Question: what’s your take on tomorrow’s scheduled EMS test?
I’m reading there’s something that could happen that will adversely affect the body. WTH?!? Is everyone turning off their phones or riding the wave of bullshit just kike any other day? I’m curious what everyone thinks. It’s actually laughable BUT we are living in CRAZY times. Interested in everyone’s take.
Nothing will happen outright, as always. Then some anon on QResearch will piece together some hidden comm BOOM 2 days later and do a chart with yellow red and blue lines pointing to shit all over it.
don't forget all the bitchute clown vids about how it's not 10/4 it's akshulluh 10/11. then on 10/11 back to the Gene Decode Shari Raye muh gitmo comms.
And ya gotta work 5:5 in there too! Don’t forget that one.
remember in 1999 they said when 2000 rolls around all the computers will be toast?? same shit..another year
Y2K, fearp0rn theatre at its finest.. Thx for the memories wasup!
makes us feel old dont it?
Sure does fren. I'm getting too many reminders of that lately ;)
Except, it would have, but lots of engineers spent lots of time and lots of money updating and converting software so it wouldn't be toast....
That was real, but also handled by industry and prevented.
Yes and yes.
Oh yeah… I remember that! We had a party at the house and at midnight my husband went and hit the breaker and everything went out! LMAO Thanks for the stroll down memory lane.
Everyone's phone is going to go off and if you're around a lot of people you're going to hear a lot of OMG ALL OUR PHONES MADE BEEP BEEP AT THE SAME TIME conversations start and then the day will continue to go on.
That's all that's going to happen. The sun will rise again the next day and all the people who thought more was going to happen will have to drop it and find something else to fixate on...
Wouldn’t it just be nice if for once that wasn’t the case?
I agree. I think if everyone just ignored all these fuckers that keep trying to oppress us, the oppressors would lose their power. This stupid shit is just that - stupid shit. It's basically the equivalent of rubbernecking on the highway - DID YOU GET THE ALERT? YEAH ME TOO... LOOK
It's basically another nothing event, like a solar eclipse... nothing will happen
I’m not sure why this Anon is so worried? I’m not since I just finished burying my phone in a lead box, wrapped in foil, encased in cement about 3 feet down in the dead center of my parent’s pasture, well away from any other metal objects that could transfer signal.
Hmm. Now I’ll need to rent a jackhammer on Thursday. Glad my phone is in an Otter Case. Kek!
Major LOLing over here.
Made me lol! Thanks. I needed that!
cracking me up pede - HAHA
Gah he makes me 🤢
That was pretty good. 😃
Well, I’m going to rent that Jack hammer now. I’m alive. Kek!
Makes me think they might be gearing up as something is expected to happen in the near future.
It will be a nothingburger, but will initiate a 10 day countdown to a US solar eclipse. 10 days. Darkness.
“And there will be signs in sun and moon and stars, and on the earth distress of nations in perplexity because of the roaring of the sea and the waves,” Luke 21:25
but its a partial, so its not reall dark out
There's a significant amount of smoke in Florida today and it has been blamed on Canadian wildfires. Reminds me of Revelation chapter 9.
They could spread this lie so that the next time it's really something and everyone won't believe it anymore..
I’ve thought of that too
Yeah.. gearing up to steal another election.
All the Faraday cage stuff is BS. If you have a problem with signals getting to your phone tomorrow, what about the day after? 2 weeks after? a year after? If you MUST power off, Faraday cage or do anything like that then you should quickly realize, you must do that forever, which actually might be a great thing to do, you need to go technologically dark. The reason being that access is everywhere. It's built into the hardware, the ISP. If you are online, you're connected to the people you're trying to keep out of your life, but we dont have sufficient protections in place to legally stop them. We should, but we dont, its a digital wild west.
So either go dark starting today, or what you are protecting yourself from on Wednesday, will be something you'll be vulnerable to Thursday and every day after. That's why I think tomorrow is irrelevant in terms of all this, block it from happening, Faraday cage your phone, turn it off etc. It doesnt matter unless you're ready to cut the digital connection.
Now could this be a moment for "my fellow Americans" sure, that could happen at any time.
My money is on this test just being a test, but I'm sure these tools are planned on being used by the powers that be as a tool to influence all people. Everyone getting the same message at the same time can be a powerful tool to herd the sheep.
I have thought about that too. If you go dark, they see you when you get back online. Really if you are going to be any type of digital they have you. As soon as you turn your phone back on or take it out of its cage or whatever you have stuck it in, you have to turn it back on. Aren’t you vulnerable then? Maybe I don’t really get it.
Put it on the microwave, best faraday cage we all have. But unplug it first?
It's only acting as a Faraday cage if the oven is earthed so if you unplug it from the wall socket you will lose the earthing, leave it plugged in and switched off at the wall socket.
Oven is earthed? You mean grounded? Or based? 👍😀
Yes, Grounded, via the Ground wire in the wall socket, I was using European terms.
Yup I knew what you meant when you said earthed 👍🏻
Tried a test with our microwave and we were still able to receive texts and phone calls.
Just put a mask on the phone and keep them at least 6 feet away from other phones. I ordered a mask for my phone last week, hopefully it arrives today. If not it will definitely sneeze and spread its sound germs.
Any bets it doesn't happen at all?
At work we’re running 50/50 on if it happens at all. I think it will. But I’m the sucker full of hopium. Hey, I’m an addict. Trying to quit tho.
I’m all jacked up on hopium too. 😂
Went to look to see what time it's supposed to go off in my time zone. From Fema website:
FEMA and FCC Plan Nationwide Emergency Alert Test for Oct. 4, 2023
Release Date Release Number
August 3, 2023 HQ-23-124
Release Date:
August 3, 2023
Test Messages Will be Sent to All TVs, Radios and Cell Phones
WASHINGTON -- FEMA, in coordination with the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), will conduct a nationwide test of the Emergency Alert System (EAS) and Wireless Emergency Alerts (WEA) this fall.
The national test will consist of two portions, testing WEA and EAS capabilities. Both tests are scheduled to begin at approximately 2:20 p.m. ET on Wednesday, Oct. 4.
The WEA portion of the test will be directed to all consumer cell phones. This will be the third nationwide test, but the second test to all cellular devices. The test message will display in either English or in Spanish, depending on the language settings of the wireless handset.
The EAS portion of the test will be sent to radios and televisions. This will be the seventh nationwide EAS test.
FEMA and the FCC are coordinating with EAS participants, wireless providers, emergency managers and other stakeholders in preparation for this national test to minimize confusion and to maximize the public safety value of the test.
The purpose of the Oct. 4 test is to ensure that the systems continue to be effective means of warning the public about emergencies, particularly those on the national level. In case the Oct. 4 test is postponed due to widespread severe weather or other significant events, the back-up testing date is Oct. 11.
The WEA portion of the test will be initiated using FEMA’s Integrated Public Alert and Warning System (IPAWS), a centralized internet-based system administered by FEMA that enables authorities to send authenticated emergency messages to the public through multiple communications networks. The WEA test will be administered via a code sent to cell phones.
This year the EAS message will be disseminated as a Common Alerting Protocol (CAP) message via the Integrated Public Alert and Warning System-Open Platform for Emergency Networks (IPAWS-OPEN).
All wireless phones should receive the message only once. The following can be expected from the nationwide WEA test:
Beginning at approximately 2:20 p.m. ET, cell towers will broadcast the test for approximately 30 minutes. During this time, WEA-compatible wireless phones that are switched on, within range of an active cell tower, and whose wireless provider participates in WEA, should be capable of receiving the test message. For consumers, the message that appears on their phones will read: “THIS IS A TEST of the National Wireless Emergency Alert System. No action is needed.” Phones with the main menu set to Spanish will display: “ESTA ES UNA PRUEBA del Sistema Nacional de Alerta de Emergencia. No se necesita acción.” WEA alerts are created and sent by authorized federal, state, local, tribal and territorial government agencies through IPAWS to participating wireless providers, which deliver the alerts to compatible handsets in geo-targeted areas. To help ensure that these alerts are accessible to the entire public, including people with disabilities, the alerts are accompanied by a unique tone and vibration.
Important information about the EAS test:
The EAS portion of the test is scheduled to last approximately one minute and will be conducted with the participation of radio and television broadcasters, cable systems, satellite radio and television providers and wireline video providers. The test message will be similar to the regular monthly EAS test messages with which the public is familiar. It will state: “This is a nationwide test of the Emergency Alert System, issued by the Federal Emergency Management Agency, covering the United States from 14:20 to 14:50 hours ET. This is only a test. No action is required by the public.
Thx for adding this GD.
I'm wondering, should we all just turn our phones off between 2-3pm ET?
No problem fren. For me it will be between 1-2pm, I'm in central time zone.
Go over to this post to see what others are thinking, I also posted some qposts to go along with that thread.
Time zones have always confused the hell out of me!
Are you in the U.S.? Its a pain in the @$$ for sure especially trying to schedule work meetings and figure out which time zone everyone is in. I wish the U.S. had a single standard time zone, but the damn sun has to slow roll across the sky every day! ;)
Yep, smack dab in the middle of the US of A. I remember in school I could never grasp the concept and still to this day, I cannot. I tend to have a running record with not being able to grasp concepts that are dumb or made up for that matter. ;)
What happens when you turn them back on?
No idea...guess I'll find out tomorrow :). All I know (or think) is that if its powered down and stuffed in a microwave or other storage, its detectability seems lessened.
But what about when you turn it back on?
Thanks for the sauce.
Well. I’ll be out and about. Don’t particularly think anything negative will come of it. Like the last 30 time’s people have lost their shit about Nanobots, graphene etc secretly being in everyone.
But if there’s any truth to the copious amounts of fear porn. I’m probably fucked anyway. So I plan on living my life as boring, uninspiring, and uninteresting though it maybe. And whatever happens will happen.
Que sera, sera
Same. I’ll be at work where we are totally electronic. I’m kinda thinking it’s all BS at this point.
Just turn it off. It can't hurt if you do. Fuq them and their test. I will deny them of any data.
I have my emergency messages turned off on phone. Was sick of amber alerts at 2am
That ain't gonna do it for this.
Sounds like disinformation put out to discredit those who share it.
Comfy AF….
100% riding the wave
Based on the patents I’ve read on nano tech in the jabs and how it is activated with 5G, I believe something nefarious is afoot. Even without being vaxxed, I’ve watched several videos recently saying the range of frequencies they will be using are dangerous period. I myself am battery depleting all of my mobile device (because supposedly turning them off won’t be enough), putting them in faraday bags, and putting those in the microwave. I’m also unplugging my tv, WiFi and routers to prevent signal from coming in anywhere. Also, don’t be in a car if the radio is hooked up or onstar active or anything like that. They are also pumping signal much longer than what they say. To be safe I’m unplugging from 1-6pm at least. Would be best to be camping out in a national Forest somewhere, well away from any 5G towers. Remember, when covid was first revealed in China, tons of people were dropping dead likes flies. Guess what, those areas all had 5G towers on during that event. People were dropping even without a jab. 5G has dangerous frequency and power wattage abilities.
Don’t forget your mask.
Yeah, that’s the last thing I’ll be donning 🙄
What happens when you go back live?
Guess I can’t stay off forever. It’s supposedly running at least a couple hours. That’s why I decided to turn back on around 6 pm.
I think it's just the beginning of conditioning people to expect constant emergency alerts from a centralized power. The Biden admin will glom onto it and start issuing ridiculous mask, systemic racism, and global warming emergency edicts.
Basically the idea is to create an omnipresent state of fear around a small handful of controlled narratives.
I think white hats will push it to ridiculous levels. We'll be getting two a week in no time.
That’s an interesting take. Conditioning seems to be key these days. I like the ridiculous levels! LOL. That’s my little sign that WH in control. 😄
Well, I am taking a laxative tonight hoping for an adverse effect tomorrow myself! Kek
Could it be the "crying wolf" test ??. 3rd time's the charm when everyone doesn't believe it anymore?
Ready for whatever.
Last thing I'm doing is worrying or freaking out about anything.
I’m not worried. Comfy af actually. I’m just curious what everyone’s thoughts were on the subject.
It will be...nothing.
Whatever happened to “your families are safe”?
My take on the EAS test:
Nothing. There won't be one.
Because datefag. Nothing major ever happens on predicted dates. Yet so many seem to forget this fact.
it will beep, but that's all I'm anticipating happening - hope to be surprised by declass, not 5g zombies
I’m guilty of datefagging. It all just seems to make sense and fall into place and then a nothingburger. I just don’t want to give up my hopium.
Never give up!
But datefagging is the opposite of hopium. It's setting a disappointment appointment.
I don’t think they forget, just jacked up on hopium
There's also one scheduled for Russia that coincides with ours. Different date due to time zones but on the same day.
India also has one scheduled for a tsunami warning test.
Other countries may as well. Not something that's easy to look into without translations and time.
I find that interesting. How could it be that everyone is testing their EBS at the same time?
Hell no, I'm leaving it on, I want to see/hear this new tone so I know what to look for when the storm lands on the Deep State's doorstep.
This is so silly. Its just a test. Turning off your phone, if it was malicious, wouldn't accomplish anything because whatever signal that is being sent out is going through the airwaves, so you'd be affected regardless. Its using the same whatever wavelength that existing communications today use when you receive a message on your phone.
If they wanted to send out some sort of airwave signals go make you drop dead, why do it during a test that everyone is talking about!
Isn’t Russia doing there’s today?? I’m just gonna let it roll. You realize wherever you are at 2:20 tomorrow- Work- gas station- convenience store- you will be surrounded with people whose phones will go off even if yours is shut off. And if you’re at home by yourself with everything off you won’t know what’s going on until you power back up lol
I have a job interview scheduled LOL - oh boy!
Good luck with your job interview!
I know its hopium but, I hope the signal puts out a frequency that destroys the vax.
They are testing it for the upcoming precipice.
I’ve thought of that too!
I will likely have 0 regrets with my phone turned off and sitting inside my microwave oven for 25 minutes
If the DS wanted to drop a rootkit in every phone in the country; this would be the ideal moment. Maximum penetration with minimal defense. If it’s realized that this was done; there will be defensive actions before the next one
But credibility is shot. Off and in the microwave
Surely if the government wanted to drop a rootkit in every phone in the country they just do it whenever they want, and not telegraph it to the very people most likely to attempt to protect themselves, who also happen to be the same people they'd most want to rootkit the phone of.
Surely the Gov't wouldn't attempt to outlaw Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine, two medicines that have decades of safety studies on them; while promoting an experimental mRNA vaccine to children (who were never a threat from COVID). The Gov't would never use the CIA to bribe doctors to say that the COVID virus is natural, and could never have come from the Bioweapons labs funded by American tax dollars in China.
The Gov't would never try to dictate that every man, woman and child take an experimental vaccine, in order to keep their jobs, travel or go out to eat at a resturant.
The Gov't would never build a Bumblehive in Utah, as "the first Intelligence Community Comprehensive National Cyber-security Initiative data center, designed to store and process vast amounts of digital data for national security purposes – including the ambitious goal to break the 256-bit AES encryption."
Just trust them.
You read my comment astronomically wrong kek. Read better. Seriously.
Your phone is rootkitted to the fucking moon by the government, and the companies that make the hardware and software are de facto state agencies. They don't need some elaborate EAS broadcast to control your phone, they already do.
If they didn't control everyone's phones, the people whose phones they would most want to control would be us. Why then would they telegraph their EAS plan? We are the only ones prone to finding out that kind of stuff. So the people they most want control over the phones of, would be the people most likely to not allow it to happen if stuffing their phone in a microwave was all it took.
If they don't already have control, they aren't going after normies, they're going after us. They wouldn't then base their plan around the EAS that we've been watching for years, because if they did, they'd only get normies and not us.
All of that is moot though because your phone is one big rootkit under the sole control of the intelligence agencies and Joe Biden's last functioning braincell.
If so; then why would I see your post? Why would we be allowed to exchange ideas, share information on Ivermectin and Hunter?
If we were rootkit’d I would do it differently. If there were an emergency I would silence the public; so only select few could use a function infrastructure.
If they knew who “we” were; they could selectively use the IMEI, IMEI2 and ICCID numbers of our SIMs and selectively disable us at will. But that would be individual and take time
Agreed. My phone will be off and "sheltered". However, the devil's advocate in me thinks that if its nefarious DS activities, why would they "call their shot" and tell us exactly when they're doing it? Those MFers, I would think, are more prone to surprise attacks without warning.
If the goal is maximal carnage; you count on most people wanting to verify that the Emergency System works
This way, you can track or disable them en mass during an emergency while keeping your infrastructure stable.
Keep cell system working for them; while disabling it for the bulk of humanity. Easier than throwing millions of individual numbers out of a system
If you have Android or iOS, you already have that.
What happens when you boot back up?
If it was off, it was blissfully unaware of any transmission
I had mine off, sitting in a microwave with 6 coworkers android and iPhones. Nothing happened. They all booted up after 1pm. No notice of a text being sent
If there was nothing but a warning; we missed out on an annoying noise. I have no regrets
I believe it’s called ebs. Saw some thread about a landlord who’s turning off power to 100+ units, guy seemed like total schizo. Doubt anything happens
"you and your families are safe" - Q
My guess is if it happens, we'll know that shit is underway.
Speaking of shit underway, McCarthy has been removed. 😳
Don't Panic
Well whatever happens today, it sure has normies talking!!! I’m quite surprised at the conversations going on around me today. I even heard the que letter mentioned. Hold on the normies are waking up in droves!!!