ITS AFRAID: UN Declares War on ‘Dangerous’ Conspiracy Theories: ‘The World Is NOT Secretly Manipulated By Global Elite’ 🖕😇🖕
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They are correct; the world is NOT secretly manipulated by a global elite; the manipulation occurs in plain sight and these parasites are not elite.
they are PeDOlite
Exactly They are all pedos and sick people experimenting with us to cure themselves because they are evil God gave them diseases and they have been trying for centuries to get healed and now they are making us sick.
Pedos or deviants. Look at Klaus Schwab on the beach and the in breeding inter-marriage among cousins and within families.
Yeap, How in the world they are marrying their own family? Definitely only depraved do that.
They do it to keep the wealth and power concentrated solely in their own families, in their own blood. They've done it for many, many centuries. No outsiders allowed for any reason.
Correct. We are the gojams. How do they( Jews) call us?
Goyim :)
“Goyim” is the term I think you’re looking for
You are so right. Thank u
The world is not.
However, the western world is.
And the western world pushes their weight around to manipulate the rest of the world.
See how they did that?
Created a strawman that they could the try to discredit more easily.
The world most definitely is. You think the entire world moved in Lockstep because of a meme flu because the world ISNT ran by sociopathic pedophiles. Au contraire it is wholly because of the red shoe gang that the world moved in lockstep.
That is what finally woke me up. I remember when most of the world laughed at SARS and H1N1 but this weak ass COVID was suddenly the second coming of the black plague and somehow everyone was in agreement with how to handle it?
Then you would have to believe Russia invading Ukraine was part of their plan.
The cabal's plan? No. Putin is protecting Russia from the bioweapons labs the cabal but on Russian borders.
Putin knows about the cabal. He's fighting them.
I agree.
My reply was to the poster above me who seems to believe the Elite Scum control the whole world.
Ever heard of the IMF? Who controls that? Who are the proxy’s on the Board of Directors? Third world and developing countries have to go to the IMF for money. Does the IMF follow ESG guidelines ? Who set the guidelines and where did they arise from?
Anons are the elite.
These animals have all the money in the word, and a bunch of anonymous shit posters have destroyed a 6,000 year plan?
We at least have their attention
Still KEK
Getting people to realize [they] tell the truth (from a certain point of view) is the hardest part about the red pill process.
They are psychopaths who run the world the way the mafia runs a city. It's all the same.
‘The World Is NOT Secretly Manipulated By Global Elite’... says the Global elite. :>)
These are not the drones you are searching for...
With a creepy hand gesture added in...
"We are not a satanic cult!"
They are really just exclusive ping pong & lawn bowling clubs, nothing to see here.
Oh, I thought it was pickleball. They're pushing this now.
It's just funny as shit, isn't it? they use their power to globally attack their critics.
Can't make it up...
It’s almost as if they are winking to us at the same time.🤭
I want to know how you "prebunk" something. You would have to have foreknowledge of the event that you are attempting to distance yourself from.
"Hi, is this the police? Yeah, I just wanted to call and prebunk any idea that I'll be having a few too many Saturday night. ... mmm hmmm ... Yep, thanks. Nancy says to say hi."
Only Pre-Cogs are able to Prebunk
Must be referring to Q shit as they would probably refer to it 😂😂 you know, mirror and future proves past. Too late assholes scream all you want
I heard the WaPo "prebunked" 2000 Mules. That was the 1st time I heard it. It's both sad and so funny at the same time.
"I prebunked your mom."
I could see that working.
They seemed in their dumb little graphic to describe it as warning people ahead of time about what conspiracies are out there. "Yo dad watch out, those crazies are pushing some nutjob shit about COVID being a scam, here's a CNN article explaining the situation".
Really just seems like debunking with extra steps.
Always have.
I think we have our marching orders
Ready the meme cannons.
The Internet already knows what to do.
Of course those who are awake to their malicious actions are dangerous for the ones doing malicious things.
That sounds like a conspiracy theory!
These fucking wealthy globalist retards don’t get it yet. The tide has turned. No one takes them seriously except for themselves. Their desperation is obvious.
They have lost control completely of the narrative. No one (almost) is injecting their children with the clot shot. No one is wearing the mask. Jan 6th operation is a complete failure. No one gives a shit about monkey pox. No one gives a shit about fake climate change. Twitter is imploding. Truth Social isn’t. MAGA canidates are crushing everyone. Their voter fraud is now under a thousand microscopes. Putin is taking Ukraine. The FED dollar is being destroyed and removed as global currency. Their Biolabs are eventually going to result in trials for crimes against humanity. China is imploding from the inside and rapidly losing its position to become the worlds 1 power. Their installed US government is so bad that it’s going to destroy democrats for 100 years. The deep state is going to get completely destroyed by Trumps schedule F plan, and they know it. They are losing abortion clinics all over the place. People are fleeing their cities for Red freedom states at an incredible rate. Joe Biden won’t make it 4 years and Kamala is even less popular.
Just wait. The public arrests for child trafficking and foreign election interference haven’t begun to hit the top players yet. They are climbing the ladder right now.
Where is Boris Johnson? Why did he resign in disgrace? No media discussion WHY he just decided to leave office? That alone is a marker. He got caught up in an EO. Which one? Why is Trudeau hiding in Costa Rica? Why is Nancy Pelosi in Taiwan?
Shit is happening at an increasingly accelerated rate. We are watching it with our own eyes. 80% private.
Just because we aren’t being told play by play how and why things are happening, doesn’t mean they aren’t happening. It’s right in front of us.
It’s going to get worse for them. Schiff and other politicians are going down. We may not be told told why. We may not be told they are even criminals. I expect extremely significant “retirements” or “resignations” to keep occurring in the government, going higher and higher up the ladder. How many Democrat house members are resigning? Why?
We are winning. Nothing can stop what is coming.
Good hopium post
Seriously good
If we ever get a play by play may it be done by Steve Inman! He should start thinking on it now... there should be lots of content.
Deceptively silly username; consistently high quality content time after time.
Love the punchy themes, logical progression, command of facts, optimistic patriot outlook, really strong presentation skill, super conversational and readable delivery, the prose just flows without effort. Never overdone. Your stuff completely belies being either boozy or a fuckface.
It’s partly a way to vent my manic thoughts and partly a way to get people to see the world through my eyes. Once you see it, you can’t unsee it. We need everyone we can get awake and eyes open.
80% private is really astonishing if you think about it.
Plenty of idiots are still wearing masks, mainly Indians I notice.
‘Dangerous’ to them and them alone.
‘Shhhhh! Don’t blow our cover!’
This is pretty indicative of the danger of the UN. They are now declaring themselves to be the authority on what we are allowed to think!
The UN is a terrorist organization
Too funny! "Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain...."
I would suggest you go see what they're saying to prepare how to fight back:
for example in one of their slides they state:
-A secret plan (real conspiracies have this too)
-A group of conspirators (real conspiracies have this too)
-Supporting 'evidence' (if there's supporting evidence its in the process of moving from conspiracy theory to conspiracy fact)
-They suggest nothing happens by accident (A lot of people state that too, about a new job, falling in love, etc. it's gaslighting)
-They assume the world is good or bad (such a bs claim, people claim that even without conspiracies (theories or facts))
-'someone' is to blame!' (more bs, most crimes can be blamed on someone)
Another slide:
-Prebunk them - good advice, i have been prebunking the MSM conspiracy theories for some time, warning friends and family about MSM conspiracy theories. People have stated months later "yeah, fatality, 6 months ago, you were right, the MSM was wrong." I've yet to see a sound apology or correction by MSM saying "the conspiracy theorists were right 6 months ago, we were wrong" so it leads me to believe the MSM conspiracy theorists aren't capable of defending their theory
-Debunk them - omg more good advice, i love to counter the MSM conspiracy theories using logic and presenting fact-based explanations, and so does Steve Kirsch, Dr. Z, and a lot of other doctors in the last 2 years who have been raising the alarm
another slide states:
-The author has recognized qualifications. (Such bs. Steve Kirsch, Dr. Z, and a lot of other doctors in the last 2 years who have been raising the alarm, but they consider them conspiracy theorists)
-The sources are backed by fact-checking sites (more bs. the fact-checking sites are also not free of bias and often politically motivated)
-The tone is objective and factual (Too bad they can't see mainstream media is no longer objective or factual themselves)
LOL as the lie is delivered in an objective, factual tone, it's to be believed 100% unquestioningly
Another slide states:
-They identify an enemy and a plot that can fuel discrimination against a group. (Yes, we have seen this with the MSM conspiracy theory fueling discrimination against those not following the MSM conspiracy theory and.. getting vaccinated, for example)
-They spread mistrust leading to apathy or radicalization (Yes, we have seen this with MSM conspiracy theories radicalizing people to push their ideology, and people sickened by their conspiracy theory tuning out in disgust and apathy, some even being radicalized the other way)
-They undermine science and medical advice (Yes we saw the MSM conspiracies citing 'science' when they really meant 'scientism', and they also pushed bad medical advice that mislead and damaged people with side effects of an experimental shot)
Freudian slip? lol
Not the wrong enemy. Not a false or fake enemy.
Another slide states
-Encourage debate - Good one, Steve Kirsch has been doing that with the experts and MSM conspiracy theorists for over a year now. They refused to debate, so far, so we know the MSM has a firm belief in their conspiracy theories.
-Use a variety of sources - Good one, most people fighting the MSM conspiracy theories do this, unfortunately the defenders of the MSM conspiracy theories only use MSM sources and MSM approved 'fact checkers'.
-Show empathy - Good one, most of the people the MSM is branding as 'conspiracy theorists' in their conspiracy theory are showing empathy. The rabid ones who believe the MSM conspiracy theory have notable little or lacking empathy.
-Focus on facts - Good one, most of the people the MSM is branding as 'conspiracy theorists' in their conspiracy theory are focusing on facts. The rabid ones who believe the MSM conspiracy theory have notable little or lacking facts.
-Don't push - Good one, most of the people the MSM is branding as 'conspiracy theorists' in their conspiracy theory are not pushing, just dropping facts. The rabid ones who believe the MSM conspiracy theory get triggered by these facts and start pushing back saying things like "believe the MSM conspiracy theory or else i will brand you nazi, racist, conspiracy theorist, white supremacist, christian nationalist".
Another slide:
-On Social Media ask the author to correct - Good advice, but sometimes when they push they MSM conspiracy they assert that the news told them, and even though their facts are questionable and easily refuted, they hold to the appeal to authority and trust their MSM conspiracy theory
-On websites and blogs ask the author to correct - Good advice, but same as above
-On media outlets contact the editorial board - Good advice, but the MSM editorial boards need to push their MSM conspiracy theory and will reject editing it if they were paid to push the theory without facts
I think the UN is the greatest threat since NAZISM and that its staff and offices should be seized and its ringleaders sent to Gitmo as terrorists.
Reported to Snopes as a conspiracy theory.
Lol the irony of an elite organization that runs the earth telling us this lmao
Great article. Glad they mention the Smith-Mundt act which Obama changed to legalize propaganda on US citizens. ... What a fricken douchebag 😃😃😃😃
As many times as she's spoken in front of the UN, Ghislaine Maxwell would've presented the UN's War on 'Dangerous' Conspiracy Theories spiel, but she's indisposed at the moment.
That's exactly what a world manipulated by Global Elite would say.
I've always hoped it would be UN troops. Blue Helmets make great targets!
Roger that.
Bitch ass weekend soldiers
Lol. And all from sea level. Come on up to Colorado mtns...
This movie has great script writers! It's really getting interesting now!
The Villans think of new evil things everyday!
It is not a secret. It is in our face. lol.
They think this helps their case? LMAO
One World Government tells us no such thing as One World Government. O.K., nevermind, please pass the bugs.
Theyre right. Its not secretly manipulated. ITS RIGHT OUT IN THE OPEN.
They tried and failed, now they are scared. Their vaccine pushing depopulation agenda, pedophilia and farmer destroying games pushed to many buttons, now they have to die. The world population should get to vote how to execute them.
Cattle stun gun FTW
"The Americans are NOT in Baghdad."
I remember feeling sorry for them that their government would tell such blatant lies. Fast forward....
Dug a little on this one the other day.
they are absolutely, positively
That Toruble Maker Flair!
Credit to u/ChronicMetamorphosis when mentioned it in a back channel. 👌
Thanks u/ChronicMetamorphosis 👈🏻👏🏻
This is what’s called “playing defense”. It means we’re winning.
The wording of their document is hilarious. We should be able to use it to red pill people like crazy. What a bunch of weasels.
Show this quote to your liberal friends this quote “ The drive of the Rockefellers and their allies is to create a one-world government combining super capitalism and Communism under the same tent, all under their control.... Do I mean conspiracy? Yes I do. I am convinced there is such a plot, international in scope, generations old in planning, and incredibly evil in intent.” - Larry McDonald, Democratic Congressman, has his plane shot down over Soviet skies.
-- David Rockefeller, from his book, "Memoirs"
... secret ... conspiring ... one world ... proud of it. End of debate.
Didn't JFK make a similar statement before his untimely death?
Oh, BTW, this is interesting - Conspiracy theories -- the link to antisemitism:
JFK was a based Catholic. Happened to be America’s first Catholic President; the cabal could not have that. He died in a Freemasonic occult fashion; the death of Hyram Abiff.
I’m anti-child sacrifice ; the Canaanites, Moabites, Hittites, Hivites are all Semitic tribe & practice child Sacrifice to Ba’al. I guess that makes me “anti-Semitic”. You see the invisible cloak they use? Talmudic Jews have been hoodwinked & promised they will inherit the earth.
The English Monarchy & American Freemasons were instrumental in the rise of Hitler back in the 1930’s. During the Holocaust, it was the Torah Jews targeted for execution while Talmudic ones got a passage to Israel by Hitler beginning in 1933. The Haavara Agreement was an agreement between Nazi Germany and Zionist German Jews signed on 25 August 1933. The agreement was finalized after three months of talks by the Zionist Federation of Germany, the Anglo-Palestine Bank and the economic authorities of Nazi Germany.
methinks the UK doth protest too much..
“The UN also warns that George Soros, the Rothschilds and the State of Israel must not be linked to any “alleged conspiracies.”
This part right here in the article should tell Anyone with brains, why we must eradicate the UN and the Globalists! And to be clear I’m not for eradicating the State of Israel, except their Cabal controlled government just like here in the US. It’s not innocent people that are the problem, but it’s the greedy, sick leaders that all need to be jailed and executed for their crimes against us all.
George Soros, the Rothschilds and the State of Israel are involved in conspiracies.
Fun fact: In the eyes of the law conspiracy is not a theory. It's a serious felony.
Must be over the target!
Sorry, I can't hear you for the smell of the elite cabal of globalists.
Simply put. What is the wef then? With no elected leaders, trying to change the world to their perspective. Would that not be considered a group of elites manipulating the world?
there are no conspiracies. now be a good citizen and eat your bugs...
thats exactly what the global elite would say..