped open that long, blank sheaf of paper that should have all the contraindications on it and she asked, “How is this informed consent?” Wow! And the clenched fist - he was completely unnerved because he’s been going through the motions to keep his job and hanging on for dear life that “nobody I’ve given it to has had any reaction - therefore it’s safe”. Well, that’s one narrative that is pretty fragile - first person who keels over on his floor and dies would push him right over the edge, with no going back. You can tell he’s just a good guy trying to do his job - unfortunately, he’s being naive doing “what they tell me to do”. Too many people afraid to ask questions for fear of ridicule or loss of livelihood. We really have become slaves. It’s sad.
THIS is a sticky I was going to post. I searched, found the title, and stickied this instead.
This happens 10 times a day.
Well done OP. 🐸
"because I'm told to"
Not an act excuse.
Yes it is. It’s just a bad one.
Mouse … and these are the folks in positions of power…
The dude probably got redpilled that night as he looked up research. Wonder if we will see him lurking in GAW soon. Hi fren...
No you cut it at best part!!! Inadequate as what?? Does he start crying??
He stayed to say 'Inadequate as a pharmacist'. Cut off before he finished saying pharmacist.
Ignorance of the law does not forgive the punishment. It's his job to know these things. Especially for something supposedly this big! He seems like a good person. But it's still his job to know.
The excuses in the comments....🤮
Claiming he looks like he's on the spectrum and the lady is harassing him. 🙄
Wow, that guy’s whole education just flashed before his eyes. Near the end there - when he stammers it felt like he was thinking about drinking a Fifth of whiskey and eating the barrel of a gun when he got home that night.
He seemed genuine and she was being super calm and polite which probably helped him open up his mind.
This shit is going viral
Pharmakeia is straight outta hell.
The only one that has a working insert is Comirnaty, the FDA approved vaccine that removes the legal indemnification.
I don't know why the public has such a hard time understanding this or getting it, all you need to do is visit Elon Musk's SpaceX facility and set the wormhole generator to go to 2024 when it's available. Really simple to do, totally safe, like the vaccine.
When he seen that motherfucking paper BLANK, he had a major npc malfunction.
This needs to go far and wide. I don't have twatter so I can't do it.
Is it me or does this guy seem like he has a tad bit of autism?
This information can be used at his trial. He knows he isn't supposed to be giving untested vaccines to people but is doing it anyway. If it wasn't for the fact he is murdering people I would almost feel sorry for him.
This is sad you can tell this man went into his career wanting to help people.
I feel sorry for him. He has been tricked into doing this and he is opening his eyes. Hopefully he doesn't give the vaxx to anybody else.