I tell ya, I'm by no means a Q expert. I rely on you anons A LOT. And I've had my doubts (some real reaches at times with date/plan fagging), but some of the habbenings lately have me aghast. The "coincidences" are truly mathematically impossible. What a time to be alive.
X22 says Trump made a deal with Liz that he would not expose UK DS until after her death...”Queen protects King” Charles is no longer protected...(very interesting)
Good episode. Perhaps Trump saw enough good in her to work a deal, not being fully corrupt. This may account for the conflicting reports about her as well. That, or she was weak enough to bargain with.
The age of Royals in the UK may be at an end after all of this.
yeah a normally factual reporter I follow surprised me and went out on a limb and defended the queen. Claimed she was more of a figurehead, but used her power mostly responsibly. Claimed she was pretty ego / self centered, and pretty dirty and vile as most suspect, but VERY traditional and bloodline, family, and self came first and that she was anti-deepstate in so far as protecting herself from them having control over her, and cared about her legacy enough to want to have the 'commonwealth' strive as much as it could without rocking the boat of the deep state power structure to much.
I'm super curious what she was REALLY up to behind the scenes & if we will ever know what strings she pulled and power she actually exerted.
Trump always made a mention that his Mother was fond of the Queen, indicating that if she played ball, she could avoid the fate of the rest of the family. Early on with Trump she is showing clear submission walking behind Trump while our MSM ranted about how rude it was. LOL they didn't want to discuss what it really meant. It became more clear over time that the Queen wasn't going to be doing any protecting of the family anymore, to the point that some just got up and left the country.
If this is true then it would explain why they would have dragged out revealing her death for so long. Many people have speculated that she died sometime in the past year and they've just been keeping her body in a freezer or something.
Perhaps part of the deal that Trump struck was that they would have until X date (9/8/22 so chosen because of date comms) to come clean and reveal her death knowing full well their deepstate would wait until the last moment they could?
I don’t know about months but your date theory Sounds right- Not sure about her public appearance with the new PM but knew she was dead at least a day before palace announced it...Charles had to get there before they announced it-
Perhaps, but I doubt that accounts for the fact that the Queen died 1776 days after Q's first post. Either she actually died on Sep 8, or she just so happened to die before for some reason and remained on ice until Sep 8
He is also the brother of Saturn, the devourer. Who is also "Father Time" (this starts to get into Chronos v Cronus debates, etc.). And the Father of Rome (Saturnia).
I generally feel these folks are worshippers of Saturn. But it's a very good call-out that the other gods also play, here.
EDIT: I find I "mis-remembered" the origin of Janus. Janus is not Saturn's brother, but was mortal, and made a god by Saturn.
It matters, in terms of learning to see their symbology, and ultimately to predict all/some of their behaviors. I am not making any claim that any of their gods are real. Only that they believe.
Yeah I just thought it was interesting that it was included in one of the early (and popular) triple-A video games... and it appears to be an island with an entrance to an underground area. We know "they" like to hide things in plain sight, so it caught my attention. I've done a lot of digging into other things such as inner-earth, north/south poles, Antarctica, Admiral Byrd, but I haven't really researched Janus much until your comment, so thank you for another rabbit hole! =)
Mojeek, Yandex, Startpage, and lastly DuckDuckGo. DDG used to be great, but I feel it's slowly began manipulating results over the past 2-3 years. Still way better than Google of course.
Videos I find through Yandex, DuckDuckGo, or Bitchute. Searching directly from YouTube is rarely effective.
Can't think of many families who have more generational power than the Royal Family
more wealth/control buys countries and its people
What is human trafficking if it's not buying and selling people?
families combined = NWO
We've always known it's a familial cult where Bloodlines determine placement within governments
what nation dominates all others?
That's easy. It's Britain with its centralized banking system and home to the Rothschilds. There are still over 25 countries within the Commonwealth. Where is all the shadow banking? It's within the Commonwealth countries.
What is human trafficking if it's not buying and selling people?
But that's just the currency. "buys countries and its people"
When they claim us as collateral via the strawman and rule us using admiralty law, they literally buy and own the people in the nation.
Seems to me that human trafficking is simply the currency of the economy, but entire population slavery is what the real goal and target is. And, they have pursued that a long way.
You know, I've heard the strawman model before and it's intriguing, but I never understood what held it together. I mean, I can draft a certificate with your name on it in all caps and say that I own you but I'm not going to get very far with that. What holds it together? Armies? Then armies are the keystone. Money? Then money is the keystone. I'm not dismissing the strawman thing, I just think there's something more to know about it.
its the tangled spaghetti web of the financial world, with corps, charters, trusts, shares, public / private split, complex financial instruments, spread out over thousands of years and hundreds of jurisdictions.
I get it. It's complicated. But if I made a super complicated system with as its centerpiece a certificate that said I owned you, I still wouldn't really own you.
We give it legitimacy with our willing participation though, no? We work for monopoly money with no physical value other than what other people are willing to do for it, and they only do those things because... etc, etc, etc.
Well, yeah. It's all based on fraud. BUT, under commercial, akk Admiralty law, it's all about contracts. And, NOT refuting is taken as acceptance. It's all about building compliance through ignorance and deceit.
Like a 'mandate'. A mandate means, you have to do something IF you agree that you have to do something. The C19 mandates were NOT lawful. They were 'mandates'. A person's compliance is taken as acceptance of the mandate.
I understand (and frequently use) the principles above and I agree they are correct. But I don't remember being given the opportunity to refute whether or not I'm owned.
I'm not dismissing the strawman thing, I just think there's something more to know about it.
IMO, you're 100% right, there.
Lemme tell you about my journey with the 'strawman'.
Around 5 or 6 years ago, i first came across the notions of: govts & corporations & our govt being a corporation. Then, stuff like common law courts. Then, other talk about strawman. My first thoughts about all that stuff was, this seems like a bit of nonsense. It doesn't make sense. (And, I have a very strong tendency to doubt first when the data and the reasonings don't coalesce in my logic brain, etc.)
It's come in via dribs and drabs. A bit of info here, and bit there. "No, I don't stand under you (understand you)". Etc. Then, admiralty law, law of the sea, law of the land, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc.
To be honest, the capitals stuff seems like fluff and disinfo to me (at this point). Some of the info out there is disinfo injected by black propaganda in order to confuse, mislead, and misdirect people from the real content = my conjecture at this point.
But, over the last 6 or so years, the data has slowly (very slowly, and not with a dedicated focus, but just by encountering and then taking a deeper look at some of the stuff, but no real deep dives), slowly started to fall into place.
Most recently, a LOT of the stuff was brought together in these two videos I watched last week.
I'll link them here, in case you are interested, but my experience over the last 5 years (and I'm still working on this) is that this ONLY makes sense when you put lots of little lower-level pieces into place, step by step, and then build on that, and build on that, and get more of an idea about the next level, then the next level, then the next level.
Tackle a higher level (i.e hear someone talking about yoru govt being a corporation and you you not really being you but being controlled via admiralty law, for example) and it doesn't make sense, really. Because you're missing pieces of the lower levels.
Anyway, that's my experience, as best as I can describe at this point.
Not sure if these are where you are at yet, but they made UBER sense to me, this last week.
*disclaimer: I'm not endorsing everything Clif High says. Also, I tend to think that experts in these fields don't know everything, but there are many pieces of the puzzle, some key ones that some experts do know.
Clif high puts all the blam on the kazarians...to me that is wrong...it's the Vatican that control everything..they havecownedce gland and Ireland since king Richard gave them to pope innocent in 1500s. Pope tore up magna carta
Francesleader.com substack goes into all this in mystery Babylon. The royal family are not the crown. Crown temple..inner London owns America etc and the pope owns temple bar
Remember Washington DC the Vatican and inner London separate states not under the laws of the lsnds they are in.
Ys no doubt about it the kazarians are in it but Clif never mentioned the vstic owns America that I recall or about crown temple being granted letters of patent etc
Lines up with us being a “person” and not a man or woman, a vessel coming out of the water channel (birth) and being docked by the doctor placing it in the maternity ward (ward of state)
Keep in mind, City of London, Vatican City and DC are their own countries. DC is the thug arm, I doubt that is the keystone. That leaves COL and VC. As I understand it, Vatican is head of the snake, COL is the financial arm and have been the world empire since the 1600's. Which of those 2 are the keystone? I would give credence to arguments supporting either. If my thinking or information is lacking, I welcome enlightenment
Ukraine is the keystone when speaking of a land. The monarch is the keystone when speaking of a person. DC is owned by the crown. So is Canada. Hidden enemy. Secret society. Go back to JFK and start putting it all togather from there. Do not forget the Bankruptcy that America went through. The 3rd and final bankruptcy was in 2000. Nothing is as it seems. Television was invented to brainwash minds. Tell- a-lie-vision the media has always been controlled. The lie has gotten so big they can no longer keep it hidden. The first keystone was isreal. This is why isreal will be last. All started in the late 1800’s. When America bankrupted the first time. All about money and power. Evil has been trying to overtake America from the beginning. We declared independence 7 years before we even won the war! This is so important. When JFK was assassinated many Generals started developing a plan to restore and reset our nation and constitution be lack to its founding. This is where Trump came up with the phrase “make America great again “ 200 generals with a long term plan to win a war that they knew would take 60+ years. 911 was an inside job but our military knew it was coming. This next statement cannot be proven yet but I have a huge feeling that JJ is actually alive. I hope so cause that would prove to all that righteous people are in control. We are witnessing the revelation of evil. All is being flushed out into the open. The wheat is being seperated from the chaff. God wins! Quantum initiative, quantum computing, quantum banking, quantum language constructs, and quantum freedom! These are Q. I hope either Barron or JJ isQ. I’m sure I’m wrong about that part but I hope so cause it would just be awesome. Q said something about us being amazed when we find out who Q is. Barron or JJ would be mind blowing. 1 cause Barron is a kid. 2 cause JJ is supposed to be dead.
Just my 2 cents!
The UK is the keystone of the global corruption via being the central central bank? It lines up now that UK being the keystone is what was the point and now we will see if everything collapses after removing the keystone.
The pope owns England and Ireland since king John gave to it pope innocent who tore up magna carter.
Francesleadet.com substack tells you how America colonies etc is all owned not by queen but temple bankers in the inner temple bar of London.
In any archway, the keystone is the most crucial stone as it has all the forces acting on the arch press against the keystone…. Remove the keystone and everything crumbles…. Spicy times are comin frens…
Yep. I’m cozy! Not distracted. Still focused on the FBI. Still paying attention to what the media will be ignoring. Keystone has been dead. Why now? Control? Optics? Not going to fool anons. We are eye open frens. 🐸Wwg1wga except the Queen n em!
The queen is not the keystone...Boris Johnson never tells the truth...it's the pope that is the keystone. Everything is owned by the Vatican.
Francesleader.com substack the royal family is not the crown ..America is owned and controlled by middle temple.london .the queen was a member but as king Richard gave England and ireland to pope innocent and the pope tore up the magna carta it's the pope that owns and controls United Nations bank of int.settlements who IMF etc controlled through London and Switzer land..you know that neutral country.
The monarchs have not been in control since Richard 1500 !! It's the scheming popes
Think biblical. Reptilian? Snake? Epic battle since the beginning. Descendants of Eve/Adam/God vs the snake/satan. Noah's flood covered the earth with water because the sons of god (fallen angels) were breeding with the daughters of Man. Revelations says the serpent will bruise Eve's descendants heal but he will crush the serpents head. The Royal families are obsessed with bloodlines. Maybe they are mixed bloodline from fallen angels aka alien reptile. Was the jab their final solution to taint the purebloods?
The fallen angels were aliens....you know...from another planet! Loads of evidence.
Yahweh one of the fallen angels/annanuki/elohim called everyone he fell out with snake or devil.
The Jews know there was cloning ...Adam was placed in the gan edin...he came from somewhere else..not on of the elohim...a template....eve or eves were cloned via stem cells from Adam.
Giants /nefilim were created by elohim mating with Eve....
It is known that one of the elohim had sex with Eve ..this was not in the plan. . ...that's why they then left the garden as they had eaten the fruit...a Jewish term for sex....the elohim were concerned they would then discover the secret of their longevity..they could live for thousands of years....they didn't want this...to be like them!! To have eaten of the tree of life and of knowledge of longevity too.!! Too much. ..
They were angry at the elohim....the snake ...who had done this....
No god or gods ..just aliens
Mauro biglino official channel youtube English subtitles..also mauros book the naked bible...
Jesuit Pope Francis gives out books to the Roman Curia from the same Jesuit publishing house Biglino has published many of his books from.
Roman Curia?
The Roman Curia (Romana Curia ministerium suum implent) comprises the administrative institutions of the Holy See and the central body through which the affairs of the Catholic Church are conducted. It acts in the Pope’s name and with his authority for the good and for the service of the particular churches and provides the central organization for the church to advance its objectives.
The structure and organization of responsibilities within the Curia are at present regulated by the apostolic constitution Pastor bonus, issued by Pope John Paul II on 28 June 1988, which Pope Francis has decided to revise.
Other bodies that play an administrative or consulting role in ecclesial affairs are sometimes mistakenly identified with the Curia, such as the Synod of Bishops and regional conferences of bishops. Cardinal Gerhard Müller, former prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, wrote in 2015 that “the Synod of Bishops is not a part of the Roman Curia in the strict sense: it is the expression of the collegiality of bishops in communion with the Pope and under his direction. The Roman Curia instead aids the Pope in the exercise of his primacy over all the Churches.”
If you look into Ignatius Loyola and the Spiritual Exercises, you would understand the Jesuits practice a spirituality not found in the pages of the actual Bible.
This was known as early as the 1600s...
The depths of Satan discovered: or, the Jesuits last design to ruine religion. Being, some observations upon a pamphlet, called, The swords abuse asserted: by John Vernon.
Presented to the consideration of the Armie. Citie. Kingdome.
Please!! He has never hidden how he came to work for the Vatican publishers and continued up until they couldn't accept his translations due to what he uncovered.
Loyola was a military man...
You should read Francesleader.com the royal family is not the crown...she also covers the fact that the roman Catholic church owns America Canada Australia etc and England and Ireland. Also UN MF WHO and all central banks of G7 nations.
Frens be crushing it lately. Comfy af.
I tell ya, I'm by no means a Q expert. I rely on you anons A LOT. And I've had my doubts (some real reaches at times with date/plan fagging), but some of the habbenings lately have me aghast. The "coincidences" are truly mathematically impossible. What a time to be alive.
Only few, less than 10, are "Q experts"
The rest of us (here) are true Patriots
Yeah I'm clearly not on the spectrum hard enough to follow some of this stuff, but it does appear things are speeding up. Crazy times.
I had a really busy work day yesterday. While I was away OMG. I can't even get through it all.
Same here
Great gif
That’s not a word used often. There’s no way these are all coincidences.
X22 says Trump made a deal with Liz that he would not expose UK DS until after her death...”Queen protects King” Charles is no longer protected...(very interesting)
Good episode. Perhaps Trump saw enough good in her to work a deal, not being fully corrupt. This may account for the conflicting reports about her as well. That, or she was weak enough to bargain with.
The age of Royals in the UK may be at an end after all of this.
yeah a normally factual reporter I follow surprised me and went out on a limb and defended the queen. Claimed she was more of a figurehead, but used her power mostly responsibly. Claimed she was pretty ego / self centered, and pretty dirty and vile as most suspect, but VERY traditional and bloodline, family, and self came first and that she was anti-deepstate in so far as protecting herself from them having control over her, and cared about her legacy enough to want to have the 'commonwealth' strive as much as it could without rocking the boat of the deep state power structure to much.
I'm super curious what she was REALLY up to behind the scenes & if we will ever know what strings she pulled and power she actually exerted.
Trump always made a mention that his Mother was fond of the Queen, indicating that if she played ball, she could avoid the fate of the rest of the family. Early on with Trump she is showing clear submission walking behind Trump while our MSM ranted about how rude it was. LOL they didn't want to discuss what it really meant. It became more clear over time that the Queen wasn't going to be doing any protecting of the family anymore, to the point that some just got up and left the country.
He also said King Charles = KC = 11.3.
The British plan of mourning is 10 days. That would tie up 10 days of dankess nicely.
And King Charles (KC = 11.3) would also explain the marker.
Way better than when we were spitballing that the Keystone state (PA) was so important.
I heard that Charles just changed it to 17 days of mourning.
The "London Bridge" plan is 10 days.
Charles did add 7 for the royal family, whatever that means I am not sure.
But 17 is an interesting number.
10 days to the funeral, and 7 after that for the royals to mourn
If this is true then it would explain why they would have dragged out revealing her death for so long. Many people have speculated that she died sometime in the past year and they've just been keeping her body in a freezer or something.
Perhaps part of the deal that Trump struck was that they would have until X date (9/8/22 so chosen because of date comms) to come clean and reveal her death knowing full well their deepstate would wait until the last moment they could?
I don’t know about months but your date theory Sounds right- Not sure about her public appearance with the new PM but knew she was dead at least a day before palace announced it...Charles had to get there before they announced it-
Perhaps, but I doubt that accounts for the fact that the Queen died 1776 days after Q's first post. Either she actually died on Sep 8, or she just so happened to die before for some reason and remained on ice until Sep 8
this is a reference to JANUS who they worship
the number 11 he holds the keys to portals ....
And the god of Change. With two faces.
Good call.
Janus represented time because he could see into the past with one face and into the future with the other...
Hmmm... Future proves Past.
He is also the brother of Saturn, the devourer. Who is also "Father Time" (this starts to get into Chronos v Cronus debates, etc.). And the Father of Rome (Saturnia).
I generally feel these folks are worshippers of Saturn. But it's a very good call-out that the other gods also play, here.
EDIT: I find I "mis-remembered" the origin of Janus. Janus is not Saturn's brother, but was mortal, and made a god by Saturn.
It doesnt really matter their gods arent real, just different masks the unclean spirits wear to gain worship
It matters, in terms of learning to see their symbology, and ultimately to predict all/some of their behaviors. I am not making any claim that any of their gods are real. Only that they believe.
ty so much for the link fascinating where janus pops up
Yeah I just thought it was interesting that it was included in one of the early (and popular) triple-A video games... and it appears to be an island with an entrance to an underground area. We know "they" like to hide things in plain sight, so it caught my attention. I've done a lot of digging into other things such as inner-earth, north/south poles, Antarctica, Admiral Byrd, but I haven't really researched Janus much until your comment, so thank you for another rabbit hole! =)
check out whattheflocktv its all about janus
Where do you go for your research? Thanks!
Mojeek, Yandex, Startpage, and lastly DuckDuckGo. DDG used to be great, but I feel it's slowly began manipulating results over the past 2-3 years. Still way better than Google of course.
Videos I find through Yandex, DuckDuckGo, or Bitchute. Searching directly from YouTube is rarely effective.
Speaking of hiding things in plain sight: https://greatawakening.win/p/15JU7umFeb/canaanite-sacrifice-sites-past-a/c/
The WTC memorial with a depressed square in the middle looks like an ancient Canaanite sacrifice site at Gezer.
Right after Boris called her the keystone, he went on to say it was a roll only she could fill.
So without the Keystone, London Bridge will surely fall.
Likely has been passed through the ages, if we are to win though you would think it would cease to be a thing
Can't think of many families who have more generational power than the Royal Family
What is human trafficking if it's not buying and selling people?
We've always known it's a familial cult where Bloodlines determine placement within governments
That's easy. It's Britain with its centralized banking system and home to the Rothschilds. There are still over 25 countries within the Commonwealth. Where is all the shadow banking? It's within the Commonwealth countries.
Let's see what happens!
But that's just the currency. "buys countries and its people"
When they claim us as collateral via the strawman and rule us using admiralty law, they literally buy and own the people in the nation.
Seems to me that human trafficking is simply the currency of the economy, but entire population slavery is what the real goal and target is. And, they have pursued that a long way.
The rest, I think you're on target.
You know, I've heard the strawman model before and it's intriguing, but I never understood what held it together. I mean, I can draft a certificate with your name on it in all caps and say that I own you but I'm not going to get very far with that. What holds it together? Armies? Then armies are the keystone. Money? Then money is the keystone. I'm not dismissing the strawman thing, I just think there's something more to know about it.
its the tangled spaghetti web of the financial world, with corps, charters, trusts, shares, public / private split, complex financial instruments, spread out over thousands of years and hundreds of jurisdictions.
I get it. It's complicated. But if I made a super complicated system with as its centerpiece a certificate that said I owned you, I still wouldn't really own you.
We give it legitimacy with our willing participation though, no? We work for monopoly money with no physical value other than what other people are willing to do for it, and they only do those things because... etc, etc, etc.
Well, yeah. It's all based on fraud. BUT, under commercial, akk Admiralty law, it's all about contracts. And, NOT refuting is taken as acceptance. It's all about building compliance through ignorance and deceit.
Like a 'mandate'. A mandate means, you have to do something IF you agree that you have to do something. The C19 mandates were NOT lawful. They were 'mandates'. A person's compliance is taken as acceptance of the mandate.
I understand (and frequently use) the principles above and I agree they are correct. But I don't remember being given the opportunity to refute whether or not I'm owned.
What's stopping you now, then?
IMO, you're 100% right, there.
Lemme tell you about my journey with the 'strawman'.
Around 5 or 6 years ago, i first came across the notions of: govts & corporations & our govt being a corporation. Then, stuff like common law courts. Then, other talk about strawman. My first thoughts about all that stuff was, this seems like a bit of nonsense. It doesn't make sense. (And, I have a very strong tendency to doubt first when the data and the reasonings don't coalesce in my logic brain, etc.)
It's come in via dribs and drabs. A bit of info here, and bit there. "No, I don't stand under you (understand you)". Etc. Then, admiralty law, law of the sea, law of the land, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc.
To be honest, the capitals stuff seems like fluff and disinfo to me (at this point). Some of the info out there is disinfo injected by black propaganda in order to confuse, mislead, and misdirect people from the real content = my conjecture at this point.
But, over the last 6 or so years, the data has slowly (very slowly, and not with a dedicated focus, but just by encountering and then taking a deeper look at some of the stuff, but no real deep dives), slowly started to fall into place.
Most recently, a LOT of the stuff was brought together in these two videos I watched last week.
I'll link them here, in case you are interested, but my experience over the last 5 years (and I'm still working on this) is that this ONLY makes sense when you put lots of little lower-level pieces into place, step by step, and then build on that, and build on that, and get more of an idea about the next level, then the next level, then the next level.
Tackle a higher level (i.e hear someone talking about yoru govt being a corporation and you you not really being you but being controlled via admiralty law, for example) and it doesn't make sense, really. Because you're missing pieces of the lower levels.
Anyway, that's my experience, as best as I can describe at this point.
Not sure if these are where you are at yet, but they made UBER sense to me, this last week.
Clif High - talks about the law
SGT report : Discussion with Dr. KL
*disclaimer: I'm not endorsing everything Clif High says. Also, I tend to think that experts in these fields don't know everything, but there are many pieces of the puzzle, some key ones that some experts do know.
Clif high puts all the blam on the kazarians...to me that is wrong...it's the Vatican that control everything..they havecownedce gland and Ireland since king Richard gave them to pope innocent in 1500s. Pope tore up magna carta
Francesleader.com substack goes into all this in mystery Babylon. The royal family are not the crown. Crown temple..inner London owns America etc and the pope owns temple bar
Remember Washington DC the Vatican and inner London separate states not under the laws of the lsnds they are in.
Clif not keen to share these truths is he?
Yeah... nah. I think you're either listening to too little clif or making judgments based on scant info.
I'm very confident that in CLif's view, the Khazarians are BEHIND the Vatican, and BEHIND the central banks, and the powers in London, etc.
Ys no doubt about it the kazarians are in it but Clif never mentioned the vstic owns America that I recall or about crown temple being granted letters of patent etc
I guess you're typing on a phone?
Criticizing someone because they didn't mention something you are focused on seems a little bit .... backwards ... to me.
Maybe focus on what he is saying, instead of what he isn't?
I mean, there are things YOU aren't saying that might also be relevant. So, should I dismiss what you ARE saying therefore?
I don't think so.
Cheers, anyway.
Lines up with us being a “person” and not a man or woman, a vessel coming out of the water channel (birth) and being docked by the doctor placing it in the maternity ward (ward of state)
Because the people who came up with the system were sailors.
There are good ones and bad ones. The bad ones kept their Canaanite ways.
The good ones turned to Christianity, either fully, or at least subscribed to a Christian-influenced system of morals.
Oh, I agree with you completely I am speaking about the macro not the day-to-day movement human beings.
You ever think that maybe things like this are said to derail?
Agreed. Taking direction from BoJo (Boris Johnson) is an invitation to be taken for a ride.
He's a world class fuckstick.
Refer back to all the posts Q made of Elizabeth May
Boris was chosen and is part of the plan
Would need to go back and check them.
However, Boris has been chosen/anointed by the spiders since he was a wee lad. And May might actually be half spider. At least.
He's not pure. But he had a part to play to deliver Brexit
“Oh! What a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive”.
Boris is a spider. Brexit is a fiction. The spiders will not let the UK exit from the web,
London is the web
One of them, yes. The City of London, specifically. The City within the City. That uses the rest of the city as a camouflage.
Vatican too.
The pope is the spider who controls it all
Especially if you are seeking advice on hair care products. This may not apply to Marvin.
I think he uses a fork + an electrical outlet to do his hair.
Rubbing a balloon over one's head works, too, so I hear.
Ain't that the truth.
Keep in mind, City of London, Vatican City and DC are their own countries. DC is the thug arm, I doubt that is the keystone. That leaves COL and VC. As I understand it, Vatican is head of the snake, COL is the financial arm and have been the world empire since the 1600's. Which of those 2 are the keystone? I would give credence to arguments supporting either. If my thinking or information is lacking, I welcome enlightenment
Head of the snake.
Which is why the pope's Audience Hall is indeed the depiction of a literal head of a snake.
So the UK is the keystone, makes sense!
Ukraine is the keystone when speaking of a land. The monarch is the keystone when speaking of a person. DC is owned by the crown. So is Canada. Hidden enemy. Secret society. Go back to JFK and start putting it all togather from there. Do not forget the Bankruptcy that America went through. The 3rd and final bankruptcy was in 2000. Nothing is as it seems. Television was invented to brainwash minds. Tell- a-lie-vision the media has always been controlled. The lie has gotten so big they can no longer keep it hidden. The first keystone was isreal. This is why isreal will be last. All started in the late 1800’s. When America bankrupted the first time. All about money and power. Evil has been trying to overtake America from the beginning. We declared independence 7 years before we even won the war! This is so important. When JFK was assassinated many Generals started developing a plan to restore and reset our nation and constitution be lack to its founding. This is where Trump came up with the phrase “make America great again “ 200 generals with a long term plan to win a war that they knew would take 60+ years. 911 was an inside job but our military knew it was coming. This next statement cannot be proven yet but I have a huge feeling that JJ is actually alive. I hope so cause that would prove to all that righteous people are in control. We are witnessing the revelation of evil. All is being flushed out into the open. The wheat is being seperated from the chaff. God wins! Quantum initiative, quantum computing, quantum banking, quantum language constructs, and quantum freedom! These are Q. I hope either Barron or JJ isQ. I’m sure I’m wrong about that part but I hope so cause it would just be awesome. Q said something about us being amazed when we find out who Q is. Barron or JJ would be mind blowing. 1 cause Barron is a kid. 2 cause JJ is supposed to be dead. Just my 2 cents!
Sorry, but who is JJ?
Short for John John aka JFK Jr.
Jr. jfk jr. John John. John jr. JJ
I hunted through all of these replies to find this. I think the UK is the KEYSTONE.
Great minds think alike!
If the Queen is the "keystone" can someone please inform me how it all fits together.
The UK is the keystone of the global corruption via being the central central bank? It lines up now that UK being the keystone is what was the point and now we will see if everything collapses after removing the keystone.
That was my thought. Rothschilds control all the money. Was the queen protecting them?
54 countries are part of the British Commonwealth https://www.farandwide.com/s/british-commonwealth-countries-a1099918a6ff4b9f
DC = Military Control
London = Financial Control
Vatican = Moral / Religious Control
All 3 bankrupt ….
The pope owns England and Ireland since king John gave to it pope innocent who tore up magna carter. Francesleadet.com substack tells you how America colonies etc is all owned not by queen but temple bankers in the inner temple bar of London.
In any archway, the keystone is the most crucial stone as it has all the forces acting on the arch press against the keystone…. Remove the keystone and everything crumbles…. Spicy times are comin frens…
excuse my stupidity, but what is (TRI) as in families combined?
I’m guessing the triangle- Saudi family was one side- and now UK another side of the triangle gone?
Oh that reminds me of a qpost 138
House of Saud (6+++) - $4 Trillion+ Rothschild (6++) - $2 Trillion+ Soros (6+) - $1 Trillion+
Whack-a-Boris in the mother tongue.
Have I Got News for Boris: A Special Tribute.
Have I Got News For You: S64 E1. 09/02/22.
https://youtu.be/XWrc253S9zk (28 minutes)
SFW if you mute for 10 seconds from 10:38 to 10:48.
What channel/program?
Yep. I’m cozy! Not distracted. Still focused on the FBI. Still paying attention to what the media will be ignoring. Keystone has been dead. Why now? Control? Optics? Not going to fool anons. We are eye open frens. 🐸Wwg1wga except the Queen n em!
multiple meanings exist.
i'm sure there will be another keystone before the show is over :)
Crown controls Israel... always has
Crown = Corona
Yup. CORONA Virus... Crown Virus...
Shit....for the first time in all this, I got goosebumps on that one.
Makes me think Boris might be coming back. But he will have to impress a lot of people very fast.
The queen is not the keystone...Boris Johnson never tells the truth...it's the pope that is the keystone. Everything is owned by the Vatican.
Francesleader.com substack the royal family is not the crown ..America is owned and controlled by middle temple.london .the queen was a member but as king Richard gave England and ireland to pope innocent and the pope tore up the magna carta it's the pope that owns and controls United Nations bank of int.settlements who IMF etc controlled through London and Switzer land..you know that neutral country.
The monarchs have not been in control since Richard 1500 !! It's the scheming popes
Shouldn’t it read Who is the Keystone?
Not if she's not human. Jus sayin...
Think biblical. Reptilian? Snake? Epic battle since the beginning. Descendants of Eve/Adam/God vs the snake/satan. Noah's flood covered the earth with water because the sons of god (fallen angels) were breeding with the daughters of Man. Revelations says the serpent will bruise Eve's descendants heal but he will crush the serpents head. The Royal families are obsessed with bloodlines. Maybe they are mixed bloodline from fallen angels aka alien reptile. Was the jab their final solution to taint the purebloods?
The fallen angels were aliens....you know...from another planet! Loads of evidence.
Yahweh one of the fallen angels/annanuki/elohim called everyone he fell out with snake or devil.
The Jews know there was cloning ...Adam was placed in the gan edin...he came from somewhere else..not on of the elohim...a template....eve or eves were cloned via stem cells from Adam.
Giants /nefilim were created by elohim mating with Eve....
It is known that one of the elohim had sex with Eve ..this was not in the plan. . ...that's why they then left the garden as they had eaten the fruit...a Jewish term for sex....the elohim were concerned they would then discover the secret of their longevity..they could live for thousands of years....they didn't want this...to be like them!! To have eaten of the tree of life and of knowledge of longevity too.!! Too much. ..
They were angry at the elohim....the snake ...who had done this....
No god or gods ..just aliens
Mauro biglino official channel youtube English subtitles..also mauros book the naked bible...
Mauro Biglino is a Jesuit coadjutor.
Read the Book of Enoch and toss Biglino's Bible in the trash.
I've read the book of Enoch.....where is your evidence biglino is a Jesuit? And why would the Jesuits want to bring down the Bible?
Pope Francis Gives Roman Curia 17th-Century Text as Lenten Reading
The first edition of the manuscript was published in Italian in November 2020 by Edizioni San Paolo as a 320-page book.
Jesuit Pope Francis gives out books to the Roman Curia from the same Jesuit publishing house Biglino has published many of his books from.
Roman Curia?
The Roman Curia (Romana Curia ministerium suum implent) comprises the administrative institutions of the Holy See and the central body through which the affairs of the Catholic Church are conducted. It acts in the Pope’s name and with his authority for the good and for the service of the particular churches and provides the central organization for the church to advance its objectives.
The structure and organization of responsibilities within the Curia are at present regulated by the apostolic constitution Pastor bonus, issued by Pope John Paul II on 28 June 1988, which Pope Francis has decided to revise.
Other bodies that play an administrative or consulting role in ecclesial affairs are sometimes mistakenly identified with the Curia, such as the Synod of Bishops and regional conferences of bishops. Cardinal Gerhard Müller, former prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, wrote in 2015 that “the Synod of Bishops is not a part of the Roman Curia in the strict sense: it is the expression of the collegiality of bishops in communion with the Pope and under his direction. The Roman Curia instead aids the Pope in the exercise of his primacy over all the Churches.”
If you look into Ignatius Loyola and the Spiritual Exercises, you would understand the Jesuits practice a spirituality not found in the pages of the actual Bible.
This was known as early as the 1600s...
The depths of Satan discovered: or, the Jesuits last design to ruine religion. Being, some observations upon a pamphlet, called, The swords abuse asserted: by John Vernon.
Presented to the consideration of the Armie. Citie. Kingdome.
Cawdrey, Daniel, 1588-1664.
Please!! He has never hidden how he came to work for the Vatican publishers and continued up until they couldn't accept his translations due to what he uncovered.
Loyola was a military man...
You should read Francesleader.com the royal family is not the crown...she also covers the fact that the roman Catholic church owns America Canada Australia etc and England and Ireland. Also UN MF WHO and all central banks of G7 nations.
I wonder if they’ll be envelopes at this funeral like GHWBs…
Wow, makes total sense!
Oh shit.😲