Clandestine on X: Unfortunately, most cannot differentiate between what the anonymous poster known as Q said, and what really dumb followers of Q said.

My sentiments exactly. Looking at you Simon Parkes and Charlie Ward….
Simon Parkes is the absolute worst. Nothing but made up bullshit.
Clif High debunked "medbeds" only yesterday.
Yes but NESARA/GESARA…. /s
Well I for one feel med beds may be real and based upon a lot of digging I do not find the idea of them preposterous. When we find out what advances have been hidden from us we are going to be extremely pissed.
Name keks out
Ha! Stealing.
I sometimes listen to Mel K. She does have some interesting guests, from time to time. However, she also used to have Charlie Ward as a regular guest, but he has AFAIK not been on for years. It would seem like she has distanced herself from him.
Clandestine is such a tool, I remember not too long ago, maybe a couple of years ago, this guy was shitting on Q on Twitter. Now everyone loves him, geeze.
No they don't and it obvious he likes to herald his thoughts as if they carry weight on their own as we all do. This stuff isn't when hard now. Most of us should be saltier than we act.
Many will see exactly what they want to see, be it in the stories of the MSM or in the postings of the Cladestines of the virtuspace..... It is perhaps the greatest weakness of humanity as it has led us down some very dark paths. But to give up hope is to accept defeat. I will not lose to the likes of the Bidens, Clintons and Podestas of this world for I cannot believe that is what God wants.
And Benjamin Fulford.
I think people will be a tad embarrassed one day about how they blew off Benjamin Fulford. So many assumptions are made...about so many people. A human weakness.
His posts are interesting but he comes across as a crook. Unkempt, shifty, always repeating what we want to hear. I just don't believe the leaders of all the intelligence agencies and secret societies of the world take time out of their day to keep him up to date for a weekly blog post that you too can read for the low price of $19.99 a month. It's all quite ridiculous, just like Charlie "I spoke to Q" Ward.
I'm glad this is being said. There a time I distrusted Clandestine but this was a pretty genuine post and I agree with what he says.
I hope the public can begin having discussions about what Q actually said. I hope they can be mature enough to separate the fact from fiction and not mix the 2 together or dismiss it as a crazy person theory.
I also wish that our opponents/haters could understand this as well. They throw out 100% of this counter-insurgency operation because Hillary hasn't been arrested or that 99.9999% of what Q said "came true." We're not morons. We don't think of Q as a seer. We know Trump is at the head of the Q team, and that's that.
A lot of people DO seem to think of Q as a seer, or infallible. As if in the time between Q drops, the DS can’t change any moves they make.
They wouldn’t have driven the world down to such a dark hole if they were ALL completely unworthy opponents. Even normies would have seen it coming a mile away and stopped it.
I do look forward to seeing if some of the other things Q said bear fruit, though. Call it Hopium, but there’s a reason a lot of us are on this board.
I think most of what we want to see happen has already happened. We are kinda watching the documentary of it now. For normies it's real time. For us it's history already.
Trump is wiser than you think: well done steak contains no viable parasites and tomato ketchup contains Lycopene, which shrinks the prostate.
yaaahhhh that's why he does it...definitely not that he enjoys his steak like a 10 y/o.
He also loves those Big Macs for the egg protein in the special sauce they smother on it. Same here!
Joking of course. I seriously doubt 'two scoops' was for the extra vitamin D.
Love the guy
Biblical. Can't eat raw meat.
Completely lost me with this one. And probably most of the rest of the room.
After all the indictments and investigations and raids this man has been through, where NOTHING was found, you're still clinging to "Trump might be a pedophile"?
You literally just suggested that the 2020 election was stolen from Trump by white hats as "justice" for...Trump paying to rape children on Epstein Island.
You are really disgusting, man. Truly small-minded and disgusting.
Ah, so you are a desantis simp…got it!
It's very clear to me that it had to be this way. I don't think he wanted to stay in office. I think he had enough understanding of the overall plan and the psychology of why it had to be this way.
I think of him primarily as a builder and a creator of jobs more than a Playboy. I find many of the people of this country to be hedonistic anyway so I don't care about what he does. I agree with many things you say, what's the comment about hitting the Deport button that you made I'm not sure.
I thought his post was quite refreshing as well. You always see MSM attacking "QAnon", i.e. the ideas that originated by Q followers. Never have I seen MSM quote an actual Q post...
Exactly👌Which is a tippy top reason to hold actual Q posts in high esteem🐸
Isn't there a drop where it was mentioned that they were surprised at how the MSM completely avoided the topic? I think the closest they got was hinting around the pedo thing and DJT's response of 'is that supposed to be a bad thing?', followed by uncomfortable giggles and the subject being dropped.
I don't remember such drop, but then again, there are more than 4000 posts...
They avoid it like the plague.
He calls us crazy, but isn't it to be expected that a people who have their entire reality and history upended sound crazy for a bit while they sort things out?? 🤣
Good point! There is so much of a "hidden" aspect to things Q-related that of course people are going to go a little loopy, trying to find answers. That's just human nature.
yeah clandestine turned out to be a zionist shill he blocked so many of us for basic things like questioning israel's involvement in 9/11 he is not a truth seeker... what does he think saving for israel last means? But his and your point does stand. I thought stuff would happen this nov 5 then nov 22 etc but whether people suspect things happen a certain way or some say they will has nothing to do with the Q posts those never made any of those claims. :)
In case you are not a Twitter user and want to watch the comments: https://nitter.net/WarClandestine/status/1727540113930936555
Thanks for that, frog
Q told us we would be given the power of sight, illumination. 4550
Thus proving one wouldn't be guessing future. With gift of sight. see future. Food for thought
"Gift of vision" https://8kun.top/qresearch/res/9801368.html#9801649
Thank you for that drop. It was good to read right at this point.
When Q posted 3387---Listen very carefully (again). Note past (2) years. Note next (6) years. You were told what was going to happen. You were told what battles we face. Strategic. Pre_planned. Patriots in control. Q
I was thinking the next 6 years would be with Trump in the White House and most everyone did but what I thought and what the plan was were two different things!
100%. I had that conception, too. But, I was already on board. Tons of people were still oblivious. This (from today) was very helpful
Back in the early days when Q was posting a lot and the posts seemed to indicate that any day something would happen, date fagging was rampant. Once Trump was no longer in the Whitehouse people started paying more attention to drop 3387. There isn’t nearly as much date fagging anymore.
Super fucking tweet by Clan. It's so on the point truth that it hurts.
He's not wrong. And unfortunately, even on GAW we have no shortage of people who do not pay attention to what Q said.
And no, I'm not talking about glowies and shills. Thankfully, there are plenty of members that did and continue to be informed by the Q drops. But a frustratingly large minority is very selective about what drops they adhere to and the ones they dismiss/ignore.
I am dependent on the members of the past. 2019 was late to the party, and it was a lot to learning since. It is next to impossible for a newbie to roll in here and understand a thing of Q . Clandestine discovered the war manual connection if I am correct? Out of the drops? If I am right, why would he suggest the decodes , future predictions are crazy. Future proves past. NCSWIC. What are the crumbs supposed to lead too in the end?
I don't know. Maybe these questions are simple to answer? I agree with him in parts. Common sense here
I really don't like people calling others batshit crazy as an explanation for actions even if they truly are. Simon Parkers isn't crazy. He's an exploiter. A PAYtriot. Far from crazy. Labelling them as crazy lets them escape, in a way, the consequences of their actions.
I don't either, Q basically told us to learn their language, in other words, what they are saying to us in code. Now I question Clandestine. It is uncalled for to call very bright patriots in this movement dumb. They are some of the smartest people in this movement. I'm not happy with others who agree with him without reservation on this post, makes me question who they really are.
With Simon Parkes, the "crazy" description is on the table. He told his wife he's having a sexual relationship with an alien in the astral plain.
Astral plain or fancy? Or maybe astral "plane".
Only ignorant people don’t remember what has been done since WW2 to get messages through in plain site; “Secret Codes”. Of course Secret Coding has been around for centuries if not 1000 years. And the Q-Posts operate no different.
The Q-Posts are a coded system with multiple meanings, using a String and Game Theory puzzle path. The way they are laid out, with a numerical check system, appears to be a military historical mix of: Morse Code, the French Resistance Radio, the Navajo Code Talkers, Hanoi Hannah, Gematria, and Hexadecimals. If you know the history of how the US, Canada, Australia, and the UK overcame both the Nazi’s and Japanese, then you’ll begin to understand what the Q-Posts mean for Anons.
The Q-Posts are designed so both military and civilians have information. Most high level, Q-Level, retired and current US Military intelligence can decipher parts or all. Then there are parts of the posts meant to relay intel/info just for certain civilians/Anons that have seen the right mix of movies, shows, with their education, or life experience, and things they’ve learned through reading and research. These Anons then hopefully, as we do here on GAW, pas the info/Intel on to our communities/others.
WW2 was not won by military alone. Both the French, Jewish, Italian, Chinese, Philippine, and even German resistance/underground groups served With Honor and Sacrifice, to help the allied and Russian forces overcome the Italian Nazis, German Nazis, and Japanese military.
The last piece of all about the Q-Posts is that Future Proves Past. And what that clearly means and sounds impossible but true is, that 6-7 years worth of “down to the day/person/event US and some World Intel/information was provided ahead.
How is that possible? How? Only 2 theories so far provide good theoretical possibilities into how.
YouTube Video: https://youtu.be/LfEN_r3fpxo?si=FWjIb7ae7Mhneuig
GAW Anon Looking Glass theory: https://greatawakening.win/p/15IqxOnl3b/project-looking-glass-and-the-es/
This is this best explanation I can offer from my personal research my friends. And at some point after WE have Won, I’m sure what really went down if it differs or is similar, will be revealed. Anyway Happy Thanksgiving and God bless each of you and your families world wide.
So you’re exactly who this post is talking about
I've been saying exactly this ever since I woke up three years ago. Prior to that, the fantastical claims and bad decodes prevented me from waking up sooner.
When I now talk about Q with normies, I tell them to forget everything they've heard about him, whether from supporters or critics, and to study the drops from the beginning. I do this because it's what I wish someone had told me when I was asleep.
I lived every post in real time.
I wish I could do it all over again.
Yup, the person who turned me on to Q about week after it started was s former mil person who worked for a 3 letter agency. Not the clowns, a person very close to me. They left over covid shots and are doing other things now. But after I caught up the 1st q post I saw them ever day. When they hit.
"New Q!" I remember those days too. Good times.
Personally I think he is spot on. Clearly Q was right about a lot and clearly there are also things that were likely wrong or misinformation or they changed course.
Also the posts about Gematria and wildly loose deltas do make shit look crazy. I think there were a couple deltas but overall future proves past doesn’t mean shit needs to like up exactly.
I also believe Trump authorized the operation but has VERY LITTLE knowledge about the day to day. If you are running the US and multiple companies and running a campaign and spending time with family then you would be lucky to get more than a 30 minute briefing once every week or two and anyone who thinks you would have time to dig and be in the know probably has never even tried running a small business much less America or the world.
I also think that is the beauty of it. Because Trump doesn’t know everything he comes across clueless with plausible deniability and it takes way less acting and effort.
Focus on the wins, it doesn’t need to all fit together in a perfect timeline puzzle for us to be winning. (Also if it truly was meant to be a puzzle we would have been given a much more clear way to decipher it and not cryptic posts)
Look, Q said we have everything AND that they talk to us in code so there is nothing wrong with trying to decode or see the relevance in Trump Truths or others like Scavino and Don Jr. I will not call patriots of this movement dumb. In fact, Clandestine is dumb for doing that and it makes me question who that person is and his/her agenda.😤🤬
Honestly I find the deltas and numerology to just be hilarious. And I legit discovered Q because of a comment someone made about the page number of a report I was talking about.
Shills and reee btfo'd / side-lined without malice and with a call to intro&retro-spection
"to give, grant, or release a claim to" Merriam-Webster. Think he meant remiss though.
This is super super fucking good.
Translation: Datefagging that requires quite the reach, and things like snake venom in the water don't help.
Yes, our movement is filled with saboteurs and ding dongs. But the snowball has traveled too far down the mountain to be stopped.
Well, that was a put down and from someone I paid attention to. We all have to read and discern. I don't get his intention here. Are we to quit and accept and refuse the only hope we have in this life? I think I will stick with the most reliable and reasoned spot available. Here. I shall ignore this person. He is roger stone from here on out.
This is a bit extreme, frog. Take a step back and just let it percolate. Try to imagine what he's thinking saying this. He's not stepping into you personally, he's not going after anyone specific. It's true we have some grifters in the Q movement, which Q has warned us about, and which every movement attracts in some shape or form. He's not calling you or any of us out, at least, I personally don't see it that way.
Actually I did exactly as you advised. I have learned so much and am pretty particular who I trust. I did take it personally because calling us crazy is what we're used to, so having someone I trust doing it was shocking and my reaction was knee jerk. So, ok. The flat earth people and the lizard people need to be ignored and I do. You guys who filter this stuff are great. Thank you.
I still do that sometimes and I constantly work at not being triggered by tards. They're just morons that won't believe we landed on the moon until we walk up to the lander and touch it.
If you read between the lines and filter out the somewhat bombastic wording, all he really says is some of the followers are taking away focus, and essentially handing a silver platter to the MSM. Like I said in another post here, I have yet to see MSM quoting actual Q posts.
I personally hope we all can have some reflection on this topic, so Q can depart from its fringe status, and become something you can discuss freely at the dinner table. For example, all this Gematria nonsense that we have seen in the past, was definitely not helping.
Yup. I agree. Knee jerk reaction to being called crazy.
33 years and counting. Love is lit!
President Trump, and many others through out history, have encouraged those who will listen to embrace "being called crazy" and to relish being an outsider.
Hopefully those who had a negative knee jerk reaction to "being called crazy" will treat their reaction as inva!unable diagnostic feedback; feedback they can use to improve themselves so they too are able to "relish being an outsider" from now on.
Q stands for quality.
Something definitely lacking in the character of many.
Think about things that could be date fagged. If you have evidence of a murder ie the gun the shell casings the prints on the gun and shell casing video of the murder geo location date from the murderers cell phone recorded confession to a friend about the murder and you turn that over to honest Leo you know things are going to happen because you made them happen. For example nxim. The Hollywood actress that went down. Weinstein spacey and all the rest are going down. Look at all the pizza stuff.
One of the most important things POTUS does is make people do research. He says something and the left goes nuts researching everything just so they can prove him wrong. In that the truth comes out. Q put out posts we did and do research. The dates don’t matter it’s the wake up. As people wake up they see we have enough proof that q doesn’t matter what matters is there are pedophile trafficking bribery sedition treason all going on around us and now they don’t need to believe in q it’s in their face. They bubble is bursting
In a way, JFK Jr. could still be alive having faked his death. It is pretty easy to do in a plane given that auto pilot exists. But I doubt that happened because he was planning a senate run of his own in 2000, most likely against Hillary.
The only evidence we have that he faked his death is somebody that looks like him and his wife aged appeared at a Trump Rally. Sadly, I have to go with the board and say that JFK Jr. is dead.
JFK Jr is one of the examples Clandestine gives, where the rumors don't origin with Q, but with Q followers. I remember a Q&A, where Q simply responded with "No", to the question of JFK Jr being alive.
I believe that. Like I said, a man reported to be JFK Jr. was at a Trump Rally. That is the only evidence. There is 99.9 percent chance he is dead.
That's why Hillary had his plane blow up
That's fine. Some people can not handle the truth. We see it out there and in here. No worries though, in the end every knee truly bows, even those who think they've bent the knee already will find the bent it for the wrong thing. They will either adjust or perish.
Interesting. Especially the numerology thing. I know that's really popular here. Along with the FE people, who get banned. And the "JFK Jr is still alive!" people.
I like bioclandestine and his digs and theories. But muh Nikki “birdbrain” Haley is a white hat and I’ll block anyone who questions or thinks otherwise of my opinion on the subject on fucking truth social! HAHAHAHAHA!!!! As for the rest, grifters will always grift on the weak minded. It’s the quickest and easiest way to make money next to prostitution.
Wait, does this mean it's safe to remove the tinfoil hats? "batshit crazy "Q" followers!" <-- that checks out. Serious question; how many hours a day do some of you spend posting obscure news links that reflect your personal hysteria?
Trust the Plan only works if you believe the Plan is following Jesus and not "Decodes" and Datefagging
I've never been mised so I certainly can't be remised!
(Yeah, he misspelt "remiss".)
I'm a little confused, to be honest. Does this mean that I should avoid spending any time clicking on posts about significant Deltas? I mean, he called the whole prediction thing batshit. Aren't Delta's the prediction thing?
The irony of everyone endorsing this post when 90% of the activity here is discussing deltas
You sure about those numbers? I'd say they're a minority of posts, most posts are links to news articles.
Logical Fallacy. Appeal to Authority. Make up then deploy numbers.
For example, 90% of the time those who inject %s into their comments are trying to pull a Fauci, trust the experts, con. 😘
Emoji key
😘 == meant to be taken as Love inspired Light Hearted teasing.that hopefully inspires keks and bemused self reflection.
Dont anons determine their own shoulds? Does any anon actually get their shoulds from a Screen World anon?
I mean, that is one of those things you have to decide for yourself. Personally, I don't follow the deltas because nothing came of it when I did, for the better part of 2 years. Same thing with those decodes where someone pastes together 3 Twitter screenshots, 2 memes and a Q post with a couple red lines and circles. These never seem to go anywhere. Do you benefit from these two things? I know some sure do considering the comments under such posts. I don't think everyone who believes in them is crazy, just misguided / "distracted". At the end of the day, gotta use your own discernment.
Deltas refer to the tiny number of seconds between Q posts and Trump tweets. In other words, the almost simultaneous posting of information confirms a connection between Q and Trump. That is all. Deltas have nothing whatsoever to do with predictions or "date fagging".
As /pol/ famously responds, source: trust me, I know stuff?
"Tomorrw is a 5 year delta" is what I was referring to.
Deltas are bullshit.
Tomorrow someone we've heard of will come along and say the deltas are the real deal and we should be paying attention to them. Then what will you do?
What I'm saying is, trust God and trust your guts, and you'll be fine.
I agree. I was just making the comment because of how everyone seemed to be lapping up Clandestine's comment as if it were warm milk and they are kitties.
Notice the verb choice?
"lapping up"
Notice the word choice that erases each anons individuality; replacing it with a hive mind borg?
Notice the implied claim that this word chooser has the ability to read "everyones" mind?
Notice the choice to declare that anons "ARE kitties"...."lapping up Clandestines comments like warm milk"?
Notice the animus towards Clandestine and any anon who doesn't share that animus?
Whoa, dude... chill
Yee, I notice the animus directed to anons who don't think like Clandestine.