Remember when the state department officials started to have weird reactions and were loosing their hearing. They suffered neurological damage and could no longer perform their duties. It was in Cuba and they felt they were attacked by some type of frequency device. To the point that Cuba came out with a statement that they were not responsible for these attacks.
Sounds like the effect of infrasonic sound waves (lower than the human ear can distinguish). At high amplitude, they cause the lung cavity to resonate. Might run into them while playing "In-a-Gadda-da-Vida" at full bore.
Man, I vaguely remember reading something a long time ago about cruise ships having some sound device installed to protect them from pirates (they aren't allowed to arm themselves for some reason).
Nearly everything we consume contains DNA, RNA, and mRNA (especially meat). The digestive system breaks it down before the nutrients enter the bloodstream and the bad parts get excreted.
The vax is an injection to bypass the natural protections of the digestive system. I wouldn't intentionally eat it, but I doubt it'll be as harmful if swallowed.
What about chicken and beef? We tried the magnet trick at home and it stuck to the chicken breast, even upside down. I wonder how they've incorporated something that would make the meat magnetic. Would it be in the feed that farmers/ranchers give their chickens and cows?? Do the ranchers/farmers know there is something they are feeding their animals that makes the meat magnetic? How is this happening?
Same here. Magnet stuck to organic chicken breasts. Stopped shopping at that big chain grocery store, and now buy our chicken from 2 local organic/non-GMO/no hormones chicken farmers.
Nope, the organic chicken was still in the package with a thin clear cellophane shrink wrap over it. I dried it, no condensation present. The magnet stuck to all parts of the chicken, even when the package was turned upside down.
Since then, I’ve also seen multiple videos online of magnetic chicken with the “Signature” brand and also the Tyson brand. I take a magnet with me when I buy chicken/meats and test it.
Graphene oxide was found in Pellegrino water, when the water was spun/separated out. There was a video about this. Additionally, saw a video where Kellogg’s Special K cereal was crushed and magnetic particles were found in it. It’s everywhere.
We have changed the way we eat as a result of this. No processed foods. Eat whole, local, organic, non-GMO foods. No soy or seed oil ingredients, no high fructose corn syrup, no food colorings, no natural/artificial flavorings, no chemicals “disguised” as food. Drink lots of filtered water with no fluoride (we use a Berkey water filtration system with both the black and white filters). Changed out all of our bath and body type products (toothpastes, deodorants, soaps, shampoos, etc). Added nutritional supplements including the FLCCC i-Mask Prophylaxis protocol and some other key natural supplements.
The results are amazing. We all feel great! My metabolism seemingly “turned on” again, and I’ve been losing about half a pound a week with no other changes. I have more energy throughout the day!
I’m happy to answer any questions about our changes. If you want to start investigating what’s really in our foods here in America, scroll through @theFoodBabe Instagram page at: She’s really good at pointing out the bad stuff in our foods, educating and offering healthy alternatives.
I know what you mean about the metal wrapper pad under the chicken. This packaging didn't have the pad, just a styrofoam base and a clear cellophane shrink wrapper.
I tried to de-bunk the magnetism, but unfortunately, it was the raw chicken itself that was magnetic.
I did take a video of my magnetic chicken to show my family and friends, but I’m not comfortable posting it here. I don’t want to doxx myself. It did happen and as a result, it changed everything we consume.
any chance you would make a new post listing some of the things you are willing to use, eat, etc? I raise my own poultry for food and buy my beef from a trusted friend that raises organic angus beef... we don't eat pork as I have not found a local farmer raising it in a manner that I can feel is safe to consume... I have lots of Amish neighbors that I buy my soap and things from and also have my own garden with non gmo plants... but I am always looking to eliminate the stores... I have stopped all big pharma meds except my Sumatriptan for chronic migraines (I take LOTS of vitamins and supplements instead) but I can't seem to find something that helps besides the Sumatriptan so I continue using it but I fear the day I will not be able to get it.
Wow, it sounds like you have a great plan in place! We don’t eat any pig products anymore either, ever since I did a deep dive on parasites. I even found a good organic uncured turkey bacon (Applegate Organics). The Amish have wonderful products and heirloom seeds.
I have two books that I recommend, and I will look through them for migraine help for you:
Alternative Medicine: The Definitive Guide (2nd Edition) by Larry Trivieri, John W. Anderson, Burton Goldberg
The Cure for All Diseases by Hulda Regehr Clark
Here’s a quote from her book:
Only Two Health Problems No matter how long and confusing is the list of symptoms a person has, from chronic fatigue to infertility to mental problems, I am sure to find only two things wrong: they have in them pollutants and/or parasites. I never find lack of exercise, vitamin deficiencies, hormone levels or anything else to be a primary causative factor.
Dr. Clark also includes recipes (to avoid pollutants) in her book for natural body products, cosmetics and household products. You might find some of these helpful in eliminating stores.
I’ll post here again later today after looking through the books for migraine help.
I bet a LOT of normies are connecting this to the vaxx, they're already coming to terms with the satanic symbolism. Symbolism will be their downfall, and it was undeniable here, and it's all over the internet, they have no way to suppress it. Churches will be seeing a rise in attendance soon, especially in Texas.
This is absolutely true. I posted a meme about this on Facebook and several of my normie friends started asking LOTS of questions. One of them said he'd seen pictures of it all happening on Tik Tok and it looked like they were all under mass control of some kind.
Two questions in and we went from mass hypnosis/hysteria to the Cabal and Adrenochrome. It's VERY easy to red pill them when they have concerns like this to start with.
Just FYI ther is disinformation on both sides so take everything in, and don't be too quick to "choose" what is truth - Which is a lot slower than the speed of lies.
So the guy with Narcan was the only one who was pricked with a needle.
He was a security guard and discovered by the police laying in a bathroom stall having a textbook heroin overdose. When they revived him, he said he was trying to throw a guy out and got injected and then felt woozy.
He either got attacked or OD'd while on the job. I'll believe either in that town.
I said this morning: The switch was flipped and you just saw what the jab nanotechnology can do...zombies? Other sites are now reporting this possibility. Think Cuba Embassy Sonic attacks to the Ambassador and dignitaries? Fried their minds and turned them into miniature zombies. It’s my gut feeling that this is the ULTIMATE method of control of the people and we need to take a stand before it’s to late. We have been warned to stockpile food and self-defense tools—for what? A Chinese attack? No I think it’s to fight off the mental widgets that took the jab. I pray I am 100% wrong!!
I have been beating the drum on the Havana syndrome being frequency or sound related - I have to say, whatever it is, they are keeping a tight lid on us getting any information about it.
Wonder what 'new' vaccines these US diplomatic staff had to take before taking their station in the US embassy in Havana? Could those Havana Syndrome suffers have been the original, in-field beta test of a weapon? Scary that it could have been coordinated thru our own state dept.
I think it was a test for the program. People running around giving shots, drugs, everyone vaxed, sonics, RF, crowd control, monitoring, all in place for the trial. And of course, de debil. Bonus, they got some cadavers to carve up to see if the 'chrome production is up.
Made to think it was the sound perhaps? But possibly the switch was flipped on the 5G at the same time. Dialed to the loss of breath and heart palpitations frequency? Is it 60 GHz that oxygen stops being assimilated into the haemoglobin? Wouldn’t be surprised if the graphene oxide and whatever else is now in the jabbed vaxtards greatly enhances this type of fuckery. My gut instinct says this is exactly what is happening. Time will tell.
I play royal rife frequencies from the internet for healing. I would not attend concerts etc or listen to music as they are all set to a bad frequencies by Rockefeller years all got changed knowing it promotes disharmony and violence. What frequency heavy metal is played at I don't know as I won't listen it's that bad.
There needs to be a law passed to ban all these frequencies.
I mean outside of that I made it to the venue and talked to some low level Live Nation employees that said the folks that died were super duper out of shape types that were each found with drugs.
Majority had Molly that was being tested and suspected laced & others had what looked like fake Xanax ( in the dark they wouldn’t have known better )
Live Nation guy said “I think if they were not vaxxed maybe a few would have not been so hurt”.
I mean all I know is that it’s looking like we had some George Floyd action w someone dumping a bunch of bad pills all at the same time. My guess is someone had a K-Pack and they ran it loose with a dozen or so dealer heads, everyone dosed about the same time, wham. I’m not even hearing the trampling was a thing. It really was just people dropping.
If these cats had no tolerance to opiates that fentanyl would have slapped them down fast
There's footage of people pulling needles out their neck in pain and then being set upon by "teens" "Wilding" etc. On the other hand low frequency noise causes heart problems.
See if you can find a fight, it's a bare chested guy and others jumping on some lad with a black T shirt on trying to knock him down and keep him down. In one of the frames, depending on which POV it is I guess, the guy on the floor has a hypoderm in his hand, I saw this yesterday and figured he was the one stabbing people, but there was an image of him prior to it in a grimace trying to pull it from his neck where it was buried up to the hilt.
Yeah same people but it was a different camera, that's the altercation I saw though, dude who started it it seems in your context ended up with a hypoderm in his neck, was yanking it out in the press, gets blocked by other people in front of the camera then you can see him with it in his hand still on the floor, at which point he gets jumped on by a load of people, possibly thinking he is the one injecting people? Who knows, none of it's very clear but TLDR - right scene wrong camera.
What the....the verbiage in that website is enough to freak me out w/o reading it. Satanic mind control patents? 😳🙈 Gives a whole new meaning to “put on the full armor of God” and that verse is already pretty self explanatory.
It might be the vax, or it literally was a combination of frequencies. There has always been some that cause problems. A combination of them could well be enough without needing the vaccine. The "voice of god" was a darpa project for years after all.
Ezekiel 28:13 describing Satan before "the fall": "The workmanship of your timbrels and pipes was prepared for you on the day you were created."
A musical reference...was Satan some kind of worship leader? That's what they do in heaven...Satan was at the top among the angels....maybe Tesla was onto something.....
So strange seeing the term AstroWorld used in this context. Growing up in Houston, AstroWorld was the coolest theme park on earth. So it's even stranger that these deaths occurred near or on the grounds of the now-demolished AstroWorld theme park in Houston and not in any other city on that tour. That can't be coincidence.
Here's a good video regarding Cymatics and the effect of frequencies on matter. I have been researching the effects of GO and the reactions in different frequencies and infrasounds on the human body and it is not good, lethal is the word I would use.
I’m an epileptic and flashing lights, certain music/frequencies, loud and fast music, and heat/crowded spaces all trigger seizures. I don’t have 5G but my son does, and when I go to his apartment I can feel it. It makes my chest tight, makes me short of breath, jittery and I feel like having seizures.✨🧪🧬
I developed seizures in 2006 after the flu vaccine. Go figure. I think they have been putting graphine in vaccines for a long time. ⚡️⚡️🔥
My brother has been red pilled since he was a teen and he’s 48. 🐸💥🌟
He told me that they have been putting graphine and parasites in vaccines for a long time. They are just accelerating things.🧐🧐
Not tough to check. Grab a frequency generator and amplify 20Hz to 20kHz signals into a set of speakers, or pair of headphones, and listen away. Just need some test subjects.
sounds like an effective form of riot control when the vaxxed covidiots finally lose their shit and take to the streets.
Think they already use frequency devices to disperse crowds.
Remember when the state department officials started to have weird reactions and were loosing their hearing. They suffered neurological damage and could no longer perform their duties. It was in Cuba and they felt they were attacked by some type of frequency device. To the point that Cuba came out with a statement that they were not responsible for these attacks.
Havana Syndrome. They probably did the same in Kabul. I’ve had lingering issues since returning 5 years ago.
The technology exists but its not necessarily easy to deploy
I've seen a video that showed a military type vehicle with a loudhailer on the roof being tested on a crowd. They scattered very quickly.
LRAD has entered the chat.
Long Range Acoustic Device, comes in vehicle mounted or a smaller handheld unit like the one in the video linked above.
A very loud piercing siren like a car alarm.
It's not just LRAD, which is audible (in the usual way), but the theory is that microwave millimeter waves can also be used as weapons: see
5G/30hz uses oxygen to travel and can remove oxygen from your blood. Perfect for blood clots.
Future Weapons had a show on the heat ray a few years back. I expect by now they can make a human downrange go "pop".
That utilized heat though, didn't it? Maybe it was radio frequency that made the person receiving the waves feel intense heat.
We’re teaching at the end of physics w this theory.
Try to get too close to Area 51 and find out
Sounds like the effect of infrasonic sound waves (lower than the human ear can distinguish). At high amplitude, they cause the lung cavity to resonate. Might run into them while playing "In-a-Gadda-da-Vida" at full bore.
Man, I vaguely remember reading something a long time ago about cruise ships having some sound device installed to protect them from pirates (they aren't allowed to arm themselves for some reason).
They do have a giant sound cannon as well as water cannons all non lethal device's
Ear plugs
Zombie apocalypse will be real?
Can't die from the vax if you never got it
It's easy to avoid when it's in a needle but what do we do when it's in our salad?
Nearly everything we consume contains DNA, RNA, and mRNA (especially meat). The digestive system breaks it down before the nutrients enter the bloodstream and the bad parts get excreted.
The vax is an injection to bypass the natural protections of the digestive system. I wouldn't intentionally eat it, but I doubt it'll be as harmful if swallowed.
You're right. The label says it contains genetic material, but it could contain any number of toxins.
I still believe the digestive system is better equipped to deal with toxins than the bloodstream.
What about chicken and beef? We tried the magnet trick at home and it stuck to the chicken breast, even upside down. I wonder how they've incorporated something that would make the meat magnetic. Would it be in the feed that farmers/ranchers give their chickens and cows?? Do the ranchers/farmers know there is something they are feeding their animals that makes the meat magnetic? How is this happening?
Same here. Magnet stuck to organic chicken breasts. Stopped shopping at that big chain grocery store, and now buy our chicken from 2 local organic/non-GMO/no hormones chicken farmers.
Nope, the organic chicken was still in the package with a thin clear cellophane shrink wrap over it. I dried it, no condensation present. The magnet stuck to all parts of the chicken, even when the package was turned upside down.
Since then, I’ve also seen multiple videos online of magnetic chicken with the “Signature” brand and also the Tyson brand. I take a magnet with me when I buy chicken/meats and test it.
Graphene oxide was found in Pellegrino water, when the water was spun/separated out. There was a video about this. Additionally, saw a video where Kellogg’s Special K cereal was crushed and magnetic particles were found in it. It’s everywhere.
We have changed the way we eat as a result of this. No processed foods. Eat whole, local, organic, non-GMO foods. No soy or seed oil ingredients, no high fructose corn syrup, no food colorings, no natural/artificial flavorings, no chemicals “disguised” as food. Drink lots of filtered water with no fluoride (we use a Berkey water filtration system with both the black and white filters). Changed out all of our bath and body type products (toothpastes, deodorants, soaps, shampoos, etc). Added nutritional supplements including the FLCCC i-Mask Prophylaxis protocol and some other key natural supplements.
The results are amazing. We all feel great! My metabolism seemingly “turned on” again, and I’ve been losing about half a pound a week with no other changes. I have more energy throughout the day!
I’m happy to answer any questions about our changes. If you want to start investigating what’s really in our foods here in America, scroll through @theFoodBabe Instagram page at: She’s really good at pointing out the bad stuff in our foods, educating and offering healthy alternatives.
I know what you mean about the metal wrapper pad under the chicken. This packaging didn't have the pad, just a styrofoam base and a clear cellophane shrink wrapper.
I tried to de-bunk the magnetism, but unfortunately, it was the raw chicken itself that was magnetic.
Video of it, or ot didnt happen
I did take a video of my magnetic chicken to show my family and friends, but I’m not comfortable posting it here. I don’t want to doxx myself. It did happen and as a result, it changed everything we consume.
Here’s a few of the videos I saw:
Magnetic Tyson Chicken
Magnetic Kellogg’s Special K cereal
any chance you would make a new post listing some of the things you are willing to use, eat, etc? I raise my own poultry for food and buy my beef from a trusted friend that raises organic angus beef... we don't eat pork as I have not found a local farmer raising it in a manner that I can feel is safe to consume... I have lots of Amish neighbors that I buy my soap and things from and also have my own garden with non gmo plants... but I am always looking to eliminate the stores... I have stopped all big pharma meds except my Sumatriptan for chronic migraines (I take LOTS of vitamins and supplements instead) but I can't seem to find something that helps besides the Sumatriptan so I continue using it but I fear the day I will not be able to get it.
Wow, it sounds like you have a great plan in place! We don’t eat any pig products anymore either, ever since I did a deep dive on parasites. I even found a good organic uncured turkey bacon (Applegate Organics). The Amish have wonderful products and heirloom seeds.
I have two books that I recommend, and I will look through them for migraine help for you:
Alternative Medicine: The Definitive Guide (2nd Edition) by Larry Trivieri, John W. Anderson, Burton Goldberg
The Cure for All Diseases by Hulda Regehr Clark
Here’s a quote from her book:
Dr. Clark also includes recipes (to avoid pollutants) in her book for natural body products, cosmetics and household products. You might find some of these helpful in eliminating stores.
I’ll post here again later today after looking through the books for migraine help.
What do you use for Deodorant, Soap, and Shampoo now?
For deodorant, we use Lume deodorant sticks. Give yourself 3-4 days to get used to it. It really works.
For soap/shampoo/toothpaste, we use Dr. Bronner’s brand. Many natural grocers and some chain grocers carry it in-store.
You got to be shitting me. Trying it tomorrow. Wtf.
I know. It made me feel sick when I realized it. Then I was pissed. How dare they poison our family, especially in a product labeled “organic!”
I added more info below in response to another comment. We have changed everything we consume as a result.
Gotta be graphene oxide. Scary shit but at least we're awake now!
Yes I forgot about that; the magnetic chicken. Maybe it's in the vaccines they give the animals.
They're probably injecting the animals instead of mixing it with their feed.
How do you think they're testing the next round to avoid us anti-vaxxers?
Prisoners, kids in the foster system, etc.
Gotta link?
Here’s a few of the videos I saw:
Magnetic Tyson Chicken
Magnetic Kellogg’s Special K cereal
Thanks NSF.
I bet a LOT of normies are connecting this to the vaxx, they're already coming to terms with the satanic symbolism. Symbolism will be their downfall, and it was undeniable here, and it's all over the internet, they have no way to suppress it. Churches will be seeing a rise in attendance soon, especially in Texas.
I've been making comments on the videos on YouTube. Just my way of dropping redpill hints.
God's work.
This is absolutely true. I posted a meme about this on Facebook and several of my normie friends started asking LOTS of questions. One of them said he'd seen pictures of it all happening on Tik Tok and it looked like they were all under mass control of some kind.
Two questions in and we went from mass hypnosis/hysteria to the Cabal and Adrenochrome. It's VERY easy to red pill them when they have concerns like this to start with.
They just invented Death Rap.
Careful - Cucked Mirriam-Webster was the first to change the definition of "literally". In addition, it now also means figuratively.
true. Necro invented Death Rap
Didn't SpongeBob or Patrick write a death song too?
High jacking, watch this, Graphite oxide dancing to music.
I'm pretty sure that's a scene from Venom where they're analyzing the biothing?
good to know that I won't have to listen to trap anymore.
Wont hurt you with no vax
Good comment, but oh no they did NOT invent it.
Memphis Rap Sigils
DARK stuff
Just FYI ther is disinformation on both sides so take everything in, and don't be too quick to "choose" what is truth - Which is a lot slower than the speed of lies.
All good and valid questions.
Very good questions. But at this point in time, I don't think they will release the truth.
This is just gonna be another Vegas shooter incident. A bunch of questions and no answers. Nothing to see here folks. Memory holed again.
The cop talking about people getting jabbed, in the neck no less, Saying "Something else is going on here" Was bizarre.
And specifically mentioning the event ended at 1010.... like he had to definitely get that piece of info into his weird speech
So the guy with Narcan was the only one who was pricked with a needle.
He was a security guard and discovered by the police laying in a bathroom stall having a textbook heroin overdose. When they revived him, he said he was trying to throw a guy out and got injected and then felt woozy.
He either got attacked or OD'd while on the job. I'll believe either in that town.
I said this morning: The switch was flipped and you just saw what the jab nanotechnology can do...zombies? Other sites are now reporting this possibility. Think Cuba Embassy Sonic attacks to the Ambassador and dignitaries? Fried their minds and turned them into miniature zombies. It’s my gut feeling that this is the ULTIMATE method of control of the people and we need to take a stand before it’s to late. We have been warned to stockpile food and self-defense tools—for what? A Chinese attack? No I think it’s to fight off the mental widgets that took the jab. I pray I am 100% wrong!!
I have been beating the drum on the Havana syndrome being frequency or sound related - I have to say, whatever it is, they are keeping a tight lid on us getting any information about it.
Wonder what 'new' vaccines these US diplomatic staff had to take before taking their station in the US embassy in Havana? Could those Havana Syndrome suffers have been the original, in-field beta test of a weapon? Scary that it could have been coordinated thru our own state dept.
I think it was a test for the program. People running around giving shots, drugs, everyone vaxed, sonics, RF, crowd control, monitoring, all in place for the trial. And of course, de debil. Bonus, they got some cadavers to carve up to see if the 'chrome production is up.
They don't waste a drop
Dr Z said the vaxed have time bombs in them.,,
I honestly think evil shit was present. They opened a portal to hell. Whether it was just theatrics or not Evil accepted the invitation.
Who would’ve thought Kingsman was foreshadowing.
Exactly correct fren!
Have you read "the Parasite Pill" a document that was doing the rounds on here in the Summer? It covers this topic in a massive way.
the concertgoers seem to feel it was the sound that triggered their cardiac response.
but I suppose they could have used 5G towers. Or a combination?
Made to think it was the sound perhaps? But possibly the switch was flipped on the 5G at the same time. Dialed to the loss of breath and heart palpitations frequency? Is it 60 GHz that oxygen stops being assimilated into the haemoglobin? Wouldn’t be surprised if the graphene oxide and whatever else is now in the jabbed vaxtards greatly enhances this type of fuckery. My gut instinct says this is exactly what is happening. Time will tell.
I share your suspicion about graphene opening people up to frequency attacks, whether by 5G, sound, HAARP, or something else.
Yes it's 60 GHz (98%) with a smaller secondary peak (38%) at around 150 GHz.
I'm not sure about the natural frequency of GO. I do know that 5G is proposed to reach up to 47 GHz in the US.
This list of frequencies for various countries is not updated but it gives you a ballpark of which frequencies each region is planning on using.
6G will go way passed 60 GHz though, up to like 230 GHz.
However this technology began as a military weapon and I suspect that when used as a weapon it could emit any frequency desired.
Agreed. Some frequencies just happen to be more efficient at carrying out their intended purpose.
I play royal rife frequencies from the internet for healing. I would not attend concerts etc or listen to music as they are all set to a bad frequencies by Rockefeller years all got changed knowing it promotes disharmony and violence. What frequency heavy metal is played at I don't know as I won't listen it's that bad.
There needs to be a law passed to ban all these frequencies.
I live in the area.
They are not disclosing this yet - this was all Fentanyl.
People overdosed and there was also some nut job jabbing people w a syringe of fentanyl.
He got 3 security guards and more when they tried to stop him. These were burly big dudes and they required Narcan to keep breathing.
First thing that actually makes sense.
I mean outside of that I made it to the venue and talked to some low level Live Nation employees that said the folks that died were super duper out of shape types that were each found with drugs.
Majority had Molly that was being tested and suspected laced & others had what looked like fake Xanax ( in the dark they wouldn’t have known better )
Live Nation guy said “I think if they were not vaxxed maybe a few would have not been so hurt”.
I mean all I know is that it’s looking like we had some George Floyd action w someone dumping a bunch of bad pills all at the same time. My guess is someone had a K-Pack and they ran it loose with a dozen or so dealer heads, everyone dosed about the same time, wham. I’m not even hearing the trampling was a thing. It really was just people dropping.
If these cats had no tolerance to opiates that fentanyl would have slapped them down fast
There's footage of people pulling needles out their neck in pain and then being set upon by "teens" "Wilding" etc. On the other hand low frequency noise causes heart problems.
got any links?
It's been scrubbed... Wow.
See if you can find a fight, it's a bare chested guy and others jumping on some lad with a black T shirt on trying to knock him down and keep him down. In one of the frames, depending on which POV it is I guess, the guy on the floor has a hypoderm in his hand, I saw this yesterday and figured he was the one stabbing people, but there was an image of him prior to it in a grimace trying to pull it from his neck where it was buried up to the hilt.
this one?
Yeah same people but it was a different camera, that's the altercation I saw though, dude who started it it seems in your context ended up with a hypoderm in his neck, was yanking it out in the press, gets blocked by other people in front of the camera then you can see him with it in his hand still on the floor, at which point he gets jumped on by a load of people, possibly thinking he is the one injecting people? Who knows, none of it's very clear but TLDR - right scene wrong camera.
Ebonics music always makes me wanna have seizures and pass out.
DDG search under Frequency Modulation as a Weapon:
Sound and FM used in Iraq war against Iraqi soldiers... Satanic Mind Control Technologies:
What the....the verbiage in that website is enough to freak me out w/o reading it. Satanic mind control patents? 😳🙈 Gives a whole new meaning to “put on the full armor of God” and that verse is already pretty self explanatory.
I agree completely... peace fren...
“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.” ― Nikola Tesla.
[They] know.
...but so do we, and is one reason of many most of us here haven't got the Vax.
Reminiscent of lonely island when will the base drop:
It might be the vax, or it literally was a combination of frequencies. There has always been some that cause problems. A combination of them could well be enough without needing the vaccine. The "voice of god" was a darpa project for years after all.
... 🙏
For the sake of national security... has anyone... anyone called Ja Rule?!?
Kek! 😂
Weaponized music?
Makes sense...
Ezekiel 28:13 describing Satan before "the fall": "The workmanship of your timbrels and pipes was prepared for you on the day you were created."
A musical reference...was Satan some kind of worship leader? That's what they do in heaven...Satan was at the top among the angels....maybe Tesla was onto something.....
A lot of fighting going on too. What was that about?
They call it "The rage life", it's kinda moshing but "urban".
that 60ghz tho
Holy crap!
Frequency more important than we realize.
So strange seeing the term AstroWorld used in this context. Growing up in Houston, AstroWorld was the coolest theme park on earth. So it's even stranger that these deaths occurred near or on the grounds of the now-demolished AstroWorld theme park in Houston and not in any other city on that tour. That can't be coincidence.
Morning Star
Lucifer's world. UB40 singer called Astor died same day, concert was on 666 month after creation of satanic church. Less strange now.
I've got the music in me!
The concert was Friday night. It was in Houston?
Here is a video of an attendee, I found on Twitter
Here's a good video regarding Cymatics and the effect of frequencies on matter. I have been researching the effects of GO and the reactions in different frequencies and infrasounds on the human body and it is not good, lethal is the word I would use.
Did you forget to post a link?
I’m an epileptic and flashing lights, certain music/frequencies, loud and fast music, and heat/crowded spaces all trigger seizures. I don’t have 5G but my son does, and when I go to his apartment I can feel it. It makes my chest tight, makes me short of breath, jittery and I feel like having seizures.✨🧪🧬
I developed seizures in 2006 after the flu vaccine. Go figure. I think they have been putting graphine in vaccines for a long time. ⚡️⚡️🔥
My brother has been red pilled since he was a teen and he’s 48. 🐸💥🌟
He told me that they have been putting graphine and parasites in vaccines for a long time. They are just accelerating things.🧐🧐
If you're referring to 5G wifi, that has little to nothing to do with fifth generation cellular technology specifications.
Take boron tablets to remove it or make up your own solutions with borax...natural product. Details online
I'm amazed that 3 days later there's still only 8 casualties
An infrasound generator can cause all kinds of weird experiences, from ghosts to orgasms, it affects everyone differently.
Sign me up for the orgasm frequency.
They used these from helicopters at the start of Gulf War 1.
What is the angel frequency or god frequency? We should be playing it from our cars. Spreading it.
Not tough to check. Grab a frequency generator and amplify 20Hz to 20kHz signals into a set of speakers, or pair of headphones, and listen away. Just need some test subjects.