I. Historical Background
The Khazars were a Turkic people whose ruling class converted to Judaism in the 8th–9th century—not out of spiritual conviction, but as a geopolitical maneuver to stay neutral between the Christian and Islamic empires.
After the collapse of their empire, many are believed to have migrated west into Eastern Europe, blending with local Jewish communities, forming a distinct elite with a Jewish identity but secular ambitions.
II. Religion as a Shield, Not a Compass
This group did not descend from the ancient tribes of Israel, nor did they carry the spiritual foundations of Torah-based Judaism.
Jewish identity became a protective cloak:
Used to deflect criticism (e.g., labeling dissent as “antisemitic”).
Used to claim victimhood or moral legitimacy when pursuing political, financial, or global agendas.
True Judaism—based on humility, justice, and covenant—is often in direct opposition to the actions and ethics of these elites.
III. Secular Operation of Power
The Khazarian-descended or ideologically aligned elite operate as a network of secular, globalist actors:
Finance: Central banks, IMF, BIS, major private banks.
Media: Control over mainstream news, entertainment, and publishing.
Politics: Influence over national governments, think tanks, and lobby groups.
NGOs & Foundations: Used to steer public policy and reshape society from the top down.
Their actions are guided by:
Strategic interest, not faith.
Material control, not moral leadership.
Preservation of power, not public good.
IV. Key Characteristics of the Network
Tightly coordinated: Interconnected through bloodlines, intermarriage, foundations, and secret societies.
Global in scope: Not loyal to any one country—loyal to a transnational system of control.
Ideologically deceptive: Presents itself as humanitarian, inclusive, or “chosen,” while acting through manipulation, exploitation, and coercion.
V. Distinction That Matters
This isn’t about “the Jews.” It’s about a secular elite that uses Jewish identity as a tool, and does not represent the values or lineage of spiritual Israel or observant Judaism.
The danger lies in:
Conflating this group with all Jews (which is false and dangerous).
Ignoring their true motives by focusing only on surface identities.
tl;dr - The Biblical Edomite synagogue of Satan mentioned in Revelation 2:9 & 3:9 where Jesus Christ speaks of Jews that are masquerading as Jews but aren't really Jews:
Revelation 2:9 - I know your afflictions and your poverty—yet you are rich! I know about the slander of those who say they are Jews and are not, but are a synagogue of Satan.
Revelation 3:9 - I will make those who are of the synagogue of Satan, who claim to be Jews though they are not, but are liars—I will make them come and fall down at your feet and acknowledge that I have loved you.
None of this accounts for the Talmud. Its evil.
The Talmud has nothing to do with the Bible. It came from Babylon while the Jews were exiled there from the Holy Land. Like where it is from--Babylon---it's origin is the pits of hell!
kind of, the modern days jews are a result of the some of the tribe of judah taking with them the ways of babylon when they where freed from babylonian captivity, those ways including ritual mixing and a meterlinial blood line which is diametrically opposed to the biblical Hebrews who opposed mixing of all kinds and where patrilineal
There are two talmuds, Babylonian and pre Babylonian. Together, they span something like 900 years. The talmuds are a collection of old wives tales, recipes, stories, scientific commentary that has, in at least some cases, been debunked, AND theological writings that are contradictory. Talmudic Jews do not follow the whole talmud but instead tend to focus on and study selected portions. Those portions,I believe, vary to some degree from sect to sect. The tendency of some to single certain verses out and apply them to an entire group of religiously observant people seems to me to be beneath the dignity of the GAW crowd who sometimes go so far as to snear at those who don't think critically for themselves. It is helpful to note that Jews can be a very intellectual bunch, analyzing issues down to the very smallest of details and unnecessarily so at times in my opinion. One passage I came across actually says that although"thus and such" is permissible, anyone who does it is wrong and should be beaten. Why bother?... But some do. I am of the mindset that Orthodox Judaism is plagued by the same phenomenon of sin that Christian denominations are plagued by whereby some evil individuals seek positions of power within a religious structure in order to take advantage of the vulnerable. This does not make all Orthodox Jews evil. I was once Catholic. That didn't make me what many in the priestly echelon were nor does it make all priests evil. The evangelical church has had similar issues.
Beat me to it!
The problem with that is that the English translations do not capture the REAL meaning of what Jesus was saying.
He was specifically talking to and about the "Judeans" (ALL people living in the Roman province of Judea during his lifetime were "Judeans"), who were PRETENDING to be Israelites, but were not.
They were CLAIMING to be children of Abraham, by which they meant children of God.
But Jesus knew that was a lie, which is why he called them out.
"Jew" is a word that came LONG AFTER Christ's time on Earth.
He was talking about fake Israelites (who are not jews at all), which makes the entire thing confusing.
The Israelites and Judahites (a part of the Israelite family) had mostly all been deported to Assyria and Babylon before Christ's time.
While they were gone, the Edomites moved into the former Kingdom of Judah, which became Judea, a Roman province once Rome conquered the area.
By Jesus' time, it was called Judea, and it was a "diverse" population, with mostly Edomites (i.e. modern day jews) and also some true Israelites/Judahites, and others, as well.
The people who were of the synagogue of Satan were the Edomites, the ancestors of modern day "jews." They were name-stealers and pretending to be "God's Chosen," but were in fact decendents of Esau/Edom, who God hated.
But they were pretending to be "of Abraham," and therefore Israelites.
But they were not.
They used their "Tradition of the Elders" religious ideas to try and destroy a true understanding of the Old Testament. This was early Judaism, NOT Christianity. These ideas later became the Talmud.
They were pretenders and deceivers.
THAT is why Jesus hated them.
They exist now just as they did then.
I have another comment in this thread that illustrates the distinction you made in a fun way, remaining biblically accurate for those that have a hard time following the Bible and bloodlines.
Maybe you've seen it. Maybe you haven't. If you have, watch it again. Great comment, fren.
After Cyrus of Persia conquered Babylon, Jews were allowed back to to Israel, some stayed and some went back. My background are the ones that stayed.
So are you saying St John was prophesizing in this part of Revelation? I ask this because this post says the Khazars became Jewish in the 8th century
Revelations is a prophetic book. I have often thought that the Khazerians were a part of those that John was speaking about
Makes sense to me & even if it corelates to a church or group back then, I find that God often speaks in triplicate. With one phrase can make 3 different prophecies spanning very different times. Makes a lot of sense. I just wanted clarity on that, Thank You fren !
You are most welcome.
I have had the exact same thought about the khazerians.
Stickied by me. High effort. High info. Gets good discussion going. I don't consider this "joo fagging." Nicely done. Carry on.
There are other mods that unfortunately disagree. But I agree!
This topic gets a lot of discussion in our mod chat. We always want to make sure we move forward with current topics that are breaking either by Trump, the plan, or the Q team, etc. Thank you.
As one of the Messianic (Christian) Gentiles on the forum who stands with her Messianic Jewish brothers and sisters, I agree. This was very well done!
In these times this post should be pinned!
Why? This post is an utterly dishonest perspective as it conveniently ignores how the talmud tells Jews everywhere to treat non Jews. This has nothing to do with blaming anything on Jews or claiming there’s a vast conspiracy. Judaism on a fundamental level is incompatible with Christian morals and society. This board continuously misses this fact.
Are all Jews Talmudic?
No, there is a sect of Orthodox Judaism that is Torah only, no talmud. Conservative sects of Judaism may also be the same. I'm not sure about the latter.
Karaite Jews are Orthodox and Torah only.
Pretty sure most are, but not all.
Pretty sure you know nothing at all on the topic. Talmud is rabbinical teachings, most likely studied by Orthodox (10-15% of Jews). Maybe some conservative Jews (20-25%) are aware of it. Reform (35%) and secular Jews (~30%) don't even study the Torah let alone the Talmud. Grok says:
Thank you. I’ve met plenty of Jews and have never been Talmuded by any of them. It’s just like there are plenty of Christian kid diddlers out there. There always a subset of a demographic that is pure human trash just because they’re trash. Generalizing doesn’t help anything.
Thank you p8riot! This makes sense. I mean there are some very good Jewish people out there that certainly don't seem to act the way people in the way the Talmud supposedly prescribes. When I heard Naomi Wolfe speak she said that when her synagogue kicked her out over the shot she tried the Catholic Church (but they were, of course, just as bad) She said she just wanted to pray with others.
IDK maybe she just said it because we were mostly a Christian audience but it seemed sincere & not elitist. .
Fair. Wasn’t referring to secular Jews. Only religious ones, but good clarification.
That Reform Judaism doesn’t even study the Talmud is still new to me. You’d still be taking about 50-60+%, which is “most”, but definitely less than I had in mind.
The question was "Are all Jews Talmudic" to which you replied "pretty sure most are" ... when the inverse is true. Again most do NOT study the Talmud (around 80-90% of Jews).
I’m not arguing with you because you could well be right. The math of the numbers you presented (15+25+35 = 75% = “most”) bear out the point I had in mind in making my statement, while it may well be the case that the claim you’re making and the note from Grok are closer to reality. I do not claim to be infallible, and reserve the right to retract and clarify statements, consider new data, and change my mind.
That there are Jews that have mistreated Christians may be true. I haven't researched that. That said, I would like to say a few things. Bear in mind that Jews have been accused of murdering Jesus and persecuted for it. This is a huge barrier for a lot of Jews. One for Israel shares the testimonies of many Messianic Jews who have had to debunk that belief in order to believe in Him. The talmud, as I explained in another post on this thread is actually two compilations of a wide genre of writings written over, I believe, about 900 years. It's content is contradictory and some of it was written during times of great corners of soul at times of literal oppression and prescription. Also, there are many Jews who have very positive relationships with non Jews including Christians. Many of the "Righteous Among the Nations," were Christians and many Jews are very much aware of this. CBN has some documentaries detailing the generosity and kindness of Jews to even their enemies. Be careful about lumping people together on the basis of what a few do it on the basis of a select portion of the talmuds.i have heard of some Orthodox Jews spritting on and saying terrible things to Christians. Not all Jews are that way. Someone close to me told me he owes his life to an Orthodox Jew. Think about it...
See Romans 11 :)
Uh no, the Talmud is evil. Nice try though. The noticing will continue.
Exactly. I know Jews from high school who are Talmudic and care about Israel more than America. Literally all they do on social media is cry about Israel.
This whole “it’s just the elites” is hogwash. I have seen way too many things with my own eyes to believe that.
There is video of Jewish professors talking about replacing whites under the guise of “multiculturalism”
Why does every anti white book seem to be written by a Jewish author.
I am seriously being gaslit to believe it’s just mUh elites?
I agree with you. I'll go with the movie "They Live" as a tell as to how our reality has been setup for us.
no its also some high schoolers. but the elites, and by that i mean the ultra rich are absolutely gaslighting you.
Is the Talmud real? A lot of what is written is metaphorical, no? And meant for the Jews in times of Exodus when they were in the desert?
Talmud has nothing to do with the Torah. It’s theology from Rabbi’s.
Yes the Talmud is real. The Torah is their way of sugar coating what they truly believe. Deception is their strongest form of defense.
So many retards in this thread pretending like they know anything. The Torah existed for THOUSANDS of years before the Talmud began to form, around the same time the new testament began coming together.
Soooooo get rid of Genesis to Deuteronomy, then?
I can clearly see Christian nations under attack from reports. Tucker can see it now too. What is the end game if this happens and the migrants become majority?
The death of western civilization. The Talmud’s hate Christianity and whites the most.
Everyone dies and finds out it wasn't a card game. god wins. prophesy fulfilled. Enjoy because this chance won't come again.
Then Christians endure the persecution and violence stated in Revelations. Faith gets tested, terrible things happen, people make decisions that sets their eternal destiny. But God wins.
Anyone who promotes sucking of a bloody baby dick is an Enemy of Christ. Simple as that
Circumcision was instituted by God in the Torah. Many Jews don't practice mtsitsa b'peh. Exactly when that was started or by whom, I do not know. Some see it as tradition without really thinking about the implications. In the most conservative sects who might be the ones to practice it, they are very insulated from sex and sexuality. Boys and girls don't play together. Arranged marriages where they might have a few meetings at Mom and Dad's home with the right of refusal. They may or of high school and families support the young couple to help them get launched in life with hiding, business set up, job, etc. They get the sex talk right before the wedding. One woman I listened to was like, I knew him growing up, he was a nice guy, I thought all I had to do was live with him. She had no idea that there was anymore to it than that. There is a kind of enforced ignorance/innocence on the topic. They don't talk about related issues like abuse so it may not enter their minds to view it through a lens other than that of a handed down tradition and tradition is a very important part of culture for them which is why you see some of them sporting styles from hundred of years ago. For those outside of that, it appears completely differently. I am IN NO WAY defending the practice. I'm just offering another perspective.
Excellent lineup showing the difference between the two but who actually has the power.
It's incumbent, then, on the good jews to call out the bad (terrorists) and imposters (terrorists). Not much different than good muslims being expected to call out their terrorists. Not suggesting that either do or ever will...at least in any significant way.
And they don’t. They just cry about Israel. I don’t know a single Jewish person who puts America before Israel.
Without America there is no Israel. So that is an absurd statement. But also I'm curious how many Jews you know and how exactly you pose this question to them.
*Without white people there is no Israel. It was white people (British) who paved the way for Israel.
I know 8 and it’s always about how America must fund Israel and defend Israel etc. What do I owe Israel who quite frankly hasn’t done anything for us as an ally?
Wouldn’t be absurd if a bunch of Indonesians for example demanded that we fund and protect Indonesia.
If that were the case everyone would tell them to pound sand and go back to Indonesia. Why should Israel be treated any different.
Without America's military and financial support Israel would not be around today. That was my point, not who paved the way. Your friends are saying that America needs to continue to support Israel because again, it would cease to exist. The walls would close in.
America has funded Israel in total since the 50s, accounting for inflation, LESS than we've funded Ukraine over the last few years. There are many reasons why they are considered a strong ally in a region that is a hotbed for Islamic terrorism. Think of it as a military base that we can launch attacks from if we needed, including by proxy. Even just the threat can be a deterrent.
Mark Levin. Barry Goldwater. Michael Savage. Dennis Prager. David Horowitz. Ivanka Trump.
Never heard any of them criticize Israel. But if they have I would love to be wrong
I haven't criticized Israel either. Nor anyone I know. What does that make me? Or us?
Some of the Jewish people that call out the Zionists.
Yes & they say they follow Torah. That's a big difference from following Talmud
There are probably even Zionists who call out Zionists and just don’t know it because the terminology connection wires are so crossed up.
Edit: Not probably, definitely.
Even the “good jews” follow teachings of the Talmud. They would never call out a fellow Jew because they all agree that non Jews are sub human. It’s right there in their holiest of texts. Judaism is fundamentally non compatible with western Christianity.
Wrong. Do better! Jesus is watching
Literally every last one of you that claims I don’t understand or am wrong can never cite anything to the contrary. How dare you invoke Jesus’s name instead of exercising even the most basic debate skills. What a vile thing to do. Disgusting
My church literally rents out a building to a Jewish congregation, I actually just got back from attending a frens messianic synagogue.
The Jewish congregation(most don't even follow the Talmud) don't hate Christians They don't really put thought into it. You have created this boogyman and are acting childish cause I called you out Call out the top or STOP...you in no way further the dialogue by acting this way. Again Jesus is watching
You are spreading lies. Very few Jews follow Talmudic teachings, about 10-20% according to Grok. Only the orthodox and some conservative Jews follow- most Jews are reform or secular and do NOT.
Do Jews follow the Talmud or the Torah? Isn't the Talmud what they came up with a couple hundred years after Christ because they couldn't figure out why their Messiah didn't appear a couple hundred years earlier like he was suppose to?
They will only do that when they stop getting benefits from the actions of the 'minority'. Which is, yea, close to ... never.
To be fair, there is indeed a small minority of both groups that calls out the actions of the evil ones. But it's a very small minority. The rest just stay silent to reap the benefits of the evil actions of the 'minority'.
Many Jews aren't aware of the"Jewish" connection to the DS and, as a result, they tend to view a lot of the hate that they get as antis anti Semitic and, to be fair, some of the hate is just that- not all but some As for Muslims, the only true Muslim is one who follows the full counsel of the Quran. Earlier writings which are, in fact, peaceful are abrogated(superceded) by later writings which are violent and evil. Mohammed was an incredibly evil man to include murder, rape, and pedophilia. This is why you have bachi bazi in Afghanistan (look up Sgt Martland's story for reference) and child brides, some as young as four yrs old in some countries. They also have a practice, when men are traveling, of marrying women so that they can legally able engage in relations and then they abandon these women who are no longer virgins, may be pregnant, when they leave and then they are no longer able to marry and have families. You can't call out bad Muslims. This is their religion and their example is Mohammed. Only a changed heart can fix this problem.
Thank you.
It's important that people learn to distinguish between regular people and govt/Cabal entities. A habit I began to break when it was constantly said "The US did (some awful evil thing)", knowing regular Americans had nothing to do with it and wanted no part of it
Yes, and the same applies to your average Jew who doesn't read the Talmud, and simply reads the scripture portions for the week (OT)>
Yeah, I knew a fair few of those. They knew so little about actual scripture - just what had been read to them in pieces over the years
Wow fren I rarely see people approach this topic correctly. Nicely done. This is the way..God bless you. Much love
If the correct way is completely ignoring one of their core texts that labels Christians as subhuman then yea nicely done… /s
U seem to not understand the Talmud..I will leave it at that
Then show me something to the contrary. You won’t because you can’t. So sad.
All these Germans didnt just wake up one day and declare "We hate the Jews"
There are mirrors to what happened in Germany then to what has been happening in the Us for a while now.
2 rabbis explain the REAL reason why Hitler hated the jews.
These rabbis lived 40+ years and never knew the real reason, until recently, and they were shocked.
Hitler explained his reasons in "Mein Kampf," but most people want to ignore what he wrote and make up their own ideas, pretending they know something they don't really know.
It was because jews created communism, and they wanted to use it to take over Europe and kill non-jews.
It was interesting listening to Hitler on those AI translated videos that came out a while back...
In fact Hitler stated that early on he would get upset at people who spoke badly about Jewish people in Germany....
Anyone listen to Chuck Swindoll, Jr on YouTube? His father was a minister on TV I believe. He does a great job with his Khazarian Mafia 1 and 2 episodes.
He says it’s the Khazarian Mafia, Jesuit Order, Babylonian and Cannaanite bloodlines and then more above and below them.
Isn’t Ukraine Khazaria?
Yes Ukraine is Khazaria.
So every Jew enabling of the Destruction of the Christian Nations by flooding incompatible Migrants, are Khazars?
The kazarians are just the latest round of punks on the planet. The Italian banking dynasties along with the Vatican have been punking us for quite some time. I think we're saving Israel and the Vatican for last.
I think that that cabal has been rolling through different hosts for thousands of years. Probably came through Babylon.
I'd hesitate to say that the Khazarian mafia is all of the cabal, I really don't think that's quite right.
The cabal has infiltrated all religions and peoples to one extent or another.
PSA the "cabal" is anyone that would horde wealth and power. Their interests dont align with yours or most people. They mesmerize with words and symbols and peoples natural inclination toward paranoia and distrust.
A lot of wealthy people are going to be forfeiting their fortunes VIA the RICO act.
The Khazars have just become a convenient scapgoat so people can claim, "but but but ... it's not ALL muh joos!"
Sure, not every jew on Earth gets together on a Zoom call on Saturday morning to talk about all the shit they are gonna pull this week.
But ALL the jews benefit from the shit that the other jews do.
When the ADL pulls some nasty shit, ALL jews benefit. So, they are going along with it.
The ONLY exceptions I have ever seen is when a jew turns on his own and calls out the bullshit.
In that case, other jews will call for his assassination.
The primary example I have seen of that is "David Cole" (not his real name) who was/is a jew and did an honest documentary about Auschwitz back in the early 90's when nobody really knew much of anything because the Berlin Wall had just fallen and Eastern Europe was in turmoil.
He showed how laughable the entire Holohoax story was and is.
As a result, he had many death threats from jews.
He went into hiding, and when he came out years later, he was pretty much a nut case.
The "Khazars" have become a convenient way to sidetrack any conversation about the harm jews have done to society for centuries.
But it is just a sidetrack.
It is not the main story.
The vast majority are.
Non-khazarian jews are indistinguishable, in looks, from egyptians, syrians, jordanians and...palestinians.
White, blonde, red-headed ones (i.e. what you typically associate with jew) are all khazarians.
Humm. Except king David was a red head seemingly according to scripture.
According to OP that’s the logical conclusion. But you can already sense there is something off about that.
great link. Share it far and wide
Let the Truth Light up the minds of the people.
All these Rabbis are Khazars. https://hias.org/statements/1500-rabbis-sign-national-letter-calling-welcoming-refugees/
I assume all rabbis are khazars...they've been using that religion as a shield for ages, they run the rabbinical schools, they'd only let one of theirs be rabbis.
Are the jesuits also khazarian?
Whatever name they hide behind, their woke mental illness has lots of infiltrators in every big Church.
Good take. Even for the sincere Jewish practitioners of the law their Messiah has already come. 2000 years ago God's promise to them was kept. So, spiritually they are in the same boat as every unbeliever. Christ is the Way.
Jews do not believe Jesus was the Messiah.
You can't NOT know this, can you?
He typed it, it couldn't be clearer. The Messiah came and they didn't believe it, so they are in the same spiritual boat as every unbeliever. It could be argued that they are in an even more precarious situation, since they had their entire history and prophesy pointing to Jesus as the Messiah, yet STILL rejected him.
A significant minority believed Him in His and the apostles day, and a significant minority, one that is growing, does now: https://greatawakening.win/p/19AdzEZLOe/x/c/4eRSh3ULPPf
Their 'boat' is in a somewhat 'better' position, according to Paul in Romans 11, than your average unbeliever....
And we have responsibilities that relate to that position, namely, don't boast against the (actual) natural branches. (of course, this does not include the Khazarian converts ) Romans 11: (and In particular, 17 - 23)
Paul clinches his case in Romans 11: 23 - 26:
Then Paul warns again, if the first two times were not enough, against boasting against the natural branches, the Jewish people:
I am respectful of the current Jewish unbelievers. It is great that many are coming to faith in Christ! The Bible seems to have some conflicting statements regarding the salvation of Jews. Some verses suggest that only a "remnant will be saved", but others suggest a more widespread salvation. (it's safest not to leave any doubt :) )
I think both can be true at the same time. Why? Because the majority of Israel will be wiped out. A remnant will be left but the whole of that remnant will be saved.
In general, for the majority, this is true - but there is one glaring inaccuracy (the broadness of that statement...) that can be inferred from it, thus the down-vote: There are about 1,000,000 Jewish believers in Jesus in the world, sauce follows in link:
Read again
They are also pretty explicitly against Torah observant Jews.
Meanwhile, there are a lot of people who want to go either all for, or all against, the whole lot, and refuse nuance.
Both ways are wrong.
Not often mentioned, though more widely known now, one of the biggest victims of WWII, was the German people by the Prussian war machine. It was CHRISTIANS who were butchered by WWII. 75-80 million died, 90% were Christian. 6 million though.
Did they claim to be Christian? Did they practice it? WAS AVOIDANCE OF A BANKING DEFAULT BEING HIGHLY NOTICEABLE INVOLVED?
Have they used similar tactics in the Middle East? Are they using similar tactics here?
Do they want to exterminate the rest of a remnant? What’s with all the DNA testing?
Observant Judaism is all about the TALMUD, an absolutely DISGUSTING document.
There is NO SUCH THING as "Judeo-Christian values," because the values of Judaism are OPPOSITE the values of Christians.
They have kept this hidden from Christians for a long, long time.
They have entire schools dedicated to teaching the Talmud (NOT the "Torah"). These are the Yeshiva schools.
Their Jewish Encyclopedia explains the overall beliefs of Judaism.
They HATE Jesus, HATE Christianity, and HATE Christians.
They are in favor of pedophilia, child sacrifice, and killing of all non-jews.
This is true of the Orthodox, but most non-secular Jews would say that they are observant, even when they do not either know or follow the Talmud: h/t to p8triot , who contributed these numbers, below:
10-15% of Jews are Orthodox. Most study Talmudic teachings.
20-25% of Jews are Conservative. Some study Talmudic teachings.
35% of Jews are Reform. Very few if any study Talmudic teachings.
30% of Jews are Secular. Virtually none study the Torah, let alone the Talmud.
So, excluding the Orthodox, you have ~ 55 - 60% of Jews who essentially disregard the Talmud, as a lower estimate.
https://scored.co/c/GreatAwakening/p/19Ae8e9X1w/the-secular-khazarian-power-stru/c/4eRTJqZ0Drt (p8triot's researched comment on thread)
Who are of the real tribe of Judah and who are not? God knows and He is not pleased with them anyway. (Ezek 36) He will not forsake them by no means but He will punish them by taking them through the Great Tribulation. The entire world is going to come against Israel according to scripture and I never thought the US would forsake them but we are witnessing the tide turning against them more and more. Nothing is a surprise to God. He knows the end from the beginning and it is written down in the Bible.
One potential caveat - Khazarians are speculated to be descended from Moses' son Japeth. He was apparently more aligned with canaanite occultism, and the last name eventually became Bauer and then Rothschild. Then the Roman Catholic church outsourced usury to them since it was forbidden in the church. Thus, the Jesuit Order is really the boss of the Khazarian line of "Judaism."
They call themselves the "Luciferians". Here since the beginning. They are of a different consciousness than most humans. At the top, they understand how this reality operates and work tirelessly to ensure we do not understand this. And as such, they are able to control all primary institutions in the world - government, medical, legal, religious, finance, etc.
The Khazar narrative is yet another red herring story, conceived and written by one of them. And sure, there is a "heritage/culture" that heralds from this region that now call themselves "jews". But I can't make it clear enough, "they" were around since the beginning, millennia before Khazaria was a "place".
The biblical jews were neither a race, bloodline nor related to any geography/place/state/nation. The word "Judean" references a "state of being/consciousness". First indicated when "God" changed Jabob's name to "Israel", which indicated the union of the masculine (Ra) and feminine (Isis) principles, effectively implying the person was "whole" again, or "permanent communion with God" as denoted with the "el" in "Is-Ra-El".
The Luciferians at the top are in this higher state of consciousness as well.
Humanity at large, the 99%, shrouded and veiled in endless BELIEFS masquerading as "truths" were called "Egyptians" - the unawake, the sleepers, the BELIEVERS.
There was no "Israel" or "Judea" or "Egypt" when scripture was written. The Luciferians have simply twisted ideas and redefined words to confuse the sleepers (Egyptians). Note the word "state" can imply either a "Place" or a "condition of being". This is one of their greatest deceptions; words with two or more meanings.
The only "states" that were being referenced in scripture were of course the latter definition (condition of being). In fact, this subject alone is what the entirety of scripture is all about. For example, Jesus' "12 apostles" each represent a particular "state of being/consciousness" that needs to be transcended.
All that being said, your write-up is fundamentally accurate in its intent and I agree with the premise that the "main actors" are using labels for cover and that the majority of "modern-day Jews" are not involved at all.
It is not intellectually legitimate to insert the vocabulary of a modern language into the figurative lips of those in ancient times, who never could have known it or the meanings of the words.
Please elaborate on your point. What do you mean?
The dual meaning of "state" would not apply to an ancient language structured on different meanings. They would have a word for "kingdom" or "realm." And a word for "being" or "existence." Not necessarily the same word at all. Therefore, no basis for the supposition that their frame of reference involved an ambiguity that occurs only in our time in our language.
There's hope for humanity after all....o7
Indeed. Nothing but.
Sounds like Sabbateanism
This is great. Thank you. I have a question. Is this why the Nazis were mad and is this why the Jews were targeted through history?
Same thing happens in america with the fundies
If you missed this: https://greatawakening.win/p/19AdzA1liK/eko-american-soil--the-secret-tr/c/
I'm indifferent about it, although I will say it got me to consider possibilities that I had not considered before.
It's okay if you don't agree with it... I'm just pointing to it as a possibility for consideration, in light of Revelation 3:9 etc, and the namestealing mentioned in this thread.
All objectively true, nice post.
Thank you for saying what needed to be said.
It is about them.
Hello Humans ... Clif High
Deep dive into who the Khazarian name stealers are. They are NOT Jews, but they surround themselves with sacrificial Jews who get the bad wrap.
00:34 Dojo = a place where the way is practiced
06:00 War as forecast; Russians don’t do war before spring (March 1); Civilians die due to lack
09:13 Russian Revolution in 1914; Taken over by Khazars (Bolsheviks) one year later and killed that breadbasket of the world
12:36 Book” Journey to the West; “Watch out for the name stealers”; Orea Linda; King James Bible;
20:45 War is not between nation-states; Judaism; Talmud; Constantine
24:45 Zohar; Elohim = Holy Spirit = Spaceship
30:05 Not invading Ukraine; Incursion to destroy biolabs; Same will happen with China/Taiwan; Jews are sacrificial; Adrenochrome
35:12 Putin taking out 13 biolabs; Bidenites can’t stand against China invading Taiwan; Armageddon = The Great Revealing
38:30 Martin Armstrong computer Socrates; 18 years war;
Direct video link: https://www.bitchute.com/video/zM8vVo25knf6/
The muh Jews crowd, the guys always spewing the nose knows bullshit, are not on our side.
How can these people be Jews when they reject God in all their actions? These arent Jews though them call themselves that, they are satanists.
I know real Jews. Some are friends. They are nothing like the satan worshippers, the synagogue of satan.
Jews reject Christ. They deny Jesus was the son of God. They denied... rejected God.
So do all nationalities that have not accepted Christianity as truth , Islam as well is very bold about its rejection of Jesus as God's Son. There is a remnant of Jews , however, who do not deny this, and that remnant is growing:
Over One Million Messianic Jews Worldwide: https://allisrael.com/studies-reveal-there-are-now-1-million-followers-of-jesus-worldwide-of-jewish-descent
World Wide Jewish Population: https://www.timesofisrael.com/global-jewish-population-hits-15-7-million-ahead-of-new-year-46-of-them-in-israel/
(this is a significant increase from the 2012 estimates: By 2012, estimates for the number of Messianic Jews in the United States ranged from 175,000 to 250,000, and worldwide estimates were around 350,000, About triple the number is now reported by all Israel.)
Further, The civil discussion only statement in the side bar should apply here: They want you divided. They want you labeled by race, religion, class, sex, etc. Divided you are weak [no collective power]. Divided you attack each other and miss the true target [them].