How exactly does the Iron Dome get used on "innocents"? It's a defensive missile defense system. The IDF goes out and crushes the people who launch the rockets. They're not innocent. They're the terrorists who tried to lob rockets at civilians in the name of their death god. Yes, they do get civilians from time to time. That's documented, but why does it happen? Because the civilians are typically other Muslims who support the terrorists and allow them to operate in their mosques, apartments, schools, hospitals, etc thinking that their presence as civilians will provide protection from counter strikes from the IDF. They're human shields and they know it. I'm not going to rule out genuine civilian casualties. We know that happens in any war and there's plenty of documentation it happens here too, but that doesn't mean the IDF deliberately targets children and innocents. That's BS. It's bullshit when people claim the US does it. It's bullshit when people claim the Russians are doing it in Ukraine. They're not.
Israel is not our friend. That much is clear. We use them and they use us to exert control over the oil fields in the middle east. And the Israelis are masters at using guilt and milking the Holocaust to play the victim while making all sorts of obscene demands. But we're not going to get anywhere in understanding what is and what should be when we've got screaming morons making absurd and emotionally charged claims. I'm beyond sick of hearing every Jewish commentator and their Christian white knights using these rhetorical tactics to manipulate people. The Iron Dome isn't targeting innocent people, and there are plenty of street preachers who regularly post YT videos of their preaching in Israel.
Because the average normie thinks "Jew" whenever they hear the word Israel. They've been groomed to make this the most protected class, to protect at all costs. They dare not be labeled as anti-semitic so they bow down and protect Israel, calling it our super favorite friend.
That is a distinct possibility. Especially since the Jewish people had Jesus(Yeshua, or however you prefer to refer to him. ) put to death at the hands of Rome. It's very likely that, as of that point, that they have lost favor. They were, by old testament statements, used for the bloodline. Which would be a good reason to keep them protected. Can't use the bloodline if they are destroyed.
What I was speaking of is more old testament. It would be the biggest spit in the eye if the anti christ came from Modern Israel and it could explain why so many could possibly be so easily fooled. That or the catholic church.
Ariel Sharon told Shimon Peres, former president and prime minister of Israel: "Every time we do something you tell me America will do this and will do that … I want to tell you something very clear: Don't worry about American pressure on Israel. We, the Jewish people, control America, and the Americans know it."
Netenyahu quote (apocryphal) “If we get caught they will just replace us with persons of the same cloth. So it does not matter what you do, America is a golden calf and we will suck it dry, chop it up, and sell it off piece by piece until there is nothing left but the world’s biggest welfare state that we will create and control. Why? Because it is the will of God and America is big enough to take the hit so we can do it again and again and again. This is what we do to countries that we hate. We destroy them very slowly and make them suffer for refusing to be our slaves.”
If that's your greatest Ally, you got serious problems (duh). That's before anyone mentions USS Liberty attack (Israel trying to frame Egypt), the faked radio transmitter that tricked US into attacking Libya (after Mossad blew up a plane over Lockerbie, Scotland) and of course, 911 the daddy of them all:
"Evidence linking these Israelis to 9/11 is classified. I cannot tell you about evidence that has been gathered. It's classified information." -- US official quoted in Carl Cameron's Fox
Ah yes, Comptroller Undersecretary of defence, given the job of finding where did the 2.3 TRILLION in missing funds disappear to? well that "process error" was announced 10th September by his boss, Rumsfeld.
I am sure Dov was very keen to trace the missing money after the documents were blown up the following day. Yeah, I'll get right on it.
Here is that 10th september announcement: the sickening hypocrisy, knowing he was upto his neck in it, is arresting to listen to now.
Netenyahu quote (apocryphal) “If we get caught they will just replace us with persons of the same cloth. So it does not matter what you do, America is a golden calf and we will suck it dry, chop it up, and sell it off piece by piece until there is nothing left but the world’s biggest welfare state that we will create and control. Why? Because it is the will of God and America is big enough to take the hit so we can do it again and again and again. This is what we do to countries that we hate. We destroy them very slowly and make them suffer for refusing to be our slaves.”
It's apocryphal, meaning I do not have a source. It appeared around 1990, some claim it was noted from a meeting in Jerusalem when he thought he was safe to speak freely. Similar to this video:
So, no source, just truthiness. (I did declare it apocryphal in the original comment)
So you're spreading rumor and presenting it as if it were fact? And you did that knowingly with the intent to convince someone to hate an entire country?
Look, you don't have to convince me to be wary of Israel, which means that there's PLENTY of evidence you can use to make the case without having to take unsubstantiated BS you found on the internet with no source as if it's fact. You have actual facts you can use to make the case and yet, you chose to present what is effectively gossip.
No, I am presenting it as apocryphal, meaning I very specifically did NOT present it as fact, so whilst your comment might be appropriate if I had, since I have not, it is entirely inappropriate.
At the time I was pissed AF. Now? I'm not mad going down the path that we are on. So much exposure. So much coming to light. So many waking up and this movement is happening organically. Its truly an amazing time to be alive. God bless.
Holy shit. This guy's career is so over. He just told Tucker live, on a stage, in front of the entire world, that the welfare of the American people is not his concern. He even repeated it. His concern is Ukraine and NOT the American people. The fly was right.
Good Jews and Bad Jews. Just gotta sort the bad ones out and deal with them. Then the Good ones can take a place of true responsibility and lead their people with rightousness.
Everyone should disdain the racist apartheid state of israel, they are guilty of gross human rights violations, international crimes and theft of Palestinian land.
Most people don't realize the United States has no defense compact with Israel. Defense compacts work both ways. Having one, would mean that Israel would have to come to the aid of the United States, if we were attacked.
Why is Turkey a member of NATO and Israel isn't? Anyone can easily find that the United States has no defense compact with Israel. The reason is because Israel benefits from the one-way deal. There are ADL lurkers here.
Cherished? LMFAO!!
Just what has Israel EVER done to help the United States? Seriously, name ONE THING. You can't. Because there isn't....
The relationship is the most ONE SIDED in our History and we are the SERVANT and they are the MASTER.
That’s rasisssss. Watch out for the ADL to be coming after you!!
We pay tribute.
They wired the WTC for demolition. Think how much they saved Port Authority and Larry Silverstein in Asbestos Abatement costs!
Don't forget the Iron Dome we gave to [them] that [they] use on innocents [they] label as terrorists. Which includes children.
Also, did y'all know it is only legal to be a Christian or Muslim in Israel as long as you don't publicly preach?
How exactly does the Iron Dome get used on "innocents"? It's a defensive missile defense system. The IDF goes out and crushes the people who launch the rockets. They're not innocent. They're the terrorists who tried to lob rockets at civilians in the name of their death god. Yes, they do get civilians from time to time. That's documented, but why does it happen? Because the civilians are typically other Muslims who support the terrorists and allow them to operate in their mosques, apartments, schools, hospitals, etc thinking that their presence as civilians will provide protection from counter strikes from the IDF. They're human shields and they know it. I'm not going to rule out genuine civilian casualties. We know that happens in any war and there's plenty of documentation it happens here too, but that doesn't mean the IDF deliberately targets children and innocents. That's BS. It's bullshit when people claim the US does it. It's bullshit when people claim the Russians are doing it in Ukraine. They're not.
Israel is not our friend. That much is clear. We use them and they use us to exert control over the oil fields in the middle east. And the Israelis are masters at using guilt and milking the Holocaust to play the victim while making all sorts of obscene demands. But we're not going to get anywhere in understanding what is and what should be when we've got screaming morons making absurd and emotionally charged claims. I'm beyond sick of hearing every Jewish commentator and their Christian white knights using these rhetorical tactics to manipulate people. The Iron Dome isn't targeting innocent people, and there are plenty of street preachers who regularly post YT videos of their preaching in Israel.
Has the IDF ever used .22 caliber ammunition on children as a "less lethal" round?
So, what's your solution then?
Because the average normie thinks "Jew" whenever they hear the word Israel. They've been groomed to make this the most protected class, to protect at all costs. They dare not be labeled as anti-semitic so they bow down and protect Israel, calling it our super favorite friend.
Israel takes.
America bleeds out dry.
"Most cherished ally".
Fuck Israel
The cowards who down dooted your post are too pussified to put up a counterpoint.
Didn't down vote, but there is a single point. Those that oppose Israel, tend to invite the wrath of God. Historically speaking.
That said, it's almost as if the American taxpayers have been paying reparations to Israel.
Except I think the modern Israel is synagogue of Satan.
I love the IDEA of Israel but the ppl in control there are not the ppl from Moses time
That is a distinct possibility. Especially since the Jewish people had Jesus(Yeshua, or however you prefer to refer to him. ) put to death at the hands of Rome. It's very likely that, as of that point, that they have lost favor. They were, by old testament statements, used for the bloodline. Which would be a good reason to keep them protected. Can't use the bloodline if they are destroyed.
According to the Apostle Paul, Isreal is the Christian church. Anti-Christ Jews are the synagogue of Satan. I wish Christians believed Paul.
What I was speaking of is more old testament. It would be the biggest spit in the eye if the anti christ came from Modern Israel and it could explain why so many could possibly be so easily fooled. That or the catholic church.
Ariel Sharon told Shimon Peres, former president and prime minister of Israel: "Every time we do something you tell me America will do this and will do that … I want to tell you something very clear: Don't worry about American pressure on Israel. We, the Jewish people, control America, and the Americans know it."
Netenyahu quote (apocryphal) “If we get caught they will just replace us with persons of the same cloth. So it does not matter what you do, America is a golden calf and we will suck it dry, chop it up, and sell it off piece by piece until there is nothing left but the world’s biggest welfare state that we will create and control. Why? Because it is the will of God and America is big enough to take the hit so we can do it again and again and again. This is what we do to countries that we hate. We destroy them very slowly and make them suffer for refusing to be our slaves.”
If that's your greatest Ally, you got serious problems (duh). That's before anyone mentions USS Liberty attack (Israel trying to frame Egypt), the faked radio transmitter that tricked US into attacking Libya (after Mossad blew up a plane over Lockerbie, Scotland) and of course, 911 the daddy of them all:
"Evidence linking these Israelis to 9/11 is classified. I cannot tell you about evidence that has been gathered. It's classified information." -- US official quoted in Carl Cameron's Fox
Rabbi Dov Zakheim is the central figure in the 9/11 Mossad Inside Job
Ah yes, Comptroller Undersecretary of defence, given the job of finding where did the 2.3 TRILLION in missing funds disappear to? well that "process error" was announced 10th September by his boss, Rumsfeld.
I am sure Dov was very keen to trace the missing money after the documents were blown up the following day. Yeah, I'll get right on it.
Here is that 10th september announcement: the sickening hypocrisy, knowing he was upto his neck in it, is arresting to listen to now.
Well stated. 👍
Sauce for quote?
It's apocryphal, meaning I do not have a source. It appeared around 1990, some claim it was noted from a meeting in Jerusalem when he thought he was safe to speak freely. Similar to this video:
So, no source, just truthiness. (I did declare it apocryphal in the original comment)
You did, I sped past it to read the quote
So you're spreading rumor and presenting it as if it were fact? And you did that knowingly with the intent to convince someone to hate an entire country?
Look, you don't have to convince me to be wary of Israel, which means that there's PLENTY of evidence you can use to make the case without having to take unsubstantiated BS you found on the internet with no source as if it's fact. You have actual facts you can use to make the case and yet, you chose to present what is effectively gossip.
Bad tactic.
No, I am presenting it as apocryphal, meaning I very specifically did NOT present it as fact, so whilst your comment might be appropriate if I had, since I have not, it is entirely inappropriate.
kek. Pence pretending we don't know. kek
Problem is DJT said just about the same thing. Maybe it's a head fake so that we can "save Israel for last".
Not getting my hope up on that lol.
I feel, if they are reserved for last, then they most definitely need to be isolated first. Any opening and venue they can take they will.
Ding ding ding!
Good to see he finally came out of the closet. So brave!
Mike: I'm so gay and happy about coming out!
Hey Pencil - Israel may be YOUR most cherished ally...but on Jan 6 you abandoned OUR most cherished ally, the United States of America
EDIT: LOL @ feeling the need to downvote this...fungus among us
At the time I was pissed AF. Now? I'm not mad going down the path that we are on. So much exposure. So much coming to light. So many waking up and this movement is happening organically. Its truly an amazing time to be alive. God bless.
Holy shit. This guy's career is so over. He just told Tucker live, on a stage, in front of the entire world, that the welfare of the American people is not his concern. He even repeated it. His concern is Ukraine and NOT the American people. The fly was right.
Every. Single. Time.
USS Liberty personnel and family might disagree….those who aren’t dead anyway.
C_I and Mossad two sides of the same coin. Run by the same people, same playbook and same goal of a one world superstate under Satan (them).
Save Israel for last. Doesn't mean destroy it, it means liberate it from these fallen ones.
Name one treaty that makes them an ally, let alone most cherished.
It just hit me that the building on Epstein's island and the set of the Elen DeGeneres Show had blue and white stripes as well.
If he is actually white hat then we need to decode saving Israel for last differently
Remember Q plus (45) feels the same way.
Good Jews and Bad Jews. Just gotta sort the bad ones out and deal with them. Then the Good ones can take a place of true responsibility and lead their people with rightousness.
Replace 'jews' with 'people', and your statement applies even better. 😉
Pence is a limp dick.
I guess if you cherish grabbing your ankles…
Everyone should disdain the racist apartheid state of israel, they are guilty of gross human rights violations, international crimes and theft of Palestinian land.
Ehud Barak = BFF with Epstein.
Since when has Israel attempted to abandon Israel?
Cherished??!! Cherished??!!
Is this guy on the Epstein list?
The only one in Trump's orbit not to be targeted by deep state lol.
Says it all (as did the fly!)
Gtfo fake Christian! I can't wait to see traitors like 30 Oemve swinging from a rope.
Is this code for selling your soul to the devil?
He only says that because he knows the lobby keeps him afloat.
Since when are the Democrats abandoning Isis - Ra - El? What on Earth is he talking about?
Black cube cultist
Most people don't realize the United States has no defense compact with Israel. Defense compacts work both ways. Having one, would mean that Israel would have to come to the aid of the United States, if we were attacked.
Lol... Can you imagine...
Why is Turkey a member of NATO and Israel isn't? Anyone can easily find that the United States has no defense compact with Israel. The reason is because Israel benefits from the one-way deal. There are ADL lurkers here.
Oh look, it’s the uniparty flag.
Kek, they're the spoiled older sibling that isn't getting the attention they used to. That's hilarious
Screw Pence.