Not exactly as "simple as", as weak men can become strong. I mean, it's literally the foundation of our physical bodies and mental state; as we grow, we become stronger and can build greater muscle. The same is true for this arbitrary strong vs weak stuff.
Problem is, strong men have been vilified for quite a few years under labels like "toxic masculinity" that many men decided to give the middle finger to society.
Clearly these fathers stepped up, and showed strength.
With few exceptions, women are ruled by EMOTIONS. So they wind up raising men-children who are ruled by petty emotions, and are governed by emotions. Not my logic, not by rules, laws or culture - but by what they want, and when they want it.
Because they never got the living hell beat out of them my an authority figure, just emotionally abused; they never faced consequences that were logical, methodically planned, and enforced - they never grew up. Without consequences, there is no reason to change.
Robert Heinlein investigated this idea with his novel "Starship Troopers." After the first chapter he says, to the best of my recollection, "humans are of nature, and need physical consequences for their actions."
It was after watching a court-marshalling of soldiers. The soldiers were whipped and dismissed from service.
Now, the novel investigates a society that's structured around an MI complex. Despite the continuous need for war, it shows that citizenship should not just be given; that there should be a real cost (military service) for those who wish to be voting members of society.
I generally agree. The number of people able to learn concrete ideas from abstract lessons is... not enough. And the age at which that part of the brain even engages is ...too old.
Yeah, maybe omit the chapter on beating the "living hell" out of your kids. That sounds jussssst a bit over the top IMHO.
Always remember to leave SOME living hell in them when you're beating them. (Sure, they'll claim their life is a "living hell"; but that's better than having it beaten out of them :)
Plus, actual "beating" may not be necessary and may be counterproductive. Or so I've heard. My ass got beat.
Being abused by your father does not make you a better person. It often just creates a cycle. If your notion of fatherhood is abusing your child, you've got brain damage.
My father tried to kill me. Didn't turn me into a better person. Only thing that stopped the cycle was my mother.
There was an episode of Better Bachelor a few weeks back where he covered a study that Single Dads make better parents with better outcomes for their kids than Single Moms.
That's not true. I know plenry of men who were raised by their single moms who turned out just fine. The key is having a pisitive influence in the child's life...period. Gender doesn't matter.
Yeap. When ever I had an issue with my son I'd tell Dad to step up.
It's just taken different from a man vs a woman. And there's nothing wrong with that. We compliment each other (men and women) when we work together
Reminds me of the African village that was getting destroyed by young, male elephants years ago. How did they stop it? They put older male elephants in the group. Instantly, it stopped.
Statistically speaking, looking at prison populations, an overwhelming number of inmates grew up without a father figure in the home.
Most of normal, and high functioning society grew up with both parents in the home.
Of note, is that the percentage of normal and high functioning society members who grew up with both parents in the home; is statistically insignificant from the members who grew up with ONLY THE FATHER in the home.
So crazy! Society worked off of this for millennia, but we broke that glass ceiling and put two dads pretending to be moms in the home! Aren't we just SPECIAL? That's PROGRESS! Forward THINKING! Don't disagree or you're a BIGOT! An evil RACIST!
God bless these MEN! they are the real deal. i really hope this catches on across the country! many prayers go out to these men for their safety and may they change the lives of many of these kids!
Indeed. We can thank President Lyndon B. Johnson for setting THAT fucking precedent. One of our worst presidents ever...although he's rapidly getting bumped down the list.
This is an old story from 2021 I believe, but always nice to be reminded of folks out there doing great things for their communities, especially now that school is back in session.
Yeah, the lesson is that the fucking SCHOOL BOARDS and SCHOOL DISTRICTS allow the fucking INMATES to run the fucking ASYLUMS. I know this first hand, because I've (sadly) been living in the Peoples Republic of Northern Virginia for many years...although we're getting out soon.
Parents around here look at each other incredulously, outraged by the ridiculous amounts of violence in the middle/high schools and yet just shrug their shoulders, like "How the hell does this happen, and why does it get worse and worse??"
Because, liberal fucktards...THIS IS THE SHIT YOU VOTE FOR. Candidates, policies, right on down the line. They're so fucking stupid they can't see OR change their own fucktarded behavior.
Oh, how I WISH we had this many kinds of fathers where I live...these guys know how to do it. But unfortunately, too many dads around here are more worried about their commute, or whether they'll be able to get their soy latte tomorrow morning, or whatever politically correct name they might choose for Washington's Football Team.
Weaponized sub-section of our society, a testing/learning ground on how to divide and conquer. Currently being rolled out to other sections of society such as splitting kids away from their parents via education/social indoctrination and media.
Your “elected” and unelected officials and agencies at work.
Take it a step further: what would society look like if dads could work WITH their families like they used to do rather than have to work a zillion hours at a job somewhere while their children are at the “indoctrination centers” and adjacent additional activities for most of their youthful years? 🤔 Almost seems planned this way…….
Occasionally that document makes it's rounds here from the 60s from some government agency that outlines it. Stuff like: encourage women to work, make households more reliant on two incomes so that parents have less time to spend with their kids, more school programs so that the kids spend even more time away from their parents, etc.
rofl.... for decades, Dads were the most useless beings on the planet according to the msm..... now all of a sudden they see some value there. i'l bet they're not pushing too much woke crap at that school either!
They've been systematically destroyed for decades by welfare incentivizing single moms and gangster rap being propped up by the music industry among other things. Before the 60s it was very common for blacks to have intact families with both parents.
This is awesome! Like they said, a lot of those kids don't have dads, and that is a big part of the problems today!
Weak men create hard times.
Strong men create good times.
Simple as.
Not exactly as "simple as", as weak men can become strong. I mean, it's literally the foundation of our physical bodies and mental state; as we grow, we become stronger and can build greater muscle. The same is true for this arbitrary strong vs weak stuff.
Problem is, strong men have been vilified for quite a few years under labels like "toxic masculinity" that many men decided to give the middle finger to society.
Clearly these fathers stepped up, and showed strength.
It's an old quote, and I was leaning on it to exemplify the changing of the times. Simple as.
I hate that fucking quote. Makes it seem like we should strive to be mediocre so as to not "create good times"
It IS accurate, though, if you look back through history. We are making history now!
Well it's time to permanently alter that quote, for the grand finale of human kind, to stay in the good!
Boys need real men to assist them in growing up. The single mom out there cannot replace a man’s influence on young men/boys.
With few exceptions, women are ruled by EMOTIONS. So they wind up raising men-children who are ruled by petty emotions, and are governed by emotions. Not my logic, not by rules, laws or culture - but by what they want, and when they want it.
Because they never got the living hell beat out of them my an authority figure, just emotionally abused; they never faced consequences that were logical, methodically planned, and enforced - they never grew up. Without consequences, there is no reason to change.
You need to write a book on this.
Boys raised without fathers are spoiled brats who do not contribute to society.
Robert Heinlein investigated this idea with his novel "Starship Troopers." After the first chapter he says, to the best of my recollection, "humans are of nature, and need physical consequences for their actions."
It was after watching a court-marshalling of soldiers. The soldiers were whipped and dismissed from service.
Now, the novel investigates a society that's structured around an MI complex. Despite the continuous need for war, it shows that citizenship should not just be given; that there should be a real cost (military service) for those who wish to be voting members of society.
I generally agree. The number of people able to learn concrete ideas from abstract lessons is... not enough. And the age at which that part of the brain even engages is ...too old.
Yeah, maybe omit the chapter on beating the "living hell" out of your kids. That sounds jussssst a bit over the top IMHO.
Always remember to leave SOME living hell in them when you're beating them. (Sure, they'll claim their life is a "living hell"; but that's better than having it beaten out of them :)
Plus, actual "beating" may not be necessary and may be counterproductive. Or so I've heard. My ass got beat.
Point conceded
Discipline is one thing; child abuse is another
“Spare the rod and spoil the child” is more than a fairy tale
Being abused by your father does not make you a better person. It often just creates a cycle. If your notion of fatherhood is abusing your child, you've got brain damage.
My father tried to kill me. Didn't turn me into a better person. Only thing that stopped the cycle was my mother.
There was an episode of Better Bachelor a few weeks back where he covered a study that Single Dads make better parents with better outcomes for their kids than Single Moms.
I agreed and I am a woman. They need both parents.
That's not true. I know plenry of men who were raised by their single moms who turned out just fine. The key is having a pisitive influence in the child's life...period. Gender doesn't matter.
Yeap. When ever I had an issue with my son I'd tell Dad to step up. It's just taken different from a man vs a woman. And there's nothing wrong with that. We compliment each other (men and women) when we work together
Reminds me of the African village that was getting destroyed by young, male elephants years ago. How did they stop it? They put older male elephants in the group. Instantly, it stopped.
Heh, was thinking of the same exact story!
Dads need to be involved in kids lives?
Dads and moms. Like, one of each. Not two moms or two dads. But one man and one woman. It sounds crazy enough to work.
Statistically speaking, looking at prison populations, an overwhelming number of inmates grew up without a father figure in the home.
Most of normal, and high functioning society grew up with both parents in the home.
Of note, is that the percentage of normal and high functioning society members who grew up with both parents in the home; is statistically insignificant from the members who grew up with ONLY THE FATHER in the home.
Very interesting.
So crazy! Society worked off of this for millennia, but we broke that glass ceiling and put two dads pretending to be moms in the home! Aren't we just SPECIAL? That's PROGRESS! Forward THINKING! Don't disagree or you're a BIGOT! An evil RACIST!
Weird, huh?
God bless these MEN! they are the real deal. i really hope this catches on across the country! many prayers go out to these men for their safety and may they change the lives of many of these kids!
The lesson is ''don't incentivize single motherhood''
Indeed. We can thank President Lyndon B. Johnson for setting THAT fucking precedent. One of our worst presidents ever...although he's rapidly getting bumped down the list.
Don’t you mean “Non-Birthing Parents?” Dad is a term for right-wing bigots. (/s… just in case)
Non bonus-holed
Toxic masculinity at work. Nice.
A little adult supervision goes a long way.
This is an old story from 2021 I believe, but always nice to be reminded of folks out there doing great things for their communities, especially now that school is back in session.
Here's the article to go with the video -
I found this other school doing this in Florida also -
How many VAXXXT? Aggressive behavior and violent mood swings are common when spike proteins invade.
Go, Dads! 👏🏼
Yeah, the lesson is that the fucking SCHOOL BOARDS and SCHOOL DISTRICTS allow the fucking INMATES to run the fucking ASYLUMS. I know this first hand, because I've (sadly) been living in the Peoples Republic of Northern Virginia for many years...although we're getting out soon.
Parents around here look at each other incredulously, outraged by the ridiculous amounts of violence in the middle/high schools and yet just shrug their shoulders, like "How the hell does this happen, and why does it get worse and worse??"
Because, liberal fucktards...THIS IS THE SHIT YOU VOTE FOR. Candidates, policies, right on down the line. They're so fucking stupid they can't see OR change their own fucktarded behavior.
Oh, how I WISH we had this many kinds of fathers where I live...these guys know how to do it. But unfortunately, too many dads around here are more worried about their commute, or whether they'll be able to get their soy latte tomorrow morning, or whatever politically correct name they might choose for Washington's Football Team.
The fight because they know the women and soyboys on staff won't do shit to stop them. It's only with real men around that they behave.
Weaponized sub-section of our society, a testing/learning ground on how to divide and conquer. Currently being rolled out to other sections of society such as splitting kids away from their parents via education/social indoctrination and media.
Your “elected” and unelected officials and agencies at work.
yeah teachers are pieces of shit that dont protect kids.
Holy shit, imagine that. Kids do better with dads around?! Who would have thought....
Now just need to teach that to certain Cultures and this country might actually have a chance!
Take it a step further: what would society look like if dads could work WITH their families like they used to do rather than have to work a zillion hours at a job somewhere while their children are at the “indoctrination centers” and adjacent additional activities for most of their youthful years? 🤔 Almost seems planned this way…….
Occasionally that document makes it's rounds here from the 60s from some government agency that outlines it. Stuff like: encourage women to work, make households more reliant on two incomes so that parents have less time to spend with their kids, more school programs so that the kids spend even more time away from their parents, etc.
rofl.... for decades, Dads were the most useless beings on the planet according to the msm..... now all of a sudden they see some value there. i'l bet they're not pushing too much woke crap at that school either!
Every Kid needs a Dad to show them the way through life.
These awesome Dads are solving a problem that plagues America. Kudos to you men, you are great role models to the kids at that school.
That is a great story and shows it does make a difference to be involved in your community.
Dads showing up! I love this!
Men of good will are powerful.
why are blacks so aggressive that they need to be doing this should be the question?
They've been systematically destroyed for decades by welfare incentivizing single moms and gangster rap being propped up by the music industry among other things. Before the 60s it was very common for blacks to have intact families with both parents.
Almost 96% intact ore civil rights act. Compared to 94% white.
fair enough
Absolutely brilliant and soooo hopeful!!!💕💕💕🙏🙏🙏
Guardians Angel's were effective as well
Love this
This is awesome. I wish this was in every school.
Great 2 year old news story.
So adorably wholesome ❤️🙏🏻