Scoop: Anheuser Busch insider tells me execs are angry at release of Dylan Mulvaney can
It wasn’t posted on any AB/BL social medias & the leading theory is that a Leftist manager secretly did it on their own to push trans agenda
New PR statement expected
Possible lawsuit…

Didn’t matter if they released the can or not. It was their Trans campaign that will end them. It totally disrespects real woman.
and real men!
And real beer.
And that's just criminal....
beer consumption promotes estrogen dominance anyway.
Vikings drank beer
and they counteracted the effects. How? Cold exposure and adaptation increases testosterone. Boom.
Probably something like this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oEhzyYZPvwU
I lived in Colorado 26 yrs, drank beer at high altitude- in the cold.
There's a reason the Olympic Training Center is located in Colo Springs (altitude). Which makes me a big balled world class beer drinker... one Vikings could only envy. ;)
cheers ; )
They drank their beer from horns. That makes all the difference.
Horny beer makes you manly?
Don't you feel a bit better just having said those words in that order?
Now change that question mark to an exclamation mark and then you get it! Kek
I knew there was a reason I should be drinking more beer....only a few more days until Lent is over.....
Budweiser was already doing that.
They did that long ago
It's a form of alcohol abuse. kek
and promotes Pedophilia.
But they are truly sorry that they got caught. Soon these saboteurs will become so toxic that HR Die offices will be converted into Normal background checks to insure that dangerous mental cases are screened out of the hiring process. I used to use a standard Stanton psychological survey to obtain a basic peek under the hood. That was before combat boots, nose rings, face tats, and rainbow colored hair.
Go woke go broke
What genius marketing.
Yeah no. That's not even how production works.
The coordination required to hire the tranny, the graphic artists, multiple people in the approval process......lots.
No 1-single person would be able to just secretly devise AND solely put the product out there.
Many other people had to be involved. No way to do this AND hide it from other execs. Not a chance.
^This right here.^
This can campaign wasn't developed overnight. It's a major undertaking. TONS of people would have been involved.
Yesterday I wondered if this is a part of a white hat plan, to just up the crazy to 1000 to make sure the people get more and more fed up.
The executives at these companies must know by now that their sales are not going to go up if they go woke these days, let alone tranny woke.
Also the commercial by Balenciaga with the child abuse theme and the child abuse police report in the commercial..... that is just too odd. Is it the cabal taunting us, or is it the white hats who are helping to up the crazy to wake people up?
Maybe less than 10.
Yup. Pretty sure any company that large doesn't release ads without someone with a three letter title laying eyes on it.
They fucked up and are in damage control, but they fucked up so bigly?
Doubt anyone will look at Budweiser the same way, ever again.
Used to be an American company, but now is foreign owned and their leadership has no clue about American values.
Massive damage control.
It’s too late, if I see any of my friends and family drinking any Bud product I’m gonna tell them I didn’t know they were gay - just for shits and giggles. And I actually have gay friends and family members.
Good response
I dunno, it's not hard to make mock up can labels, slap a six pack together and ship it.
But they should feel the heat if they employ someone who is doing that.
Ex-designer here. The idea this could be done in a rogue fashion is laughable. You have to get signed approval from at least 3 people when it comes to changing the leading and kerning of the font (the measured space between letters and words). That’s JUST for font size changing. I guarantee that can was put through a bunch of critiques and meetings. This is AB trying to cover their asses hoping no one understands the process of greenlighting something like this. Ridiculous.
No. Like most political stunts that have a degree of risk, they intentionally bypassed their usual blitz campaign of advertising with a soft release to gauge public interest. Now that their core audience is fucking livid, they have plausible deniability.
I believe you 100% and I believe this is the backtracking cover-their ass that's going on as described by Draino. They are full of crap and won't recover from this.
As another anon who works in advertising, you are spot on.
Plus, companies that large use legal to approve everything that is on the can before production.
100% you are right. What cowards to try and lie and pretend they had no idea. I hope their sales absolutely get hammered and everyone involved is fired.
As a current designer I 100% agree with this.
Clearly they misjudged the reception this would have and are trying to cover their asses and backtrack after it blew up in their faces.
Now I'm sure someone will be thrown under the bus as a sacrificial lamb in an attempt to damage control. The higher ups will never accept blame and will always pile it onto someone low on the totem pole.
Who’s the genius trying to push trans agenda on beer drinking straight males. The hero we don’t deserve by putting this gay shit in cans for a community that does not want it. Haven’t they seen hockey players start telling people to get fuct with their rainbow shit. It was a matter of time before this started happening
Seriously! It's almost as bad as setting up an anti-2A false flag in Tennessee. Who do they think they'll be altering the brain waves of, anyway?
Gun ownership in TN ~ over half the population.
It is the biggest mistake a company has ever made. A total death blow.
Of course, the drunks will still drink their Bud, but this transcends that.
It is a black widow moment.
In their defense only faggots drink that piss water.
I apologize in advance to any pedes who like BL. 😁
I have always hated BL, but love Miller Lite and many would argue ML is piss also, lol.
Unfortunately, this whole situation has made me aware that ML is woke also, sigh.
Need to find another beer.
Right? Even Heineken is woke. I think I heard that B Gates (of hell) owes a big part of it.
Larry Fink will make it worth it
All bull shit that did it they know they fucked up now but let them go bankrupt woke fucks
Sh!t, this didn't work out the way we planned and it's affecting our bottom line. People are boycotting us! Reverse course!
I guess they shouldn’t have filled their c-suite and management cadre with dick choppers and weirdos. Now they lose.
I’ve got to throw the bullshit flag on this narrative. A lot of work goes into designing and printing images on a beer can. It’s hard to believe no one in that chain of tasks would not alert Anheuser-Busch Executives along the way, even if it was inadvertently. Sounds like the flimsiest coverup story possible.
What about the tranny commercial? Sorry no more Stella's for me and Bud is skunk piss anyway
Bullshit. At a minimum, the Chief Marketing Officer had to sign off on it. Managers don’t get to modify production lines and affect the public image of the company. Not to mention, Publicis is their agency of record and would have placed a call to the C suite for approval.
No way man! I don't buy it at all!
So a major beer can redesign was executed involving many teams (design and manufacturing), with an ensuing major distribution of said beer can, along with major production of a social media commercial (all of which will include contracts, involving legal teams) all flying under the radar?
NO. FUCKING. WAY! That is almost hysterical!
So what's really going on? AH/Bud Light are now realizing they not only fucked up, they REALLY fucked up and they are getting torched over this!
They now have no choice but to play damage control and try to walk this back, maybe going so far as to claim that it was some sort of internal Woke DIE manager who went rogue, acting without approval or oversight.
Do not believe it!
And even if this is all true, AH/Bud Light needs to be punished severely anyway (and I'm talking 10s of billions of dollars in revenue losses). Because every company needs to see what happens when you employ retarded Woke DEI zombies on staff.
I thought this was just limited to specifically Mulvaney (or whatever his name is)? I don't think this was actually distributed ti customers. Did I misunderstand that?
(Just checked and it was limited to just him). I think we are misdirecting the outrage. The bigger issue is they hired Mulvaney to be a spokesman/influencer for their beer. Nobody other than Mulvaney can even buy those awful cans, but everyone that sees ads anywhere (TV/online/billboards/etc.) will see this freak pushing an alleged beer that used to be 100% American but is now international and pushed by a trannie.
"Bud Light"
The most littered beer trash in Florida.
True. ~{°¡°}~
KEK! "you will never be a beer" banner.
<pulling the lever on the BS detector>
Bullshit. They are just going to blame it on 1 person like Balenciaga scandal.
In other news, did anyone see Angel Reese brother after Womens March Madness with her wearing a Balenciaga hoody
In other words, their move to wokeism backfired on them, and are making this shit up as a way to backtrack. Gotcha.
Bud is dead to me. No more will people who hate me get my money.
I emailed and stopped drinking Sam Adams and Guinness when they boycotted the Boston and NYC St. Patty's Day parades wanting gays to march under their own banner. Sam Adams actually responded to me, saying they only boycotted the Boston parade, not the nyc one. I told them they were all my parades. Kek!
...damage done
Hahaha, sounds like they have called in the help of Captain Hindsight.
I'm surprised no one has done a deep dive on AB.. It's not like this should be a surprise.
Anyone buying into this bullshit deserves to drink that clydesdale piss. There is absolutely no way this radical marketing campaign and packaging change took place without the board’s knowledge. Typical scumbag corporate leeches decline knowledge of and/or ownership of responsibility for a horrible decision then throw a subordinate under the bus when it turns bad. Alienating 99+% of the population is a devastating business decision every time. We the people decide if these corporations survive. 👎
Clydesdale piss? That’s an insult to those beautiful creatures they had nothing to do with this.
From now on it shall be forever known as TRANNY PISS tell a friend.
Blahahaha…..Tranny fluid
100% this
This debacle produced that amazing Kid Rock video and for that I thank Anheuser Busch, I never drank that trash beer anyway!
Bullshit. They FAFO is what happened...
"We didn't mean to go woke. Please don't make us go broke!"
Ok so I’m not a beer drinker … but when I think of beer drinkers I think of real men, beards, balls and all shooting the shit having a cold one. The thought of a group of trannys drinking a cold one and shooting the shit is just so far out there that … the mental gymnastics to conjure such a thought is painful.
there was a lot of people involved in a production change like this..it is Bullshit that one person on their own did it....go woke go broke...
Damage control! Execs most likely knew about it and ran the campaign anyway. These things take months of planning; manufacturing can logos, production/packaging, media blitz, etc. I'm not buying the corporate execs back-pedaling BS!
Go woke, go broke! Avoid this product!
They did it, not expecting such blowback, now they're backpedaling.
Welp sucks when that happens, but better work fast to clean it up because, well ya know, go woke go broke.
Play with fire (from hell) you get burned. Or as a great man said "Go woke, go broke."
Oh boy, here were go with the "we had no idea!" backpedal and spin. Followed up with tossing some low level marketing schmuck under the bus. Yeah, I really believe ButtWiper execs had NO IDEA this was happening.
Ok, we’ll I am going to accidentally not buy any AB products moving forward. These demons have to feel severe market pain. If you are thinking the same thing check the labels. AB is like the P&G of beer and owns a ton of different beer labels. Support local breweries. Way better beer anyway!
That's what you get for hiring a Leftist manager. Now the brand that has been around for decades is dead forever.
Learn to brew your own beer. There, solved everybody's problem