Game theory, Art of War/the Deal, appear weak, etc... Enthéos has called Elon "oak tree" and talked as if he is a part of the plan. We need to not allow our emotions to get the best of us. They have to keep the enemy guessing. There's a reason love and self control are the bookends of the fruits of the spirit 🙏
I've already abandoned one career that was destroyed by them, I am not looking forward to doing it again though at the rate AI is progressing it will likely replace me before the foreign "talent" gets good enough to take my current job.
It's a big deal. But you'll never get total destruction of it at this point. This is one of of those "doors once opened" situations.
Instead, you can build around the opening and reduce the number and control the quality of people that come through that door.
Right now, the number is around 600K H-1Bs.
But for many people so emotionally invested against it (yet never talking about it before) they think that the only solution is total destruction -- or else -- and that IS NOT GOING TO HAPPEN because you'll never convince anyone, and when so many of the people against it are actually being racist about it, no one will come to the table to side with us either.
You're a long time poster, obviously not a shill so no one should be accusing you of that. But there are much more infrequent posters with relatively low engagement attacking anyone who disagrees, and those are historically likely to be shills.
Why are they shills because they don't see what they voted for.
We have foreign born folk plotting the course of America.
No one voted for these people.
A thinking person would have some questions.
No red blooded legacy American would take their comments lightly.
Good point.
Americans have been through a lot and are tired of nonsense.
Many live at the precipice daily.
it is still good to keep the heat on the people working for you.
Cracks me up to hear indignant phrases about "foreign born folk". You are all foreign born immigrants for goodness sake with your ancestors having arrived in America only a few hundred years ago - at most - and likely much less than that. Come back in 4024 and we'll talk.
This is the gayest take ever. People have seen Canada become flooded with jeets and don’t want it to happen here. Their whole country is a shithole and their culture is not compatible with the one our ancestors formed here in America. Put the bong down for a bit
Oh excuse the hell out of me for posting something entirely logical.and in fact verifyably correct. But hey if you don't have a sensible reply then feel free to throw around a few insults. For the record neither a leftist nor a faggot..
Fact: the average American is a recent immigrant. Why not be proud of your heritage instead of deriding someone else's.
USA is a sovereign nation with laws and borders as other nations are.
No other nation allows illegal immigrants. If you don't respect that, you can crack your ass up back where ya came from.
American Blacks aren't immigrants anyway.
Y'all need to stop stealing and go home.
That is straight out of the Democrat DEI talking points. Nothing is special about being an American. We should take a back seat to people from other countries because we are all immigrants. Total bullshit.
Yup I would invite any of those accusing us of being shills to come visit me in Seattle. FREE TOUR of how big tech and jeets removed the local population!
It is so ridiculous we are fighting over this. Isn’t discourse what we wanted? I’m just so confused that differing opinions are being shut down so hard. I know some of these opinions are opposite of what we have positioned ourselves but it’s worth listening to the other side and compromising. To “oust” someone over a different opinion is not or typical behavior.
It's opinions that just don't go as far as they want.
You can acknowledge the problems, you can endeavor to improve that and suggest drastic reforms, and they will still do their best to be abrasive and attack you for it.
Low post comments mean nothing.
And certainly doesn't mean that their points aren't valid.
We aren't Democrats that follow without thinking. Nor are we hero worshipers.
We hire folk to do a job , not rule over us.
No one is screaming here. They are expressing their points of view. We don't have to agree.
That's quite an exaggeration.
With the election behind us, have you noticed some MAGA influencers stirring up drama to keep the clicks coming? Their income might be on the decline now that the election buzz has quieted down and Trump won. Let's be aware of the potential for over igniting controversy just for views. Something to think about.
I absolutely can. On the culture side of it, Melonie Mac is alienating people like an old school Bible thumper when she has a pretty trashy past, and now after strides to improve the image of Christianity and bring people to God, people like her are destroying it.
It's all a big shame right now. It makes me believe that people have learned nothing except bitterness and hatred the last four years.
And the level of engagement on a post generates revenue thats why alot of accounts Elon purged was blocking monetization instead of outright banning them off the platform.
You saying elon didnt post that? Why do some of you accept h1b now? Because trump said so ? Are you the same that took vaxxes and complained about trump after. H1B is atrocious if you don't know that then you speak about stuff u are clueless about. So, why is it being brought up? Exposure, changing it will probably happen. Why, because the leftist dolts ALWAYS do the opposite of trump. I don't think these guys intend to keep it based on what we've know. Sorry for those affected by it in the past. To those beating up on them shame on you. If you think you see what's up then just chill amd watch. H1b hurt a lot of good Americans. I believe this is part of the OP but I don't blame people one bit for being upset.
But the timing is terrible for us to be infighting. Save it for after the inauguration and appointments are completed. We are weakening ourselves at a crucial time and our enemies love it.
I think Trump wanted the discussion, since Elon and Vivek were talking about it so much.
If nothing else, it brought to light just how much the system is abused. Trump enacted reforms to the H-1B system and Biden immediately rolled them back, leading to much of the fraud and abuse taking place now.
Pick a side then buddy. You’re either MAGA or a communist shill. Fence riders are of no use to Americans right now and suspicious at best. Your choice.
Why is it when there's a much required debate/discussion that can shape the course of our country, the people who are passionate about their stance are "using communist tactics?" Are "dividing the country?"
This is such a childish take. The passive "unite or die" mentality is one of the key elements that brought us into this mess. First it was the left who was the "unity party" when Obama "was elected." Then we were called to unite with the RINOS. And here we are with fake MAGA like Elon and Vivek.
You think our founding fathers, after the founding of our country, held the "agree to disagree" mentality? Hell no! They dueled each other over disputes!
In the past 50 years we were not united and we died. Have you no clue as to what this country is being saved from? The question is does this issue affect our freedom and our goal of America being great? Of course it does, elons position whether genuine or to get discussion is apparently good to elon while we say its apparently bad. In fact we see it as an affront to MAGA. there is actual proof that it is. If Elon is serious then it's his company and goals he seeks, not American greatness. He can ho to india and do all of this if all he wants is the Indian brain trust. He doesn't have to do it here. So what's really happening? That's what I'm looking for.
And that "probably in the middle" is a commie tactic to move the needle their way. "Love is love," they said, and then quietly shoved obscenity into kids' grammar school textbooks.
Yeppp, it's called argument to moderation and I see it used way too often. Another thing that irks me is how people treat Occam's razor as if it is a law and overuse the shit out of it. It too is used as a way to shut down "conspiratorial thinking".
The apostles had debates.
The Founding Fathers had debates.
Excellence is achieved through conflict.
Any other route leads to mediocre outcomes.
So don't be surprised when Patriots have these types of discussions.
However, Americans overwhelmingly voted for AMERICA First. This is what they expect to go forth.
Only fools provide for their enemies kids while neglecting their own children.
We all should be tired of that mess by now.
Excellence requires hard choices and tasks.
Everything and Everyone should be examined and judged by their fruit.
That's nice, but it's conjecture at this stage. Until Trump speaks, until everyone's current (not from 2016, not from 2018) positions are clarified, it's all noise.
H-1B Visas opened up a whole lot of canworms. We need to look deep in the mirror, not just individually but as a nation, to address issues like our Educational System, Food and Diet, Flouride in Water, Music and Movie culture, Medication and Pharma- how most kids are jabbed, on anti depressants or some pills, how indoctrinated we are, the level of math and science in our school, common core obama curriculum, LGBTQ stuff and gender operations, the insane cost of College so kids are in debt as soon as they graduate High School (it's truly sickening) ,.. Dude... we have to freaking TEAR DOWN the entire house and rebuild from ground up so our kids can live and function to their fullest potentials without all these obstacles, hopefully in the very near future. If we can get them all done in 5 years, kids who are 10 y.o and under now would actually have a chance.
Basically instead of complaining about ALL OF THE ABOVE, some people got emotional and defensive and attack the very same people who are trying to help or white hats. It's irrelevant... there is nobody else but Trump's team fighting for us so inner fighting is divisive and distracting from the root of the problem.
It is like you said, all have been corrupted by the evil, from the tiniest towns to the big city governments and I am talking about all the world including USA. I don’t know how the satanic disciples manage/managed to control all of them, definitely we are in deep trouble. God has mercy on us.
On PDW today, I had a person told me to kill myself, and another person say they wanted to kill Elon Musk. The psychological operation is on full display over there.
I sometimes wonder if people remember the half of the mod team that were ousted because they disagreed on shuffling people to an external site instead of continuing to engage in discussion.
Heck the corruption goes back further though to the original mod team shake up of January 2018. That's when reddit admins removed all of the original mods who wouldn't bend the knee and installed their own mod team to help them shadow censor Q, pizzagate, and spirit cooking discussion and research.
And then of course, in the end both sides were right to some extent -- that we needed a new place to go, but also that the way it was being handled was not correct.
Because then the drama with happened, and ever since it has been even worse over there.
Yeah, I know there’s a report button, but it doesn’t work. The mods do absolutely nothing on PDW. I mean absolutely nothing. I’ve reported topics of people using children and sexual jokes, somebody told me to kill myself, I mean the list goes on and on. There’s a guy that posts four second videos from Instagram and then after the four seconds, it’s a Chinese ad. I just reported that dude, and they did absolutely nothing about it and he post regularly. I may complain about the mods here sometimes at GAW, but at least they do their job. And they do it quite well.
One thing I will say about PDW is it’s an all open season free speech platform. I can’t say that here, but I get it.
One thing I learned in the past 10 years was when something bring out an emotional response, stop and listen to what the people that "started it" are saying, not what's being SAID they said.
I just read this post and all the comments below. I am truly disappointed in the number of downvotes given through this thread. I gave an upvote to the post and every comment that got an undeserved downvote. I am especially disappointed in the 12 people who gave a downvote to UnvaxxedUnafraid who has contributed many informative posts and positive comments on this board including this post here. If anyone one agrees with this point, please scroll down and give this op some upvotes to undo what has been done.
It has become obvious to me this weekend that this forum has been infiltrated by a lot of shills who are stirring up contention and keeping information from climbing by using the downvote. I am not accusing anyone in this thread of being a shill. I read some good points on both sides of this issue. I upvoted discussion on both sides provided that no profanity or excessive caps were used.
Yesterday, I got into debates with two idiots over the moon landing and the Titanic. I could tell that they were bating me into an argument. I clicked on their names and found that they made few contributions here. I immediately stopped the debate and blocked both these shills. Another I deported on Friday and the mods addressed the issue. These are alternative ways of dealing with those who are only here to stir up trouble and get us off subject. If someone does this to you, click on their name and look at their history here.
Finally, the H1B visa is a worthy topic of discussion for this board IMO. Both sides have good points. I posted some things on this issue myself yesterday. I didn’t cuss out or hit the cap lock with anyone that disagreed with me or hit the downvote button which I reserve for those who are obviously hostile to the mission of this board. We don’t need any James Carville’s here. We can disagree and still be civil.
Ya, no reason to fight over this. After Trump kicks out 25 million illegal aliens, he will create enough room in the country to allow Musk and Vivek a few hundred thousand some-odd highly qualified, legal workers. This whole debate is a non-issue.
Elons endgame here will be causing Americans to ban unlected people from forming or influencing policy. In the meantime he is going to rip through things like H1B, deportation, immigration and government contracts.
Elon will use his billiionaire superstatus that he has been abusing for the last 20 years to get the left to fight against the very thing they have been voting in support of for the last 40 years.
Trump is highlighting H-1B fraud.
He knows if he, Elon and Vivek come out for H-1B, it would, and is, exploding all over the internet.
This obscure topic is now front and center being researched by anons.
'H-1B, you have been selected for exposure'.
SIGNAL, not noise very much applies. Take cues from Q+. He's saying it. H1B is to be repaired, AF style.
Listening is easier than arguing with folks. I've seen the theories that this is purposeful WH drama. I tend to agree with this theory. How else is it to be dealt with? These snakes will gut a whole bill filled with BS just to get a small rule in a law passed through. And for goodness sake continue watching the back doors, so that we can blow the lid off this scam once and for all. We are firing with effect. Let's keep these bums accountable so that we can force full disclosure. We are the answer
It's been disappointing to see the lack of nuance in this discussion/fight on X. I'd argue that it's been better on GAW but still plenty of black/white/all or nothing takes.
Elon is right in that in order to maintain tech & AI dominance in the coming years, talented engineers must be imported to fill out the ranks of American companies.
However, Elon completely ignored the problems and abuses of the H-1B visa system, to say nothing of the constant abuse dished out by U.S. companies who still regularly wipe out entire tech departments and replace them with middling level 1 "technical people" in India.
Elon deserved to get some serious heat for the lack of nuance in his comments.
However, the Laura Loomer's of the world missed the boat as well on the primary point because Elon is not wrong. If we want to be dominant, it will take years of cultural & economic change to have enough homegrown engineers.
I'm hoping that even with the lack of nuance, getting this subject out front and center will be a good thing and will eventually settle down into a proper national discussion. The solutions are pretty simple. Just enable the best and brightest to come here, but talented American engineers / technical people get priority.
I had a crazy encounter with a patriot on X today. It wasn’t as “in your face” insulting as with a liberal but it was very passive aggressive. I was thinking, “what is happening????” Crazy phase we are entering right now.
I honestly just see some good and passionate discussion that shows a lot of individual experience on the topic, some misunderstandings, some new data sources, etc.
All around a great way to hash out the situation and be aware of the positives and negatives of what's going on with our immigration system before making big changes to it.
If you follow papi trump you'll see he's not worked up about it, and I think he frankly enjoys seeing Elon and Vivek brought down to earth for a moment.
This is what policy discussion looks like. The whole ebb and flow from mild disagreement to passionate rage and back again. Get used to it because this is what policy discussion will be like in the new golden age!
“White supremacy” is a boogeyman phrase because most people accused of it don’t know its definition, and don’t think the reason white people should have their own nations is because their people are supreme. We deserve our own nations just for being ourselves, regardless of whether we’re supreme. It would be strange to go to Burundi and tell the natives that if they don’t outscore foreigners by a large enough margin on IQ tests or technological assessments then the natives of Burundi don’t deserve to live and work in their own country and should be replaced by the foreigners. Even though race replacement would be an objective improvement to Burundi, it would still be an awful thing to do to those native people and their culture. In the H1B situation, it shouldn’t matter if some individual foreigners are supposedly competent. They’re not us, so they shouldn’t be invading the culture developed by our people.
White people took up the beliefs and practices of Christianity the most readily of all of the races, even though they were geographically farther from the works of Jesus than many other people. White people and especially white North Americans or just white Americans have done the most to spread Christianity around the world, including to people of many different races and to people whose ancestors may have rejected the Gospel previously. This drives Satan crazy, so Satan inspired vicious people to attack Christianity and to try to slow its spread by attacking white people. All of the anti-white crap you see is dressed up anti-Christianity.
H1B is another attack on Christianity, dressed up as a plea for competence. We can afford religious freedom to the Americans who have already been here and whose ancestors fought the British (softening the British Empire to lose other colonies such as India), worked the land, stimulated the economy, built the infrastructure, paid the taxes, and contributed to American culture. We have no duty to import non compatible cultures or individuals who refuse to live by the Golden Rule. It doesn’t matter how well or cheaply some heathen codes, he isn’t us and he doesn’t belong here.
My wife accuses me of doing this, I, on the other hand, believe I am trying to change minds and "help" others see the way things should be. Maybe my wife is correct!! I wouldn't like telling her this, but it is our secret.
Not about the immigration issues, but on the overall subject of how Trump is much better for the country. The illegals have to go-all of them-is my thought.
Everything has a purpose. Up to now h1b has been horribly abused and everyone knows it. What comes out of this may be an honest work visa and immigration program operated properly. I'm not sure if most Americans are aware of nit or not so I'm not sure if the media talking about it is purpose. But it may get the open borders crowds to support change to it out of hate for trump and musk. They are after all the most manipulative of us all.
Isn't / Wasn't the premise of this Visa to recruit workers that were unable to be found among the citizens of the USA and companies were obligated to have proof that they were unable to recruit within the USA? A few points.
Using this Visa to hire people at a lower-than-normal rate for the job is bullshit. I remember when Disney did it and forced people to train their replacements.
Why is everyone up in arms regarding these high tech. jobs, yet seem to tolerate illegals doing low-skill jobs? I'd much rather have a Filipino teaching my child who has Christian values than the brainwashed liberal teachers we have teaching them now.
There is going to be a huge shortage of low-skill workers. Hotel workers, office cleaners, etc... won't we have to import for these jobs in a legal manner? It will take a generation or 2 to repair work ethics in our youth, and you don't want the smelly, crazy, street addicts in your office, do you?
I used to think that many of the world's ambitious and intelligent people came to the USA for education and we benefited from their deciding to stay and make a life here as contributors instead of taking their education back home.
I firmly believe this is a white hat operation to spark debate and create a common-sense solution that's fair for everyone.
What if Trump's annexing Canada and buying Greenland isn't just rhetoric? If a Cabaduan or Greenlander got the high-tech job is that unfair?
I think most everyone is afraid to say that specific countries are full of scammers and have tricked the system to their advantage. India has massive fraud in their credentialing system, and Indian executives here facilitate the fraud.
A lot of credential fraud and mistakes in the Philippines too. They have a centralized agency for records, the National Statistics Office, and paperwork from the local government like Birth cert. Marriage cert. aren't official documents. it took a lot of running my wife around to get an NSO-certified marriage lic. which would take a year or so through normal processes when we got married because USCIS only accepts NSO documents.
I know of 2 different females who have birth cert. saying they are boys and their parents never did all the paperwork to fix it. This became a big problem in their adult lives in taking Nursing Board exams and they work as nurses without Board Cert. at sub-par wages. Shitty hospitals and clinics employ them.
Also, most security guards have fixer lic. and get paid below minimum wage because legit security guards arent going to go through the required training and work below minimum wages. Often they have no bullets in their guns or firearm training... Their first aid kits attached to their belts are empty too. Not that USA security is much better...
The workers are there. Or at least, they would be if DEI initiatives were purged.
DEI causes the best people to miss out on schooling or job opportunities, so even though people are or would have been qualified if they weren't rejected from those opportunities, we have a "shortage" because they didn't. One feeds into the other.
Of course there is rampant abuse. Why do eSports "journalists" need an H-1B visa? Not a skilled worker whatsoever. Easily remote to boot.
I look at them as retards screaming out in the crowd like in braveheart. We used to be the crowd from the life of bwian call for wodewick to be crucified. Like it or not we are going to have people that play both sides to whatever their advantage. They a lot of times are just in it for the business they don’t care who wins.
We need to let the process work. Johnson is Trumps guy. Defended him in peach mints.
Chaney like her or not has tremendous power in Washington. Giving her an out from prosecution may be opening other doors we don’t know about. I Trust POTUS. I would bet money that spending bill payed for a lot of favors that we will need later.
What if they said you want Kash you have to let some people go. If you had to choose between getting Epstein island visitors with kash or not doing the spending bill and getting Cheney with whoever fbi director they let you have.
What would you choose?
I am just throwing shit out there but I am sure choices like that are having to be made right now.
I am seeing nothing but fighting on here.
How about there are many different opinions. We don't know the long game.
You can't have everything you want. Life doesn't work that way. There is 99% good and you are fighting about that 1%.
Why not wait until Trump is in office and then see how this unfolds.
Then you can complain if you don't like the direction.
I figured everyone on here knows better than this.
My other observation is the people screaming on here have very low post comments.
I think someone has Hb1'd some forum shills
Game theory, Art of War/the Deal, appear weak, etc... Enthéos has called Elon "oak tree" and talked as if he is a part of the plan. We need to not allow our emotions to get the best of us. They have to keep the enemy guessing. There's a reason love and self control are the bookends of the fruits of the spirit 🙏
Good one
I've already abandoned one career that was destroyed by them, I am not looking forward to doing it again though at the rate AI is progressing it will likely replace me before the foreign "talent" gets good enough to take my current job.
LEtS wAiT and SeE hOw iT uNfOlDs
Not what we were promised nor what we voted for. I'm so sick of immigrants at this point.
I am so tired of being accused of being a shill. Idk where the hell these people live but the H1B issue is a big deal.
Right there with you.
It's a big deal. But you'll never get total destruction of it at this point. This is one of of those "doors once opened" situations.
Instead, you can build around the opening and reduce the number and control the quality of people that come through that door.
Right now, the number is around 600K H-1Bs.
But for many people so emotionally invested against it (yet never talking about it before) they think that the only solution is total destruction -- or else -- and that IS NOT GOING TO HAPPEN because you'll never convince anyone, and when so many of the people against it are actually being racist about it, no one will come to the table to side with us either.
You're a long time poster, obviously not a shill so no one should be accusing you of that. But there are much more infrequent posters with relatively low engagement attacking anyone who disagrees, and those are historically likely to be shills.
Well said, PNW. Some people have no idea what scams are going on with IT recruiting. Why don't they look at it first, and then comment.
You are not a shill,I've read your posts for years.
Explain training your replacement if they are "smarter".
This is discrimination against the native white population for CHEAP labor. White people are not being considered for those jobs.
Boomer tier opinion right there.
Try being non East Indian and walking into a job interview with an East Indian manager. You’ll never get hired.
Why are they shills because they don't see what they voted for. We have foreign born folk plotting the course of America. No one voted for these people. A thinking person would have some questions. No red blooded legacy American would take their comments lightly.
Cause they are just as hardliners as the left any questioning =shills.
The left sees trump and Elon setting the agenda. What trump is for they automatically are against. Reverse psychology. We have seen this before.
Good point. Americans have been through a lot and are tired of nonsense. Many live at the precipice daily. it is still good to keep the heat on the people working for you.
Cracks me up to hear indignant phrases about "foreign born folk". You are all foreign born immigrants for goodness sake with your ancestors having arrived in America only a few hundred years ago - at most - and likely much less than that. Come back in 4024 and we'll talk.
This is the gayest take ever. People have seen Canada become flooded with jeets and don’t want it to happen here. Their whole country is a shithole and their culture is not compatible with the one our ancestors formed here in America. Put the bong down for a bit
Yup people with that take are no different than leftist vermin in my eyes.
They have hook line and sinker fallen for the “mUh nATIon Of iMMiGRAnTS” psyop.
Your comment is a retarded leftist faggot take. Maybe look up the definition of foreigner and assimilation while you are at it.
Wtf are you talking about? Hope you dont reason like that on everything you pontificate over.
Oh excuse the hell out of me for posting something entirely logical.and in fact verifyably correct. But hey if you don't have a sensible reply then feel free to throw around a few insults. For the record neither a leftist nor a faggot..
Fact: the average American is a recent immigrant. Why not be proud of your heritage instead of deriding someone else's.
The average American is not a recent immigrants that is a Democrat lie.
Why not be proud of being an American?
You claim to not be a leftist faggot, but your posts sure as hell make you sound like you are.
USA is a sovereign nation with laws and borders as other nations are. No other nation allows illegal immigrants. If you don't respect that, you can crack your ass up back where ya came from. American Blacks aren't immigrants anyway.
Y'all need to stop stealing and go home.
That is straight out of the Democrat DEI talking points. Nothing is special about being an American. We should take a back seat to people from other countries because we are all immigrants. Total bullshit.
Shills for what, not importing infinite numbers of nepotistic pajeets to displace American workers?
Also, telling people to, and I quote "Take a step back and literally fuck your own face." is a pretty inflammatory comment likely to instigate fights.
KKK is a leftist invention.
Definitely. Same thing is happening on PDW.
Heres two recent examples. 3/4 yr old accounts suddenly popping up to cause division:
Fuck Elon. Fuck vivek. Fuck this immigration bullshit.
I'm not a shill account, check my join date.
Some of us don't like having the rug pulled.
Yup I would invite any of those accusing us of being shills to come visit me in Seattle. FREE TOUR of how big tech and jeets removed the local population!
Maybe youre the type that these shills are targeting.
The type that so easily lets your emotions override logic, and already had a pre existing condition of IJustHateElon-itis.
There is no logic in neglecting your own children to feed enemies kids. That is unbiblical.
It is so ridiculous we are fighting over this. Isn’t discourse what we wanted? I’m just so confused that differing opinions are being shut down so hard. I know some of these opinions are opposite of what we have positioned ourselves but it’s worth listening to the other side and compromising. To “oust” someone over a different opinion is not or typical behavior.
It's not even just opposing opinions.
It's opinions that just don't go as far as they want.
You can acknowledge the problems, you can endeavor to improve that and suggest drastic reforms, and they will still do their best to be abrasive and attack you for it.
Any amount of research makes the resolution to this subject obvious - that is why we are arguing so fervently.
I agree no one will ever 100% agree with everything.
Low post comments mean nothing. And certainly doesn't mean that their points aren't valid. We aren't Democrats that follow without thinking. Nor are we hero worshipers. We hire folk to do a job , not rule over us. No one is screaming here. They are expressing their points of view. We don't have to agree. That's quite an exaggeration.
Again no one says we have to all agree. That is my point. I have seen nasty comments on here referring to this subject. They are downright awful.
No one is ruling over you.
You comment shows your comprehension of what was said was not correct.
maybe so. That yogi thing wasn't a good look dude. It came off as nannyish. I could be wrong though.
Wrong again.
Read my history and see.
I ve liked alot of your comments.
So there you go.
Finally someone with a brain
We all have them.
Says the new account.
With the election behind us, have you noticed some MAGA influencers stirring up drama to keep the clicks coming? Their income might be on the decline now that the election buzz has quieted down and Trump won. Let's be aware of the potential for over igniting controversy just for views. Something to think about.
interesting point
You hit the nail on the head.
I can't believe people fall for it. I guess they love drama, hence reality shows like the Kardashians and Real Housewives are so successful.
I absolutely can. On the culture side of it, Melonie Mac is alienating people like an old school Bible thumper when she has a pretty trashy past, and now after strides to improve the image of Christianity and bring people to God, people like her are destroying it.
It's all a big shame right now. It makes me believe that people have learned nothing except bitterness and hatred the last four years.
And the level of engagement on a post generates revenue thats why alot of accounts Elon purged was blocking monetization instead of outright banning them off the platform.
You saying elon didnt post that? Why do some of you accept h1b now? Because trump said so ? Are you the same that took vaxxes and complained about trump after. H1B is atrocious if you don't know that then you speak about stuff u are clueless about. So, why is it being brought up? Exposure, changing it will probably happen. Why, because the leftist dolts ALWAYS do the opposite of trump. I don't think these guys intend to keep it based on what we've know. Sorry for those affected by it in the past. To those beating up on them shame on you. If you think you see what's up then just chill amd watch. H1b hurt a lot of good Americans. I believe this is part of the OP but I don't blame people one bit for being upset.
But the timing is terrible for us to be infighting. Save it for after the inauguration and appointments are completed. We are weakening ourselves at a crucial time and our enemies love it.
Not sure if post was directed at me but Im only noticing the actions not picking sides. Enjoy the show. 🍿
I think Trump wanted the discussion, since Elon and Vivek were talking about it so much.
If nothing else, it brought to light just how much the system is abused. Trump enacted reforms to the H-1B system and Biden immediately rolled them back, leading to much of the fraud and abuse taking place now.
Make AMERICANS Great Again ----- This is what MAGA should have meant from day one
Spoken like a true liberal. I think conservatives have had a belly full letting go and adopting. Projection much?
Pick a side then buddy. You’re either MAGA or a communist shill. Fence riders are of no use to Americans right now and suspicious at best. Your choice.
You sound pretty vaxxed.
We don't let go of truth. That's tough on the compromisers of the world.
that's not unique to conservatives, that's human nature. Some people are more open to new ideas, some aren't.
A lot of people in MAGA are not traditional conservatives. It's now the common-sense party
A lie is not a new idea. it is evil and death. Truth is life and we will not let go of that .
Why is it when there's a much required debate/discussion that can shape the course of our country, the people who are passionate about their stance are "using communist tactics?" Are "dividing the country?"
This is such a childish take. The passive "unite or die" mentality is one of the key elements that brought us into this mess. First it was the left who was the "unity party" when Obama "was elected." Then we were called to unite with the RINOS. And here we are with fake MAGA like Elon and Vivek.
You think our founding fathers, after the founding of our country, held the "agree to disagree" mentality? Hell no! They dueled each other over disputes!
In the past 50 years we were not united and we died. Have you no clue as to what this country is being saved from? The question is does this issue affect our freedom and our goal of America being great? Of course it does, elons position whether genuine or to get discussion is apparently good to elon while we say its apparently bad. In fact we see it as an affront to MAGA. there is actual proof that it is. If Elon is serious then it's his company and goals he seeks, not American greatness. He can ho to india and do all of this if all he wants is the Indian brain trust. He doesn't have to do it here. So what's really happening? That's what I'm looking for.
Thinking the truth is typically in the middle is a logical fallacy. The truth lies where the truth lies even with the stripping away of emotion.
And that "probably in the middle" is a commie tactic to move the needle their way. "Love is love," they said, and then quietly shoved obscenity into kids' grammar school textbooks.
Yeppp, it's called argument to moderation and I see it used way too often. Another thing that irks me is how people treat Occam's razor as if it is a law and overuse the shit out of it. It too is used as a way to shut down "conspiratorial thinking".
True talk.
The apostles had debates. The Founding Fathers had debates. Excellence is achieved through conflict. Any other route leads to mediocre outcomes. So don't be surprised when Patriots have these types of discussions. However, Americans overwhelmingly voted for AMERICA First. This is what they expect to go forth. Only fools provide for their enemies kids while neglecting their own children. We all should be tired of that mess by now. Excellence requires hard choices and tasks. Everything and Everyone should be examined and judged by their fruit.
That's nice, but it's conjecture at this stage. Until Trump speaks, until everyone's current (not from 2016, not from 2018) positions are clarified, it's all noise.
Its the wedge and division they seek. Stop letting this be the defining issue and it wont be.
This issue caused the landslide. How ya gonna get around that.
So sick of hearing this crap. It’s NOT SMALL POTATOES. My home town has been taken over by H1B’s.
Same to mine
H-1B Visas opened up a whole lot of canworms. We need to look deep in the mirror, not just individually but as a nation, to address issues like our Educational System, Food and Diet, Flouride in Water, Music and Movie culture, Medication and Pharma- how most kids are jabbed, on anti depressants or some pills, how indoctrinated we are, the level of math and science in our school, common core obama curriculum, LGBTQ stuff and gender operations, the insane cost of College so kids are in debt as soon as they graduate High School (it's truly sickening) ,.. Dude... we have to freaking TEAR DOWN the entire house and rebuild from ground up so our kids can live and function to their fullest potentials without all these obstacles, hopefully in the very near future. If we can get them all done in 5 years, kids who are 10 y.o and under now would actually have a chance.
Basically instead of complaining about ALL OF THE ABOVE, some people got emotional and defensive and attack the very same people who are trying to help or white hats. It's irrelevant... there is nobody else but Trump's team fighting for us so inner fighting is divisive and distracting from the root of the problem.
It is like you said, all have been corrupted by the evil, from the tiniest towns to the big city governments and I am talking about all the world including USA. I don’t know how the satanic disciples manage/managed to control all of them, definitely we are in deep trouble. God has mercy on us.
Remove all kebab. Americans first
On PDW today, I had a person told me to kill myself, and another person say they wanted to kill Elon Musk. The psychological operation is on full display over there.
It was on PDW. They don’t have actual moderation over there. Nobody cares. 😂😂😂
PDW has been comped since it was still r/The_Donald.
There's only glow actions over there from their mod team.
I sometimes wonder if people remember the half of the mod team that were ousted because they disagreed on shuffling people to an external site instead of continuing to engage in discussion.
That mod team actually did the work.
Aye, pepe farms 'members.
Heck the corruption goes back further though to the original mod team shake up of January 2018. That's when reddit admins removed all of the original mods who wouldn't bend the knee and installed their own mod team to help them shadow censor Q, pizzagate, and spirit cooking discussion and research.
And then of course, in the end both sides were right to some extent -- that we needed a new place to go, but also that the way it was being handled was not correct.
Because then the drama with happened, and ever since it has been even worse over there.
Yeah, I know there’s a report button, but it doesn’t work. The mods do absolutely nothing on PDW. I mean absolutely nothing. I’ve reported topics of people using children and sexual jokes, somebody told me to kill myself, I mean the list goes on and on. There’s a guy that posts four second videos from Instagram and then after the four seconds, it’s a Chinese ad. I just reported that dude, and they did absolutely nothing about it and he post regularly. I may complain about the mods here sometimes at GAW, but at least they do their job. And they do it quite well. One thing I will say about PDW is it’s an all open season free speech platform. I can’t say that here, but I get it.
One thing I learned in the past 10 years was when something bring out an emotional response, stop and listen to what the people that "started it" are saying, not what's being SAID they said.
I just read this post and all the comments below. I am truly disappointed in the number of downvotes given through this thread. I gave an upvote to the post and every comment that got an undeserved downvote. I am especially disappointed in the 12 people who gave a downvote to UnvaxxedUnafraid who has contributed many informative posts and positive comments on this board including this post here. If anyone one agrees with this point, please scroll down and give this op some upvotes to undo what has been done.
It has become obvious to me this weekend that this forum has been infiltrated by a lot of shills who are stirring up contention and keeping information from climbing by using the downvote. I am not accusing anyone in this thread of being a shill. I read some good points on both sides of this issue. I upvoted discussion on both sides provided that no profanity or excessive caps were used.
Yesterday, I got into debates with two idiots over the moon landing and the Titanic. I could tell that they were bating me into an argument. I clicked on their names and found that they made few contributions here. I immediately stopped the debate and blocked both these shills. Another I deported on Friday and the mods addressed the issue. These are alternative ways of dealing with those who are only here to stir up trouble and get us off subject. If someone does this to you, click on their name and look at their history here.
Finally, the H1B visa is a worthy topic of discussion for this board IMO. Both sides have good points. I posted some things on this issue myself yesterday. I didn’t cuss out or hit the cap lock with anyone that disagreed with me or hit the downvote button which I reserve for those who are obviously hostile to the mission of this board. We don’t need any James Carville’s here. We can disagree and still be civil.
When I taught high school, I thought nothing of breaking up fights whether it involved two guys or eight. I saw a similar situation here.
Ya, no reason to fight over this. After Trump kicks out 25 million illegal aliens, he will create enough room in the country to allow Musk and Vivek a few hundred thousand some-odd highly qualified, legal workers. This whole debate is a non-issue.
Elons endgame here will be causing Americans to ban unlected people from forming or influencing policy. In the meantime he is going to rip through things like H1B, deportation, immigration and government contracts.
Elon will use his billiionaire superstatus that he has been abusing for the last 20 years to get the left to fight against the very thing they have been voting in support of for the last 40 years.
Dem bots trying to fracture the base. It’s their latest tactic. Let’s use discernment and see who it plays out.
Until I come up with a better plan I'm trusting this one.
Anything that the Trump team is putting out is for exposure. Government programs, people and other things are for awareness. It is all planned. Chill.
Trump is highlighting H-1B fraud. He knows if he, Elon and Vivek come out for H-1B, it would, and is, exploding all over the internet. This obscure topic is now front and center being researched by anons. 'H-1B, you have been selected for exposure'.
SIGNAL, not noise very much applies. Take cues from Q+. He's saying it. H1B is to be repaired, AF style.
Listening is easier than arguing with folks. I've seen the theories that this is purposeful WH drama. I tend to agree with this theory. How else is it to be dealt with? These snakes will gut a whole bill filled with BS just to get a small rule in a law passed through. And for goodness sake continue watching the back doors, so that we can blow the lid off this scam once and for all. We are firing with effect. Let's keep these bums accountable so that we can force full disclosure. We are the answer
It's been disappointing to see the lack of nuance in this discussion/fight on X. I'd argue that it's been better on GAW but still plenty of black/white/all or nothing takes.
Elon is right in that in order to maintain tech & AI dominance in the coming years, talented engineers must be imported to fill out the ranks of American companies.
However, Elon completely ignored the problems and abuses of the H-1B visa system, to say nothing of the constant abuse dished out by U.S. companies who still regularly wipe out entire tech departments and replace them with middling level 1 "technical people" in India.
Elon deserved to get some serious heat for the lack of nuance in his comments.
However, the Laura Loomer's of the world missed the boat as well on the primary point because Elon is not wrong. If we want to be dominant, it will take years of cultural & economic change to have enough homegrown engineers.
I'm hoping that even with the lack of nuance, getting this subject out front and center will be a good thing and will eventually settle down into a proper national discussion. The solutions are pretty simple. Just enable the best and brightest to come here, but talented American engineers / technical people get priority.
I had a crazy encounter with a patriot on X today. It wasn’t as “in your face” insulting as with a liberal but it was very passive aggressive. I was thinking, “what is happening????” Crazy phase we are entering right now.
The person I was engaging with exists only to attack other users. It is a long standing history with his account.
Definitely a leftist, or at least equivalent.
Elon looks pretty stoned in that picture.
I honestly just see some good and passionate discussion that shows a lot of individual experience on the topic, some misunderstandings, some new data sources, etc.
All around a great way to hash out the situation and be aware of the positives and negatives of what's going on with our immigration system before making big changes to it.
If you follow papi trump you'll see he's not worked up about it, and I think he frankly enjoys seeing Elon and Vivek brought down to earth for a moment.
This is what policy discussion looks like. The whole ebb and flow from mild disagreement to passionate rage and back again. Get used to it because this is what policy discussion will be like in the new golden age!
“White supremacy” is a boogeyman phrase because most people accused of it don’t know its definition, and don’t think the reason white people should have their own nations is because their people are supreme. We deserve our own nations just for being ourselves, regardless of whether we’re supreme. It would be strange to go to Burundi and tell the natives that if they don’t outscore foreigners by a large enough margin on IQ tests or technological assessments then the natives of Burundi don’t deserve to live and work in their own country and should be replaced by the foreigners. Even though race replacement would be an objective improvement to Burundi, it would still be an awful thing to do to those native people and their culture. In the H1B situation, it shouldn’t matter if some individual foreigners are supposedly competent. They’re not us, so they shouldn’t be invading the culture developed by our people.
White people took up the beliefs and practices of Christianity the most readily of all of the races, even though they were geographically farther from the works of Jesus than many other people. White people and especially white North Americans or just white Americans have done the most to spread Christianity around the world, including to people of many different races and to people whose ancestors may have rejected the Gospel previously. This drives Satan crazy, so Satan inspired vicious people to attack Christianity and to try to slow its spread by attacking white people. All of the anti-white crap you see is dressed up anti-Christianity.
H1B is another attack on Christianity, dressed up as a plea for competence. We can afford religious freedom to the Americans who have already been here and whose ancestors fought the British (softening the British Empire to lose other colonies such as India), worked the land, stimulated the economy, built the infrastructure, paid the taxes, and contributed to American culture. We have no duty to import non compatible cultures or individuals who refuse to live by the Golden Rule. It doesn’t matter how well or cheaply some heathen codes, he isn’t us and he doesn’t belong here.
My wife accuses me of doing this, I, on the other hand, believe I am trying to change minds and "help" others see the way things should be. Maybe my wife is correct!! I wouldn't like telling her this, but it is our secret. Not about the immigration issues, but on the overall subject of how Trump is much better for the country. The illegals have to go-all of them-is my thought.
Everything has a purpose. Up to now h1b has been horribly abused and everyone knows it. What comes out of this may be an honest work visa and immigration program operated properly. I'm not sure if most Americans are aware of nit or not so I'm not sure if the media talking about it is purpose. But it may get the open borders crowds to support change to it out of hate for trump and musk. They are after all the most manipulative of us all.
Literally nobody thinks Trump is against immigration. People know he is vocal against illegal immigration. Its not hard.
Nope. They know his wife is an immigrant. They know he hires them for his businesses. And they hear him when he speaks.
knowing ≠ mattering Heh, I guess it is pretty funny. thanks and may his blessing find you as well.
Isn't / Wasn't the premise of this Visa to recruit workers that were unable to be found among the citizens of the USA and companies were obligated to have proof that they were unable to recruit within the USA? A few points.
Using this Visa to hire people at a lower-than-normal rate for the job is bullshit. I remember when Disney did it and forced people to train their replacements.
Why is everyone up in arms regarding these high tech. jobs, yet seem to tolerate illegals doing low-skill jobs? I'd much rather have a Filipino teaching my child who has Christian values than the brainwashed liberal teachers we have teaching them now.
There is going to be a huge shortage of low-skill workers. Hotel workers, office cleaners, etc... won't we have to import for these jobs in a legal manner? It will take a generation or 2 to repair work ethics in our youth, and you don't want the smelly, crazy, street addicts in your office, do you?
I used to think that many of the world's ambitious and intelligent people came to the USA for education and we benefited from their deciding to stay and make a life here as contributors instead of taking their education back home.
I firmly believe this is a white hat operation to spark debate and create a common-sense solution that's fair for everyone.
What if Trump's annexing Canada and buying Greenland isn't just rhetoric? If a Cabaduan or Greenlander got the high-tech job is that unfair?
I think most everyone is afraid to say that specific countries are full of scammers and have tricked the system to their advantage. India has massive fraud in their credentialing system, and Indian executives here facilitate the fraud.
A lot of credential fraud and mistakes in the Philippines too. They have a centralized agency for records, the National Statistics Office, and paperwork from the local government like Birth cert. Marriage cert. aren't official documents. it took a lot of running my wife around to get an NSO-certified marriage lic. which would take a year or so through normal processes when we got married because USCIS only accepts NSO documents.
I know of 2 different females who have birth cert. saying they are boys and their parents never did all the paperwork to fix it. This became a big problem in their adult lives in taking Nursing Board exams and they work as nurses without Board Cert. at sub-par wages. Shitty hospitals and clinics employ them.
Also, most security guards have fixer lic. and get paid below minimum wage because legit security guards arent going to go through the required training and work below minimum wages. Often they have no bullets in their guns or firearm training... Their first aid kits attached to their belts are empty too. Not that USA security is much better...
The workers are there. Or at least, they would be if DEI initiatives were purged.
DEI causes the best people to miss out on schooling or job opportunities, so even though people are or would have been qualified if they weren't rejected from those opportunities, we have a "shortage" because they didn't. One feeds into the other.
Of course there is rampant abuse. Why do eSports "journalists" need an H-1B visa? Not a skilled worker whatsoever. Easily remote to boot.
Definite need for a lot of revision
Wow 98 comments. Has to be some kind of a record. Whoops my bad, 99 with mine. I have 99 who will give me a 100
Believe people when they tell you who they are.
Tech boy just told us to go fuck ourselves in the face.
Guess the feeling is mutual.
Riiiight... Because wanting to see Americans working American jobs is racist.
That's some impressive mental gymnastics you got going on there.
I look at them as retards screaming out in the crowd like in braveheart. We used to be the crowd from the life of bwian call for wodewick to be crucified. Like it or not we are going to have people that play both sides to whatever their advantage. They a lot of times are just in it for the business they don’t care who wins. We need to let the process work. Johnson is Trumps guy. Defended him in peach mints. Chaney like her or not has tremendous power in Washington. Giving her an out from prosecution may be opening other doors we don’t know about. I Trust POTUS. I would bet money that spending bill payed for a lot of favors that we will need later. What if they said you want Kash you have to let some people go. If you had to choose between getting Epstein island visitors with kash or not doing the spending bill and getting Cheney with whoever fbi director they let you have. What would you choose? I am just throwing shit out there but I am sure choices like that are having to be made right now.