Wow. Very healthy triathlete, just the type who doesn't need the vaccine. Unless he thought someone was going to given him back his liberty afterwards. Hard way to learn the no one gives you liberty.
I got a tube at the feed store. You just dose for your weight. I told my husband & he rolled his eyes but you never know! Hoping I don’t need it since the horses hate it!
It doesn’t have a flavor but I have seen apple flavored. The horses still act like I’ve given them something horrible—lip up, ears back. If I ever take it I’ll let you know!?
A friend of ours works close by at a store where we shop frequently. One of the stockers there who he and all of the other employees knew well and liked, got a vaxx around 3rd week of April, went home from work early, sick, a couple of days later. Was found deceased next morning ... passed away in her sleep. She was 30. A little overweight, but nothing major. Nothing else I am aware of to report medically.
Every reaction to any vaccine must be reported to the following public location, under the law. Under normal conditions, from under 1% to 10% of reactions are never reported. In the case of this vaccine, many surviving relatives are being told authorities don't know why their deceased relative died, but it wasn't the vaccine. They do not routinely autopsy, and have no idea what caused the death, so how can they say it was not the vaccine? Look for yourself. 4000+ cases to date on this list where a death occurred withing a month (but frequently days or same day) of vaccination. Here's link:
My mother in law's friend's son (49) died 3 weeks after the jab. Stroke. Her brother in law's husband (72) had a stroke as well a month after the jab but still lives.
We are beyond Trump now- have you not heard? Trump was in a catch 22 - if he denied it he was a demon- so he fast tracked what everyone supposedly wanted - a vaccine to save us all! Only all he really did was promote emergency use & right to try. He knows big pharma are criminals - it’s why he tried to get prices down for us & tell us about emerging therapeutics. He’s not a dumb man but he knows how to play the game- which like Q said we’ve all forgotten! Play the fuckin game- only to Your advantage - get ahead of it to counter these fuckers. Trump’s not the savior- We Are.
Imagine where we'd be if he HADN'T produced a vaccine. He let Biden steal the election to expose all the double agents, so the vaccine was necessary to prevent Biden from locking down the economy until the entire swamp is drained.
Pfizer fired one of its chief immunologist for spilling the beans, he has stated that within 18-24 months of taking the vax, most people will be dead. If not sooner.
Do you have proof for this? This is alarming. Almost everyone I know, except my direct family and my sister's family have been vaxxed. My in-laws, all vaxxed.
Yeah it's really hard for me because I want to make people feel like I accept them without judging. Someone I care about is getting the vaccine because her boyfriend wants her to. I work at a vaccine site so I told her I'll see if they have any extra doses for the day. Then I told her to wait till she has a day off because she's going to get sick after she gets the shot. Then I just happen to mention her arm is going to hurt really bad probably for about 2 weeks. She said she wanted to get the Madera shot because J&J blood clots. Also mentioned to her she has the same risk of blood clots with all the vaccines and reminded her non of them are FDA approved. Then I offered to go get her set up for that appointment. Lol I have been prolonging this woman for weeks now from her accepting this vax.
Update. I have fully convinced her and her boyfriend and they are not getting the vaccine. And bonus, she is letting me talk about president Trump and she isn't regergitating he's stupid anymore and actually listening. She has always been an obvious uniformed. I showed her in messenger what happens when I try to send her the link to this site. I'm watching the wake up.
Isn't it a 2 part thing? Like a saline solution as a carrier that reconstitutes the actual effective part of the shot? Couldn't you like.. just inject the saline and toss the rest and let her say she was vaxxed? Or is that a risk to your employment/ a risk of spreading the news that its safe because she had no adverse effects?
Front line docs and others that have been sounding the alarm about the vax have done so about adverse reactions. None of them have said all vaxxed people are going to die. Most simply say we have no idea what the long term effects will be and therefore, people should not get it.
That's reasonable. Still, there are many vids giving timeframes of what they expect to happen too.
Could be fear mongering, but I dunno. A lot are sounding the alarm, and we're seeing more death from these "vaccines" than all other vax deaths from the past few decades combined. That's just short term.
believe his name is Michael Yeadon. Not sure if concrete said everyone will be dead within 18-24 but I would recommend looking into some of his interviews
Yes his full testimony is here. He is very concerned about the vaccine and does believe it is a depopulation device. However, I have watched this twice and did not heard the claim about 18 - 24 months to live. Maybe he said that somewhere else?
Did the human trials that resulted in the shots being approved for human use, involve subjecting those trial humans to "wild" viruses to see how they would respond?
Participants will be followed closely for safety and will be asked to provide additional blood samples at specified time points after the injection and over two years. Scientists will analyze the blood samples to detect and quantify immune responses to COVID-19. Of note, specialized assays will be used that can distinguish between immunity as a result of natural infection and vaccine-induced immunity.
Anecdotal I have seen that many of the "New" variants is used to explain the bad cases in ones that got the shots when it might possible be side effect they wont want to admit this wont be studied. I have also seen that in Asian countries india malaysia others that were low to good before the shots but after deaths cases went up.
March 29 2021: Dr. Michael Yeadon, Death “It’s ‘entirely possible’ vaccine campaigns ‘will be used for massive-scale depopulation’: Former Pfizer VP”
If you have a friend and can't convince then to not take the vaccine, tell them to get tested for covid first and make sure they don't have covid antigen in their blood stream. Send them this article
In the Texas Senate hearing the doctor said if you have had COVID chance of adverse effects to vaccine are 2-3 times higher. Also said if you have a robust immune system your T-cells could have killed it without your body developing antibodies thus an antibody test would be negative
It is invalid. But for the case of deciding whether getting the vaccine will kill you due to effects known in research literature, it's better to have lower false negatives and higher false positives. Someone who doesn't have covid-19 but falsely tests positive should choose to avoid the vaccine.
Actually, everyone should avoid the vaccine until more data is out about long term effects, and animal safety studies.
Please don't call the shots "vaccines"! They are not vaccines. They are a treatment with some preventative characteristics, but a true vaccine causes humans to absolutely develop antibodies to the virus being vaccinated against. These shots do not do that, and is the reason people can get covid even after receiving the shots, although supposedly with less severe symptoms.
They made mRNA that integrates into your cell protein synthesis machinery and manufactures the 'spike' protein that is found on the capsid of the virus. Supposedly you make antibodies against that spike protein which constantly bombards your system to make these antibodies, so that when you catch the wuhan flu antibodies attack also the spike protein on the virus as well as the spike protein your body keeps manufacturing.
Why the Fuck didn't those bastards just make the 'spike' protein for the 'vaccine' instead of mRNA?
My very specific concern stems from the fact that the SARS-CoV-2 virus is known to accumulate in the inner lining of blood vessels — the so-called endothelium. So if a person with a recent or active COVID-19 infection is vaccinated, the highly effective and antigen specific immune response incited by the vaccine will, very likely, attack the inner lining of the blood vessel and cause damage, leading to blood clot formation. This could result in major serious problems like strokes and heart attacks, at least in some people. I project that this risk will be highest in the elderly, the infirm and those with cardiovascular disease.
In other words COVID didn't kill them but having gotten COVID and gotten over it naturally but then taking their poison afterwards does kill you. LOL!!! Can't make this shit up. This would explain why my father took the vax and had no problems. The area where he is had very few cases and he's pretty isolated.
Whatever. If this is true giving the vax to anyone under 40-50 is just lunacy. They have twenty times better odds just getting COVID and being treated with drugs like HCQ.
Yea. The vax doesn't make sense. It's also unknown what would happen in the long run. But it is known that it will kill and harm you if you have covid antigens in your body. So, if you can't convince a friend to hold off getting the vaccine, then tell them to get tested first. That way, they don't kill themselves immediately.
If you do some digging you will find that cases like these are happening all over the world. The msm doesn't cover it and the articles always say there is no link even in cases where the death occurred within hours of the shot. Its sickening how they are suppressing the info. I made and posted this late last night. Just headlines I found with 2 searches on DDG, there were many more.
I'm sorry for your loss. I have a friend who's grandmother passed shortly after getting vaxxed. Of course they claim it was unrelated because she was in her 90's.
I read one article about a baby that died within 24 hours of nursing from his newly vaxxed mother.
15 year old developed blood clots in his brain and neck within 24 hours.
No way my kids or I will get this. As much as I like the idea of being protected from covid, I like being alive even more.
OK, I did some digging into the interview of the Pfizer VP.
First, he states that the primary purpose is to force the introduction of monitoring and control over populations, by way of the injections and all the later "top up" injections to follow.
That provides big pharma with many billions of dollars in revenue along with building databases of every person in each country... and their vaccination status as the excuse to do all of it. Think of it as a justification to build the Chinese social score system in other countries.
So the motives are money and control. That makes sense, and that puts a different spin on President Trump's support for vaccinations that force the leftists to open up the economy. He can put a stop to the efforts to control people using the data fairly easily once he resumes office.
The whole depopulation thing is speculation, and the Pfizer VP admitted that. He said that nefarious depopulation motives were a possibility - not that it was the real thing or that there was any evidence to support it.
Edit: in another post
Pfizer fired one of its chief immunologist for spilling the beans, he has stated that within 18-24 months of taking the vax, most people will be dead. If not sooner.
That is just a flat out lie. The Pfizer VP never said anything like that, as I described above.
The Pfizer VP would not have been a 'chief immunologist. Those running a business rarely know jack shit about the nuts and bolts that keep it in business.
I'm so sorry....go forward in name to save others as you have done here...perhaps your efforts will convince someone not to take it...and he will have not died in vein..
There may be hope on the horizon. sun light, Vit D, and Ivermectin defeat the spike proteins.
Merck,... who decided early on to not get into the cov10 vax business, understood what the side effects would be and opted instead to focus on a cure/treatment ...FOR THE mRNA VAX.
If you took a nasal PCR test you likely have a bit of darpa created hydro-gel (it was in those odd squiggly things) now attached to your pineal gland. It is parasitic and Ivermectin will get rid of it.
Keep HCQ and Ivermectin and vitamin D on hand.
That’s not how you get rid of parasites. There are plenty of natural ways for anyone reading this, research papaya seeds, black walnut, cloves, pineapple, mimosa pudica.
I am sorry for your loss, losing a friend is hard when there is a reason or cause but to lose someone innocent to powerful, greedy entities is doubly hard. I can only hope these people are humuliated and tried publicly and are forced to pay the price for their greed.
So sorry for your loss. Unfortunately, people are not researching these shots on their own and are going to suffer the consequences. Either right after the shot or later on.
I have relatives (including my own adult daughter) who have taken the shot. None had any lasting symptoms that I know of. But who knows what will happen over the next few years to them.
It's possible that some may have gotten the saline 'placebo' as a control group. As it is experimental and WE are the 'trial' they would need a control group. Of course the ones who don't take the vax are the true control but we are hard to monitor so it's likely all those reports that people had 'mistakenly' been given saline were the control group.
Hopefully your relatives may be in that group (my family have also had the AstraZeneca one in spite of the research I showed them). Otherwise, sunlight, vit D and Ivermectin seems to be the only hope of relief if the worse comes to the worse.
I can't give my relatives anymore info on these vax now, I just don't talk about it at all. I mean wtf can you say "the evidence shows in a year or 2 you may start developing some serious problems like prion (mad cow) disease, cancers, death. LOL that is not something you can really say when they have already taken the vax.
I know. After they took the shot I stopped talking about it to them. I feel the same way and worry about what will happen in the future. For now no one is having any problems.
This really sucks. So sorry about your friend. The only person I'm not disgusted to talk to in my life had the shot. I'm hoping her o negative blood will be her savior. She's like 3 weeks in on the two shots.
And on the other end, my uncle was suffering from cancer for over a year. When he stopped eating my aunt took him to the hospital. He didn't eat for two weeks and died. Of course he died of covid, not cancer. The healthcare industry should be renamed agendacare.
Pretty sure I saw these here... Seemed like a good thread for a re-post. Thanks to the original poster.
I have seen the vids of the Pfizer guy saying what he says about the vaccine and people dying. In the video below the lawyer says the same roughly and that unfortunately we won't be able to save them. This whole thing is so fucked up, I hope we do have new Nuremberg trials for those who pushed this.
I have several family members that I don’t want to lose too, and many of them are already vaxxed.
At a minimum, convince your family to take Vitamin D, and try to get some Ivermectin and a nitroglycerin handy to give them at the first sign of breathing or heart troubles. There was a story on here not long ago of somebody who nearly died after the vaccine but was given some heart medication and survived.
I’m not a doctor, take all this with a grain of salt do your own research, but... that’s my plan for my loved ones who I couldn’t convince to not take the vaccine. It’s the best I’ve got, and hopefully it’s enough.
I too recently lost a friend to "covid". Haven't been able to confirm he had the vax, but spent a couple of weeks caring for his parents who had it. He then tested positive a few weeks later and was suddenly gone. Late thirties. No other explanation in my mind than the vax.
My condolences for your loss. I don't know why in the face of severe injuries and death, that are in plain sight for anyone willing to take off the rose colored glasses and look, that a large percentage of the population still cannot see. In honor and memory of your friend, and the countless others that have suffered because of this bioweapon, keep spreading your story. If we can save a few lives by the retelling of their fates their deaths will not have been in vain. God bless.
You ever think this is why those elite folks continue to wear masks everywhere? Could it be because their saline fake-vax ain't doing shit to protect them from catching the coof?
Here is some information if your interesting in digging into the subject of deaths. There are many unfortunate souls expiring without co-morbitites. I have heard employers can be liable when they mandate an emergency use medical procedure, but signing away your rights gets into tricky territory. Best wishes and prayers.
I'm sorry for your loss friend. Nearly all of my extended family has had the shot. All of them believed they were doing the responsible thing. There is no convincing them otherwise. I'm scared for what the future might bring. May your friend rest in peace.
Come on man have some respect for human life, this guy lost his friend. Some people are just blissfully unaware, it doesn't make them stupid. Just unaware.
Not sure. I'm thinking we are way past ignorance and we'll into deep stupid-land as well. The evidence is overwhelming. At some point people need to stop and say, hey before I let them inject me with a substance which we don't know what it is, is untested, killed animals, has no legal implications for the companies that produce it, and they bribe us with donuts and money to take it, for a virus that is so deadly we need a test or an app to tell us we have it....stupidland
18-24 months of taking the vax, most people will be dead —that scares me because unfortunately I know so many people (extended family & friends) that have taken the shot. I have 6 older sisters, my Mom, in laws & most of my friends. It’s unbelievable to me that I could loose them all in such a short time. Truly is a nightmare.
Friend got the jab on 4th of May.
Brain hemmorhage the 9th. No medical issues. 32. Very healthy triathlete.
Wow. Very healthy triathlete, just the type who doesn't need the vaccine. Unless he thought someone was going to given him back his liberty afterwards. Hard way to learn the no one gives you liberty.
Tell him to get ivermectin from frontline.
Should be cheaper at Tractor Supply?
I got a tube at the feed store. You just dose for your weight. I told my husband & he rolled his eyes but you never know! Hoping I don’t need it since the horses hate it!
I read another pede said it tasted fine. Isn’t it mint flavored?
It doesn’t have a flavor but I have seen apple flavored. The horses still act like I’ve given them something horrible—lip up, ears back. If I ever take it I’ll let you know!?
Yes, but you should be good at math: (your weight/weight of a horse) * horse dosage!
A horse is a horse, of course, of course, And no one can talk to a horse of course That is, of course, unless the horse is the famous Mr. Ed.
Go right to the source and ask the horse He'll give you the answer that you'll endorse. He's always on a steady course. Talk to Mr. Ed.
Right, it's pretty tough to learn anything when you're dead. It's also tough to pose any problems for the great reset from the grave.
i wonder if those people that died, wherever there are, are wondering what the hell happened to them.
A friend of ours works close by at a store where we shop frequently. One of the stockers there who he and all of the other employees knew well and liked, got a vaxx around 3rd week of April, went home from work early, sick, a couple of days later. Was found deceased next morning ... passed away in her sleep. She was 30. A little overweight, but nothing major. Nothing else I am aware of to report medically.
Every reaction to any vaccine must be reported to the following public location, under the law. Under normal conditions, from under 1% to 10% of reactions are never reported. In the case of this vaccine, many surviving relatives are being told authorities don't know why their deceased relative died, but it wasn't the vaccine. They do not routinely autopsy, and have no idea what caused the death, so how can they say it was not the vaccine? Look for yourself. 4000+ cases to date on this list where a death occurred withing a month (but frequently days or same day) of vaccination. Here's link:
A friends 41 Year old daughter died three days after the vaxx no co morbitities.
My mother in law's friend's son (49) died 3 weeks after the jab. Stroke. Her brother in law's husband (72) had a stroke as well a month after the jab but still lives.
And Trump keeps promoting this poison.
We are beyond Trump now- have you not heard? Trump was in a catch 22 - if he denied it he was a demon- so he fast tracked what everyone supposedly wanted - a vaccine to save us all! Only all he really did was promote emergency use & right to try. He knows big pharma are criminals - it’s why he tried to get prices down for us & tell us about emerging therapeutics. He’s not a dumb man but he knows how to play the game- which like Q said we’ve all forgotten! Play the fuckin game- only to Your advantage - get ahead of it to counter these fuckers. Trump’s not the savior- We Are.
I hail from a lib-tard family. Really Sucks watching them go...
Like the fucks jumping from buildings in the big stock market crash...
They were already gone.
Imagine where we'd be if he HADN'T produced a vaccine. He let Biden steal the election to expose all the double agents, so the vaccine was necessary to prevent Biden from locking down the economy until the entire swamp is drained.
I just posted a theory for why he does this here. This is the only way I can make sense of it.
"The Covid-19 vaccine IS the necessary “SCARE EVENT” as mentioned by Q Post 521"
Do you have proof for this? This is alarming. Almost everyone I know, except my direct family and my sister's family have been vaxxed. My in-laws, all vaxxed.
Yeah it's really hard for me because I want to make people feel like I accept them without judging. Someone I care about is getting the vaccine because her boyfriend wants her to. I work at a vaccine site so I told her I'll see if they have any extra doses for the day. Then I told her to wait till she has a day off because she's going to get sick after she gets the shot. Then I just happen to mention her arm is going to hurt really bad probably for about 2 weeks. She said she wanted to get the Madera shot because J&J blood clots. Also mentioned to her she has the same risk of blood clots with all the vaccines and reminded her non of them are FDA approved. Then I offered to go get her set up for that appointment. Lol I have been prolonging this woman for weeks now from her accepting this vax.
Friend, you're saving a life.
Update. I have fully convinced her and her boyfriend and they are not getting the vaccine. And bonus, she is letting me talk about president Trump and she isn't regergitating he's stupid anymore and actually listening. She has always been an obvious uniformed. I showed her in messenger what happens when I try to send her the link to this site. I'm watching the wake up.
God bless you for being a faithful Patriot and true friend. I could use a few of you!
Isn't it a 2 part thing? Like a saline solution as a carrier that reconstitutes the actual effective part of the shot? Couldn't you like.. just inject the saline and toss the rest and let her say she was vaxxed? Or is that a risk to your employment/ a risk of spreading the news that its safe because she had no adverse effects?
The proof is the original studies..when intoduced to a mutated virus "in the wild" the animals all died.
There have been many, MANY doctors sounding this particular alarm on video. Wouldn't take a person very long to search and find one....or several.
Front line docs and others that have been sounding the alarm about the vax have done so about adverse reactions. None of them have said all vaxxed people are going to die. Most simply say we have no idea what the long term effects will be and therefore, people should not get it.
That's reasonable. Still, there are many vids giving timeframes of what they expect to happen too.
Could be fear mongering, but I dunno. A lot are sounding the alarm, and we're seeing more death from these "vaccines" than all other vax deaths from the past few decades combined. That's just short term.
Who got it from whistleblowing doctors.
Which doesn't matter cuz he's right.
I heard there was a large FB group that was reporting adverse reactions. The group was terminated by FB.
believe his name is Michael Yeadon. Not sure if concrete said everyone will be dead within 18-24 but I would recommend looking into some of his interviews
Yes his full testimony is here. He is very concerned about the vaccine and does believe it is a depopulation device. However, I have watched this twice and did not heard the claim about 18 - 24 months to live. Maybe he said that somewhere else?
I believe that is from past animal trials where the animals died in a year after being exposed ti wild type virus.
Did the human trials that resulted in the shots being approved for human use, involve subjecting those trial humans to "wild" viruses to see how they would respond?
Looks like nope haha
Anecdotal I have seen that many of the "New" variants is used to explain the bad cases in ones that got the shots when it might possible be side effect they wont want to admit this wont be studied. I have also seen that in Asian countries india malaysia others that were low to good before the shots but after deaths cases went up.
Good call on the name. This is what I’ve got
March 29 2021: Dr. Michael Yeadon, Death “It’s ‘entirely possible’ vaccine campaigns ‘will be used for massive-scale depopulation’: Former Pfizer VP”
If you have a friend and can't convince then to not take the vaccine, tell them to get tested for covid first and make sure they don't have covid antigen in their blood stream. Send them this article
In the Texas Senate hearing the doctor said if you have had COVID chance of adverse effects to vaccine are 2-3 times higher. Also said if you have a robust immune system your T-cells could have killed it without your body developing antibodies thus an antibody test would be negative
It is invalid. But for the case of deciding whether getting the vaccine will kill you due to effects known in research literature, it's better to have lower false negatives and higher false positives. Someone who doesn't have covid-19 but falsely tests positive should choose to avoid the vaccine.
Actually, everyone should avoid the vaccine until more data is out about long term effects, and animal safety studies.
Please don't call the shots "vaccines"! They are not vaccines. They are a treatment with some preventative characteristics, but a true vaccine causes humans to absolutely develop antibodies to the virus being vaccinated against. These shots do not do that, and is the reason people can get covid even after receiving the shots, although supposedly with less severe symptoms.
They made mRNA that integrates into your cell protein synthesis machinery and manufactures the 'spike' protein that is found on the capsid of the virus. Supposedly you make antibodies against that spike protein which constantly bombards your system to make these antibodies, so that when you catch the wuhan flu antibodies attack also the spike protein on the virus as well as the spike protein your body keeps manufacturing. Why the Fuck didn't those bastards just make the 'spike' protein for the 'vaccine' instead of mRNA?
Good point.
The important line from the link
In other words COVID didn't kill them but having gotten COVID and gotten over it naturally but then taking their poison afterwards does kill you. LOL!!! Can't make this shit up. This would explain why my father took the vax and had no problems. The area where he is had very few cases and he's pretty isolated.
Whatever. If this is true giving the vax to anyone under 40-50 is just lunacy. They have twenty times better odds just getting COVID and being treated with drugs like HCQ.
Yea. The vax doesn't make sense. It's also unknown what would happen in the long run. But it is known that it will kill and harm you if you have covid antigens in your body. So, if you can't convince a friend to hold off getting the vaccine, then tell them to get tested first. That way, they don't kill themselves immediately.
Yea I don’t trust the shot and I’m sure it is killing people but to claim most will be dead is a bit ridiculous
If you do some digging you will find that cases like these are happening all over the world. The msm doesn't cover it and the articles always say there is no link even in cases where the death occurred within hours of the shot. Its sickening how they are suppressing the info. I made and posted this late last night. Just headlines I found with 2 searches on DDG, there were many more.
I'm sorry for your loss. I have a friend who's grandmother passed shortly after getting vaxxed. Of course they claim it was unrelated because she was in her 90's.
I read one article about a baby that died within 24 hours of nursing from his newly vaxxed mother.
15 year old developed blood clots in his brain and neck within 24 hours.
No way my kids or I will get this. As much as I like the idea of being protected from covid, I like being alive even more.
My grandmother too. :( Sorry for your friend!
Sorry for your loss Fren. Could be very rough times ahead before it gets brighter.
OK, I did some digging into the interview of the Pfizer VP.
First, he states that the primary purpose is to force the introduction of monitoring and control over populations, by way of the injections and all the later "top up" injections to follow.
That provides big pharma with many billions of dollars in revenue along with building databases of every person in each country... and their vaccination status as the excuse to do all of it. Think of it as a justification to build the Chinese social score system in other countries.
So the motives are money and control. That makes sense, and that puts a different spin on President Trump's support for vaccinations that force the leftists to open up the economy. He can put a stop to the efforts to control people using the data fairly easily once he resumes office.
The whole depopulation thing is speculation, and the Pfizer VP admitted that. He said that nefarious depopulation motives were a possibility - not that it was the real thing or that there was any evidence to support it.
Edit: in another post
That is just a flat out lie. The Pfizer VP never said anything like that, as I described above.
The Pfizer VP would not have been a 'chief immunologist. Those running a business rarely know jack shit about the nuts and bolts that keep it in business.
I personally believe they will use the vaccines to, like you said, monitor and control people.
If true, it's pure evil, and I can't believe more people aren't taking a wait and see approach.
If you can, can you add more info such as his age, which vax it was, what the symptoms were.
How are his family doing?
Oh no! Poor woman! What damage we are taking!
My condolences, fren. Do you know if he caught & recovered from the Rona earlier on?
who the fuck is vaccinating < 3 yr olds with an experimental treatment. Criminal.
I've posted this link a couple of times. It probably should be a permanent sticky.
I'm so sorry....go forward in name to save others as you have done here...perhaps your efforts will convince someone not to take it...and he will have not died in vein..
Nice pun. +1
There may be hope on the horizon. sun light, Vit D, and Ivermectin defeat the spike proteins. Merck,... who decided early on to not get into the cov10 vax business, understood what the side effects would be and opted instead to focus on a cure/treatment ...FOR THE mRNA VAX. If you took a nasal PCR test you likely have a bit of darpa created hydro-gel (it was in those odd squiggly things) now attached to your pineal gland. It is parasitic and Ivermectin will get rid of it. Keep HCQ and Ivermectin and vitamin D on hand.
Those squiggly things are cotton fibers. They move because of moisture. You can test fibers from your clothing and get the same thing.
Not saying that there aren't hydrogels in the swabs, but the black fibers are not parasites.
They are friable nano-tubes. Very easy to test the difference under magnification.
the OJ is killin ya mate. get Liposomal vit C - cancer loves sugar and OJ is 90% sugar
That’s not how you get rid of parasites. There are plenty of natural ways for anyone reading this, research papaya seeds, black walnut, cloves, pineapple, mimosa pudica.
That mimosa pudica grows wild around where I live. Crazy plant, it has DMT in the roots.
Front Line Doctors. They will prescribe for $90 and call it in where you wish. Ivermectin is cheep at any farm/ tractor supply.
Probably just took the wrong dosage.
I got mine from
They do ship to US.
I am sorry for your loss, losing a friend is hard when there is a reason or cause but to lose someone innocent to powerful, greedy entities is doubly hard. I can only hope these people are humuliated and tried publicly and are forced to pay the price for their greed.
Then you did all you could.
You’re definitely, and sadly, not alone. Good on you for trying to save him. At least you won’t live with the regret of, what if if told him.
‘Baldwin Hills’ Star 30-Year-Old Ashley Taylor Gerren DEAD after Getting COVID injection “Although no official cause of death was disclosed, Ashley’s friends on Facebook and Instagram say she recently took the Covid-19 mRNA vaccine. “I told you not to get that vxxxxxe ash f***,” a commenter wrote under a photo of the “Baldwin Hills” star on Monday.”
I guess that makes you the new boss?? Better start preparing now lol
So sorry for your loss. Unfortunately, people are not researching these shots on their own and are going to suffer the consequences. Either right after the shot or later on.
I have relatives (including my own adult daughter) who have taken the shot. None had any lasting symptoms that I know of. But who knows what will happen over the next few years to them.
It's possible that some may have gotten the saline 'placebo' as a control group. As it is experimental and WE are the 'trial' they would need a control group. Of course the ones who don't take the vax are the true control but we are hard to monitor so it's likely all those reports that people had 'mistakenly' been given saline were the control group.
Hopefully your relatives may be in that group (my family have also had the AstraZeneca one in spite of the research I showed them). Otherwise, sunlight, vit D and Ivermectin seems to be the only hope of relief if the worse comes to the worse.
I can't give my relatives anymore info on these vax now, I just don't talk about it at all. I mean wtf can you say "the evidence shows in a year or 2 you may start developing some serious problems like prion (mad cow) disease, cancers, death. LOL that is not something you can really say when they have already taken the vax.
I know. After they took the shot I stopped talking about it to them. I feel the same way and worry about what will happen in the future. For now no one is having any problems.
This really sucks. So sorry about your friend. The only person I'm not disgusted to talk to in my life had the shot. I'm hoping her o negative blood will be her savior. She's like 3 weeks in on the two shots.
im sorry. i hope she ended up with the saline.. i hope my brother and his wife got the saline as well :((
I keep forgetting that's a possibility. Thanks for the reminder ?
2022, will be rough....
The real Pandemic is the vaccine and the massive economic turmoil to follow with millions dropping dead out of the work force...
Sorry for your loss... My grand parents got the jab... I'm just waiting on the inevitable...
Unfortunately hi did. hunt for red October move. Many more people would have died
Trump was in a Catch-22. It’s about personal sovereignty.
Nobody said hundreds of millions, have a hundred million people even been jabbed yet?
Oh then I wouldn't be surprised if at least a few million people die from long term ill effects of the jab. I'd be glad to be wrong.
I recon 18 to 36 months
Guns ammo, food, gold and silver
I feel for you, man. I lost an extended family member 48h after her first shot. Instant symptoms, lost consciousness the next day, dead the next.
But she's old, you know, so she died of "old age" according to the doctor. Refused to put anything vax related on the death certificate.
And on the other end, my uncle was suffering from cancer for over a year. When he stopped eating my aunt took him to the hospital. He didn't eat for two weeks and died. Of course he died of covid, not cancer. The healthcare industry should be renamed agendacare.
Pretty sure I saw these here... Seemed like a good thread for a re-post. Thanks to the original poster.
I have seen the vids of the Pfizer guy saying what he says about the vaccine and people dying. In the video below the lawyer says the same roughly and that unfortunately we won't be able to save them. This whole thing is so fucked up, I hope we do have new Nuremberg trials for those who pushed this.
We need a cure for the vaccine.
vaccine first thing we need to do is stop calling them this.
My dad took it...I couldn't stop him.
I don't want to lose him.
My little sister as well...
I’ll be praying for you.
I have several family members that I don’t want to lose too, and many of them are already vaxxed.
At a minimum, convince your family to take Vitamin D, and try to get some Ivermectin and a nitroglycerin handy to give them at the first sign of breathing or heart troubles. There was a story on here not long ago of somebody who nearly died after the vaccine but was given some heart medication and survived.
I’m not a doctor, take all this with a grain of salt do your own research, but... that’s my plan for my loved ones who I couldn’t convince to not take the vaccine. It’s the best I’ve got, and hopefully it’s enough.
Im sorry to hear this
it just sucks what they are brainwashing people to do to themselves
brings tears to my eyes
I remember Dr Tenpenny and I think Dr Yeadon said up to 3 years life expectancy.
I too recently lost a friend to "covid". Haven't been able to confirm he had the vax, but spent a couple of weeks caring for his parents who had it. He then tested positive a few weeks later and was suddenly gone. Late thirties. No other explanation in my mind than the vax.
how old was he? why did he get it if he was healthy?
My condolences for your loss. I don't know why in the face of severe injuries and death, that are in plain sight for anyone willing to take off the rose colored glasses and look, that a large percentage of the population still cannot see. In honor and memory of your friend, and the countless others that have suffered because of this bioweapon, keep spreading your story. If we can save a few lives by the retelling of their fates their deaths will not have been in vain. God bless.
Father-n-law died about three weeks ago after getting the jab of a stroke. Was okay before jab. My wife is pissed.
Why does a magnet stick to the place where they you jab you.
Got a link to that Pfizer talk?
You ever think this is why those elite folks continue to wear masks everywhere? Could it be because their saline fake-vax ain't doing shit to protect them from catching the coof?
But the mask does nothing too
Why accept the “mandate?”
Here is some information if your interesting in digging into the subject of deaths. There are many unfortunate souls expiring without co-morbitites. I have heard employers can be liable when they mandate an emergency use medical procedure, but signing away your rights gets into tricky territory. Best wishes and prayers.
I'm sorry for your loss friend. Nearly all of my extended family has had the shot. All of them believed they were doing the responsible thing. There is no convincing them otherwise. I'm scared for what the future might bring. May your friend rest in peace.
It's hard to overstate how far someone's head has to be up their ass to get one of these injections.
Sorry about your friend, but someone that fucking stupid/clueless was a threat to us all.
Come on man have some respect for human life, this guy lost his friend. Some people are just blissfully unaware, it doesn't make them stupid. Just unaware.
Not sure. I'm thinking we are way past ignorance and we'll into deep stupid-land as well. The evidence is overwhelming. At some point people need to stop and say, hey before I let them inject me with a substance which we don't know what it is, is untested, killed animals, has no legal implications for the companies that produce it, and they bribe us with donuts and money to take it, for a virus that is so deadly we need a test or an app to tell us we have it....stupidland
18-24 months of taking the vax, most people will be dead —that scares me because unfortunately I know so many people (extended family & friends) that have taken the shot. I have 6 older sisters, my Mom, in laws & most of my friends. It’s unbelievable to me that I could loose them all in such a short time. Truly is a nightmare.
do you have sauce on pfizer exec saying most will be dead?