Agreed - as with a good attorney, he never asks a question he doesn't already know the answer to. This is more of a "hey everyone, remember Durham" than an actual question of where he is. He's putting Durham back in the spotlight - let's hope that means something will come of his report soon! :)
If Durham isn't doing anything, we're royally fucking screwed. (It would do no good to have 4,531,252,889,644,293,500,812,001 sealed indictments if they're just going to sit in a drawer, sealed, forever.)
And if he is doing it, then why is Trump having to call him out like this?
I'm still convinced the MIL knew day one that IT happened, but I'm curious what exactly it will take for them to actually get shit done. What exactly is "The Precipice" that keeps being referred to? Why the sudden POTUS attacks on General (M)illey?
I'm not suggesting MIL go in guns blazing, but surely they could influence MSM to start reporting fairly (hanging for treason doesn't sound appealing, I'm sure) to sway the libtard public opinion? Are they waiting for Xiden's regime to do something so blatantly and cartoonishly evil they'd have no choice but to step in? Is it already a done deal and we are just going through the motions til then?
There's so much shit going on we don't know, can't know, and won't know but I can only hope and pray that MIL is luring DS into a false sense of security before striking like a centipede.
Maybe Milley isn't the one that's going to do that. Because he's chairman of the joint chiefs doesn't mean he ranks above the other chiefs or can command them at att. He is just the chairman or spokesman for them
Plus Milley is Army, Q implies it will be the marines which is under General Berger. He's the General that denied Pelosi the nuclear codes in a very scathing & insulting reply. He ain't going to fall for her tricks. Oh & btw if Milley is in charge then why didn't Pelosi ask him for the codes??? I think Milley is just the front man, atm In fact he could even be the planned fall guy. It's 5-D chess. Trump knows the sort of snakes he's working with maybe he gave Milley what appears to be the head position but maybe it's Berger or Hyten that have the real assignment.
but surely they could influence MSM to start reporting fairly
Let the MSM self destruct. It will be worse to fix a broken system and make CNN "trusted" again, better to let the whole thing crumble by itself. The day will come where 90%+ will be getting their news from free speech websites.
What exactly is "The Precipice" that keeps being referred to?
And if he is doing it, then why is Trump having to call him out like this?
Eh.. whaa?
You have a handle like cqvfefe and you can ask that question? Or are you being like, sarcastic?
Potus makes many of his statements, questions etc for strategic reasons. Surely we all know that here...
Just coz he asks "where's Durham?" doesn;t mean he's saying. "There is a problem! Durhum is missing in action? What the F* is going on?"
He KNOWS the answer to the question, surely. You think the (pres) of the United States doesn't get intel?
He is KEEPING attention on Durham. The question is, why? That's what you wanna be asking. Not some question like "why is Trump having to call him out like this?" (which, by the way, involves all sorts of presuppositions that simply may or may not be true).
Go drink some covfefe. Come back in 3 days when you're thinking straight, fren.
I don't think its a coincidence Trump asks where Durham is and Jim Watkins starts making video posts the same day about having names of people who registered to his "Legal" Websites (Sketchy Porn Sites) and saying if you push me down then I will get back up and push back harder.. I think we are going to get a Intel Drop on the children and the white hats are making sure we are paying attention for when it does drop. It might be the declas of Maxwell documents or something else but I think we are about to hit the apex of that movie.
Too much to do just trying to keep our place straight out here (you know, globalists. Maddog governments.Running a scam on the population in order to run in a totalitarian system that would make Orwell drool)
Think about what statements like that do the low and middle level deep staters who don't have enough blackmail to protect themselves from ending up as the fall guys.
i don't see it as Trump calling out Durham, he's simply taunting the deepstate coz they know EXACTLY what is in the Durham report, in addition to the one-way tickets to GITMO.
Anyone who doesn't see that this man clearly has every card up his sleeve that could possibly be needed is just looking to lose themselves in a Doomer death spiral.
I can never decide if these kinds of statements from Trump are exasperated pleas for someone to DO something, or savage taunts aimed at the bad guys. From what I've seen of Trump in the past, I lean toward "savage taunts". Hopium?
I beginning to think Durham is like bloody Mary. You have to repeat his name to summon him. Maybe Trump needs to do it 3 times in one statement for it to work.
Yes, we remember. This is not a question that he expects will be answered, but nervously ignored. I want them nervous. I want them uncomfortable. I want them fearful like they've never feared before. I want more than that, but I am - so far, a non-violent man.
^Trump tweet from Dec. 23 teasing that a special counsel is investigating the voter fraud (Durham's mandate was obviously expanded). Incidentally, this was on the same date that Barr stepped down "to spend Christmas with his family" which allowed a new guy to take over who had written research papers before on foreign interference in our election. Forgot his name (would appreciate a reminder if anyone knows) but these are easy dots to connect.
Anyone else remember when the planefags twice saw a DOJ-registered plane flying to Toronto, where Dominion's HQ is located? That was obviously Durham.
Some interesting lines from
"How do you 'show' the public the truth?"
"Sometimes you must walk through the darkness before you see the light."
This strongly hinted that they are going to "show" the public the truth by intentionally losing the battle to force a contingent election then use Durham to vitiate the treasonous admin's oaths of office and declare Trump the rightful winner. There is precedent for a strategy like this in the fight for the border wall funding; Trump pretended to lose the negotiations for the wall funding while having planned all along to just declare a national emergency and order the military to build it (red castle green castle + F15 proofs). In fact, he got more than the $5 billion he had initially asked for by doing this because he agreed to sign the spending bill if they would just give him the largest military spending bill in history instead.
Trump did say back in June that we are going to take back the White House "sooner than you think."
The Durham investigation has had no leaks. It's legit, Trump knows it's legit, and this is a signal to him or us.
Personally, I don't think we're near the precipice. Moderate or apolitical normies are still asleep and aren't nearly angry enough. We'll know we're near the precipice when the normies collectively have a universal "WTF?!" reaction to some government action. That's what we're waiting on.
If the military is the only way, Durham's report will likely be released and no one will enforce the indictments or it's release will be blocked and the military will have to step in that way.
The problem with Durham is I don't see the federal judicial system being able to prosecute these people. It would turn into a political parade and most of them would likely get the Clinesmith treatment. So it's likely the report/indictments will be messed with in some way leading the military tribunals to handle it.
I’m envisioning Durham & 45 at Mar-a-Lago sitting across from each other & 45 says, “check out my new Post”? As he swivels his laptop to Durham and they both laugh their asses-off. Since the impact of the D-Report would get stifled, Q-uashed & buried then WHEN would you drop it? As a MOAB with the rest that comes to play THIS WEEK?!! Yeah, I datefagged. I expect to be wrong these days so I learned long-ago not to datefagg. We gotta remember McAfee’s data too?! Incoming MOABS, no sauce...just speculation. Ok slam me now I earned it. 💥😂
"Where's Durham" seems more like a reminder/warning than a question to me
That and I think it's a quiet callout to us that the plan is in play.
Yes, I believe you are correct fren.
POTUS knows. Optics.
I think youre right
This is for sure a nice glass of hopium
I pray you’re right about that
I pray you're right
Totally...I hope they Nadler themselves each & every time 👍🏽
Lol yes indeed.
"Winter is coming"
August is traditionally very hot
"Traditionally hot August is coming"
Agreed - as with a good attorney, he never asks a question he doesn't already know the answer to. This is more of a "hey everyone, remember Durham" than an actual question of where he is. He's putting Durham back in the spotlight - let's hope that means something will come of his report soon! :)
Ya I think he's teeing it up for the close...BOOMS INCOMING!
He’s being a shit. I love it!
I don't know that I do.
If Durham isn't doing anything, we're royally fucking screwed. (It would do no good to have 4,531,252,889,644,293,500,812,001 sealed indictments if they're just going to sit in a drawer, sealed, forever.)
And if he is doing it, then why is Trump having to call him out like this?
Don't sweat Durham. Don't sweat SCOTUS. Don't sweat Jan. 6 kangaroo court.
AZ and subsequent audits are the only things that can get the MIL unleashed.
Yup. Report will come out...will have zero coverage....nothing will be done. Military is the only way.
I think the report is going to trigger RED2.
I'm still convinced the MIL knew day one that IT happened, but I'm curious what exactly it will take for them to actually get shit done. What exactly is "The Precipice" that keeps being referred to? Why the sudden POTUS attacks on General (M)illey?
I'm not suggesting MIL go in guns blazing, but surely they could influence MSM to start reporting fairly (hanging for treason doesn't sound appealing, I'm sure) to sway the libtard public opinion? Are they waiting for Xiden's regime to do something so blatantly and cartoonishly evil they'd have no choice but to step in? Is it already a done deal and we are just going through the motions til then? There's so much shit going on we don't know, can't know, and won't know but I can only hope and pray that MIL is luring DS into a false sense of security before striking like a centipede.
Maybe Milley isn't the one that's going to do that. Because he's chairman of the joint chiefs doesn't mean he ranks above the other chiefs or can command them at att. He is just the chairman or spokesman for them
Plus Milley is Army, Q implies it will be the marines which is under General Berger. He's the General that denied Pelosi the nuclear codes in a very scathing & insulting reply. He ain't going to fall for her tricks. Oh & btw if Milley is in charge then why didn't Pelosi ask him for the codes??? I think Milley is just the front man, atm In fact he could even be the planned fall guy. It's 5-D chess. Trump knows the sort of snakes he's working with maybe he gave Milley what appears to be the head position but maybe it's Berger or Hyten that have the real assignment.
Let the MSM self destruct. It will be worse to fix a broken system and make CNN "trusted" again, better to let the whole thing crumble by itself. The day will come where 90%+ will be getting their news from free speech websites.
We already "lost" POTUS via the stolen election. Can we lose even more than that?
Learn about Devolution. That will help you fill in the details of NCSWIC.
The evidence that there is a plan and it's working is overwhelming.
Eh.. whaa?
You have a handle like cqvfefe and you can ask that question? Or are you being like, sarcastic?
Potus makes many of his statements, questions etc for strategic reasons. Surely we all know that here...
Just coz he asks "where's Durham?" doesn;t mean he's saying. "There is a problem! Durhum is missing in action? What the F* is going on?"
He KNOWS the answer to the question, surely. You think the (pres) of the United States doesn't get intel?
He is KEEPING attention on Durham. The question is, why? That's what you wanna be asking. Not some question like "why is Trump having to call him out like this?" (which, by the way, involves all sorts of presuppositions that simply may or may not be true).
Go drink some covfefe. Come back in 3 days when you're thinking straight, fren.
I don't think its a coincidence Trump asks where Durham is and Jim Watkins starts making video posts the same day about having names of people who registered to his "Legal" Websites (Sketchy Porn Sites) and saying if you push me down then I will get back up and push back harder.. I think we are going to get a Intel Drop on the children and the white hats are making sure we are paying attention for when it does drop. It might be the declas of Maxwell documents or something else but I think we are about to hit the apex of that movie.
Oooh. I didn't know that.
Too much to do just trying to keep our place straight out here (you know, globalists. Maddog governments.Running a scam on the population in order to run in a totalitarian system that would make Orwell drool)
Can you pass some popcorn.. ?
Think about what statements like that do the low and middle level deep staters who don't have enough blackmail to protect themselves from ending up as the fall guys.
Bricks are being shat as we speak.
i don't see it as Trump calling out Durham, he's simply taunting the deepstate coz they know EXACTLY what is in the Durham report, in addition to the one-way tickets to GITMO.
Yeah, what if Durham is already tearing them a new one by the boatload, keeping it on the "Q.T."?
It's Punch and Judy show!
He has asked two times now(?)
Durham will apear, when Donald asks the third time.
Like Beetlejuice.
I see what you did there.
Whatever you do, don't say that 2 more times
Today Aug 9. 8+9= 17
The autism here scares me sometimes
did q start aug 8th?
No, it was in an October.
I don't think so, I thought October ... but that's the drops, I'm not sure when the first contact was made. ....
It was over before it began.
It was over before it began.
It was over before it began.
It was over before it began.
There's a famous quote "The battle is won before it's begun". Maybe Sun Tzu? Art of War?
Damn! I’ve got to find that book!
The meme is already out there.
Anyone who doesn't see that this man clearly has every card up his sleeve that could possibly be needed is just looking to lose themselves in a Doomer death spiral.
Well said!
This could be an 'Art of War' moment... (When you are strong, appear weak.)
What if he wanted to appear weak, and knew that Durham had been compromised?
Wouldn't he 'appear weak' if he was calling out to him? Wouldn't that make the bad guys laugh at POTUS? Wouldn't they feel smug?
I have no idea how the death blow will fall - but it might not be Durham, or the audits, or anything else we expect...
But I do have faith that something is coming.
Bueller...,Bueller..., Bueller...?
I can never decide if these kinds of statements from Trump are exasperated pleas for someone to DO something, or savage taunts aimed at the bad guys. From what I've seen of Trump in the past, I lean toward "savage taunts". Hopium?
If you are looking for the people who spied on your campaign, check out the part they are having in the vineyard and laughing about it.
I beginning to think Durham is like bloody Mary. You have to repeat his name to summon him. Maybe Trump needs to do it 3 times in one statement for it to work.
He's not going to ask a question he doesn't already know the answer to.
“Where’s Durham?” is the new, “Who is John Gault?”
Does anybody have a quicker link to these "Statements" by POTUS.
I have these so far:
Some mirrors don't to have the latest (this one) yet.
Even the telegram mirror someone is doing doesn't have it.
Reminding democRATs that they should be shitting themselves.
Small Q Proof - kek
"We have it all"
Just makes me think. Remember DJT doesn't ask questions he doesn't already know the answer to.
Im losing hope each day, but god damn ill be excited when Durham shows up
Oh, oh! I do!! I 'member!!! 🙋
During this time I learned about these sources of information:
Oh, and Durham is in North Carolina.
Yes, we remember. This is not a question that he expects will be answered, but nervously ignored. I want them nervous. I want them uncomfortable. I want them fearful like they've never feared before. I want more than that, but I am - so far, a non-violent man.
Trump knows as well as we do that the illegal spy campaign against him is "less than 1%" of what Durham's report is about. This is signaling. (self-explanatory) ("scope exceeds illegal spy campaign?") (a partial list of what his investigation covers, which despite being partial is still huge) (Q asks a bunch of questions that are to be answered by events in the news) (Q gives a hint as to what the solution is)
^Trump tweet from Dec. 23 teasing that a special counsel is investigating the voter fraud (Durham's mandate was obviously expanded). Incidentally, this was on the same date that Barr stepped down "to spend Christmas with his family" which allowed a new guy to take over who had written research papers before on foreign interference in our election. Forgot his name (would appreciate a reminder if anyone knows) but these are easy dots to connect.
Anyone else remember when the planefags twice saw a DOJ-registered plane flying to Toronto, where Dominion's HQ is located? That was obviously Durham.
Some interesting lines from "How do you 'show' the public the truth?" "Sometimes you must walk through the darkness before you see the light."
This strongly hinted that they are going to "show" the public the truth by intentionally losing the battle to force a contingent election then use Durham to vitiate the treasonous admin's oaths of office and declare Trump the rightful winner. There is precedent for a strategy like this in the fight for the border wall funding; Trump pretended to lose the negotiations for the wall funding while having planned all along to just declare a national emergency and order the military to build it (red castle green castle + F15 proofs). In fact, he got more than the $5 billion he had initially asked for by doing this because he agreed to sign the spending bill if they would just give him the largest military spending bill in history instead.
Trump did say back in June that we are going to take back the White House "sooner than you think."
Kind of feels like we've gone full circle...
Esp since last thing Q wrote was just Durham. Its a bit of hopium and also interesting bringing up their spying crimes rn again.
Wow, I'm old enough to remember back with spying on an opponents campaign was a big deal.
Seems like small potatoes in the world of today where criminal are openly plotting vaccine genocide of 3/4 of the human race.
The Durham investigation has had no leaks. It's legit, Trump knows it's legit, and this is a signal to him or us.
Personally, I don't think we're near the precipice. Moderate or apolitical normies are still asleep and aren't nearly angry enough. We'll know we're near the precipice when the normies collectively have a universal "WTF?!" reaction to some government action. That's what we're waiting on.
If the military is the only way, Durham's report will likely be released and no one will enforce the indictments or it's release will be blocked and the military will have to step in that way.
The problem with Durham is I don't see the federal judicial system being able to prosecute these people. It would turn into a political parade and most of them would likely get the Clinesmith treatment. So it's likely the report/indictments will be messed with in some way leading the military tribunals to handle it.
Everyone here should study the Manual of the Law of War and devolution. Those things will organize and make sense out of what's happening.
There is NO WAY that Trump got into this without arlready seeing the victory at the end. No way.
In Barbados, in disguise, sipping on a frosty beverage, enjoying his $25M windfall courtesy of the Clinton Foundation?
The guys been a deep state hack who squashes investigations his entire career. Appointed by Holder Reno and Barr….and Sessions
I hope and pray I’m wrong. His appointment by sessions the same day of Qs first drop is an enticing tidbit but probably purposeful misdirection.
PS. Still comfy, God wins.
im erect
He never answers a question without knowing the answer
meanwhile over in TDW, WhErEs DuRhAm reeeeeeeeee
Signal... today it begins.
I wish. I wonder what will happen when the EAS system is activated nationwide on Wednesday afternoon. Will it just be a test?
What day was that last major test a couple years ago??
They seem to do it between aug-oct.
Remember the message people got on their tv screen?
I got it over the air. Can't remember what it said though.
October 2018 iirc
Yeah, i think it got pushed back iir
This was posted at TheDonald. The responses are shocking. Th5e should change their name to NotTheDonald or WeRejectTheDonald.
I wonder how fast that snowball is going to pick up speed? D5?
What with AZ audit results due any time now and the Cyber Symposium, let's add Durham indictments to the mix!
I’m envisioning Durham & 45 at Mar-a-Lago sitting across from each other & 45 says, “check out my new Post”? As he swivels his laptop to Durham and they both laugh their asses-off. Since the impact of the D-Report would get stifled, Q-uashed & buried then WHEN would you drop it? As a MOAB with the rest that comes to play THIS WEEK?!! Yeah, I datefagged. I expect to be wrong these days so I learned long-ago not to datefagg. We gotta remember McAfee’s data too?! Incoming MOABS, no sauce...just speculation. Ok slam me now I earned it. 💥😂