Fake news. Eggs are probably the closest thing to a truly perfect food source out there. Our bodies need fats, protein and choline-- and, our brains require cholesterol to operate.
It's more related to insulin resistance as a result of eating too many carbs, but you're on the right track. Heart disease is also highly related to the same carb diet.
I have to agree that is better to consume more fats than carbs. Carbs are only needed to help retain water and sodium. But beyond that function fats and proteins are way more important.
Well.. different species have different nutritional needs. We are not birds, so it is lacking in some critical nutrition. But that's why we don't eat just eggs for every meal.
No, you're just being silly. One food is not enough to satisfy our entire dietary needs, period. Just because eggs have the nutrition for baby poultry to grow doesn't mean it has all the right nutrients for human adults.
It is rich in some things and devoid of others. Don't be obtuse.
Could be what they feed to the food we eat. Force feed garbage and corn. Results in higher amounts of omega 6, which increase inflammation. Free range are packed with more omega 3's
I have always had the ability to see the BS behind these claims. I never believed in the egg cholesterol nonsense. I never paid attention to these experts, even as a teen in the 1970's. I barely graduated high school, drove around in my Ford Pinto smoking pot and listening to talk radio. I think I actually learned more in that way. I never got indoctrinated by the school system. Talk radio gave me an education of a different sort. I always question authority and never believe the narrative.
We built a sleeper pacer years ago, 400 small block, welded in mini tubs. Launched it and busted every window out of it and twisted the body so that one fender sat four inches higher than the other. Those were the days, a lot of work for 11 seconds of fun.
The problem is, big pharma and their minions conflated all cholesterol together.
Eggs are high in good cholesterol, HDL. High density means it's extremely unlikely to stick to your arterial walls due to how big it is, and passes through unimpeded.
LDL, low density, is what a lot of seed oils cause, and these can slowly build up in your arteries and block proper blood flow, and if they don't break off early can cause problems down the line. HDL, IIRC, can also counteract this by "knocking" it off the walls before it's a problem.
This is also why old ladies end up eating bacon, eggs and toast every day for 90 some years and live for another 10.
The entire concept of cholesterol -- both HDL and LDL -- is false.
They are simply directional. One brings cholesterol from the liver to the cells where needed, and the other brings unneeded cholesterol from the cells back to the liver.
Neither is harmful.
The "recommendations" by the medical business industry are FAKE. None are based on real evidence.
There is a board of about a dozen or so "doctors" who control ALL of those recommendations. They have been constantly lowering the amount over the years where they tell doctors to sell statin drugs.
And guess what?
Those individuals on the board are ALL PAID BY THE STATIN DRUG COMPANIES.
Lipitor is a complete scam. It is like the Pfizer coof vaxx study. They CLAIM the drug does something, but the actual papers show it really does NOTHING AT ALL.
The actual scientific literature shows a correlation between LOW cholesterol and higher risk of heart attacks. That makes sense because cholesterol is PROTECTIVE, not harmful.
Both cholesterol are good, nor does dietary cholesterol inherently increase blood level cholesterol made by your body.
Blaming cholesterol for health problems is like blaming your blood when you get a cut. The blood which is forming a scar (healing) isn't to blame, ever for the cut.
I don't need to argue cholesterol because questioning "the science" is good, though I will say that the good bits of biological research (lots of third party research across the world) don't agree, but that also doesn't mean we should just take that as fact.
What I do find amusing is that you believe that dietary cholesterol can't increase in the blood, as food gives us all sorts of nutrition and puts carcinogenic stuff in our blood.
Seems weird that you would, I assume, accept that microplastics can enter our bodies through consumption but not cholesterol.
You've got an entirely wrong perspective on things. Our bodies regulate our cholesterol levels. Our bodies are an incredibly amazing tool given to us by God. People who have high cholesterol have such because of any number of reasons outside of dietary restrictions.
though I will say that the good bits of biological research (lots of third party research across the world) don't agree, but that also doesn't mean we should just take that as fact.
Seems weird that you would, I assume, accept that microplastics can enter our bodies through consumption but not cholesterol.
Entering our bodies != entering our bloodstreams, nor having an impact on us. Microplastics is such a laughably different context that the fact you would even compare the two shows your level of understanding of the human body.
Cholesterol isn't even a, "nutrient" as you suggest.
I take nattokinase and red yeast rice so I don’t have artery clogging. Now the Japanese have found it nukes the spike proteins and breaks up the clots. I always suspected it might.
The cholesterol is bad health theory has been proven to be a bunch of BS based on fear, money and cherry picked studies.
Nina Teicholz has some great presentations on this and even the heart associations have stopped saying things like eggs are bad for heart health. It's not cholesterol, its underlying issues which cholesterol then addresses. It's like a scab, its not the scab that is the issue it is the cut. Inflammation is what should be addressed for vascular health.
Nina Tiecholz has info on how the big food oil company money and psyop influenced the "science" on cholesterol. It's called the big fast surprise. What I find interesting is that all of the things that lead to health, meat and their natural fats, eggs are both under attack right now .... They know we know and they don't want a population that eats well and is firing on all cylinders. They want sick, pharmaceutically dependent workers to do their bidding, they don't want your brain or body working as it should. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hzQAHITIUhg
Don't assume that with plants. Nothing really wants to be eaten. Animals can fight or run. Plants are good chemists. 50%of all poisons are from plants. Fruits are more likely to be okay but still a risk. Leafs and seeds are where the danger can really occure
Not only that but every green nowadays is not natural so to say, the tomatoes of today do not look even close to 100 or 500 years ago.
Humans have crossbred plants quite a lot trying to make them more efficient. Bigger, resilient to diseases etc but most of them are just a pack of water and fiber which is useless for us, not nutricient at all.
Even if they got some nutrients the absorbability rate is very small compared to eating meat where our body can fully absorb without any issue.
One of the ways to verify this is simple, vegans visit the WC quite often and its not a pleasant experience. Carnivores on the other hand neither do they go to the WC so often nor do they have any issues whatsoever.
Even if they got some nutrients the absorbability rate is very small compared to eating meat
That's because the limited amount of nutrients that can be found in plants (when doing a lab experiment) are mostly locked up in the fiber, which humans cannot digest. Plus, plants have anti-nutrients which block the absorption of nutrients, even if we could get at them.
The "plant-based diet" is the #1 reason for health problems in the world today.
Rock is that you? Your Adam movie was on TV last nite and it’s the worst three minutes I’ve ever tried to set thru a show. Thank God for Guy F’s DDD reruns.
$3.43 a day? It may be worse than it used to be, but one month of eggs is about what it costs to take someone to dinner these days. I’m trying to eat cheap, despite the circumstances.
Doesn't even make fucking sense. Diabetes is insulin resistance, and type 2 comes from being flooded with insulin and your body building a resistance to it from repeated exposure of high doses on a regular basis.
Eggs are cholesterol and fat, not carbs. You don't even get an insulin release from eggs on their own. This is why steak and eggs was a ketogenic diet of champions, and THEY certainly didn't gain diabetes, and they were eating like a dozen eggs a fucking day.
eating mostly protein and good saturated fat linked to Diabetes, but not the highly processed carb-loaded fake veggie meat or the fake extremely carb-heavy food pyramid we were taught as kids by big food companies. NOpe, not that :p
I believe the egg must be a near perfect food and must have some protective or healing qualities given how people are now forced to eat less of them, unless they have chickens or a big grocery budget.
I suspect it will turn out that the extra risk in the second article comes from "People who eat eggs are also likely to eat toast with butter and jelly and put milk and sugar in their coffee, so they'll get a lot more sugar than people who eat, I dunno, broccoli for breakfast."
I eat half a dozen eggs a day. Im single digits bf, in my mid 40s, and recently mistaken for being in my late 20s. Yes, I train everyday. Yes, I spend as much time as I can being under the sun. I also fast daily. Whatever the consensus is, always look and dig into the opposite.
I used to read the same crap about butter. One minute it's good for you and the next minute it's sure death. I'd take nutritionists more seriously if they could make up their fucking minds.
Eggs are one of thee most ancient things in our human diets. For them to come out and tell you they're bad for us, means they've got an agenda. They'd rather see us drink fluoride and consume corn syrup than eat something as natural as an egg.
The cost says it all. I think bird flu is a hoax to increase the cost. In general, what they say, do the opposite! When “Covid” first broke, I purchased a stock of C, D, Zinc, quercetin, NAC and nattokinace. I just replaced the NAC, original price $5.99, paid $16 yesterday.
Btw they also told us to take a baby aspirin a day for cardiovascular disease prevention. But now The American Heart Association (AHA) & The American College of Cardiology (ACC) NO LONGER RECOMMENDS THE DAILY LOW-DOSE ASPIRIN COURSE OF PREVENTION for “healthy” adults. The eggs reminded me of this.
The one thing I noticed early on during Covid was the ones on long term blood thinners prior to the “pandemic” faired much better than those who were not taking any.
A local MD was telling her pts to start taking a daily low-dose aspirin if they took the vax.
Lol. I would love to read the mental gymnastics it takes to say an egg (protein & fat doesnt cause insulin spikes) increase risk for diabetes which is insulin resistance. What will they say next, a spoonful of sugar lowers it?
I’m the last of six kids. With the first two my Mom wasn’t supposed to gain more than 20 pounds, with the third they told her to gain 40, with the next three, she did what she wanted. Common sense that’s all it is. Eat eggs and limit your sugar. They always flip flop on the “science” so do what makes sense.
They did the same thing with meat around 2017. All those years prior they said red meat was liked to heart disease and then around 2017 they said eating red meat was actually good for you.
Approximately 90% of all health problems are self-inflicted by (a) not eating the right foods that promote human health, and (b) eating the wrong foods that do harm by creating toxins in the body.
That includes everyone who THINKS they are "eating healthy."
Most people are actually malnourished, which explains all the health problems.
A carnivore diet is a great and tasty way to test this idea.
I've currently on it and brain fog has lifted, weight is coming off, energy is consistent, afternoon energy crashes are gone, thoughts seem sharper, sleep is better, joints feel new.
I'm not going back from this. The SAD (standard American diet) is a thing of the past for me. This is just to remarkable to stop. It's been eye opening.
Fake news. Eggs are probably the closest thing to a truly perfect food source out there. Our bodies need fats, protein and choline-- and, our brains require cholesterol to operate.
Exactly. Some think Alzheimer's / dementia is due to insufficient fat intake.
It's more related to insulin resistance as a result of eating too many carbs, but you're on the right track. Heart disease is also highly related to the same carb diet.
I have to agree that is better to consume more fats than carbs. Carbs are only needed to help retain water and sodium. But beyond that function fats and proteins are way more important.
I thought it was related to toxic metals found in food likely from Chemtrails runoff.
Carbs are the #1 problem. Everything else is secondary.
I thought it was due to Trump's tax cut a couple years ago.
That's because nerves and brain cells utilize a lot of fat. All nerves have a fatty coating that is trouble if removed.
This is crazy talk, everyone knows eggs give you strokes, heart attacks, blood clots, seizures, myocarditis and died suddenly’s
They also contribute to CLIMATE CHANGE which then turns around and gives you all that stuff as well. Oh and it gives you racism too.
Damn racist chickens
Your brain is mostly cholesterol.
Looks like runny yolks are good for you, but hard-boiled = death! /s
and cause climate change. And racism.
Why are egg whites encapsulating the yellow yolk, as though it’s holding the yolk hostage?
That’s right, more White Supremacy. And Trump is emboldening the egg whites to strangle the yolk, with Russia’s help.
(/s… kind of)
I hope wokes don't see your comment.
I know, right?
These things go from jokes to reality so fast these days.
Asian hate crime is on the rise!
That’s why I only eat the brown ones
Hard boiled? Man I'm in trouble 😵💫
This is why they want to discourage use with fear and now with price. The wealthy will still have eggs
They're literally designed to provide 100% nourishment for a developing body. How can they not be perfect?
Well.. different species have different nutritional needs. We are not birds, so it is lacking in some critical nutrition. But that's why we don't eat just eggs for every meal.
You're not a spinach plant, either.
Your argument is a red herring.
No, you're just being silly. One food is not enough to satisfy our entire dietary needs, period. Just because eggs have the nutrition for baby poultry to grow doesn't mean it has all the right nutrients for human adults.
It is rich in some things and devoid of others. Don't be obtuse.
Could be what they feed to the food we eat. Force feed garbage and corn. Results in higher amounts of omega 6, which increase inflammation. Free range are packed with more omega 3's
I have always had the ability to see the BS behind these claims. I never believed in the egg cholesterol nonsense. I never paid attention to these experts, even as a teen in the 1970's. I barely graduated high school, drove around in my Ford Pinto smoking pot and listening to talk radio. I think I actually learned more in that way. I never got indoctrinated by the school system. Talk radio gave me an education of a different sort. I always question authority and never believe the narrative.
That was YOU! Dude, you hit my AMC Pacer and knocked the bumper off. You owe me $56 in 1970’s dollars.
Let me know if you want to get that Pacer out of the yard. I need a sturdy greenhouse for my early tomatoes
We built a sleeper pacer years ago, 400 small block, welded in mini tubs. Launched it and busted every window out of it and twisted the body so that one fender sat four inches higher than the other. Those were the days, a lot of work for 11 seconds of fun.
Literal LOL. I really enjoy you guys.
Ford Pinto and AMC Pacer.
Two of the most ridiculous cars ever invented.
Don't forget the VW Thing.
We put a Chevy 350 in the back seat of an old VW Bug. Didn't last long before it ripped the body and frame apart, but it was a fun "experiment" kek
🤣🤣🤣🤣 I never knocked the bumper off of any car, although I did back into a pole that I forgot was there 🤪
Eggs do have a lot of cholesterol.
The problem is, big pharma and their minions conflated all cholesterol together.
Eggs are high in good cholesterol, HDL. High density means it's extremely unlikely to stick to your arterial walls due to how big it is, and passes through unimpeded.
LDL, low density, is what a lot of seed oils cause, and these can slowly build up in your arteries and block proper blood flow, and if they don't break off early can cause problems down the line. HDL, IIRC, can also counteract this by "knocking" it off the walls before it's a problem.
This is also why old ladies end up eating bacon, eggs and toast every day for 90 some years and live for another 10.
Both cholesterol is good. HDL and LDL when you ate on a ketogenic diet.
The entire concept of cholesterol -- both HDL and LDL -- is false.
They are simply directional. One brings cholesterol from the liver to the cells where needed, and the other brings unneeded cholesterol from the cells back to the liver.
Neither is harmful.
The "recommendations" by the medical business industry are FAKE. None are based on real evidence.
There is a board of about a dozen or so "doctors" who control ALL of those recommendations. They have been constantly lowering the amount over the years where they tell doctors to sell statin drugs.
And guess what?
Those individuals on the board are ALL PAID BY THE STATIN DRUG COMPANIES.
Lipitor is a complete scam. It is like the Pfizer coof vaxx study. They CLAIM the drug does something, but the actual papers show it really does NOTHING AT ALL.
The actual scientific literature shows a correlation between LOW cholesterol and higher risk of heart attacks. That makes sense because cholesterol is PROTECTIVE, not harmful.
Lipitor has serious long term side effects and once you are on for a while you can not drop off of them easily.
Both cholesterol are good, nor does dietary cholesterol inherently increase blood level cholesterol made by your body.
Blaming cholesterol for health problems is like blaming your blood when you get a cut. The blood which is forming a scar (healing) isn't to blame, ever for the cut.
I don't need to argue cholesterol because questioning "the science" is good, though I will say that the good bits of biological research (lots of third party research across the world) don't agree, but that also doesn't mean we should just take that as fact.
What I do find amusing is that you believe that dietary cholesterol can't increase in the blood, as food gives us all sorts of nutrition and puts carcinogenic stuff in our blood.
Seems weird that you would, I assume, accept that microplastics can enter our bodies through consumption but not cholesterol.
You've got an entirely wrong perspective on things. Our bodies regulate our cholesterol levels. Our bodies are an incredibly amazing tool given to us by God. People who have high cholesterol have such because of any number of reasons outside of dietary restrictions.
That's simply not true.
Entering our bodies != entering our bloodstreams, nor having an impact on us. Microplastics is such a laughably different context that the fact you would even compare the two shows your level of understanding of the human body.
Cholesterol isn't even a, "nutrient" as you suggest.
The issue is that LDL and HDL are not bad.
I take nattokinase and red yeast rice so I don’t have artery clogging. Now the Japanese have found it nukes the spike proteins and breaks up the clots. I always suspected it might.
The cholesterol is bad health theory has been proven to be a bunch of BS based on fear, money and cherry picked studies.
Nina Teicholz has some great presentations on this and even the heart associations have stopped saying things like eggs are bad for heart health. It's not cholesterol, its underlying issues which cholesterol then addresses. It's like a scab, its not the scab that is the issue it is the cut. Inflammation is what should be addressed for vascular health.
Nina Tiecholz has info on how the big food oil company money and psyop influenced the "science" on cholesterol. It's called the big fast surprise. What I find interesting is that all of the things that lead to health, meat and their natural fats, eggs are both under attack right now .... They know we know and they don't want a population that eats well and is firing on all cylinders. They want sick, pharmaceutically dependent workers to do their bidding, they don't want your brain or body working as it should. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hzQAHITIUhg
When I was a kid the UK tv ads advised all to go to work on an egg. I still do.
They do this to keep us off balance, remove any truth or foundations, so we don't know what or who to trust.
If it's natural and not processed, I just assume it's good and eat it.
Don't assume that with plants. Nothing really wants to be eaten. Animals can fight or run. Plants are good chemists. 50%of all poisons are from plants. Fruits are more likely to be okay but still a risk. Leafs and seeds are where the danger can really occure
Not only that but every green nowadays is not natural so to say, the tomatoes of today do not look even close to 100 or 500 years ago.
Humans have crossbred plants quite a lot trying to make them more efficient. Bigger, resilient to diseases etc but most of them are just a pack of water and fiber which is useless for us, not nutricient at all.
Even if they got some nutrients the absorbability rate is very small compared to eating meat where our body can fully absorb without any issue.
One of the ways to verify this is simple, vegans visit the WC quite often and its not a pleasant experience. Carnivores on the other hand neither do they go to the WC so often nor do they have any issues whatsoever.
That's because the limited amount of nutrients that can be found in plants (when doing a lab experiment) are mostly locked up in the fiber, which humans cannot digest. Plus, plants have anti-nutrients which block the absorption of nutrients, even if we could get at them.
The "plant-based diet" is the #1 reason for health problems in the world today.
I have to be careful bc vegs and some fruits cause me inflammation. Cant eat them.
Nightshades are the worst, but damn they are delicious.
Seriously! My body hates tomatoes!
Stop eating my lawn!
Works for me too.
Find out who funds the study and that will usually tell you more than the study itself.
Darn, I used to eat 12 eggs for breakfast every day, so I probably have like 1,000 diabetes
Rock is that you? Your Adam movie was on TV last nite and it’s the worst three minutes I’ve ever tried to set thru a show. Thank God for Guy F’s DDD reruns.
Mandatory vocabulary for the day: propaganda
I eat a half dozen eggs every day. I guess my risk of getting diabetes is increased by 360%.
You must be rich. Or have chickens.
$3.43 a day? It may be worse than it used to be, but one month of eggs is about what it costs to take someone to dinner these days. I’m trying to eat cheap, despite the circumstances.
Doesn't even make fucking sense. Diabetes is insulin resistance, and type 2 comes from being flooded with insulin and your body building a resistance to it from repeated exposure of high doses on a regular basis.
Eggs are cholesterol and fat, not carbs. You don't even get an insulin release from eggs on their own. This is why steak and eggs was a ketogenic diet of champions, and THEY certainly didn't gain diabetes, and they were eating like a dozen eggs a fucking day.
Stop applying science and tRuSt ThE eXpErTs.
Who is the editor at that place??? Do they not pay attention to their own publishing history?
They look like fools.
That's never stopped them.
The editor is likely a spell checker and a WordPress script.
Because they are.
Whole milk, whole butter, eggs, REAL cheese and REAL beef are GOOD FOR YOU! Don't eat the fake crap!
eating mostly protein and good saturated fat linked to Diabetes, but not the highly processed carb-loaded fake veggie meat or the fake extremely carb-heavy food pyramid we were taught as kids by big food companies. NOpe, not that :p
Lucky Charms: "officially" healthier than eggs.
Don't even get me started on Frosted Flakes! #superfood
What came first? The chicken or the diabetes?
ROFLMAO. Thanks for the laugh.
I believe the egg must be a near perfect food and must have some protective or healing qualities given how people are now forced to eat less of them, unless they have chickens or a big grocery budget.
I suspect it will turn out that the extra risk in the second article comes from "People who eat eggs are also likely to eat toast with butter and jelly and put milk and sugar in their coffee, so they'll get a lot more sugar than people who eat, I dunno, broccoli for breakfast."
That's fundamental analysis.
who would just do what everybody else is doing without asking themselves if it's true first?
I eat half a dozen eggs a day. Im single digits bf, in my mid 40s, and recently mistaken for being in my late 20s. Yes, I train everyday. Yes, I spend as much time as I can being under the sun. I also fast daily. Whatever the consensus is, always look and dig into the opposite.
I used to read the same crap about butter. One minute it's good for you and the next minute it's sure death. I'd take nutritionists more seriously if they could make up their fucking minds.
Damn now I’m hungry for some eggs!
Eggs are one of thee most ancient things in our human diets. For them to come out and tell you they're bad for us, means they've got an agenda. They'd rather see us drink fluoride and consume corn syrup than eat something as natural as an egg.
The cost says it all. I think bird flu is a hoax to increase the cost. In general, what they say, do the opposite! When “Covid” first broke, I purchased a stock of C, D, Zinc, quercetin, NAC and nattokinace. I just replaced the NAC, original price $5.99, paid $16 yesterday.
I’ve given up on that nonsense, yesterday I had 3 boiled eggs, it was banger.
Stunning journalism as always from the Daily Fail.
They been doing this with eggs for decades.
Coffee too.
Btw they also told us to take a baby aspirin a day for cardiovascular disease prevention. But now The American Heart Association (AHA) & The American College of Cardiology (ACC) NO LONGER RECOMMENDS THE DAILY LOW-DOSE ASPIRIN COURSE OF PREVENTION for “healthy” adults. The eggs reminded me of this.
Blood thinners would certainly help prevent blood clots caused by the fake vaxx.
Also, interesting that younger males, not older males, are "dying suddenly" -- exactly the ones who are NOT taking blood thinners.
The incredible edible is egg...commercials
Always been the super food.
Lol. I would love to read the mental gymnastics it takes to say an egg (protein & fat doesnt cause insulin spikes) increase risk for diabetes which is insulin resistance. What will they say next, a spoonful of sugar lowers it?
The protein actually slows the glycemic breakdown of other foods.
I’m the last of six kids. With the first two my Mom wasn’t supposed to gain more than 20 pounds, with the third they told her to gain 40, with the next three, she did what she wanted. Common sense that’s all it is. Eat eggs and limit your sugar. They always flip flop on the “science” so do what makes sense.
Next: MSM: Egg shortage is causing Rash of SUDDEN DEATHS!!! Dahn Dda Dum!
wow, what crap. I probably eat 10 a week, when the girls are laying.
They did the same thing with meat around 2017. All those years prior they said red meat was liked to heart disease and then around 2017 they said eating red meat was actually good for you.
Someone gave them more money to make that bullshit.
Approximately 90% of all health problems are self-inflicted by (a) not eating the right foods that promote human health, and (b) eating the wrong foods that do harm by creating toxins in the body.
That includes everyone who THINKS they are "eating healthy."
Most people are actually malnourished, which explains all the health problems.
We have all been lied to about this.
Animal foods = good for human health
Plant foods = bad for human health
Watch "Plants are trying to kill you."
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j1cqNDDG4aA permalink parentsavereportblockdelete edit reply
Thanks - very interesting video. Got any more please?
Here are a few of the best I have come across --
How Bad Science and Big Business Created the Obesity Epidemic:
Little Shop of Horrors? Risks and Benefits of Eating Plants:
What Humans Actually Evolved to Eat:
Weston A. Price -- Old Footage:
Principles of a Proper Human Diet:
What Really Makes You Ill:
MANY THANKS! Hugely appreciated :D
A carnivore diet is a great and tasty way to test this idea.
I've currently on it and brain fog has lifted, weight is coming off, energy is consistent, afternoon energy crashes are gone, thoughts seem sharper, sleep is better, joints feel new.
I'm not going back from this. The SAD (standard American diet) is a thing of the past for me. This is just to remarkable to stop. It's been eye opening.
The result of all the wasteful government spending on BS research.