Spread this shit like wildfire. Withholding your rights as a means to force you to do something against your will. She just let the cat out of the bag and does not realize it.
You know these people are crazy in the back of your mind but to hear her just say it out loud on national TV just seems like an April fools joke or something. She is perfectly fine with the idea that they can control our rights. Like they aren't really ours to begin with. We don't get a say. Sigh...
And the funny thing is there's a big caption underneath that says "CDC: Vaccinated people should still avoid travel" while the lady rants about a carrot and going back to pre-pandemic lifestyle.
I’m not vaccinated (well not for Covid) and I still travel. Shit, I’m 8 months pregnant and flew across country a few weeks ago to visit family and friends. Fuck this lady.
Congrats from another mom. I remember being pregnant and feeling for kicks, all that- even though it was 12 years ago. Praying for safe and speedy delivery, and a happy, healthy baby. (One of the things my midwife and doctor both told me is that with most babies, you can let them sleep with you with some reasonable precautions. just FYI)
Shes from Shanghai. So we have a chinese born woman on CNN telling Americans that they should not have "freedoms" until we take a shot for a virus released by her home country...cheena. Nothing to see here...
That thought pattern is typical for the CCP. Her logic is fundamentally communist. Her background should be thoroughly checked to identify ties to the CCP and ID her network of collaborators for same. This is exactly what communistic infiltration looks like - this is THE insurrection. I would suspect she is found to be just another foreign operative planted inside the United States as part of the grand plan to overthrow our system of government and replace it with CCP control.
Most likely, you have already picked up on the disproportionate amount of People of Color, Asians and non-American shills that populate the Covid PR team throughout the MSM
Do you think on China TV, the news anchor goes to Billy Bob from Alabama in his Confederate shirt and Billy Bob explains to the Chinese People that they better do everything he says or else?
Somehow I don’t think the diversity is being reciprocated.
I don't know but, I think she might actually believe she was trying to do good, help people, help the world. It's a super scary thought, but just the way she spoke sounded so True Believerish.
Was just about to post this! So I'll give another gem instead.
"There is nothing more frightening than a half-baked do-gooder who knows nothing of the world, but takes it upon himself to tell the world what's good for it."
Eiji Yoshikawa
Because it has NOTHING to do with WuFlu and everything to do with establishing control over us. This was never about a virus this was always about control.
Just a high enough error rate, spread over the years and with multiple different vaccines, eventually the job will get done before anyone noticed and it's too late.
There would be too much heat if too many people were affected, so you have it target certain genomes that are restricted to a certain % that you feel is acceptable for the year.
Slate and Vice and CNN probably have their infertility articles already written. “A strange increase in infertility rates across western nations is leaving researchers and scientists baffled, but this one BIPOC Portland nutritionist thinks she might have discovered the answer.” And then she proceeds to get the answer totally wrong.
This is my thought too.. Don't look at me funny for not wearing a mask.. I might have already gotten vaccinated.. or I might just not give a shit - either way you are still safe if it all works the way 'experts' say so.
Or you might have caught the virus before all the mask mandates and other 'rules' came along and recovered. Both Dr. Rand Paul and President Trump himself experienced this.
This maxim at first sight seems absolutely antagonistic to the purport of the preceding verse; but it is not so really. The words, "according to his folly," in this verse mean, as his folly deserves, in so plain a way as is expose it, and shame him, and bring him to a better mind. Lest he be wise in his own conceit; thinking, it may be, that he has said something worth hearing, or put you to silence by his superior intelligence.
You tell your friend the vaccine hasn't been approved by the FDA and it's only available due to an emergency order. We truly have no idea how these vaccines will work in the real world because we haven't subjected it to very many trials. The people getting shots now are the biggest test group in history.
Those are the facts and a Google search will not refute them.
Don't let the fool get smug with you and think he/she's right, basically.
I did a bit of searching on her two weeks ago, when this clip was going around. Her bio says her family "escaped brutal communist China" but she's pushing all the communist agenda points,
I'm a big fan of the manga "Naruto". Almost all of the bad guys in it are motivated by the desire to make the world "better". Btw, this is one of the reasons why the leftist have worked to reduce its popularity by bashing it. They haven't been very successful though.
I'm a big fan of the manga "United States of America". Almost all of the bad guys in it are motivated by the desire to make the world "better". Btw, this is one of the reasons why the leftist have worked to reduce its popularity by bashing it. They haven't been very successful though.
Commies need put down. This is getting untenable. Thin ice. We haven't started fighting. We are holding the line as we were asked and taking one right after another on the chin. Per Scavino comms and 1402 we better be coming in for a landing soon. Im not taking much more of this unconstitutional, un-American horsehit. Our founding fathers would have off'd these bastards for far less.
And look at how she smiles when she's delivering the lines, so blatant. Her background story says her family "escaped brutal communist China" when she was 8, did a bit of searching on her when this clip came out. But she's pushing all the communist talking points, supports DACA, supports BLM protests, etc. Communist sleeper agent, one more example of "infiltrate and gain control".
After more than a year of hearing about the Rona 24/7 fear porn is wearing off-need to up the ante with Auntie Agitprop spewing safety V freedom in a breathless sincerity....
The Vaccine is a carrot (rabbit's like carrots) for the American people (bunch of rabbits) to get their freedoms back (out or back in the rabbit hole?).
It's great when liberals keep talking... they lose that sense of inner voice when the are used to being in their own echo chamber... and insightful of big goverment thinking... is the end result of freedom the goal?... no the PROCESS... THE CARROT that is the goal... freedom??? Meh..! The process is the most important goal for them... form over function... the process is more important than the goal of said process... trust me folks... worked in government for nearly 40 years.... THAT IS GOVERNMENT... ITS NOT THE END RESULT THATS IMPORTANT... ITS THE PROCESS...
The title sums it up perfectly. HOLY SHIT! Its baffling that someone could speak like this
To talk about freedom being taken and given so flippantly, like there is no such thing as freedom in her warped commie mind
If life goes back to normal and like today nobody is sick,
obody is dying (at least not from covid), why would she think we need the vaccine. If there is no danger there is no need for a vaccine. If there is danger, upon reopening people would see it get worse and run faster to the vax. This statement proves they know it will not get worse.
Exactly. She says that once everything is reopened, there is no incentive to get the vaccine. Basically, the only incentive to get it, is so that everything can reopen.
If the virus was deadly, then the virus would be the needed incentive, but it isnt.
All the people who have created problems in the world and continue to, up until now, are men. I'm sorry that hurts your feelings sweaty, but it's true.
Kamala hasn't started a war. Merkel hasn't started a war. Hillary has. Hillary is an evil piece of shit.
Hillary is still a person however. Men are people too. Like I said - people are evil if they're evil. It's not a race or sex thing. MAGA Wolfy just has a hateboner for women.
lol look, everyone is to blame, regardless of sex or race. It's people. When people are shit, they're shit. You have your issues with women, I get it, but for real - evil people come in all stripes and stars.
I think MSM has been forced to now start telling the truth. I have my Tivo set to record the nightly three stooges on CNN. I want to watch their world burn. Can't take much but I want to see where they are going with things.
I posted this earlier, I think my jaw is still on the floor though. Talk about a random act of journalism, CNN accidentally let the truth be reported...we can't have these sheep exercising their freedoms...we have to dangle the carrot of a vaccine if they want any normalcy to return.
But we all know that wouldn't be enough, as seen as Fauci saying we have to wear masks even after the vaccine, and this is just a stepping stone to the passport.
It seems their plan is starting to fall apart with a bunch of states opening up to 100% and guess what there is no spike in cases it's all coming apart and now you have a Chinese National on CNN telling everybody that this needs to stop.
Spread this shit like wildfire. Withholding your rights as a means to force you to do something against your will. She just let the cat out of the bag and does not realize it.
You know these people are crazy in the back of your mind but to hear her just say it out loud on national TV just seems like an April fools joke or something. She is perfectly fine with the idea that they can control our rights. Like they aren't really ours to begin with. We don't get a say. Sigh...
Is it 1776 yet???
And the funny thing is there's a big caption underneath that says "CDC: Vaccinated people should still avoid travel" while the lady rants about a carrot and going back to pre-pandemic lifestyle.
I’m not vaccinated (well not for Covid) and I still travel. Shit, I’m 8 months pregnant and flew across country a few weeks ago to visit family and friends. Fuck this lady.
Thank you!! A future Conservative lady in the making
Congratulations and best wishes on a healthy delivery for you and the little Miss. ??
Congrats from another mom. I remember being pregnant and feeling for kicks, all that- even though it was 12 years ago. Praying for safe and speedy delivery, and a happy, healthy baby. (One of the things my midwife and doctor both told me is that with most babies, you can let them sleep with you with some reasonable precautions. just FYI)
Well,she does look chinese
Shes from Shanghai. So we have a chinese born woman on CNN telling Americans that they should not have "freedoms" until we take a shot for a virus released by her home country...cheena. Nothing to see here...
That thought pattern is typical for the CCP. Her logic is fundamentally communist. Her background should be thoroughly checked to identify ties to the CCP and ID her network of collaborators for same. This is exactly what communistic infiltration looks like - this is THE insurrection. I would suspect she is found to be just another foreign operative planted inside the United States as part of the grand plan to overthrow our system of government and replace it with CCP control.
Nailed it
South Park’s apparently been trying to tell us for some time now? [They] think [they’re] pretty slick?
Most likely, you have already picked up on the disproportionate amount of People of Color, Asians and non-American shills that populate the Covid PR team throughout the MSM
So if you criticize them they can call you are a racist!
Do you think on China TV, the news anchor goes to Billy Bob from Alabama in his Confederate shirt and Billy Bob explains to the Chinese People that they better do everything he says or else?
Somehow I don’t think the diversity is being reciprocated.
See USC Title 18 Sec 241/242
We have great laws, if we would only had a DOJ that uses them.
I saw that last night and blasted it to the family. CNN throwing redpills out to the normies!
You can take that carrot and shove it up your beep!
Yes, up her ass.
She can take her carrot and shove it up her ass.
Just don't try to shove anything up my ass (looking at you CCP).
I will see your carrot and raise you -> an elk penis.
Maybe she was a he!!! Women can have dicks, too!! Bigot!!!
Good Lord?? What a time to be alive n have a shred of self preservation left... crazy daze?
She can shove it up her cunt!!
OMFG. This is pure Twilight Zone.
I don't know but, I think she might actually believe she was trying to do good, help people, help the world. It's a super scary thought, but just the way she spoke sounded so True Believerish.
"Of all tyrannies a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive." - C.S. Lewis
CS Lewis is always underrated
Was just about to post this! So I'll give another gem instead. "There is nothing more frightening than a half-baked do-gooder who knows nothing of the world, but takes it upon himself to tell the world what's good for it." Eiji Yoshikawa
Written to describe AOC!
I don't understand the view of vaccinated people towards unvaccinated.
Why do they give a shit what we do? If the vaccine works, they are safe.
Because it has NOTHING to do with WuFlu and everything to do with establishing control over us. This was never about a virus this was always about control.
It doesn't have to be all of them at once.
Just a high enough error rate, spread over the years and with multiple different vaccines, eventually the job will get done before anyone noticed and it's too late.
There would be too much heat if too many people were affected, so you have it target certain genomes that are restricted to a certain % that you feel is acceptable for the year.
Slate and Vice and CNN probably have their infertility articles already written. “A strange increase in infertility rates across western nations is leaving researchers and scientists baffled, but this one BIPOC Portland nutritionist thinks she might have discovered the answer.” And then she proceeds to get the answer totally wrong.
The dumb part is no one under 50 really even needs to take the shot.
Anon: What does the future look like? Q: CONTROL
This is my thought too.. Don't look at me funny for not wearing a mask.. I might have already gotten vaccinated.. or I might just not give a shit - either way you are still safe if it all works the way 'experts' say so.
Or you might have caught the virus before all the mask mandates and other 'rules' came along and recovered. Both Dr. Rand Paul and President Trump himself experienced this.
I can tell you. My globalist friend says all of us non-vaccinated folks have death on our hands cuz we willing infect people.
I say so they now say getting vaccinated prevents you from getting infected?
No but it prevents you from getting long term Covid damage to organs.
Honestly I can’t win an argument. It’s a hopeless endeavor.
Proverbs 26:5
Answer a fool according to his folly, lest he be wise in his own conceit.
What’s does that mean? I’m not a bible person.
Let them believe or act like they believe it. They will either learn from their mistakes or expose themselves. My interpretation anyway.
Thx for the explanation
Give a silly answer to a silly question, and the one who asked it will realize that he's not as smart as he thinks.
Answer a fool according to his folly.
This maxim at first sight seems absolutely antagonistic to the purport of the preceding verse; but it is not so really. The words, "according to his folly," in this verse mean, as his folly deserves, in so plain a way as is expose it, and shame him, and bring him to a better mind. Lest he be wise in his own conceit; thinking, it may be, that he has said something worth hearing, or put you to silence by his superior intelligence.
You tell your friend the vaccine hasn't been approved by the FDA and it's only available due to an emergency order. We truly have no idea how these vaccines will work in the real world because we haven't subjected it to very many trials. The people getting shots now are the biggest test group in history.
Those are the facts and a Google search will not refute them.
Don't let the fool get smug with you and think he/she's right, basically.
I saw a comment on here yesterday...
You can lead a liberal to logic, but you can't make him think.
People that get the vaccines will with die with next flu because their own GMO immune systems OR WORSE
Their GMO immune system will generate and spew mutated viruses
They are ticking time bombs....
Mist likely they are the first to by foods with the NO GMO label and yet went way out of their way to GMO themselves... wtf..,,
No, we've been taking red (smart) pills fren. :)
Crap you might be right. I’m gonna watch Red Dawn gain.
They've developed a sort of religion out of masks and vaccines.
Going off the size of the woman's nose, and the snake oil she is trying to peddle, would we like to take a guess at which religion?
Whatever it may have been, she's obviously converted to Marxism and vaccinism.
for me it furthers division - my grandsons parents got the shot - I'm not getting it - so I'm getting separated from the herd - I'm mad
I did a bit of searching on her two weeks ago, when this clip was going around. Her bio says her family "escaped brutal communist China" but she's pushing all the communist agenda points,
The first thing Chinese do when they get rich is gtfo the country and get a foreign citizenship, but their minds stay there
Her dumbass deserves to go right back to the labor camps.
Started college at 13. Genius, but apparently a commie one. Only thing good I could find was Planned Parenthood fired her....difference in philosophy.
I'm a big fan of the manga "Naruto". Almost all of the bad guys in it are motivated by the desire to make the world "better". Btw, this is one of the reasons why the leftist have worked to reduce its popularity by bashing it. They haven't been very successful though.
I'm a big fan of the manga "United States of America". Almost all of the bad guys in it are motivated by the desire to make the world "better". Btw, this is one of the reasons why the leftist have worked to reduce its popularity by bashing it. They haven't been very successful though.
Dattebayo! ?
True bolshevik.
Ever read the Book of Revelation in the Bible? It was the twilight zone before the twilight zone.
Commies need put down. This is getting untenable. Thin ice. We haven't started fighting. We are holding the line as we were asked and taking one right after another on the chin. Per Scavino comms and 1402 we better be coming in for a landing soon. Im not taking much more of this unconstitutional, un-American horsehit. Our founding fathers would have off'd these bastards for far less.
Because they knew what it led to
2 to the chest 1 to the forehead. 6 rounds. 2 less commies. Minecraft or whatever.
She said the quiet part out loud....
You can hear it in her voice. She truly believes what she is saying.
I don't think its that she truly believes it, I think its more or less their agenda desperately depends on their people to appear they do.
And look at how she smiles when she's delivering the lines, so blatant. Her background story says her family "escaped brutal communist China" when she was 8, did a bit of searching on her when this clip came out. But she's pushing all the communist talking points, supports DACA, supports BLM protests, etc. Communist sleeper agent, one more example of "infiltrate and gain control".
After more than a year of hearing about the Rona 24/7 fear porn is wearing off-need to up the ante with Auntie Agitprop spewing safety V freedom in a breathless sincerity....
In 2019 she was the president of Planned Parenthood.
I'd love for her to attempt to mask shame me.
Liars and con artists can be very convincing. The urgency she is conveying might not be true belief, but something else.
The Vaccine is a carrot (rabbit's like carrots) for the American people (bunch of rabbits) to get their freedoms back (out or back in the rabbit hole?).
Q you clever bastard
I guess the promise of 365 days worth of free Krispy Kremes was not enough of a carrot for most folks.
Well if it’s a female mule with no clothes on then they carrot might be tempting.
I know, I am well versed on the 'carrot on a stick' analogy... I was using a rabbit to tie Q into the mix. Hey, I am bored.
Cuomo Jr rockin that thousand yard stare.
Think about your brother's nipple rings
oh dear Lord why am I getting hard
Underrated comment!
But the following comments are as real as a bobbleheads thought stream.. ;)
I looked at it another way. I think he swallowed the red pill a long time ago. Remember when he was talking about quitting CNN when he had the COVID?
i.e. Doublethink...
Disgusting CCP agent. The lady sucks too.
Nice one :)
It's great when liberals keep talking... they lose that sense of inner voice when the are used to being in their own echo chamber... and insightful of big goverment thinking... is the end result of freedom the goal?... no the PROCESS... THE CARROT that is the goal... freedom??? Meh..! The process is the most important goal for them... form over function... the process is more important than the goal of said process... trust me folks... worked in government for nearly 40 years.... THAT IS GOVERNMENT... ITS NOT THE END RESULT THATS IMPORTANT... ITS THE PROCESS...
Fuck you! I have and will always have my freedom. YOU don't have the right to tie Vax to my freedom. Shove your carrot you socialist cunt.
Says the Chinese operative
The title sums it up perfectly. HOLY SHIT! Its baffling that someone could speak like this
To talk about freedom being taken and given so flippantly, like there is no such thing as freedom in her warped commie mind
If life goes back to normal and like today nobody is sick, obody is dying (at least not from covid), why would she think we need the vaccine. If there is no danger there is no need for a vaccine. If there is danger, upon reopening people would see it get worse and run faster to the vax. This statement proves they know it will not get worse.
Exactly. She says that once everything is reopened, there is no incentive to get the vaccine. Basically, the only incentive to get it, is so that everything can reopen.
If the virus was deadly, then the virus would be the needed incentive, but it isnt.
I want these people to die
And yet... Fauci, Gates and Soros are all men. HMM. REALLY BIG THINK THERE.
All the people who have created problems in the world and continue to, up until now, are men. I'm sorry that hurts your feelings sweaty, but it's true.
Kamala hasn't started a war. Merkel hasn't started a war. Hillary has. Hillary is an evil piece of shit.
Hillary is still a person however. Men are people too. Like I said - people are evil if they're evil. It's not a race or sex thing. MAGA Wolfy just has a hateboner for women.
Who hurt you, baby boi?
lol look, everyone is to blame, regardless of sex or race. It's people. When people are shit, they're shit. You have your issues with women, I get it, but for real - evil people come in all stripes and stars.
lol calm down. You've obviously got issues with women. That's a you problem, not an everyone else problem.
Wolfy nails it for $400 Alex!
Goes back to the garden of Eden....
Is she from the CCP?
Wait what?
I don’t listen to chinese bitches about my health or anything else. America first
I believe the proper punishment for people who attempt what this lady is talking about is death.
This is 100% tyranny and oppression, the sort of stuff legends are made of.
I must be tired because I find this amusing! I hope this red pills many who got the shot and expected to travel this summer.
I hope it red pills many but it's the brain-dead who are watching these demons.....I can hear the whooshing sound as it sails right over their heads.
Is this an April Fool's joke? This can't possibly be real.
I think MSM has been forced to now start telling the truth. I have my Tivo set to record the nightly three stooges on CNN. I want to watch their world burn. Can't take much but I want to see where they are going with things.
You are doing gods work, Patriot. Thank you for taking one for the team.
It is from March 10th, around the time that Texas started lifting restrictions.
This clip is from the tail end of her interview with Chris.
See here for full transcript:
Seems like panic to me. Perhaps Operation Warp Speed was too fast for these traitors.
Oh hell, she let the carrot out of the bag, didn't she?
I posted this earlier, I think my jaw is still on the floor though. Talk about a random act of journalism, CNN accidentally let the truth be reported...we can't have these sheep exercising their freedoms...we have to dangle the carrot of a vaccine if they want any normalcy to return. But we all know that wouldn't be enough, as seen as Fauci saying we have to wear masks even after the vaccine, and this is just a stepping stone to the passport.
It seems their plan is starting to fall apart with a bunch of states opening up to 100% and guess what there is no spike in cases it's all coming apart and now you have a Chinese National on CNN telling everybody that this needs to stop.
Goes along with some CCP videos leaking of them laughing at us about still being locked down and wearing masks.
This plandemic was nothing more than a CCP Op to destroy our economy.
If you were never motivated before to boycot made in Chyna products and buy American, you should be now.
Dafuq did I just watch...
Well, she makes a great little Commie doesn't she.
That bitch is do fucking slimy. That voice and cadence. She's needs to be burned at the stake.
Is that a Chinese accent I detect?
No viet Kong
"Sat Cong"
This ugly bitch needs to be taken down a peg or two.
A cookie cutter commie expouting communist bilge as if its ok... screw you squint.