If they waited 2 years for the vaccines, then the cabal could claim they went through exhausting tests and study’s and were found to be completely safe. At which point the govt could make those vaccines mandatory since they “completed” all fda safety studies. It would be vaccines or lose your job. Vaccines or close your business. Vaccines or your kids don’t go to school, then get taken away because you wouldn’t provide for their safety. Vaccines or no outdoor activities or recreational use. Vaccines or jail.
And the military distribution / nat guard distribution to the public in some cases seems to have been done in an intentionally incorrect way. Not keeping the shots to temperature for instance, would this decay the bioweapon?
I respectfully disagree in the most violent manner consistent with polite decorum
This movie is absolute pure nauseating pornography and only keeps getting worse...children are being slaughtered daily en masse with poison and violent sexual abuse...we've never seen such a disgusting, horrible movie, it's absolutely nightmarish, the worst sci-fi horror crime drama imaginable, we'd be streaming from the theater screaming and vomiting if it were an actual film.
Once bodies hit the floor, they could drone houses and just let the media report that they eliminated another terrorist cell that was actively plotting against America.
What could have been and what is, well, that is simply reality, is it not? This plandemic was planned decades ago. The timeline was set. Lockstep was set-up. The perception was the time was perfect.
plandemic -> big war to lose -> tyranny.
reality: plandemic = failed; big war = failed; tyranny = struggling to keep the upper hand.
It doesn't mean in other locations they went even further. But eh ... lockstep is gone.
So, what do you do when your plan fails? You salvage as much as possible. The financial sector is on the docket. And there is quite a lot going on.
If the VAXXX had been "officially" approved rather than made "experimental" due to Trump's warp speed, the remaining purebloods would be in combat right now.
They can't legally force someone to get the vax when its approved under emergency use provisions. It's not "fDa ApPrOvEd". Comernaty (however It's spelled) was the only one authorized and it was only available in Israel and a few other countries. If they had tried to force a rushed through FDA approved vax (physically forced) there would be hard-core fighting, hot style.
Good summary of the article. That's why it was rushed. In two years, it would not have been rushed and therefore approved and forced. More people would be desperate to get out of lockdown.
Resistance was NOT futile. That doesn't mean that resistance didn't require effort, courage, and grit.
Fortunately, covid resistance created stronger, savvier and more determined resisters who are now battle hardened and better prepared to win current and upcoming battles
Right, but they couldn't force people no matter what they wanted. Even in Washington State I just ignored the idiots reeing about me getting their vaxxed asses sick because I was walking up the aisle the wrong way unmasked.
Not for school. Also why couldn't it be mandatory now?
Additionally the injections were held back until after the election so Biden could be given credit. Why couldn't they home them back longer by deciding it couldn't be released until the trials were completed? Warp speed didn't FORCE them to bring the vaxxes out
The only two areas that temporarily required it are California and DC. You are not required to have a covid vaccine for your child to attend elementary school, kindergarten, middle school, high school, or college in the US. I don’t know about DC, but I do know that California no longer requires it for schools.
States are the ones who decide what is mandatory and what is not. The CDC just recommends the vaccinations, and by adding it to the childhood schedule for 6 months plus they are potentially enabling parents to enroll their child in a long term effects lab experiment. I chose not to do that to myself or to my family.
IMO This confirms without a doubt that our government and media are a bunch of sadistic sickos who wanted us dead. EVERY part of our government is corrupt. It also explains to the nay sayers on this platform why GEOTUS appeared to be pro-vax. Stable genius.
One thing not mentioned in the article was that President Trump let himself get sick with "covid" as he was working hard on the campaign and as President when "covid" hit.
I think that covid was getting released in 2020 with or without clinton. Then lockdowns till the vaxxines were designed, developed,tested. Then when everybody on tue planet were locked down for say 2 or 3 years, economy in shambles, the vaxxine gets released, mandated worldwide, digital banking now active, your fake money seized if you dont take the shot, job lost, no school, dragged to a concentration...i mean quarentine camp. Kids taken away. That is why we see different things going on at random times. Like hokul from ny pushing a quarentine camp, and digital monopoly money, and economy colapsing. This was the end of their 16 year plan. The final year of freedom. Now they are trying to roll everything out but nothing is sticking
A military coup could involve NATO or the UN or any other shitty actor like china coming into the country under the guise of humanitarian aid or "protecting democracy', and then never leaving just like how we've been parked in the middle east for the last several decades. How many people may have died in an event like that? What if the deep state still had their fingers on some world ending false flags and would have triggered them during a coup? We don't have the 40000 ft view unfortunately.
I think we're being given a 10000 ft view at best. Q speaking to us serves two purposes. A backchannel that is plausibly deniable to start an awakening, and a disinfo channel for the bad guys desperately looking for a hint. If the anons are wrong about one of Q's posts meanings, it's not the end of the world. If the DS is wrong, they may waste assets or make fatal moves. If you remember the early posts. A third possible purpose is that in our endless chatter, we may come up with strategies or scenarios that the Q team never thought of or make a connection on particular information that is useful. A department full of monkeys with typewriters if you will.
Covid and the vaccines were a huge failure of the plan. In no way can it be played off as anything else.
When the bad guys say, "We're going to kill 100+ million", you don't negotiate them down to 10 million and claim that as a victory. You kill the bad guys!!!
You’re both correct, but y’all are arguing/bantering over a false narrative.
Trump and Q told us long before Covid that they caught them all “we have everything”. The idea that DT could come into office with extremely strong support from the US Military, while knowing of the plandemic scheme but couldn’t do anything to stop it from kicking off is ridiculous.
Q told us patriots are in control before Covid kicked off, all of this tells me nothing is what it seems with Covid.
Yes ....that would be one way to do it, based on the premise negotiation has taken place. To solve this thing by the book, by the rule of law is a different but much harder way. It's like fighting a hot kinetic war while keeping the infrastructure in tact with the least civilian casualties ....
What advantages may that yield? Ammo is hard to come by?
The rotten head of cabbage not winning in 2020 severely fucked them. She was the key to everything. She was the one who would usher all this is darkness. They cheated in 2020, but they did it in a very half-assed was. They thought they had the election in the bag and Trump overwhelmed the cheat machine and I believe the military made sure of that.
They know who the deep state actors are. Round them up. Send them to GITMO. Take their ill gotten gain and execute them after a fair trial. Saving the innocent and making the guilty pay. Better plan. But, instead they played the game when they could have cut the knot.
Conflating real life war plans with Hollywood movie plans can lead to unrealistic expectations, disappointment, flawed analysis and complaints when reality doesn't conform with psywar induced fantasies.
Q described people who were not yet prepared to participate in genuine conversations. I reread what Q said frequently. Its posted on the sidebar here. Hopefully others do too.
Two years of what? The flu? There was not going to be die offs, there was no risk of mass victims of covid falling dead like they predicted. I don't get this pov. People would have figured out nothing was happening when people weren't dropping dead in the streets 2 years in. If anything, the Vax made it worse imo. People started dying from the Vax and were blamed on covid, making it seem even worse than percieved. If there was no Vax for two to three years, I don't think covid would have been as big of a thing. Just saying.
There was never an uptick in overall death, and that reality did nothing to wake people up in the first year. If anything they were getting more desperate. In fact, even after a full year, and being personally injected with an “effective” vaccine, most of them still went off the fucking deep-end insisting that others be locked up and force injected. I don’t buy for a second that they would have figured it out.
Hey now, I woke up because of the ridiculousness of the COVID Agenda. I was hook line and sinker scared until I started doing research. June of 2020 was the "oh shit" moment. Since then it has I've been researching and trying to find good sources.
Why do you think that MOST of the people that got vaxxed were insisting people be locked up or force injected? You are a victim of paranoid echo chambers and msm don't mean this as an insult. We all are to some degree.
Well, here in Canada the vast majority supported restricting the non vaccinated. There may be some hyperbole to my comment, but there’s no way people would have eased up in 2020. Otherwise they would have done so once they got their shot.
I'm glad you mentioned the hyperbole. I'd thank you, but that just feels weird. But thank you. I can tell you're Canadian just by that admission. As for the assumption that "there’s no way people would have eased up in 2020.", I'd say that personally I disagree, although only in a matter of degree I suppose.
Yes it would have. They wanted lockdowns never needed bodies in the streets, just fear. Death counters on the news, more remdesivir killings in hospitals, everything labeled a covid death. They never needed a deadly virus they needed a extremely contagious one. Media can do the rest.
True, and the scene where they installed the "fear file" was in Wuhan, China. It was of an event where people were dropping like flies. The media made it seem that covid was some sort of black death type event.
I still don't understand where this full years of lockdowns thing comes from almost all of the United States was out of lockdown before the release of the injections
If they waited 2 years for the vaccines, then the cabal could claim they went through exhausting tests and study’s and were found to be completely safe. At which point the govt could make those vaccines mandatory since they “completed” all fda safety studies. It would be vaccines or lose your job. Vaccines or close your business. Vaccines or your kids don’t go to school, then get taken away because you wouldn’t provide for their safety. Vaccines or no outdoor activities or recreational use. Vaccines or jail.
I also think they didn't have enough active ingredients for all of them. I read reports the Japanese tested them and found different strengths.
Different strengths, so, almost like an experiment
YEP...AND I also believe that President Trump was onto them BEFORE he took the Oath of Office...
And the military distribution / nat guard distribution to the public in some cases seems to have been done in an intentionally incorrect way. Not keeping the shots to temperature for instance, would this decay the bioweapon?
Wow that's a very interesting question.
Did I land in another timeline? All these things happened anyway. Americans really did have it easy.
I respectfully disagree in the most violent manner consistent with polite decorum
This movie is absolute pure nauseating pornography and only keeps getting worse...children are being slaughtered daily en masse with poison and violent sexual abuse...we've never seen such a disgusting, horrible movie, it's absolutely nightmarish, the worst sci-fi horror crime drama imaginable, we'd be streaming from the theater screaming and vomiting if it were an actual film.
Pass the popcorn please
Indeed, but that made all the difference, didn´t it? The same is being done with CBDC, EUid, digital persona etc: accept or die.
Two year lockdown and then 'vaccine' was exactly what Killary was rubbing her hands together looking forward to implementing. They never thought...
And there would have been 0 option to refuse the shot had they won. It would have been forced into every arm.
Would have a lot of dead cops, dead NG, and dead blue hats before that happened.
Every body dropped would have been a win for them..
Once bodies hit the floor, they could drone houses and just let the media report that they eliminated another terrorist cell that was actively plotting against America.
Isn't it crazy (and scary) how easy it is to quickly reframe reality with the right tools?!
Oh there are always options.
They stole the election on the back of mail in ballots pushed because of the virus. Just saying.
It was on all fronts to assure they didn't lose again. Dominion, mail ins, harvesting, the dead, forcing adjudication, etc.
The electronic fraud is debatable the mail in fraud is not.
Even your name is just a dose of black-pill.. What gives?
That too.
There was a Chinese consulate in Texas that was burning something outside.
Fake ballots? The news didn't tell us what they were burning but it seemed suspicious.
Then we saw packets from China Post that Ruby Freeman (if memory serves) opened up and counted.
Not quite. They needed the plandemic to steal the election!
Plandemic was the cover story to unprecedented fraud
All of the above
"2022 didnt matter. Neither will 2024".
For the NWO Death Cult, agreed.
Despite 24/7 psyops tempting naives to believe that resistance is futile, NCSWIC.
Not enough people are buying what the Death Cults psyops are selling any more. Thank God.
Congress flipped the house. Many states improved. It wasn't the tidal wave I wanted but it mattered
It did matter.
Trappedinbluestate... Love the name. I was trapped in NY for my whole life. Finally got out in 2016. Moved to South Carolina. Best move ever.
It was both. They needed to go all out to win with basement Joe.
Yeah, Covid was the justification for mass mail in ballots. Mass mail in ballots is how the mules stole the election.
Without Covid, they may not have been able to produce said ballots.
Mail in ballots facilitated the steal.
What could have been and what is, well, that is simply reality, is it not? This plandemic was planned decades ago. The timeline was set. Lockstep was set-up. The perception was the time was perfect.
plandemic -> big war to lose -> tyranny.
reality: plandemic = failed; big war = failed; tyranny = struggling to keep the upper hand.
It doesn't mean in other locations they went even further. But eh ... lockstep is gone.
So, what do you do when your plan fails? You salvage as much as possible. The financial sector is on the docket. And there is quite a lot going on.
If the VAXXX had been "officially" approved rather than made "experimental" due to Trump's warp speed, the remaining purebloods would be in combat right now.
We are still in combat .
And we should never forget!
They can't legally force someone to get the vax when its approved under emergency use provisions. It's not "fDa ApPrOvEd". Comernaty (however It's spelled) was the only one authorized and it was only available in Israel and a few other countries. If they had tried to force a rushed through FDA approved vax (physically forced) there would be hard-core fighting, hot style.
Good summary of the article. That's why it was rushed. In two years, it would not have been rushed and therefore approved and forced. More people would be desperate to get out of lockdown.
"Apparently they got away with it".
Temporarily =/= Permanently
With some people =/= With everyone.
Resistance was NOT futile. That doesn't mean that resistance didn't require effort, courage, and grit.
Fortunately, covid resistance created stronger, savvier and more determined resisters who are now battle hardened and better prepared to win current and upcoming battles
I wholeheartedly agree with the second statement. They’ve awakened more than a few wolves with their assault. Grrrrr
Right, but they couldn't force people no matter what they wanted. Even in Washington State I just ignored the idiots reeing about me getting their vaxxed asses sick because I was walking up the aisle the wrong way unmasked.
100 employee thing got shot down.
He tried. He failed in court. It just took too long to get there.
The vax is now on the child schedule of vaccines so it is officially approved
? It’s optional, just like every other vaccine. They ask you, you tell them you don’t want it for your child, and they move on
Not for school. Also why couldn't it be mandatory now?
Additionally the injections were held back until after the election so Biden could be given credit. Why couldn't they home them back longer by deciding it couldn't be released until the trials were completed? Warp speed didn't FORCE them to bring the vaxxes out
The only two areas that temporarily required it are California and DC. You are not required to have a covid vaccine for your child to attend elementary school, kindergarten, middle school, high school, or college in the US. I don’t know about DC, but I do know that California no longer requires it for schools.
States are the ones who decide what is mandatory and what is not. The CDC just recommends the vaccinations, and by adding it to the childhood schedule for 6 months plus they are potentially enabling parents to enroll their child in a long term effects lab experiment. I chose not to do that to myself or to my family.
IMO This confirms without a doubt that our government and media are a bunch of sadistic sickos who wanted us dead. EVERY part of our government is corrupt. It also explains to the nay sayers on this platform why GEOTUS appeared to be pro-vax. Stable genius.
Possibly a lot more years than two.
Fauci said 5-12 years in the beginning iirc.
Don't forget the illegal raid on his MAL home.
One thing not mentioned in the article was that President Trump let himself get sick with "covid" as he was working hard on the campaign and as President when "covid" hit.
I think that covid was getting released in 2020 with or without clinton. Then lockdowns till the vaxxines were designed, developed,tested. Then when everybody on tue planet were locked down for say 2 or 3 years, economy in shambles, the vaxxine gets released, mandated worldwide, digital banking now active, your fake money seized if you dont take the shot, job lost, no school, dragged to a concentration...i mean quarentine camp. Kids taken away. That is why we see different things going on at random times. Like hokul from ny pushing a quarentine camp, and digital monopoly money, and economy colapsing. This was the end of their 16 year plan. The final year of freedom. Now they are trying to roll everything out but nothing is sticking
Part of the 16 year plan sidelined by Trump.
Excellent writeup 👍
this makes perfect sense, thank you PresidenTrump
make sure you save this one
Next time I go to the funeral home and or graveyard, I’ll be sure to remember to say how much worse this could’ve been.
I would’ve preferred the military coup. Woulda saved lives. I just prefer not to play cloak and shadow games personally.
A military coup could involve NATO or the UN or any other shitty actor like china coming into the country under the guise of humanitarian aid or "protecting democracy', and then never leaving just like how we've been parked in the middle east for the last several decades. How many people may have died in an event like that? What if the deep state still had their fingers on some world ending false flags and would have triggered them during a coup? We don't have the 40000 ft view unfortunately.
Maybe. Perhaps that's where the Q posts come in. To gain that 40.000 foot view.
I think we're being given a 10000 ft view at best. Q speaking to us serves two purposes. A backchannel that is plausibly deniable to start an awakening, and a disinfo channel for the bad guys desperately looking for a hint. If the anons are wrong about one of Q's posts meanings, it's not the end of the world. If the DS is wrong, they may waste assets or make fatal moves. If you remember the early posts. A third possible purpose is that in our endless chatter, we may come up with strategies or scenarios that the Q team never thought of or make a connection on particular information that is useful. A department full of monkeys with typewriters if you will.
you actually got the coup they just didn't use guns, they used fear and needles.
Covid and the vaccines were a huge failure of the plan. In no way can it be played off as anything else.
When the bad guys say, "We're going to kill 100+ million", you don't negotiate them down to 10 million and claim that as a victory. You kill the bad guys!!!
"A huge failure of the plan".
Totally agree. It was definitely "a huge failure" of the NWOs Great Reset plan thanks to President Trumps genius and courage.
You’re both correct, but y’all are arguing/bantering over a false narrative.
Trump and Q told us long before Covid that they caught them all “we have everything”. The idea that DT could come into office with extremely strong support from the US Military, while knowing of the plandemic scheme but couldn’t do anything to stop it from kicking off is ridiculous.
Q told us patriots are in control before Covid kicked off, all of this tells me nothing is what it seems with Covid.
Yes ....that would be one way to do it, based on the premise negotiation has taken place. To solve this thing by the book, by the rule of law is a different but much harder way. It's like fighting a hot kinetic war while keeping the infrastructure in tact with the least civilian casualties ....
What advantages may that yield? Ammo is hard to come by?
Great article! I know just the black pilled doomer to share this with. Your timing is perfect.
The rotten head of cabbage not winning in 2020 severely fucked them. She was the key to everything. She was the one who would usher all this is darkness. They cheated in 2020, but they did it in a very half-assed was. They thought they had the election in the bag and Trump overwhelmed the cheat machine and I believe the military made sure of that.
This is definitely one to save. Really does clearly lay out a lot of what many have said about this subject.
Nicely done article that pulls it all together.
They know who the deep state actors are. Round them up. Send them to GITMO. Take their ill gotten gain and execute them after a fair trial. Saving the innocent and making the guilty pay. Better plan. But, instead they played the game when they could have cut the knot.
"Better plan....they could have cut the knot".
Conflating real life war plans with Hollywood movie plans can lead to unrealistic expectations, disappointment, flawed analysis and complaints when reality doesn't conform with psywar induced fantasies.
Q described people who were not yet prepared to participate in genuine conversations. I reread what Q said frequently. Its posted on the sidebar here. Hopefully others do too.
That is where game theory comes in. But don't let it bother you. I am sure you will blast your enemies to hell when they come knocking ...
Two years of what? The flu? There was not going to be die offs, there was no risk of mass victims of covid falling dead like they predicted. I don't get this pov. People would have figured out nothing was happening when people weren't dropping dead in the streets 2 years in. If anything, the Vax made it worse imo. People started dying from the Vax and were blamed on covid, making it seem even worse than percieved. If there was no Vax for two to three years, I don't think covid would have been as big of a thing. Just saying.
There was never an uptick in overall death, and that reality did nothing to wake people up in the first year. If anything they were getting more desperate. In fact, even after a full year, and being personally injected with an “effective” vaccine, most of them still went off the fucking deep-end insisting that others be locked up and force injected. I don’t buy for a second that they would have figured it out.
Hey now, I woke up because of the ridiculousness of the COVID Agenda. I was hook line and sinker scared until I started doing research. June of 2020 was the "oh shit" moment. Since then it has I've been researching and trying to find good sources.
I was speaking as society as a whole. I can’t imagine a scenario where the woke mob doesn’t get a vaccine and just decides to return to normal.
Glad to hear it was a catalyst for your awakening. Welcome aboard.
Why do you think that MOST of the people that got vaxxed were insisting people be locked up or force injected? You are a victim of paranoid echo chambers and msm don't mean this as an insult. We all are to some degree.
Well, here in Canada the vast majority supported restricting the non vaccinated. There may be some hyperbole to my comment, but there’s no way people would have eased up in 2020. Otherwise they would have done so once they got their shot.
I'm glad you mentioned the hyperbole. I'd thank you, but that just feels weird. But thank you. I can tell you're Canadian just by that admission. As for the assumption that "there’s no way people would have eased up in 2020.", I'd say that personally I disagree, although only in a matter of degree I suppose.
Yes it would have. They wanted lockdowns never needed bodies in the streets, just fear. Death counters on the news, more remdesivir killings in hospitals, everything labeled a covid death. They never needed a deadly virus they needed a extremely contagious one. Media can do the rest.
True, and the scene where they installed the "fear file" was in Wuhan, China. It was of an event where people were dropping like flies. The media made it seem that covid was some sort of black death type event.
Nah, many of them still haven't figured it out!
I still don't understand where this full years of lockdowns thing comes from almost all of the United States was out of lockdown before the release of the injections
"This is a dumbass article"
Using an idiosyncratic "ModernMan" definition?
"Article" == your comment?
I’m speaking directly to the article, not the op.
I challenge you to find one comment by me in the last 3 years where I labeled anyone pejoratively, doubt you find it.
Sticking with it,,,, “dumbass article”.
Also "sticking with it" ...."dumbass comment". : -).
The question I have is “why would y’all stickie this”.