Yestday's stickied mod post about the queers is the second time this has happened on this board, so I feel this has to be said. We CANNOT keep pretending like it's "ok" to be any flavor of the rainbow brigade.
Homosexuality and all it's derivatives are morally, socially, and naturally degenerate. Get over it.
We all said years ago that if it was allowed to be openly accepted and legalized they'd eventually come for the children and animals. And look at where we are now.
People demanding open acceptance of "MAPS" and zoophilia "pride" parades in Germany.
I'm not saying that there is no such thing as a conservative gay, that's stupid since they obviously exist. But we cannot allow open acceptance for this kind of thing in the public square. What people do in private is between them and God, but open advertisement and propagation of transsexualism and homosexuality have to become a thing of the past if we're to avoid the level of moral degeneracy we're faced with today in the future.
Furthermore, It seems a lot of people like to conveniently overlook that at it's base, our entire movement is essentially a Christian Nationalist movement where we want ALL nations to turn back to God and become (Insert Nation Name) first. To take care of their own citizens before worrying about everyone else on the planet.
Why do you think Q talks about God and Christian themes, etc. so often in the drops? Why do you think so many of our sides leadership are more or less Christian Nationalists? Trump, Desantis, Orban, and even Putin if you want to count him, all have varying levels of Christian Nationalism in their message. And most of them are pushing that more and more as time goes on.
And I know I'm probably gonna anger some on here, but I don't care anymore. This crap has gone on long enough, and people need to get over themselves. We're not calling for some kind of gay concentration camps. All most of us want is something similiar to what most Slavic Nations have going on, where it's illegal and a felony to advertise homosexuality, transsexualism, etc. in any way, shape, form, or fashion, and public displays of such things are also banned.
And don't even give me the whole "muh free speech" bit. There are just some things that NEED to be banned for the good of society. This is one of them. If you disagree, well then I'm sorry but you're just wrong. This crap HAS to stop if we're to move on and better ourselves as a society.
I have a gay friend who helped me when I was poor. He is a good person, but I agree that I'm not going to pretend being gay is moral. Just as to lie is immoral most of the time.
That’s the right mindset. I’m gay, it’s not a choice. I do not sleep with dudes because that part is a choice. At the same time it would be great to have proper research to ‘cure’ me, can we all agree that is a good thing? More important then so much we waste money on? Until there is a cure it’s a hard sell to tell people they can’t be gay, just as it would be a hard sell to tell a straight person they can never have sex. Having extreme nationalism/religious fundamentalism is equally dangerous in my opinion. As a gay person I have no problem seeing the beauty and majesty of God and feeling the spirit, and I do think that me sacrificing sex to make the world more harmonious is a fair trade BUT...homosexuality is not the only place of degeneracy and violation of the scripture, and to be honest - I don’t know a lot of people that seem to be able to truly feel the spirit that comes from love and truth, and I honestly think if we’re not working toward love and truth then we’re not on the ‘straight and narrow’ Thank You.
Bless you dude, that's a hell of a burden to carry. God knows the time and circumstance when He plans to set you free from all temptation. Can't say enough how much I respect your position.
Thanks for saying what needs to be said, 74.
Just doing my (very small) part, fren. :]
As I’ve said I do not sleep or date men, but I will not lie to a woman either just so I can pretend to be normal. Instead I am working on it - and it may be a lifetime challenge, and I may fail but I’m okay with that. I do love life and God and it’s okay for you to have your thoughts and I won’t say you’re wrong because I haven’t exhausted every option yet and if I find the cure? It would be a miracle, I will share it, will you pray for me, that I become straight? Pray for all of us, pray we all follow Gods plan.
Go on YouTube and search Deliverance from Homosexuality. You will see lots of testimonies of people who have been set free from your very struggle. It’s a spiritual thing. Jesus can and will deliver you! He created you and He loves you! Seek deliverance and you will find it in Jesus name!
Alright, I’ll check it out. Thank you.
Here's a great one I saw recently. God bless, fren!
No matter what our temptations may be, we all struggle with some weakness - and that is exactly where we will be challenged. Some challenges are more obvious than others. We are all here on a mission and God is more concerned with our character than he is our comfort. I commend you for knowing the truth of what God's word says and staying the course that you know to be true regardless of what the society, and even your own desires at times, may be telling you. There is only one voice you need to listen to. May you continue on your path in strength and in courage. May God bless you in all desires that are part of his will.
I'll pray for you.
Thank you.
In Jesus Almighty and All Powerful name, I Bind and Rebuke the Spirits of homosexuality, depravity and lust. I command you to leave those who wish to be free, those who belong to God. Leave them now and do NOT RETURN!! I slam shut that door on you and cover it over in the Almighty, Holy and Precious BLOOD of JESUS. Matthew 18:18 “Truly I tell you, whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.
Ephesians 6:12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.
James 4:7 Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.
James 4:10 Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will lift you up.
Have you considered this approach?
I have been researching that actually, I’ve heard people have had poor reactions but, I think I will try it shortly.
Thank you for sharing
I suspect a lot of poor reactions stem from using bad protocols or having poor overall health. Common additional issues could be fungus or heavy metal related issues, addictions, deficiencies, etc. Could be good to do some general health improvement type things first; it's perfectly okay to need several months to work up to deworming.
Never have used that particular wormer myself, but after a few years of unsuccessful deworming I managed to find the trick that finally got an entire sci-fi colony out: using a magnetic pulsar on the entire gut area prior to taking the dewormer. It's a trick obtained from a horse magazine, and the way it works is the magnetism tricks the parasites to detach from the intestinal walls to mate, which then makes them vulnerable. It's why people in deworming communities may recommend timing protocols with the full moon. Can't just strongarm them out since they can have so many resistances and defenses, need to also outmaneuver them.
Wow! Going to do a dig on that. In case my ivermectin routine needs some boost!. Very cool. Thanks.
Fascinating. Thank you.
I am a married man, not homosexual and not attracted that way at all. However, I have sometimes felt an inclination to look at women who aren't my beautiful wife, which is messed up. Not who I was created to be, and something I am commanded not to do. It's an addiction, and addictions can be broken. But if I'm struggling to behave uprightly, and doing everything to ensure I win, including getting God's help, I'm on the right path.
I don't get any good-guy points for having a more "discussable in polite company" specific problem than FreeKyleRightNow. He's tempted to sin, I'm tempted to sin. He may be struggling more profitably than many of us. May God help us all.
Yes, I use to have an addiction to porn, and even now if a show comes on and it shows something it shouldn't, I have to look away and fast forward or have my wife do it. I know I am a weak person when it comes to my own addiction and temptations of sins. Everyone has some sort of burden. The hope is that we can rely on God's mercy and grace to help us through that and Like Jesus, resist the temptations in front of us.
TV is so rife with degenerate smut, and streaming subscriptions are 10x worse. Entertainment in general is a conditioning mechanism to promote and normalize debauchery...
I just have to look at 20-somethings in bikinis my daughter brings out on the boat
Here is the number on reason women need to be more modest. How is it they are innocent of tempting when a man has to be held responsible for lust?
I struggle also with faithfulness to my husband in thoughts at times and am guilty of worse in the past. I also struggle with sinful sexual thoughts of submissiveness fantasies. Perhaps childhood abuse lead to this issue. I was abused emotionally and sexually. My husband is my best friend and I love him dearly, yet It is still a struggle, (I have never shared this before exceptbwith a counselor for bipolar which natural herbs and health supplements helped me beat yet I place God above all and spend alot of time in prayer and in the word and it helps alot. I ask the Lord regularly to help me keep my eyes on Him at all times as He is my rock that keeps me focused on where I should be. I am sure that many have hidden struggles. We must be here for, uplift amd support one another in Christ Jesus as brothers and sisters in the Lord.
Idk from a gay man’s perspective your assumptions appear to be just that.
I kinda wonder sometimes if maybe the people that have re-edited history ever got the idea to re edit/translate religion. Maybe we just don’t fully understand things and we make more assumptions than we should. It would be pretty ignorant to assume the only thing the cabal has not touched is religion and how it’s understood.
One of the first things they touched was religion. It's the basis of culture. To control a people you control what they believe.
This is something that most people these days don't seem to get. The Bible wasn't written by some dudes in history, it was God's message written by intermediaries that he picked throughout time and space. If more people today realized what the Bible actually is, more people would be willing to read and obey it. That's not the case, so instead we get people constantly challenging it as if they are challenging 'some dudes in history'.
Internet makes it much easier to find better translations which is an upside. You really do have to read most of the text from the original to Hebrew to fully understand God's word. Some of the best preachers I've found will break down the original Hebrew words to illuminate understanding.
The real beauty is knowing how to read and analyze the text in Hebrew. There are nuggets contained within the Torah - the first five books - that could not have been placed there by man and that do not show themselves in translations. It is claimed to be the direct oracle of God to Moses. That is what makes it different from all other books. Even Jesus upheld its validity and lived by its precepts. Those pastors willing to drill down into the original language add so much clarity to the words of the text.
As far as translations - there is no perfect English translation - or any other language for that matter. Therefore, it is good to compare translations for inconsistencies between those translations. Inconsistencies are usually a pretty good indicator that the original language needs to be looked at a little closer since each translator had difficulty finding an English one off. You are right in that the internet has made it much easier to do comparison of the translations and to find good original texts if need be.
Jesus had males around him who loved him and I do not doubt at all that some were in love with him and were homosexual. Why would this not be true with someone as belived and inspiring as Jesus? I imagine that he had compassion for those who had such feelings. I do not think he thought them less cherished as human beings. Through God, oeople can learn to cope with feelings and behaviors. So even if Jesus would counsel any Gay person to not act out perversities and would assist them spiritually, he would condemn only the behavior, not the person.
Perfect analogy
I didn’t say you don’t understand. I’m saying your making assumptions based on a limited perspective.
I’m saying you assume my reality from another. You assume your reality and what you have contrived in your head, based on information you have been fed or consumed that as we now know has been manipulated and biased, is the perspective of life.
Your addict comparison is crap. If you want to know why a nascar driver needs to go fast you don’t go to a plumber you go to Dale Earnheart Sr.
See we can make analogies all day but Let me share some perspective.
I was raised by Christian’s from a Christian family. I started pre-k in a Christian private school. In kindergarten or first grade I had my first school crush or attraction. His name was Bobby.
Now at this age I have never seen porn. Didn’t know what sex was. I’ve never been molested or raped. Didn’t know what gay or straight was. I did know god though he was my life all I knew outside of my parents. School was Christian functions Christian after school events Christian.
See thing is my parents found out about this attraction to Bobby. Snapped my ass out of that school and put me in a new one. I clearly remember that night. My mother sat me at the end of her bed used two AA Duracells batteries explained to me what gay and straight was that god says gay is wrong and the batteries just don’t work male to male. She then pointed out the plug on the wall and how it works blah blah…. Believe they did not just talk to me. I have picked a few switches (infact we had to get a new willow tree), belt buckles, wooden paddles. You know spare the rod spoil the child.
It was all very confusing to me because I know what my god given instincts tell me. Had a few more crushes before puberty at a few schools. See dads military and we moved around.
When puberty came around things got real hard. Se I lived with Christian parents who put me through gay conversion therapy my entire life with them. Turns out it did allot of damage to my personhood and self esteem. That’s why it’s illegal btw, fact, not assumption. My reason to tell you that is to say that I had been convinced it was a faze you know I would grow out of it “gay”. So naturally I was excited for puberty. For things to be normal. However that’s not what happen. It got worse.
I actually started watching straight porn and beating off to it trying to make myself straight. See I even put myself through gay conversion for years. Did allot of damage. Killed my self esteem even more and turned me into an addict. Speaking of addicts as you were seems your making assumptions there as well.
6 years sober from heroin. Started using oxy at 16. I’m 34 now Friend from schools dad had tons of it from his doctor. Had no idea what I was doing. Talk about taking a single moment back. I got over it on my own. No help. See addicts are who k ow about recovery. In fact if you had ever been to a rehab you would know the entire recovery industry is run and employed my recovered addicts.
Back to my point I had a girlfriend in high school her name was Jackie. She was fun, cute, nice, really great. Another one named Allyson. There was Brook, Lindsey and Whitney I just never connected with them. Wasn’t excited to hear from or talk to them. Never was interested in having sex with them. Did what I had to though because it’s what’s right. Even though living that lie just kept destroying my personal life and mentality. Just kept tearing me down. Turns out there allot of things you don’t do or do and walls you build to keep that information and struggle to yourself. You become somebody you don’t know confused addicted un-based. You try to be what you think everyone wants you to be and it gets exhausting and turns into a bad heroin addiction.
Then there was Blake. I was 18 just graduated He was the brother of a coworker I was friends with. Weird dude, tall, deep voice, socially weird. Anyway my friend got a girl became busy so blake and I started hanging out. After a several months maybe a year you know I just started to see him different. Like I fell for him hard. I would have died for that man. I would have built an amazing life for that man and myself.
See now I have never experienced emotion like that with any girls. I have never stumbled over words for a girl. I have never been convinced to change my life for a girl.
That emotion of love you can not control is not confusing. It speaks very clearly and it is not an addiction. I would know what an addiction is because see I have had one. I have lost everything and seen the bottom of my lake. Do you know yours? So if anybody wants to know what it’s like to be an addict, ask an addict not a plumber.
There is ALLOT more to this story and it’s boiled down but there you have.
Now you imply an environmental component but there was nothing out of the ordinary. I was raised in a Christian household in a well off family. So that is not the issue unless you mean a chemical in the environment which you can’t because that would undercut you gay conversion theory.
Now that you have some perspective on my point why don’t you ask some questions about my perspective so you can broaden your perspective and make an informed opinion instead of making assumptions.
Sry for mistakes guys I’m in a hurry and need to go cook dinner from my grandma her sugar is getting low. See I quit my job moved in with her when my grandfather died a year ago. She is 84 has diabetes bad and dementia. She needs constant supervision but I didn’t want to see her in a home. I know OP That’s confusing because I’m such a deviant.
I've never said there can't be "good gays", but the fact that homosexuality is a sin doesn't change. If you want my actual personal opinion on it, I don't entirely buy into the whole born that way, or all queers were molested theories (though there is a bizarre correlation there that can't be ignored).
I'm of the personal opinion that it's one of two things. Either it's a neurological disorder along the same lines as schizophrenia or bipolarism (in the case of people like yourself), or it's the result of grooming and conditioning in order to be "cool" or "trendy".
In the case of the former, I FIRMLY believe there is a treatment or cure. Not gay conversion therapy or something like that. But some kind of hormone balancer pill, or some similar treatment. Like how Schizophrenia is treated. This is how I explain the existence of "natural gays". It's more or less a birth defect that CAN be treated if allowed. It also explains to me how God and Jesus can save gays, since God and Jesus can perform literal miracles like making the blind see, the lame walk, the deaf hear, etc. Or if you want a more modern take, think of all the cases of people just Miraculously recovering from a fatal condition, usually some terminal cancer, and making a full recover with zero evidence they ever had cancer in the first place. It's something that still baffles doctors to this day, but it happens all the time with evidence to back it up. If God and Jesus can do that, then they can surely fix whatever hormonal imbalance or neurological disorder afflicts homosexuals.
It's actually rather funny how any time someone tries to research the origin of homosexuality and how to "cure it" they immediately et shut down for hate crimes and being a bigot. Almost like there's actually something to this theory and there's probably an easy way to cure it. Just like Ivermectin and HCQ are basically cure alls for 90% of illnesses, but were hidden from the general public for decades.
This is also where I'd categorize most people like Richard Grenell, or the walkaway movement guy whose name I can't spell for the life of me. Normal, gay, good people, but still a sinner who needs help. I'll gladly be friendly with them and do everything I can to lead them to God, but it's up to them to accept him and change.
On the other end of the pole, you have morons who think it's "trendy" to be gay, or trans, or basically anything but straight. So they'll pretend or deceive themselves in order to feel accepted and "cool". Like they're part of the "in group". These people are the literal scum of society in my mind, since they're willing to do anything for attention. I also believe this is where most of the "activist queers" fall when you categorize things. Seems to fit the profile after all. I'd say I'd try to lead these people to God.....but if I'm honest I kind of write most of these people off as being part of the "4-7 percent lost forever". I mean nothing is impossible for God, but I wouldn't place any bets on these freaks changing their ways any time soon.
Either way I stand by what I've said. Homosexuality is a sin, and it's open acceptance can't continue if we're to move past the current moral and social degeneracy we're experiencing. But I believe that there will probably be a method to treat or cure it revealed in the post-cabal world.
Interesting points made in this conversation, on both sides actually. I'm with you, but I can't say I've much faith in the schizophrenia medication. They still hear the voices, but the medication just makes them not care so much. My wife had a friend who had 3 abortions, was committing immigration fraud, and developed a severe case of paranoid delusional schizophrenia. She was put on those meds and she could still hear the voices, but just would laugh about it. I honestly think that schizophrenia is a severe case of demonization.
So we've got our gay fren here. As Jeremiah pointed out, this guy's parents freaked out when he was in the 1st grade, oversexualizing a situation that maybe wasn't a big deal. Most gays don't have fathers, but this guy has a military father. Maybe the authoritarian aspect is a driver, and maybe he was gone from home quite a lot. Too many factors to take into consideration.
As a Christian myself, I think most of us fall into the "it's a choice" mentality while secularists insist that it's genetic (despite the "gay gene" being a myth, but chromosomes are patriarchy anyway, so why should they care about racist science?). There is the indoctrination factor, through molestation and trauma. There is also an environmental factor. There really are chemicals in the water that turn the frickin' frogs gay, and I think we're seeing quite a lot of its result as we continue to poison the environment while those who've taken the bullhorn on environmentalism prattle on about cow farts and eeeeevil carbon dioxide molecules.
I think this guy was traumatized when his parents freaked out. I played doctor with my older sister and she tried to dress me in girl clothing a lot until my mom caught on and stopped it. I didn't know what was going on. I think once when I was a kid, I was swimming with a neighbor boy in the same grade and we sort of pulled out our dicks. Kids just do stuff as they figure things out. Heck, my older sister gave me a hand job when I was in the 4th grade or so. I didn't even know what happened, but I casually mentioned to Mom the next day that we'd taken a shower together and Mom freaked out over it and punished my sister. Parents freak the hell out over crap like this and they really shouldn't. I'd say this guy has given us enough to go on and it seems like his parents gave him a complex.
Still allot of assumptions and no questions.
I do recall reading about how the word in the original txt of the bible was actually pedophile and later change to homosexual. I think it was quit recent as well. In light of the current environment and the information Q has brought forth I do believe that makes allot of sense. Like DING!
I hear you don’t buy into the “born this way” but like here I am a gay man telling you I was born that way. Here now, right here. I even gave a life perspective.
Now as far as treatments what does the txt say about that? I think OLD school that was not allowed and some how that narrative shifted along with the introduction of the Rockefellers and modern science likely with the blessing of the Catholic Church who played a big role in the txt of the Bible we read today and yesterday. It is my understand they also withheld allot of it.
Also exactly who decides what a neurological disorder or hormone imbalance is? Is it the doctors? The ones who told you to get vaccinated? Or the scientist that said the same thing along with global warming.
And what is with the gay is a sin but god can save us because we are really just retarded. Very contradicting? Do you find that happening allot in life? It’s a side effect of assumptions and outsourcing your thinking. Being un-based.
See I consider the possibility that the fundamentals of what I believe, understand and have been taught are wrong. I question everything from every angle. Now more than ever. We see modern txt that would become historical record being changed in real time. We also see the publics mentality shift in how it understand and responds to what it understands.
These people have been trying to divide us for so long. The plan they are enacting and Gods seems to go so far beyond our understanding of time. It’s so big the way it’s all playing out there is no way and person or groups of persons could plan it.
I’m suggesting that the modern bible not only has been edited but that also the way we understand it has been edited through centuries. As far back as they allow us to know at least.
It’s possible that our inner moral compass is what we need to follow. You know that God given instinct. Maybe he has a different plan for as all and he leads us in different directions for reasons bigger than we understand.
Now these kids that are being convinced there gay or want to be cool. I hate it. It truly pisses me off. It undercuts what the actual real life gays fight for. It’s an embarrassment. Pedophiles seen an opportunity and took over the movement. Like they do everything.
The gays were hijacked and perverted too man not just or woman, men, kids, the election or the black community or the schools or the companies or religion. Bad people are taking advantage of all of us and our ignorance. An ignorance we live in because they round up any information that can benefit us at all then reverse it into reality.
Instead of us having conversations about it we are blasting off assumptions based off narratives that continue to benefit the cabals agenda and pockets AT EACH OTHER and not them.
Though, I could be wrong very wrong. I will admit that. I only know what my experience has taught me.
I'm sorry you were abused , beating the gay out of you doesn't work , besting period don't work , switched belt buckles and all the other weapons you speak of ate from the enemy , your parents were Christian's? Spare the Rod dpoilvtbd child does not mean you beat and abuse a child . Ive been there and I'm sorry u lived through this ! I speak peace in the name of Jesus , I ask the Lord to take away any pain from those memories! We'll always have the memories but God can take away the pain it's almost as if we're speaking about someone else when we talk about that har so the memories will always be there but the pain in her Wampee it is if we are talking about some thing that happened but in no way hurt or affected us I wish I had more time but I wanted to say I'm sorry that you went through that, it was wrong and evil and from the pit of hell it was not from God many Christians don't know the love of God obviously in this area your parents did not
So explain more how my parents sexualized it? I am having trouble making that connection. Maybe you can clarify.
I want to assume, though I know the fault in that, you mean because I got spanked. Thing is I got spanked for allot. I was not the most obedient. That would also suggest a likelihood for an interest for bdsm if it transferred sexually. However that’s not the case and why don’t bad grades turn me on? And why don’t I have a fetish for staying up late playing Xbox or not doing my “homework” I got whipped/punished for all that and more like the rest.
Again your assuming and putting words in my mouth I said a school crush. I didn’t say I was trying to have sex with this bloke. I did say I didn’t even know what sex was.
If your need to twist what I am saying to continue your point it seems your grasping straws or maybe it’s a bad attempt to save face and bow out. Idk but If it’s not I will. I have better stuff to do. I don’t even know you. Have a nice night.
I'm not gay nor an addict. I do know we all have our crosses to bare. Sins we fight to control. I can tell you are intelligent and carry a great burden. May God teach you the lesson you are to learn from this life so that your cross burdens you no longer. Don't let anyone tell you that God doesn't love you just as he loves all of His childern. None are without sin and no sin is greater than another.
The only important part to me is, have you reconciled your relationship with Jesus? He loves you no matter what those hateful people said to you.
I am closer to him than I have been.
Totally agree. My dad was a homeless alcoholic for 25 yrs. A 40’ fall in the job broke his back in several places, broke a few ribs and punctured a lung. A quack doctor got him hooked on Qualude and Valium for pain and by the time he was cut off, he had turned to every alcohol in the book. I prayed for him all those years. He finally came to Christ Jesus while in jail in a DUI, when a pastor reached him. Before that he’d thought he had to get his life perfect before God would accept him. He made his choice to come to Jesus inly two months before a stroke left him permanently paralyzed on one side and unable to make decisions anymore. It was at the same time as he gave his life to God that he was able to quit drinking. The rest of his life he was clean.
There was a study done on rats, when the rats population reached a specific threshold conpared to space and food several things happened. Aggression increased, and homosexuality increased. Which means that it's possible that there may be a biological imperative.
That plus when God is pushed aside, sin runs rampant
Lowering the number of rats to the food and space ratio reduced the amount of births of homosexual and aggressive rats. It is tied to population density. And I am sure other factors.
We are humans, not rats. Rats will never amount to what humans are capable of, and humans are capable of incredible things. Studies like the one you cite are more likely to be produced by our adversaries(the satanists, deep state, ect) than simply being a coincidence of an experiment. See how the study is tied to reducing population? Doesn't that sound like justification for depopulation?
Be careful who(and what) you follow.
It's not to show what humans do, only that there is a natural (animalistic) aspect to the behavior.
Now say that to the anons (who are probably 99% in this thread) who think that we should reproduce more and not less. To avoid the scenario you're talking about, we need to aim for less humans not more.
At no point did I ever say to reduce the population... that was your conclusion.
Hi Kyle : praying for you brother ! Many have been delivered and if you desire you will be too . May I say that I , as well as many researchers believe that childhood vax have caused many problems , not just autism , cancer and other horrible diseases but VACCINES have also altered hormones and litterally made men feminine and females masculine . It's not just the marketing aspect for homosexuality trans or other sexual situations that we are dealing with as a country I believe it was actually injected into people to change their sex or sexual preference and the marketing has wrapped around what's already running through peoples DNA or blood ! . Just like autism once it's injected into the body it's extreamly hard to fix , but not impossible . Due to time restraints right now I'll forgo the medical term analogy in the research to back this up but I think most people can understand that the majority of our homosexual and trans situation hit society on steroids in the past 30 years. Yes there have been gay people long before 30 years, but the percentage has increased as the vaccines have . I as well as many other rearvhers DRs and Therepist believe that something was put in the syringes and man made material was then injected into our children as well as adults. God bless you , as I said I'm in a hurry , so I'll write later , but I am good friends with a wonderful young man who's married with two children , he was homosexual , he's actually a pastor now in our church, he speaks across the country , he wrote a book , he's incredible , totally 100% delivered, it can be done and it will be done because you have asked God to deliver you and he will give you the desires of your heart ! I'm believing with you , until then stay away from any kind of judgment. God is the only judge people on here or anywhere else did not die for you and they have no right to judge you , God knows your heart you will be judged one day , but you will be judged by God's standards, not man's and you will not be judged until you stand in front of Him , you have time, finish your race you'll get there!
Thank you very much for such a kind and heartfelt response. And any information you can share would be wonderful, as well as how the pastor changed his preference?
I do agree that the vaccine could be a factor! Thank you for your time.
I do plan on getting back to you with the pastors name his book and other information I'm gonna grocery store parking lot right now once I'm home tonight and get settled I'll Contact u
Thank you, I appreciate it.
Hello free Kyle : Morgan Ervin is the name of my friend and a pastor in my church ..His book “The power to change “ is on Amazon ! You can read about him on google , if you look up his book on Amazon you can read a little about him and his book ...the forward was written by our lead pastor! Morgan’s wife brought him to our church Awaken San Diego , on their second date ..marriage and two beautiful children later is story has inspired thousands ! He is helping and has helped countless numbers of men who have a desire to be delivered from both drugs and homosexuality! Look him up and please keep in touch ! Remember no judgement no shame ..God created you perfect in His image , what happened later for whatever reason can be changed backed to Gods perfect will. We live in a fallen world and most of us get lost tangled in a web of deception by the enemy ! The devils a liar and a thief and most importantly defeated. You do not belong to him ! Your user name is free Kyle ..put that word free in front of your real name and then own it :) keep in touch
You made a lot of great points, but I wanted to respond to this one:
There is a tendency on the left to counter this claim with "it just looks like there's more gays now because we aren't vilifying them anymore" which is complete lunacy. I believe homosexual prevalence in the US is much greater than (the government funded) studies show, and if people knew the real number, they might begin to suspect that there's a nefarious element at play - something in the water, in the vaccines, in radio waves... take your pick.
From what I've witnessed, I honestly believe that America is comprised of 50% gays or more. Many of them have trophy wives, possibly because their conscience/religious beliefs won't let them cash in on victim status. Some of them even identify as "conservative."
A spiritual renaissance is the only thing that can possibly get us out of this mess.
Hi Kyle, in the event you have not heard about this, (and I know very little) there are claims that eliminating parasites will reverse homosexuality. As you may know, the population in general has about an 11% rate of parasites where as the gay community is more like 70%. Some guy claimed that he took ivermectin for covid and it actually changed him from homosexual to someone who has zero desire in that vein. I have not seen his claim, I think he had a video on youtube, but knowing youtube it was probably removed for hate speech or something. But you could do a search, obviously.
Also, and this is something I have been thinking about making a thread about - I stumbled upon a man called Becket Cook. He was being interviewed by someone a woman named Allie Stuckey, but he also has his own youtube channel. He is a gay man who gave up the gay lifestyle for Jesus. I found his testimony fascinating. Here is that video. I hope you watch it and if you do, let me know. Thanks.
I will watch it and ivermectin is one of the things I’ve tried. I haven’t tried an extended fast yet and that’s what’s next, I’ve done three day fasts but so far no luck.
Thanks for sharing the video.
You're welcome. Good luck with your fast. How long do you plan to go?
A week this time, but I’d like to eventually do three weeks at some point.
Excellent! Good luck.
Well said. Thank you.
Maybe focus on the log in your own eye instead of worrying about your generous friend's speck.
Are you accusing him of being a fag? Judge not that you be not judged means don't be doing the same thing you are accusing some one else of doing. It doesn't mean you can't judge. Just don't be a hypocrite.
God is great. If a person believes in his son Jesus and believes he is God he shall be saved. It's that simple for anyone reading this. Then run everything through the majestic 1611 KJV. God bless.
1 Corinthians 6:2
“Do ye not know that the saints shall judge the world? and if the world shall be judged by you, are ye unworthy to judge the smallest matters?”
1 Corinthians 2:15 King James Version 15 But he that is spiritual judgeth all things, yet he himself is judged of no man.
Only people still in their sins and heretic pastors want to con people into believing that a Christian can't judge. How convenient. I gave you the scriptures.
Yes it means doing the same thing you are accusing someone else of doing.
Romans 2:3 King James Version 3 And thinkest thou this, O man, that judgest them which do such things, and doest the same, that thou shalt escape the judgment of God?
God's very Spirit within us will judge.
John 16:8-11 King James Version 8 And when he is come, he will reprove the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment:
9 Of sin, because they believe not on me;
10 Of righteousness, because I go to my Father, and ye see me no more;
11 Of judgment, because the prince of this world is judged.
This. Every day, this.
What are you talking about? You should calm down and re-read what I wrote.
Yeah but.... We need those Log Cabin conservatives to win the next election right Karl Rove and Richard Grenell?
RSBN use to parade, pun intended, a tranny as part of their telecast of Trump rallies. In God country that doesn't work for me. It is deviancy.
ALL of the time a white lie is still a lie that needs confessing before God.
There are actually incidences where lie is moral. Would you like examples?
In the Bible where the prophets misdirected a sinful nation to their demise upon God’s direction. Is that what you are referring to? Also when Rahab the prostitute hid the Israelite spies who were sent to find weaknesses so Canaan could be overtaken..
Correct. When you lie against evil, the lie can be seen as moral. For a modern example, you are stuck in a closet at a school with kids with a school shooter. The kids are all hiding in a place he cannot find. He finds you ask asks, "Where are the kids" if you lie to him about their location, or tell him you do not know, it would be moral. I might even argue that it's more moral in that situation than, to tell the truth. The Egyptians allowing Moses to live and lying about killing all the children is a biblical example
Or his sister Miriam lying about his real mother nursing him until he was old enough for Princess to take him. In this context, as you stated, yes, moral.
I feel like sex in general should remain a private thing and not be constantly broadcasted throughout every form of media. Our society has become hyper-sexualized to the point that it just spills out into everything.
How many people are addicted to porn? How many people compulsively cheat or sleep around, often to their own detriment? Why are bizarre and disgusting forms of sexuality on the rise? Why do so many people base their self worth on the amount of sex they have? Why is there an increasing effort to sexualuze children and child related things?
This is all going to have to be addressed at some point. It's an ugly subject, but if you keep turning a blind eye to it you end up with an absolute shit show
I don't disagree with any of us this. I'd rather there be NO openly sexual conduct or content allowed, regardless of the "theme" if you will. No queer crap, no straight crap, etc. etc. Sex should be a private affair that stays in private, and shouldn't be advertised by anyone or anything.
I'm not going to suddenly be ok with a pair of straight people screwing in public or having bizarre "Straight sex story time" where they read straight porn to 5 year olds. It's all disgusting and should be banned.
There was a time where degenerate behavior was correctly called out and vilified, no matter the sexual orientation behind it; but now there's an effort to reward and encourage it. No sane and healthy society should even entertain the idea of things like pedophilia and beastiality, but we've reached the point were public groups are openly advocating for it. You can't adopt a "live and let live" attitude with matters as serious as this because this kind of thing is a cancer that kills society.
If it's sexual in nature? Then yes. 50 shades of grey and that entire "genre" that's been spawned by it are just as degenerate as gay media, despite being heterosexual.
There's a BIG difference between anything sexual and a freaking Hallmark Special.
There’s also a big difference between “all romance” and 50 shades of grey
Bingo. What happened to: "what happens in the bedroom is a private matter"? The bigger issue isn't the sexual sin, but the publicizing of it and boasting in it
Well of course they boast about, they're very proud about their deviancy. Now what does God say about pride again...?
Cometh before the FALL
That's literally on purpose. They want people to fornicate, adultery, and sodomize so that they remain in sin, and thus further away from God.
Well said OP.
No it's not. It's divisive faggotry that serves to preserve the status quo
The status quo right now now is to push this shit on children.
That's a hard no from me.
A small group of elites are pushing this agenda, that's the point. We are fighting amongst ourselves while they pull all the strings trying to start a civil war. We need to join together now not divide into little groups that hate each other.
One group is on offense,you have to approve of me,the other group is on defense,saying no we dont.
Er what? The status quo is pretending like this is all perfectly normal.
Lol u a gay fish
I agree. We are the moral compass that needs to lead this nation back to God. I will not comply, I will not ignore, and I will not turn a blind eye to the absolute degenerate ways of the world. Stay on the narrow path anons and frens, and we will meet at the end.
No you aren't.
No I'm not what? splain plz
I think he is saying you are not "the moral compass that needs to lead this nation back to God". You are a Hue Man made in the image of Love, just like the rest of the Hue Mans. You are not the authority of "morality" as everyone has a "personal relationship" with Christ and thank goodness, they do not need to be cleared by those with "the moral compass that needs to lead this nation back to God". God is Love. The spirit of God is within all Hue Mans. We each have access to this Truth, Love, Light and it is up to each of us ("free will") to align, commune, personify Christ. As Christ is in us, so we are in Christ. "Judge not least ye be judged". We are called to LOVE. That is all.
Cut the new age nonsense. God is also righteous indignation and judgement and not just live and let live. Nowhere does it say that Christians are to tolerate degeneracy in their own communities. In fact repeatedly we are told the opposite.
First off, not everybody has a personal relationship with Christ. Most, in fact, do not have one whatsoever. Secondly, it has nothing to do with "being cleared", it has everything do with following God's commandments. Thirdly, the spirit of God is NOT within all humans, only those who have been born again & saved.
Lastly, you want to talk about judgment? Try these passages out then:
"To do justice and judgment is more acceptable to the Lord than sacrifice." -Proverbs 2:13
"And why do you not judge for yourselves what is right?" -Luke 12:57
"Do not judge by appearances, but judge with right judgment" -John 7:24
"Take heed what ye do, for ye judge not for man, but for the Lord, who is with you in judgment."
"Do ye not know that the saints shall judge the world? And if the world shall be judged by you, are ye unworthy to judge the smallest matters?" -I Corinthians 6:2
God repeatedly asks us to exercise righteous judgment in accordance with his wisdom, not to overlook blatant errors in our behaviors.
Well said.
LOL, Dogma spewed as written by the traitors who took Constantine the Greats' gold. I am talking about the True Light of Christ, that which is in all Hue Mans, resides within the Temple of God, (your Heart) and so No, everyone has Light but not everyone goes within and allows Christ to flow through them and guide their every choice. Reading a "holy book" and "judging" and "condemning" are not yours to Do. Be the Light/Love. I Love You as our Divine Creator Loves You. You Are who you say you Are. (Sowing and Reaping) I do honor that. BE Blessed.
I've literally quoted passages that disagree.
Let me guess, passages from the "Holy Bible" by biblical theological experts. Yeah, well we know what Experts do. ; ) Take Gold for narratives. Please, believe and do you, always. Just don't make your beliefs everyone else's burden. Journey on my friend.
Found the gnostic lol
...isn't Lucifer the 'Lightbringer'?
Stop dude, you're on the wrong path. Those energies and lights you're letting flow through you are not from Christ.
LOL Well are there not infinite paths as God is ALL. That is the "personal" part of it. The Fractal, Divine Intelligence of God, all that is, the Alpha and Omega, beginning and end. Quantum entanglement. NCSWIC so enjoy your journey. I send you Love. Love IS. To BE or not to BE. BE LOVE.
You are not a compass. You are a busybody. Stay the fuck out of other people’s business. Nobody voted for you.
Man you come off like one of those skinny beta males with a lisp who are offended by the sight of a normal couple with kids.
Actually I’m 60 years old, and have perfectly grown kids. I am a Veteran and so is my eldest son. Some of my cousins and theirs are gay. We didn’t have to go through that. We love them.
Nobody is asking you to not love your cousins. But sometimes loving a person means letting them know what they're doing isn't ok and (gently with compassion) trying to lead them to correct their behavior. It's the same thing with a friend or family member with a drug problem. If you really loved them would you try to help them to stop or just let them keep doing drugs so as not to offend them?
Both being gay, and drugs, are perfectly fine. I defend liberty. I do not impose morality.
Born in 1962 would turn 18 in 1980. Nicaragua? Panama? Desert Shield/ Storm? Kosovo? Would’ve been pushing 40 by Afghanistan, Iraq.
I’m actually in Panama now. I liked it.
Your name should be Ericthetolerant
Well, that’s fair.
You're part of the problem.
Did somebody vote for you? Gee, I don’t remember attending any Knight-errant cult of personality Nazi rallies…
What are you even talking about? You're ranting like a lunatic.
Pointing out that you were never placed in charge of anyone else. Mind your own business. You know, Liberty. Freedom and all that.
Nobody voted for you.
I AGREE 10000000%
Then you're anti American.
If you don't agree with homosexuality you're anti American? Thanks for proving the point that America is in fact the modern day Sodom and Gomorrah.
Go back to Reddit stupid IDF shill.
It's "anti-American" to take a stand against degeneracy in all its forms? Weird flex.
Yep this place is infiltrated by intelligence assets dividing everyone by race, gender, religion, sexual preference etc. Exactly what Q was against
Whatever happened to “don’t ask, don’t tell”?
they tell
They’ve actually done us a favor by being so loud and proud. By removing the veil of anonymity, they have abandoned the greatest advantage of any covert operation.
Whatever happened to mind your own fucking business?
I was essentially saying that same thing but without the expletive.
I think that's a great policy. But when you shove it in everyones face, and come after the kids, why then you make it my business.
Well said and thank you for putting this into words for everyone!
Yeah! Thanks for the divisive faggotry OP. And a return and restoration of the Paulite- excuse me, Christian Fundamentalism that contributed to getting us here in the first place!
Stop trying to control people.
Says the dude now trying to control what people say because they don't like it.
... says the dude accusing someone that disagrees ...
... of "trying to 'control' what people say"
Says the dude saying "everytime he posts there you are"
I think you'd like California, they have a lot of gay atheists there.
I see your point. It is divisive to a degree. But i see the point about having a “standard” or benchmark. I don’t know what to call it. The slippery slope acceptance is a problem. But I agree, we are sinners ourselves so I’ll leave the judging to God. But I think “don’t ask don’t tell” is probably better for society than “let’s respect all types of lifestyles”
Homosexuals try to mimic the heterosexual union, they can only fail.
That's their business. Mind your own.
Looks like somebody has struck a nerve...
Every time he comments there you are. Some DID strike a nerve.
Everytime or just sometimes? Hyperbole is unnecessary.
Necessary? Or fun ...
I'm here for fun.
Zero fun sir
No fun for you! (or soup)
Sadly, many people convince themselves they aren't in any pain and don't seek remedy.
This is a very hard read, but this is the testimony of a man who lived the homosexual lifestyle and barely made it out. He said exactly what I said and I agree with him.
You don't have to hate or persecute gays, but do not support any form of their degenerate lifestyle. No gay comedians, actors, musical acts etc.
Then I hereby revoke support of your degenerate lifestyle.
You think you're better than them? You're not.
Lol I always knew you were gay
You say that like it’s a bad thing.
You say that like it's not a bad thing...
What? You make two erroneous assumptions here:
That homosexuality hasn’t been existant since the beginning of time. It has.
That I am gay, just because I defend the right of gays to be free to live their own lives in the pursuit of happiness.
You are wrong on both parts. I am straight, and 5% of your family and your ancestors are and were gay, statistically.
Oh look the shills gay too, lmao
You sa that like it’s a bad thing. (But I’m not, and if I was, I wouldn’t consider you my enemy. I wouldn’t think about you at all).
Lol you clearly would, because here you are!
Really I am just here to keep your hands busy so you can’t walk around the Walmart holding guns.
Your presence here contradicts your very words.
GoingCamaro, just when I thought you were doing better, you fall off the wagon. Put down the booze bottle, for your own good
That was really low.
Bearing false witness is sinful...
Projecting says what?
Happily married to a beautiful woman, 2 wonderful kids, house and 2 vehicles paid for. I go to the gym, the range, work and do the shopping. If this is degenerate to you, your life needs work.
Homosexuals need God! These are people who need to know God is the person who fills that empty space they are trying to fill.
True. So do murderers, adulters, alcoholics, me, you,etc… All sins are equal in the eyes of God. If you were to kill someone, then ask for forgiveness, and you do it again, that’s not a reformation. Don’t get me wrong please.. I sin everyday and try my best not to but I am human. I believe when you don’t make a conscious effort to turn away from what you know is sinful, and continue a particular lifestyle, then your faith is based on a false principle.
Not ALL sins... there is still one unforgivable sin, blasphemy against the Holy Spirit (Mark 3:29). Deny God, and be damned. Also, the Holy Spirit dwells within, which implies that denying your conscience is the same as denying God, e.g. claiming that sin is not sin...
“All sins are equal in the eyes of God.”
Where’d you get that? MAGAdeburger already pointed out that blaspheming the Holy Spirit is the worst sin in the eyes of God. That establishes that there is a hierarchy of sin. Leading children astray is one of the worst sins. So is idolatry, which is why its avoidance is the first of the Ten Commandments. Clearly, sins of the heart are not as bad as physical violations of others.
I hope and pray that you are being sarcastic.
There is no “hierarchy” of sin. Don’t be deceived
A man who sees a woman who’s not his wife and thinks “I’d like to have sex with her” has committed in his heart the sin of lust. If he doesn’t do anything about it and leaves the woman alone, it only affects himself and it’s not that bad.
If the man consensually fornicates with the woman, then he has committed a sin of the flesh. This has adverse effects in the real world: damaging the woman’s potential for pair-bonding. possible illegitimate pregnancy, possible STDs, That’s why it’s worse than a sin of the heart.
If the man has nonconsensual sex with the woman, then he has violated her bodily rights and that’s much worse than the other two levels of sin.
This should be common sense.
The church needs Jesus just as much. Self righteous faggots are worthy of the same damnation as homosexuals.
Whataboutism is the preferred tactic amongst those who try and convince Christians to turn a blind eye to blatantly sinful behavior such as homosexuality.
I think calling someone out on their errors is actually one of the very first steps required for that person to pursue the truth.
Very well said. There is no “gray” area,
Depends on how you define “hate” and “love” in that phrase.
From a secular perspective, loving someone means letting them do whatever they want with no consequences, with hate being defined as telling someone that they’re wrong and that their actions have consequences. Condemning someone’s “alternative lifestyle” is the ultimate anathema in modern culture.
On the other hand, a more biblical way to love people is to tell them of their sins and urge them to accept Jesus Christ to avoid the penalty of their sin. This is what Christians do with everyone. From this perspective we “hate the sin, love the sinner”, it’s just that truly loving someone involves telling them when they’re wrong and what the consequences are.
No degeneracy should be tolerated, but that doesn’t mean not loving the degenerates. Christ died for them too, it’s just a matter of wether they accept the offer. If they don’t that’s on them.
Well, if you look at the context Paul is addressing the church in Corinth. He’s talking to people already saved who are in the church who are tolerating immorality. I’m talking about evangelizing to those who are lost. I never said anything about letting them run our institutions. I explicitly said that loving someone requires calling them out on their wickedness.
“The Lord is not slack concerning His promises, as some men count slackness, but is long-suffering to us-ward, not willing that ANY should perish, but that ALL should come to repentance.” 2 Peter 3:9 (emphasis added)
I think if homosexuality is kept behind closed doors we should leave it alone but if you want to ban something scrub porn from the internet, the children are watching. It's Ground Zero for degeneracy.
Won't here any complaints from me. I agree whole heartedly with a ban on porn. It's all in the same category.
Better to let the kids watch naked people loving each other than war.
Infinitely better that they don't watch either. It's not love it's lust.
Watching people fornicate harms the human brain, wtf is wrong with you?
Either or fallacy is fallacious
You're disgusting.
Who hurt you?
Nobody. I'm simply making an observation based upon your conduct in this thread.
Show us on the doll where the bad man in the dress touched you…
That was the common wisdom in 1776
General von Steuben would like you to stop bothering the gays, thanks.
He trained Washingtons troops. Everyone who fought for Washington was “groomed” by him.
You don’t speak for FVS and you don’t know what he’d like me to do. He didn’t groom Washington’s troops to be sexually deviant, which is widely known to be the full meaning of the abbreviation “groom”. FVS didn’t advocate for children to watch naked people loving each other. He preferred war, obviously, which is the opposite of your quote:
This was a very feeble attempt. Man, we don’t even get formidable trolls anymore. Now this is the part where you say “I’m just writing drivel to keep you responding instead of shooting up a Walmart.” The thing is, though, other readers often can’t help but inadvertently use your feeble troll attempts to strawman your whole side’s argument. They didn’t set out to strawman your side’s best points as being your lame points, but when you come in here and start talking down to people, they’ll believe that you really think you’re the authority. So you’ve done damage to your own side. Anyway, I’ve never even thought about causing destruction at a Walmart. Antifa does things like that, such as when they did in the summer of 2020.
Elites want to destroy countries and rule the ashes and zombies.
And they'll use elitist rhetoric like this to divide people to make it happen.
No they use rhetoric like love is never wrong while cramming ungodly ways down our throats and persecuting anyone who rejects this.
Also, Jesus divides in accordance with God's will:
"Suppose ye that I am come to give peace on earth? I tell you, Nay; but rather division: For from henceforth there shall be five in one house divided, three against two, and two against three. The father shall be divided against the son, and the son against the father; the mother against the daughter, and the daughter against the mother; the mother in law against her daughter in law, and the daughter in law against her mother in law."
-Luke 12:51-53
Bingo. They steal all the real words and twist them to fit their deranged world view. I accept that homosexuals exist, but unless they start keeping it to themselves pretty fucking quickly, like all the straight people do, they are going to be in for a rough backlash. Just saying what I see happening. I think in the time I've been at this board I've seen it go from more libertarian and open to things like that, to becoming tired if it used as a club against the traditional family and now the children.
When they started coming for the kids, the line was crossed.
This is the elephant in the room is it not?
I would recommend we walk in the love of God in our renewed minds. Love covers the multitude of sin. Not much limit on God's love. Follow after good...
We know that homosexuality is openly being promoted, but on the flip side of that, what if the cure is being intentionally hidden?
Parasite Pill 👈 Don't read if you've eaten recently.
👆 I'm not saying everything in that is true, BUT a lot of it makes sense given my experiences.
Parasite Pill V.O.A.T. Is the best!
Homosexuality is predisposition to a specific type of sexual temptation that often, unfortunately, leads to sin. It's one thing to be attracted to the same sex, and quite another to promote an unnatural, immoral lifestyle as being normal and acceptable.
Always important to maintain the distinction between temptation and sin. Being tempted is not a sin.
There are many, even some Christians, who deal with homosexual temptations, just as straight Christians like myself deal with temptations to lust. Being tempted is not sin, but the temptation must be resisted else it becomes sin.
Indeed. Temptation isn't an action, though sin manifests in thought, word, and deed, by what we have done and what we have left undone. The giving into temptation is the sin. We're all human and thus all sinners who simply cannot help ourselves. It is our nature. But we are called to acknowledge it, strive to be better, and when we inevitably fail, seek absolution.
God said it in the Bible, only a man and a woman nothing else.
He also said to study to be quiet (stay peaceful) and do your own business.
But the men would not listen to him. So the Levite took his concubine and sent her outside to them, and they raped her and abused her throughout the night, and at dawn they let her go. 26Early that morning, the woman went back to the house where her master was staying, collapsed at the doorway, and lay there until it was light.
27In the morning, when her master got up and opened the doors of the house to go out on his journey, there was his concubine, collapsed in the doorway of the house, with her hands on the threshold. 28“Get up,” he told her. “Let us go.” But there was no response. So the man put her on his donkey and set out for home.
29When he reached his house, he picked up a knife, took hold of his concubine, cut her limb by limb into twelve pieces, and sent her throughout the territory of Israel. 30And everyone who saw it said, “Nothing like this has been seen or done from the day the Israelites came out of the land of Egypt until this day. Think it over, take counsel, and speak up!”
Good for thought.
In Romans 1:20- 28 Paul lays it all out.
When a society denies the Creator and replaces it with their own ideas.
“21For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened
Although they claimed to be wise, they became fools 23 and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images made to look like a mortal human being and birds and animals and reptiles.”
(Sounds like Creationism vs Evolution) (just sayin)
“26Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural sexual relations for unnatural ones. 27 In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed shameful acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their error.”
In 1962 the Bible was taken out of American schools. In 1970 the PRIDE moment officially began.
That’s right.
I feel like ever since gay marriage became a thing, that this country has quickly slipped down that slippery slope of degeneracy.
Literally the entire point I'm making here.
You could make that point with any government decision of the last 20 years.
I’m convinced the whole trans insanity is the degenerates way of normalizing plain ole gayness. Make people go crazy with trans/pedo/beastiity/etc, people will look back and say look it’s ok to be gay, just stop with the other crap. This whole clown parade is just part of the show to distract.
Good point, it's all a matter of perspective.
In a normal, healthy society, homosexuality is viewed as aberrant.
In our society, homosexuality is viewed as relatively normal.
We've moved so far to the left of center that anything but the most seriously deranged behavior is seen as acceptable.
That honestly wouldn't surprise me.
Zero44 alluded to that tactic back when he was defiling the Oval Office.
Check the Cult of Attis ....
The "gay, so not a choice' is like saying 'straight, so not a choice'.
sleeping with someone is a choice. At some point a decision was made.
Let's see some top-level GAW discussion in here, pls, everyone!
There is a reason Q used the Punisher logo. Their motto? "God will judge our enemies. We will arrange the meeting." And unless you're an operator that's just busted the basement door of a day-care pedo ring and are putting handcuffs on Mike Rothschild, you can still introduce our enemies to God by reacting with love and forgiveness towards them.
Again: The marxist groomer pan-sexual rat bastards are not "the gays." They are the sexual deviants specifically called out in the Bible that will be thrown by God into the lake of fire.
The Awakening will wake up gays straights and rights and lefts, indiscriminately.
I'm so sick of this stupid idea that Christians aren't allowed to judge people. As clearly pointed out by u/Lance-White, we aren't supposed to judge HYPOCRITICALLY. That's the key here. In the specific scenario being referenced here, Jesus is saying that those trying to stone the adulteress are hypocrites since they themselves are unclean sinner that are judging her without first admitting their own sins and wrong doings.
That's not what we're doing.
Let's get one thing straight. EVERYONE ALIVE IS A SINNER. Me, you, everyone on this thread, everyone on this board, all the people breathing air currently, all of us. All dirty, filthy, low life sinners. Without Jesus that's where we all are. Jesus makes us clean and frees us of our sins. Without him, we're all in the same boat.
Now with that out of the way, let's talk about judgement. Yes, we can, and are called to judge sinners in order to call attention to their sin so they can make a change in their life.
Matthew 13:30
" Let both grow together until the harvest: and in the time of harvest I will say to the reapers, Gather ye together first the tares, and bind them in bundles to burn them: but gather the wheat into my barn."
God himself said he would separate the wheat from the chaff. Ergo, it is right for us to call out those who haven't been saved by Jesus for their sins, so long as we don't try and act like we're better than them, because we're not. The literal only difference between us and them is Jesus, and it's just as easy for them to become saved as it was for us.
Revelations 2:20
"Nevertheless, I have this against you: You tolerate that woman Jezebel, who calls herself a prophet. By her teaching she misleads my servants into sexual immorality and the eating of food sacrificed to idols."
As you can see God hates sexual immorality, the includes everything from premarital sex, to extramarital affairs, to (you called it) homosexuality. It is not wrong for us to call a sin a sin and point that out to others. What IS wrong is to pretend like we're better than others while doing so
TL;DR: Don't be a freaking soap box "Christian" and pretend like you're better than everyone else. We're all sinful pieces of crap without Jesus's saving grace. So when you judge someone and point out their sin, do it as an equal cause you're literally no better than them in God's eyes.
Wow! Incredible post. You touched all the bases and differentiated between the obvious ungodly and sinners of the world to those who call themselves believers who are our brothers and sisters in Christ.
There's a difference interacting with the body of believers in Christ versus the nations or heathen of the world. I think judgement or judging is discernment. Paul in 1 Corinthians chapter 6 does a wonderful job explaining to believers in Corinth why we need to judge the basic matters before us and not go to a unjust judge in the world.
And I think we've all observed some people in church that wear the nicest suit or dress on Sunday and seem to carry the biggest Bible, drive the nicest car or truck, give the most, sing the loudest and are the "holiest" and that's never going to change but that's ok I count my blessings one by one.
What a great comment. Thanks for this. We need to turn our judgement against the MACHINE. Hating your neighbourhood gay person? Stupid. Sanctioning Disney for pushing their sick trans/grooming agenda? Based.
So you acknowledge that it's a sin.
Where in the bible does it say that we should use our platforms to promote degeneracy and sin?
It’s a distraction. We are Anons. No race, no gender, no ethnicity, nothing that could tie you to any doxing. We are Anons. There aren’t gay Anons, white Anons, Mexican Anons, women Anons.... no, just Anons. We judge each post by the content of the meme and it got shit all to do with where you stick your hoodus or what you set your who ha on.
This just fuels infighting. Either you are an unidentifiable Anon or you need to exit stage left.
There are Gay people that I fully accept. I don’t care for pedos or groomers. We all know President Trump had gay people in his Administration and they did a great job. The last thing I want to see is Q followers dividing people and treating gays like the commies treat MAGA!
No tolerence! thats what got us here in the first place. "but, you HAVE to be tolerant of the LGBTs" no the fuck i dont. stand your ground.
Not to mention the number of gay men that try to 'convert' straight guys, or rape them. Its more common than you'd think.
We shouldn't even legitimize "homosexuality" by giving it a category; there is procreative sex between a man and a woman, and then there is any number of elaborations on masturbation, much of it involving other people. "Gay sex" is just men masturbating together. Chimpanzees only masturbate in captivity, in the wild they have no desire for such activity. It makes sense that we humans, given the fact we live in the Globalist Gulag, will seek out ever more elaborate forms of masturbation in order to distract ourselves, and we don't need to hate or be violent towards those who are engaging in ever more elaborate forms of onanism, but we do need to make it clear that is not to be normalized, it is not okay, it is a symptom of a deep sickness.
interesting view ...
May be we should also take Bonobo behavior into this consideration?
Of course bonobos are famously promiscuous, but I'm not sure this behavior is observed outside of captivity.
Lots of people don't understand this. Glad you brought it up. There are far too many supporters of faggotry in here.
Absolutely correct.
Amen They are ALL abominations in the eyes of God, therefore should they refuse to turn from sin and repent, they should also be in our eyes. This is what God says to do when wicked men refuse to turn from evil.
branches that do not bear fruit. Will wither, be cut off, gathered and thrown into the fire.
Amen. Dayum..... this is so spot on. Read the comments. Wow. Thank you fur finally having had enough and posting your thoughts! We need this more than ever. Open and honest discussions about morality as the last few decades we have been in moral decay. The world has become a cesspool of moral decay and its high time we put an end to it. God bless you and yours!
100% agree. Stop being scared to admit that you don't think something is right.
criminalize degeneracy.