2-Year-Old Child Dies Suddenly One Day After Receiving Both the COVID Vaccine and Annual Flu Vaccine
A 2-year-old child died suddenly after receiving both the Covid vaccine and the annual flu vaccine, according to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), a national early warning system to detect possible safety problems in US-licensed vaccines,...
You know that meme where the astronaught is looking at the Earth, and another astronaught is behind him with a gun pointing at his head?
Well, I'm that second astronaught, and the words next to the meme say "Never did". i.e.I have never trusted the medical profession. In my mind, most doctors are below garbage men. No offence to garbage men.
I used to look up my maladies online before I went to the doctor. And the doctor often recommended what the internet said you shouldn't do. We heal in spite of them, many times. I haven't been to one in over 5 years. Covidiocy scared me away.
I’ve travelled pretty extensively, and once you get out of the West, most places dispense antibiotics, antiparasitics, antifungals, and basic medications without prescription at the pharmacies.
I was never quite sure why they were kept under lock and key here in Canada. In retrospect, the medical establishment wants to control your healthcare with a monopoly. They want to force you to see a doctor when you’re sick, and condition you to come to them for help. And to profit from being a gatekeeper. Most importantly, they want the opportunity to pitch their pharma sales to you.
The stain of John D Rockefeller is persistent. Big Pharma is just an outgrowth of big oil. It takes a LOT of crude to make the refined components used in vast quantities in the research and development and manufacturing of pharmaceutical drugs. He was the richest guy in history, richer than anyone alive today. Think of what he did. Infected academia, the media, food industry, invented Pharma. Our entire system is designed to keep big oil and big debts flowing with the people kept drugged, sick, weak and under control and out of the way.
If people were handed an honest "ingredient" list, with a definition and explanation of what they're also used for, they'd probably go nuts. Titanium dioxide, used in "vitamins."
Rockefeller Center should be demolished. If I manage to leave NY before that happens, I'd actually come back to witness it. Same with every other building/area named after one of those bastard robber barons.
About the only thing they'd be really good for is emergency medicine and acute problems, honest emphasis on really good. I sure as hell don't want some poorly-trained immigrant that can barely speak English to set a broken bone or drain fluid due to trauma.
Maladies, jeez, I'm only 37 and I can't remember the last time I ever heard or saw anyone say/type that.
Exactly... can't lose trust where there wasn't any to begin with.
He’s talking about lacking trust in the industry of western allopathic “medicine” which is relatively new—only about 100 to 200 years or so, arguably—compared to traditional and far more effective herbal medicines which were discovered and developed over at least 60,000 years (diets and other practices were different back then which contributed positively to health).
We also didn't eat as much food invented by man, because it wasn't invented yet. Hell, wasn't concrete used as a filler in bread a while ago?
I always had as a kid an ill feeling when it came to doctors and dentists.
It's amazing how we have all these fancy electronics and machines when it comes to modern medicine, but when it comes to teeth and dentistry, we still only use barbaric, ancient techniques, aka pulling them out. It's at least a little more tolerable now with pain killers.
Unless, of course, one is resistant to painkillers.
Sometimes I like to reference GAW posts that I think are relevant in replies to comments. This was a very popular GAW post that fits nicely with your sentiments (which I share). I think you'll like this:
I remember this post by u/hope111111 So awesome!
Holy crap, yes. I learned so much from that thread. It really should be permanently stickied on this forum, IMHO. I can't believe it's been a year already since that post! I went out and bought some books after reading that and interacting with others in the thread.
Wow… I also remember this post and have it saved. Wonder what ever happened to the OP. Looks like he hasn’t posted in a long time.
That's great...now you can spread the knowledge!
...And knowing is half the battle.
Wow, how did I miss this post?! After my own journey through pharmacy school, I could have written much the same. We've developed a system that trains some of the smartest, hardest-working, most compassionate people in our society to be unthinking automatons. We literally drill out any scientific curiosity or joy of helping others right out of the practice in order to turn out health professionals who act like computers or healthcare assembly line workers producing "care" at America's healthcare factories that we call hospitals.
I started older, as a second profession, and I was too stubborn not to insist that I learn to think as I went. But I remember clearly how many of my classmates were so overwhelmed, they just memorized PowerPoint slides hoping to pass tests by rote memorization. I remember being shocked by just how many of them had lied to their doctors, claimed they had ADHD, and were on Adderall (amphetamines) to help them stay up and study. And many more were so emotionally unbalanced by the stress that they ended up on anti-depressants or anxiolytics. It was compensating for the mountains of tables and data we were just supposed to memorize, but never truly understand.
We train people all wrong. We absolutely destroy any scientific curiosity they have, and make them so busy and stressed, they never have any emotional reserve left over for compassion, let alone to take care of themselves.
I don't think we need to throw away the entire system of allopathic medicine, but a major reform is absolutely critical. We've got to go back to teaching people how to be well: body, mind, and spirit, instead of just fixing the acute problems when a lifetime of unhealthy living finally puts them over the top and they end up in the hospital.
I wish this poster would have stuck with the profession. Ultimately, it will have to be changed from within. Far too many of the oldest, most experienced people are just tapping out, and the new ones with any sense of the real problem, say F it and leave for another profession rather than fight the fight.
Need reverse osmosis water filtration to get rid of the fluoride the government adds to water. Also need to somehow move away from the GMO industrial farms of all types, from vegetables and fruit to meats and dairy. Problem is, price can be lower due to the sheer volume they put out. Smaller/independent outfits probably have better food, but obviously cost more.
As for the allopathic bullshit, emergency medicine is great. Keep that going, keep training new doctors in techniques and machines to prevent people from dying. After all, if we manage to fix what's wrong with our diets/the food industry as a whole, we won't need as many doctors.
Thank you for your reply. I appreciate learning from those on the inside. Thank you for fighting the good fight for us.
Here is another one, mind blowing and informative.
💥 Medical Profession Implements WHO Digital Diagnosis Code Z28.310 for the Unvaxxed. Enacted Jan. 2023. 💥
Thank you for this great reminder!
Good read! Thanks for sharing!
Amen to that.
18 year old, was a friend of my nephew. His parents forced him to get the booster a few days ago. The next day he didnt get up so his parents went to wake him up. He was dead. His parents killed their son. I would say it to their face. They deserve the pain, they killed their son. That poor boy is dead because his parents were fucking idiots who believed perverts like trudeau and that tranny Mr Tam.
My nephew and his girlfriend were actually going to get a booster (people wont friken listen) but they canceled their appointment. I think they finally believe what I have been saying, but it took the death of their friend.
so much death.
Was on a project and me and one other guy were on the same page telling everyone not to get the jab. They just parroted the media. Everyone was bragging about getting the jab until our 50 year old project manager died in his sleep. I kept bitching about the jab and scamdemic but everyone stopped defending the clot shot after I pointed out that healthy 50 year old men don't die randomly in their sleep.
the following people I knew have died from the clot shot. Guy at work, Guy from work that was retired, Mother in law, nephews friend.
I've got a few more "friends co-worker or cousin's friend" type I know of but so far only one person I knew and spent a lot of time with.
I'll say one thing, it's gonna strengthen the gene pool, I'd be curious to see if the national IQ average goes up in a few years since you gotta be pretty dumb to take the jab and listen to MSM.
The sad part is I know a lot of 'smart' people who took the shots and tried to shat on me for not taking it. Conversely some 'dumber' people I knew refused. I have found that IQ actually does not play a part of if the person is a fucking idiot wanting the shots
Good for you for being so astute to point that out!
I hope you're being sarcastic, healthy people dropping dead should be an obvious concern to anyone with half a brain.
That's a great awakener, when you cause harm to another and then in a day or two can see the harm. Gotta say that there are other ways to awaken then causing another's death.
So fucked up. The people doing it to their children because of peer pressure and social clout deserve to be locked up or put down...
unfit parents. I would say to the parents face that they are the cause of their childs death and they murdered them. I would have no pity for them.
Those "parents" should off themselves.
I am just gobsmacked that so many of them would agree to kill people just for money. I will never go to a doctor again if I can help it. I have IVM, HCQ and Z-packs stashed so unless I break a bone or something I should be good.
Money truly is that alluring to them.
Even the annual physical is a complete waste and a joke.
Only my mom who has been a nurse for over 40 years and never once complied with the mandates and refused the shot outright even if it meant losing her job.
me as well
We have the best nurse pedes!
me too
I survived the military mandate purge! I try to redpill surgeons, doctors, nurses, surgical techs, etc whenever I am doing a case with them. Many are no longer willing to get any more clot shots or paxlovid.
I also try to steer these highly trained personal away from medications to cover symptoms but treat their disease through fasting and diet changing. Have had success with many, getting them off their medications and as a result taking money away from big pharma. You would be surprised how little physicians know when it comes to non pharma treatments or why they're sick in the first place.
Good job!
I messaged my doctor asking why some numbers on a blood test that have never been out of "normal" range were suddenly slightly out of normal range. He messaged back saying not to interpret the results myself. Nevermind that the hemoglobin A1C level was a little low, it's not as if I need oxygen to live.
Man, I can't wait for $GME to crash everything so I can live free of all the bullshit of city life.
Good on you Fren!
Same! 🙋🏼♀️I took great pleasure, in the early days of the shot roll out, in emphatically telling my patients “heck no I didn’t get the shot!”, and then timing how long it took before their heads would explode. By the grace of God, my husband and I were both able to decline the shot and keep our jobs due to our religious exemptions, but so help me God and may He give me strength, I will lose my job before I ever take another one of their shots, especially one that’s mandatory.
You got a good mom!
Gooble Gobble Gooble Gobble!
Didn't trust them since the 70's and nothing has changed in all that time...except they have exposed more of why I never trusted them to begin with...
The establishment medical industry is a mass murdering machine.
You just have to read a little history to realize how horrifically they've treated certain groups of people: women, minorities, the disabled, etc. in the name of "science." Anyone who is not naturally skeptical when walking into a doctor's office is crazy.
Let me share with you what MY DOCTOR said … out loud, to me (in private - The context was prescribing Ivermectin for ‘non-lupus’ related ailments). Let me preface by saying my doc is excellent. He gives his patients his personal contact info so we can circumvent the shitty communication platforms the network has. Anyway, per my doctor, 95% of physicians in this country work for a ‘Network’. Those Networks are 100% profit driven, ergo, health care decisions are almost always made with profits in mind. There have been physicians in our network who stepped outside the Networks treatment guidelines and got disciplined or fired. I have 3 adult children that are doctors. I hit this topic every chance I get. They are young docs, and they wholly admit they stay within the limits of their networks treatment guidelines.
Too many people find It is super easy to call them cowards and traitors. Those people have zero perspective. Med school is hard as hell to get accepted into. Then its about $90,000 per year tuition. That right there prices 99% of potential physicians completely out. After 3 years of that shit then they have to work 80-90 hours a week for 1/5 doctors salary for two years. Thats 4 years under grad STEM degree, 3 years Med-School, 2 years in the trenches as slave labor. Its easy for people to be judgmental when most have NEVER made that kind of personal investment in anything (myself included).
That being said ….
The hypocratic oath is a farce. “Do no harm” is now a contextually depraved mantra. MEANING … once it meant Do no harm [ to patients], NOW it means Do no harm [to the profit margin]. 95% of doctors are being held hostage by their employers. The Networks, the insurance companies, and Big Pharma. All working together to turn all of us into one giant fucking ATM.
Should be called the hypocritic oath.
Did your children push the Covid jab?
You know the answer to this.
One did. The other two knew better.
How does one end up with three children that become doctors?
Not sure how that happens. Also got a Lawyer. Im happy to say it appears they are slowly ‘deprogramming’. The hardest of hard core libtards was the lawyer … and YES, the ‘higher edu’ did that shit. HOWEVER, After a year as a public defender his tune started changing FAST. Now he works private practice (not his). Last week he and his little brother were pointing out evidence of how the NBA and NFL are ‘scripted’. Slowly … little red-pills, one at a time.
Evidence that sports ball is scripted? I've heard of refs/coaches being bought off, but the only thing I know of that's scripted is wrestling.
That is my mantra.
Yep. Thats what the wife and I took when we got the Rona.
I showed the box of nasty stuff I bought to my sister and she went nuts. Then again she's unfortunately brainwashed and won't listen to another opinion.
So did he prescribe the IVM, or did he tell you to get lupus?
LOL. No Fren … it was just a conversation. I don't have Lupus. I DO have a friend that has that shit and takes IVM for it. Crazy part … he couldn't get his scrips filled for a few Months early on In 2021 because of the insane smear campaign against it. Poor bastard got the Rona 3 days before he finally got his meds finally filled.
But it's for horses, 😜
The medical field as a whole? Never. I haven't for a long time, even before covid.
Individual doctors/physicians? Yes. I have enough discernment and knowledge to know when I'm being helped by an independent, logical and rational physician vs one who's just spouting off the latest AMA propaganda.
The good ones are like gold.
I have a surgeon who did a hernia repair for me. He has very little bedside manner. He doesn’t get great reviews on line because he hurts people’s feelings. If you’re a fat ass, he’ll tell you you’re a fat ass. He works fast. He’s no nonsense, and he’s good. During the height of the COVID craziness he had a big sign on his door in the doctor’s building saying masks are NOT required in this office. I think the other doctors hate him. I trust him.
That sounds like a good and based doctor.
Along with that, he is a MAGA Trump supporter.
I want that guy!
Exactly what I came to say. I have no faith in the medical-industrial complex, other than to work in their own self-interest. Doctors like Malone, McCollough, Gold and others? Shit ya.
Had a doctor tell me once:
"Our opinions are 'professional' opinions."
I didn't keep that doctor.
Had a different doc tell me straight up:
"I can send you to physical therapy, or I we take 10 minutes and I'll teach you the shoulder exercises that you can do at home, instead of going to PT every week"
I kept that guy until he moved across the country to take over his dad's practice.
They are few and far between. As are private practices
Many of the doctors and nurses I would have trusted retired 20 years ago. Or the remaining few I could trust in the medical field retired due to the plandemic.
It is going to take a lot of time and research to find people in the medical field I can trust again IMO.
I retired myself mostly due to the plandemic, but the passage of the ACA was the beginning of the end for many of us. The plandemic was simply the nail in the coffin. What medicine has become was not what I and many others signed up for. I always forged a path leaning more alternative anyway.
Throughout my career I always encouraged my patients to do their own homework and never completely trust someone just because they have a diploma hanging on the wall. Trust is earned and should never be given without first establishing trustworthiness. It always shocked me that people will spend more time and effort shopping for a new pair of shoes or some electronic gadget than they will for retaining the services of a professional - attorneys, doctors, dentists, etc. The public themselves override their own natural instincts placed there by God for their protection in exchange for worship at the altar of scientism that reinforces medical elitism. I never liked being on that pedestal. We should all have a healthy level of skepticism, but outright distrust from cynicism is just as bad. There always needs to be balance. We should seek advice from those with expertise and see if it fits for us. But to just blindly hand trust over to another has led to much of what we are experiencing with the breakdown of our society. Sadly, the public must share some of the blame here because of their own lack of due diligence.
Our health care system needs a complete overhaul starting with education. So much of what is taught is flat wrong. Only then will trust be able to be reestablished. If the foundation is faulty, then the structure built upon it will be flawed as well.
Amen! The mental laziness of handing over hard thinking to "experts" is suicidal. Especially after ceasing to question government institutions and the monopolistic corporations behind the politicians.
Well said from a nurse with 40 years in. BTW, I seldom ever see a doctor for myself. Maybe that's why I'm healthy and on NO meds.
2-Year-Old Child Dies Suddenly One Day After Receiving Both the COVID Vaccine and Annual Flu Vaccine
Title of the article linked.
Idiot parent!
Let's make sure and include the doctors and nurses administering these things, as idiots, too. They've all heard about cases like this, and they continue pushing this crap into children's arms.
They must have all been high when they recited their Hippocratic oaths. Do no harm... yeah, right.
That's not a "parent," that's someone that bought into the bullshit life script of "have a family because everyone else is doing it." No independent thought, no critical thinking, just blind trust.
It's called Health Management, because there is no money to be made in healthy patients.
Just like they've switched to managing the symptoms (used to be controlling the symptoms but they have up even that) and far away from mentioning cures.
With all the insane amounts of money thrown at cancer research, you'd think they would have made some great headway by now, but no, there's nothing. Why? Because they don't care to heal.
Absolutely. And they're still sending me solicitations for more money; I expect they'll use the current wave of cancer as a huge money grab.
A patient cured is a customer/subscription lost.
Never did.
The whole medical establishment. I don’t trust any of them after the shitshow they’ve promoted and perpetuated.
Me. I wasn't completely trusting .. but now I don't trust any of them.
Thought the Industrial Medical Complex was horribly shady even BEFORE the plandemic scam.
The plandemic just put a spotlight on it
To be completely honest, I was already well on my way to that stance long ago.
Medicine is mostly guesswork.
That's why they "Practice" it.
It's amazing that they "practice" medicine. You usually practice a song to get it right before performing in front of people. With medicine, you have peoples' lives in your hand.
I don't blame anyone for not trusting main stream healthcare. In this day and age doing your own research is necessary. And, question! Question! Question! My observation is that the doctors that are graduating from med school currently and probably in the last two decades as well are not the "critical thinkers", not the "think outside the box", not the "i will test the theory for myself" doctors. They too easily buy into: the CDC, NIH, WHO, my superiors say its so...so it must be without question.
And yet as soon as people, even some Anons, get sick, they run off to doctors and hospitals.
Other than getting bones set and cuts stitched and some surgeries, what exactly are they expecting when they go to these places ruled by Big Pharma?
I can't describe the level of frustration I felt during the height of covid, when people here would take their loved ones to the hospital, and then talked about sneaking Ivermectin in to give to them secretly and ask for the names of lawyers that could stop hospitals from putting their loved ones on ventilators and dangerous meds.
I don't know what they were using the hospitals for other than extremely expensive housekeeping and invalid care.
People might say they distrust people in the medical field, but will still run to them at the first sniffle. 🤷♀️
I told my husband if he got sick with covid he would have to drive or walk his way to the hospital because I was NOT going to take him. Also if I fell down with a heart attack and he called the ambulance I would KILL him. I have a DNR and there are worse things in life than dying and having a doc "save" my life is one of them.
I’m not saying they are all evil and willing gave people something they knew would kill them, but they sure were as gullible as small children. They should be no more respected in our society than the custodians at the hospital.
In Russia teachers have gotten more respect than doctors.
There shall be data collected and interviews given before trust is even on the table.
Yup, agree
Or Gov, Or MSM, Or.......
Goes without sayin
Not me, never again
those who know can't sleep. You're in good company
i don't even trust them to check my temperature anymore!
I'm career Navy with 22 years. I have had to use the VA system for my healthcare. I quit trusting government and western medicine healthcare two decades ago.
I was SOOOO grateful when I finally got medicare and didn't have to go to the VA. Not that I needed much but even 2x a year was more than I wanted. And now it's just impossible with the clusterF*ck the system is now. It's an Absolute Nightmare! Had a client lose his leg because of the neglect at the VA.
Me, Hell even my Father-in-law never trusted them and he really was not all that intelligent.
Chiropractors and naturopaths. That's all you need. And a good knowledge of medicinal herbs and supplements.
Outside of my Primary MD whom I’ve known since I was 22, (now 47) not hardly any of them.
I rank people in the medical profession right up there with carnival barkers and used car salesmen.
I'm skeptical by nature. My first instinct has always been "these ppl just want money" for whatever service. So I skeptically trusted them 20%. Then the plandemic and trust nosedived to 0% (lower if possible)