I'm really not sure what to think about this one. Hollywood writers would have to be extremely stupid to write such an on the nose parody of the Q postings. This is so on the nose that I'm leaning towards a White Hat on the inside pulling the strings.
Mocking and ridicule is right from Rules for Radicals by alinsky. This is to chill people’s free speech by making them afraid to speak out.
With main stream non conspiracy folks sounding more like Q or Alex Jones, people may be emboldened. Legitimate mainstream news folks like Lara Logan and Tucker Carlson picking up the Adrenochrome topic must scare some people. One night Tucker made a joke about having Reptillian overlords while on air. And not a mocking joke, but more of a thought provoking one.
The Boys writers are woke AF or they are BRILLIANT satirists. Every season they trash. Christians, conservatives and anyone who isn’t 1000% on board with the message.
Which is too bad, because the show itself was great. The anti -Trump messages are evident. But still, any attention on Q is better than none. The normies must know.
It was great when you could laugh at it, and it was great when they weren't specifically pushing a message. They went harder this season pushing their messages and agenda than before.
It's clear that there are a lot of gay people in the team too, as there are so many dicks on screen but very little in the way of women.
Also, I'm sorry but Erin Moriarty definitely got facial work, she looks different in ways that two years won't cause. I backed down on this and decided "let's see the make up in the next season" and HOO BOY.
Well that's too bad. I haven't started season 4, I've had inkling that the message will get worse.
They already ruined Star wars, new series the acolyte is getting destroyed. The real Lord of the Rings with rings of power. They ruined wheel of Time with their terrible writing. The ruined Ghostbusters, marvel, basically everything they get their hands on.
The term "modern audiences" has ruined everything, from gaming to television.
Honestly books seem pretty safe so far, as readers seem to be more genuinely "okay" with reading content contrary to their beliefs, even if they don't get the same takeaway as intended.
Think you might be onto something, especially seeing as the overall theme of the show being the people we have looked up to our whole live (traditional storytelling of superheroes) could actually be diabolical elitist scumbags seems like subtle subconscious programming in line with the Q line of thinking
Exactly. How insensitive. Image being part of his family and seeing this, whether or not you understand what's happening... You'd know if was about him.
Anyone wondering about the fake sign language convo - she’s asking does anyone believe this crap. And he replies some people are really stupid. I can’t believe they mentioned Hanks and Oprah by name.
Most “inbred redneck yokel” farmers can casually fix and build things that your educated collegian couldn’t dream of fixing on their best days.
My theory is that the university phds insult them either because they think they need to gaslight the people who grow their food into thinking they’re lower and need to keep serving them, because the farmers are surely as self-centered as the people making the accusations, or because they know they’re not actually as useful but can’t humble themselves and admit that they aren’t actually worth what they’re paid in the grand scheme of things, and need to convince themselves of it.
The show is dystopian, dark and nihilistic. Mashup of universes is just weird and illogical. I mean, who’s going to care about Harry & Meghan, Oprah, Trump, Q … etc if there are frighteningly powerful superhumans running around the globe? Wouldn’t that be a more pressing matter to deal with for humanity?
Or maybe there is a larger demonic psyop here the show is propagating. That we don’t need God because we are gods and we can take on these gods through human ingenuity and smarts.
When Clotaire Rapaille was asked what the "culture code" for America was, he said "adolescent". This scene is all part of a soft disclosure about the reality of the Great Satan to his perpetually "adolescent" population.
The show has descended into a leftist wet-dream of AJ-esque conspiracy jabs so on the nose it truly lacks inspiration. Through "Firecracker" they worked in everything from Pizza Gate to Isaac Kappys PedoWood claims. And reeks of desperation in the lead up to Trump vs. Biden. The writers are thumbing their noses at the audience. And of course ramming more homo-crap down our throats doesn't help.
The brilliance of this from 30,000 feet is the cucked programming empires and shows the masses follow are the very institutions being used to wake up their own slaves and force their own chains apart.
The Boys may be part of the plan. I have been watching it too. I think we can now better understand why the new season took so long to come out. Timing is everything. Just not sure how it will serve to wake people up.
DNS problems at Catbox now. Is this a coincidence, or is it an attack to prevent the truth from spreading?
We know that DNS attacks happen to prevent info from getting out in a timely manner, so this could be the reason.
I am curious if there are specific files on there that Blackhats need hidden right now? Also I am curious how to find which pages they want hidden. IIRC (been years since I was doing network security stuff) a DDS or DNS attack would prevent the entire site from being viewed & not specific pages.
You should be ashamed for even watching this show!
LOL, Karl Urban was BORN to play Butcher. I don't know whether to say Epic, or Diabolical!
Spoiler alert though - I haven't started this season yet. My take on this though, more press is good press! Some people will literally get red pilled because this episode went there and they will look it up, and find really interesting ideas available to them.
I'm really not sure what to think about this one. Hollywood writers would have to be extremely stupid to write such an on the nose parody of the Q postings. This is so on the nose that I'm leaning towards a White Hat on the inside pulling the strings.
Mocking and ridicule is right from Rules for Radicals by alinsky. This is to chill people’s free speech by making them afraid to speak out.
With main stream non conspiracy folks sounding more like Q or Alex Jones, people may be emboldened. Legitimate mainstream news folks like Lara Logan and Tucker Carlson picking up the Adrenochrome topic must scare some people. One night Tucker made a joke about having Reptillian overlords while on air. And not a mocking joke, but more of a thought provoking one.
agree about demonic Leftist out in open.
The Boys creation team are anti-Christian and anti-White, REALLY, the top 7! :
Here are the (condensed) rules: https://citizenshandbook.org/rules.html
Definitely worth reading and understanding.
The Boys writers are woke AF or they are BRILLIANT satirists. Every season they trash. Christians, conservatives and anyone who isn’t 1000% on board with the message.
They're pretty woke and leftist
...and anti-Christian and anti-White, REALLY, the top 7! :
I've never even heard of this show🤠 where are you guys watching it?
Amazon Prime
amazon prime
Amazon prime
Which is too bad, because the show itself was great. The anti -Trump messages are evident. But still, any attention on Q is better than none. The normies must know.
It was great when you could laugh at it, and it was great when they weren't specifically pushing a message. They went harder this season pushing their messages and agenda than before.
It's clear that there are a lot of gay people in the team too, as there are so many dicks on screen but very little in the way of women.
Also, I'm sorry but Erin Moriarty definitely got facial work, she looks different in ways that two years won't cause. I backed down on this and decided "let's see the make up in the next season" and HOO BOY.
Well that's too bad. I haven't started season 4, I've had inkling that the message will get worse.
They already ruined Star wars, new series the acolyte is getting destroyed. The real Lord of the Rings with rings of power. They ruined wheel of Time with their terrible writing. The ruined Ghostbusters, marvel, basically everything they get their hands on.
The term "modern audiences" has ruined everything, from gaming to television.
Honestly books seem pretty safe so far, as readers seem to be more genuinely "okay" with reading content contrary to their beliefs, even if they don't get the same takeaway as intended.
You think a “white hat” wrote this….. No.. I can certainly assure you it’s a rabid leftist writer that would make this scene.
Think you might be onto something, especially seeing as the overall theme of the show being the people we have looked up to our whole live (traditional storytelling of superheroes) could actually be diabolical elitist scumbags seems like subtle subconscious programming in line with the Q line of thinking
I concur
Wow mocking Isaac Kappy’s death at the end there too. Disgusting.
Exactly. How insensitive. Image being part of his family and seeing this, whether or not you understand what's happening... You'd know if was about him.
Anyone wondering about the fake sign language convo - she’s asking does anyone believe this crap. And he replies some people are really stupid. I can’t believe they mentioned Hanks and Oprah by name.
The Left cannot meme, even in television shows or movies. Ugh.
It's funny cause it ends up making more people leave the looney left party.
It's like those lesbians in Star Wars The Acolyte. Ranked as one of the worst Star Wars series. People are getting fed up.
I hope more Hollywood leftists lose everything. Elections have consequences.
Most “inbred redneck yokel” farmers can casually fix and build things that your educated collegian couldn’t dream of fixing on their best days.
My theory is that the university phds insult them either because they think they need to gaslight the people who grow their food into thinking they’re lower and need to keep serving them, because the farmers are surely as self-centered as the people making the accusations, or because they know they’re not actually as useful but can’t humble themselves and admit that they aren’t actually worth what they’re paid in the grand scheme of things, and need to convince themselves of it.
I don’t think it’s mocking, TBH, it sounds like truth through comedy, if I were Tom Hanks or Oprah I wouldn’t love that scene.
Is this Prince Charles BFF?
Jimmy Savile? Yes.
Streisand Effect.
yes. and this is why its plausible that a WH encouraged them in this direction.
That is horribly done, horribly acted
I used to think i was a hypocrite because I can watch some Pro wrestling or Power Rangers and enjoy myself
But this is high budget, prime time programming for adults?? This cheesy, poorly staged, cringe?
They might as well just be watching Power Rangers. I am so thankful I do not watch "tv shows"
when the truth goes mainstream, what effect will this have? On the people who saw this before they saw the truth?
Predictive Programming,. To Soften the blow..
We Are At War
They just keep waking up more people the more they do this
A little too on the nose
I stopped watching back when they made fun of Jan 6th.
The show is dystopian, dark and nihilistic. Mashup of universes is just weird and illogical. I mean, who’s going to care about Harry & Meghan, Oprah, Trump, Q … etc if there are frighteningly powerful superhumans running around the globe? Wouldn’t that be a more pressing matter to deal with for humanity?
Or maybe there is a larger demonic psyop here the show is propagating. That we don’t need God because we are gods and we can take on these gods through human ingenuity and smarts.
When Clotaire Rapaille was asked what the "culture code" for America was, he said "adolescent". This scene is all part of a soft disclosure about the reality of the Great Satan to his perpetually "adolescent" population.
perpetually adolescent is right. I've been trying to make plans with a liberal and it's impossible, he argues, gets emotional, almost like a toddler🤢
Yep. And my sons (26 & 30) both stopped watching it. We were just talking about this today.
The Boys is the most woke series on TV, but still entertaining.
Well, it was until they made Frenchie hard gay after what he went through with Kimiko.
I haven't sat down to watch any other episode than the first simply based on that. It felt so shoehorned in, even for The Boys.
Frenchie is Algerian not French
The show has descended into a leftist wet-dream of AJ-esque conspiracy jabs so on the nose it truly lacks inspiration. Through "Firecracker" they worked in everything from Pizza Gate to Isaac Kappys PedoWood claims. And reeks of desperation in the lead up to Trump vs. Biden. The writers are thumbing their noses at the audience. And of course ramming more homo-crap down our throats doesn't help.
Will age like fine wine.
Wait. Boone’s Farm ages? Who knew?
"Q's saying the anti-Q talk is about to go mainstream in the biggest way."
2:20 https://ftw.usatoday.com/2018/03/saturday-night-live-charles-barkley-alex-rodriguez-the-champions-sketch
I watched that yesterday and thought the same thing.
Streisand effect.
Last season they mentioned Adrenochrome. It was on a news ticker on TV in the background.
The brilliance of this from 30,000 feet is the cucked programming empires and shows the masses follow are the very institutions being used to wake up their own slaves and force their own chains apart.
This movement is the cause of that work.
The Boys may be part of the plan. I have been watching it too. I think we can now better understand why the new season took so long to come out. Timing is everything. Just not sure how it will serve to wake people up.
Virus and election scam..
The Boys deal with the issue of weird looking childhood actors we don't want to watch anymore: He's definitely going to be seeing dead people
Quit watching during season 1 because that show is ghey!
They just planted the seed in their viewers mind; let's see what blossoms!
DNS problems at Catbox now. Is this a coincidence, or is it an attack to prevent the truth from spreading?
We know that DNS attacks happen to prevent info from getting out in a timely manner, so this could be the reason.
I am curious if there are specific files on there that Blackhats need hidden right now? Also I am curious how to find which pages they want hidden. IIRC (been years since I was doing network security stuff) a DDS or DNS attack would prevent the entire site from being viewed & not specific pages.
This is so bad….just really stupid. Wow
RIP Issac Kappy
I just watched this episode and was "holy phuk!" Disclosing or mocking? Probably the later because, amazon.
I actually enjoy the parody of how they see us. I love the show for what it is.
New episode of what? Stop watching fake TV and get a life
You should be ashamed for even watching this show! LOL, Karl Urban was BORN to play Butcher. I don't know whether to say Epic, or Diabolical! Spoiler alert though - I haven't started this season yet. My take on this though, more press is good press! Some people will literally get red pilled because this episode went there and they will look it up, and find really interesting ideas available to them.
the show tries so over the top to push a narrative, I find myself rooting for the bad guy.
soldier boy did nothing wrong.