Jordan clinches Speaker nomination in GOP’s second go at the gavel
House Republicans nominated Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) for Speaker on Friday, the conference’s second attempt to find a candidate who can win the gavel on the House floor. Jordan, currently cha…
I wonder if Jordan was standing in support of Israel just so he could win a few votes from the democrats for the speaker position?
Good point, as he was so against Ukraine spending but then came right out with a statement that we needed to pledge all our resources to Israel. It almost seemed scripted.
To be fair JJ's only asking for Iron Dome missiles that are purely defensive to take out incoming airborne threats.
If it's just supplying the missiles then that's a far cry from sending untold amounts of cash to be funneled to the deep state.
I wouldn't be opposed to genuine efforts to protect innocent civilians that are being used as cannon fodder for the propaganda machine. I just don't think our tax dollars should be footing the bill.
"The Iron Dome is primarily designed as a defensive missile system. The Iron Dome's main mission is to detect, track, and intercept incoming projectiles, including rockets and mortars, that pose a threat to Israeli territory. It does this through a combination of radar detection and missile interceptors. When a threat is detected, the system launches an interceptor missile to destroy the incoming projectile before it can reach its intended target. It is an effective means of protecting against these types of attacks."
I agree with you 100% regarding protecting innocent cannon fodder from the 800lb wrestling gorillas.
However, I will point out that just like pretty much everything white and blue, Iron Dome is a rather nuanced issue. I have seen convincing arguments and evidence that would indicate Iron Dome is nothing more than a super expensive psy-op.
But, as far as games go, if that's the one JJ has to play, it's not the end of the world.
Not to sound heartless, but why do we have to pay even more for Israel to defend it's civilians? We already give them billions each year. Where is that money?
I don't think we should at all. I'm just pointing out the distinction between Jim Jordan's position versus others and correcting the misrepresentation.
Right on fren
Oh I agree with you 100%. I just wanted to make the distinction between Jim Jordan supporting specific defensive measures versus other people's positions of just sending over untold amounts of cash.
If push comes to shove I'd rather stand behind Jim Jordan then the others that don't share his much more limited support.
“Iron dome” is fake news. A while back there was a reward for anyone who could produce a video of iron dome actually intercepting a missile, and that reward was never claimed. The videos we did see looked an awful lot like July 4th pyrotechnics.
I think the American people are exhausted with the Biden clan's ties to corrupt Ukraine. Biden doesn't want that war to end because he is getting a big piece of our taxpayer money with every billion we send them.
Israel support is different. Iran needs to be stopped and now. They are a true ally. Ukraine has always been corrupt and Biden perpetuates that corruption!
Iran has never been an enemy of Americans, or a threat to Americans.
Americans need to understand that the US is always the aggressor, that cries out in pain as it strikes you. Americans have dropped more bombs on innocent civilians than the rest of the world combined
Fixed it: "..the American people are exhausted."
Q is as real as Trump is real
Because Trump is Q plus
Jim Jordan is very vocal and speaks well when questioning people. He’d be a solid mouthpiece in video snippets if people really ever do face the fire.
"all will do as told" does not leave room for chance.
And then...
First thing I thought of was that he was "told" to rethink his position.
You're confusing two different people. Rogers vs Scott.
Hand slaps the side of my forehead...douy! 😄
Thanks for pointing that out fren. 🐸
Only the director knows the ending.
Q is a movie.
We know the script, the top of the cabal likely also knows the script.
But there are also likely tens of thousands flying monkeys who are going to be surprised, needing prodded into acting their parts.
What's up with Jim's "Unwavering support for Israel"?
He’s been very disappointed in them lately, though.
Bibi, why you gotta do me this wayyyy
I'll note that Trump is supporting Israel for face value but recently told allies he wants bibi impeached? Obviously he knows Israel was doing another inside job.
Looking up "but recently told allies he wants bibi impeached?" yields a bunch of israeli msm papers regurgitating a ROLLING STONES article claiming this. THat's their only sauce. Essentially, they are making news of reporting an anti-trump magazine reporting that story.
Can we really give much credence to a one-article by Trump hating Rolling Stones citing "private conversations" but no actual details of who the sources are?
They could easily simply make this up, or some of the sources could just make that up and tell Rolling Stones, or both.
Looks a lot like propaganda to me. I mean, the narrative that "trump told allies he wants Net. impeached".
For starters, the Israeli system doesn't 'impeach' a PM in the way the US system does. So the narrative makes Trump look stupid, which is what their audience laps up.
Can we? Lol of course we can. As long as it confirms our bias. You new here? Lol but seriously it’s not like this place is magically immune to bias just because someone slapped a big Q on top of the page.
Well, exactly, but I was attempting to be tactful.
he usually refutes something on truth if it isn't the case. Maybe he wants it in the open that BiBi must go.
He was critical of Bibi. No dispute about that. The point I was making is that there seems no substantial basis to the narrative that "Trump is telling allies that he wants Bibi impeached." It is a narrative being spread by ONE globalist newspaper, one of the worst. Do yu take that seriously? I don't.
And I think Trump only disputes certain things where he has a very specific reason for doing so. If he refuted every fake story created by the Leftist Globalist media, he'd be posting on Truth 300 times a day!
Cause Bibi chickened out and is whatever the Jew equivalent of the RINO.
Want the boss to go down there and get everyone in line
He's been disappointed in Bibi....
He supports people not being slaughtered and cities not being destroyed.
Whoever is responsible will be exposed.
It's odd to me that Obama & his team worked hard to interfere in Bibi's election.
Obama disliked Bibi and was disrespectful to him. That made me think Bibi was on the right side of things, but it probably was just infighting on the same side :).
Supporting Israel is different than giving them billions of dollars.
America also has a satanic masonic government. It's been that way for 100+ years. Most nation states are infiltrated by this evil virus. This is what is being exposed right now.
I don't think Trump is going to throw Israel to the dogs. It is obviously salvageable. The Rothschild -Mosad -Hamas et al. run nation state must be exposed and cleaned out. I believe that is what Trump and the WHs are working on.
Your thoughts?
And Satan told Jesus he would give Jesus all the kingdoms of the world if He would just bow down and worship him. Satan couldn't give something that wasn't his. Every government of this world belongs to him.
Satan is the father of lies. Don't forget that. Dominion belongs to God, not Satan. Any temporary authority God gives him can be taken back in a heartbeat.
That was 2000 years ago, and when Jesus was being assaulted (tempted) by Satan, during a 40-day fast. Why a 40-day fast? Why did Moses fast 40 days?
I think that after Jesus met John the Baptist, who momentarily recognized Jesus as the Christ, but then failed completely to support him or work with him or send any disciples to him, Jesus realized he had to go it alone, and the fast was his preparation for his ministry, while Satan's attack was to tempt him to prevent that preparation. Satan failed.
Moreover, this was long before the victory of the Cross. Through the cross, Jesus won the spiritual victory and carved out the realm of spiritual salvation that Satan cannot touch. But yes, the material realm remained under Satan's domain, but on the basis of the spiritual victory, God was able to go ahead and establish many nations that upheld and came under Jesus' spiritual victory.
From that perspective, I do not believe that every government in the world belongs to Satan. Since Jesus' time of victory, there has been an ongoing war within each nation between God and Satan for the upper hand. How much a government belongs to Satan depends on that particular struggle, imo.
That said, if a government is raised above the people, who are the rightful sovereigns under God, then yeah, that's a satanic situation and a satanic government. So maybe you're right...
John the Baptist was Jesus's cousin by blood through Mary, lived in close proximity to Jesus and probably had contact with Him his whole life. John told his disciples he must decrease and Jesus must increase. The scene of John sending his disciple to Jesus to ask if He was the one or should we look for another had to be for his disciples because John knew Jesus was the Messiah. I believe what the Bible says when it tells when Jesus r.eturns as King of Kings the God will put all nations under His rule meaning they are not under the ruld of God right now. Paul says Satan is the ruler of this world. Don;t be deceived
Thank you for sharing your beliefs. I agree with you, that the nations of the world are not under God's rule. But there is a period of relative struggle, as God prepares the nations to come under his sovereignty. Indeed, Satan is/was "the ruler of this world", but even in one ruler's kingdom, there can be insurrections and rebellions. Look at the history of Christianity. If Satan's rule was absolute, then Christianity would never have grown, expanded and developed.
Regarding John, you make certain assumptions, some of which I think are reasonable, but it's important to look at the facts. The evidence is there if one has eyes to see, that John failed in his faith, DESPITE the fact that he was Jesus' cousin. if John told all his disciples, go to Jesus, join with him, he is the one, do you think they would NOT have believed him? So why would he NOT tell them to follow Jesus? If someone asked you, even not your disciples, should I believe in Jesus, what would YOU say?
What happened before Jesus arrived at the Jordan? John explained that God told him he would know the one by the sign of the spirit alighting no him. So, up until that point, it means that John did NOT know. So why not? Apparently Elizabeth knew, when Mary was pregnant with Jesus. Why didn't SHE educate her son? The most important event, the actual entire PURPOSE of Israel, was being fulfilled and she didn't raise and educate her son that his cousin is the Christ? The messiah? It makes no sense.
And, Mary and Jesus' brothers thinking Jesus was possessed. What's with that?
The truth is, that faith was lacking. Despite thousands of years of preparation by God and the prophets, when the rubber hit the road, and Jesus was born, even his extended family fell into faithlessness and failed to recognize and believe that he was indeed the Messiah. That ONLY changed right at the end.
If you have never experienced or observed once faithful people falling into faithlessness, on turning away from what they once believed, then maybe you cannot understand it. But even in the last 100 years, we have seen many, many people who once believed in God simply turn away.
That's what happened to John. Is it possible that he had doubts? Yes, his aunty was pregnant, but that was BEFORE she was married with her husband, Joseph. So is it poossible that doubt gnawed away at John, and the idea that his cousin might truly be the Christ he found so difficult to accept, that eventually it was ONLY by a direct miracle from God showing him that he recognized it? But what happened after? Even Peter, even Andrew, even Philip, THEY followed and believed in Jesus and spread his word. Did John?
John thinking that he must decrease and Jesus must increase shows his spiritual ignorance and lack of awareness. ANY disciple who believed in and united with Jesus would increase.
John came in the mission and spirit of Elijah, fulfilling the prophecy that Elijah must come again. Jesus explained this very clearly. BUT John, failed to become Jesus No. 1 disciple. He should have. He should have understood his mission. Even when the Jewish leaders came to ask John "Are you Elijah?" he denied it and said no. But Jesus later explained that he was. So John was ignorant of his own providential mission and purpose.
because John said he wasn't Elijah, the Jews could NOT believe in Jesus, because the last prophecy in the old testament scripture of the Israelites said that God would send Elijah before the Messiah comes. So, the Jewish leaders, etc, challenged the disciples. Where is Elijah, huh? Because they had already asked John if HE was the fulfillment of Elijah's second coming. The disciples queried Jesus about this, and he explained that - if you are willing to believe it - John is Elijah.
When Jesus was alive, Satan was attacking him and God more than any other time in History. The sorrowful fact is, that Satan undermined those around Jesus who should have known his mission and purpose. THAT is why he had to go to the tax collectors, the outcasts, the uneducated. Because THEY had the heart to see and receive him, but those prepared did not.
Read again the parables of the wedding banquet, the vineyard owner, etc. The truth is all there but it takes eyes to see.
This truth only helps us to realize the deep suffering of Jesus, the pain and the loneliness and the profound sorrowful situation he faced, and yet, he got the victory, he won. He is the king of love and the king of heart, despite all of that faithlessness and failure. Only when we clearly come to understand the circumstances and reality to which the gospel is actually a record, can we put the pieces together and truly understand how great the Son of God truly is, and how his heart of love is greater than anything.
I understand that these ideas might not make sense in terms of your existing beliefs, particularly if you've been taught and believed all your life that John the Baptist never made any mistakes, or that Jesus never really faced any severe difficulties in his mission, but the scriptural facts are there.
Thanks for your reply.
God Himself is in complete control of who is a ruler of men and who is not.
Refer to Daniel 2:21
"And He changeth the times and the seasons; He removeth kings and setteth up kings. He giveth wisdom unto the wise, and knowledge to them that know understanding."
If God wants Jim Jordan to be Speaker, he will be Speaker. If He wants Trump to win back the Presidency in 2024 or before, He will make it happen.
Thank you for sharing your belief and your convictions.
Or did until Q is finished
If we know, they know.
To be fair JJ's only asking for Iron Dome missiles that are purely defensive to take out incoming airborne threats.
If it's just supplying the missiles then that's a far cry from sending untold amounts of cash to be funneled to the deep state.
I wouldn't be opposed to genuine efforts to protect innocent civilians that are being used as cannon fodder for the propaganda machine.
"The Iron Dome is primarily designed as a defensive missile system. The Iron Dome's main mission is to detect, track, and intercept incoming projectiles, including rockets and mortars, that pose a threat to Israeli territory. It does this through a combination of radar detection and missile interceptors. When a threat is detected, the system launches an interceptor missile to destroy the incoming projectile before it can reach its intended target. It is an effective means of protecting against these types of attacks."
He would have a snowballs chance if he'd come out against israel
If the plan is a psyop, which it is, then you work your enemies into thinking you’re bffs.
Thanks for the heads up on this one u/purkiss80
How did you arrive tat this post Mr. Merf?
The arms of the people in the photo make a 10:10 clock.
There were just a load of 10:10 hints dropped the last month.
Hmmm... I see 12:50.
Fair point. 🤣
Why not ten o'clock high?
Q post 1250 is interesting as well ...
Guess we'll get to see if this proofs out in real time.
Nope. Wouldn't matter even if I wanted the guy for the position. Anything done in Congress behind closed doors, in secret would be an immediate no from me, other than matters of extremely sensitive national security.
If you have to keep it secret from the American People, you shouldn't be doing it.
Headline on post is wrong. He's not speaker yet, unfortunately he's quite a bit short of what he needs to win on the floor.
Agree headline is wrong and I apologize for not constructing it accurately.
Cannot edit the headline but added a flair to categorize it more as a theoretical.
No problem and no need to apologize. I knew you couldn't edit so I was just letting people know he wasn't speaker yet. I hope he makes it.
Republicans are going home.
No speaker over the weekend.
no way to fund the wars if congress is closed.
Exactly this ^^^^. IMO a stalemate is a good thing. Take as much time as needed bc a delayed SOTH (I think) also means no U.S. dollars sent to overseas laundromats (the way it should be)
Yeah it's by no means a lock but JJ as speaker would be pretty great and it's soo close to being realized.
Time to call in and demand JJ or Trump.
Absolutely agree. Always liked him and seems honorable enough to never flip rino or bend a knee. He's perfect for SOTH
Take it to the floor. Flush the traitors into the open. Nothing like a voice vote to make their testicles shrivel.
But this does not mean that Jim Jordan IS the SOH? I only means that he was chosen as the GOP nominee for the SOH. He still have to be voted in.
I know JJ got CIC DJT endorsement probably for exposure, but I am tired of the game really.
Imagine how tired they are. ... it has to be exhausting repeating the same thing over and over at a snails pace to wake people up as gently as they can....
I know. If I am tired they will be exhausted
Out of the choices we had. I'm glad it is him.
Remember the drops about the B2 bomber? We all assumed at the time that it was Bill Barr....
What is 2 times 5? 5:5?
Enjoy the show!!!
As an Ohioan i can vouche JJ seems like a good dude.
This is pretty much best case scenario other than Trump directly.
I thought all people who go to congress get offered dual citizenship w/israel and make promises to protect it. Like on the first day!
Then 'they' teach them about insider trading.
Does he have dual citizenship?
How many of our legislators have dual US/Israeli citizenship? Is there a list? What’s the benefit/reason for this practice?
Here is a list, but don't know the date. Dual US/Israeli citizenship
Not yet..
Just to remind everyone, Mccarthy took 15 goes, Jim took 2. Anyone else see the favorite pattern appearing? 15 and 2 frens, 15 and 2.
Jordan hasnt had a vote. The 15 votes for Kevin was in the full House, not conference that Jim won in two "votes".
What is the significance of 15-2? I don't recognize it.
What happened to Trump becoming SOH, getting Biden and Harris booted, and becoming President again?
Why has everyone gotten so quiet about this? Just a week or so ago I was being called a shill and all other kinds of things because I disagreed with the daydream that Trump was going to be SOH and then 5 months.
This dudes a badass. I was Chaffetz and Gowdy weren’t pussies. They also called shit out.
Will be interesting to see if Jordan is all lion and no fox, and if he is any more than a nosy McCarthy.
oooh, I like this 10:10 decode!