Good Spotlight on X22Report Anons about the incoming World Scare Event. This is also possibly referred as “America’s Near Death Experience” by Juan O’Savin in the last 2 years. (3:05pm Edit: and for fuck’s sake Juan griefer’s, this is not a Juan Video!) Things could be different going forward, but could be the culminations of all US events as he has discussed and Q has warned/foretold. Time is up to be Prepped Anons for these events, fallout, and mentally prepare to help other Sheeple understand. That is our sworn roll Anons, for Where We Go One We Go All.
Also please read Principalities and Powers Chapter 2: The Sword. Starts on X22’s main Home Page.
God bless you all Anons for all you have done, are doing, and what we must face and do for our Countries.
Always ready Patriots...WWG1WGA
Jar heads gonna Jar
Dont each branch have different Ra's? Which one has "Hoorah"?
For all the events going on elsewhere in the country and world. Not much has really changed in my little corner of America beyond a couple more empty storefronts and more people doing “Redneck Engineering” as opposed to buying new products. So having something that’ll dramatically upset the proverbial apple cart will be interesting to see how people in the area react.
Same in my little town.
That's the beauty of how they operate. It's disgusting really. Piece by piece, little by little they take it from you and you don't even realize what's happening the fight isn't happening at your front door tho so I digress
What couldnt be farther from the truth?
Not much has changed where I'm at either. Eggs cost more. I've seen these gas prices before. Other than eggs, its same same here. Midwest is pretty slow to react and change. Cost of living is already super low here.
Stores are stocked fine other then Blood Bath and Beyond. I'm not buying cars or homes so that change hasn't been something in my spotlight.
Midwest you say? That is interesting. Where I'm at in the midwest, we see:
Shitloads of foreigners (mostly wearing towels around their heads) driving brand new Teslas, BMVs, Mercedes, and Range Rovers. Whites are now clearly a minority in what feels like Dearborn Michigan. Everything costs more, not just gas. 6 Items in your shopping cart at Sam's Club can be 75-100$. The regular grocery is not much better, even basic produce has gone up significantly. (you may recall Kroger boasted the pandemic was wonderful for their margins)
It is also far more dangerous to go out and drive now. There was a doped up meth addict stumbling in the middle of Highway 31 on tax day in front of my kids. Passerbys dragged her out of the road before she was run over. Pedestrians are everywhere now. I saw a guy riding his fucking bike on I65 two days ago. At least he was going against traffic. On the same day, a 39 year old stopped his car, got out and walked in front of a semi, shutting it down for the entire day. Yesterday I almost broadsided a car who pulled in front of me and stopped on SR 135. He was looking down at his phone and only turned to look at me once I laid on the horn. We've had a kid shot and killed at a bus stop a few months ago, a black victim was known to the black shooter. That shit would have never happened in a suburb of Indianapolis, but I guess it does now. Fights are rampant at public high schools, there is at least one a week, sometimes more frequent. This area is not the same as it was and I don't see it ever going back. Where do you live so we can put it down as a consideration as we will be moving out of this shithole.
you're in the wrong part of midwest, need to be further west/less people. still fairly normal and we have very few rude people like that with fancy cars, etc. we don't put up with it/call them out/they stay away.
Move to East side of Houston in Deer Park, Clear Lake, Friendswood, Pearland, etc... .
There are plenty of good paying jobs available and not enough people available to do the work.
I've known 4 people in the last few months (all professionals of one sort or another) who left their previous job (or laid off) and they had a new job by the next day paying about 10% higher wages. The only issue is, working around the Houston ship channel, NO DRUGS. If you can pass random drug tests, you can have all the good employment you want with no problem. If you fail one, it's a different story altogether.
It is a little warm down there but I will consider it. I like that is close to the gulf and I can get fresh fish. That has to be flown up here and it is always frozen.
One thing I'll chime in with Is that Midwest cost of living is not low, it just normal cost of living. Anywhere that has a higher cost of living is duping its constituents, and likely a lib 3rd world shit hole.
What are you denying, exactly? Someone else's personal experience in their own town? What are you, their neighbor lol
Someone who should still have their handshake.
Was a date range given? I don't mean to date fag, but we've been saying this for a long time... so is the update having to do with a specific time frame that we're anticipating?
Or is it just a culmination of a lot of things over the next 3-6 months, such as de-dollarization and loss of reserve status, nuclear brink, next plandemic, pansy-tifa goes crazy everywhere, 5G frequencies suddenly killing a lot of people, UFO sightings, etc.?
I am not trying to be sarcastic. All of the above have been tossed around (as well as other ideas) as being related to the scare event.
Anyone have any specific thoughts?
It's worth a listen, it's not JOS.
Why it’s worth to listen? Many people Here listened to 100 of them.
What’s JOS?
its worth a listen bc of the material Derek Johnson is pointing out, it's very similar to Devolution and Patel Patriot but, to me, more listenable.
Juan O Savin
Just listened to it. Either Derek knows what he is talking about, or he doesn't. I guess we will see.
I have not read every document that he references, (Law of War is 1,236 pages!) but the ones that I have read do match up with current events, including Trump's statements and some world events. I don't think this is so much DJ opinion as it is an explanation of how the COG is protecting us.
The FEMA document he referenced, released Apr 2023, has a chapter on Reconstitution. That makes me happy, since we must be near the end! LFG!
PS thank you for your thoughtful comment
I am hopeful. I don't have the time to read those documents, either. So, I recognize it is not for me to simply throw stones. And I'm not. I guess I'm to the point where I have hope, but not in anything specific, if that makes sense. And the longer things go, the more I am simply ready for thugs to come rolling down the street, and then it's game on. The fact that our economy is so broken (and fraudulent) means that it must come down in order to be replaced, and that will cause a lot of pain, no matter what. I'm ready.
Thanks for the hopium. Reconstitution will not be a picnic, though.
Same here, fren. I refuse to lose hope, but I can't say I'm particularly convinced of, or excited for, any particular'habbening'. When it happens, it happens. Until then hope is the way :)
Thanks, Fren... that means a lot
🤣😅😆 Hiw do you know if you havent read it? I have enough hopium for both of us, fren!
Because to reconstitute you must first tear down. The DS will not go quietly. It might not be a civil war, but the livelihoods of a lot of people will be suspended, trajectories changed, plans altered, etc. Simply put.. a lot of change... massive amounts of change... and people just don't do well with change. That's all I'm saying.
Oic. I'm thinking Reconstitution was published bc that's where we are now. Let's see what happens!
When will we see? How many more weeks?
Well, he didn't really say. The April 2023 publishing date for the reconstitution stuff is an indication of things moving forward, I guess. So, he's thinking soon... which to me means next few months. But that's a guess on my part.
The correct answer is 2 more weeks.
Much better carry on anon.
I’m only COMPARING what he has stated for years Anon. And this MOD never said this video is about Juan. Zip the grief dty6! That’s your warning.
Not griefing you, Brent; offering you some constructive criticism. Your post was not well received and many users were complaining. Deporting you for mod abuse. There was no grief, and "zip it" is an abusive comment.
Oh you were griefing. 4 responses along the thread even, and calling out the OP whom marked it as a Mod topic. I can copy/past each one for you if you’d like to see them squished together in a public response. Stop while you’re ahead. Thank you.
@changeagent …WORD
Sorry... triggered.
To your point... yeah, I wonder if an EMP is the thing. But, it might be a global "sun sourced" EMP.
But here's the thing... such an event would lead to a lot of chaos and fantastic numbers of dead. And that doesn't fit the "you and your families are safe" thing that Q said.
Edit: By the way, if you happen to be the real Billy Buck, I want to let you know that I was totally kidding above... you were one of my role models, and you still are.
Dave is amazing in this podcast not only on the scare event, but his analysis on the Scavino coms is brilliant. I am so grateful for this man’s coverage and analysis of the day’s event in one manageable package.
Tbh it feels like the worldwide mass scare event is what we’ve been living through for the past three years.
Listen friend, I know the world is a scary place right now, but it's going to get way worse.
Juan O’Savin is a date-fagging Paytriot. Much evidence to support this.
OP's new method of injecting Juan O Bullshillin is to not include his name in the title nor the context of the content, in this case an X22 report link, then mention he's a mastermind element to the phenomenon that is Q/GAW.
Everything is Juan's idea guys! He's everywhere and everything. Omniscient & omnipresent paytriot FTW! /s
In all seriousness though, the video is quiet good. I hadn't listened to X22 in a while, a break from Dave. But I listened to this and it was a nice memory refresher in general.
Ya I like X a lot. Multiple listens a week. I’ll check this one out
the attempts to steer GAW into the minefield of LARPing faggots shall not prevail and I am shocked Dave even had Derek Johnson on to begin with (I lump him in with Juan but lower level), but it's all going to end well so fuck it, won't get me looped into their scam network idc what large channel promotes them
Excuse me Anon? Is there a problem you’d like to address? I’m now here if you’d like to discuss some problem in an un-grief-like manner unlike your prior response that is certainly grief to the OP and Mod……
It's not grief. Just a pattern I've noticed over the past several weeks. I'm sure other anons have noticed too given the updoots above comment received. Do you deny the claim?
I will say, a lot of what is discussed on this podcast is sounding really similar to stuff Juan O Savin has been saying for years regarding a "near death" scare event. Whether you believe Juan O Savin or not, OP isn't wrong. If you trust X22 or Derek Johnson, you may need to reconcile, because things seem to be aligning very quickly.
This isn't a JOS podcast though. It's worth a listen.
Scare Event
We Stand At The Ready. In GOD We Trust.
My body and soul are ready.
Early on 29 April, a fire broke out at a Russian-controlled fuel depot in Sevastopol's Cossack Bay in occupied Crimea.
Russian-installed "Sevastopol governor" Razvozzhayev claims that a drone attack set fire to a fuel storage tank
"Occupied Crimea".
I think your intro is misleading, Brent. It reads like this is another Juan O Savin post. This is not JOS, but Derek Johnson, discussing different ideas from JOS. I think you'll get better feedback by clarifying that this is not more JOS.
Everyone else commenting read the Title and summary without mentioning Juan, and knowing the obvious when clicking on the link without complaining. But I guess you had to be that one. Disappointing when a veteran Anon still whines about Juan.
This was definitely one of the best spotlights that Dave’s done- I was able to sit through every minute of it no problem and just listen to Derek explaining everything in a way that I could understand. The parts and pieces are there, lined up neatly in a row that you can follow from Point A to Point C without needing to do a super dive to try and figure out what Point B is.
I know a lot of autistic anons do their best to try and explain Comms and markers but sometimes I feel like a guy that’s just walked into a room filled with huge clark boards with red strings running all over the place. Glenn Beck did an excellent job of this when he was on Fox before he went off the deep end into TDS, but apparently he’s been coming back around. I’m glad to see it, but I’ll never forget when he smashed his face into a paper plate filled with cheetos...
If you're not prepared by now then you haven't been paying attention.
My favorite episode so far
^ music
I was reading some Silent Revolution/Billy Meier/Plajarens [crap] to see what they say about possible events and they mention a massive oil fields fire that causes soot/clouds to block sunlight which causes chaos, crops don't grow, etc. The swamp/evil always mixes truth with propaganda bs, so I am wondering if this is part of their plan given the heavy attack recently on oil as a fuel and their desperation to control the world. Wouldn't put it past the NWO/UN predator class to light some oil fields on fire if they feel they are losing the battle.
I can't wait to have a sworn roll. My mom has a dozen in the oven!
I had a very vivid dream last night that I was not at home but out working somewhere far from home. I am currently retired but have applied for a job at several locations. Everyone where I was at was glued to the TV and panicking because they were showing our planes in a dogfight with Russian planes. But I knew what I was looking at on TV was 3D animation, and I got really excited because I knew it was fake and the ending of the movie was near. Drone Attack Suspected as Russian Oil Reservoir in Crimea Set on Fire
Make sure you have a short wave radio ferns. That's an important piece of kit. Tecsun pl-330 is very good And inexpensive.
This is excellent content, but I wish Dave would do something about the audio quality for his guests. I was hanging on every word but it kept dropping out. So frustrating! Seems all his guests have a crappy internet connection, poor microphone quality, a speech impediment or a thick foreign accent.
All For One and One For All !
I have folks that would like to see this but are out of internet range. Anyone know of a download link?
X22 does have a website with some downloadable links
It does. Thank you.
Love the information but that is definitely the ugliest cowboy hat I've ever seen... redneck equivalent of rollerblades, gotta fess up to your parents that you're gay kinda attire.
Awww, I triggered a gay cowboy already. Go back to Brokeback Mountain, Jake Jelly Hole is waiting for you.
Why would he have Derek Johnson on lmao
The Patriots are in control.
Yes they are in control and are going to let the people of the country get "to the edge of the cliff" like all is lost SO THEY WILL WAKE UP. Even knowing what we know, we must guard ourselves to keep FEAR out. TRUST GOD. TRUST THE PLAN