Honestly - knowing about viral load and the mRNA being sexually transmitted / hereditary - it may be in the worlds benefit if the vaccinated do actually decline rapidly.
Hard to type this out. Keeps popping in my head. I didn’t make them get the jab
along with the total lack of generational studies that have been done.
Typically when a vaccine is approved for anything the simplest and cheapest study you can do is a reproductive study. Basically it’s done by taking mice and injecting them and seeing if they are able to reproduce still. It’s actually one of the cheapest studies both monetarily, effort wise, and time wise.
They have VERY closely guarded this data.
So - yes - I am making some assumptions based on the predicate that refusing to disclose this data is damning & spiritually - I feel it’s based on sterility.
I’ve figure out a lot and anyone pretending to know what The Plan is or is not - a Pied Piper or a Judas.
I’ve had lots of talks with ER doctors in Houston - they’re panicking. Starting to realize the vaccine isn’t what they thought it was and many of them felt like objecting and didnt. Many are staying where they are because “if we leave they will replace us with someone that won’t bat an eyelash to increase injection rates while letting quality of care plummet.”
Personally I’ve been encouraging them all to leave - even if they violate NDA - and go into real health whilst leaving behind the Pharmaceutical Ghetto Medicine paradigm behind.
More than one were in total NDA and facing threats almost constantly - living in monitored closed communities they first entered under the premise of lucrative contracts.
These doctors see the horror and it all started with spontaneous miscarriages. More than even someone with Ostrich Syndrome could ignore. After that it was injected females ( 10 - 14yr ) that started menstruating - that violently bled out. The words were “this is so much worse than Merck and Gardasil. It’s like they learned how to make this anatomical process even more violent. The only explanation is the body doesn’t just have an immune response - it’s like it thinks the boosted estrogen is a toxin.”
Yeah, because Executive Branch orders do not apply to Legislative or Judicial Branch employees. Or, to the general public. Only to the Executive Branch employees.
No. Wrong. Justice within the human justice system is quite appropriate AND Biblical. We, as private individuals, are not allowed to do it. But the legal system IS, and we may justly desire it. Vengeance is the Lord's, but justice and vengeance are not the same thing. We may justly seek out justice to be done.
The human traffickers, traitors, liars and cheats should meet justice, here and now. Then later God's justice on the Great and Terrible Day of Judgement.
Turning the cheek has to be one of the most misunderstood concepts in Christianity. I chalk it up to the rise of "feel good" sugary Christianity that took over mainstream religion. Jesus wasn't saying "do not, under any circumstances, engage in combat with your enemies who wish to murder you" it was a reference to how to deal with interpersonal relationships with people you regularly are in contact with (family, friends, bosses, coworkers, etc.)
It means don't let slights against you rile you up and cause you to burn bridges amongst people in your life. It doesn't mean "oh heck, I know they're committing genocide against me and my loves ones, but hey turn the other cheek and all that am I right?".
I'm incredibly tired of this nonsense. Stuff like this has caused the utter emasculation of Christianity into New Age pacifist B.S.
Thank you. The bastardization grinds my gears as well.
One of the things that pisses me off is "Christians" who dont even know the proper context of the cherry picked passages they vomit in order to appear superior in a discussion.
I dont mind using biblical reference at all, as i do it time to time, just make it fits the context properly instead of trying to score points.
Christianity versus religion. Seems like most people don't know the difference anymore. I've told several people about authentic Christianity and can almost watch the light bulb come on in their eyes. They'd been seeing it all wrong for so long and it turned them away. Jesus and the disciples were some pretty tough fellas.
There is just so much doctrinal nonsense being passed off as Christianity today that it becomes really easy to toss the baby out with the bath water. I admit that earlier in my life I became an atheist for a short time when I didn't know better, and part of that reason was because I was so turned off by a lot of mainstream theology and the types of people spouting it. I had to really dig into the stuff to sift the wheat from the chaff, and it was only then I realized that most of it is chaff these days.
But that's how I learned the difference between religion and spiritual truth so it was a necessary part of the journey I suppose. I don't really engage in doctrinal debates much but sometimes I just have to say something when I keep seeing the same tired nonsense popping up again and again.
Would be interesting if they are all "Republicans" and began dying in droves. Maybe those in office playing along with the scheme will begin seeing that they weren't given the saline shot and are on the hit list.
I could care less if that's the case lol. But it would be interesting.
Age matters and he was suffering from multiple myeloma, a cancer of the plasma cells that reduces your ability to produce antibodies and fight off infections. I dont think this is the proof against covid vaccines.
Man, Newsmax is falling all over themselves to praise this guy, a symbol of the military-industrial complex who worked for the Bushes and despised Trump so much that he left the Republican party. They casually mentioned that he was doubled-vaxxed and then kept moving from that little fact.
It is definitely taking the news cycle by storm, that's for sure. It's typically getting higher rates than any commie outlet and it often beats Faux News.
Age matters and he was suffering from multiple myeloma, a cancer of the plasma cells that reduces your ability to produce antibodies and fight off infections. I dont think this is the proof against covid vaccines.
Cancer that takes over like mad once your immune system is suppressed - like with two COVID vaccines. Family said it was due to "complications from the COVID vaccine". Imagine that.
Just re-read it. They said 'complications from COVID-19'. And said he was 'fully vaccinated'. Apparently I added the "vaccine" to the "complications". Not hard to do.
I'm sorry, where were they subtracting the deaths of those over 80 with pre-existing conditions from the covid death counters on the screens of cable news networks? Nowhere? Ok then I don't give a fuck. Of course his days were numbered but this is (at best) proof that the vaccine wasn't enough to save him. At worst it was hampering his body's ability to fight it off.
Bullshit, want to be he got jab #3 and that's what did it? If he did get it I would love to know when he got it becuase the trend with people dying of #3 is in the 7-9 day range. Either way rest in piss you globalist piece of shit.
Always wondered why he and so many other big names did their banking through where my mom worked
He was one of her customers. God I wish she was still here. I want to hear who was the guy who kept wanting to send a plane up n take her to parties. Kek. Mom had a very youthful voice n they thought she was younger.
So is this dead dead or dead to the masses in Gitmo?
My “vaxed” daughter just sent me a text shocked he died from Covid. Red-pilled her back with..…”wasn’t he vaccinated?”
I hate to wish death on people, but in this case I'm going to let it rip....
I hope we have a flurry of high profile swamp rats that die in the next month.
It may be the only thing that saves millions from being forced into the vax.
Fuck em, they had their chance to repent and set the record straight.
Honestly - knowing about viral load and the mRNA being sexually transmitted / hereditary - it may be in the worlds benefit if the vaccinated do actually decline rapidly.
Hard to type this out. Keeps popping in my head. I didn’t make them get the jab
Where have you read that it is sexually transmitted?
I am basing this on
along with the total lack of generational studies that have been done.
Typically when a vaccine is approved for anything the simplest and cheapest study you can do is a reproductive study. Basically it’s done by taking mice and injecting them and seeing if they are able to reproduce still. It’s actually one of the cheapest studies both monetarily, effort wise, and time wise.
They have VERY closely guarded this data.
So - yes - I am making some assumptions based on the predicate that refusing to disclose this data is damning & spiritually - I feel it’s based on sterility.
The mRNA likely transmits, but the graphene and hydra vulgaris probably stay in the host.
Gives a new twist to "Hail Hydra!"
I don't understand why all of it wouldn't have the potential to transfer to both a sexual partner and to any offspring.
all part of The Plan, or had you not figured that out yet?
I’ve figure out a lot and anyone pretending to know what The Plan is or is not - a Pied Piper or a Judas.
I’ve had lots of talks with ER doctors in Houston - they’re panicking. Starting to realize the vaccine isn’t what they thought it was and many of them felt like objecting and didnt. Many are staying where they are because “if we leave they will replace us with someone that won’t bat an eyelash to increase injection rates while letting quality of care plummet.”
Personally I’ve been encouraging them all to leave - even if they violate NDA - and go into real health whilst leaving behind the Pharmaceutical Ghetto Medicine paradigm behind.
More than one were in total NDA and facing threats almost constantly - living in monitored closed communities they first entered under the premise of lucrative contracts.
These doctors see the horror and it all started with spontaneous miscarriages. More than even someone with Ostrich Syndrome could ignore. After that it was injected females ( 10 - 14yr ) that started menstruating - that violently bled out. The words were “this is so much worse than Merck and Gardasil. It’s like they learned how to make this anatomical process even more violent. The only explanation is the body doesn’t just have an immune response - it’s like it thinks the boosted estrogen is a toxin.”
I seriously doubt many of our top politicians are getting vaxxed. Biden didn't even mandate it on Congress. For a reason.
Same reason they didn't force themselves to use Obamacare. Cuz they know its sucks.
Definitely a possibility. It could all be a big cover for these guys disappearing to a certain justice center in Cuba as well.
Yeah, because Executive Branch orders do not apply to Legislative or Judicial Branch employees. Or, to the general public. Only to the Executive Branch employees.
Turn the other cheek brother. Let God do the judgement
I'll turn the cheek after we win. But until then, I view these people as a threat to me, my family, freedom and my religion.
I can forgive once we win, but for now we are still fighting for our lives.
No prohibition on helping to bring transgressors to Judgement.
I agree!!!
Agree to disagree ❤️🇺🇸
No. Wrong. Justice within the human justice system is quite appropriate AND Biblical. We, as private individuals, are not allowed to do it. But the legal system IS, and we may justly desire it. Vengeance is the Lord's, but justice and vengeance are not the same thing. We may justly seek out justice to be done.
The human traffickers, traitors, liars and cheats should meet justice, here and now. Then later God's justice on the Great and Terrible Day of Judgement.
Agree to disagree
I’m not without sin, and won’t cast the first stone
Turning the cheek has to be one of the most misunderstood concepts in Christianity. I chalk it up to the rise of "feel good" sugary Christianity that took over mainstream religion. Jesus wasn't saying "do not, under any circumstances, engage in combat with your enemies who wish to murder you" it was a reference to how to deal with interpersonal relationships with people you regularly are in contact with (family, friends, bosses, coworkers, etc.)
It means don't let slights against you rile you up and cause you to burn bridges amongst people in your life. It doesn't mean "oh heck, I know they're committing genocide against me and my loves ones, but hey turn the other cheek and all that am I right?".
I'm incredibly tired of this nonsense. Stuff like this has caused the utter emasculation of Christianity into New Age pacifist B.S.
Thank you. The bastardization grinds my gears as well.
One of the things that pisses me off is "Christians" who dont even know the proper context of the cherry picked passages they vomit in order to appear superior in a discussion.
I dont mind using biblical reference at all, as i do it time to time, just make it fits the context properly instead of trying to score points.
Christianity versus religion. Seems like most people don't know the difference anymore. I've told several people about authentic Christianity and can almost watch the light bulb come on in their eyes. They'd been seeing it all wrong for so long and it turned them away. Jesus and the disciples were some pretty tough fellas.
#1 Anti-religious dude in the 1st Century:
There is just so much doctrinal nonsense being passed off as Christianity today that it becomes really easy to toss the baby out with the bath water. I admit that earlier in my life I became an atheist for a short time when I didn't know better, and part of that reason was because I was so turned off by a lot of mainstream theology and the types of people spouting it. I had to really dig into the stuff to sift the wheat from the chaff, and it was only then I realized that most of it is chaff these days.
But that's how I learned the difference between religion and spiritual truth so it was a necessary part of the journey I suppose. I don't really engage in doctrinal debates much but sometimes I just have to say something when I keep seeing the same tired nonsense popping up again and again.
"The number one argument against Christianity is Christians"
I *think that was C.S Lewis who said that (an ex atheist).
God can sort them out when they get to the gates. There's nothing wrong with hoping they go that judgment.
Would be interesting if they are all "Republicans" and began dying in droves. Maybe those in office playing along with the scheme will begin seeing that they weren't given the saline shot and are on the hit list.
I could care less if that's the case lol. But it would be interesting.
He was registered a R at one time and when he served in the administration, but he endorsed Biden and had nothing good to say about President Trump.
The worst of the rats haven't taken real shots.
He would have to be. He got a write up from CNN.
Yep. Don't like linking, but its worth noting they are saying he died of cancer due to complications of covid, and he was double vaccinated.
Not the whole truth, but its something.
Get the gears turning 😁
Age matters and he was suffering from multiple myeloma, a cancer of the plasma cells that reduces your ability to produce antibodies and fight off infections. I dont think this is the proof against covid vaccines.
Unless said vaccines kill your fighter Tcells. Kinda accelerates death.
A regular at Bohemian Grove. Went to the UN to lie before the world about "mobile chemical weapons plants." Fuck him
Time for Powell to meet Molech
Demons don"t run hell. Hell was created for their eternal punishment. Mt.25:41. Powell has now meant Jesus and i'm guessing it didn't go his way.
Powell stood against the Iraq war. What side are we on ?
Was he really against it though??
I'm sure Molech will be pleased to have one of his demons return.
Man, Newsmax is falling all over themselves to praise this guy, a symbol of the military-industrial complex who worked for the Bushes and despised Trump so much that he left the Republican party. They casually mentioned that he was doubled-vaxxed and then kept moving from that little fact.
Frick Newsmax Just like Fox News I only watch one or two of the hosts. Gutfield and Ingraham on Fox, Kelly and Stinchfield on Newsmax,
Been tellin people since 2016 Newsmax is comp'd. They supported and gave a huge donation to Hillary's campaign against Trump.
Never did get the Newsmax hype.
It is definitely taking the news cycle by storm, that's for sure. It's typically getting higher rates than any commie outlet and it often beats Faux News.
Surprised it got a mention at all. Seems to me they'd leave that tidbit out while pushing the vax mandate agenda. Interesting.
Should have gotten his booster!
I will buy this. Give him the wrinkled flag McStain funeral
This is what i am waiting to see. If theres a wrinkled unkempt flag over his coffin, that'll be the confirmation.
Something tells me once this is over, the truth will be revealed.
i doubt it.
I mean, it's kind of curious that in one week, Clinton is hospitalized and Powell dies.
I'm wondering the same thing.
Double vaxxed and paid the Tax
Can we create the “colinpowell” award?
Oh man, that sucks. Anyway...
Sure he did. 👌🏼
Isn’t this the DS pos who helped bush jr start the war in Iraq with fake “proof” if wmd’s. He lied to start a meaningless war
Age matters and he was suffering from multiple myeloma, a cancer of the plasma cells that reduces your ability to produce antibodies and fight off infections. I dont think this is the proof against covid vaccines.
Yep. Newsmax just said that his family reports he was fully vaccinated.
great redpill moment
He would have died a lot worse if he wasn't vaxxed.
It’s all because he didn’t get his booster!
His death from COVID after being fully vaxxed will wake up a LOT of sleeping giants who got the jab.
84 years and multiple myeloma, a cancer of the plasma cells that reduces your ability to produce antibodies and fight off infections.
If you watched this video you would KNOW that cancers come back in the vaxxed with a vengence.... so what really killed him?
Cancer that takes over like mad once your immune system is suppressed - like with two COVID vaccines. Family said it was due to "complications from the COVID vaccine". Imagine that.
The family blamed the vaccine? Interesting.
Just re-read it. They said 'complications from COVID-19'. And said he was 'fully vaccinated'. Apparently I added the "vaccine" to the "complications". Not hard to do.
I'm sorry, where were they subtracting the deaths of those over 80 with pre-existing conditions from the covid death counters on the screens of cable news networks? Nowhere? Ok then I don't give a fuck. Of course his days were numbered but this is (at best) proof that the vaccine wasn't enough to save him. At worst it was hampering his body's ability to fight it off.
And a double jab of the vax will tear your immune system down even more.
Guy was big in the Thousand Points of Light stuff. Part of the gig if you're a Bush henchman.
Just posted something myself and then saw this just below. Was he a DS guy or a secret patriot?
Yes, said the same thing to husband minutes ago, was probably executed like McNoname
He was DS. He also turned openly liberal at some point, didn't he? And he hated Trump.
The guy ruined his own career and reputation with that WMD nonsense he sold to the UN.
Either that, or his handlers told him to do so or else.
He was no patriot.
Colin Powell was a figurehead who was managed.
They abused his trust used his credibility and made him look like a fool.
He's a DS guy but had some spicy emails "hacked" a few years ago, it's where the Clinton dicking bimbos line came from.
2 covids to the back of the head.
Sometimes I think that they "sacrifice" one of their own if the news cycle starts getting a little old and run-of-the-mill.
First Slick Willy in the hospital for fake sepsis and now Colon dead. I think they are scared.
Bullshit, want to be he got jab #3 and that's what did it? If he did get it I would love to know when he got it becuase the trend with people dying of #3 is in the 7-9 day range. Either way rest in piss you globalist piece of shit.
My MIL is triple jabbed and I'm betting she'll stay alive just to taunt me.
LOL. Mine too!
Could this be a form of "suicide" the DS will use to take out the people they think are a threat?
I used to admire this man. After learning about 9/11 and the W administration, not so much anymore
Suckin up the news cycle!
Here’s a link to his correspondence with others about Bohemian Grove
Looking forward to whether or not his flag is wrinkled.
Colon Prowl
Stood up against the HORRIBLE January 6 INSURRECTION and was an avid pro-choice ally - burn in hell mother fucker.
the deep state players aren't getting vaxxed or dying from the china virus.
95% sure he was executed.
"Colin Powell will not be endorsing any more Democrats. He will, of course, continue voting for them." -- Ace of Spade blog
Now he'll be able to vote eternally.
Hell is forever you traitorous piece of shit!
Bet it wasn't cv19 he was a traitor
He was fully vaxed. I'm hoping this will be a huge red pill for vax pushers, as well as the African American community.
On a side note, I find the timing very interesting. Anyone know how Slick Willy is doing? ;-)
Ivermectin? Nope.
Live by the Reeee! die by the Reeeee!
One less traitor
might want to check the guest list at the spa ...
Always wondered why he and so many other big names did their banking through where my mom worked He was one of her customers. God I wish she was still here. I want to hear who was the guy who kept wanting to send a plane up n take her to parties. Kek. Mom had a very youthful voice n they thought she was younger. So is this dead dead or dead to the masses in Gitmo?