This is bigger than most people realize, and this dude is spot on. We can't transition from the Fiat based beast financial system into a free financial system without some fundamental shift in thinking. Most fundamental of all: The only laws that apply to humans are the Biblical laws derived from the commandments.
Thou shalt not steal
All taxes are violations of this commandment and hence against God's Law (or Natural Law).
Only commercial entities and transactions can be taxed - hence custom duties, tariffs, etc. Sales taxes are also under this, hence so many countries transitioned into the VAT/GST system over the past 10-20 years.
But income tax, inheritance tax, property tax, death tax - all those are against the God's Laws.
Joe Lange is a good follow -- on Twitter and substack. If you read his 3 part Master and Commander series you will recognize the steps Trump has already taken that move us toward the conditions described in this twitter thread.
Agreed. I just followed him after this post. If President Trump is elected... his saying "the best is yet to come" could quite literally become true. A legitimate reason for hope and optimism for the future.
What converges with this perspective is the viewpoint of common law. Under common law, living men and woman are not taxable entities. Living men and women create government, and government creates laws to cover commercial aka corporate entities.
A corporation is a "legal person". In other words, it is not a natural living being.
The satanic fiat system is built on an inversion of natural law. Corporations control governments, and governments control men and women. But the original order is that the creator has sovereignty, so men and women are meant to control government, and governments are then meant to control corporations (non-living entities).
Common Law is infact the judicial interpretation of the customs followed from antiquity, which was infact based on the commandments!
So common law is the practical version of the God's Law. And yes, we as humans are only subject to Common Law unless we consent to act as another entity.
It's a fascinating area with a rich and powerful history. There is a great video talk by Augusto Zimmermann about the Christian foundations of common law, interviewed by Dave Pellow.
One of the key aspects in common law and its development that really caught my imagination was the shift in reasoning that emerged in Christian England with the Magna Carta.
Prior to this point, there was a concept (outside of Israel) that king's get to decide laws, and so what they decide IS the law, but what emerged in England on the Christian foundation was that in fact, God's laws exist before man made laws, and that a king was the instrument to express those laws, and therefore could not rightfully make any law that contradicted those transcendent laws of God.
i.e. a king can only make laws that are derived from God's laws, and thus is not a power unto himself, but is subject to God and God's laws.
There is a direct line of reasoning and understanding from these points to the US constitution which, by and large, was a codification of the common law in to a consistent legal document defining the framework for the relationship between living men and woman and their government(s).
Thanks for that video. I only gathered this connection from various things I was digging into, seeing a more formal discussion about this would be great. Adding to my watch list
I have always wondered about Magna Carta. I think it had both WH & BH influences. It delivered people from tyranny, but at the same time, set up stage for usurping the monarchy.
Here is, in a very truncated and overly simplified version, of how I see things.
Because of the fall of our human ancestors, humanbeings became not only the children of God, but also the dwelling place of evil. Originally, human beings were only ever meant to have goodness, to perfect that goodness, and manifest God's nature. But the Fall, meant that our original ancestors, the first parents, inherited evil in addition to their God-given nature, which remained immature and incomplete, being derailed by the Fall event.
To fix the situation, God was forced to develop a modified version of his original creation blueprint so that it could fix and restore humanity. So, he divided Adam (now the womb of both good and evil), symbolically into relative evil (Cain) and relative good (Abel).
If Cain had humbled himself to Abel, this would symbolically reverse the fall (where the Angel spiritually murdered Adam, instead of humbling himself to Adam), and on that basis God would send his Son as the 2nd Adam, to give rebirth to the offspring of A&E.
So, in all things, from the viewpoint of God's work to restore humanity, history has been the history of "Cain / Abel" conflict, where both of these aspects are at work and at conflict in humanity, whether as individuals (our true original nature and conscience vs our fallen nature), families, clans, tribes, nations, etc.
The manifestation of this in the 20th century was the Democracy vs Communism cold war, where "Democracy", centering on America, was Abel and Communism, centering on the USSR, was Cain.
When the USSR collapsed, it signified the victory of Abel over Cain, and there was an amazing opportunity to usher in an era free and liberated from Satanic influence. But, sadly, during the Cold War, satanic influences infiltrated America and the West, so when the USSR collapsed, instead of America uplifting and supporting the newly liberated Russian people, they turned their backs on them and worked how to gain hegemony via Nato, etc. Putin explains this aspect in his interview with Tucker.
Anyway, point is, the world is now flame on a more advanced level beyond the cold War. In each nation there is a Cain camp (DS, globalism, Neo-Marxism, etc) fighting against an Abel camp (the Patriots, God-affirming, freedom ad truth loving people). And, we see even in different stratas. There are "abel-type" elites like DJT and Musk, etc, and there are Cain -type elites, like Schwab, like Gates, etc.
I think that the Magna Carta was a step forward in a long process of God building the foundation for America, which he established as the best model preceding his "kingdom" on the Earth, the pinnacle for the last 2000 years of Christian civilization (which itself is the pinnacle for all religious civilization, because Christianity teaches more clearly about God's nature as a Father of love than any other religion).
But until "kingdom come", there will always be a mixed bag and aspect to what we humans do, so on one level, perhaps one might say the Magna Carta had both WH and BH input, but that's because it reflects our own human situation. But it was a big step forward, as far as I can see.
The problem with Monarchy is that until Christ returns to establish his kingship on earth (in whatever form that may take), monarchs are Abel type and Cain type, relatively good and relatively evil, but none are fully one or the other. And so, as history has unfolded, God needed to breakdown the influence of monarchy in order to step forward, because all people are meant to become coheirs with Christ, and kings and queens in our own jurisdiction, aka our own families, clans, etc.
If you look at how the history of Israel unfolded politically (tribalism > feudalism . monarchy > reformed 'democratic' religious society) Christianity has followed a similar path.
Wow, did I say truncated and simplified version? It appears my verbosity knows no limits! Ah well, its a topic I feel very drawn to...
Coming late to this party...but remember how the Founders of this Republic set things up so that corporate charters were sunsetted after 7 years maximum?
They could only be extended by the will of the people. I'm oversimplifying--there were pitched battles between Federalists and Anti-Federalists on this (and among my Revolutionary War era ancestors, we had some of each!).
An incorporated entity existed to do a particular project or task. Then was dissolved. They were not intended to become "legal persons" with more rights than God's People AND The Undead to boot!
property taxes are a horrendous burden to everyone. how can they force you to pay taxes on something you already paid taxes on when you bought it, but pay taxes on something you already own, over and over? it a complete a total farce.
That's mainly because don't actually own the land even if it's paid off. Based on our current ownership system you own indefinite interest in the land but the county, state, or federal gov actually owns it.
Our current system is called "fee simple" ownership which is, effectively, the highest level of ownership (aside from the crown) back from the feudal era. Under this system you own equitable interest in the land, it cannot be taken from you without "just" compensation. However you're subject to taxes, rules, and regulations by the ACTUAL owner which, is not you.
The only way to own land outright is through allodial title. THAT is the highest form of ownership because the contract is essentially between you and God. No one can take it, no can tell you what to do with it, and no one can tax it.
Alternatively, in a recent discussion another anon suggested a constitutional amendment guaranteeing us the right to own property which would fix neither all of the ownership issues in the country.
Outside of my mortgage, property tax is my highest monthly expenditure. And it will never be paid off! WI is 35th in median income, but 8th in taxes. And it went up another $1600 this year. To pay for 65 million in repairs at the high school. Little population and a massive bill. We tried for years to vote no, but this last spring it was forced upon us. Choose the 65 million or the 300 million for a new school. Total joke.
Does your state not allow no tax increase bond issues for schools? Usually, there is no reason for a school to request a tax increase for capital expenditures. They all have debt servicing budgets, a portion of their funding that pays bond debt each year. It's like them taking out a mortgage to build new schools and make repairs.
Every citizen should get rebates on all the taxes they paid on their income AND the cost of the regulations in their mortgage. How’s this for reparations?
Most Americans would get a relatively yuge boost to their livelihood. Even the unemployed or disabled would get a chunk of cash from when they were working. Hell, prisoners would get some commissary money! Kek. It's an all around win!
Me too but this is pie in the sky stuff. What “land out west” are we talking about? The desert? We should simply take homes away from foreign owned. Homes should only be owned by American citizens and a primary home and one vacation home in non residence areas only. No more investment speculation bulkshit on primary residences.
Everyone needs to buy the new book “Saving America” by Donald Trump at the website… google and all the MSM websites are trying to hide searchers for this book… you can buy it on Amazon but buy it from Trump directly and you’ll get a better cared for book - shipping wise.
This book is bound to be filled with comms… just look at the cover!
Joe is seeing what is coming. But even he will be shocked and amazed at how good it is going to be. And a lot of it will happen quickly. I have been noticing that a lot of problems have snap back solutions. Four years sounds like a long time, but it isn’t. Trump is going to hit the ground running. I only wish I was younger so I could enjoy it even more.
(Comment: a very hopeful, inspiring idea of what is coming. Rings in Q's drop : "We are going to show you a new world." Q2450)
Spit Ball
Think much, much bigger.
I don’t think anyone really understands the changes that are coming.
Trump is openly telling us what’s coming and it’s actually only the tip of the iceberg.
Trump is telling us that he is going to completely change the tax system.
Making his biggest tax cuts in history permanent. No tax on tips. No Social Security taxes.
He’s slowly but surely, talking about dismantling the entire federal tax system and it’s to wake up more people to the corrupt system.
He’s going to remove any third party control over the people and their money.
This is only the start. It’s just the appetizer.
There is going to be no more federal income taxes.
That’s coming.
That’s the reason that he keeps mentioning tariffs and trade deals.
The federal government will only have tariffs to spend. That eliminates their power over the people.
The IRS, central banks, fiat money printing and the entire debt system are all going into the trash bin of history.
But now he’s peeling back the curtain to reveal something big.
He says he’ll cut mortgages by half and make it illegal for illegal aliens to get a mortgage because they help drive up prices.
Trump says 30% of a mortgage is based on government regulations and he’s going to cut them.
Do you believe him?
I sure do.
But here’s the kicker.
Here’s what should open a lot of peoples eyes to think much bigger.
Who owns the most land in this country?
If you said the government, you would be wrong.
The people own all of the land controlled by the government and Trump is going to give that land back to the people.
Do you realize what will happen if Trump opens up government land for housing?
The biggest housing boom in history and an economy that will grow beyond our wildest dreams.
Housing will instantly become affordable for almost all Americans.
Look how much land the government owns out west. It’s massive.
This will massively drive down home prices. The government has been artificially helping home prices go up by preventing building on the majority of land.
That is going to end.
What will also end?
Americans paying half their monthly income on their mortgage.
Can you imagine an economy where suddenly, almost all Americans have a lot more money in their pockets?
They are going to buy a lot more goods.
We have no idea what’s coming. The economy is going to be something we never thought was ever possible.
But then you ask, “What about the price of my home now? If prices drop massively, I’m underwater in my mortgage.”
That would be true for a lot of people…..temporarily.
The entire financial system is going to be changed and transformed. The fiat money debt system will be gone.
A new system based on sound money backed by gold, that the people control instead of bankers, is going to change everything.
Our money will now be worth a lot more and purchase more.
The FED will no longer control interest rates.
Can you imagine being able to refinance your current mortgage with a close to zero interest rate and based on your income that is now valued in real money instead of a debt instrument?
Everything is going to change.
As I’ve said for a long time now.
Everything changed the day Trump was sworn in as president.
He doesn’t make proposals that he’s not going to follow through with.
He already knows this is all coming.
These aren’t “proposals” by Trump.
They are “promises” and he’s going to keep them.
What’s next?
What massive proposals will he make next?
This all sounds great, except what I don’t love is the prospect of U.S. land being completely opened up for purchase. Fine to a degree, but I’m a lover a nature, and want to be able to keep big swaths of land protected from development so my grand children can enjoy the beauty that I’ve been able to.
All ten freedom cities will not take even a third of that space. And honestly, I am pretty sure the freedom cities will have tons of green spaces and organic desigm language
I don't think he means the national parks, those will stay. There is absurd amounts of land out west that the government owns. Apparently they own the majority of land in Nevada.
I've been telling people for years…
Shouting it from the rooftop...
I've been saying it here since I first arrived on GAW
Take a screenshot...
2036 Time Traveler John Titor said as much in 2001.
ALSO:I believe most mortgages held by big banks or Fannie Mae Freddie Mac will be forgiven. (Not mortgages on investment properties, just you were home) And there will be no Federal property tax. I could be wrong on this point but I have been telling my family & friends for YEARS about this. And it would have to be done amidst an already collapsing system, otherwise it would cause a collapse in and of itself to forgive all first mortgages.
Make income tax unconstitutional (again)!
Oh yeah and it will be TRUMP #48 after a brief Kamala #47 this year. Edit for those who aren't Understanding the above comment or didn't see my post a few days ago on this topic… I'm saying Biden will step down/be forced out and Kamala will be #47 for a month or two...
But she and Joe, Obama and others, will have an asterisk after their names— fraud vitiates everything. Their place in history books will be something to be ashamed of.
Why do you say Kamala is 47? I dont think they have the assets or capabilities to pull off what they did 4 years ago. I think a lot has been systematically dismantled. Plus the symbolism of Trump 45-47. We understand what that means. In exile as CIC during 46 and back as 47. Kamala will not be the winner.
I never said Kamala would be the winner…
I'm saying I think Joe Biden will step down and she will be #47 for a month or two. I did a whole thread on this using the QClock that got stickied.
When do you think the economic/stock crash is going to happen? And do you think that will be "suicide weekend" when people think they have lost everything?
25 years ago, I envisioned that with the booming internet, people could move to rural properties and continue working online. THAT NEVER HAPPENED because of corrupt controllers. Thanks to Starlink, it can and WILL happen. We do NOT need to live on top of each other in filthy cities. We have plenty of land in the USA, and most of it can be farmed in some way. Bring back small family farms!
From following the debt clock images, it looks like there will be multiple currencies, so any assets will be worth more. Not sure what's will be the best though.
Considering the difference in price of Gold and Silver currently, compared to history, it definitely should be more bang for the buck. Typically gold and silver are 10-15 silver to 1 gold, but right now I believe it's closer to 90 silver to 1 gold.
I hope this gets fixed in the process. Some people believe the amount of gold on the planet compared to silver is also a lie and silver is much more scarce.
Shouldn’t be backed by gold, that’s just another grift by the international bankers. It should be debt free fiat issued by the government directly; ala greenbacks from Lincoln.
If it’s gold backed then it’s even easier to manipulate the value as the international bankers own far more the 51% of gold.
Review 1996 documentary, The Money Masters, for a good overview here.
Trump keeps his promises. The first "politician" in my lifetime to do this. They fought him all the way. WW2 model is dead, Wait until we see what he does for NATO. The UN? The blood sucking grift ends in 2025
This will be wonderful!
I've been paying on my $40k mortgage since '83. The interest rate was 13% and we were lucky to get it. I paid my ex husband his share of $35k in the early 90s, took home inprovent loan out to buy an addition 14 acres for $55k in 2000. Refinanced again in 2011 because my husband at the time died. I currently owe $17k at 4%
My 2016 car is almost paid for (Jan '25). The plan is to add that payment to the house mortgage.
I was a single mom twice during my life time and the main bread winner for years. I tell you this because I represent millions of people who have spent a lifetime barely holding on. Can you imagine where I would be if Trumps policies had been in effect?! Thank God and Maga for fighting for me and my kids. I can't wait to see how their lives are better than mine!
When we confiscate all the DS dirty money I wonder if we’ll get refunded on all our past taxes as well. I know Trump will have that money coming to us in some form or fashion.
It’s maybe an unpopular opinion of my mine but I don’t want to see McMansions in Mt. Rainer or in National Forest. I am in favor of returning the land to the states but a lot of the federal land out west is National Parks and National forests and those areas should be preserved.
The housing crisis can be solved by getting rid of ridiculous zoning laws and ending immigration.
None of this matters if the economic framework and the idea of work remain the same.
We are getting closer to the truth. I hope Trump is only not saying the truth because normies can't handle the idea of it all being a lie. Imagine being a normie and realizing you wasted 50 years of your life
This is bigger than most people realize, and this dude is spot on. We can't transition from the Fiat based beast financial system into a free financial system without some fundamental shift in thinking. Most fundamental of all: The only laws that apply to humans are the Biblical laws derived from the commandments.
All taxes are violations of this commandment and hence against God's Law (or Natural Law).
Only commercial entities and transactions can be taxed - hence custom duties, tariffs, etc. Sales taxes are also under this, hence so many countries transitioned into the VAT/GST system over the past 10-20 years.
But income tax, inheritance tax, property tax, death tax - all those are against the God's Laws.
Joe Lange is a good follow -- on Twitter and substack. If you read his 3 part Master and Commander series you will recognize the steps Trump has already taken that move us toward the conditions described in this twitter thread.
Agreed. I just followed him after this post. If President Trump is elected... his saying "the best is yet to come" could quite literally become true. A legitimate reason for hope and optimism for the future.
Wow, where is his Substack? thanks.
Here are the first three substacks by Joe that got me hooked. Hes one of the best. Start with these three and decide for yourself.
And the homepage:
He usually confirms the conclusions I have come to independently and adds the substance and logic I lack.
Here you go :
I do like your comments and they are usually what I want to say. God bless
Blessings to you fren! Thank you!
Taxation is theft, and always has been.
What converges with this perspective is the viewpoint of common law. Under common law, living men and woman are not taxable entities. Living men and women create government, and government creates laws to cover commercial aka corporate entities.
A corporation is a "legal person". In other words, it is not a natural living being.
The satanic fiat system is built on an inversion of natural law. Corporations control governments, and governments control men and women. But the original order is that the creator has sovereignty, so men and women are meant to control government, and governments are then meant to control corporations (non-living entities).
Common Law is infact the judicial interpretation of the customs followed from antiquity, which was infact based on the commandments!
So common law is the practical version of the God's Law. And yes, we as humans are only subject to Common Law unless we consent to act as another entity.
It's a fascinating area with a rich and powerful history. There is a great video talk by Augusto Zimmermann about the Christian foundations of common law, interviewed by Dave Pellow.
One of the key aspects in common law and its development that really caught my imagination was the shift in reasoning that emerged in Christian England with the Magna Carta.
Prior to this point, there was a concept (outside of Israel) that king's get to decide laws, and so what they decide IS the law, but what emerged in England on the Christian foundation was that in fact, God's laws exist before man made laws, and that a king was the instrument to express those laws, and therefore could not rightfully make any law that contradicted those transcendent laws of God.
i.e. a king can only make laws that are derived from God's laws, and thus is not a power unto himself, but is subject to God and God's laws.
There is a direct line of reasoning and understanding from these points to the US constitution which, by and large, was a codification of the common law in to a consistent legal document defining the framework for the relationship between living men and woman and their government(s).
Thanks for that video. I only gathered this connection from various things I was digging into, seeing a more formal discussion about this would be great. Adding to my watch list
I have always wondered about Magna Carta. I think it had both WH & BH influences. It delivered people from tyranny, but at the same time, set up stage for usurping the monarchy.
Here is, in a very truncated and overly simplified version, of how I see things.
Because of the fall of our human ancestors, humanbeings became not only the children of God, but also the dwelling place of evil. Originally, human beings were only ever meant to have goodness, to perfect that goodness, and manifest God's nature. But the Fall, meant that our original ancestors, the first parents, inherited evil in addition to their God-given nature, which remained immature and incomplete, being derailed by the Fall event.
To fix the situation, God was forced to develop a modified version of his original creation blueprint so that it could fix and restore humanity. So, he divided Adam (now the womb of both good and evil), symbolically into relative evil (Cain) and relative good (Abel).
If Cain had humbled himself to Abel, this would symbolically reverse the fall (where the Angel spiritually murdered Adam, instead of humbling himself to Adam), and on that basis God would send his Son as the 2nd Adam, to give rebirth to the offspring of A&E.
So, in all things, from the viewpoint of God's work to restore humanity, history has been the history of "Cain / Abel" conflict, where both of these aspects are at work and at conflict in humanity, whether as individuals (our true original nature and conscience vs our fallen nature), families, clans, tribes, nations, etc.
The manifestation of this in the 20th century was the Democracy vs Communism cold war, where "Democracy", centering on America, was Abel and Communism, centering on the USSR, was Cain.
When the USSR collapsed, it signified the victory of Abel over Cain, and there was an amazing opportunity to usher in an era free and liberated from Satanic influence. But, sadly, during the Cold War, satanic influences infiltrated America and the West, so when the USSR collapsed, instead of America uplifting and supporting the newly liberated Russian people, they turned their backs on them and worked how to gain hegemony via Nato, etc. Putin explains this aspect in his interview with Tucker.
Anyway, point is, the world is now flame on a more advanced level beyond the cold War. In each nation there is a Cain camp (DS, globalism, Neo-Marxism, etc) fighting against an Abel camp (the Patriots, God-affirming, freedom ad truth loving people). And, we see even in different stratas. There are "abel-type" elites like DJT and Musk, etc, and there are Cain -type elites, like Schwab, like Gates, etc.
I think that the Magna Carta was a step forward in a long process of God building the foundation for America, which he established as the best model preceding his "kingdom" on the Earth, the pinnacle for the last 2000 years of Christian civilization (which itself is the pinnacle for all religious civilization, because Christianity teaches more clearly about God's nature as a Father of love than any other religion).
But until "kingdom come", there will always be a mixed bag and aspect to what we humans do, so on one level, perhaps one might say the Magna Carta had both WH and BH input, but that's because it reflects our own human situation. But it was a big step forward, as far as I can see.
The problem with Monarchy is that until Christ returns to establish his kingship on earth (in whatever form that may take), monarchs are Abel type and Cain type, relatively good and relatively evil, but none are fully one or the other. And so, as history has unfolded, God needed to breakdown the influence of monarchy in order to step forward, because all people are meant to become coheirs with Christ, and kings and queens in our own jurisdiction, aka our own families, clans, etc.
If you look at how the history of Israel unfolded politically (tribalism > feudalism . monarchy > reformed 'democratic' religious society) Christianity has followed a similar path.
Wow, did I say truncated and simplified version? It appears my verbosity knows no limits! Ah well, its a topic I feel very drawn to...
Coming late to this party...but remember how the Founders of this Republic set things up so that corporate charters were sunsetted after 7 years maximum? They could only be extended by the will of the people. I'm oversimplifying--there were pitched battles between Federalists and Anti-Federalists on this (and among my Revolutionary War era ancestors, we had some of each!).
An incorporated entity existed to do a particular project or task. Then was dissolved. They were not intended to become "legal persons" with more rights than God's People AND The Undead to boot!
Amen brother.
83% of the property taxes I pay go to "Education".
Well, who can argue with the results of that?
Yeah. We don't have enough trannie school shooters yet. There's a labor shortage.
property taxes are a horrendous burden to everyone. how can they force you to pay taxes on something you already paid taxes on when you bought it, but pay taxes on something you already own, over and over? it a complete a total farce.
That's mainly because don't actually own the land even if it's paid off. Based on our current ownership system you own indefinite interest in the land but the county, state, or federal gov actually owns it.
Our current system is called "fee simple" ownership which is, effectively, the highest level of ownership (aside from the crown) back from the feudal era. Under this system you own equitable interest in the land, it cannot be taken from you without "just" compensation. However you're subject to taxes, rules, and regulations by the ACTUAL owner which, is not you.
The only way to own land outright is through allodial title. THAT is the highest form of ownership because the contract is essentially between you and God. No one can take it, no can tell you what to do with it, and no one can tax it.
Alternatively, in a recent discussion another anon suggested a constitutional amendment guaranteeing us the right to own property which would fix neither all of the ownership issues in the country.
And yet 40% of all students going through that exact "education " system fail and are complete morons
Dept of indoctrination and teachers unions need destroyed. As we threw more money at them our kids became dumber and more volatile. Has to happen.
Outside of my mortgage, property tax is my highest monthly expenditure. And it will never be paid off! WI is 35th in median income, but 8th in taxes. And it went up another $1600 this year. To pay for 65 million in repairs at the high school. Little population and a massive bill. We tried for years to vote no, but this last spring it was forced upon us. Choose the 65 million or the 300 million for a new school. Total joke.
Does your state not allow no tax increase bond issues for schools? Usually, there is no reason for a school to request a tax increase for capital expenditures. They all have debt servicing budgets, a portion of their funding that pays bond debt each year. It's like them taking out a mortgage to build new schools and make repairs.
I don’t believe so. This is interesting. I will have to research this. I seriously doubt we do. A nice high school doesn’t garnish a good education.
Every citizen should get rebates on all the taxes they paid on their income AND the cost of the regulations in their mortgage. How’s this for reparations?
Most Americans would get a relatively yuge boost to their livelihood. Even the unemployed or disabled would get a chunk of cash from when they were working. Hell, prisoners would get some commissary money! Kek. It's an all around win!
Every citizen should get back every penny ever paid in taxes. Imagine what would happen to everyone's standard of living.
Beautiful. This Joe can see it.
absolutely, fired me up
Me too but this is pie in the sky stuff. What “land out west” are we talking about? The desert? We should simply take homes away from foreign owned. Homes should only be owned by American citizens and a primary home and one vacation home in non residence areas only. No more investment speculation bulkshit on primary residences.
perhaps they will be forced to stop "modifying the weather" and these areas will begin to grow.
Read what China has done with their water. And in a relatively short time.
You’ve just made the far fetched even more far fetched.
I agreed, only US citizens.Is this the NESARA GESARA CIC Trump talking about?
Everyone needs to buy the new book “Saving America” by Donald Trump at the website… google and all the MSM websites are trying to hide searchers for this book… you can buy it on Amazon but buy it from Trump directly and you’ll get a better cared for book - shipping wise.
This book is bound to be filled with comms… just look at the cover!
Joe is seeing what is coming. But even he will be shocked and amazed at how good it is going to be. And a lot of it will happen quickly. I have been noticing that a lot of problems have snap back solutions. Four years sounds like a long time, but it isn’t. Trump is going to hit the ground running. I only wish I was younger so I could enjoy it even more.
Limiters will be removed. You have way more time than you think
Read Isaiah 65:20-25
And honestly that falls short of the truth, no more illness, no more death!
Thank you for that. I have noticed that lots of animals have been getting along much more and have unusual friends.
(Comment: a very hopeful, inspiring idea of what is coming. Rings in Q's drop : "We are going to show you a new world." Q2450)
Spit Ball
Think much, much bigger.
I don’t think anyone really understands the changes that are coming.
Trump is openly telling us what’s coming and it’s actually only the tip of the iceberg.
Trump is telling us that he is going to completely change the tax system. Making his biggest tax cuts in history permanent. No tax on tips. No Social Security taxes.
He’s slowly but surely, talking about dismantling the entire federal tax system and it’s to wake up more people to the corrupt system.
He’s going to remove any third party control over the people and their money. This is only the start. It’s just the appetizer.
There is going to be no more federal income taxes.
That’s coming.
That’s the reason that he keeps mentioning tariffs and trade deals. The federal government will only have tariffs to spend. That eliminates their power over the people.
The IRS, central banks, fiat money printing and the entire debt system are all going into the trash bin of history.
But now he’s peeling back the curtain to reveal something big.
He says he’ll cut mortgages by half and make it illegal for illegal aliens to get a mortgage because they help drive up prices.
Trump says 30% of a mortgage is based on government regulations and he’s going to cut them.
Do you believe him? I sure do.
But here’s the kicker.
Here’s what should open a lot of peoples eyes to think much bigger.
Who owns the most land in this country?
If you said the government, you would be wrong.
The people own all of the land controlled by the government and Trump is going to give that land back to the people.
Do you realize what will happen if Trump opens up government land for housing?
The biggest housing boom in history and an economy that will grow beyond our wildest dreams.
Housing will instantly become affordable for almost all Americans.
Look how much land the government owns out west. It’s massive.
This will massively drive down home prices. The government has been artificially helping home prices go up by preventing building on the majority of land. That is going to end.
What will also end?
Americans paying half their monthly income on their mortgage. Can you imagine an economy where suddenly, almost all Americans have a lot more money in their pockets? They are going to buy a lot more goods.
We have no idea what’s coming. The economy is going to be something we never thought was ever possible.
But then you ask, “What about the price of my home now? If prices drop massively, I’m underwater in my mortgage.”
That would be true for a lot of people…..temporarily.
The entire financial system is going to be changed and transformed. The fiat money debt system will be gone.
A new system based on sound money backed by gold, that the people control instead of bankers, is going to change everything.
Our money will now be worth a lot more and purchase more. The FED will no longer control interest rates.
Can you imagine being able to refinance your current mortgage with a close to zero interest rate and based on your income that is now valued in real money instead of a debt instrument?
Everything is going to change.
As I’ve said for a long time now. Everything changed the day Trump was sworn in as president.
He doesn’t make proposals that he’s not going to follow through with. He already knows this is all coming.
These aren’t “proposals” by Trump.
They are “promises” and he’s going to keep them.
What’s next? What massive proposals will he make next?
Think much bigger friends!
Back in 2020 Trump was mentioning building entirely new cities - multiples of them all across the country.
This all sounds great, except what I don’t love is the prospect of U.S. land being completely opened up for purchase. Fine to a degree, but I’m a lover a nature, and want to be able to keep big swaths of land protected from development so my grand children can enjoy the beauty that I’ve been able to.
All ten freedom cities will not take even a third of that space. And honestly, I am pretty sure the freedom cities will have tons of green spaces and organic desigm language
I’m thinking that our National Parks are safe from habitation.
I don't think he means the national parks, those will stay. There is absurd amounts of land out west that the government owns. Apparently they own the majority of land in Nevada.
Love this post BIGLY!
I've been telling people for years…
Shouting it from the rooftop...
I've been saying it here since I first arrived on GAW
Take a screenshot...
2036 Time Traveler John Titor said as much in 2001.
ALSO: I believe most mortgages held by big banks or Fannie Mae Freddie Mac will be forgiven. (Not mortgages on investment properties, just you were home) And there will be no Federal property tax. I could be wrong on this point but I have been telling my family & friends for YEARS about this. And it would have to be done amidst an already collapsing system, otherwise it would cause a collapse in and of itself to forgive all first mortgages.
Make income tax unconstitutional (again)!
Oh yeah and it will be TRUMP #48 after a brief Kamala #47 this year.
Edit for those who aren't Understanding the above comment or didn't see my post a few days ago on this topic… I'm saying Biden will step down/be forced out and Kamala will be #47 for a month or two...
But she and Joe, Obama and others, will have an asterisk after their names— fraud vitiates everything. Their place in history books will be something to be ashamed of.
Why do you say Kamala is 47? I dont think they have the assets or capabilities to pull off what they did 4 years ago. I think a lot has been systematically dismantled. Plus the symbolism of Trump 45-47. We understand what that means. In exile as CIC during 46 and back as 47. Kamala will not be the winner.
I never said Kamala would be the winner…
I'm saying I think Joe Biden will step down and she will be #47 for a month or two. I did a whole thread on this using the QClock that got stickied.
We'll see. If he hasn't stepped down by now I don't see it happening. What's the point? Absent him "dying" I don't think that happens.
"Sometimes you can't tell the people the truth, YOU MUST SHOW THEM."
"You are watching a scripted movie."
When do you think the economic/stock crash is going to happen? And do you think that will be "suicide weekend" when people think they have lost everything?
May GOD continue to protect him.
25 years ago, I envisioned that with the booming internet, people could move to rural properties and continue working online. THAT NEVER HAPPENED because of corrupt controllers. Thanks to Starlink, it can and WILL happen. We do NOT need to live on top of each other in filthy cities. We have plenty of land in the USA, and most of it can be farmed in some way. Bring back small family farms!
All the Democrats and Republicans that will oppose him need to first be dispatched.
So how best to position? Btc? Gold?
From following the debt clock images, it looks like there will be multiple currencies, so any assets will be worth more. Not sure what's will be the best though.
You think us silver owners will have a huge leg up in this plan of Trumps?
Considering the difference in price of Gold and Silver currently, compared to history, it definitely should be more bang for the buck. Typically gold and silver are 10-15 silver to 1 gold, but right now I believe it's closer to 90 silver to 1 gold.
I hope this gets fixed in the process. Some people believe the amount of gold on the planet compared to silver is also a lie and silver is much more scarce.
I made more money in the 4 years Trump was in office than the previous 25 years,let that sink in.
When and where did he say this? I haven't heard it yet.
POTUS said this in his address to The Economic Club of New York.
Video here.
THIS made my whole WEEK!! thank Q for sharing fren.
Shouldn’t be backed by gold, that’s just another grift by the international bankers. It should be debt free fiat issued by the government directly; ala greenbacks from Lincoln.
If it’s gold backed then it’s even easier to manipulate the value as the international bankers own far more the 51% of gold.
Review 1996 documentary, The Money Masters, for a good overview here.
Trump keeps his promises. The first "politician" in my lifetime to do this. They fought him all the way. WW2 model is dead, Wait until we see what he does for NATO. The UN? The blood sucking grift ends in 2025
Thanks, zanon, for posting this. This big picture is what we should be looking at.
This will go down as the most underrated post in US history or maybe even the world 🌐
The number 1 killer is the taxes. If Trump can curtail taxes, every person in the country would improve their lives tenfold.
And what happens when people individually improve their lives? The entire country flourishes.
This will be wonderful! I've been paying on my $40k mortgage since '83. The interest rate was 13% and we were lucky to get it. I paid my ex husband his share of $35k in the early 90s, took home inprovent loan out to buy an addition 14 acres for $55k in 2000. Refinanced again in 2011 because my husband at the time died. I currently owe $17k at 4% My 2016 car is almost paid for (Jan '25). The plan is to add that payment to the house mortgage. I was a single mom twice during my life time and the main bread winner for years. I tell you this because I represent millions of people who have spent a lifetime barely holding on. Can you imagine where I would be if Trumps policies had been in effect?! Thank God and Maga for fighting for me and my kids. I can't wait to see how their lives are better than mine!
When we confiscate all the DS dirty money I wonder if we’ll get refunded on all our past taxes as well. I know Trump will have that money coming to us in some form or fashion.
What will happen to national parks? Given back to the states.
My thinking is they will remain intact for future generation to visit and enjoy.
It’s maybe an unpopular opinion of my mine but I don’t want to see McMansions in Mt. Rainer or in National Forest. I am in favor of returning the land to the states but a lot of the federal land out west is National Parks and National forests and those areas should be preserved.
The housing crisis can be solved by getting rid of ridiculous zoning laws and ending immigration.
None of this matters if the economic framework and the idea of work remain the same.
We are getting closer to the truth. I hope Trump is only not saying the truth because normies can't handle the idea of it all being a lie. Imagine being a normie and realizing you wasted 50 years of your life
Now do, No Tax on Overtime.
Change the tax system? I don't like that because his statements suggest income tax is somehow legal. He should call it like it is.
Can I get me sum of them reparations for being a honest hard working tax paying citizen all my life.
I can only hope this is true. Freedom from our slave masters in DC!
Has he mentioned how he is going to make these changes?