🙏Is this a Christian movement 🙏
Is this a Christian movement. Yes I know there R many that are and even some that don't yet say they are..and we invite them in all the same. So I'm curious how you all see things.
Well, our country was founded on Christian principles.
Seen this? https://x.com/its_The_Dr/status/1856122032863224170
When you say "is this" a Christian movement, does this = The Great Awakening.
IMHO, YES!! thanks be to GOD (spoiler alert: God wins in the end!)
I think the question was about The Awakening but what you said is correct. As a matter of fact the very first commissioned flag of the American Revolution was commissioned under George Washington and was the "An Appeal To Heaven" flag. Sometimes called the Pine Tree flag. It's also the flag that caused such a ruckus amongst the libs because Justice Alito flew it at his beach house.
The phrase comes from John Locke’s 1690 "Second Treatise on Civil Government." For the British philosopher, the concept of an appeal to heaven meant that when people face injustice and have no one on Earth to defend them, they must rely on a higher power and even take up arms in the fight for justice. Locke saw this as the only way to protect people's rights when laws and governments fail.
Image - An Appeal To Heaven
Silly me I could have been a little more specific. Yes "is this" refers to the great awakening
I believe it is. I believe the Great Awakening is God intervening on our behalf because what Satan was about to achieve. We had to wake up or we were dead and his creation bastardized and gone forever.
We have a chance and we better not squander it. We have 4 years to figure out how to keep this going.
This Great Awakening named itself after two of the greatest Christian movements in history, it had better be a Christian movement!
Non-Christians in the movement are welcome because the common causes of liberty unite us. But there can be no Great Awakening without both general morality and Christian revelation. Thank you for the question.
I agree^ and think it's important to study the other Great Awakenings; teachings of Whitfield, Edwards, etc. Lots of helpful 'coincidences'
Someone posted a video here yesterday that accidentally led me to this video
But… I don’t think I buy that. Jesus himself was the “light of the world”. Does that make him “Illuminati”? We were called to be salt and “light”, does that make Christians Illuminati? Clearly not.
Logical thinking is important to Christianity. Understanding that there is evil is important to Christianity. There are evil ones who will proclaim “Jesus is Lord!” while leading people to destruction, and we are seeing that in the church right now. The posts stressed praying. I can’t recall if it was on this board or in the posts, but something involved in this said “get right with God”.
I asked it before, and I’ll likely ask it again, but in the end times, many will come saying “I am the Messiah!” and many, including possibly even the elect, will be deceived, so it bears constant vigilance that we understand “If our Messiah was standing right in front of us, by what means would we know him?”
Are we just waiting for the sky to crack at this point, and that’s our only method, or could we know Him by His character?
To answer the original question, I don’t know, but it doesn’t seem to be set against coming to faith, does seem to encourage faithfulness, does seem to have brought people back to belief, and does encourage learning tools that Christians should know, so my best thought is to keep faith in God rather than men, while also seeking to establish His Kingdom on Earth as it is in Heaven.
My hope is always just that I don’t end up gnashing my teeth, having been found an unfaithful servant, which is what I imagine to be the “Fear of The Lord” - that Yahusha’s sacrifice is sufficient to cover my wrongs (Matthew 7:21-22).
Also, if we knew that Q could be trusted, we would inevitably put our faith in it, because that’s just what we do… so not be able to be known might just be all part of the plan…. I actually do suspect, and often even think, that there might be some divine help involved in Q, actually, I know that there is divine movement in this time, but I don’t believe that there is divine providence in Q. The differences between “suspect”, “think”, “believe”, and “know” are important, as well as how we come to each of those. They also said that they are not prophets and whatever is being done is being done through “control” somehow.
This has always been a very difficult thing to rationalize and conceive, and I always reserve the right to change any of my positions at any time, because what do I really know? It does seem to be oriented in a godly direction, and the operation did precede the public phase, and does seem to have accomplished many good things.
At the end of the day, the important part is that we love God, and love our neighbor as ourselves.
Amen !!
I had to go back and reread the title, I first read it as This is a Christian movement:)
Which principles specific to Christianity was America founded on?
Here! https://x.com/its_The_Dr/status/1856122032863224170
Thank you, that was spectacular!
Yes, I watched the video. It doesn't mention what principles America was founded upon that is specific to Christianity.
What does it mean to you, when you say we're a Christian nation?
Do you think only Christians should be able to live here? Should Christians get preferential treatment over non-Christians? Should Christians be treated differently, and if so, how?
Every time I see someone say that the US is a Christian nation, I ask them these same questions, yet no one can really answer them.
I'd really like to understand what people believe being a "Christian Nation" means, practically speaking.
I mean, the Bible was open in the middle of the table for purposes of drawing out precepts into the constitution as it was written, and church membership was originally required to be a citizen.
If you want to argue that the people inside the jurisdictions of these United States no longer comprise a predominantly Christian nation, you have a very good case to be made, but it was absolutely founded on Christianity.
What parts of the Bible cause you so much consternation? You didn’t take me up on my offer to explain things before.
And have an unearned updoot, just so you know the downdoot wasn’t mine! 😁
The Bible doesn't cause me any consternation.
I'm trying to understand exactly what people are implying when they say the US is a Christian nation.
If the basis of our country is Christian principles, then what exactly are those principles, and how are they exclusive to Christianity?
It's something that I see posted frequently, yet when I ask for specifics, people get defensive and clam up.
I also like Charlie Kirk’s answer to this:
That isn’t necessarily what it has to mean or will mean going forward, but it is definitely included in what it has meant.
I just mentioned this in a comment above. Thank you for posting this. It’s really a great quick easy way to explain to people that yes… Our country was built on Christianity. The fact that anybody even has to ask that, kind of makes me feel like they’re a little bit retarded.
Well, for example, when Christians were trying to Christianize Germany, they had a very easy go of it for the most part, right up to “Thou shalt not commit murder.”
The Germans would just look at them and respond something like, “but if he is a pussy why should I not kill him and take his things if I wantzink them? I mean, he ist dead now, and Deutschland ist stronker without ze pussy now, ja?”
Presumably, in Spain they may have had similar problems with getting the women to stop having sex with dogs.
We also have tons of people now who are a-ok with lying. California is overrun by thieves, who “aren’t thieves” “as long as it’s under $1,000”.
And that’s just the Ten Commandments. There’s a lot more, and not just the parts about “stop yer lusting and ‘batin and pr0n” that we are stuck on right now.
We’ve been living in the Christian paradigm for so long that we don’t even notice it has been the Christian paradigm anymore, but the natural state of man is to go after what I want, right now, insofar as I can get away with it, no different than any other animal.
And why wouldn’t it be? If there’s no God, and there’s no soul (I’m going with the atheist view here, not say, Hindu), then as long as nobody kills me or successfully does something to me that I don’t like in response, what’s my problem with it?
Well, aside from the personal judgments that will be handed out before The Throne after death, it makes things go to hell in this world, now.
So holding those things as the legal and social standards, to some extent is what would make this a Christian nation, and it is what our laws were originally founded on.
Is that the sort of response you are looking for?
Laws against murder is not by any stretch of the imagination exclusive to Christianity.
The same thing with the Ten Commandments, save for the one about not worshipping other gods. Yet there are no laws forbidding people from worshipping other gods.
In fact, the first amendment gives us the right to worship who we choose, if we choose.
So right there the US Constitution contradicts the Bible.
I'm still looking for how the US being a Christian nation affects our lives. I really wish someone would answer this for me. What does it mean to you? I'm not talking about what our forefathers were doing when they were writing the Constitution. I'm talking about how it affects things now.
I get the impression that people subconsciously believe that Christians should get special, preferential treatment, but don't want to come out and say it. And there have been the odd few who think that only Christians should be allowed to live here.
Going to all the trouble of laying out all this trying to prove that the US is a Christian nation is pointless if there is no benefit in it for Christians.
Charlie Kirk has a video of him debating a college student and his answer is a chefs kiss. I wish I could find it to send it to you.
absolutely NOT. This was a primary reason America was founded to begin with! To escape religious persecution from the Catholic church and church of England!
Which brings us to an interesting little thing to note: How can a nation be a Christian nation without being a Christian Nation™ ? 😉
Hi fren.
I'm not Christian, but I know the right side when I see it.
All our welcomed!!!
If you know the right side, why not become a Christian?
You can't just become one IMO, you have to develop faith.
Working on that.
It’s a free gift….Accepting is all that is needed…. To start anyway.
You become a Christian the minute you choose to follow Jesus Christ and confess to him. Read the gospel. If you don’t have faith ask him for it and he will provide.🙏
It is more the instant you understand that Jesus paid the punishment for all our sins so we can accept that and be cleansed.
7To them who by patient continuance in well doing seek for glory and honour and immortality, eternal life: 8But unto them that are contentious, and do not obey the truth, but obey unrighteousness, indignation and wrath, 9Tribulation and anguish, upon every soul of man that doeth evil, of the Jew first, and also of the Gentile; 10But glory, honour, and peace, to every man that worketh good, to the Jew first, and also to the Gentile: 11For there is no respect of persons with God.
-exerpt from the book of Romans chapter 2
If you have a "patient continuance in well doing", ie, regardless of whether you believe any religion or not, you at least believe we should love one another and do well; (as opposed to being a selfish piece of shit); you will be led to the one true God and His Son Jesus Christ! God sees our hearts and knows who would want to be with Him.
-excerpt from the book of Winn chapter 4 :p
That's a very good advertisement for Christianity fren!
If it helps, I was always Christian by identity, and most of my life in belief, but I came to faith through, initially through Stefan Molyneux’s wrestling with it from an atheist perspective, which got me thinking about the practical aspects of it, rationally, through a philosophical lens.
The traditional Christian conflation of “belief” with “faith” is very harmful to showing things to a lot of people. “Faith”, aside from possibly being the name of a pagan god, whoops, is intended to mean “obedient action”. I did not learn it through the church, but through studying and listening to the scriptures like a child and asking “why” all the time when things did not make sense. Everything should be grounded in the Word, while seeking context and understanding.
A lot of people would, and do, tell me that I am misinterpreting things, but let each man be convinced in his own mind. It is definitely a wrestling match, against false assertions, twisted meanings, mistranslations, lost context, and more, but the Truth can, and will, eventually prevail. By my estimate, the commandments are just, not burdensome, produce good fruit when followed, and a can be found to lead to prophetic fulfillment.
As for my belief, that came long before my faith, and was bolstered as a result of having witnessed and experienced and heard of several miracles, but it might be possible to find it through faith, and faith and grace (also might be the name of a pagan god) are available to everyone.
Thank you fren!
Faith is not required first and for me at least took a while after belief. But the more my faith grows the better life seems to be.
You have a solid point🤔
Hey fren I appreciate your honesty. If this ever changes...feel free to reach out and we can talk. Regardless though it's a blessing being here WITH you and I look forward to what's ahead
Thank you fren.
Yes, it's a blessing being here with you also.
I appreciate all your hard work, your love shines through!
Whether you believe it or not. Everything is a Christ Movement 😅
Let it be!!!
I agree.
Would you be willing to expand on your words here to help me better clarify my own thoughts. Like I said I do agree 👍💯
Can I be cheeky and say, what about the LGBT movement?
Who is a Christian?
I prefer Jesus' own definition, from John 13:34 - 13:35:
When you get into the theological (and what some would call supernatural or otherworldly) aspects of Christianity, you immediately start losing people -- building walls against others including those who do, in fact, "have love one to another."
That's because the true nature of God is simply beyond human comprehension. (I'd guess it's well beyond the comprehension deficit an ant would have for quantum theory). No wonder people differ on the paradigm it's all framed in.
When you stick with the Earthly portions of Christ's teachings, you let in and join hands with all the good-hearted people of the world.
Which is exactly what Jesus would have done. IMO, it's exactly what HE WAS DOING.
Just my opinion.
ALSO my opinion: This is exactly what we need here for "the movement."
We're out to reduce hatred and other emotional sickness and to foster love and and emotional health. We're trying to build a sane, healthy society, and ultimately a sane, healthy world.
Let's not get bogged down on theology.
All who "Love thy neighbor", or at the very least are willing to be honest and to respect the rights of others (the minimum version of "Love thy neighbor") should be welcome here.
No, it's a Patriotic movement for a country that, while founded on Judeo-Christian ideals, allows for a diversity of religious celebration. Therefore it should follow that the movement is for the same people. Many of thise that founded and continue to serve and protect this nation were/are not Christians, and thats ok.
So I am in no way saying other religions can't latch on to this movement.
Do you think all this is leading to revival and if so how does a Christian revival separate itself enough to allow other religions to join the GA...while also standing tall to the fact that it's really Jesus working. Sorry I'm at work so might be explaining this horrible. Thanks for continue patience as we discuss
Well, as a non Christian patriot that understands and values the roll of faith in a society, I would say live in the love of your deity and let it reflect through your actions! That's the most effective method of sharing your good news. It does feel like society is heading towards a revival though. So much time spent wandering in the dark and we are now running towards a light. I long for the faith you have. I just don't have it. I don't think i should be shunned or precluded from the movement and neither should those of other faiths. Perhaps this will be what brings us into the flock!??!
Dang it man, that’s a much harder question. No bait and switch!
Try that one in a second post after we autism out the first one!
Ok my apologies I didn't mean to come off as "bait and switch" I appreciate the heads up to slow down. I will do my best
The suggestion was earnest, I do think it would be a great followup thread, though it did get hit some here, but the presentation was just to jokingly yank your chain a bit lol. 🙏🤣
Great Awakening has come a long way in the 3 yrs and 11 months that I have been here. It is no longer uncommon to see Bible references, prayer requests and people asserting their Christian faith like it was years ago.
But there is still a long way to go. The Lord said to go into all the world and share the Gospel of Jesus Christ. So as long as we have free speech, that is what I will try to do.
God bless you and your efforts my brother.
Amen fren :)
God bless. It's a blessing to be here with you. Much love
Yes and no. As a Christian, God has won and he controls all things. As a new ager the corruption is darkness suppressing or sovereignty and the light must over come the darkness. As an agnostic corruption is blocking the growth of man. All of those folks are part of the Great Awakening. I used to be a New Ager and all of this brought me too the true Christ....so to me:
All Glory to God.
Christian mysticism might interest you. Gnosticism too
Kindly, Gnosticism is heretical. It is rooted in Jesus being spiritualized, not physical, and His sacrifice being spiritual.
Jesus is real. His redemptive life and death is real. And His reign in heaven is real.
I am not saying gnosticism is the way. I am simply suggesting someone who was new age and spiritualist on their way to Christianity could find a lot of wealth in concepts from gnosticism. For example, seeking wisdom as part of the path to salvation, the idea of the divine spark, or for example, creating a separate duality between the old testament god and Christ. Sure, to orthodox Christians it is heretical because they still get off to Abrahamic law but if we view Christ as the true redeemer and the covenant breaker, then some of those ideas start to make sense.
Once again, not saying gnosticism should be followed, but there is a lot of theory in it that a discerning Christian guided by the holy ghost could find wisdom in to strengthen their walk. And there is a BIG reason that modern Christianity does not even teach these concepts outside of seminary.
Why follow being agnostic - When you can have the real thing… Jesus Christ is King! 👑
Any person who has dealt with counterfeit of any kind will tell you the one thing you need to do to be able to notice counterfeit.
Study the original 👑
I absolutely love this. Amen.
Charlie Kirk answers a person who states that America was not founded on Christian principles. Charlie explains that before the Constitution there were a collection of States. Charlie explains in simple terms that America was specifically founded on Christian principles.
As a Christian, I operate in all realms with a Biblical worldview, meaning my faith cannot be separated from my politics, education, career, relationships, etc. I see everything through this lens.
Watching the world wake up to the evil that has held it for decades (perhaps centuries) is certainly an answer to prayer, moves us in the correct direction as a country, has us revisiting and reevaluating our health, education, foreign affairs, and governmental purposes.
My own church has increased in membership significantly in the past few years.
I'll stop short of answering with a yes/no, but these are my observations.
Yes and Amen!
Perhaps. People are waking up to the fact liberals/anti Christian’s have a lot of anxiety issues. Leading by example, non-medicated, non-anxiety ridden, living by Jesus’s example may have been the way to wake them up all along. The Amish may have rammed it home.
This country was founded on freedom of expression/religion. We are the only country in the world with a Constitution limiting the government, not the people. The cabal needs the USA to surrender. I believe our prayers were answered.
God wins in the end whether you’re Christian or not.
No. It is a movement that involves Christians. It may actually deliver a huge blow to Christianity and organized religion. "The end wont be for everyone." How far back does the cabal go? Who compiled the bible and why? What is mental slavery? What happens if peoples relationship to God is compromised by false beliefs? How were people kept under control prior to modern media technologies became available? Why were people kept under control? Who would want to keep people under control? Who compiled the bible and why? The truth shall set us free. God bless.
The original Great Awakening certainly was and Q his told us many times this is biblical and to pray for our country. Here’s what comes up in an online search;
The Great Awakening was a Protestant religious revival that took place in the American colonies and England in the 1700s:
The Great Awakening was a series of religious revivals that took place between the early 18th century and the late 20th century. The First Great Awakening occurred in the 1730s and 1740s.
The Great Awakening was a response to the Enlightenment, a European philosophical movement that emphasized science and reason over religion. The Great Awakening was a time when Christian leaders traveled to preach about salvation and Christianity, and people experienced a renewed dedication to religion.
Right before the election Trump went to a faith conference and had to scold them because he paid a lot of money to extrapolate numbers over time. Found Christian's voting at 25%. Just above African-Americans. WOW from the group that must be heard.
I went to work out and there was a table helping hurricane victims. Young kids running the table. I said remember to vote tomorrow. A young man of approximately 18 said, "oh we don't get involved in politics!"
I said we? Are you are speaking for your Christian group?
I said everything is political and it's a constitutional republic run by the people. He repeated well we just don't get involved in politics. I responded as I was leaving I don't think you deserve to live in a free country. I wanted to say something he would remember.
But this has been yes a huge spiritual movement. I know so many more have returned to church. But the voting numbers in the church has really need to come up. Baptist vote at the highest level of the Christian coalition.
Trump scolded them after doing roe v Wade and giving them everything they wanted he spent a lot of money to find out their voting numbers and where he needed to go.
Everywhere because they don't vote!
I worked in politics for 22 years and didn't know that. It took a lot of money to extrapolate those numbers. WOW. Trump scolded them as he spoke.
I'm not a Christian, but I have been touched by God's Grace and can See the world as whole in a non-dualistic perspective. I started out basically zen by accident ☯ which has no scripture or dogma(see Satori) which is perfect for me cuz I like to figure things out myself, but as I get closer to God the more I move towards God as The Heavenly Father as it feels Right. I talk with God everyday and love Him and all of Creation. I ask God and depending on the situation also Jesus for guidance and protection. God knows me and I can see His hand at play throughout my entire life ❤ I thank Him for everything I've been through and see my "troubles" in the past as blessings.
God is in control 🙏 🙌 ✨ 😌
God Bless America and God Bless the World!
Edit: No God, No Peace. Know God, Know Peace.
Beautiful friend, may the Holy Spirit continue to guide, comfort and bless u!!!
May He Bless You and all of us here!
Glory to God!
I was listening to Jordan Peterson one day and he really put me up against a wall and made me understand I'm responsible for the world. I was also at this time trying to free myself of porn addiction.
"actually turns out not to be trivial, like if you're not everything you could be, more people will die, more people will suffer, more, evil will be unconstrained. More tyranny will rein. " (JBP on Rogan episode 1070)
I overcame fear and was essentially Born Again without realizing what was going on(I tripped into awakening lol). Felt this magnetic energy flow straight up through me and it felt just like a blowout(what nirvana means) of spiritual constipation.
Absolutely it is, but all are welcome to experience it. The hope is that all will feel the greater power and in that the curiosity to learn of its origin.
Eggxactly, all are welcomed, WWG1WGA with our Lord Jesus Christ!!!
"The greatest trick Satan ever pulled was making the world think he doesn't exist". When you look back at the Great Awakening in it's entirety, how can you not think this doesn't have a religious aspect? Not necessarily Christian per se (no disrespect to Christ intended whatsoever), I've heard stories of large amounts of the Muslim faith turning to Christianity. I believe what is happening spans the entire realm of "good vs. evil" around the planet; no amount of money can buy it's way out of this reckoning. I've had many events across the entirety of my life line up in the past three years to all of this, indicating THE big guy (God) is involved. No other possibilities from my standpoint.
As an atheist, posts like this annoy the shit out of me. They’re either promoting Christianity or bashing atheists. People are BLIND to the Satanists.
Look to the Q drops related to Satan and Satanists.
to be fair, atheists suck
Normally (you know, like more than 4 years ago "normally"), I let folks believe what they want to believe. Still do for the most part. But when you find out these @$$holes fed the general population fluoride just to calcify the pineal gland (supposedly allows "inner contact" with God), generates nanotechnology to control peoples thoughts (look up Dr. Charles Lieber of Harvard), and come up with "Voice of God" devices like patent 3951134, you realize they're removing "freedom of choice" to do so. Pretty sure that's where God gets involved, whether you believe in Him or not.
Look up Yuval Noah Harari, Klaus Schwab's advisor when you get a chance. He happily stated that freedom of thought was over. Well, guess not.
Something to consider: if you remove God & the 10 commandments from the public school system, but still make people pay for public school even though they pull their kids out and pay for parochial schooling, aren't you essentially forcing aetheism on them?
I am sold on “Voice of God” devices and even did a post on one that was used on a studio audience.
The other two I don’t know for sure. Some areas of the world like Africa don’t put fluoride in the water and don’t get calcified pineal glands and I haven’t seen any evidence that they’re more in touch with a god as a result. The pineal gland produces melatonin and I’m more concerned about that.
I know Harari said that. He’s a deluded asshole.
Though I am an atheist, I’m in favor of school choice which would include the ability for parents to put their kids in parochial schools and use tax vouches to pay for it. (the educational tax dollars follow the children) I want parents to have as many choices as feasible. Though my daughter is grown, I’m still concerned about where my educational tax dollars (the lion’s share of my local tax dollars here in Texas) go and the education of children. I’m a former educator as well. (college level)
As an atheist, I think that putting the 10 Commandments into schools is a misguided attempt to do the right thing. The kids need to learn ethics and civics in grade school. Philosophy would be great, but their minds are not likely ready for that until college. Teach them WHY they should respect their parents. Teach them WHY they should not steal. Teach them WHY they shouldn’t commit adultery. The FEAR of God is NOT appropriate. Stop teaching people to be FEARFUL. Kids are smarter than you think and you have to do a lot more than just provide slogans on a wall. A big thing kids need to be taught is leadership; not just respect, teamwork, etc. Instill in them a backbone to stand up against bad groups and tyrants.
I have no desire whatsoever to force atheism on anyone. Being an atheist is hard when you no longer have an “imaginary friend” to console you.
I am curious are you an atheist, someone who disbelieves or lacks belief in the existence of God or gods.
Or are you an agnostic, you have the the view that "human reason is incapable of providing sufficient rational grounds to justify either the belief that God exists or the belief that God does not exist.
The first one.
Hope you don’t feel like my comments were on the bashing side. They are certainly not intended to be.
The thread name is "Is this a Christian Movement". It matters more that everyone's allowed to voice their opinion (like America is supposed to be!) than right or wrong on individual views on religion. We're all fighting together to get that fundamental free speech right back. For myself, I was meeting with a bunch of local people that were very interested in getting their country back. But along the way, I noticed many (if not all of them) were Christians - but there's many in my area, so that could just be statistics. After a while things started to definitely have the feel of being way more than just "getting the country back", as I started running across Bible verses that seemed to be providing me some guidance. Still, this struggle is looking to be "good vs. evil" more than anything else, and that spans a much larger following FWIW.
It is a freedom movement.
A person who doesn’t believe in God (Atheist) can walk with a Christian. See a Christian will try and convert the Atheist and the freedom loving Atheist will have a conversation.
On the contrary a commie who believes everyone has to believe in everything they do cannot handle it. I call it possible possession while an atheist would call it stupidity. Maybe both.
Now the social engineers who know better and push the commie side is doing this stuff knowingly and purposely and that turns it into a Christian movement.
See on their path of commie they will start having to prison and kill Christian’s—it is inevitable and what happens is the atheists at first will say it is not happening but eventually they have to decide to stand for freedom or commie.
The commie side gives them power and rewards to try and help them not go against them.
So essentially they are waking up the USA for the past decade at a very high rate of speed. Once USA is fully awake and we are almost there… they are really trying to put some speed bumps to derail this right now too…
In short no other nation in the world is like the USA. We are the Jewel they seek to destroy. It is amazing stuff.
The commie side is very religious by the way. They have a huge sect of people who worship the devil and in that religion they will use deception and beguile the people. They view USA citizens like atheists as stupid and they view USA Christian’s as weak.
There is for than left and right, it is more like a square that has 2 lefts and 2 rights.
Only been around for a bit over a year but lurked a lot before. But I've seen it as a mixed bag. It's definitely America First and Patriotic, but because a lot of conservatives are Christian you will get them too. The difference comes with what type of "Christian"? I've run into Catholic comments a lot more probably in the last 6 months than I did in the start. Not sure if that has to do with the seemingly high push of conservative political influencers turning Catholic, at least it seems like there's been a push for that.
Q references and uses a lot of biblical words, terms, sentences, and prayers. So they are not unaware of the Christian base and Q believes in a spiritual battle going on.
I personally see some crossover of NAR type Christianity in Q. Which would fit the patriotic Christianity well and whom I've considered to be behind the movement.
Ultimately though, it's a group that many people with many different backgrounds (even non Christian) are using to unite through for a common goal even though that goal is a bit different when you get down to the details. Overall though, many agree with each other.
Was this a movement to politicize Christians? Possibly.
I don't think you can call it a Christian movement because that term has gotten so out of wack in today's world. There are Christians who don't even believe in Jesus. The word Christian means a follower of Christ. A lot of people call themselves Christian but they don't actually follow or try to do what Jesus said and therefore give a horrible example to non-Christians who rightly so want nothing to do with Christianity then. Kind of like how in today's world when someone says they thank God or pray to God, we have to start asking now, which god?
I am a Jesus believer and follower. But I originally came here because it was pro-America and it was looking like things I've been concerned about for a long time could potentially get some justice as well as the covid hammer - ie: pizzagate, trafficking, hollywood, etc.
But we have to remember that Jesus is the ONLY one who saves us. I see a lot of people, "christians", making Trump to be their savior and making some mighty blasphemous claims (not so much this group thankfully). Those people are just as lost and need help. I think the core of this group is good and relatively on the same page.
No, this is a God movement. It is not driven by dogma. Some of the worst perpetrators of evil espouse Christian and other religious beliefs. God is not religious
So all roads lead home?
All roads should lead to the kingdom of heaven within.
Freedom of religion and separation of church and state are founding principles of our country. We should ask others to pray if they are willing, but it would be un-American to exclude non-Christians or to ram Christianity down their throats.
Would be un-Christian, too.
I believe in including others and making them feel welcomed, as Christ did. I think that is the most important first step in sharing His word. We may agree to disagree.
“Separation of church and state” does not exist, and was not part of the nation’s founding, reread your constitution, and more history.
First Amendment: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof
Now read it again, but much more carefully, thinking about what that means and not about what you’ve been told it means.
The words are right in front of you.
It doesn’t say “separation of church and state” because they didn’t intend for it to mean “separation of church and state”. It means what it says.
“200IQ” handshakes gonna handshake.
Just here to observe the dynamic in the comments...
It's fun ain't it 🤣😉😎
THEIR movement was about subterfuge and misdirection. They did their best to hide and/or disguise God and the things of God as best they could for centuries. But when the Creator becomes known, people (Christian or not) will have a hard time remaining agnostic. As facts are revealed, atheism will become indefensible and belief in God will rise exponentially.
It's a fight between good and evil, dark and light. Those of us that are Christian see it that way but we are a mix of many views. The wonderful thing about GA is we accept all people regardless of religion, sexual preferences etc. WWG1WGA
This movement invites everyone to take part. It is all inclusive.
At its very root it is a movement based on the rule of law and equality of opportunity but its inspiration is definitely Christian and the greatest bulk of its proponents are Christian.
Amen, it is a Christ-led/inspired movement, not an organized religion movement. The Holy Spirit is moving upon us all in different manners. The goal is to have that personal connection to our Savior, be the true Light Of The World in our ways and spread the Good News/great awakening!
While the majority of MAGA people are Christians, I believe we welcome all creeds and colors who truly love this nation and her people and believe in conservative principles.
The Christian "Movement" is preaching the Gospel and making disciples...
However, the hand of God is being seen world wide with the events that have been transpiring and His control over the shift that is taking place.
I’d say more Good vs Evil.
What is good. How do we judge it?
I'm not, but I'm coming around I guess. July 13th was mad and a straight up MIRACLE so who knows!
I believe this is a very unique movement for America. The Tea Party was very Conservative and Very Christian. But I think many are not religious or secular in the MAGA movement. They want a good economy, a safe nation, secure borders, and an end to the woke mob. So, I welcome all who want to return America to her Glory. We have differences, but we all have one main goal: keeping America great and out of the hands of pinko commies.
Probably part of why the Tea Party failed. That and being co-opted (though maybe those identity politics were injected as part of the co-opting.)