What’s interesting is you may look at the dates and say why is 1/21 listed (Q 572)? Sure the 7/14 posts contain words in the 1/21 post, but looking at the stickied recap thread we also see that 1/21 is when Alex Soros posted the bullet hole and $47.
Q was trying to tell us 7/14 (or in this case 7/13) would be important.
It’s more like they knew something would happen but not what is my guess. But honestly we may never know. I’m not happy either that we’re losing innocents.
Best we can do is just MAGA, Pray and be there for each other as frens as this gets closer to the final battle in November.
Or if you’re big into the white rabbit stuff they knew it would go down this way but there is no changing the past. So they have to play it out regardless. You cannot change the past but they may know the future.
More people have died from the death jab than from any other atrocity in history and they continue to die from it. It had to be this way. We are taking back our planet.
I can't help think that LG is not only true, but if you combine an Artifical I in with it to get the best possible (not necessarily perfect) outcome it would explain a lot.
how do you know it wasnt changed?...it took place on 7/13 instead of 7/14 and how would we know exactly was supposed to transpire?...see what im trying to convey?
But why would Q allow a shooter to kill a bystander and almost kill Trump if they knew about it?
Great question - I'm guessing Q might have logically assumed the fucking Secret Service would notice a rooftop 150 yards away with a clear sightline to the stage in advance, so Trump would be protected from assassination,
To be honest that shit yesterday looked like a Keystone Kops clusterfuck. How the hell could the Q team ever have thought USSS would decay into a clown show starring little bumbling ponytails, or that USSS leadership would allow a sniper so easily to pull this off!
Those are possiblities from everything I've seen, despite the downvotes & comments without sauce. If nothing else, we can hope - and there's nothing wrong with hoping & praying for the best outcome if there's no other actions available.
No I don't think this was part of the plan. But this is a war and they will do anything and everything to stop the great awakening. Trump was the target and he missed.
If they actually have some form of looking glass .... Maybe they were able to foresee that trump is alive and well after an event and knew whatever would happen, would be eye opening but 99% safe for trump to face?
I have no clue how their alleged looking glass works, but maybe they knew he would be fine, and proceeded with the event.
I mean this literally is the shot Heard round the world. This is insane timing and event sequencing.you can't even plan shit like this. Someone must be a time traveler
I see what you did there, "in fire" was 86 days ago.
Trump appeared to reference Back to the Future before the shot, "if you wanna really see something..." which suggests we gotta get that baby up to 88mph. So 2 more days of this to get up to speed?
I have been racking my brain all day trying to find the connection (because I know there HAD to be for something this important) between the 3 Q drops that say "Shot heard around the world" and today's delta, but just couldnt find one.
If you cracked this yourself, congrats! you are. top Anon!
And for those jumping to the conclusion that this means it must be fake and staged by the WHs - think harder. None of what we see is staged that way. Everything is done by the cabal puppets of their own free will while all their strings are controlled directly or indirectly by the WHs who simply make sure they don’t veer off too far from the goal of Great Awakening. This means amazing amount of control indeed - almost as is the hands at the end of the strings are God’s hands. And indeed it feels like that’s what it is as time keeps passing.
Absolutely not. I like being able to lean on the top a a refrigerator when the party inevitably moves to the kitchen. The question doesn't really bother me either, I'm just a smartass by nature.
My wife gets pissed at me because I put stuff like the aluminum foil and parchment paper long roll boxes on top of the cabinets (too long for inside the cabinets). I tell her as soon as she moves the stuff I need that she puts in the cabinets under the counter I'll move those things.
The only comfort I take regarding people who are crazy tall is that, even though their lives must be fantastic in every other respect, I am sure they have to repair their ceilings very often!
You would enjoy the hell out of it until it was time to buy some clothes or shoes (size 16) you can't pick, you just have to look at the sizes and choose one that fits. Here's another one I like to use. "Hey, do you play basketball?" " no, why? Do you play miniature golf" some get it when I say it, but for the most part, it goes over their head 🤣 see what I did there...
Have a buddy who’s 6’7. We are out drinking on day and he’s sitting on a stool hunched over - being the dick that I am I said sit up straight. He looks at me and says tall people slouch because they want to fit in with the people around.
This is the whole RSBN feed. At roughly the 10:10 mark is when Trump stands up and says fight, fight, fight! This is at 6:12PM based on the clock on the screen.
Someone pointed out that Gateway Pundit(?) broadcast the shooting before the actual time of the shooting. It almost seems like a reference to Building 7 on 9/11. A UK news outlet was broadcasting 9/11 live with Building 7 in their background, but she just announced she'd had word that now Building 7 has collapsed as well. I realized there's video lag, but someone's going to give you that information through your earpiece BEFORE you see it on the "Live" feed behind you???
From what I can tell, the assasin shot Trump and 6:12. Post 572 ties to 612 by looking at 572 as hours and minutes. 5 is five o'clock, 72 minutes equates to an hour and twelve minutes. Add then together and you get 6:12.
Numerical coincidences like this literally are infinitely numerous.
This is how confirmation bias works. If you look for them hard enough, they can be found without end. Nearly any set of numbers can be manipulated with multiplication, addition, mirroring, etc., to produced a result like a 45, 47, 17, or a certain time/date/Q drop number.
Readers of Q should consider with healthy skepticism whether Q really would have relied on them to ever be able to decode numerals in the non-intuitive, highly convoluted and creative manner suggested by the quote.
It's when no intentional manipulation or stretching is necessary that the complementary numerals are signifying something and not mere coincidence. There are tons of those genuine comms throughout the Q journey.
Readers of Q should consider with healthy skepticism whether Q really would have relied on them to ever be able to decode numerals in the non-intuitive, highly convoluted and creative manner suggested by the quote.
In a situation like assassination, where you don't want the MSM to jump on it say "it was staged", but at the same time want to assure the Q supporters that everything is under control, you would pick a just enough convoluted decode.
572 -> 6:12 is not really as convoluted as "you can produce any result by adding, mirroring etc" but at the same time its not a direct connection, so if the mainstream tried to push it, people will say they are crazy.
BTW, I tried all day to find some confirmation that one of the 3 drops which contains "Shot heard around the world" ties to today and I couldnt find it. This is pretty notable.
Everything is done by the cabal puppets of their own free will while all their strings are controlled directly or indirectly by the WHs who simply make sure they don’t veer off too far from the goal of Great Awakening.
I'm one of those ones which don't think the white hats are controlling things.
Yes Anon1970, agree. Let us not forget we are in a war. And I thought it particularly interesting for Dana Perino of Fox News, of all people, to say, “Warrior President”
Okay, this is good. Love to debate this. I am assuming you are saying the WHs are not controlling things directly / indirectly or any other way.
So fair to assume that you believe that everything we see is happening organically?
So for instance, how do you explain Biden acting the way he does - which is clearly hindering the Democratic agenda in so many ways - if he is not controlled by the WHs?
I think we've already discussed this. Yeah, I don't believe the white hats are controlling Biden. If they are, then they are to blame for the nightmare of the last three+ years.
How do you mean? Walking like a 120 year old? Freezing up when speaking? Not being able to put a whole sentence together? Pooping in his pants? All of the above? If so, that's Biden. Of course the people controlling our government didn't want anyone they couldn't fully control so they picked some numbskull as a figure head. And they don't care what people think about it as they fully plan to steal the upcoming election.
If he was just that he would have been removed long back. He is coherant when he needs to be. He trolls just enough to get people to wake up, but not enough to get rid of him.
If you dont believe me, actually watch his videos - not just the clips we share here.
Infact, if he was really a numbskull, there is no way he would have been so unflushable right at this moment.
BTW, when did he become numbskull? Surely not all those 40 years he was pulling all those strings. Quite conveniently right in 2020 he became a numbskull?
And they don't care what people think about it as they fully plan to steal the upcoming election.
And yet, he is doing the one thing that would make it impossible to steal even with all the fraud - he is blowing their optics. They need it to be believable to steal.
Oh they'll be able to steal the election again. What would stop them? We saw the swing states all stop counting and huge spikes for Biden and nothing happened. We saw suitcases being pulled out from under tables and scanned multiple times and nothing happened. We saw many duplicate images being counted and nothing happened. We saw a truck load of completed ballots crossing state lines and disappearing and nothing happened. And you expect 2024 to be different?
Same. After yesterday, PANIC clearly stands for Patriots Are Not In Control.
Not yet.
Words, like control, have to mean things. If the Patriots were in control, at the very least the extra security repeatedly requested would have been provided, and the head of the fucking Secret Service (that's some girl named "Kim", because of course it is) would not have been allowed to nearly have Trump murdered.
Because if Patriots were in control, that sniper is not on a rooftop next door with a perfect sightline to the stage. Voter ID and no fucking voting machines would be the law of the land by now. Yada x 3.
So, the enemy turned out to be bigger, stronger, and more cunning and ruthless than expected. OK, that's why there are contingency plans. Whether the Plan is on Plan B, C, D, or Q by now, the white hats are still fighting hard for control on our behalf. They're getting there. And they may be almost there.
Because NCSWIC, now is no time to give up hope, but to do as Trump emphatically exhorted and FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT
Yes. Trying to tell ourselves that "everything we see is staged," and therefore we don't have to worry, is not remotely true.
We Are At War.
Not Everything Will Be Clean.
A good man died in the stands yesterday, just trying to enjoy the Trump Rally with his family. Other good people were injured. Our president came within a breath of being publicly executed just like John F. Kennedy.
Because the Patriots did not want any assassination attempt, and somehow it happened.
You appear to be assuming the Patriots did want an assassination attempt. (That would very obviously make them 'not Patriots' by definition, because there's no way to be 100% certain it will be foiled.) It came within 1 centimeter of being successful.
Can't go with the "Whole thing is fake, stage blood, etc." routine since multiple attendees have confirmed a real person really did get blown away in the stands, and others are injured. Any suggestion Patriots are behind that or OK with it, I reject out of hand.
But don't take my word for it. Here, an ex-Green Beret sniper lays it out—MUST watch:
My close patriot/anon friends and I have come to believe that TEMPORALLY, the Q posts began to happen/align going BACKWARD in time beginning at the final post.
If that is the case, the "SHOT HEARD ..." January 21, 2018 post aligns (going backward in time) to the day AFTER Trumps January 20, 2025 inauguration.
Event dates +1 are totally common. Not sure why. Could be that whatever was projecting future happenings to Q team may have been off temporally by a tiny fraction for some reason completely unknown to me. OR ... could be intentional. Dont know. We for certain know this ... Q posts keep hitting center mass on happenings with impossible regularity.
farpointpatriot, "PLANNED OR NOT PLANNED", me not know, but today this is what I was thinking. Here we are at the time of the RNC. Trump said he would reveal his V.P. pick during the Convention. I am a believer that Jr. is alive and well. What has had me concerned is that the "people" would not be so excited that they were deceived and lied to for so many years about his death. But with what happened yesterday, they could roll out John Jr. and say, "the assassination attempt on Trump is exactly WHY John had to go into hiding until all the things were in place to BRING DOWN THE DEEP STATE CABAL WHICH KILLED PRES. JFK. The people would be so ready to HELP these two men bring all of these evil people to justice. THE TIMING WOULD BE PERFECT TO REVEAL JFK JR. I so hope this is true. They roll out the truth Monday thru Thursday .....then comes 10 days of darkness.....the EMS announcements, and we end up with Christmas in July on the 25th. This scenario makes me SMILE. By July 25th, the Cabal world wide has been arrested and awaiting their trip to the tribunals.
My theory: cabal MI-6/Bankers and proxies run off GMT (London) which is +5 hours from EST for most ops, but cabal HQ runs off CEST (Vatican) which is +6 hours for “public statement ops”.
One could argue Switzerland/Lichtenstein is really the true banker/intel HQ rather than the “public London face” (since WW2), so in that case they all run off Vatican time CEST which is +6 hours. 6:11:33 PM EST July 13 is 12:11:33 AM CEST July 14.
There was a similar timezone delta on Iranian elections POST with 6-27 (presumed US) date delta, but elections were actually 6-28 which matches once hours added for Iran timezone delta to US.
My take is this is a combination "playbook known" and "see something, say something" and the discoveries made by the public around the secret service could domino into an unraveling. I think this was a deepstate plan that the whitehats let them execute. Check my comments from a week or so ago and il donaldo trumpo knew the possibility he might be killed. I think we're on the best timeline where Trump survived.
I'm sure I'm not the only one that came up with this; lots of people riding this signal right now. I am always looking ahead at Q posts waiting to match it with current events and the tweet about Roger Stone really tied it together.
Interesting. But "The Great Awakening" appears 67 times and "A week to remember" was stated 9 times in Q posts. The Shot heard round the world was used 4 times.
Wow! The date, the shot, and what’s happening this week. I came here hoping someone would find this Q post and post it. But seeing it in its entirety is pretty overwhelming. Q was/is a blessing to have.
It would be weird if Alex Jones turns out to be a surviving family member of the dead Patriot, and at the memorial service he goes from laughing to crying about how his lost relative meant the world to him.
It's a logical explanation at least. Everyone else is arguing that he didn't know but he knows because he is part of Q, but it's the bad guys doing bad things, but they are being allowed because that way people wake up. It's like robbing your grandma's house to prove she needs an alarm system.
No. it means that Q isn't a human being. Q is a quantum computer that has seen the future. It has been given to us time and time again. Want to play a game? This machine can look into the future and it is warning white hats what is to come.
What has a higher probability of being true - quantum computer that can accurately nail dates for future events or preplanned? Doesn't mean that that which has the higher probability is the correct answer but I still don't get the future event predictor.
Quantum computer. There's no way that someone pre-planned for all of the events currently taking place. Someone would slip up or try to ad-lib like they do in movies all the time.
Quantum computer & "white hat AI" optimizing the timeline for best way forward (research "looking glass"). Think of it as a civilization course correction for all of us, we need to do our individual parts. Best theory I have right now based on a lot of information, but I've been watching for a while and it does seem to explain a lot.
So the implication is that Trump is almost as much in the dark as to what will take place based on Q predictions? Otherwise he wouldn't have risked his life or been so at ease talking knowing that he would get a bullet in the face.
What’s interesting is you may look at the dates and say why is 1/21 listed (Q 572)? Sure the 7/14 posts contain words in the 1/21 post, but looking at the stickied recap thread we also see that 1/21 is when Alex Soros posted the bullet hole and $47.
Q was trying to tell us 7/14 (or in this case 7/13) would be important.
How many coincidences?
Wow, great find
But why would Q allow a shooter to kill a bystander and almost kill Trump if they knew about it?
It’s more like they knew something would happen but not what is my guess. But honestly we may never know. I’m not happy either that we’re losing innocents.
Best we can do is just MAGA, Pray and be there for each other as frens as this gets closer to the final battle in November.
Or if you’re big into the white rabbit stuff they knew it would go down this way but there is no changing the past. So they have to play it out regardless. You cannot change the past but they may know the future.
More people have died from the death jab than from any other atrocity in history and they continue to die from it. It had to be this way. We are taking back our planet.
Project Looking Glass theory might be reality?
for me it’s a very small, like 1% chance that the qanon thing is tied into project looking glass, related but it’s possible.
I can't help think that LG is not only true, but if you combine an Artifical I in with it to get the best possible (not necessarily perfect) outcome it would explain a lot.
how do you know it wasnt changed?...it took place on 7/13 instead of 7/14 and how would we know exactly was supposed to transpire?...see what im trying to convey?
I agree with you on this!
Great question - I'm guessing Q might have logically assumed the fucking Secret Service would notice a rooftop 150 yards away with a clear sightline to the stage in advance, so Trump would be protected from assassination,
To be honest that shit yesterday looked like a Keystone Kops clusterfuck. How the hell could the Q team ever have thought USSS would decay into a clown show starring little bumbling ponytails, or that USSS leadership would allow a sniper so easily to pull this off!
Incompetence or purposeful by SS? I would think Q team would know if the SS was corrupt.
If this was part of the plan Q team looks imcompetent to out Trump in this danger along with killing and wounding Trump supporters.
Are you insane?
Get help brudda
Those are possiblities from everything I've seen, despite the downvotes & comments without sauce. If nothing else, we can hope - and there's nothing wrong with hoping & praying for the best outcome if there's no other actions available.
This is War. Lives will be lost
So you think this shooter was a plant and just missed killing Trump and it is part of the plan.
if so I disagree, I also dont think this is a good Q proof.
I agree. Some people just have too much time on their hands.
No I don't think this was part of the plan. But this is a war and they will do anything and everything to stop the great awakening. Trump was the target and he missed.
Remote viewing is not an absolute 😑
If they actually have some form of looking glass .... Maybe they were able to foresee that trump is alive and well after an event and knew whatever would happen, would be eye opening but 99% safe for trump to face?
I have no clue how their alleged looking glass works, but maybe they knew he would be fine, and proceeded with the event.
I mean this literally is the shot Heard round the world. This is insane timing and event sequencing.you can't even plan shit like this. Someone must be a time traveler
You guys are in fire today!
I see what you did there, "in fire" was 86 days ago.
Trump appeared to reference Back to the Future before the shot, "if you wanna really see something..." which suggests we gotta get that baby up to 88mph. So 2 more days of this to get up to speed?
Haha, nice. 88mph, then we can time jump.
Watched Back to the Future IIi last night. I forgot he identified as Clint Eastwood
21 is three sevens. Perhaps the Soros plan was averted somehow.
Packed BOEing 777 jet AVOIDS MASSACRE after dragging tail during takeoff.
7+14 = 21
And post# 572 adds up to 14
Divide the timestamp (14:28:00) in 572 by 2. 14 by 2 and then 28 by 2. 7 and 14. Kinda ties 572 to 3434.
This is crazy.
Is this your original decode fren?
Probably one of the very best!
I have been racking my brain all day trying to find the connection (because I know there HAD to be for something this important) between the 3 Q drops that say "Shot heard around the world" and today's delta, but just couldnt find one.
If you cracked this yourself, congrats! you are. top Anon!
And for those jumping to the conclusion that this means it must be fake and staged by the WHs - think harder. None of what we see is staged that way. Everything is done by the cabal puppets of their own free will while all their strings are controlled directly or indirectly by the WHs who simply make sure they don’t veer off too far from the goal of Great Awakening. This means amazing amount of control indeed - almost as is the hands at the end of the strings are God’s hands. And indeed it feels like that’s what it is as time keeps passing.
This is a stretch, but hear me out.
From what I can tell, the assasin shot Trump and 6:12.
Post 572 ties to 612 by looking at 572 as hours and minutes.
5 is five o'clock, 72 minutes equates to an hour and twelve minutes. Add then together and you get 6:12.
I have never seen a decode done like this but it blew my mind when I noticed it.
I'm 6'7" "Hey man... how tall are you" does sometimes get on my nerves. When I'm annoyed I answer "I'm 5'19" Some get it, some don't.
You should have been the SS agent in front of Trump instead of that little woman who barely came up to his chest.
I would have replaced her in a nano second.
I'm 6'5" and that question never bugs me. I wouldn't trade being tall for anything.
Absolutely not. I like being able to lean on the top a a refrigerator when the party inevitably moves to the kitchen. The question doesn't really bother me either, I'm just a smartass by nature.
LOL, I've checked out so many refrigerator tops over the years as well. People have all kinds of shit up there and they forget they put it there.
Yep. But we are the only ones leaving drink rings up there. 🤣
That's hilarious, I always put my beer up there to keep it safe. lol.
My wife gets pissed at me because I put stuff like the aluminum foil and parchment paper long roll boxes on top of the cabinets (too long for inside the cabinets). I tell her as soon as she moves the stuff I need that she puts in the cabinets under the counter I'll move those things.
I cant even imagine the kind of dust and bugs and gunk you get to see on top of refrigerators when you visit someone's house!
The only comfort I take regarding people who are crazy tall is that, even though their lives must be fantastic in every other respect, I am sure they have to repair their ceilings very often!
Back seats of cars, kitchen ceiling fans are no fun either. Oh, old houses door jams are a problem as well.
I wish I could grab a couple of inches from you lol. I am 5 foot 10.
You would enjoy the hell out of it until it was time to buy some clothes or shoes (size 16) you can't pick, you just have to look at the sizes and choose one that fits. Here's another one I like to use. "Hey, do you play basketball?" " no, why? Do you play miniature golf" some get it when I say it, but for the most part, it goes over their head 🤣 see what I did there...
Have a buddy who’s 6’7. We are out drinking on day and he’s sitting on a stool hunched over - being the dick that I am I said sit up straight. He looks at me and says tall people slouch because they want to fit in with the people around.
And we slouch to fit through doors and under ceiling fans.
I get it. When I saw commercials with Yao Ming during his NBA career, he had to duck under so many door frames, because he was 7'5".
Outside of his sport, that stature is more of a curse than a blessing.
And we dont put on a hoodie while standing under the ceiling fan. Maybe once !
This post made me chuckle like a high schooler. 🤣
Barron, is that you?😉
Ohh.... no, but it would be awsome to be an 18 year old future billionaire with that hairline.
From now on I will say I am 6 foot negative 2 inch tall!
Is there sauce for the exact time of the shot?
If so, this is notable as well.
This RSBN clip shows the time on the screen as 6:11 when the shooting starts.
This is the whole RSBN feed. At roughly the 10:10 mark is when Trump stands up and says fight, fight, fight! This is at 6:12PM based on the clock on the screen.
One source here (ABC) saying it was 6:11:33 PM EST. That would be 11:11:33 PM GMT (London, as in MI-6) and 12:11:33 AM July 14 CEST (Vatican, as in cabal HQ): https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-07-14/visual-analysis-of-the-attempted-assassination-of-donald-trump/104096376
Someone pointed out that Gateway Pundit(?) broadcast the shooting before the actual time of the shooting. It almost seems like a reference to Building 7 on 9/11. A UK news outlet was broadcasting 9/11 live with Building 7 in their background, but she just announced she'd had word that now Building 7 has collapsed as well. I realized there's video lag, but someone's going to give you that information through your earpiece BEFORE you see it on the "Live" feed behind you??? https://greatawakening.win/p/17r9N2TeIb/the-day-it-all-began--iraq-afgha/c/
This page puts the rough time to 6:15 so i am hopeful we can find the exact time to be 6:12
Appears to be 6:11:33, but rounds up to 6:12 which is also 6:(6+6), so theres that 6-6-6 again.
Numerical coincidences like this literally are infinitely numerous.
This is how confirmation bias works. If you look for them hard enough, they can be found without end. Nearly any set of numbers can be manipulated with multiplication, addition, mirroring, etc., to produced a result like a 45, 47, 17, or a certain time/date/Q drop number.
Readers of Q should consider with healthy skepticism whether Q really would have relied on them to ever be able to decode numerals in the non-intuitive, highly convoluted and creative manner suggested by the quote.
It's when no intentional manipulation or stretching is necessary that the complementary numerals are signifying something and not mere coincidence. There are tons of those genuine comms throughout the Q journey.
In a situation like assassination, where you don't want the MSM to jump on it say "it was staged", but at the same time want to assure the Q supporters that everything is under control, you would pick a just enough convoluted decode.
572 -> 6:12 is not really as convoluted as "you can produce any result by adding, mirroring etc" but at the same time its not a direct connection, so if the mainstream tried to push it, people will say they are crazy.
BTW, I tried all day to find some confirmation that one of the 3 drops which contains "Shot heard around the world" ties to today and I couldnt find it. This is pretty notable.
5 + 7 + 2 = 14?
I get what you’re saying, and have the same reaction to many posts.
There’s enough that we know the direction, but never any specific data point, is my take on it.
FF0000 first posted
Can you pls mention who the Anon who found this so they can be credited?
I think u/winn had the first --
Thanks fren, you are right, u/winn seems to have had it first
Found the post from last night - FF0000 first posted with a link from X
I'm one of those ones which don't think the white hats are controlling things.
Not directly, moves and counter moves.
Yes Anon1970, agree. Let us not forget we are in a war. And I thought it particularly interesting for Dana Perino of Fox News, of all people, to say, “Warrior President”
The White Hats control many things. But there is still an element of randomness that's beyond any human control. It's not an either/or dichotomy.
Okay, this is good. Love to debate this. I am assuming you are saying the WHs are not controlling things directly / indirectly or any other way.
So fair to assume that you believe that everything we see is happening organically?
So for instance, how do you explain Biden acting the way he does - which is clearly hindering the Democratic agenda in so many ways - if he is not controlled by the WHs?
I think we've already discussed this. Yeah, I don't believe the white hats are controlling Biden. If they are, then they are to blame for the nightmare of the last three+ years.
No, my question is, "how do you explain Biden acting the way he does"
How do you mean? Walking like a 120 year old? Freezing up when speaking? Not being able to put a whole sentence together? Pooping in his pants? All of the above? If so, that's Biden. Of course the people controlling our government didn't want anyone they couldn't fully control so they picked some numbskull as a figure head. And they don't care what people think about it as they fully plan to steal the upcoming election.
If he was just that he would have been removed long back. He is coherant when he needs to be. He trolls just enough to get people to wake up, but not enough to get rid of him.
If you dont believe me, actually watch his videos - not just the clips we share here.
Infact, if he was really a numbskull, there is no way he would have been so unflushable right at this moment.
BTW, when did he become numbskull? Surely not all those 40 years he was pulling all those strings. Quite conveniently right in 2020 he became a numbskull?
And yet, he is doing the one thing that would make it impossible to steal even with all the fraud - he is blowing their optics. They need it to be believable to steal.
Oh they'll be able to steal the election again. What would stop them? We saw the swing states all stop counting and huge spikes for Biden and nothing happened. We saw suitcases being pulled out from under tables and scanned multiple times and nothing happened. We saw many duplicate images being counted and nothing happened. We saw a truck load of completed ballots crossing state lines and disappearing and nothing happened. And you expect 2024 to be different?
Same. After yesterday, PANIC clearly stands for Patriots Are Not In Control.
Not yet.
Words, like control, have to mean things. If the Patriots were in control, at the very least the extra security repeatedly requested would have been provided, and the head of the fucking Secret Service (that's some girl named "Kim", because of course it is) would not have been allowed to nearly have Trump murdered.
Because if Patriots were in control, that sniper is not on a rooftop next door with a perfect sightline to the stage. Voter ID and no fucking voting machines would be the law of the land by now. Yada x 3.
So, the enemy turned out to be bigger, stronger, and more cunning and ruthless than expected. OK, that's why there are contingency plans. Whether the Plan is on Plan B, C, D, or Q by now, the white hats are still fighting hard for control on our behalf. They're getting there. And they may be almost there.
Because NCSWIC, now is no time to give up hope, but to do as Trump emphatically exhorted and FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT
Yes. Trying to tell ourselves that "everything we see is staged," and therefore we don't have to worry, is not remotely true.
We Are At War.
Not Everything Will Be Clean.
A good man died in the stands yesterday, just trying to enjoy the Trump Rally with his family. Other good people were injured. Our president came within a breath of being publicly executed just like John F. Kennedy.
Of course this was not "staged."
We are at war. Buckle up.
You are assuming the Patriots did not want any assassination attempt, but somehow it happened. Why would you assume that?
Because the Patriots did not want any assassination attempt, and somehow it happened.
You appear to be assuming the Patriots did want an assassination attempt. (That would very obviously make them 'not Patriots' by definition, because there's no way to be 100% certain it will be foiled.) It came within 1 centimeter of being successful.
Can't go with the "Whole thing is fake, stage blood, etc." routine since multiple attendees have confirmed a real person really did get blown away in the stands, and others are injured. Any suggestion Patriots are behind that or OK with it, I reject out of hand.
But don't take my word for it. Here, an ex-Green Beret sniper lays it out—MUST watch:
My close patriot/anon friends and I have come to believe that TEMPORALLY, the Q posts began to happen/align going BACKWARD in time beginning at the final post.
If that is the case, the "SHOT HEARD ..." January 21, 2018 post aligns (going backward in time) to the day AFTER Trumps January 20, 2025 inauguration.
Event dates +1 are totally common. Not sure why. Could be that whatever was projecting future happenings to Q team may have been off temporally by a tiny fraction for some reason completely unknown to me. OR ... could be intentional. Dont know. We for certain know this ... Q posts keep hitting center mass on happenings with impossible regularity.
farpointpatriot, "PLANNED OR NOT PLANNED", me not know, but today this is what I was thinking. Here we are at the time of the RNC. Trump said he would reveal his V.P. pick during the Convention. I am a believer that Jr. is alive and well. What has had me concerned is that the "people" would not be so excited that they were deceived and lied to for so many years about his death. But with what happened yesterday, they could roll out John Jr. and say, "the assassination attempt on Trump is exactly WHY John had to go into hiding until all the things were in place to BRING DOWN THE DEEP STATE CABAL WHICH KILLED PRES. JFK. The people would be so ready to HELP these two men bring all of these evil people to justice. THE TIMING WOULD BE PERFECT TO REVEAL JFK JR. I so hope this is true. They roll out the truth Monday thru Thursday .....then comes 10 days of darkness.....the EMS announcements, and we end up with Christmas in July on the 25th. This scenario makes me SMILE. By July 25th, the Cabal world wide has been arrested and awaiting their trip to the tribunals.
My theory: cabal MI-6/Bankers and proxies run off GMT (London) which is +5 hours from EST for most ops, but cabal HQ runs off CEST (Vatican) which is +6 hours for “public statement ops”.
One could argue Switzerland/Lichtenstein is really the true banker/intel HQ rather than the “public London face” (since WW2), so in that case they all run off Vatican time CEST which is +6 hours. 6:11:33 PM EST July 13 is 12:11:33 AM CEST July 14.
There was a similar timezone delta on Iranian elections POST with 6-27 (presumed US) date delta, but elections were actually 6-28 which matches once hours added for Iran timezone delta to US.
My take is this is a combination "playbook known" and "see something, say something" and the discoveries made by the public around the secret service could domino into an unraveling. I think this was a deepstate plan that the whitehats let them execute. Check my comments from a week or so ago and il donaldo trumpo knew the possibility he might be killed. I think we're on the best timeline where Trump survived.
Credit to u/FF0000
And also to u/winn
Actually... This was the first one I saw
I'm sure I'm not the only one that came up with this; lots of people riding this signal right now. I am always looking ahead at Q posts waiting to match it with current events and the tweet about Roger Stone really tied it together.
I’m also liking 2190
Nice one - Fight, Fight, Fight
Fight, fight, fight - is what he said on the video today, right?
Also the photo matches. Awesome find!
Nice. September 17th. Constitution Day.
Fight fight fight is EVERYWHERE in Q. Very common phrase. 2190 he does the fist gesture too. Great connections!
What do you get an Emmy for? Acting?
This here is the number one reason I come to this board more than anything.
Interesting, but Trump was nearly killed and I don’t think this was part of the act?
Trump almost died last night and we’re talking Q
This is exactly when we should be talking Q.
Well the next few days is going to be interesting, that's for sure.
I'm a little bit worried at the lack of critical thinking in this thread.
To imply that Q predicted yesterday's horrific event is to imply that a father was knowingly allowed to die via a stray bullet.
I get frustrated sometimes that people don't pay more attention to the Q source material. But there's a happy medium, folks.
Holly shittttt
I thought it was the clot shot....lol
I haven't been around for almost 2 years, but as soon as I woke up and heard the news this was the only thing that came to my mind.
I told my husband "I told you I wasn't crazy".
Ha! Ha! I tell my husband the opposite!
Is this a good Q proof? If so, then it shows that the Q team were expecting this yesterday which means that they were ready for it.
Ready for it or orchestrated it.
This was posted first
How about Q 4632 Butler Pennsylvania https://qalerts.app/?n=4632 Did you guys check that one? I was looking in TS at https://truthsocial.com/@theplqn/112781847111587687. Take a look.
Great proof. I'll be saving it.
Who, on the Trump team, chose that venue?
This was not the shot heard around the world. This was not a movie. This was not set up by the plan. It's absurd to claim it is. Stop it.
It was an attempt to remove Trump by any means.
Reality hasn't stopped just because of Q. Shit still happens.
A day ahead of schedule.
Interesting. But "The Great Awakening" appears 67 times and "A week to remember" was stated 9 times in Q posts. The Shot heard round the world was used 4 times.
Right before this, the Dems bought a huge amount of ads to run on public transit with the dark Bradin meme. I heard today that they are pulling them.
Last night was another pivotal moment in not only the history of the USA but also the world.
There really is so much to unpack and of course many different theories.
So far I see three clear possibilities:
1- The Secret Service was given a clear stand down order to allow the assassin to try and kill Trump.
2- The whole thing was a set up to boost the popularity of Trump to ensure his victory at the next election.
3- It is what the MSM says, a crazed gunman trying to kill Trump mixed with incompetence from the Secret Service.
All we can do, at this stage, is keep an open mind.
Wow! The date, the shot, and what’s happening this week. I came here hoping someone would find this Q post and post it. But seeing it in its entirety is pretty overwhelming. Q was/is a blessing to have.
Well done.
only one question, yet remains unanswered
Think depth
Who writes the news?
Even Trump heard it, it went through his ear.
Everyone sure is eating this up
It would be weird if Alex Jones turns out to be a surviving family member of the dead Patriot, and at the memorial service he goes from laughing to crying about how his lost relative meant the world to him.
So the shooting was staged?
Me thinks yes, staged like shenzo abe of japan, this is all a movie
It's a logical explanation at least. Everyone else is arguing that he didn't know but he knows because he is part of Q, but it's the bad guys doing bad things, but they are being allowed because that way people wake up. It's like robbing your grandma's house to prove she needs an alarm system.
No. it means that Q isn't a human being. Q is a quantum computer that has seen the future. It has been given to us time and time again. Want to play a game? This machine can look into the future and it is warning white hats what is to come.
What has a higher probability of being true - quantum computer that can accurately nail dates for future events or preplanned? Doesn't mean that that which has the higher probability is the correct answer but I still don't get the future event predictor.
Quantum computer. There's no way that someone pre-planned for all of the events currently taking place. Someone would slip up or try to ad-lib like they do in movies all the time.
Quantum Computers are in no way predictive or cognitive, they are just humongous number crunchers.
Quantum computer & "white hat AI" optimizing the timeline for best way forward (research "looking glass"). Think of it as a civilization course correction for all of us, we need to do our individual parts. Best theory I have right now based on a lot of information, but I've been watching for a while and it does seem to explain a lot.
I had never heard the quantum computer theory but the Q name makes sense. I'll have to mull this over.
So the implication is that Trump is almost as much in the dark as to what will take place based on Q predictions? Otherwise he wouldn't have risked his life or been so at ease talking knowing that he would get a bullet in the face.