There was at least one state that required the nominee be declared before a certain date - a date that was BEFORE the dems' convention. I suppose they could launch a write-in campaign... it's worked before in my state, although not for President.
Once again, here is a good article that spells out all of the difficulty the demoncraps will have to face if they even attempt to change candidates this late in the process...
Okay, I checked and I was wrong. Apparently they can put them on the ballot before the convention. So now I don't know the answer to your question, which is a good one. Can they just switch out one person for another whose name is already on the ballot? I tell you, this movie is crazy.
Can they just switch out one person for another whose name is already on the ballot?
I would think there is some policy in place about switching candidates because what would happen if the original candidate died or was seriously hurt or ill?
I doubt this is the first time in almost 250 years that the possibility of needing to switch candidates has come up.
When I get a chance, I'll do some digging on it.
Edited to add:
I just did a quick search and found this:
The conventions and their rules are controlled by the political parties. The Democratic National Committee could convene before the convention opens on Aug. 19 and change how things will work, but that isn’t likely as long as Biden wants to continue seeking reelection.
Basically it's saying that each political party makes the rules for who gets on the ballot, and they can make whatever changes they want before their convention opens (as long as they don't violate the Constitution or other laws). Which means that the Republican party can also change rules for who gets on the ballot before their convention opens.
Thank you. And thanks for taking the time to research and post this. I too must research this matter more. Because of course, as you said, a candidate could become incapacitated in some way. But as I understand it now, Biden has the 3,000 + delegates assigned at the primaries, plus all the campaign funds. I don't think those just automatically transfer, so I am very interested to learn how this works. Maybe they would transfer in the event of a death, but if the candidate were to simply say, I changed my mind - I'm giving my delegates and money to the new guy -- well, could they even do that? Let's both look into it more and then compare notes!
I really don't know & don't think it matters at this point;) their characters are corrupt, don't follow any 'rules'. I'm still hoping they try to put HRC on the ballot, think that might get some attention👹
Yeah, and he already has the delegates and the campaign money. Legally it would be tricky. But since when have the worried about details like ethics and legalities?
And if he gets on a ballot and people vote for him BUT something happens to him after the fact, the rules stipulate that a vote for Joe now becomes a vote for whomever they replaced him with.
Doesn't matter anyway. The Dem half of the uniparty is a winner take all delegates camp. Since no one bothered to run against him in the primaries, they're stuck with Buyden unless they go for the 25th Amendment option. And then they'd be stuck with Harris and whoever they could put in as her VP candidate, and I sincerely doubt with all the DEI/CRT shit they've pushed lately, that they'd go for a Harris/Newsom or even a Harris/Whitmer ticket. The best option they have on this front would be a Harris/Big Mike ticket.
I agree that the SCOTUS would avoid the matter at all costs. In the past all attempts to get bathhouse Barrie out never obtained "standing" to be heard.
But if we are at the brink of war, the stock market has collapsed and inflation explodes, we would certainly be in a Constitutional Crisis where every citizen would have to pay attention to and maybe learn something that should've been covered in a HS Civics Class.
So, this articles says - Assuming they play by the rules and the system of checks and balances functions correctly to referee the rules, then Joe cannot be replaced.
To me, that implies that they will most certainly replace Joe, hock up the biggest loogie they can muster, spit Americans square between the eyes and declare it Russian disinformation if you even reach to wipe the loogie off your face.
Some great conjecture here...but some of y'all are discounting the proven and demonstrated fact that dems/libtards give ZERO shits about rules, processes, the Constitution, etc.
The gnashing of libtard teeth and rending of demtard garments in the post debate "analysis" on MSNDC, DNN and other lamestream outlets last evening was CLEARLY planned theater...and narrative resetting/rebooting to lay the foundation to get rid of the First Walking Corpse.
Sometime after that, but before the election, Joe states he has decided he must retire and can no longer run for president. But he will valiantly stay in office and see out the rest of his term.
Since it's after the convention, the Dems get to name whomever they want as the replacement candidate.
Simple and easy for all of them. This entirely avoids the problem of declaring Joe dead or incompetent and thereby having to deal with Kamala. They jump right to the ultra-rigged election with their new candidate, probably Newscum with maybe Big Mike or Killary as VP, and get everything they want.
They will just nominate whoever they want installed bypassing any votes from the citizens. "Any vote for Biden" if his name is on ballot will count as a vote for "Their installed person". They did something like that in the last few years where, the Dem candidate died and instead of allowing the citizens to vote on a new one, they installed who they wanted and said pretty much -A vote for the deceased person will be considered a vote for the person we installed without you all voting to have that person on the ballot in the first place.
Pre-existing rules don't matter. If needed, they'll do a media campaign to pressure and bully GOP legislatures to bend the rules on deadlines. If the legislature won't, they'll sue and win in their state Supreme courts.
I would prefer the white hats being in control to the degree that Biden is forced to be eviscerated in all debates, run against Trump, lose, and then he has permission to die.
Have you ever seen the movie "The Distinguished Gentleman"? From 1992 with Eddie Murphy.
He plays a conman who happens to have the same name as a Congressman who just died. So he runs for Congress in that man's district and wins due only to name recognition.
Can they postpone the election somehow? I mean, if the candidate dies while running for office, I'm sure they have a way of dealing with it. I have heard people say the election won't happen, I wonder if this is why
The delegates and super delegates can elect another president at the Democratic convention, the Democratic party is setup that way unlike the GOP Trump is the nominee to the bitter end no questions ask.
It looks like they are doubling down on the clown. This is hilarious. Biden is going to have to be physically removed. His handlers won't allow him to stop.
My opinion might be they want to again show us who the real boss is. They will not stop until they are forced to stop. The more the path becomes harder for them, the more they will wreck havoc and show us we have no system, just a facade of a system.
Look at how the dems planned the J6 set up. They plan way in advance. They do have a plan. Joe will bow out last minute so the replacement doesn’t have to debate or really campaign. Big Mike, Hillary, or Newsom will step in without getting their hands dirty or showing their commie characters and their plans for our future. Demon voters will be relieved/motivated to write in a possible winner. Plus, they are definitely going to try and cheat and steal it again.
Biden is going to lock Trump up and then retire. He’ll let someone take over and claim he did his job for democracy and the good of the country. He knows once he locks Trump up, he’ll get hostile crowds and never ending questions, thus retirement.
this is the demonrats and the courts are demonrat....if there is any flimsy reason to replace him....maybe they'll have him die....they'll get him off the ballot....its not like they have to follow rules or anything.
Those would be the secret, illegal pre-convention ones maybe? They'll just print more. It wound help them add chaos into the voting system, they'd love that.
You must feel mighty strongly about this unsubstantiated rumor since you've been here for two years with virtually no activity and have now posted this exact same comment in twelve different posts. My, my...
Biden is in trouble. by Ranlove
boshy 2 hours ago +1 / -0
Just heard from an unofficial source that Jen Psaki has been wiating in the wings to replace Biden. Let's see if this is true.
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They're gonna dump Biden by LordLag1
boshy 2 hours ago +2 / -0
Just heard from an unofficial source that Jen Psaki has been wiating in the wings to replace Biden. Let's see if this is true.
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Does this Qualify as “Change of Batter Coming? by Cookitup
boshy 2 hours ago +1 / -0
Just heard from an unofficial source that Jen Psaki has been wiating in the wings to replace Biden. Let's see if this is true.
permalink context all comments (4) save report block
It's too telling that both CNN and MSNBC are unanimously criticizing Biden for his debate performance, they have to had planned this ahead of time to replace Biden with Clinton, Newsome or some other demon by XGemInaV
boshy 2 hours ago +1 / -0
Just heard from an unofficial source that Jen Psaki has been wiating in the wings to replace Biden. Let's see if this is true.
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Dems only hope.... by Daveyboy58
boshy 2 hours ago +1 / -0
Just heard from an unofficial source that Jen Psaki has been wiating in the wings to replace Biden. Let's see if this is true.
permalink context all comments (6) save report block
Watching ABC they are already dumping on Biden. Talking about replacing Biden. by Ranlove
boshy 2 hours ago +1 / -0
Just heard from an unofficial source that Jen Psaki has been wiating in the wings to replace Biden. Let's see if this is true.
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Dems freak out over Biden’s debate performance: ‘Biden is toast’ by placekicker217
boshy 2 hours ago +1 / -0
Just heard from an unofficial source that Jen Psaki has been wiating in the wings to replace Biden. Let's see if this is true.
permalink context all comments (5) save report block
How can they replace Biden if he is already on the ballot in many states? by Dumbpassword
boshy 2 hours ago +2 / -0
Just heard from an unofficial source that Jen Psaki has been wiating in the wings to replace Biden. Let's see if this is true.
permalink context all comments (48) save report block
Taking bets who will be replacing Biden? Opinion from GAW by brain_dead
boshy 2 hours ago +1 / -0
Just heard from an unofficial source that Jen Psaki has been wiating in the wings to replace Biden. Let's see if this is true.
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Biden won't be replaced. by AmericaWillPrevail17
boshy 2 hours ago +1 / -0
Just heard from an unofficial source that Jen Psaki has been wiating in the wings to replace Biden. Let's see if this is true.
permalink context all comments (13) save report block
STOP STOP STOP! Everyone thinks last night was a good thing to see Captain Clueless mumble, bumble and seal his fate to be replaced at the DNC. THIS IS WHAT THEY WANTED. by ftc316
boshy 2 hours ago +2 / -1
Just heard from an unofficial source that Jen Psaki has been wiating in the wings to replace Biden. Let's see if this is true.
permalink context all comments (12) save report block
DISCUSS: Is Biden being thrown under a bus a Black Hat plan or a White Hat plan? by WeAreThePlan
boshy 2 hours ago +3 / -0
Just heard from an unofficial source that Jen Psaki has been wiating in the wings to replace Biden. Let's see if this is true.
Well, that would be a move of supreme desperation putting forth one of the spokesidiots as a candidate especially considering the other country-destroying pols they have available in their candidate pool. I don't think even the crazy DNC would consider this an even vaguely viable option. Then again, considering the makeup of their Potatus administration I suppose anything is possible.
Yes, I remember both the Psaki and KJP incidents, but good that you linked both for us to consider all possibilities. Wild times we live in.
They haven't had the convention yet. He can't be on the ballot yet.
There was at least one state that required the nominee be declared before a certain date - a date that was BEFORE the dems' convention. I suppose they could launch a write-in campaign... it's worked before in my state, although not for President.
Once again, here is a good article that spells out all of the difficulty the demoncraps will have to face if they even attempt to change candidates this late in the process...
I believe that may have been Ohio, but Dewine was supposed to step in and address it.
Think AL, too, also addressed it.
I guess I'm thinking of the primaries. He has won them, and thus the delegates.
Okay, I checked and I was wrong. Apparently they can put them on the ballot before the convention. So now I don't know the answer to your question, which is a good one. Can they just switch out one person for another whose name is already on the ballot? I tell you, this movie is crazy.
Come on, Jack!
It’s actually quite simple:
The new replacement will just go to court and legally change their name to “Joe Biden.”
Of course that’ll really suck for Hunter Biden because he’ll have to kick up another 10% to the new “Big Guy.”
This movie IS crazy!
I'll be glad when the credits finally roll!
Amen to that!
I would think there is some policy in place about switching candidates because what would happen if the original candidate died or was seriously hurt or ill?
I doubt this is the first time in almost 250 years that the possibility of needing to switch candidates has come up.
When I get a chance, I'll do some digging on it.
Edited to add:
I just did a quick search and found this:
Basically it's saying that each political party makes the rules for who gets on the ballot, and they can make whatever changes they want before their convention opens (as long as they don't violate the Constitution or other laws). Which means that the Republican party can also change rules for who gets on the ballot before their convention opens.
I'll look into it more later.
Thank you. And thanks for taking the time to research and post this. I too must research this matter more. Because of course, as you said, a candidate could become incapacitated in some way. But as I understand it now, Biden has the 3,000 + delegates assigned at the primaries, plus all the campaign funds. I don't think those just automatically transfer, so I am very interested to learn how this works. Maybe they would transfer in the event of a death, but if the candidate were to simply say, I changed my mind - I'm giving my delegates and money to the new guy -- well, could they even do that? Let's both look into it more and then compare notes!
Not sure you are wrong. Might take a court to fix this.
I really don't know & don't think it matters at this point;) their characters are corrupt, don't follow any 'rules'. I'm still hoping they try to put HRC on the ballot, think that might get some attention👹
“He” is the one who won them right?
From what I remember - the deadline to provide names of candidates in some states has already passed.
Yeah, and he already has the delegates and the campaign money. Legally it would be tricky. But since when have the worried about details like ethics and legalities?
And if he gets on a ballot and people vote for him BUT something happens to him after the fact, the rules stipulate that a vote for Joe now becomes a vote for whomever they replaced him with.
And does anybody believe they aren't that ruthless ...
Doesn't matter anyway. The Dem half of the uniparty is a winner take all delegates camp. Since no one bothered to run against him in the primaries, they're stuck with Buyden unless they go for the 25th Amendment option. And then they'd be stuck with Harris and whoever they could put in as her VP candidate, and I sincerely doubt with all the DEI/CRT shit they've pushed lately, that they'd go for a Harris/Newsom or even a Harris/Whitmer ticket. The best option they have on this front would be a Harris/Big Mike ticket.
I heard this morning that Joe has decided to stay!
The new candidate will be a write-in candidate…that’s what they are planning…all ballots will be adjudicated.
They will have teams of operatives writing up these ballots. Nothing has changed.
Seems like a way easier steal than even last time
Yet Trump continues to insist we're NOT gonna let them rig & steal another election
So we'll have to wait and see what happens
Yes, that’s what we’re good at…waiting and seeing.
Yh then its a sure thing for the fraud :/
IMO, yes.
Replacing Joe: The facts
Interesting. So not as easy as they are trying to make it seem. Or even possible.
...severe medical issues would be the only solution, and the Harris factor remains...
KeK- they'll arrange a slip and fall. Or the current "cold" will turn into covid pneumonia.
Bird flu, so they can kick off the next plandemic.
She better watch her fucking back.
Heels up Harris is not even constitutionally eligible as she is NOT a Natural Born Citizen.
Would be pretty amazing if the Supreme Court had to decide an emergency ruling on who truly IS eligible before November. 🤯
Almost time for more skeletons to fall out of the closet? 💀🚪
I agree with you, but that was effectively adjudicated by allowing her to be "Vice President".
She was born in California. There is no fantasyland fairy tale in which SCOTUS would ever rule that she is not a natural-born citizen.
I agree that the SCOTUS would avoid the matter at all costs. In the past all attempts to get bathhouse Barrie out never obtained "standing" to be heard.
But if we are at the brink of war, the stock market has collapsed and inflation explodes, we would certainly be in a Constitutional Crisis where every citizen would have to pay attention to and maybe learn something that should've been covered in a HS Civics Class.
Lol. I just found that and was going to share it with you. Interesting, indeed.
So, this articles says - Assuming they play by the rules and the system of checks and balances functions correctly to referee the rules, then Joe cannot be replaced.
To me, that implies that they will most certainly replace Joe, hock up the biggest loogie they can muster, spit Americans square between the eyes and declare it Russian disinformation if you even reach to wipe the loogie off your face.
Some great conjecture here...but some of y'all are discounting the proven and demonstrated fact that dems/libtards give ZERO shits about rules, processes, the Constitution, etc.
The gnashing of libtard teeth and rending of demtard garments in the post debate "analysis" on MSNDC, DNN and other lamestream outlets last evening was CLEARLY planned theater...and narrative resetting/rebooting to lay the foundation to get rid of the First Walking Corpse.
They’ll find a way. Assassination or something else.
if candidate steps down after election or dies, the party gets to select.
how to replace him on the ballot? no clue. they print ballots up anyway.
What if BOTH candidates have to be write-ins?
🟢 Big Mike because Joe is whacked by the 25th amendment
🟢Donald Trump because the Repulsive-icans deem a convicted felon as not worthy.
This means EACH ballot nationwide would have to be adjudicated and reviewed by many eyes very closely. Maybe the military could help? 😉
I am okay with illiterate people being put in a situation of having to spell
🤣 Savage
If the candidate drops out of the election at the last minute, the party gets to select a replacement. A vote for Joe is a vote for the replacement.
Joe gets the Dem nomination at their convention.
Sometime after that, but before the election, Joe states he has decided he must retire and can no longer run for president. But he will valiantly stay in office and see out the rest of his term.
Since it's after the convention, the Dems get to name whomever they want as the replacement candidate.
Simple and easy for all of them. This entirely avoids the problem of declaring Joe dead or incompetent and thereby having to deal with Kamala. They jump right to the ultra-rigged election with their new candidate, probably Newscum with maybe Big Mike or Killary as VP, and get everything they want.
Post mortem
And what happens if it’s terribly untimely? Does the election get postponed if close(er) to Nov?
All 50 primaries are complete. He has electors that are attached to him too.
They will just nominate whoever they want installed bypassing any votes from the citizens. "Any vote for Biden" if his name is on ballot will count as a vote for "Their installed person". They did something like that in the last few years where, the Dem candidate died and instead of allowing the citizens to vote on a new one, they installed who they wanted and said pretty much -A vote for the deceased person will be considered a vote for the person we installed without you all voting to have that person on the ballot in the first place.
I read that after a certain date in Aug., the DNC no longer is required to run a primary, and can (candidate) on their own.
When I read into it last year it looked legit. Made sense given the information we have. Sorry for the no sauce. The theory is out there.
Pre-existing rules don't matter. If needed, they'll do a media campaign to pressure and bully GOP legislatures to bend the rules on deadlines. If the legislature won't, they'll sue and win in their state Supreme courts.
I would prefer the white hats being in control to the degree that Biden is forced to be eviscerated in all debates, run against Trump, lose, and then he has permission to die.
They dont need to. Nothing has bern done to secure the elections. Only way to get them out is a military coup.
Replace him with another guy with same name. I believe it’s easy to find a name sake - ask Bush sr.
Have you ever seen the movie "The Distinguished Gentleman"? From 1992 with Eddie Murphy.
He plays a conman who happens to have the same name as a Congressman who just died. So he runs for Congress in that man's district and wins due only to name recognition.
Can they postpone the election somehow? I mean, if the candidate dies while running for office, I'm sure they have a way of dealing with it. I have heard people say the election won't happen, I wonder if this is why
The Dems will allow two extra months from Election Day for special ballots. Won’t know who is president until next February.
They are waiting until August when they can remove him and insert their own pick.
The delegates and super delegates can elect another president at the Democratic convention, the Democratic party is setup that way unlike the GOP Trump is the nominee to the bitter end no questions ask.
What does Q say about a state funeral?
I would argue that Joe's presence on the ballot is the most important thing this community can watch.
I can think of no better sign that the Cabal has been backed into a corner than if Joe Biden is still on the ballot in November.
So, suppose - after the convention - Biden simply says he does not want to run and does not want to be president again.
Then what? Don't think anyone can force him, can they?
Precedent: LBJ in 1964, president at the time after the assassination of JFK, refused to run even though the party wanted him to.
It looks like they are doubling down on the clown. This is hilarious. Biden is going to have to be physically removed. His handlers won't allow him to stop.
They can't.
what happens if he dies?
That is the only way.
Replacing Joe: The facts - American Thinker
My opinion might be they want to again show us who the real boss is. They will not stop until they are forced to stop. The more the path becomes harder for them, the more they will wreck havoc and show us we have no system, just a facade of a system.
Probably by cheating and rule changing, as always.
Look at how the dems planned the J6 set up. They plan way in advance. They do have a plan. Joe will bow out last minute so the replacement doesn’t have to debate or really campaign. Big Mike, Hillary, or Newsom will step in without getting their hands dirty or showing their commie characters and their plans for our future. Demon voters will be relieved/motivated to write in a possible winner. Plus, they are definitely going to try and cheat and steal it again.
Okay, so apparently Biden could choose to release his delegates. Wonder if Jill would let him.
Potato Joe and his babysitter Jill work for the deep state. They'll do as they're told.
Biden is going to lock Trump up and then retire. He’ll let someone take over and claim he did his job for democracy and the good of the country. He knows once he locks Trump up, he’ll get hostile crowds and never ending questions, thus retirement.
this is the demonrats and the courts are demonrat....if there is any flimsy reason to replace him....maybe they'll have him die....they'll get him off the ballot....its not like they have to follow rules or anything.
Those would be the secret, illegal pre-convention ones maybe? They'll just print more. It wound help them add chaos into the voting system, they'd love that.
Operation Too Big To Rig is looking good.
Just heard from an unofficial source that Jen Psaki has been wiating in the wings to replace Biden. Let's see if this is true.
You must feel mighty strongly about this unsubstantiated rumor since you've been here for two years with virtually no activity and have now posted this exact same comment in twelve different posts. My, my...
Biden is in trouble. by Ranlove
boshy 2 hours ago +1 / -0
Just heard from an unofficial source that Jen Psaki has been wiating in the wings to replace Biden. Let's see if this is true.
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They're gonna dump Biden by LordLag1
boshy 2 hours ago +2 / -0
Just heard from an unofficial source that Jen Psaki has been wiating in the wings to replace Biden. Let's see if this is true.
permalink context all comments (8) save report block
Does this Qualify as “Change of Batter Coming? by Cookitup
boshy 2 hours ago +1 / -0
Just heard from an unofficial source that Jen Psaki has been wiating in the wings to replace Biden. Let's see if this is true.
permalink context all comments (4) save report block
It's too telling that both CNN and MSNBC are unanimously criticizing Biden for his debate performance, they have to had planned this ahead of time to replace Biden with Clinton, Newsome or some other demon by XGemInaV
boshy 2 hours ago +1 / -0
Just heard from an unofficial source that Jen Psaki has been wiating in the wings to replace Biden. Let's see if this is true.
permalink context all comments (42) save report block
Dems only hope.... by Daveyboy58
boshy 2 hours ago +1 / -0
Just heard from an unofficial source that Jen Psaki has been wiating in the wings to replace Biden. Let's see if this is true.
permalink context all comments (6) save report block
Watching ABC they are already dumping on Biden. Talking about replacing Biden. by Ranlove
boshy 2 hours ago +1 / -0
Just heard from an unofficial source that Jen Psaki has been wiating in the wings to replace Biden. Let's see if this is true.
permalink context all comments (14) save report block
Dems freak out over Biden’s debate performance: ‘Biden is toast’ by placekicker217
boshy 2 hours ago +1 / -0
Just heard from an unofficial source that Jen Psaki has been wiating in the wings to replace Biden. Let's see if this is true.
permalink context all comments (5) save report block
How can they replace Biden if he is already on the ballot in many states? by Dumbpassword
boshy 2 hours ago +2 / -0
Just heard from an unofficial source that Jen Psaki has been wiating in the wings to replace Biden. Let's see if this is true.
permalink context all comments (48) save report block
Taking bets who will be replacing Biden? Opinion from GAW by brain_dead
boshy 2 hours ago +1 / -0
Just heard from an unofficial source that Jen Psaki has been wiating in the wings to replace Biden. Let's see if this is true.
permalink context all comments (60) save report block
Biden won't be replaced. by AmericaWillPrevail17
boshy 2 hours ago +1 / -0
Just heard from an unofficial source that Jen Psaki has been wiating in the wings to replace Biden. Let's see if this is true.
permalink context all comments (13) save report block
STOP STOP STOP! Everyone thinks last night was a good thing to see Captain Clueless mumble, bumble and seal his fate to be replaced at the DNC. THIS IS WHAT THEY WANTED. by ftc316
boshy 2 hours ago +2 / -1
Just heard from an unofficial source that Jen Psaki has been wiating in the wings to replace Biden. Let's see if this is true.
permalink context all comments (12) save report block
DISCUSS: Is Biden being thrown under a bus a Black Hat plan or a White Hat plan? by WeAreThePlan
boshy 2 hours ago +3 / -0
Just heard from an unofficial source that Jen Psaki has been wiating in the wings to replace Biden. Let's see if this is true.
........ Jen?
Well, that would be a move of supreme desperation putting forth one of the spokesidiots as a candidate especially considering the other country-destroying pols they have available in their candidate pool. I don't think even the crazy DNC would consider this an even vaguely viable option. Then again, considering the makeup of their Potatus administration I suppose anything is possible.
Yes, I remember both the Psaki and KJP incidents, but good that you linked both for us to consider all possibilities. Wild times we live in.
They better not put that dude Michelle in.
Woman #1
She was on Dr. Phil:
Woman #2 Reports her abusers included: Barack Obama, Michelle Obama and Joe Biden.
From - Previous post on GAW by Penisse regarding another survivor, Ally Carter
I hope they are both alive and well. Perhaps Trump can help them.