I don't understand why this particular aspect of the DS is not being exposed. What better trigger than a leaked single video that cannot be dismissed as a deep fake? Followed by more and more leaks of prominent DS faggots. The longer that shit takes for idiotic normies to see, the easier for the DS to bring on some faceless "experts" to dismiss it entirely as deep fakes. So what are they waiting for?
Normies are stupid. I still see hoards of them wearing masks and masking their toddlers. These people aren't going to just stop being retarded. They need something like a shovel to the face.
At this point it makes zero sense to me why we haven't seen one clear tape of any one of them doing some horrific shit.
Anthony Podesta?
What about Anthony Wiener? I remember the shit on his laptop allegedly made hardened NYC detectives puke.
Ok so where is all that shit?
Don't go auto DoOoMInG either. It's a legitimate inquiry
Some of the stuff can't be released because it's illegal to view or possess if you aren't law enforcement.
This is how they've been able to maintain secrecy so long - using mechanisms for keeping sensitive information secret that were supposed to be intended for legitimate reasons.
You haven't seen videos of Hunter Biden raping small children because if you were in possession of any of those videos without working closely with law enforcement (as technical assistance of whatever), then you would also be going to jail for a very long time.
If the perpetrator doesn't go to jail but witnesses do what kind of authority do the law enforcement really have?
Ok so Q is not working closely with LE? This doesn't make any sense lol. Then what are they in control of and how are they so confident in labeling the DS as "These people are stupid"?
No. LE is compromised. Cia, fbi. No good. Q is military intelligence operation at the highest level. Hence why "military is the only way". It'll make sense when pedo joe and his installed regime is drug out of the whitehouse by mil spec ops and taken to Guantanamo Bay. That place getting the 15 million dollar makeover. The place the DS can't seem to shut down.
You just assume they want to shut it down cause MSM tells you so. I still haven't seen or heard of one of them in GB so until that happens, the entire GB thing is a psyop.
Ive literally seen the clips of biden and schiff speak of wanting to close down GB🤣. Straight out of the pedo and pencil necks cockholster.
So what? What does that even mean? Politicians saying they're going to do something cause the woke left doesn't like it
They want to close it because they know their ass is going to get tried there.
Keep in mind that Q has to maintain "Plausible Deniability".
If this effort isn't an organic Grass-roots endeavor, some smart-ass deep pocket attorney could claim the NSA fabricated all these videos and evidence to frame those that were indicted.
We need multiple collaborating witnesses in front of grand juries that also have "skin in the game".
The media has been crapping all over "QAnon" day and night for years; so any evidence presented by the NSA would never stand up in the court of public opinion.
This may also apply to military tribunals, especially those that may take place in the Hague or Nuremberg.
Good questions, and yes, normies are stooopid. But we are working to fix that.
Wait a minute....I thought this was a swift "no court" type thing lol. Where are all these legal issues coming from all of a sudden?
Questions are not only welcomed, but encouraged.
It’s the only way to true understandings…
With that said, your questions are smelling funny. Not sure about your intentions. It’s how you frame them that’s raising flags.
Tread lightly
Hes been here a while hes actually pretty cool 👍🏻 I don’t think hes a shill
Yea? Like which one?
I think my Fren means that you have the answer to your own question; and seeks to distinguish the difference between asking questions to understand and challenging in the form of a question. There is, here among Frens, no issue with challenging the narrative. I suppose the only issue when a challenge is couched in the proverbial “Honest question.” Just say it. Thrown down the gauntlet.
It’s your interpretation that’s narrow.
You ignored SA and tons of other stuff. That’s an very undereducated way to reply about Q stuff.
Great point and reminder. Thanks.
Plus every single media outlet is bought out, or knows they will be taken down by Amazon AWS/Google /every big tech if they do or say anything about the protected ones.
Which leaves individual whistlebowers - who will as said - promptly get arrested for possession of CP.
Maybe it is a mater of timing? drip drip info now coming into the mainstream finally. November elections coming up this year....
Great response.
Some say they have seen frazzled.rip
Personally I've joined more than enough dots together to thankfully not 'need' to see it, but point noted about normies.
That said, there's always the video of Xiden molesting that little girl's tits on CSPAN, who confessed on instagram a few years later that he did do it.
Yea it's not for us. A normie sees that shit and it blows their entire world apart. I don't need to see it nor would I want to cause I truly believe they do it. However, I would immediately get calls and texts from several people who argue with me over everything confirming it. The extra retarded couldn't even deny it.
The thing for me KJU is that the James Alefantis Instagram and Podesta emails SHOULD have been enough to any rational-thinking person. Yes OK in pedagogic point of law they didn't 'prove' anything, but come on... killrooms, child-shaped coffins, so and so aged 7, 9 and 11 will be in that pool for your entertainment, etc etc etc... 🙄
And the mention of a map that is “pizza related”
With all the subsequent interviews with Podesta and him claiming it was all debunked nobody thought to ask him “What the fuck is a pizza related map, Skippy?”
You can do a DEEP DEEP dive on Comet Ping Pong, starting with why it's on 'Connecticut' Avenue, why the 'Center For Family Wellbeing' is right next door to it, and why 'Besta Pizza' a few doors down had pizza-loving posters drawn by two children called Sarah and Sunny DESTA.
I think that the realtor that facilitated the transaction for the house that was used is a part of their "gang".
It's all about timing. I'm not sure your age. I'm 45, I started questioning the G, post service 2001. 9 11 was where I really got into truth. I remember I followed guys like Mike Rivero and Ryan Dawson. I remember reading about pizzagate on WRH long before Q. At that time, as well informed as I thought I was, I wsnt ready to accept that level of evil, was running rampant in a country I love and had so much faith in. Now in hindsight, seeing it compound and more info comes out, I know (Back then I wasn't ready) it's real now. I did a lot for Ron Paul. He was the first true candidate I ever endorsed. I thought his ideas, could save our country. Looking what the DS did to 45, they would have eaten RP alive! It's all about timing. We're informed and want to see the end result. We've patiently waited for it, and have faith. Theres more than just us. Not everyone is awake, or has the mindset to question 100s of years of indoctrination. We know the outcome because Q told us. Imagine being blind, loving your life, thinking you understand the world, and this pedo / sacrifice etc, all gets dropped on you. That's a hard pill to swallow. With well timed exposure "the plan" , we slowly build to the precipice, and denial isn't an option.
911 was my trigger as well. I'm all for timing but I'm tired of a few things I am seeing-
Normies adapting to every DS bullshit. It's gotten to the point where it's become comedy. Stand up mask, sit no mask, walk mask, stand still no mask.
Take multiple jabs and demand more.
Undetectable new virus, you won't even know you have it and we can't find it. But we know jab works! <--- This is literally insane
The hoards of idiots who will conform to everything and anything
The constant "laws" and mandates that are shoved down our throats unless you live in a handful of states and even then, it's always some other secret shit going on in the background that leaves the door open to tyranny.
The alignment of your compliance with your ability to earn. This is a big one for me. If this becomes normal, it's over.
Censorship by big tech and government. It get's worse and worse every day.
Totally agree. But you're not a normie lol
I would be happy to help deliver shovels to said faces....for free even. Great comment KJU
None of this has been presented to those "rational-thinking" persons. You must remember that the media isn't presenting any of this, so most people won't see it.
I want people executed for raping women, children and babies to death and beyond, but what jury can stand to see the video evidence? It will give them nightmares 24/7 for the rest of their lives. It's a thorny Catch-22.
Military is the only way. Maybe some battle-hardened judges who have already seen and compartmentalized every horror imaginable can at least pass judgment on these hideous monsters and rid our planet of their presence.
Juries have witnessed pedo videos several times in pedo cases. They've witnessed murder videos, rapes, gang rapes etc.
What do you mean?
Beheadings, mass suicides, dismemberment, satanic blood rituals, too.
How do you think the crimes of serial killers and rapists are prosecuted normally? Jury’s look at evidence regardless of how disturbing it is. This does not hold water
I'm right there with you.
I've seen it Hillary and huma star in it
You did not see the frazzledrip video. Only the photos were leaked.
I saw a video on a friend's phone He goes to the dark web occasionally It was not pictures Hillary Huma and a young girl
You're lying. You need a computer to set up Tor and access .onion sites on the dark web.
There's no way your friend was casually showing people the frazzledrip video that was never leaked by law enforcement.
I saw what I saw Oh now we trust law enforcement lol
Um yeah I "trust" them to hide and suppress evidence they don't want getting out to the public.
Just stop making false claims about having seen the video to bolster your confirmation bias.
It can still exist even if you didn't see it you know.
Dude you don't know me and you're calling me a liar Fuck You
Dude who showed it to me said there is a much worse one he was afraid to download
Was Bigfoot in it as well?
Yeah we also have, freely available for all to see on CSPAN, Biden forcing a little girls hand onto his dick. And a couple of pics of Hunter with a small child in his bed- one where his dick is literally out in the open for all to see.
There is some video out there, but I doubt it really is frazzled.rip. IMO no one has seen SHIT.
For it to be the real thing, it has to show a clearly recognizable Hillary (and Huma). I mean steady video. Not a blur of vague shocking imagery all over the place with distorted (meaning: horrific sounding) sounds.
I heard some video (it was audio only) on YouTube of all places… some boy was begging for someone to stop… I don’t know what it was or the context but it was blood-curdling… not a tantrum or whatever.
If they do release videos… it will most definitely break some people… they just won’t be able to cope with their shattered reality.
Oh yes, the one where Skippy was yelling call me daddy and the child was screaming/crying? It still haunts me and I wish I could erase that memory. Those poor children.
^^This - Let's make impalement great again. These fucks, once found guilty, need to die a horrific public death, so we can all heal. There needs to be a message that this shit will never be tolerated again. I do not want to sink to their level, I want a whole 'nother level below them, in vengeance.
That's that Anthony Podesta video. These videos are a problem imo. I don't understand why "leaks" like that are out there but not the real thing that identifies.
Lots of "I heard"
I agree. I wish more would come out. The people we need to change their minds (reachable citizens on the other side) won't care about the Biden laptop the same way they didn't care about the Clinton emails. I like to think that a military takeover of the media would get through to some of them, but I have my doubts.
I’ve been completely awake for years. Nothing surprises me anymore. But I remember listening to a talk by Cathy O’Brien years ago and what she said was done to her as a little girl….I wish I could unhear what I heard. It pretty much traumatized me and I didn’t even see it, only heard it. So I do not, ever, want to see with my own eyes the things these monsters have done to children.
Then it becomes urban legend at best. You and I don't need to see it but if normies don't see something, they will simply dismiss everything as conspiracy theory.
It's not for you. it's not for me. It's for the retarded, comatose normies. Look what they behaved like during covid for two years straight. You think these idiots are gonna wake up to anything short of some horrific life changing shit?
Anything you intend to use in a Court of Law or even a Military Tribunal should stay hidden until the day it is presented in a public court.
This is because the Defendant can claim your premature release of it has tainted the jury pool, and as such, it is now impossible to have a fair trial.
It's mostly a delay tactic, but sometimes works.
To prevent this scenario from playing out, and the possibility the controlled media will spin it as soon as it airs, it is advisable to keep it in reserve and play it only to explain WHY the person when to jail after they've been successfully found guilty.
Releasing it early will muddy the waters unnecessarily. The only thing that matters is a successful guilty verdict, not public opinion ooing and awwing from the sidelines.
Also, if it involves children, their names and identities need to be protected according to a vast number of laws and statutes. If they yet survive, they deserve their privacy same as you do.
Dude, releasing one video anonymously online is not going to cause some court hearing. However, it's going to wake millions of retards up once their world is shattered.
No one is saying they should release the entire vault. But let's say they show Madonna doing some horrific shit, or Tom Hanks ffs. Why not? Who are they gonna sue? lol
And I love all the responses of the legal ramifications if even one video of some horrific shit were to be released. As if the internet isn't full of leaks of insane shit already where no one knows where it came from.
"He went to jail for this" doesn't have the same impact as "HOLY FUCK DUDE DID YOU SEE THE VIDEO OF TOM HANKS EATING A KID? OMG!" as it spreads like fire around the world confirmed all the "conspiracies" causing every good cop, military member, judge and other actors to start rolling.
All this legal bullshit is mental gymnastics.
In a world of DeepFakes, your argument completely falls flat on its face.
All that matters now is not the content of the tape, but the context. Proving it is authentic is now 90% of the battle. It's not unfathomable to assume the culprit has committed some crimes. What is necessary is establishing it is authentic video/audio. With DeepFakes, anyone can have a body-double check into a nearby suite of Tom Hanks to establish he was at the location when the video was recorded, and then DeepFake Hanks' face on the body-double sexing up a young girl.
If you could successfully produce fake blackmail like this, would you? Would the Celebrity media system put fail-safes in place to prevent and disincentivize such schemes? Would it make it impossible to just blanket release this material without "my phone was hacked" or "this is an elaborate DeepFake blackmail attempt" and the CIA/FBI running cover to make sure any and all blackmail faces such a fate of obscurity and "disinformation" smear campaigns?
Additionally, if there is too much attention surrounding something, no judge will dare touch it. Death threats will go out, and the case will end up in perpetual limbo.
Then, once all interest is lost, and people give up because the media successfully downplays the video as fake, you will lose public opinion, the court will have cucked out, and the statutes of limitations lapse.
The perp walks free.
Sensational videos and buzz-talk is useless outside the court of public opinion. Mob justice is their weapon, not ours, and many innocent lives are lost in its process.
I don't like that we must be blind to Justice, but we are playing against the House, and the House always wins in a "fair" game...
lmao are you kidding me? You guys will find any excuse as to why the dirt isn't being released. If it's that easy for the DS to just dismiss everything then "patriots are not in control" and "these people are not stupid".
What you and others here have described is a lack of power by white hats. This is utter nonsense.
The excuses so far have been litigation, deep fakes, CIA will delete, big tech will delete, normies can't handle it, I don't want to see it and judges won't go near it lol
Dude, if someone or some org is in "control", they release the evidence (not all of it), use it as an excuse to investigate via official LE routes (which would be under control of patriots based on the language we've been told via Q posts), convict without doubt and keep repeating the cycle until normies get the point.
It's just so golden that so many people will find so many routes that "won't work" lol
Let's say a USB drive dropped into your lap this very moment of Hunter Biden raping a 14 year old girl.
What would you do? Describe to me the scenario playing out in your head on how you will get the video out and everyone will believe it is authentic.
Then, since you hadn't filmed it and you hadn't been there, explain to me how you can claim with 100% certainty that the person in the video is Hunter Biden and the girl is 14 years old.
Let's face it, you aren't thinking logically. People don't care unless you make them care. How do you plan on making people care that the President's son raped a 14 year old girl? People will believe anything and everything -- all that fundamentally matters is if they care enough about their beliefs to act any differently than they already are.
Let's assume you are an entity that's convinced millions of people you are in control. Let's say you have access to "Q" level clearance. Let's say you tell these followers you are in control and that the evil bastards you oppose are "stupid".
This implies exactly what is written. That control rest on the side of patriots.
Control means what? You are in charge. How are you in charge of something in society without LE on your side?
Now let's say a USB drive dropped onto your massive "in control" movement of Hunter Biden raping a 14 year old girl. What could you do?
You could investigate using LE (remember, you are in control), with no ties to Trump so that the investigation could be deemed authentic. You publicly release the footage and confirm it's real. You charge in a court of law, you convict and you jail. You then tell the public you've found more info and you're moving on up.
Now mind you, you already have it all, so it's not like the DS can oppose your investigation. The investigation is already over and you're just playing it out for the public.
Now this doesn't have to be Hunter Biden. It can be Tom Hanks. He's an even bigger house hold name.
Let's face it, you're making excuses.
Do you control the media, including every YouTuber and TikTok-er?
Do Patriots control the entire media complex and ignoring Freedom of the Press to do so?
Do Patriots control the brainwashed masses who will literally slaughter one another over a big-screen TV every year on Black Friday?
So, all of what you said could have already occurred. How would we know? Who can get the word out? If they did, would anyone even care?
How do you play it tactically? to ensure no one riles up the public and has them throw the baby out with the bath water in their furious rampage?
Explain to me intricately how you prevent blood in the streets and how one might maintain law and order when everyone finds out they've been slaves for years, their taskmasters are Satanic pedophiles, they've been maimed and controlled by the medical industry their whole lives, and every world religion is well and fully compromised to usher in a globalist dystopian economy?
You think one video of Hunter or Tom Hanks raping someone is going to get everyone to kumbaya together?
Consider; how is it that we have had photos, footage, and statements off of Hunter's laptop since before the 2020 election?
Why didn't that information DO ANYTHING despite us all posting about it 24-7 on every outlet possible?
Because the brainwashed masses didn't care. You can tell someone the truth, even tell them they're eating human meat at McDonalds, and this is the reaction you will get:
People already know. People already know they're slaves. Telling them isn't going to do jack shit. Everyone is already dead inside. They're actually more likely to kill you for telling them, because the effort they would have to go to for freedom is far greater than the effort it would take to capitulate.
Go ahead, tell me I'm making excuses -- because your way has already been tried over and over again and nothing ever happens on account of the revelations. You have to break the mind-control before any other step, otherwise all your efforts will be as dust in the wind.
LOVE when Sleepydude replies.
Thank you for your contributions Sir!
I already answered how I play it tactically. The investigation is already done via "We have everything". There's no need for more "investigating". Everything means everything. There's no other way to interpret this.
Calling them stupid also implies they are some sort of joke compared to the intelligence and ability of the patriots. They're always many steps ahead.
Also, you act like I am demanding that the entirety of the collection be released. I've made it clear several times. All it takes is one video of a household name to get millions of normies to wake the fuck up.
How do you achieve this? Through your control of LE. The media can spin all it wants but if a video of some horrific shit is spread and made viral, it will immediately discredit any media that defends that person. There are memes here making fun of the fact that the media dismissed HB laptop and then admitted it's real later. Ok, that laptop shit didn't even phase normies. You don't think a video of a household name would? Give me a break.
You charge and convict this person publicly making sure everything is available online. I know you guys think the DS owns the internet, it doesn't.
My way has not been tried whatsoever. You show me anywhere a video of any household name being shown clearly doing horrific shit that Q describes as so sickening hardened folk puke from it.
You show me exactly when that happened.
And what's with the excuses that they don't control any media? There are videos Twitter tries to scrub and are easily found and once spread, cannot be taken down.
Even if they were taken down from platforms there would be millions of downloads done immediately. It would never go away.
You're making excuses.
First we have to have the platform to support it or the MSM and Big Tech will bury it, call it "Russian Disinformation," etc. And the sheep want to believe that since the alternative is untenable. It's coming though - look at the MSM jumping on the bandwagon of admitting they lied about Hunter's laptop from hell. Why now? What do they know is coming that would make them look even worse if they did not admit this material is real?
If we're thinking for normies here, then any platform outside of the MSM will be ignored by them anyway. So say they release it on Truth Social. Great, it's just like the shit released on GAB or Rumble.
It'll be more us vs them.
Have you considered that those platforms won't be around forever? Have you seen their stocks tanking in recent times? Have you seen more calls from politicians for section 230 reform?
Their stocks? The entire stock market was tanking and it's not because of Q. It's because investors are nervous in growth and momentum stocks. These types of stocks have grown thousands of percentage points over the last 5 years and are in a correction. They are from are tanking. In fact, they are so high above their actual worth they're still in space. It's also due to inflation from money printing from Bush to Biden and that includes Trump whom also printed trillions and whom also pointed to the stock market as an indicator of economic health (it's not).
Their stocks tanking means absolutely nothing.
Can you take a moment to explain how to interpret this in your opinion? Seriously... I have always been confused by what to do with what Q says. In this case, is Q suggesting that not until all the media platforms are controlled will the video be dropped?
There are steps to take before releasing such videos. Importantly, making sure it won't be censored or gaslighted.
This qpost doesn't take into account technology and it's advances whatsoever.
If we are to understand normies, which I think most of us do, we know that they are mentally weak and easily influenced.
The longer it takes, the more "deep fake" it comes.
It's lacking logic imo.
Cognitive dissonance may be the biggest factor. If people saw these leaked videos would they believe it? Or would they explain it away because of it is outside of their frame of reality. They may, along with the help of Legacy News propaganda, explain it away as an ugly hoax and being something photoshopped or underground Hollywood produced.
All this talk about not being able to show normies because muh brain damage. blah blah. Bullshit. Ever been on a grand jury or even a jury? I have. You see it all. Like a 45yo man with a 3yo girl type of all. Like a bullet to the head all. Video. Nobody ran out of the room and jumped. A few cried and a few got angry. Not good at all but most can handle it because they know the depravity that exists.
I agree with all you saying put up or shut up. If "Q" can't do so much as that, color me off the Q (and possibly Trump) train. Enough is nough.
It's the biggest load of shit I've read on this site. Every excuse in the book was thrown out.
The videos are easily found y don't you go share them on your SM....I don't have SM but SWIM can point you in the right direction for all the videos you can stomach then you can go share them all you want and Make them "viral"
No they are not easy to find. The dark web, which I've explored and personally don't have the desire to dive back into that weird shit has lots of strange stuff. But I'm talking about videos of household names. Not some fat pedo sack of shit uknown.
Household names.
Just saying "Look at what that other person did!" is not going to do one damn thing to wake up anybody.
Doesn't matter if it's members of the worldwide elite; or the elected officials of any government; or the most famous film stars in the world.
You can show normies pictures/videos of those people doing the most horrific, unspeakable things, and normies in denial will simply shrug and turn away and go on with their lives.
If you ask them about it, trying to make them See What You See, they will just shrug and say it's fake or that you're crazy. "If that was real, it would be on the news. What's for lunch?"
There is one thing, and one thing only, that would wake up the masses in denial: Something that affects THEM, not someone else. Something that affects them PERSONALLY, DIRECTLY AND PROFOUNDLY.
As long as none of this stuff has a direct effect on their lives, they are free to ignore and dismiss it and go on being comfortable. That's how it's been all along and that's why there is so much frustration here and on patriots.win.
We need something that turns THEIR lives around to the point that they can never go back to the way it was.
What would it take? What would affect the normies enough to actually get their attention and stop them from hiding out ever again?
Ten days darkness, maybe?
I don't agree. When Epstein was arrested and "died", even reddit was unified in understanding it was a lie and that pedos exist. It blew peoples minds.
There is absolutely no reason normies couldn't handle it and if they cared and united over Epstein, a release of this caliber would explode.
You can't show people blatant and obvious evidence. Cognitive dissonance, bias, not to mention legal issues. I've tried in the past to expose pedophiles online and in person by recording them trying to groom kids, to include the things they would say in person and over messages to these kids. Even after seeing their pedophile friend try take a 12 year old girl on a 'date' and there being pictures of the two together. Their friends responded with "he was always nice to me so he was just trying to help her, he was nice to her too" And on top of that the police didn't want to do anything as well. Recorded the police as well for insurance purposes. It's going to take a lot more than just showing 'evidence' to change things. Things have to get worse before they will get better. It had to be this way.
You're comparing yourself to an org that claims they have everything, are in control and are steps ahead of the cabal. This is not the same thing.
When Epstein was arrested and his pedo island exposed, normies went crazy diving head first into it. They were united on reddit and that is insane on it's own.
All of social media blew up and for a little bit, there were no fights over politics.
This type of release would cause massive unity.
As far as legal goes I laugh at that excuse. It's utter nonsense. Releasing a video like that online would never result in any arrest of the person or group that did it, and the court of public opinion would decimate anyone who tried to defend the perp.
Also, this isn't supposed to be a "legal" issue. Remember? It's supposed to be a clean and swift punishment.
I did not meant to compare. My English fell off hard so I won't be able to articulate well. The point is that it's going to take a lot for people to get to that point. People can and will unite if that type of release happens, I agree. However they will not all be on the same understanding. The unification has to happen specifically after everyone reached the same boiling point. The point where we, or the majority understand that military is the only way. That's why it had to be this way. We need more slow dripping, more inflation, more Biden, more DS, people have to be pushed to that boiling point for there to be the right unification.
What stops them from saying "Russia hacked us and is spreading disinfo?"
The public trust of the normies must be destroyed on all fronts, hence the war BS going on right now.
Normies aren't losing faith in MSM. Who told you that?
I don't know how they're going to do it, but they have to stay within the Law. Even the littlest Mistake = Escape. We don't want that to happen. 18 US Code 2251-2252-2256-2260.
I went looking for frazzled.rip when it broke years ago. Hit TOR, had more VirtualShield up and going, I was on a server out of like Dallas Texas or something, left the TOR browsing window the same size as it pops up, so nobody could nab my screen resolution size....
Didn't find it. Looked everywhere I could find to look. I wasn't the best at navigating, but found a few sites. Still nothing though. Found a whole mess of other stuff I didn't want to find though. Not even going to talk about it.
After that, I let my virtual shield sub go dead, and never brought TOR back up again. Not worth it. You know it is really bad when you're doing surface web research about the dark web, and it's literally giving you advice on not to click on anything on the actual pages you go to, because even the buttons are traps. The dark web is all just a trap, and an underground digital currency money laundering kingdom in my opinion.
Still never found frazzled.rip though.
But I have heard of a few people around here who said they had. I forget now who, but I remember them saying something about striped overalls. And huma wrapping the girls hair up in a power drill. Pretty terrible stuff if it is real, but I believe I found a screenshot of the ripped off part of her face once, and if that was real, I probably couldn't handle watching anything of the sort.
I recall the Anthony wiener laptop and supposedly some of the detectives resigned , committed suicide and heard some vomited when viewing no idea if true
I personally don’t think such videos or evidence exist. Do I think elites traffic and prostitute children? Yes, but I can’t help to feel the adrenochrome/sacrifice thing is to poison the well of discussion and make the problems less believable.
This is the most reasonable explantation. And it's straight out of the Intel agency's playbook. They turn the truth into conspiracy every day by poisoning the well with planted disinfo.
I'm starting to think you're right. There is no amount of mental gymnastics that can be done to convince me releasing just one video of some horrific shit to kick start retarded normies would destroy "the plan". Utter nonsense.
I never wrote it was for you or I. It's to wake comatose normies up. They just spent 2 years wearing a mask to walk in to a restaurant then take it off to sit down and wear it again to stand up. You think this type of retardation is negotiable? lol
I don't give a fuck about them. There are people around me and all of us who need a rude awakening because they are quickly losing any individual thought they have. Look at the retards out there next time you're out. Still wearing masks, hanging it on their chins or ears like an ear ring. They've adapted to whatever the DS has pumped out and have zero logic left in them.
If we see say Fauci in some wild shit, it'll be a wake up call for millions including insane leftists.
It would be easy to fake such a video, and then no one would believe. You know, Hollywood can make anything seem real. I don't know what the answer is, unless you can have film of a survivor speaking. I wouldn't necessarily believe such a video, but it would also be wrong to show someone being killed. That is a slippery slope.
Releasing one video of the horrific shit that happens would not only confirm to patriots and anons beyond a shadow of a doubt what is going on, but would simultaneously jump start millions of normie brains.
The internet is full of foul shit. A normie seeing a famous actor they love so dearly, drink the blood of some kids dead body in front of them would start a movement that could simply not be denied or even debated. But it would also cause immense panic within that circle.
Those actors drinking & involved in the vid would immediately become sacrificial lambs &/or media (as long as fake news is trusted) will spin it as either a small fringe of Satanists in Hollywood that nobody saw coming, or that they were all participating in a film that producers decided they simply didn't want to release after all due to contract disputes or some other BS.
Alec Baldwin murders a girl on set & many in this country give him a pass & feel badly for him to have been duped into using a real gun loaded with real bullets instead of blanks.
At the very least faith in the legacy media must be completely destroyed before such things are released to prevent the scenarios I offer above.
So what? That's a good thing. That's the whole point. To get the ball rolling on the actual conspiracy theories which remain conspiracy theories to this day.
How many times they gonna play laptop games while some asshole on twitter keeps promising it's horrendous shit will be released?
How many years has it been with Anthony Weiners laptop? It's been 2 years with baby Biden now. The owner of the store is getting raped by the IRS while baby biden and family keep getting paid and making stupid rules destroying this country and it's economy.
I don't think it's wrong to release a video showing someone being killed if it's in service of preventing more people from being killed. If these videos exist and the White Hats are not releasing them, then they must be 100% sure they don't require anyone else's input into the war they're fighting.
As mentioned in the comments, this stuff can‘t be legally published, seen or otherwise distributed. And yes, it definetely would break some peoples minds, hearts and spirits.
How to spread the truth about it, then?
Well… You remember the time, when journalists had REAL ethos and truthfully, factually and unpartially reported about what they have seen or heard? Like, you know, reporters of news?
Let‘s have tribunals, and invite reporters from all around the world to witness them. Strip them of their electronic equipment, only pencils and paper allowed, and then show them. All of it. Warn them before they come, though, about what they will be shown, so they can chose to come or not.
And then see what happens.
lmao this is my favorite argument. The legality surrounding a video of household names doing horrendous shit to other human beings, namely children.
The amount of videos that get leaked daily on other stuff is comical and no one gets violated for it. If the public sees Tom Hanks raping a kid, I can assure you "legal" issues won't be a problem lol
honestly, I would watch it, knowing it would F me up... It needs to be watched, if this entire generation needs to be traumatized for these scumbags to get whats coming, so be it.
If this is a chess game, frazzled.rip would be the checkmate. Getting closer, move by move.
Because sharing / Having / saving filth like that degrades a person and is illegal. I cried when I learned / saw censored pics from Hunter's Computer. I don't need to see more to know that people can be really evil (and the cabal is). I am happy to be considered a normie on this issue.
illegal? Legality is irrelevant when the world is in a coma and getting dumber. The videos aren't for you. It's to jolt comatose normies who think everything is a conspiracy.
This isn't about you.
Yes, Q says they will release a Hillary video, we don't need to guess what that might be.
The time isn't right yet. First Q needs to expose the election fraud and all the covid bullshit which is already being done slowly, Then Q says FISA will be the start of the real justice and exposure.
Check the calendar OP, Q's 1st post. Hillary will be arrested "Monday - Oct 30". That lines up perfectly with 2023.
I would guess that they are avoiding going public with the extreme reveals, better to release stuff that the uninitiated can relate to and believe, the really gross stuff is still available as evidence.
Thank You As, I always appreciate the quality of your work.
me too.
This is implying the public isn't ready for one of their heroes being exposed. No one is saying the vault should be flooded onto the masses. But let's say we see fauci doing some foul shit to a kid or anyone else for that matter. How easy would it be to destroy the covid narrative?
We assume he's one of them doing the sacrificial shit. So why not drop one of these assholes into the abyss?
those poor puppies sacrificed for fauco experiments did nothing to the normies; they're probably irretrievably lost
Because the normies don't have any context around it. If you were still living in normanville and thought Joe Biden and hrc were great people you'd completely ignore it because it just won't fit in your frame of reference. It's hard enough to get them to believe "normal" crimes like bribery. If you showed them something like child sacrifice it would be deboooooonked before they finished watching it.
How would they debunk child sacrifice if it clearly shows these demons doing it? Not some mysterious tape. Dude, if eating children won't wake up them, we might as well quit right here.
Cnn showed a reporter eating human flesh
You could have, say, 50 intelligence experts all say it's a staged set put out by Russia. And the normies would all believe it, because they have no reason to believe that those people would do things like that.
I think you are right. Maybe that is what they are saving JFK Jr for? (i know i know). Something that cant be denied like a well-loved and long dead famous figure returning.
I don't believe there are any. Why isn't what they're doing in plain sight enough? Mandates, wars, riots, assassinations, lies, election cheating, sham impeachments, etc etc etc. These are direct attacks on ALL OF US.
It’s too awful…i don’t want to see it….i know most good people wont be able to handle it either. My imagination & what I know already is bad enough & i have seen PLENTY. I trust the plan and know justice will be served. Nothing can stop what’s coming.
It's not for you. It's for normies. Normies aren't going to wake up without a kick to the head. People were walking into restaurants wearing a mask, sitting down taking them off, standing up to take a leak and putting them back on. They were fighting with you if you didn't wear a mask publicly outside in some places.
The drones are zombified. This idea that they can't handle it is ridiculous.
They’ll handle it…but they may go crazy…like, legit crazy, not just zombiefied.
So what? Bout fucking time. It's better than walking around with a mask on their faces outside 5 shots deep pretending the world isn't fucked. They're already zombified and the more they dive into zombie land, the harder it becomes to get them out.
because 'the choice to know will be yours'.
it's in multiple posts and is regularly ignored.
get over it. not happening. they WILL be punished, but the public will probly never know.
That's the dumbest shit I've ever read. The GA is meaningless if the public isn't awakened to what's going on.
inconvenient isn't it?
however, it is what will be best for healing. do we really think that these things should be in the public headlines that CHILDREN READ?
Won't be released. Who in fuck wants to watch that kind of horror? It's enough that LEO will have to see it - remember the NYC officers who cried and vomited after seeing videos from Weiner's laptop?
That's exactly my point. This idea that they cried and puked. Just another story in a long line of stories. You don't need to see it. I don't need to see it. But the "conspiracy theory" has been that these things are happening. Normies need to see to believe. That's how they are. They aren't gonna stop with their idiotic compliance.
And what happens when they begin pumping "deltacron stealth" in a few months? They're already planting the seed. We gonna go back into jab pass, masks and bullshit till demoralization takes a complete hold?
Trusting this plan has brought us into a world of covid tyranny. Countries are moving into absolute government control while we wait for "the plan". The economy is toast and getting worse, costs are rising, and tyranny is growing world wide.
If they have it all and are in control, well then something for normies needs to drop and Dan Scavino tweets ain't gonna do it.
The election fraud still hasn't been sorted out. Some people are only just finding our resident is a pedophile. I think we still have a ways to go for that reveal. Especially if the Vatican is involved.
Does anyone have a link to the frazzledrip video? I have a $1000 bet on it and can’t seem to find it anywhere anymore. Buddy thinks I’m lying lol
I do not have a “TOR” nor know what that is...
The Onion Router. It's how you can access the dark web. Not a good place to poke around indiscriminately, despite its enhanced privacy. Remember Silk Road and the arrest of Ross Ulbricht (aka Dread Pirate Roberts) in 2013? The FBI also seized about 26,000 Bitcoins from him, worth $3.6mil at the time. Those Bitcoins are now worth $1,065,090,000 at today's rate. Pretty good return on investment in 9 years.
you're shit out of luck and better off not seeing it.
Timing.....Why hasn't the Sound of Freedom been released? Same reason I think.
While retards walk around with masks on their chins ready to roll up their sleeves for a 4th, 5th and nth shot, "timing" isn't ready yet. They're literally planting the seeds for "stealth deltacron" as we speak after the world just began to move on.
Russia invading Ukraine isn't doing shit for normies other than getting them to raise their little Ukraine flags on their garage doors lol
I believe someone is letting these videos for the end? They should released them, but I guess the plan has to be this way.
I've seen the video. It's a dark room with some kid screaming in fear and a man in what appears to be podestas voice abusing him. It's an audio clip at most really. Again, it doesn't confirm anything, doesn't show anyone and is impossible to point fingers at.