Please help save my marriage and maybe my life. I really need your help answering the following two questions and the source information for the answers:
Does the J&J or Phizer shot change your DNA?
Can you get VAIDS, ADE, (or something else) by having unprotected sex with a vaxxed person?
Will you please help? Give me proof – one way or the other. Prove me right or wrong, I just need to know. I know from reading GAW that I am not the only family with this struggle, one pureblood, one sheep. Please help us all. I know there are a ton of Vaccine questions, comments, and opinions and I greatly appreciate your help with these. It is my hope that yes, you will help save me, but more importantly, perhaps by helping me you will help save so many others who may be facing this struggle as well.
I am a pureblood. In March my husband got the J&J. In October he got the flu shot and in November he got a Phizer booster. He has refused to listen to or read any material I had at the time on the dangers of the vaxx. Since he and all of his family (all vaxxed) are all fine and “nobody died,” he thinks I’m crazy. (They all have tons of side effects that of course they don’t connect to the vaxx, but I digress.)
From everything I have read, these shots are dangerous to not just the person getting them, but to those around them. I have made him wear protection since his first shot in March. I have tried working with him but I am afraid for my life. At first he thought he would just humor me for a little while because he thought I was just a little crazy or going through some conspiracy theory phase and would eventually come to my senses. But now he has decided I am not just being crazy, I’m being mean and don’t love him or want to “be with him” any more. Nothing could be further from the truth. I adore this man and would love nothing better than for things to be the way they used to be between us.
Until a couple years ago when he had to have a triple by-pass, we were on the same page for the most part. We have been together twenty years and have endured many hardships, like the loss of my only child, my beloved son. We live and work on a large farm and are able to keep to ourselves during these crazy times. We camp, fish, ride horses, and hunt together. After the heart surgery, fear became his master. Fear of a common cold because it hurts him so much just to cough. Enter covid. He has gone from watching the news only for the weather forecast to watching every local station newscast morning, noon, and night and Nora O’Donnell is his goddess of truth.
He has finally agreed to read or watch my “crazy propaganda stuff.” He is finally starting to question somethings the news tells him, but is holding on tightly to what they tell him, but I see their hold on him beginning to crack ever so slightly. He told me just before Christmas, that he is willing to see what proof I have. He has given me about two weeks to provide information. If I cannot prove what I say, I have to “put out or get out.”
I know it may not sound like it from what I have just written, but I still believe this marriage is worth saving. Yes, I have faith in my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, and pray for guidance daily. I know that my Lord and Savior will be with me no matter the outcome. My GAW family is my last earthly hope. Do I stand my ground and maybe save my life or do I cave in and risk it. My heart is breaking for my husband, myself, and the many others I have read about on GAW going through similar struggles.
Mods, I ask that you please consider making this a stickie for a little while. I know I am but a humble relative newbie to this site but I have seen so many others comment of their similar struggle that I believe it could very well be life-saving to those on this site and to those we love and are trying to red-pill. Regardless of your decision to stickie or not to stickie, thank you all for your help and all you do.
I think it is awesome that you make your husband rubber up since he got the jab.
Smart move for her, but she should still be protecting herself with Ivermectin/zinc or quercitin/black cummin/suramin/etc to defend against the spike proteins she will begin producing ...
This past February, I had a nurse coming to my home about an hour a day to take care of a family member. I had little interaction with this nurse, we spoke face to face maybe only 4 times or so.
She got Pfizernated a few days after she started coming over. About a week after she started coming over, I started getting these massive headaches every day, they were brutal. They lessened about a month later after she stopped coming over. Finally went away completely about two weeks after that.
I don't know anything for certain, but I suspect she was shedding something around the house.
Utah, I would get what felt like a cold starting around a couple of people who I know are vaxxed from when i was working. I would take some vitamin C and usually it would go. This was during last summer.
Also inthunknmy nurse daughters pregnancy was lost due tonher contact with varied employees. She got fired for no vax. Her last pregnancy was fine v
Spent the afternoon with the triple vaxxed family. Husband and I both had a massive headache by the time we left. We don’t get headaches, we didn’t drink alcohol or eat anything new. We had the same headache in the same spot. His mother was there longer by a couple of hours and she didn’t feel well and was nauseated. Took ivermectin and NAC that night and had a couple ice packs on our heads abs was better by morning. I’m convinced it was the shedding. Surely the liberals got boosted just before the gathering.
All of the above.
We have only anecdotal evidence so far -- BUT here's a clue.
Somewhere the original study protocol docs were leaked. It was a reportable event if a study participant had any contact -- even casual -- with a pregnant woman.
That means, if you are in the study (took the genocide jab) and you have a meeting with your boss, who tells you she's pregnant, you need to report it to the study organizers.
Why would you need to do that unless you were shedding or transmitting something?
NOW it makes sense why they want everyone jabbed. They don't want people to find out the genocide jab is a danger to the unjabbed, too.
Here it is -- found it.
An overview article about it:
From the overview article, a couple of quotes regarding what you must report within 24 hours. Note the "study intervention" is the person who got jabbed.
By inhalation or skin contact -- you are breathing the same air; you shake hands or something. This is casual contact we're talking about.
"• A female family member or healthcare provider reports that she is pregnant after having been exposed to the study intervention by inhalation or skin contact.
PF-07302048 (BNT162 RNA-Based COVID-19 Vaccines) Protocol C4591001 Page 68
• A male family member or healthcare provider who has been exposed to the study intervention by inhalation or skin contact then exposes his female partner prior to or around the time of conception.
The investigator must report EDP to Pfizer Safety within 24 hours of the investigator’s awareness, irrespective of whether an SAE has occurred. The initial information submitted should include the anticipated date of delivery (see below for information related to termination of pregnancy)."
May the Lord help us all.
I see the dots you are connecting. It follows a logical pattern but it is not the only logical explanation for the protocol being in place. The scientific process calls for a large sampling of data than is needed as you may not know what data will be of value later on. Also, this could be standard procedure for all of the company's trial studies to get out in front of any issues.
I'm not saying I disagree with you. I'm just saying your observation is inconclusive and in need of more evidence before being accepted.
I accept it on the premise that phizer desired that the virus would be shed and spread to others though the Jab. This is war, and phizer is an enemy who built MRNA DNA disruptor and falsley called it a vax. if it looks like a duck amd walks like one its a duck.. remember, we are at war. There are no benevolent parties.
Thank you for this information.
Not going to mince words here:
My wife and I see eye to eye on this shit. Marriage is challenging enough without someone being a tool belt enough to work for Black and Decker.
It’s has to be a two way street and your standing at a dead end that’s one way.
It sounds like your husband loves you. Don't give up on him.
The vaxxed are creating and shedding spike proteins. Semen carries it. So does blood (obviously). If you ingest or absorb semen, you get them. I'm not sure about incidental contact with a vaxxed person. I know that they have been researching vaccines that spread like communicable disease for a long time. That's evil enough...I don't think they would hesitate to launch that FOR THE GOOD OF HUMANITY.
if you're breathing the same air as vaxxed people, you're going to be exposed to the spike protein or whatever they off-gas, I know this from personal experience.
lol that is a pretty choice move haha
I think OP should seek Jesus, stop fearing death, and start living a meaningful life loving their husband again. Know God, know truth, and leave the lies, deception and fear behind.
Did you even read her fucking post before you left your vapid reply?
Looks like quite a few agree with you!
I changed my truck oil there recently.
Saying and doing are not the same thing.
Assuming someone else is not properly following the Lord is not your place, and you're a fool to think that it is.
The hardcore Christian's are the most annoying people on this site. Auto reply to every situation with the same response; "forget about your problems and think about God. Don't be scared of the jab." I'm convinced half of them are agents just pushing gullible people into thinking if you do everything the NWO wants, so what? God will forgive you. You could be kicked out of your home, jobless and asking for resume help and they'll respond the same thing. Like a bunch of crazy eyed people who have nothing pragmatic to write.
Does anyone else sense a fishy smell re: OP and this thread in general? Are we being prepped/agitated to divide ourselves from the sheeple and of course then be primed for Trump-bashing?
Lol maybe I’m just being hypervigilant.
Edit: OP is rather quintessentially pedetastic, wouldn’t you say? Covered all the bases? A little too based? Read it again. Just smells fishy is all I’m saying.
Edit 2: Check out post history. See what I see?
Agreed. I don't know why these freakout posts are even permitted to remain on this site let alone pinned.
Because someone has bought into their bullshit.
After a short read of the first several lines, that's the same feeling I have.
All I know is I could never be married to someone who was so far apart from my own views.
The language in your post and in this reply seem too deliberately perfect. It’s like a machine wrote them. A machine that understands well our biases and how to use them to lure, manipulate, a/b test, and/or otherwise query us.
I want you to read what you’ve written there and also in your reply to my comment above and tell me if you can see the glaring error in your approach. Describe to me the major contradiction. Why do I and dozens of others sense what we sense about your post? It’s plain as day and if you’re a human then I think you should figure this out quickly now that I’ve mentioned it.
It's a Chinese bot
Notice that you’re repeatedly setting up evil strawmen, then pretending that they are attacking you while also pretending that I and others here are those imaginary evil strawmen that you’re hallucinating, and then doing sympathy pleas.
Pedes, I’m all but certain that it’s either a machine or, more likely, one or more humans employing bots and alts that are obviously also in this thread and will probably be getting quite active here shortly (as they do when you call out their main).
Actually OP joined 6 months ago and has 3 posts up.
I am inventing no strawmen. I am not pretending anything. I don't have to. Truth wins out. I have not accused you or others of anything. I don't really even understand what you're talking about. I needed research help. I still do. As for sympathy pleas, I don't need sympathy. I can get that from anyone. I need FACTS. I have nothing but respect for Most people here. You are the one painting me as a bot, a team of humans, a machine etc. Perhaps you are projecting your own issues on to me. Instead of just insulting me, how about this little phrase from childhood: If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all.
Some people do write better than others. Phrasing better doesn’t make someone sketchy.
She also may have written this out over and over while getting the nerve to post it.
WWG1WGA, remember?
I know what you mean. It does feel weird though I'm still giving OP the benefit of the doubt atm. But I also doubt one single post poses any real danger, it's moreso if disingenuous post spam becomes frequent.
🔺🔺THIS 🔺🔺
Yep. To OP and to the quoted anon:
When you read through the Q posts you will see that the answer is unity, not division. If you are pursuing a path of division you are not following the plan Q laid out. Do you recall? Divided you are WEAK. Together you are strong! (Refusing the vax is not division. It's a valid choice. Divorcing someone for choosing the vax IS division).
Stop being ruled by fear. Fear of the vax is not superior to fear of covid. Both can be deadly. Both can be avoided or mitigated. Will you be ruled by fear of either? And then claim Jesus rules you? If you are getting a divorce over this, it isn't Jesus who is your Lord. It's fear.
Luke 12:51-53 "Do you suppose that I came to grant peace on earth? I tell you, no, but rather division."
All solved by each person following the Word the best theybcan.
Based ladypede
I scanned through the comments before I made this post. I don't have specific answers to your questions, but I can add that a number of breast-feeding infants are experiencing dire reactions from breast milk, proving that the spike proteins don't just remain in the muscle. Also, there are accounts of girls under the age of 5-6 experiencing menstrual flow of clots just from being exposed to parents who have gotten the vax. So, I understand your concerns about intimacy.
This website may be of some use. It is a database of all adverse reactions of all the different vaxes, cross-referenced by batch number: You can use this to at least show how close (or not close) your husband is to serious reactions.
There are dozens of links like this one, where a Louisiana nurse testifies to the numbers of children hospitals are seeing with adverse reactions: This one is a discussion of hospitalizations in Vermont even though it is nearly 100% vaxxed:
Thoughts and prayers with you...
I know, this is so awful. You probably don't want to read more about this, but this link is just to verify that Dr. Ardis is reporting it:
I agree, this should be its own post! Damn! I also think this specific article does prove the OP correct in that spike proteins (which are present in the mucus, semen AND sweat) can affect others who are not vaccinated esp women/girls who still have a cycle.
Thank you for giving a serious, thoughtful response to this person who is earnestly asking for sources she can share with “an awakening” husband.
I only wish I had more to share. My "covid" file is massive, full of articles, links, and images. But I don't have specific info on what she asked for, unfortunately.
The breast feeding thing is a really good point! I appreciate your comment, as I’m in a similar situation as op.
Thank you.
My advice is:
I've said a prayer for you and your husband. I pray that you will both find a way to honor Him without you getting vaxxed. God bless you.
Thank you, I agree. I have no intentions of ever taking the vaxx. Your first point I agree with. My husband is a Christian, thankfully, but believes what he has been told by the news. Thank you for the prayer.
I recently reread revelations and there are good stuff about deception and the churches lies. Also kim clements has had great predictions about Trump and this dark time in history maybe his sermons might be helpful to help him see.
Prayers to you both. I hope God opens your husbands eyes to satan's deception and lies and he can see our body is God's temple and he doesnt want us fearful. God bless 🙏
Thank you.
See my post above.
And these two links:
Being around the genocide-jabbed can harm your health.
you need to let your mate know that every time someone puts a covid jab in their arm they are destroying freedom.
Unpopular opinion:
Getting the jab doesn't destroy freedom. You're free to do whatever the hell you want to your own body, IMO.
Getting the jab because YOU FEEL COERCED, or to KEEP YOUR JOB, or to FLY/TRAVEL, or for any other reason besides YOU believing it is healthy and helpful for YOU? - THAT destroys freedom.
I may not agree with your CHOICE to get the VAXX, but I'll defend with my life your right to CHOOSE to get it or not.
Unless it destroys your couple
Yeah, they're free to vax but I won't defend anyone's right to get that vax. That's not a right. Especially if it turns them into a Chinese weapon.
Kishkumen? The Kishkumen? This one seems focused on destroying conspiracies, not building them :)
Like Kishkumen of old, I'll do what needs to be done to see things are set right. Many conspiracies are based on lies, and an equal amount are based on truth. I seek to have them all exposed.
Be the prosecutor when you must prove. Be the dagger when you must cut. Be the shadow when you must hide. Be the bandage when wounds need tending. Be the cavalier when you must charge. Be the champion when you must protect.
Good point. The white hats are a conspiracy.
I do. Like so many others, he doesn't get that I'm not just making a stand for me, but for everyone around me by not taking the vax or following the other "mandates."
ah I see, its a hard deal with married couples who feel different about the vaxx. You know I guess at the end of the day if you love him you will respect where he's coming from and he will respect yours. Try to get through it without divorcing over it. Just keep planting seeds. You are the correct one.
Thank you. I know he is coming from a place of fear, and in a different way, so am I. I try to be respectful of his fear, and for the most part, while he certainly doesn't like what I believe, until now, he has tried to respect my fears as well. Through prayer and hopefully a little help from this site, we can come to a little better meeting of the minds and save this marriage. Thank you for you kind response.
I saw something about Dr Zelinko having answers about sex with a vax person. I did not read it because my wife follows my advice. You should look for it. It is somewhere on this board.
Thank you. I will look for it.
Dr Zelenko…
Thank you.
Maybe just go to his site. There were other questions he was answering too but I remember the 1 about sex. Good luck Mrs Patriot !!!
Thank you. I'll definitely check it out.
you bet! I will pray for you right now.
Not to mention a unicorn dies in Unicornia. With evey jab taken a little bit of Unicornia ceases to exist in non-existencesnessnesseness. Fk! I think I just had a mini seizure.
I was hoping Catalonia would be spared. Is nothing sacred anymore.....
Yeah, and my stock investments in Moderna, Pfizer, J&J go up.
You're free to do as you please, but I hope you're joking. I don't mean to shame, but I ditched my stocks at the first hint of negative effects. I won't be enriched by the suffering of others.
I'm sorry, but in order to be a successful trader, you take the opportunities that have the highest probability of profit, you have to leave the feelings and emotions out of it or you will not survive.
Lmao. You mean when you are greedy. Fuck off you unprincipled fool.
I can sympathize with your dilemma. My husband was willing to take vaccine only after the federal contractor mandate. Up until that point my 40 yr old daughter and I had him convinced the vax would endanger him, his chances of side effects were not worth it, at our age 67 & 69 we were in good health so why chance it’s. He beliountil his job was at stake. Wanted to get vax to keep income. Told him to just retire. He said we needed 1 more yr if saving before retiring. Went on this website and asked the same as you’re doing now. Learned that condoms were not enough. Learned about “shedding “. Told him daughter would not be coming around as much, no physical contact with her. No hugs, kisses, family dinners, etc. Our sex life would be “protected” and very scarce & limited. He said his family was more important than job and was ready to retire. He made 1 last attempt to keep his job with medical exemption. He got it for 1 yr. My husband decided our marriage and everything that comes with it, sex, hugs, kissing, sleeping arrangements, seeing his daughter, hugging her, a kiss goodbye when she left were more important than a paycheck. But God answered our prayers. He got to work for 1 more year and not be vaxxed. I got a lot of “just kick him out”, “he’s crazy, job is not that important”, “just leave him” replies on here but also a lot of “Pay for guidance”, “put it in God’s hands”, etc. I did just that and God gave us our answer. My husband chose his family over vaxx and income. He was clearing out his office when his medical exemption came through. We are forever thankful for God’s answer and will NEVER FORGIVE those in Government who put us thru hell. I hope your outcome is as blessed as mine was!
Wasn’t it! God really tests you!
I am genuinely happy things worked out for you in such a positive manner. Thank you for the kind words.
Why would anyone take an experimental shot for a virus with a 99.98% survival rate? Especially, when the vax companies cannot be sued.
People disappoint me.
But muh tv box say “BOOOOOO!!” and I gots scurred
Thanks fren!! Yea the sky opened up for me a bit when that lightbulb went off KEK my random ass chill playlist jumped from PEPE to Dirty Heads one night and it just clicked. Glad to know I’m not the only one who gets a kick out of it! Kek every time I see your name, I think of a drunken night where some frens and I climbed onto the roof of our apartment find that someone else had left a lawn chair, umbrella, and plate of half-eaten tendies up there haha
LOL same. In some ways I feel like the main characters on Idiocracy. 😄
Experts like Fauci and Brix wouldn't lead us astray! (Remember the beagle pups!)
Human's Achilles heel is their desire to appeal to authority/obey - even if it conflicts with their moral compass.
True, that is.
Me too. Where you at Okie? I’m within a stones throw of Hugo, OK.
I'm in the Tulsa area, fellow okie!
Don’t hold it against me Okie, but settling near the border gave me a ‘state income free option’ .....and I took it! I am a stones throw from Hugo, but reside on the dark side of the Red River. (Insert scary pipe organ music and that infamous laugh - Huhuwahwahwahwahwah)
LOL totally get it!
Im in Tuttle about 15min from OKC
So we got a few in our neck of the woods! I wouldn't claim all information to be 100% but it's a starting point.. 🙏
Thank you
Okay u/FaithfulVAPatriot, take a breath. I'm gonna try to break this down for you. I'm a chemist by degree, even if I'm not currently working in that field.
As far as I know, J&J is a traditional vaccine. It uses a replication deficient chimpanzee adenovirus to induce an immune response, priming your immune system to react to the coronavirus. No DNA modification involved.
Pfizer is an mRNA shot. It delivers instructions to your cells to start cranking out spike proteins. The idea is that your body will react to these proteins, which also exist on the surface of the virus, producing a similar effect to a traditional vaccine. Many problems with this approach. First, the cells that have gone haywire, churning out spike proteins, become a target for your immune system. That's an autoimmune response, when your body attacks itself. Second, the spike proteins themselves aren't exactly harmless, and the body is producing them in large quantities. There are some chemical reactions that occur between the spike and your cell membranes that are not good. They can be shed and picked up by other people, but probably not in quantities sufficient to cause significant harm. Note, I said probably. Third, instead of preparing to fight an entire virus, the body is being trained to react to one specific element of the virus. Viruses mutate. If that single element that the body has trained to recognize changes, it completely bypasses the immune system.
If he only has a single dose Pfizer booster, you're not in horrible shape. He's going to be cranking out spike proteins for a few weeks at least, until his body shuts down the affected cells. If he doesn't get any more boosters, he might be okay. The mRNA shots can't rewrite the DNA of every cell in your body. The ones that they ruin will die quickly, within 6 months.
As long as YOU aren't getting the poison shot, you have very little to worry about in terms of long term side effects like ADE or VAIDS. A blood transfusion from him would probably not be safe, but there isn't data about sexual transmissability. Condoms aren't a bad idea for now, but remember, his messed up cells will be dead in 2 to 6 months. The danger he presents to your health is very minimal for now, and likely nonexistent after that time.
I can go into a lot more detail about this stuff, but I don't want to overwhelm you. If you want to know more, ask me a simple, direct question, and I'll try to answer them one at a time.
Depends on what you mean by a "traditional vaccine". J&J delivers DNA to the cells in a more traditional way. However, once it's there, it causes your cells to produce spike, just like the mRNA ones. Novavax is one vax in the pipe that is allegedly "traditional", containing weakened COVID virus.
The adenovirus vector has also been found to cause clots.
Also, there is a minimal change to your DNA, as with all immune responses, your immune system "stores" the DNA used to fight future illness in some immune system cells.
Thank you for the clarification. Like I said, I'm a chemist, not a virologist or immunologist. I have a decent scientific background, but there's a lot of data to parse, and they aren't exactly forthcoming with most of it.
I read somewhere that Novavax is one to avoid as well - as the top investors are Black Rock and Vanguard. Something else too, but I forget. Just dig to find out... not as innocent as many are being led to believe.
Hard to find anything that isn't backed by Black Rock and Vanguard.
Even if, being produced on decades of proven vaccine technology, Novavax was available, my response would still be "wait". Don't be the guinea pig, watch what happens. Although I suspect Novavax will be the most accepted by the vax free.
Thank you for your help.
Thank you for your response. People like yourself have been so kind to answer. It will take a little time to absorb it all but it is greatly appreciated.
Below is pasted from this article:
Pfizer admits in its own mRNA jab trial documentation that non-jabbed people can be ENVIRONMENTALLY EXPOSED to the jab’s spike proteins by INHALATION or SKIN CONTACT.
Well, shit is getting weirder. See this Pzifer study (PDF).
From Pzifer (emphasis mine):
8.3.5. Exposure During Pregnancy or Breastfeeding, and Occupational Exposure Exposure to the study intervention under study during pregnancy or breastfeeding and occupational exposure are reportable to Pfizer Safety within 24 hours of investigator awareness. Exposure During Pregnancy An EDP occurs if:
• A female participant is found to be pregnant while receiving or after discontinuing study intervention.
• A male participant who is receiving or has discontinued study intervention exposes a female partner prior to or around the time of conception.
• A female is found to be pregnant while being exposed or having been exposed to study intervention due to environmental exposure. Below are examples of environmental exposure during pregnancy:
• A female family member or healthcare provider reports that she is pregnant after having been exposed to the study intervention by inhalation or skin contact.
PF-07302048 (BNT162 RNA-Based COVID-19 Vaccines) Protocol C4591001 Page 68
• A male family member or healthcare provider who has been exposed to the study intervention by inhalation or skin contact then exposes his female partner prior to or around the time of conception.
The investigator must report EDP to Pfizer Safety within 24 hours of the investigator’s awareness, irrespective of whether an SAE has occurred. The initial information submitted should include the anticipated date of delivery (see below for information related to termination of pregnancy).
• If EDP occurs in a participant or a participant’s partner, the investigator must report this information to Pfizer Safety on the Vaccine SAE Report Form and an EDP Supplemental Form, regardless of whether an SAE has occurred. Details of the pregnancy will be collected after the start of study intervention and until 6 months after the last dose of study intervention.
• If EDP occurs in the setting of environmental exposure, the investigator must report information to Pfizer Safety using the Vaccine SAE Report Form and EDP Supplemental Form. Since the exposure information does not pertain to the participant enrolled in the study, the information is not recorded on a CRF; however, a copy of the completed Vaccine SAE Report Form is maintained in the investigator site file.
Follow-up is conducted to obtain general information on the pregnancy and its outcome for all EDP reports with an unknown outcome. The investigator will follow the pregnancy until completion (or until pregnancy termination) and notify Pfizer Safety of the outcome as a follow-up to the initial EDP Supplemental Form. In the case of a live birth, the structural integrity of the neonate can be assessed at the time of birth. In the event of a termination, the reason(s) for termination should be specified and, if clinically possible, the structural integrity of the terminated fetus should be assessed by gross visual inspection (unless preprocedure test findings are conclusive for a congenital anomaly and the findings are reported).
Abnormal pregnancy outcomes are considered SAEs. If the outcome of the pregnancy meets the criteria for an SAE (ie, ectopic pregnancy, spontaneous abortion, intrauterine fetal demise, neonatal death, or congenital anomaly), the investigator should follow the procedures for reporting SAEs. Additional information about pregnancy outcomes that are reported to Pfizer Safety as SAEs follows:
• Spontaneous abortion including miscarriage and missed abortion;
• Neonatal deaths that occur within 1 month of birth should be reported, without regard to causality, as SAEs. In addition, infant deaths after 1 month should be reported as SAEs when the investigator assesses the infant death as related or possibly related to exposure to the study intervention.
PF-07302048 (BNT162 RNA-Based COVID-19 Vaccines) Protocol C4591001 Page 69
Additional information regarding the EDP may be requested by the sponsor. Further follow-up of birth outcomes will be handled on a case-by-case basis (eg, follow-up on preterm infants to identify developmental delays). In the case of paternal exposure, the investigator will provide the participant with the Pregnant Partner Release of Information Form to deliver to his partner. The investigator must document in the source documents that the participant was given the Pregnant Partner Release of Information Form to provide to his partner
So what now? What are the implications of this?
Thank you, JP
Basically, they know that this could kill babies, and they want to cover their asses. If a woman takes the vaxx and then gets pregnant, there is a significant risk of injury to the child, so they have to pretend to care. That's why they're adamant about reporting deaths "without regard to causality." They actually want unrelated deaths on record to balance out and obscure the deaths they caused.
If there's any silver lining, it's that secondary exposure, from a vaccinated individual, gives you a finite dose of spike proteins. Those who get the jab are actually PRODUCING the protein within their bodies, which is why it's literally leaking out of them. The amount you get from casual contact with someone is highly variable. It can be totally negligible, or it can be enough to actually cause mild symptoms. I suspect that asking women to report secondary exposure to the spike proteins is a pure CYA move. They can point to all the women who had healthy babies after secondary exposure and say, "See, it's totally safe," even though they might have only gotten 2% of a full shot.
Have you seen this explanation of what's going on with the jabs?
Unlimited submission to man or government is ungodly. Should a woman take the mark of the beast if her husband damnds so? Of course not.
Maybe you should learn more prior to instructing others.
By your logic (use of one verse for doctrine), you should remain silent.
1 Timothy 2:12
King James Version
12 But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence
Thank you for your prayers. Yes, I am a woman of strong faith. Faith is what continues to sustain me through it all.
Let's hope nothing bad happen to him, nor you if you return to the way things was before.
Doesn't matter what proof you find, If you show him he pretty much has super aids, your relationship is just going to suck more.
So the question is really, can you forgive him for being vax_xed, and risk dying for him?
I'd do my wife no matter what, super mega aids or what not. Life would suck without her anyways, probably wouldn't wanna live more than a few crazy irresponsible months if she died before me.
TBH, I don't feel I need to forgive him for being vaxxed. He has been misled by the very things he was raised to trust. For those that put him down for not researching, Farm life doesn't leave much time for research and when he needs something from a computer, he comes to me to do it for him. I usually only get about an hour maybe two a day myself, only because I'm a night owl who can survive on 2-3 hours of sleep a day. Today is a rare gift that I can check in during daylight ours. As to living life without him, according to his doctors, he may not have that long, according to what he tells me he's feeling, we'll be lucky if he sees Christmas 2022. I have been praying about that fact for some time now. God has granted me miracles in the past, I'm hoping for another one for my husband.
Thank you for this suggestion.
then actually it's not a big risk for him to take the vaccine, since we are most worried about the long term effects.
When it comes to your risks, It's hard to know exactly. We do know that the spike proteins loves to stay in the ovaries, and to a lesser extent the testies.
Here's the link
More info: 1 2
I think he's seriously afraid that you don't love him like before in his sickness. That maybe you already thought he's good as dead x2 with the vax but just don't want to say so.
It seems to me you still love him just like before and are merely being a pragmatist. So maybe the best thing to do is to express your love, make sure he knows how important he is to you and how hard life is emotionally, physically, financially without him...but if God intend for your time on Earth to be a little longer then you must be cautious and prepare.
I mean if it turns out the vaccine is actually so bad and cascades us into an extinction event, then you'll see him soon anyways. XD
Thank you for this perspective. I try to show him I love him still, but this is a reasoning I had not considered. Thank you
you’re husband had a triple bypass… he has a right to be on top of his health. A triple bypass is not a simple surgery.
I'm not a doctor but common sense tells me you will be fine and there is no reason to avoid being intimate with your husband.
The way I understand it, most people who get the jab, the spike proteins stay in the muscle where he was injected. If they escape into the blood stream that is when the patient has problems with clots, heart trouble, nerve damage etc.
If your spouse is perfectly healthy, common sense says that the spike proteins have stayed in the muscle like they are supposed to and there shouldn't be any shedding.
I think this PhD is worth listening to as he explains that it is only if the spike proteins escape the muscle is it a problem.
They don't stay in the muscle...Otherwise it wouldn't be such a fit around here.
And even if they do, why the hell does that matter?? injecting stuff that "if/when" it leaves the muscles permanently harm you is stupid for the benefit of a placebo effect.
I'm listening to the guy with the PhD in viral immunology said, not some some rando on the internet.
What Dr. Bridle is saying is consistent with all the data I've seen. Bad reactions are relatively rare but of course no where near rare enough to be acceptable. The vaccines are horrifically unsafe. But it is still about a 1 in 500 chance of a bad reaction I think.
That's about the worst record of anything put out by big pharma in the past half century.
It's 1 in 200
1 in 100
1 in 50 final offer
1/2 take it or leave it
they changed the method they used to inject. with the prior vaccines, they MADE SURE to get it in the muscle mass. They even tested to make sure they were not in the circulatory system before injecting.
now they just stab your arm and call it good, fuck it. if the mRNA gets into the blood during the injection, your entire body gets an mRNA and turns into a spike protein production factory. normally the mRNA would stay in the arm and only a few of the spikes would make it into the blood. but if its in the blood, and your blood is making spikes, then its all over and you could make others sick from shedding spikes. (but not infect them with rna)
The proper term is transmission. Shedding is a term used for viruses, such as when one has herpes blisters that pop and shed viruses to other people. Something appears to be transmitted from those that have taken the jabs. Most likely it is the spike protein but no one has confirmed it yet.
Muscles are blood rich, they require a lot of oxygen and therefore have a lot of capillaries. Any intramuscular injection is likely gradually absorbed into ones system and spread throughout. Think of penicillin shot in your ass. It has to be absorbed to treat the infection (like strep throat for example) for which it is given. Things are added to injections sometimes in order to slow the absorption rate, but eventually it gets absorbed. I would surmise that mRNA and graphene hydroxide or whatever they put in those jabs likely gets spread around quite a bit. Usually first to blood rich organs (brain, heart, liver, kidneys, lungs) and then everywhere else. No I am not a
Nope Dont give out medical advise. As your first line reads. "I'm not a doctor but.." It does travel hence the medical issues. So right off the bat your wrong .
Dumb reply. No medical advice given.
chill out man. we're all on the same team here
This reply is even worse. Are you having a bad day or something?
The jabbers that don't pull back on the plunger to look for blood.... They are injecting into the bloodstream. That's a problem.
Could you inject anything into a water hose? The pressure forces it back out. We pull back so we don’t cause a hematoma. Bleeding where you get a large bruise.
Bad analogy. If its a astatic pressurized hose probably not. But veins flow.
Thank you.
Arterial arteries have hi pressure and could possibly do it, but not the venous system, unlikely unless the plunger is physically pulled back to look for blood.
Thank you for your response and video. He has been having a number of issues, mild ones since the J&J, some more serious ones since the "booster." He doesn't see the connection. Maybe this will help. Thanks.
Check this one out privately (dude seems to know what ge's talking about and was attacked [killed] a couple days after it was released, so assume he was exposing something someone didn't want exposed). It doesn't deal with transmission but might explain some of his health issues. Show him only if you believe he can handle it -
What proof will work for him? I gather it would need to be from an MSM source and not some “propagandist.” Dr. Malone and Dr. Tenpenny discuss ADE and VAIDS if you research their interviews, statements etc. ( )you will not find this in an MSM source. Also recognize that you are living a human experiment and the full results are not out yet.
I would venture that some of the resentment with the condom stuff is from pent up emotions around the tragic loss of your son. I’m sorry to hear about that. Staying together I’m sure is difficult after a child loss and the ultimatum stuff he gave you may be rooted that.
What it comes down to is he needs to trust you and put faith in you more than strangers on the TV.
There is more discussion around this mass fear as a mass psychosis event. Perhaps offering him this angle will help.
The proof we are looking for is not necessarily to change his mind or make him a believer. He knows I understand his point of view and fears. It is more to help him understand where I am coming from, why I have the fears that I do, and that I am not just talking some unprovable nonsense from out of thin air. As to the loss of my son, it has been over 9 years ago. We will never forget him or the pain of his loss, but we leaned on each other and God and came out stronger in our marriage. Thank you for being willing to point out a different perspective though. All thoughtful advice is considered and appreciated.
Here is one that is still available Del Bigtree actually shows you how the vaccine is dangerous he should look at this. Dr Geert Bosshe is a world renowned doctor that worked his whole life in the vaccine field.
Its really too bad but you did not say how smart your husband is. Here is a link that showed many doctors telling you how unsafe the vaccine is but unfortunately they have removed them all. If your husband is a smart man maybe he can figure out they are doing everything in their power to keep the truth from getting out.
We are all gifted in many areas. In many areas, his knowledge far surpasses many I know at a variety of skills. Seeing through his fear of illness since his heart attack is his blind spot.
See if you can a doctor to give a CBC test with differential. Here is Dr. Nathan Thompson's original video:
"Fact Checkers" tore him a new one
Here is his rebuttal.
Here is 8 week followup:
I think the best way is to prove that his immune system is jacked.
Here are some other things:
There are a sure lot of injuries for them to be rare.
Thank you for all of this information. I will most certainly go through it all.
google "reverse transcriptase"
Reverse transcriptase An enzyme which generates DNA
"A reverse transcriptase (RT) is an enzyme used to generate complementary DNA (cDNA) from an RNA template, a process termed reverse transcription. Reverse transcriptases are used by viruses such as HIV and hepatitis B to replicate their genomes, by retrotransposon mobile genetic elements to proliferate within the host genome, and by eukaryotic cells to extend the telomeres at the ends of their linear chromosomes. Contrary to a widely held belief, the process does not violate the flows of genetic information as described by the classical central dogma, as transfers of information from RNA to DNA are explicitly held possible. "
normally info flows from DNA- RNA but we have latent code from old virus's AND DNA repair / anti-cancer code that will try to 'fix' DNA in your cells by repairing it with RNA.
kind of a "look at the rna floating around, better make sure it source code is in the DNA" It doesn't happen 100%, as in it won't update the DNA in all your cells overnight, but it DOES happen, and if it happens in the sperm / eggs it can be passed down.
Now, most people DON'T have mrna floating around in their blood. even the vaxxed. They mostly have the spike protein coursing through their bodies, which can be transmitted to you, but won't directly alter your DNA. You will just make anti-bodies for the spike proteins you are exposed to.
The people that get vaxed have a not zero chance of DNA alteration in one of more cells in their body, but probably not their entire body.
Also, something that people don't talk about a lot.
The vaccine is NOT mRNA!!!! There are enzymes in your body that go around looking for mRNA, find it, and break it down into component parts to be re-used. MRNA is supposed to create a message to do something, then vanish once that something is done. On-going effects, cause continuous streams of RNA to be made.
This was undesirable.
So they 'stabilize' it. How do you keep the rna from breaking down so fast and sticking around longer? They change it so its not real RNA and your body don't detect it to break it down normally.
The do 6 things to the 'rna' that make it, well not really RNA...
A 'cap' is put on the start of the rna. This cap is made out of 3 different sub caps stringed together. 'nucleotide methylation' This 'header' of non rna at the start of the rna does 4 things, makes it hold together better, attracts transcription enzymes to make more than normal proteins out of it, stops the body from recognizing it as foreign, and stops the breakdown enzymes from attaching.
A flag is attached between the cap and the rna that allows the transition enzymes attracted by the cap to latch on and transcribe easier than normal rna. all 4 of the above molecules are NOT RNA and are NEVER found on normal RNA
nucloside modified 'mrna' RNA normally consists of adenine (A), uracil (U), cytosine (C),and/ or guanine (G) strung together. The 'fraken-rna' includes the incorporation of modified nucleotides in the mRNA sequence, such as methylated nucleosides or pseudouridine.
Cytidines can also be replaced with numerous chemical modifications, including 5-methylcytidine (m5C); uridines can be converted into 5-methyluridine (m5U), 2-thiouridine (s2U), 5-methoxyuridine (5moU), pseudouridine (ψ) and N1-methylpseudouridine (m1ψ), while adenosines can be replaced by N1-methyladenosine (m1A) and N6-methyladenosine (m6A)
So normally DNA / RNA have an alphabet consisting of 4 letters each, from a total of 5 letters. the dna->rna process transcribed the 4th letter for the 5th, which is what makes DNA and rna actually different.
The 'vaccines' introduce 8 new 'letters' to the rna sequence, that do not get detected by your body as rna. They get transcribed by the transcriber, sure. but it is NOT RNA.
Another non coding flag is put at the end of the sequence, further increasing stability and preventing breakdown
followed by another artificial not even pretend rna cap at the end to help hold shape for optimal transcription, and to prevent breakdown.
Encapsulation: normally your body would detect a frakenstien molecule like this as not rna and destroy it before it ever gets into your cells to pretend to be rna. However the vaccines encapsulate it in something else to stop this from happening. 6a) lipid foam - wrapped up in vaccules, pretending to be tiny not-cell cells, that look like tiny cells from the outside but are basically empty inside. Your white blood cells will consume these, travel to the heart, and die releasing them to build up in the cardio system (myocarditis) 6b) nano-particles with iron cores, same problem as the lipid foam but ALSO these make you magnetic 6c) wrapped up in a viral shell like old school vaccines.
source: National Institute of Health:
Thank you, I have not heard of that but will definitely look into it. I am extremely grateful for your help.
Thank you
I’m a nurse. I disagree.
What do you disagree with, "nurse"?
Going through the same battle with wife. Jabbed 2xs and looking to booster up. Been intimate only 1x since the 2nd Pfizer shot. I'm like you, nervous about side affects.
The entire jabbed mandates, covid propaganda, and fixed elections have all put a wedge between many healthy marriages and families. Hope we all survive this painful time with our families, minds, bodies, and souls all intacted.
Wishing you the best of luck as well. I hope something on this post helps you also.
I got to the part about your son and had to stop and let you know, I have lost a son too. I have another child but we are not close. My late son and I were like soulmates. We were ride or die friends and I miss him so much it's hard to get up every day. It's been 5+ years but it never gets easier. He was my husband's only child. Please know, I know your pain and I am sorry for your loss. 😥 I know you will get the help you are requesting here. We have so many good patriots.
Thank you for your kind words. I am sorry for the loss of your son. I'll include you and your family in my prayers. I agree, this is the best group of patriots around!
Back in June, 2021 Judicial was the recipient of a fulfilled Freedom of Information Act Request which is federal law and process for anyone who is a citizen of US govt to request any federal documents/emails.
Feds can respond with a charge/fee but in this case emails got released. On Page 2286 of the 3300+ Email FOIA request it describes extracting the S1-Spike Protein from a substance called : "HIV-luc" In the first sentence of the message. In that same email it goes on as describing the Spike Protein as a "bioweapon" in the subject of the email.
What is the effect of injecting this S-1 Spike Protein directly into your blood vessels? The first man to ever go on record as taking Pfizer sadly died 4 weeks post injection back in early 2021.
What was revealed in his autopsy is even more terrifying. The spike protein was found abundantly positive in all of his heart, lung, brain, and mucosa. This is the figure linked to his autopsy
This is an source so there is not much refuting what is put fourth here. He should feel confident in that as our source.
This man caught covid post jab and didn't stop at just attacking the spike protein in his blood/WBCs. It started to flag vital organs whose cells began to replicate the S1 Spike Protein themselves. Since it is such an efficient vehicle for corrupting replication of your cells everywhere it is present, The S1-Spike Protein competes for a binding cite on the outside of the nucleus known as the "ACE-2 Receptor" where your very cellular script becomes corrupt and can possibly be targeted by your own immune system as we see in this Pubmed source I just linked above. So essentially this man ended up dying to a form of auto immune disease where his own organs were under attack by his own immune system since the gene therapy leaked into his vital organs and cells.
Crossing the blood brain barrier is an absolute no-no for vaccine technology and safety. You can cause an infection in this case somewhere as sensitive and vital as the brain itself.
The even MORE mind boggling part about this Autopsy of the 1st man ever to die post jab is that in one specific place of his body he was Spike protein negative... And can you guess where that was
His NOSE! At the top of that same figure above you can observe the exact cite where covid testing is conducted this man was completely covid negative thus would not appear on any PCR test unless you boost the cycle testings of the PCR test to over 25.
So the final part of this will be the PCR test because your husband probably hawks case numbers and thinks he is doing his due dilligence to go find the 15 people in your area who have tested positive and why the PCR test itself is a farce.
The creator himself states that the PCR test is NOT a diagnostic tool.
Internationally in the Ganeva/Nuremberg courts there is a large pending lawsuit underway...and if found guilty... the WHO CDC, and Davos Group will be found guilty of crimes against humanity and the damages for every health institute thereafter would follow.
My favorite paragraph from the lawsuit
" A team of over 1,000 lawyers and over 10,000 medical experts led by Dr. Reiner Fuellmich have begun legal proceedings against the CDC, WHO & the Davos Group for crimes against humanity. Fuellmich and his team present the faulty PCR test and the order for doctors to label any comorbidity death as a Covid death as fraud. The PCR test was never designed to detect pathogens and is 100% faulty at 35 cycles. All the PCR tests overseen by the CDC are set at 37 to 45 cycles. The CDC admits that any tests over 28 cycles are not admissible for a positive reliable result. This alone invalidates over 90% of the alleged covid cases / ”infections” tracked by the use of this faulty test."
This helps explain why we had HISTORIC LOW flu cases/deaths ONLY in the year of 2020.
The PCR test is even getting such a bad wrap that the . CDC has withdrew their request to FDA approve the PCR test and next year they will be using a new test that can actually distinguish between the cold and the flu.
I hope these federally cited sources help enlighten your husband and bring you both greater understanding and love and that this brings you two together closer instead of pulling you apart.
This is the storm.
In other great news for the vaccinated, ivermectin competes with the S1 Spike protein in vitro and can begin the process of reversing the abundant replication of the spike proteins in its many places settled into the body. Also is anti parasitic so if any industrialized meats have parasites and make their way to your dinner table you may rid yourselves of those at the same time ; )
God bless you both!
Excellent info!
Thank you for this informative post. Your effort is extremely appreciated.
The bigger issue is that your husband doesn’t believe you that the vax is bad. If my wife didn’t trust the things I say I would take that as a serious issue. Seems he doesn’t respect your concern for the vax being an issue in your marriage.
Either that or you didn’t explain how much of an issue this was for you.
My snl got the j&j because of deployment. My daughter got pregnant had to go through extensive tests because she's 36. There were no problems with her or the baby. She is not vaccinated. Baby was born in Nov completely healthy. I know many married couples who are split one vacced the other not, and there has to date been no issue with the unvacced. If it were me I would just do a prophylactic protocol like Zelenko's and be with my husband. Either way go with our gut.
Consider this new shorter documentary on how politics invaded science and prevented doctors from successfully treating patients...
Personal testimonies presented with calming natural beauty scenes.
Thank you. Good idea.
Think about it. Pfizer has over 70 CCP members on their financial boards. 70+! Not only is the UN supposedly run by the CCP and dictated to while they fund the UN about 1/10th the yearly amount of the US funding. 1/10th! But they are dictating the UN to do their bidding.
Then Pfizer wants to disclose what is actually in their vaccine in the year 2095, not today, not tomorrow, not next month but in 75 years. That tells you a lot of what might be in their jabs because in 75 years most who have taken that jab won't be alive to say anything.
This is the best breakdown of ADE and blood clots that I’ve seen:
Thank you.
If I were OP I’d get some NAC and Black Seed Oil (gelcaps) for herself. NAD+ too. Spike protein shedding is real, and I’ve personally gotten sick 3X this year right after hanging out with a recently jabbed imbecile.
I felt sick each time about 24-36 hrs after if memory serves. Each time tackled the supplements & went away in about 24. Post cancer my immune system isn’t what it was so, there’s that.
This is your belief, mind you. Lots of colds and flus were rounding all year off season. So what, did colds and flus disappear now in favor of spike protein damage?
Same logic applies. Not being critical, just saying this is logic applied to covid. It can equally be applied to spike protein assumptions.
I didn’t catch 3 colds in a matter of months, and I only put the coinciding of me being with recently vaxxed till either the 2nd or 3rd time. I’m retired and live rural and stay the fuck away from people these days, so me getting sick right after being with recently vaxxed started to add-up with me. My immune system is somewhat compromised post cancer so either way I gotta watch stuff a little more carefully.
How the shots are killing and will kill EVERYONE who takes them eventually:
Whatever you show him won't work to wake him up. You have to find the studies on CDC and NIH pages and then ask him why, if those studies are there (the science) why is the messaging (media controlled by corporate interests and politicians) NOT reflecting the science? For example, if the science shows NEGATIVE impact of vaxx against variants, why push for the vaxx?
You have to lead him to ask his own questions...ones he is curious about himself...then let him go to his COVID 'priests' and ask and experience the dissatisfaction of inadequate answers/lies and THEN encourage him to let them know he is dissatisfied with the answers. He will be attacked, scorned, ridiculed And EJECTED to protect the rest of the sheep from his dangerous questions. Once he is abandoned and villified by his 'church', he has an opportunity to embrace church. There is also the chance he will completely surrender to them and silence himself to remain in the COVID cult...but he will do see with his eyes open. He will know he is "believing" to belong. He will be living a phony life and he will KNOW it. Like churchgoers who lose their faith but keep up pretenses because they enjoy being part of something bigger than themselves...Hopefully the cognitive dissonance of living that phony life will break him.
Thank you for these resources.
Also there is the story of the CNN producer who got JnJ in the summer and then got the booster (Moderna) a couple weeks ago and died straight away of a heart attack. No guidance or informed consent about mixing/matching mRNA/non-mRNA, different brands, prior infected/recovered, etc. Just jab up willy nilly and hurry up and die. No liability, so who gives a fuck? Amirite?
If you have Telegram, and as starting point, try joining the 'World Doctors Alliance' and the 'British Nursing Alliance' Also, 'Covid Vaccine Injuries' and 'Covid Vaccine Victims and Families' as I say, its a starting point but it may lead you to the information you seek. Good luck.
Thank you for these suggestions. I don't currently have Telegram but if I can't find information on them, I may join. Thank you for the suggestions.
You're more than welcome.
There is no solid evidence that these drugs change DNA.
There is no solid evidence that having sex with a vaxxed can give an unvaxxed VAIDS or ADE (both of which are questionable as to whether they even exist).
However ...
What I am seeing is that the vaxxed definitely are emitting EMF's FROM their body.
I suspect that these vaxx drugs inject graphene oxide and/or other compounds that allow the person to be "connected" to the Internet, like a refridgerator. Eventually, this will allow someone else to monitor them, find out their vital statistics, determine whether or not they are lying or telling the truth, possibly "download" something into them that could alter who they are as a person, fundamentally. Forget about taking additional drug injections, which could have things in them that alter brain chemstry and "take over" who they are.
I suggest you buy an EMF reader. Use it to check EMF emmissions in your home -- radio, TV, computer, cell phone, etc. Then, use it on yourself and you should be zero or very low emissions (as unvaxxed), then waive it all around your hubby.
Dr. Carrie Madej and some others have done this and found that all or almost all vaxxed people are emitting EMF's from their bodies, while the unvaxxed are not.
If something inside your hubby is sending off electromagnetic frequencies, then what could it be other than the mystery juice he had injected into him?
Also, check out this warning from Apple Computer on the iPhone 12:
It tells anyone with a pace maker or defibrillator to keep the phone away from them. Why? Because the frequencies from the phone could shut down the equipment inside the person's body -- and kill them. Even if hubby does not have one, he should be shitting bricks when he finds out about that.
What this means is that it is KNOWN that these frequencies go through the human body and can connect with or interact with things inside the human body from the outside. If he has graphene oxide or some other substance that connects to the outside world from inside his body, then he has become a robot.
Ask him why Nora hasn't said anything about the iPhone 12 or the EMF's that the vaxxed are emitting.
Interesting. Thank you.
Warning also that 'the autoimmune response the coronavirus spike protein may last indefinitely', that story tied in the huge spike we're now seeing in diseases such as myocarditis, strokes and heart attacks in the fully injected, warning of a 'wave' of such illnesses in the future.:
Thank you for the link.
I feel for you, I don’t know how you can ‘prove’ anything. Is the better option just to meet at a place of understanding? I am going through a similar challenge, found out on xmas day my partner got the jab x 2, without even considering telling me. I always thought we were together on this. I am the only one now on my family unjabbed, my 23 yr old son got drunk on xmas day & was aggressive to me re my stance on it. I hadn’t even bought it up as I very rarely do anymore. My partner had also had too much to drink & went along with what my son was saying & saying all the stuff I believe is insane etc. That’s when he said he was jabbed, it was a real shock. Although I get it was alcohol related it was just so hurtful & although they have both apologised I am still struggling to process it. I hope you find a way through & also he can’t put a time on proof surely. Hold the line Peace & love from New Zealand x
Thank you for your heartfelt reply. I am so sorry to hear you went through that. This has been and continues to be a very supportive group of patriots. I'll pray for you as well.
Thank you.
Pray your husband gets discernment about the fraud and deception of the Shot! Short story: When Fauci first came out about COVID and all the fear porn started every day including Press briefings, MSM news, and all the usual communist infiltration into everyone's mind, my wife got the Pfizer and would not listen to me, when I said it was a bunch BS and lies and propaganda they were feeding us. She said she just wanted everything to get back to normal. She made an appointment for the shot and I took her and she went in with hundreds of people and got the shot. I waited for her to come out and drove her home. She got called to get the second Pfizer and I took her for that and drove her home. I got hassled a couple of times by her about me not getting the shot, but I stuck to my GOD-given immunity answer and never got shot and told her I never will. I started praying every day for her to receive Blessings and Protection and Discernment about the fraud and deception of the shot! My wife now laughs every time she hears about the Covid, because she now believes everyone was fed a bunch of lies and deceit about the shot. My prayer was answered! She says she never will get the booster, and the Shot doesn't work, cause everyone is still getting the Covid, even after getting the Vax. She says she is sick and tired of hearing about Covid and the Vax and boosters.
I don't have any resources pulled up right now, but this is my personal experience. I'm sure someone could chalk it up to coincidence but the timing was incredibly odd. I am a healthy 24 yr old registered nurse, I work in an shared office with 3 people that got the shot. Shortly after, I went for a lady checkup and I am in the process of being diagnosed with cervical cancer now. I say in the process because I'm refusing the confirmatory biopsies at this point. A friend of mine, 26 and in the medical field was diagnosed with the same thing (no shot but close proximity). Also, everyone in my office got the "boosters" at the same time and I immediately got covid (I didn't test but lost taste and smell). Shedding is most definitely real in my opinion (and based on all the research I've done). Also it DOES change your DNA. It's an MRNA which is essentially one side of a zipper, MRNA zips together with appropriate DNA, it basically tells it what it needs to code as. I can't remember the exact letters but say the MRNA codes for A C G, then the DNA will match up in a code for C, G, A then the MRNA breaks off and leaves the DNA to do its thing. So the MRNA shots are recoding your DNA. Might sound relatively harmless but this is the first time humans have injected genetic altering materials into the body instead of letting the body do it naturally by injecting a killed virus.
Might wanna brush up your info re: mRNA.
Thank you for your kind words and the information. I truly appreciate it. I love this man with every fiber of my being. Thank you again.