So, last night Kamala says "ThanQ" 17 times to start her "rally" And this is today's Delta
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Kamala is such a monumentally bad choice. It makes one wonder if she's ours.
Trump literally said "I got him out" referring to Biden quitting, and Trump said that weeks before he dropped out. Military is in control IMO.
I expect Kamala to be in the driver's seat when shit hits the fan, (economy, market collapse, etc)
I mean, why would Biden pick the lowest polling person to be his VP lol.
Maybe to offer a lasting FU to Barry and Mike...and the whole dang party.
Yup, and a surprisingly sophisticated chess move from the old racist.
Well that is the narrative they are pushing anyway.....
Agreed she needs to be tjere when tje collapse hits. My guess is the spiral will accelerate just before the election and get worse after up until the 20th of January. Then ...
So you are saying she is the president, like Biden, at this point in time? Or she will be when, and if, they 25th amendment Biden? I don't want to put words in your mouth, but I would like to know exactly what you mean. It does sound like you believe Trump is going to win the election, but Kamala will be president just before it?
Sounds legit to me. A few months of economic collapse and hardship under the rudderless commie Ds then Trump elected and fix all the mess. That might win over another 10% leaving the 4-6% as the hate Trump no matter what. Regardless, the next 3 months imho are about to be fireworks.
Don't think for one second that as soon as Trump is elected, everything will be coming up roses. I think this is when the D's go scorched earth to let Trump preside over ashes. At least for a few months anyway.
IIRC, the deal Obummer, Pelosi, Schumer and Jeffries "offered" Buydan (after Kameltoe agreed to the scheme) was, "Step aside or we'll 25th you."
Buydan's immediate support of Kameltoe after agreeing to the deal was his "F-you," to them because they wanted more "say" in who became "the chosen one" and the way in which it happened. (It wouldn't be at all surprising, though if they screw-over Kameltoe, too, by replacing her as nominee with one of their favorite demons during the virtual nomination.)
And, since they are ALL SUCH fine, upstanding and ethical people, they might renege on their part of the bargain and use the 25th on Buydan AND/OR Kameltoe.
When one lives in a pit of vipers, one has to expect that, more-likely-than-not, one will eventually be bitten.
I like this "assumption"/hypothesis. And you are correct when living with vipers...
The part of this that doesn’t make sense to me is even if Harris turns on him, it’s not automatic. Biden is allowed to challenge it. Then it goes to the Senate and they need 2/3rds to remove him. If Republicans don’t vote with the Democrats, Biden stays in.
Could be more that Biden wanted the negative press to stop and that was part of the agreement? “Step down and we’ll make you a hero again”?
Kamala might well end up being the only presidential candidate from a major party to never win a single state primary delegate.
But she ticked off all the diversity boxes, and coming from California she likely is a part of the Pelosi machine. She's also long been a favorite of Soros. So she has significant political value even if she has zero political support for as long as TPTB can keep her propped up.
Nope, Gerald Ford did it. He was the only president never elected.
That's not true. There are others who took over when a president died or was assassinated. We had several.
But those were running as VP with the president when he was elected, hence they were elected. Ford was asked to take the VP position by Nixon when the current VP Spiro Agnew resigned. Then Nixon resigned in Aug. 1974 and Ford was sworn in as president. I remember it all well because I was in the military at the time.
Oh, Ok. Now, I understand what you meant.
How did you feel about serving under Ford instead of Nixon? Did you notice any difference?
To be honest I didn't really care. Politics in the military wasn't that big a deal back then. When I went in I was expecting to go to 'Nam but by the time I finished my training (18 months) Nixon had already started the draw down so there were very few deployments going in country. I got out of the military in early 1975 so Ford wasn't my CIC for long.
Isn't it like that with all dei hires?
I saw an image of a John McAfee tweet from years ago saying (paraphrased) "Biden will be out and replaced by her by September right before the election." That's kinda crazy.
She may be in a position where she plays ball now, and she doesn't hang later.
She 100% is. She's a genuine sociopath. Not the "kill you or torture you" but genuinely doesn't emote human body language naturally. She doesn't experience empathy. I think she was chosen because she's the worst of the Dem candidates, so Q can expose her and reflect the corruption of the Dem party, but also have some semblance of control as she's both an idiot and leans a lot of others around her for guidance on what to do. As much as Corey Booker or Pete Buttigiege or Liz Warren suck, they are at least somewhat competent.
Q wanted an absolute useful idiot in the position. Plus, a woman minority checks the box and makes it impossible for Obama and other king makers to drop her.
I think she is a trap for the D's. They are expending so much "ammo" trying to hype her into becoming a viable candidate - but inevitably, all of the lies will collapse and the facts about her will come out in the next few months. After that, she should end up with about the same level of support as she had in the D primary (about 1%).
By then, it will be too late to switch to another candidate. I initially thought they would leave themselves an escape mechanism with an open convention... but as of now there are zero other contenders to challenge her during their convention. It is looking more and more like she will be the D candidate for the November election - and last night we get an indication that she is following the script as part of the plan. The 17 times + the delta of July 31 both line up for that Q proof. Very solid.
What does that mean? It sounds encouraging. The current state of the world totally sucks, so almost any change would be an improvement... but right now, I have no clue.
My theory is she was the one who was tasked with implementing the Jussie hoax. I suspect once Jussie was caught, he flipped and ratted on Harris. Showed them the texts, e-mails, how it was coordinated, all of it. Then Harris, now caught, ratted on whoever put her up to it (Obamas?). And as part of her plea, she was controlled and used for this role.
Biden I think it was similar. They probably caught him through Hunter and Biden flipped on the Obamas too.
My hunch though is the Obamas won’t flip and even if they are shown proof of their crimes, their attitude is, “The American public loves us so much, you guys don’t have the guts to expose us.”
If she's one of ours she is no doubt being forced, just like Biden. Her history indicates an unrepentant, wicked cabal asset
Wasn’t there a Q post referring to we will be surprised if a Dem that’s working for the good guys? I don’t remember exactly how it was worded.
I don't know, was there? You could always search through the drops over at and share what you find with us!!!
Ayyy lmao
Have we ever found the TRUE photo of the ayy with the tree? That was such as huge conspiracy
which ayy lmao with the tree you referring to ?
Sounded like the piped in some of the applause. No way people are that enthusiastic about Comma La
I thought it was Camel uh ?
I think there was a concert beforehand as well? Probably trying to get an encore and prevent Kamelhoe from speaking. Kek!
Yes. Trump said that - a concert to increase the audience size:
They’ve been leaving 5 minutes later. KEK.
Sounds to me like some loud crowd noise has been added...
Soro's must be going broke paying all those people to participate in her rallies.
nah, he's been getting all the Ukraine funding.
Most started leaving when the concert ended.
Edit: she also only spoke for like 15 mintues lol
I'm always mystified/terrified when I see a frenzied crowd like this for a politician that's so empty, so vacuous, so stupid and so unaccomplished.
I wish I could understand this energy; what drives someone to be so desperate for a savior and so credulous despite that human being providing no evidence that they can or are willing to do anything other than grab the reigns of power.
I've mentioned it many times on GAW before, but I'll say it again: The biggest challenge we have is the enormous number of broken people in this country. They cannot be reached by reason, facts or logic. They will drag us down into the abyss unless we find a way to reach them.
Of course, there's also the approach that my extremely based son repeatedly reminds me of: "Dad, there are places where these people could be warehoused".
I think he's joking. Right? He's got to be joking.
Quite a cogent comment.
IMHO, there are two main facets ("energy", as you say) driving people into this state of mindless obeisance -- fear and ego -- and both were employed by the DS players involved in the brainwashing of the public. Right now they're pushing heavy on the fear, telling the non-thinking sheeple that DJT is nothing short of the antichrist himself (their projection of their own demonic character onto Trump). So the sheeple are grasping onto the only option they see currently to avoid what they've been told will be impending doom. Frost that little narrative cupcake with a little ego icing -- "We're such better, kinder, more caring people than those weird, mean maga people" -- et voila!
They truly are "broken people" (nice way to describe them) and have been conditioned to reject "reason, facts or logic", as you noted. As part of the plan, the Q operation has been stripping sheeple off the DS narrative teats, but some will remain, will dig into their positions of willful ignorance, shove their minds, eyes and ears into the proverbial sand like an ostrich and refuse to accept reality despite every indication that they're being deceived by the very people they've trusted.
Some of them will reject the narratives when they see others breaking free, as part of a herd mentality. I think that's what we're seeing a lot of now.
As time goes on and more and more is disclosed about the evil in this world, when the FNM is broken, eradicated and the truth flows freely, more of the sheeple will step away and turn their backs while new generations won't be subject to the indoctrination in the "education" system and so forth. Once the remaining sheeple realize that they never had the moral upper ground (quite the opposite, in fact) the "ego" part of the chains that bound them can be broken. The fear part of those chains may lose potency as they realize that none of the fear porn lies they were fed were true.
All we can do is continue to pray for these broken people (and some of those dearest to my heart are among them) that the Lord imbue them with the spirit and strength to awaken from this nightmare.
Others from Q:
"For many you cannot tell them the truth.
You must show them.
Only at the precipice will people find the will [strength] to change and break the system of control [be free].
If you'll indulge me just a bit.
Lower case e? Not important. That gives us:
Amazingly (or not), there are no good anagrams of 'HAPPNING'.
However, if you consider book titles?
"NAPPING H." - a quick search returns a children's book titled:
"The Napping House"
And what might be the plot of said children's book?
"A grenny [grandmother], child, and their pets nap during a rainstorm until a wakeful flea creates a chaotic wake up call."
Parallels? Naw, that's pure coincidence!
Need a little more?
Published: 1984
Need moar?
Author: Aubrey Wood.
Etymology of Aubrey? It's derived from 'Ruler'. A story written by someone in charge?
Even more?
Illustrated by: Don Wood
Donald Wood - Donald would? What would he do? Illustrate the story? To help it be seen and understood by 'children'? A story about awakening to chaos during a storm? Or perhaps even moving pictures, like this damn movie we're all watching.
The purpose of the book is to help children understand patterns. Not a repeating pattern. A growing pattern.
Also just worth tossing out there: the author grew up in Florida, and had friends in the circus. 🤡
Enjoy the show.
Interesting. Some twists and leaps to get there, but I like it. In fact, Aubrey means not just ruler, but ruler of elves. Kind of a cool name. Segue to illustrator -- eg the one who is showing (exposing, in this case, reality/truth) -- and an audience of children (aka the naive), a storm, awakening, pattern recognition, etc. Very nice.
What if the e IS important? Here's one that warns "US risk this week", Q- Post #144 --
What does 144 have to do with the lower case e?!
Typically when referring to Q drops, in a suspected comm, where a word has been misspelled or, as in the case of the lowercase e anomaly in Q-Post #1778 referenced in OP's X tweet, an anomaly in spelling or usage, you can search the posts for a reference to that letter using "[e]" or "(e)" (sans quotes). In this case [e] brought up five Q-Posts containing that distinction. Post #144 seemed the most likely to contain an applicable message.
Scan carefully through post #144 for bracketed words or letters and you get --
Line #2: US
Line #5: risk
Line #17: th
Line #23: i
Line #24: s
Line #26: W
Line #28: e
Line #30: e
Line #33: k
I realized that's what you were going with shortly after asking my question, then decided to leave it up for others.
Thanks for the detailed response!!!
very nice dig wow
It feels like we are watching a football team where the other team is calling the plays.
First almost proof the white hats are are controlling her.
At this point almost anything is possible in my opinion.
Obama used to do the same shit. I've always translated it as "STFU it's time for your master to speak"
The clues that this is all just a bad movie are getting more and more obvious, and blatant, by the day…
What makes a Great movie, Great actors! If you have not figured out this by this time in the movie, you have some catching up to do! I think there is chart for the different levels of Anon awakening! Only 10 know the whole picture! We're trailing along! Our great grand kids will be thought the real history!
This is crazy?!?
How the hell are this many people going to see her?
It was a concert w/ some female skank rapper that is notorious for drawing a huge crowd.
The Hill is a liberal website.
Conspiracy is referring to someone holding up a Q sign
np fren
LOL no
I dont' find it a very serious proof, since I imagine it'd be hard for her to count 17 thank yous, unless she's got an ear piece telling her how many she's at lol
Everyone at this level is an operative. They will do what the script reads.
Must be an ear piece. I doubt she can count past 4
Why do you think it’s hard to count to 17??
"For her to count" Kek!
What? You don't think Kamala's staff told her to say "Thank you" 17 times specifically as a sign that the white hats are in control? Come on, man!
I mean confirmation bias looks exactly like reality. That's what makes it so tricky to keep up with.
Then the defense of the confirmation bias takes over, and you have people being downvoted just for stating that every single instance of the number 17 or numbers adding up to 17 isn't some sort of dog whistle or signpost from...nobody knows whom, or where they vanished to, or why, or when they might ever re-emerge, or what they've been up to for the last bunch of years. In fact one could be flamed or even banned for objecting to or just noticing the sudden vanishing of the entity known as Q with no explanation after the 2020 steal was completed.
Except in the clip she only says it 16 times
That shits green screened!