For some reason, when people were pushing the 11.3 = law of war manual reference I thought they were trying to force it to make it fit. But I was not aware that there was a Q post that actually clears up what 11.3 means. There you have it, folks. 11.3 was never a date, it was a reference to Democrats working with a foreign power [Chyna], thus fulfilling the law of war manual requirement, giving the military an ultimatum to step in and declare martial law.
I think they're waiting on the audit among other pieces to fall into place first. Plus, if they were to declare martial law I don't think they can do so quietly. Nor do I think they would.
I tend to agree that all this will tie together perfectly
First, the chinese deliberately released a biological weapon on the world. That is an act of war. They are trying to pretend it was accidental, but all of the advance planning proves that it was no accident.
Second, traitors in the US conspired with the chinese to use the biological weapon to help in their election fraud (cyber warfare attack) to install an illegitimate, belligerent federal government. That is also an act of war, and the traitors that helped the chinese are enemy combatants.
Once these facts are sufficiently proven, the military will declare martial law, which supersedes all branches of the civilian government, and start the arrests, military tribunals, etc.
This Fauci information should lead to proving the first condition (biological weapon attack act of war), and the AZ audit should lead to proving the second condition (cyber warfare election fraud). We are getting closer.
Q has said from pretty much day one that they KNOW their playbook already and are using it against them. There are reports of Fauci/Gates preparing Covid test kits as far back as 2017. I'm sure this whole covid/2020 election fraud was their plan to begin with and not some random thing they thought up on the fly out of desperation. If there's one thing the DS can't help themselves with, it's conspiring with foreign agents, just as we saw with Spygate in 2016/2017. I believe the Spygate investigation was a distraction (look here, not there) leading them to think that they needed to do everything in their power to stop that, while not realizing that it was actually the conspiracy with China that was meant to be the big honeytrap all along. Ask yourself, what sticks more? Proving they tried to remove a sitting President circa 2016/2017 which obviously is a big deal and is an act of treason, or is it a MUCH bigger deal to release a biological weapon that destroys 80% of the world economy and exposes ALL of the deep state players (i.e. all assets deployed) in committing treason and serious crimes against humanity. Most people wouldn't care about evidence coming out that some corrupt powers tried to prevent Trump from becoming President in 2016. But EVERYONE would care about China deliberately releasing a bioweapon to screw with the whole world just to help steal an election, and that so many so called 'Americans' helped China in doing so.
Big tech helped, MSM helped, corporations helped, D.C. helped, State Governors helped, health industry helped, the list goes on. Not only did they work with China throughout all of this, but they also helped cover it up. All to win an election and all to cover up their crimes from 2016/2017, not realizing that the crimes they committed in 2020 was the trap that was meant to catch them once and for all. It's like a self-fulfilling prophecy. They are fucked and both sides know it. This is why Q kept saying they knew how this would end.
Most people wouldn't care about evidence coming out that some corrupt powers tried to prevent Trump from becoming President in 2016. But EVERYONE would care about China deliberately releasing a bioweapon...
Liberals and other countries certainly wouldn’t care...100%
What makes this that it is WORLDWIDE
The world against the deep state.
Indeed, that is about as BIBLICAL as Noah’s flood.
When the world finds irrefutable proof that China released a bioweapon deliberately that affected the entire planet, they will become the Nazis of the modern era. The very nation everyone unites to bring down. And with the military stepping in to wipe out the deep state cabal in America, we will effectively have destroyed most of the puppet masters. Biblical indeed, and 'bigger than we realize' as Q likes to point out.
Can I just point out that if in the end the world come together to defeat communist China that Fauci would have been the Trojan horse. If he funded the research and they released the bio weapon and then a few years later all was exposed he may be the most useful idiot in history trying to empower China only to destroy it
every ancient civilization has a flood story. The only survivors were 8 people and the animals on the ark. If it was not worldwide there would be no need to gather the animals into the ark, they would simply migrate to wherever place was not affected. Same for Noah he could have just migrated to the unaffected area. SO would the whole world lol.
great write-up. My ultra awake girlfriend and I continue to try to make sense of this, and we are really leaning to a lot of this being about Covid, forced pandemic, bioweapon deployment (covid and vaccines) to bring about their goals after SHE lost in2016 and their plans for more wars failed thanks to Trump.
It's about depopulation and removing POTUS who they feel was the last man standing between them and NWO. Now they actually are waking up the masses and they are fucked whichever way they look
Just to add to your beginning, the Covid plan must have been on ice for years (just look at any handful of movies) ... Trump wins, all shit breaks loose. Hillary can’t make concession speech that night. The rest is history ... “this is not another four year election”The plan to release Covid to get rid of Trump began then, she was never supposed to lose. So they had two to three years to cobble this piece of shit coup together and take it off of paper and put into a real form and action ... and look at their mistakes :)
The evidence shows they have been working of the roll out plan for at least a decade. Trump just made them do it before they were ready - thus, the criminals were not able to cover their tracks and got caught red handed.
I think the Covid Plan was on deck. Maybe it was pushed sooner to affect the election but most likely it was pretty close to being on schedule, probably woulda been the push to get Hilldog elected again. I think the vaxx was waiting and ready but would have been released later on. This is where I believe Trump threw a wrench in their plan. Releasing the vaxx early really screwed up their timing. Look at how many mixed messages were sent by Fauci alone.
I still think that the virus got out by accident before it was ready, they were probably planning to do the release closer to the election on top of the BLM riots. Interesting how this email from the Gates Foundation to Fauci on 2/5/20 talks about focusing on therapeutics rather than vaccines. (See page 204 of the ICAN email FOIA release.)
You know what they say, the cover up is usually worse than the crime. Seems the 2020 election to remove Trump was way worse than their attempt to undermine Trump.
Holy shit. This nolasquid33 piece of shit copied my post word-for-word...
First, the chinese deliberately released a biological weapon on the world. That is an act of war. They are trying to pretend it was accidental, but all of the advance planning proves that it was no accident.
Second, traitors in the US conspired with the chinese to use the biological weapon to help in their election fraud (cyber warfare attack) to install an illegitimate, belligerent federal government. That is also an act of war, and the traitors that helped the chinese are enemy combatants.
Once these facts are sufficiently proven, the military will declare martial law, which supersedes all branches of the civilian government, and start the arrests, military tribunals, etc.
This Fauci information should lead to proving the first condition (biological weapon attack act of war), and the AZ audit should lead to proving the second condition (cyber warfare election fraud). We are getting closer.
The only sinister thing I don't like about this whole ordeal is the vaccination. If it does end up sterilizing an entire generation or causing mass deaths they'll scapegoat China and the DS plan goes off without any real reprisal.
Politicians will get arrested but the puppet masters will go free unnoticed having killed millions/billions -- the military doing all their dirty work and cleaning up the middle men (who are no longer needed to the cabal).
Will see how this plays out, either we get them all and tear the whole construct down, show all the ugly truths -- satanic worship, covid, false elections, aliens etc. OR none of it matters.
If the vaccine is the real pandemic, and based off AIDs+Flu, could it be possible that HCQ cures it? Why arent their any studies discussing the interactions between the vaccine and HCQ / Intermectin?
You make a very good point - and I hope you're right that HCQ or Ivermectin might help to turn things around for those who are vaccinated and believed it to be harmless (they're told over and over that it is, it's hard to blame some of them). I hope someone starts studying the possibilities soon.
Chapter 18 of the LoW Manual discusses biological weapons and their illegality. I recall MajicEyes made quite a few connections to that chapter in addition to 11. He also noted that the PRC is party to the treaty banning bio-weapons. And just yesterday we had Trump suggesting that they owe us 10 trillion in reparations.
And the other day they were threatening to nuke us if investigations into the origins of the virus move forward. Seems like they have an awful lot to lose if this dam bursts open.
Some will, not all. Others will wake from the subsequent arrests, trials and convictions of their favorite hollywood pedos. Others (4-6%) have their hearts hardened and are beyond saving.
11.2.4 Proclamation of Occupation. Due to the special relations established between the civilian population of the occupied territory and the Occupying Power, the fact of military occupation and the territory over which it extends should be made known to the citizens of the occupied territory and to other States.
However, there is no specific legal requirement that the Occupying Power issue a
proclamation of military occupation.
I don't really understand the 11.3 reference to Dems plus China. Why is Q pointing to the End of Occupation? Thoughts?
The occupation ends when the military seizes control of D.C.
My thoughts is that when the election is proven to be stolen and states de-certify, the current administration will refuse to leave, and the military will be forced to step in.
Or we have to wait to 2024 after elections are cleaned up, win in a landslide, and the current admin refuses to leave. Either way the foreign occupation will end.
Okay thank you that makes total sense to me. It would be the end of their occupation. That squares with the fact that the House Speaker and Congress are basically in control of the Capitol, too.
That ear lobe really bothers me. If this is Biden, he had massive work done that was very shoddy, and screwed up his ear lobe. Or it's someone else that had pretty decent surgery to make him look like Joe Biden. The ear lobe just doesn't look altered, but that of someone else. Right ear lobe, specifically.
Consider this: Trump knew exactly what was happening. I'd actually like to revisit the photos of shipments and boxes on pallets. Were what we thought were iphones actually ballots?
At any rate, we know that NSA and/or MI has a real-time digital record of the entire election.
Imagine if he had just come out with that at the time. It would have been very ugly.
This whole drawn-out process is to slowly wake up those who have no curiosity and must see it play out in order to get it.
At the end, I expect them to present the audit results compared to the intelligence data.
Ah yes, the AZ Audit. Subject of scorn and ridicule from the left, MSDNC and the rest of their MSM cronies.
The AZ Audit evidence must be so ironclad and overpowering that not even the diehard CommieSocialistDems in Congress can refute.
It must be so easy to understand, even Adam "Bugeye PO" Shiite can understand.
If today's prominent "journalists" were baseball umpires and the China-Dem Collusion was a close play at the plate, they'd be standing around with their hands in their pockets, looking up into the grandstands.
Every fan in the stadium would be screaming at them: "Turn around," they'd be screaming. "Pull your head out of the ass!"
And they'd be like:
Our main man The My Pillow Guy has been laying it out in broad strokes, along with some other notables.
We're either over the target and ready to start dropping some MOABs, or pretty damn close.
Maybe it was less to wake people up slowly, and more to build the strongest case possible against the criminals behind it all. Remember, we all believe Trump won big time, so there would be no need to wake up the 40 million that voted for Biden. They could just take the L and get over it. I believe it's all about building a gigantic case and outing as many of them as possible, and that takes time.
That’s why many assumed the election theft was a trip wire for martial law and [would like to] believe Trump is ‘shadow President’.
But since 11.3 discusses “End of Occupation” you have to ask when did “occupation” begin?
Technically, it began when LBJ was sworn in.
Also the manual was updated early in Trump Administration and those revisions clarify protections for Journalists, making it more difficult to declare them ‘enemy combatants.’
But they can lose these protections, forfeiting their civilian status, for example by “publicizing information intended to produce an artillery attack on an enemy target.”
Though we’re in unconventional war, it seems journalists are protected to report but not to carry water for war operations.
I think many following Q miss the point - it isn’t about democrat vs republican. If anything Q is meant more to wake up the right/republicans simply because it will be easier to get them to challenge their leadership vs the left who will never question authority as long as that authority maintains/progresses a campaign of wokeness which imbibes some sense of moral superiority to the point they think they cannot be the problem.
The right however, has logical folk and religious folk.. the logical ones will question when presented evidence, the religious ones are even easier to”wake up” for the same reason they’re easier to trick - just cast light on the true values and religious faith of the people they are being led by.
And from there, once the right is fully woke up, we eat the right side alive essentially with primarily our own “Awoke” people, and from there the party changes and this influence changes and the left expose themselves more until enough hard evidence, irrefutable evidence, of their crimes and lies and manipulation are exposed to wake the left up... cuz that’s whY the left is harder to wake up to the truth - they are waiting on irrefutable evidence. Provided that, most of them will wake up.
Inb4 someone says “hurrrdurrr leftists don’t care about facts” - remember, most of the facts as we see it are not irrefutable evidence - it’s easier for us to accept things that are not solid 100% fact under law because we see the bigger picture (again, because we have been primed to by seeing the corruption of our own leadership)
11.3 is also election day 2020. And one of Q's early posts said that 11.3 will be the first marker.
I would say: Election fraud on 11.3 would be quite a good first marker for the military to step in. Note: only the "first" marker. We don't know how much needs to happen until the military openly steps in.
Q proof. @POTUS ”Especially China. Are they going to print millions of ballots on the exact same paper using the exact same machines? #Qanon #WWG1WGA #DemocratsAreMarxistsDestroyingAmerica
Is this about the virus OR THE ELECTION?
Manipulated polls meant to 'legitimize' rigged election results?
"The election was not rigged - all the polls demonstrated Biden's clear lead across the Country." - Example
What happens if China successfully duplicates [clones] select ballots [battleground states]?
What happens if coordination exists with select states to deliver 'printing' and 'paper' ballot recipe(s)? [secrets] to select [F] adversaries?
Nothing to lose?
Logical thinking.
And the one EBS we have all been waiting for mentions it too
Q Clearance Patriot
My fellow Americans, over the course of the next several days you will undoubtedly realize that we are taking back our great country (the land of the free) from the evil tyrants that wish to do us harm and destroy the last remaining refuge of shining light. On POTUS’ order, we have initiated certain fail-safes that shall safeguard the public from the primary fallout which is slated to occur 11.3 upon the arrest announcement of Mr. Podesta (actionable 11.4). Confirmation (to the public) of what is occurring will then be revealed and will not be openly accepted. Public riots are being organized in serious numbers in an effort to prevent the arrest and capture of more senior public officials. On POTUS’ order, a state of temporary military control will be actioned and special ops carried out. False leaks have been made to retain several within the confines of the United States to prevent extradition and special operator necessity. Rest assured, the safety and well-being of every man, woman, and child of this country is being exhausted in full. However, the atmosphere within the country will unfortunately be divided as so many have fallen for the corrupt and evil narrative that has long been broadcast. We will be initiating the Emergency Broadcast System (EMS) during this time in an effort to provide a direct message (avoiding the fake news) to all citizens. Organizations and/or people that wish to do us harm during this time will be met with swift fury – certain laws have been pre-lifted to provide our great military the necessary authority to handle and conduct these operations (at home and abroad).
They likely stuck 11.3 into that context back in the 2017 posts to make the DS and us assume that it was a date, so that we wouldn't find out about the Law of War manual so soon. But even while being posted in a random (misinformation) context, Q still references 11.3 as the first marker where proof will begin. So even though in the context that 11.3 was used at the time was deceptive, the clue was still hidden in plain sight. It's probably the very thing that Q means when he says "you have more than you know."
The first 4th of July post Republic being restored, free of ccp and demonRat control, I'm going to party my ass off like never before. In fact i think we need a second independence day, updated constitution and Trump with a letter Q added to Mt Rushmore. Oh, and we need a tv channel dedicated to a week long 24 hour a day public execution of ALL the traitors to this country. Cuz it will take thst long to hang all the bastards. They all need executed and all sympathizers and illegals need booted out and the wall finished and one big, new, free & fair election from dog catcher up to POTUS with 8 year term limits for all elected officials. Trump of course gets a full 8 cuz he was fucked over his first term.?
I'd still like to better understand Nixon's role in all of this. He opened China - Why? The argument was always that China was a huge market for the US, but that has never been true - we've been their "market" (another word comes to mind...) ever since. In fact, from what I've seen of the history of China's involvement with the West, there's been very little of the Chinese market being available to the west.
Also, when did the Clintons get tied in with China? It was obvious during the '90s Bill and Hitlery were giving away our military and nuclear tech to China. But I now suspect that was the payoff for earlier favors, and not entirely a down payment for future favors.
I won't hold that against him. He would have been under orders at the time. As POTUS, he gave the orders. Totally different situation. He needs to be exposed for the shitstain he was, along with all the Dems (then and now) selling out the US.
Oh, I’m not holding it against him. I’m just pointing out how everything is interconnected and has been for awhile. By the way, I think Nixon was a Republican.
Nixon was a Republican. So was NoName (McCain). My wording wasn't very clear - I meant to lump all the traitors together - doesn't matter what label they want to wear, they can hang together.
Hitlery was involved with the Watergate investigation. She had a problem though - she was dishonest and couldn't tell the truth. Not much has changed with her.
I still think it's a stretch. Virtually every use of 11.3 and 11.11 that the "decoder" used to justify his theory was a date cherrypicked out of context. The simple explanation is that Q is just saying that the Democrats and China were going to rig the election together on 11/3.
This specifically deals with foreign involvement with US government representatives, which ties in well with Section 11 of the US_MIL LoW Manual.
Lastly, Q posts 4821 and 4822 make it pretty clear what is coming. In both those posts, it is talking about foreign powers controlling the White House which, by definition of the LoW Manual, makes it a belligerent government.
Which parts specifically have been mis-interpreted?
11.3 of the US_MIL LoW Manual talk about 11.3 being the END of occupation of a belligerent government.
The Manual defines a belligerent government as one either made up of an Occupying Power or an Occupying Power having the State operating on behalf of a hostile power.
So what would make the current Federal Government belligerent?
1.) A country makes itself an enemy of the US by attacking the US - like say with a bio-logical weapon.
2.) This will automatically produce a declaration of war without Congressional approval as the US was attacked on US soil.
3.) That same country is involved in stealing the election (i.e., China) is shown to have installed the current government making it fit definition 2 of the LoW Manual.
What most miss in the interpretation is that 11.3 refers to the CONCLUSION of the military removing an occupied power. In context of what is going on in the US, it means when the illegitimate government in DC has been removed and the rightful President is back in power.
This is what Q has always meant when they said "when 11.3 verifies" or "slated to occur on 11.3". That is, when the legitimate President is back in power, all hell is going to break loose on the traitors of the nation.
Not to mention that the DoD cut off public access to the manual. Q is a military intelligence operation, so I interpret that as them signaling to us that it's a red herring.
I'm not sure the gematria is important in itself, but back when Q was emphasizing to us to learn their comms, I thought about the reverse too.
The idea that, if a fair number on our side were looking for gematria connections, then from at least that point they might well begin deliberately encoding gematria connections into their comms, since they know that's one method people are using.
Not that gematria is important, but that since anons have started using gematria, the Q side would take advantage of that extra comms channel.
Steal, Plandemic, World Domination plans far too big to not have all sorts of obvious indicators and signs apparent to the initiated.
I would expect there to be oceans of intelligence and comms from the planners and executors of the crime of the century. Comms and intelligence that was collected and recorded. Particularly when someone in a position to know told me, "We have it all".
In this context, "All assets [F][D] deployed." most likely means [F] Foreign and [D] Domestic.
Making the next line "[D] + China = 11.3" probably refer to [D]omestic plus China. (Through since Q has used double meanings before, it may simultaneously mean [D]emocrat, or it may not.)
Thanks for the insight. It always seems Q wants us to dig deeper & I have a hard time believing that if [D] meant Democrat as a double meaning here, it would be applied in all posts with it notated this way. If so, then [F] would also have a connection across all posts. I need to dig in after this project I need to finish up.
When martial law is in effect, the military commander of an area or country has unlimited authority to make and enforce laws. Martial law is justified when civilian authority has ceased to function, is completely absent, or has become ineffective.
What if DC is already under martial law? That might make more sense for the fencing around it along with the military presence. Could those bad actors who know be under a gag order? Not too sure that this would fly nationwide.
Nah... they never give dates. It's not about dates.
Trump: "A core pillar of our new strategy is a shift from a time-based approach to one based on conditions. I’ve said it many times how counterproductive it is for the United States to announce in advance the dates we intend to begin, or end, military options. We will not talk about numbers of troops or our plans for further military activities.
Conditions on the ground -- not arbitrary timetables -- will guide our strategy from now on. America’s enemies must never know our plans or believe they can wait us out. I will not say when we are going to attack, but attack we will."
For some reason, when people were pushing the 11.3 = law of war manual reference I thought they were trying to force it to make it fit. But I was not aware that there was a Q post that actually clears up what 11.3 means. There you have it, folks. 11.3 was never a date, it was a reference to Democrats working with a foreign power [Chyna], thus fulfilling the law of war manual requirement, giving the military an ultimatum to step in and declare martial law.
The question is are we already there and just don't know ?
I think they're waiting on the audit among other pieces to fall into place first. Plus, if they were to declare martial law I don't think they can do so quietly. Nor do I think they would.
I tend to agree that all this will tie together perfectly
First, the chinese deliberately released a biological weapon on the world. That is an act of war. They are trying to pretend it was accidental, but all of the advance planning proves that it was no accident.
Second, traitors in the US conspired with the chinese to use the biological weapon to help in their election fraud (cyber warfare attack) to install an illegitimate, belligerent federal government. That is also an act of war, and the traitors that helped the chinese are enemy combatants.
Once these facts are sufficiently proven, the military will declare martial law, which supersedes all branches of the civilian government, and start the arrests, military tribunals, etc.
This Fauci information should lead to proving the first condition (biological weapon attack act of war), and the AZ audit should lead to proving the second condition (cyber warfare election fraud). We are getting closer.
It's so much bigger than that, too.
Q has said from pretty much day one that they KNOW their playbook already and are using it against them. There are reports of Fauci/Gates preparing Covid test kits as far back as 2017. I'm sure this whole covid/2020 election fraud was their plan to begin with and not some random thing they thought up on the fly out of desperation. If there's one thing the DS can't help themselves with, it's conspiring with foreign agents, just as we saw with Spygate in 2016/2017. I believe the Spygate investigation was a distraction (look here, not there) leading them to think that they needed to do everything in their power to stop that, while not realizing that it was actually the conspiracy with China that was meant to be the big honeytrap all along. Ask yourself, what sticks more? Proving they tried to remove a sitting President circa 2016/2017 which obviously is a big deal and is an act of treason, or is it a MUCH bigger deal to release a biological weapon that destroys 80% of the world economy and exposes ALL of the deep state players (i.e. all assets deployed) in committing treason and serious crimes against humanity. Most people wouldn't care about evidence coming out that some corrupt powers tried to prevent Trump from becoming President in 2016. But EVERYONE would care about China deliberately releasing a bioweapon to screw with the whole world just to help steal an election, and that so many so called 'Americans' helped China in doing so.
Big tech helped, MSM helped, corporations helped, D.C. helped, State Governors helped, health industry helped, the list goes on. Not only did they work with China throughout all of this, but they also helped cover it up. All to win an election and all to cover up their crimes from 2016/2017, not realizing that the crimes they committed in 2020 was the trap that was meant to catch them once and for all. It's like a self-fulfilling prophecy. They are fucked and both sides know it. This is why Q kept saying they knew how this would end.
Liberals and other countries certainly wouldn’t care...100%
What makes this that it is WORLDWIDE
The world against the deep state.
Indeed, that is about as BIBLICAL as Noah’s flood.
When the world finds irrefutable proof that China released a bioweapon deliberately that affected the entire planet, they will become the Nazis of the modern era. The very nation everyone unites to bring down. And with the military stepping in to wipe out the deep state cabal in America, we will effectively have destroyed most of the puppet masters. Biblical indeed, and 'bigger than we realize' as Q likes to point out.
Can I just point out that if in the end the world come together to defeat communist China that Fauci would have been the Trojan horse. If he funded the research and they released the bio weapon and then a few years later all was exposed he may be the most useful idiot in history trying to empower China only to destroy it
I agree brother but Noah's flood was not worldwide.
every ancient civilization has a flood story. The only survivors were 8 people and the animals on the ark. If it was not worldwide there would be no need to gather the animals into the ark, they would simply migrate to wherever place was not affected. Same for Noah he could have just migrated to the unaffected area. SO would the whole world lol.
Yes, it was. There's a reason seashell and other marine fossils can be found on the top of Mt, Everest and it's not plate tectonics.
It was worldwide….go here Bible believing PhDs. Great stuff……
So then you don’t believe any of it at all.
great write-up. My ultra awake girlfriend and I continue to try to make sense of this, and we are really leaning to a lot of this being about Covid, forced pandemic, bioweapon deployment (covid and vaccines) to bring about their goals after SHE lost in2016 and their plans for more wars failed thanks to Trump.
It's about depopulation and removing POTUS who they feel was the last man standing between them and NWO. Now they actually are waking up the masses and they are fucked whichever way they look
Just to add to your beginning, the Covid plan must have been on ice for years (just look at any handful of movies) ... Trump wins, all shit breaks loose. Hillary can’t make concession speech that night. The rest is history ... “this is not another four year election”The plan to release Covid to get rid of Trump began then, she was never supposed to lose. So they had two to three years to cobble this piece of shit coup together and take it off of paper and put into a real form and action ... and look at their mistakes :)
The evidence shows they have been working of the roll out plan for at least a decade. Trump just made them do it before they were ready - thus, the criminals were not able to cover their tracks and got caught red handed.
Which i believe is also why he pushed the vaccines so hard as well. Pushed them out before they could be forced on us even worse
I think the Covid Plan was on deck. Maybe it was pushed sooner to affect the election but most likely it was pretty close to being on schedule, probably woulda been the push to get Hilldog elected again. I think the vaxx was waiting and ready but would have been released later on. This is where I believe Trump threw a wrench in their plan. Releasing the vaxx early really screwed up their timing. Look at how many mixed messages were sent by Fauci alone.
I still think that the virus got out by accident before it was ready, they were probably planning to do the release closer to the election on top of the BLM riots. Interesting how this email from the Gates Foundation to Fauci on 2/5/20 talks about focusing on therapeutics rather than vaccines. (See page 204 of the ICAN email FOIA release.)
2012 olympics!
You know what they say, the cover up is usually worse than the crime. Seems the 2020 election to remove Trump was way worse than their attempt to undermine Trump.
Brilliant, but remember bigger than THAT!
The crimes from 2016/17 and 2020
Think about it COVID was to stop second term was to stop....
What’s worse than election theft and Bio-Plauging the entire world?
Deep Dark World......
Holy shit. This nolasquid33 piece of shit copied my post word-for-word...
... nice that you guys gave my plagiarized post so many upvotes...
Thanks for bringing this to our attention. Makes me angry! I can imagine how you’re feeling right now!
I hopped over and gave your thread a read also.
Easy there attentionfag
The only sinister thing I don't like about this whole ordeal is the vaccination. If it does end up sterilizing an entire generation or causing mass deaths they'll scapegoat China and the DS plan goes off without any real reprisal.
Politicians will get arrested but the puppet masters will go free unnoticed having killed millions/billions -- the military doing all their dirty work and cleaning up the middle men (who are no longer needed to the cabal).
Will see how this plays out, either we get them all and tear the whole construct down, show all the ugly truths -- satanic worship, covid, false elections, aliens etc. OR none of it matters.
Time will tell.
If the vaccine is the real pandemic, and based off AIDs+Flu, could it be possible that HCQ cures it? Why arent their any studies discussing the interactions between the vaccine and HCQ / Intermectin?
You make a very good point - and I hope you're right that HCQ or Ivermectin might help to turn things around for those who are vaccinated and believed it to be harmless (they're told over and over that it is, it's hard to blame some of them). I hope someone starts studying the possibilities soon.
I hope DJT has a remedy for those who vaxed. On the bright side, mostly dems and idiots will be steriled.
I always figure the puppet masters go free. The villain always escapes so there can be a sequel.
That was in the old world, when they ran things.
We have the option to wipe them and their ideologies out completely.
No place to escape to and no one to help.
I like this better lol.
The 3rd piece is Durham which will tie up the fraud and spying in 2016.
Chapter 18 of the LoW Manual discusses biological weapons and their illegality. I recall MajicEyes made quite a few connections to that chapter in addition to 11. He also noted that the PRC is party to the treaty banning bio-weapons. And just yesterday we had Trump suggesting that they owe us 10 trillion in reparations.
And the other day they were threatening to nuke us if investigations into the origins of the virus move forward. Seems like they have an awful lot to lose if this dam bursts open.
but i thought we "have it all"
Factually they already are. Stick your head out of your foxhole once n a while.
Some will, not all. Others will wake from the subsequent arrests, trials and convictions of their favorite hollywood pedos. Others (4-6%) have their hearts hardened and are beyond saving.
It's going to come from all directions. Likely scavino is posting comms for players. We just also get to see.
Agreed. How much more of this shit do we have to take is the question. Or they dragging us along until 80% are KO'd from the vax then they finish us
Enough are already awake. Trump got his landslide.
What needs to happen, and what is in the process of happening, is establishing these elements legally.
Legally, they don't have to proclaim occupation.
11.2.4 Proclamation of Occupation. Due to the special relations established between the civilian population of the occupied territory and the Occupying Power, the fact of military occupation and the territory over which it extends should be made known to the citizens of the occupied territory and to other States. However, there is no specific legal requirement that the Occupying Power issue a proclamation of military occupation.
I don't really understand the 11.3 reference to Dems plus China. Why is Q pointing to the End of Occupation? Thoughts?
Q Drop 25: "Proof to begin 11.3"
The occupation ends when the military seizes control of D.C.
My thoughts is that when the election is proven to be stolen and states de-certify, the current administration will refuse to leave, and the military will be forced to step in.
Or we have to wait to 2024 after elections are cleaned up, win in a landslide, and the current admin refuses to leave. Either way the foreign occupation will end.
Put that 2024 stuff right out of your head. This can't wait until then to resolve.
Okay thank you that makes total sense to me. It would be the end of their occupation. That squares with the fact that the House Speaker and Congress are basically in control of the Capitol, too.
It's been done already. Quietly until the media decides it needs to pipe in and inform the NPCs.
Yes. We have been under martial law since last January when Biden was installed into his fake presidency.
Assuming it's even Biden. I've seen evidence to suggest it's an actor in a mask.
That ear lobe really bothers me. If this is Biden, he had massive work done that was very shoddy, and screwed up his ear lobe. Or it's someone else that had pretty decent surgery to make him look like Joe Biden. The ear lobe just doesn't look altered, but that of someone else. Right ear lobe, specifically.
My point exactly. Too many details add up to it being an impostor.
Those videos are crazy!
Consider this: Trump knew exactly what was happening. I'd actually like to revisit the photos of shipments and boxes on pallets. Were what we thought were iphones actually ballots?
At any rate, we know that NSA and/or MI has a real-time digital record of the entire election.
Imagine if he had just come out with that at the time. It would have been very ugly.
This whole drawn-out process is to slowly wake up those who have no curiosity and must see it play out in order to get it.
At the end, I expect them to present the audit results compared to the intelligence data.
Ah yes, the AZ Audit. Subject of scorn and ridicule from the left, MSDNC and the rest of their MSM cronies.
The AZ Audit evidence must be so ironclad and overpowering that not even the diehard CommieSocialistDems in Congress can refute.
It must be so easy to understand, even Adam "Bugeye PO" Shiite can understand.
If today's prominent "journalists" were baseball umpires and the China-Dem Collusion was a close play at the plate, they'd be standing around with their hands in their pockets, looking up into the grandstands.
Every fan in the stadium would be screaming at them: "Turn around," they'd be screaming. "Pull your head out of the ass!"
And they'd be like:
Our main man The My Pillow Guy has been laying it out in broad strokes, along with some other notables.
We're either over the target and ready to start dropping some MOABs, or pretty damn close.
Maybe it was less to wake people up slowly, and more to build the strongest case possible against the criminals behind it all. Remember, we all believe Trump won big time, so there would be no need to wake up the 40 million that voted for Biden. They could just take the L and get over it. I believe it's all about building a gigantic case and outing as many of them as possible, and that takes time.
The trigger will be the audit. It will cause the government to freeze in place as almost everyone is corrupt.
That's the trigger. When the Civilian Government is incapacitated the Military takes over.
If I'm right, every reader of this message buys me a pizza.
Yes this was all over the boards 2yrs ago.
That’s why many assumed the election theft was a trip wire for martial law and [would like to] believe Trump is ‘shadow President’.
But since 11.3 discusses “End of Occupation” you have to ask when did “occupation” begin?
Technically, it began when LBJ was sworn in.
Also the manual was updated early in Trump Administration and those revisions clarify protections for Journalists, making it more difficult to declare them ‘enemy combatants.’
But they can lose these protections, forfeiting their civilian status, for example by “publicizing information intended to produce an artillery attack on an enemy target.”
Though we’re in unconventional war, it seems journalists are protected to report but not to carry water for war operations.
"Technically, it began when LBJ was sworn in."
This. Thank you for knowing, bless you for saying.
Justice for JFK! Why do you think they took Bush first?
Is d for Democrat? I took it as domestic.
I think many following Q miss the point - it isn’t about democrat vs republican. If anything Q is meant more to wake up the right/republicans simply because it will be easier to get them to challenge their leadership vs the left who will never question authority as long as that authority maintains/progresses a campaign of wokeness which imbibes some sense of moral superiority to the point they think they cannot be the problem.
The right however, has logical folk and religious folk.. the logical ones will question when presented evidence, the religious ones are even easier to”wake up” for the same reason they’re easier to trick - just cast light on the true values and religious faith of the people they are being led by.
And from there, once the right is fully woke up, we eat the right side alive essentially with primarily our own “Awoke” people, and from there the party changes and this influence changes and the left expose themselves more until enough hard evidence, irrefutable evidence, of their crimes and lies and manipulation are exposed to wake the left up... cuz that’s whY the left is harder to wake up to the truth - they are waiting on irrefutable evidence. Provided that, most of them will wake up.
Inb4 someone says “hurrrdurrr leftists don’t care about facts” - remember, most of the facts as we see it are not irrefutable evidence - it’s easier for us to accept things that are not solid 100% fact under law because we see the bigger picture (again, because we have been primed to by seeing the corruption of our own leadership)
Good points. I agree that D means Domestic. To free the US is only one step of the Q plan (to save the world).
11.3 is also election day 2020. And one of Q's early posts said that 11.3 will be the first marker.
I would say: Election fraud on 11.3 would be quite a good first marker for the military to step in. Note: only the "first" marker. We don't know how much needs to happen until the military openly steps in.
multiple meanings exist
Is it the democrats working with China or [D] = domestic working with China. There seem to be a lot of rinos in on this.
You're right, it's domestic.
Here's the tweet Q referenced:
That tweet references this relevant Q post:
And here is the Trump tweet that post references:
That whole chain of posts is a great Q proof.
Domestic plus China...
Man I can’t believe I didn’t see that. But I saw these
[Set 1]
[Placeholder - Indictments Tracking > Civ]
And the one EBS we have all been waiting for mentions it too
My fellow Americans, over the course of the next several days you will undoubtedly realize that we are taking back our great country (the land of the free) from the evil tyrants that wish to do us harm and destroy the last remaining refuge of shining light. On POTUS’ order, we have initiated certain fail-safes that shall safeguard the public from the primary fallout which is slated to occur 11.3 upon the arrest announcement of Mr. Podesta (actionable 11.4). Confirmation (to the public) of what is occurring will then be revealed and will not be openly accepted. Public riots are being organized in serious numbers in an effort to prevent the arrest and capture of more senior public officials. On POTUS’ order, a state of temporary military control will be actioned and special ops carried out. False leaks have been made to retain several within the confines of the United States to prevent extradition and special operator necessity. Rest assured, the safety and well-being of every man, woman, and child of this country is being exhausted in full. However, the atmosphere within the country will unfortunately be divided as so many have fallen for the corrupt and evil narrative that has long been broadcast. We will be initiating the Emergency Broadcast System (EMS) during this time in an effort to provide a direct message (avoiding the fake news) to all citizens. Organizations and/or people that wish to do us harm during this time will be met with swift fury – certain laws have been pre-lifted to provide our great military the necessary authority to handle and conduct these operations (at home and abroad).
They likely stuck 11.3 into that context back in the 2017 posts to make the DS and us assume that it was a date, so that we wouldn't find out about the Law of War manual so soon. But even while being posted in a random (misinformation) context, Q still references 11.3 as the first marker where proof will begin. So even though in the context that 11.3 was used at the time was deceptive, the clue was still hidden in plain sight. It's probably the very thing that Q means when he says "you have more than you know."
Good comment. I believe 11.3 has multiple meanings.
In addition, the placeholder posts are indeed quite interesting.
cc: u/StormSailor
The first 4th of July post Republic being restored, free of ccp and demonRat control, I'm going to party my ass off like never before. In fact i think we need a second independence day, updated constitution and Trump with a letter Q added to Mt Rushmore. Oh, and we need a tv channel dedicated to a week long 24 hour a day public execution of ALL the traitors to this country. Cuz it will take thst long to hang all the bastards. They all need executed and all sympathizers and illegals need booted out and the wall finished and one big, new, free & fair election from dog catcher up to POTUS with 8 year term limits for all elected officials. Trump of course gets a full 8 cuz he was fucked over his first term.?
Proving current regime knowingly collaborated is a sticking point.
Pillow man disagrees.
I'd still like to better understand Nixon's role in all of this. He opened China - Why? The argument was always that China was a huge market for the US, but that has never been true - we've been their "market" (another word comes to mind...) ever since. In fact, from what I've seen of the history of China's involvement with the West, there's been very little of the Chinese market being available to the west.
Also, when did the Clintons get tied in with China? It was obvious during the '90s Bill and Hitlery were giving away our military and nuclear tech to China. But I now suspect that was the payoff for earlier favors, and not entirely a down payment for future favors.
Nixon administration also got us off the gold standard I believe (correct me if I'm wrong)
Yes, in 1971.
I think that's correct.
Did you also know that Nixon, as a young Navy Lt, was involved with “Operation Paperclip” and helping the WWII Nazis assimilate into the US?
I won't hold that against him. He would have been under orders at the time. As POTUS, he gave the orders. Totally different situation. He needs to be exposed for the shitstain he was, along with all the Dems (then and now) selling out the US.
Oh, I’m not holding it against him. I’m just pointing out how everything is interconnected and has been for awhile. By the way, I think Nixon was a Republican.
Nixon was a Republican. So was NoName (McCain). My wording wasn't very clear - I meant to lump all the traitors together - doesn't matter what label they want to wear, they can hang together.
Hitlery was involved with the Watergate investigation. She had a problem though - she was dishonest and couldn't tell the truth. Not much has changed with her.
Thanks for the clarification.
I've always wondered about Nixon as well. Trump and Nixon were revealed to have gone along well, and Nixon even encouraged Trump to run for office.
This theory is sound as a silver or gold bar in your hand
shit....nice ?
Does anyone know what the deleted tweet at the top said?
Thanks, I'll try to remember to check the site next time.
I still think it's a stretch. Virtually every use of 11.3 and 11.11 that the "decoder" used to justify his theory was a date cherrypicked out of context. The simple explanation is that Q is just saying that the Democrats and China were going to rig the election together on 11/3.
The [D] in that post is referring to domestic, not Democrats. Q Post 4871 clearly gives reference to [Domestic] in relation to the upcoming election.
Q never rarely gives dates on anything and when they do the months are written out (see Q4842, 4835, 4817 as examples).
Q Post 4889 in which the following was linked gave a good indication of where this was going:
This specifically deals with foreign involvement with US government representatives, which ties in well with Section 11 of the US_MIL LoW Manual.
Lastly, Q posts 4821 and 4822 make it pretty clear what is coming. In both those posts, it is talking about foreign powers controlling the White House which, by definition of the LoW Manual, makes it a belligerent government.
Agreed. Not to mention the manual is being interpreted incorrectly.
Which parts specifically have been mis-interpreted?
11.3 of the US_MIL LoW Manual talk about 11.3 being the END of occupation of a belligerent government.
The Manual defines a belligerent government as one either made up of an Occupying Power or an Occupying Power having the State operating on behalf of a hostile power.
So what would make the current Federal Government belligerent?
1.) A country makes itself an enemy of the US by attacking the US - like say with a bio-logical weapon.
2.) This will automatically produce a declaration of war without Congressional approval as the US was attacked on US soil.
3.) That same country is involved in stealing the election (i.e., China) is shown to have installed the current government making it fit definition 2 of the LoW Manual.
What most miss in the interpretation is that 11.3 refers to the CONCLUSION of the military removing an occupied power. In context of what is going on in the US, it means when the illegitimate government in DC has been removed and the rightful President is back in power.
This is what Q has always meant when they said "when 11.3 verifies" or "slated to occur on 11.3". That is, when the legitimate President is back in power, all hell is going to break loose on the traitors of the nation.
Not to mention that the DoD cut off public access to the manual. Q is a military intelligence operation, so I interpret that as them signaling to us that it's a red herring.
Law of War Manual is still easily accessible to the public.
This guy's crazy good. My only catch with him is the use of "numerology" to connect the dots, but it does seem to work.
Did Q ever speak to Gematria to decode links and make proofs?
I'm not sure the gematria is important in itself, but back when Q was emphasizing to us to learn their comms, I thought about the reverse too.
The idea that, if a fair number on our side were looking for gematria connections, then from at least that point they might well begin deliberately encoding gematria connections into their comms, since they know that's one method people are using.
Not that gematria is important, but that since anons have started using gematria, the Q side would take advantage of that extra comms channel.
F and D I assume must stand for foreign and domestic.
Which would make the second D also stand for domestic rather than Democrats.
All assets [foreign] & [Domestic] deployed.
I have always believed Intel Based.
Steal, Plandemic, World Domination plans far too big to not have all sorts of obvious indicators and signs apparent to the initiated.
I would expect there to be oceans of intelligence and comms from the planners and executors of the crime of the century. Comms and intelligence that was collected and recorded. Particularly when someone in a position to know told me, "We have it all".
The wording of the 3rd line is wierd to me.
Future proves past.
Yeah, they did it with an engineered virus & a vaxxx program. Didn’t need your guns.
Comment as book mark
I need to find the breakdown if the acronyms again. [D] = Democrats (party) if I recall correctly.
What is the [F]?
In this context, "All assets [F][D] deployed." most likely means [F] Foreign and [D] Domestic.
Making the next line "[D] + China = 11.3" probably refer to [D]omestic plus China. (Through since Q has used double meanings before, it may simultaneously mean [D]emocrat, or it may not.)
Thanks for the insight. It always seems Q wants us to dig deeper & I have a hard time believing that if [D] meant Democrat as a double meaning here, it would be applied in all posts with it notated this way. If so, then [F] would also have a connection across all posts. I need to dig in after this project I need to finish up.
Thanks for helping me see the surface :D
We've known this since January.
I also think the Ripple case is at the crux of this as well. [SEC] refers to Securities Exchange Commision.
Did you miss this or is time travel fun?
this is like the Rosette stone
I made a post explaining why I think the plan is NOT waiting on 2024. This will definitely get resolved before 2024, mark my words.
What if DC is already under martial law? That might make more sense for the fencing around it along with the military presence. Could those bad actors who know be under a gag order? Not too sure that this would fly nationwide.
One year delta 6/25/21 may be interesting. Not to set a date, but the AZ audit should be wrapping up and maybe results published by then.
Holy CRAP!!! D + China = 11.3
China = 11.3 - 4
11.3 - 4 = 7.3
7.3 = July 3rd????
Wow mind blown here.
Nah... they never give dates. It's not about dates.
Trump: "A core pillar of our new strategy is a shift from a time-based approach to one based on conditions. I’ve said it many times how counterproductive it is for the United States to announce in advance the dates we intend to begin, or end, military options. We will not talk about numbers of troops or our plans for further military activities.
Conditions on the ground -- not arbitrary timetables -- will guide our strategy from now on. America’s enemies must never know our plans or believe they can wait us out. I will not say when we are going to attack, but attack we will."
This is a great statement from a great man! Thank you for the reminder.
But DateFagging is so fun!
Omg..Red is Q !KEK!