Ghislaine's older brother "died" after a car accident, apparently.
Robert and Betty Maxwell's first-born fell into a coma aged 15 after a car crash in 1961 and died eight years later, never having regained consciousness.
Just wondering if that is true, in view of what we know. Some think he turned into Marina Abramovich, but that might be a bit of a stretch.
What if we find out tons of kids in orphanages were seeded by the guy?
Worse - what if unknowing moms out there were given his seed at sperm banks and are unknowingly raising his progeny?
Now let’s really think this over in PR 2.0
What if she was never pregnant at all and this was seeding a photo for potential jurors for a staged case later on to humanize the two? “We are parents and could never have done the things people accuse us of. They just want our money and we were trying to help them.”
Until that jury sees the CDs that were confiscated we have to assume this is a show trial lead by the Deep State in an attempt to contain the truth.
I think thats thinking too far. No one would consider them parents just because she was pregnant. If they gave the child up, they are no longer parents. If the child is Chandler, and they groomed her to be a groomer, theyre as evil as we suspect.
If memory serves they busted a breeding farm in New Mexico he was running but it was incredibly hush because gates and others were allegedly involved. Memory holed but I vaguely remember it.
Many Professors of Genetics & Organ Replacement Medical Researchers lost their jobs immediately following.
Also “Dual Purpose” Immunologists.
Half the time I think the Covid vaccines were designed to off specific folks lit up for organ donations - take out their hearts and make the other organs available for a streamlined path.
Either way I think it’s clear Epstein was breeding - to what end? Not sure the public will find out.
If we do the math on the rich - what are the 2 things they obsess about given they have tons of monies?
they want everyone else to breed with each other and intermix bloodlines while they themselves are choosey, accept with the breeding farm, that makes no sense, unless they were trafficing those kids too? so sick sick sick. Something that sticks in my mind about covid is the thought that its a blood illness and most of testing was done with rhesian monkeys. Our blood type RH, positive or negative, if youre familiar with that and all that it entails.... curious to see of anyone who is rh negative has had any serious problems with covid...
prob because the lack of spike on the red blood cell feels better in their body. I have autoimmune diseases and im +. Have you really looked into what rh neg means? it some ways it would seem we are different species, given the difficulty in cross breeding without modern medicine intervening. Its also interesting how they know the only way to transfuse blood into a negative (from a positive), is by killing the person "donating" the blood.
ya i wonder that too, but it would make no sense to make them rh negative, when they want / need more slaves? I couldn't imagine they would grow the ranks of their chosen in this manner.
I’ve posted this before. I would not be surprised if Epstein was seeding many children, given what he has said. Look up the plot summary for the book “The Boys from Brazil” by Ira Levin. (Interestingly and not coincidentally, he also wrote “Rosemary’s Baby.”)
The “The Boys from Brazil” book has been mentioned by anons over the years here on and also Voat. u/TrustTheTruth dropped some crumbs about it.
What is known publicly is only a small fraction of what they are working on.
Mason Lab is one of the groups involved, going beyond eugenics and DNA manipulation. It is ran by the mayor of Racine’s brother in connection with Cornell, Rockefellers and other groups involved. The real plans are not disclosed.
The founder of Cornell, related to Mason Lab, Fauci, Rockefellers and others involved, is also related to Bill Gates. Brad Smith is the key advisor to Gates and the global elite. He also grew up in Racine. Frederick Gates was married in Racine and became Rockefeller’s most trusted advisor. Gates and Rockefeller families have been working on eugenics and related developments for generations.
Racine is closely connected with Brazil in many ways. The Earth Summit was a very important meeting using Sustainable Racine as the model to establish the foundation for Agenda 21 and 2030.
Brazil and China are not the only testing areas but they are tightly controlled, and many of these advanced eugenics programs are coordinated from Racine with partners including Cornell.
Both Raniere and Epstein were blackmailing science and tech elites for these and other reasons. What did they both plan? What was John of God doing? Why was he released?
What is the relationship between Boys from Brazil and Dr. Peter Neubauer?
They don’t aim to control humanity, they aim to enslave and eliminate it for eternity through transhumanism.
• I’ve researched Rachel’s supposed mother, Barbara Toby Stark, and Stark’s family pictures over several years, and Rachel (Ray) Chandler ISN’T IN ONE. Nor does her mother mention her daughter on Facebook, on her her personal family website, anywhere. From what I’ve read, Barbara Stark married Barry Chandler. I think this is correct; not 100% sure as of yet. Doing online searches for each Chandler family member and the L.A. Times (they owned the L.A. Times), and there is VERY LITTLE you can find. Tried Otis, Norman, Jeffrey – all Chandlers – and amazingly no pictures of the majority of the kids in their very extensive timelines.
• Where IS this Rachel Chandler living? Us Anons have been digging & digging all of her social media accounts for over a year now, commenting, copying her pictures, archiving, etc… I have yet to see a current article on her specifically, but as of late March 2019, her personal Instagram account is private. Walter Pearce’s is now completely deleted. The seedy, dirty, so-very-sad and scary pictures of young children in awkward positions with frightening comments on her Midland Agency’s pages have been removed.
Whoa that’s a hella link Pede!! The “Live Art” conspiracy blows my mind! Aaand…another link to the Port of Long Beach 👇🏼. I wonder if there’s tunnels from Long Beach to Getty Museum? I’d put money on it?!
Q told Anons about Long Beach Port in Los Angeles, California. Q has said “RC is KEY.” 🔑 I found Key International Shipping at Long Beach Port>
“Live Art” is not a conspiracy. It is a very real thing. I got permanently kicked off Twitter without notice with a pretty small account because I was following people who were researching all of these things. They had names, pictures and video evidence. Everyone researching these subjects got permanently removed from Twitter. They do not want you to know the depths of their satanic lifestyles. As long as they remain in the shadows they can continue their depraved addictions. This is why if you look at the US from a strategic standpoint you will see that all of their strongholds give them easy access to all borders, ports and major waterways. They have held these strongholds for a really long time and have no plans to give any of them up ever. All depraved vices known to man are all they live for. We are in the way. In the end God wins but for now it is for us to discover how repulsive and evil the powers of darkness are. There is no neutral ground. We must choose to walk in the light.
Beautifully written. Live Art is a subject I just heard about here regarding the ports, Customs, museums etc. The more we learn the bigger the sicko web seems to be. Huge. The redpill is our vaxx for NCSWIC…many normies will implode when it hits them. If ever?
That’s what I call a “happy story”. Bottom of article Marina said “I was also a young, not famous artist, but I never (got caught-my add) hurt anyone.”. No…just babies., RIGHT?!!
Why would an ARTIST say they never hurt anyone? Marina's going to HELL.
Her favorite ingredients for Spirit Cooking: Blood, Sperm, Breast Milk, Menstrual blood, human bodily fluids including human waste and human pork and beans. Can you imagine the potluck party with Podesta, Hillary, the Obamas and Bushes? 🤢
Marina: "Would you like to have dinner at my house on Saturday?" 🍽
Anyone with a brain: "No thanks, I'm busy Saturday." (Runs away). 🏃♂️🏃♂️🏃♂️
WOW! This is like drinking from a fire hose. They make some amazing connections. I couldn't stop reading. Thanks for sharing. More research will be done later.
If true, this goes much deeeeeper than I imagined. This will take many months to expose and for the normies to process and consume.
One thing that is not in Mouthy Buddha’s video is how Art in Embassies really began.
Racine, Wisconsin was the source of the collections that gave Art in Embassies the credibility it needed.
Racine, Wisconsin is the Root and model of their entire Agenda.
Before the Internet which was unveiled at Washington Hilton where Frank Lloyd Wright planned Crystal Heights, they used other methods. Art and the hotel industry played a major part. Cornell University based in Finger Lakes is the key institution for the international hotel industry, and is also closely connected with Racine.
Epstein knows all about Racine through groups including NXIVM and the Knights of Pythias. What is the real story of Pythias?
The connections between Finger Lakes and Racine explain why the author of the Wizard of Oz grew up on Finger Lakes and why the actor who played the Wizard of Oz went to school at Finger Lakes (Cornell). It's because the "men behind the curtain" live in Racine and join the Sphinx Head Society at Cornell, which is why the Wizard of Oz held it's premier in Kenosha in 1939, the same year that Frank Lloyd Wright built an "Emerald City" complex in Racine consisting of the Johnson administration building, the Johnson research tower and Wingspread conference center which spawned many of the most important institutions of the 20th century ranging from the first nuclear arms control agreements and the international criminal court, to NPR and the curriculum for American schools.
It explains why SC Johnson made the biggest donation in Cornell's history the same year that Joe Biden spoke there, and why Biden went to Racine to endorse a rigged referendum the same year that he stole the presidential election.
Racine is also what many civilizations believe to be the gateway to the Path of Souls through Orion and the Milky Way.
What are Kabbalah and Qabalah based on? What is Unitarian Universalism? Why did Lady Gaga really spend 3 days in a “vessel” and what lodge did she grow up in? It was the Knights of Pythias closely linked with Racine, Wisconsin.
Who is Lady Gaga’s mentor? Marina Abramovic. How did she know Gurjieff who Frank Lloyd Wright claimed to be the greatest man in the world? Frank Lloyd Wright did not design homes, businesses and museums. He designed temples. The Frank Lloyd Wright Trail leads to Exit 333 33 E 4 Mile Road in Racine.
Rachel's long face is a good match for Epstein's face. She also dyes her hair blond but many early pics with dark hair. I did a search on her family tree and it is impossibly obscure.
I had to search on Yandex because even DDG was limiting searches. Found this old dig by Jewely Blue with interesting points of interest on Yandex.
That shit eating grin.... literally....the elite eat shit and people right? Well that is jiss lain mawells shit eating grin if I've ever seen it!
Boom anons!! Over the target! Nailed it!
Well I'm stunned. How is this the first time we're seeing photos of Ghislaine pregnant?? Where has this gem been hidden?? Is this what Q warned us that they'll call deep fake? Is it just my brain making connections or does Rachel actually look like Ghislaine?? Wow.
Weren't there a pic of Rachel Chandler and Bill Clinton on JE lolita express?
Seems like anons proved local and verified photo as legit.
WEIRD thing gets me still is her Instagram security cam pic with channel 10 being cannibalism. Ray Chandler and her pics, websites were strange to say the least, obvious foul play trafficking was happening with her.
I always looked forward to justice served in all this...... Still looking
I'm thinking intra family molestation from an early age is how they begin the MK Ultra style brainwash they do on their own family members to make the very large global clown army we're seeing be revealed. Rape is a way to subjugate slaves. Rape and lots of money-build back better='s bully-bribe-bullets-banrupt-browbeat (on Clowns are us CIA Social Media)
It's even worse than that. I once read a book about Satanic ritual abuse that claims the torture starts while the baby is still in the womb. They are born into this sick Satanic lifestyle.
There was a document going around about project monarch. Pretty out of the world stuff. But yeah, they have different programs for kids with the blood line and for those without. I believe they put all their kids through that so they can always follow the plan and not get distracted by real life.
From digs a couple of years ago, I read that Ghislaine's father, Robert Maxwell, introduced her to Epstein in 1988. Rachel Chandler was born in 1988 so it would have been fast work.
If Rachel is one of the LA Times Chandler family, the Dorothy Chandler Pavilion was named after her grandmother. The Oscars were held there for years.
I can tell you first hand that it can be extremely hard to find information on wealthy families if they do not want the public knowing about them. I almost married a guy from one of the most affluent families in the US - realized I did not love him enough to marry him but we remained friends. If I did not know the family's name, I would not be able to find squat about them.
I have to say, there are parts of This Show that are pure gold.
Wow, wow, wow, wow! Surprised we haven’t made this connection yet.
I was thinking they killed the baby as a child sacrifice.
Exactly my first thought as well. I mean neither scenario would surprise me
Same. I went even further with that thought.
Seriously?? Let us know if you find that nugget of sauce!
Just wanted to post this here.
I found it in my notes when I searched "Maxwell sisters"
Not sure if it will help, but here goes;
Info about Maxwell sisters' software, who their husbands are, and what organizations they belong to. (edited re-upload from Aug 2019):
Epstein / Maxwell Digs: Epstein Stories You Won't Find On the News:
• Robert Maxwell Control of Scientific Publishing:
•Epstein and the Mad Scientists:
•Epstein and Other Monsters at Dalton School:
•Cruise Through the Epstein Swamp:
•Portland Epstein Harvard connections:
•Epstein Enemy Emerges?
•Library of Congress Report feat. C. Maxwell, 1989:
🚩Also, not to mention Ghislaine with this Henry Thynne -The 6th Marquess of Bath (Lord Bath), & his NotSee fuckery;
Ghislaine's older brother "died" after a car accident, apparently.
Robert and Betty Maxwell's first-born fell into a coma aged 15 after a car crash in 1961 and died eight years later, never having regained consciousness.
Just wondering if that is true, in view of what we know. Some think he turned into Marina Abramovich, but that might be a bit of a stretch.
So what’s the deal with her fake husband then? Why do they have this secret relationship but she’s married to someone else??
marriage is often for power, money, protection from legal prosecution, or I suppose, all those things
Cough, cough, Clinton’s
Cough, cough Chelsea Hubbell
If it wasn't so evil? It would be admirable.
Breeding is a big thing for Epstein.
What if we find out tons of kids in orphanages were seeded by the guy?
Worse - what if unknowing moms out there were given his seed at sperm banks and are unknowingly raising his progeny?
Now let’s really think this over in PR 2.0
What if she was never pregnant at all and this was seeding a photo for potential jurors for a staged case later on to humanize the two? “We are parents and could never have done the things people accuse us of. They just want our money and we were trying to help them.”
Until that jury sees the CDs that were confiscated we have to assume this is a show trial lead by the Deep State in an attempt to contain the truth.
I think thats thinking too far. No one would consider them parents just because she was pregnant. If they gave the child up, they are no longer parents. If the child is Chandler, and they groomed her to be a groomer, theyre as evil as we suspect.
Perhaps. Remember for many rich folks “giving a child up” is acceptable as long as they are in “boarding school”
That’s been a thing for a long long time.
I'm pretty sure they gift children and then their own children go to some conditioning school at certain ages....maybe 13 years old etc
Bill and Hillary had Chelsea in the family business of child trafficking.
"These people are SICK"
-Someone, probably.
If memory serves they busted a breeding farm in New Mexico he was running but it was incredibly hush because gates and others were allegedly involved. Memory holed but I vaguely remember it.
Many Professors of Genetics & Organ Replacement Medical Researchers lost their jobs immediately following.
Also “Dual Purpose” Immunologists.
Half the time I think the Covid vaccines were designed to off specific folks lit up for organ donations - take out their hearts and make the other organs available for a streamlined path.
Either way I think it’s clear Epstein was breeding - to what end? Not sure the public will find out.
If we do the math on the rich - what are the 2 things they obsess about given they have tons of monies?
they want everyone else to breed with each other and intermix bloodlines while they themselves are choosey, accept with the breeding farm, that makes no sense, unless they were trafficing those kids too? so sick sick sick. Something that sticks in my mind about covid is the thought that its a blood illness and most of testing was done with rhesian monkeys. Our blood type RH, positive or negative, if youre familiar with that and all that it entails.... curious to see of anyone who is rh negative has had any serious problems with covid...
No but rh negative can result in auto immune diseases such as eczema and psoriasis and for some ungodly reason mosquitoes think we are delicious.
Perhaps, but personally know of O+ persons whom mosquitoes preferred to Rh- (ABO unknown) persons.
prob because the lack of spike on the red blood cell feels better in their body. I have autoimmune diseases and im +. Have you really looked into what rh neg means? it some ways it would seem we are different species, given the difficulty in cross breeding without modern medicine intervening. Its also interesting how they know the only way to transfuse blood into a negative (from a positive), is by killing the person "donating" the blood.
Also, I wish there was a better explanation for rh negative blood & where we come from/what the story actually is.
Not to mention the weird issues that can occur during pregnancy regarding the rh positive or negative factor.
Will they be RH negative? Just guessing.
ya i wonder that too, but it would make no sense to make them rh negative, when they want / need more slaves? I couldn't imagine they would grow the ranks of their chosen in this manner.
I’ve posted this before. I would not be surprised if Epstein was seeding many children, given what he has said. Look up the plot summary for the book “The Boys from Brazil” by Ira Levin. (Interestingly and not coincidentally, he also wrote “Rosemary’s Baby.”)
The “The Boys from Brazil” book has been mentioned by anons over the years here on and also Voat. u/TrustTheTruth dropped some crumbs about it.
The best place to start digging is by searching the comments on “Boys from Brazil” at
Go back years and dig deep. The evil ones are much more advanced in genetics, eugenics and cloning than we realize.
This cannot be upvoted enough.
What is known publicly is only a small fraction of what they are working on.
Mason Lab is one of the groups involved, going beyond eugenics and DNA manipulation. It is ran by the mayor of Racine’s brother in connection with Cornell, Rockefellers and other groups involved. The real plans are not disclosed.
The founder of Cornell, related to Mason Lab, Fauci, Rockefellers and others involved, is also related to Bill Gates. Brad Smith is the key advisor to Gates and the global elite. He also grew up in Racine. Frederick Gates was married in Racine and became Rockefeller’s most trusted advisor. Gates and Rockefeller families have been working on eugenics and related developments for generations.
Racine is closely connected with Brazil in many ways. The Earth Summit was a very important meeting using Sustainable Racine as the model to establish the foundation for Agenda 21 and 2030.
Brazil and China are not the only testing areas but they are tightly controlled, and many of these advanced eugenics programs are coordinated from Racine with partners including Cornell.
Both Raniere and Epstein were blackmailing science and tech elites for these and other reasons. What did they both plan? What was John of God doing? Why was he released?
What is the relationship between Boys from Brazil and Dr. Peter Neubauer?
They don’t aim to control humanity, they aim to enslave and eliminate it for eternity through transhumanism.
Your posts always get my attention, yet I haven't taken a dive into Racine. Think I definitely will now. Thanks for this!
Thank you and please ask anything you need more direction to dig into.
🚩Speaking of Op Paperclip, I thought this was an interdasting picture;
wow, pure evil
Creepiest thing about the vax is didn’t Epstein dream about having his DNA in the whole world or some weird shit?
July 31, 2019 Jeffrey Epstein Wanted to Impregnate 20 Women at a Time at His ‘Baby Ranch’ By Bridget Read
What if he and Gates worked together to put his DNA in vaccines?
Whoah Keanu meme
This would be a plot twist straight out of a M. Night Shyamalan movie.
Oh shit...
I mean, someone's directing The Show...
Mnuchin. Dude is a big time director.
BOOM - mind -- ummm -- BLOWn
Get this…. Anons on Voat once looked her up and sure enough she’s listed as a male. I think it was found on Rachel’s marriage record to Guinness.
That's correct, I had forgotten about that.
The foreheard is curved back and feminine like. Men/MTFs usually have more flat foreheads.
She does look like a combination of them.
C Handler
Child Handler.
Isn't she the person who threatened 50 cent over his vax comments?
That's Chelsea Handler
Comment below from Jewely Blue link:
• I’ve researched Rachel’s supposed mother, Barbara Toby Stark, and Stark’s family pictures over several years, and Rachel (Ray) Chandler ISN’T IN ONE. Nor does her mother mention her daughter on Facebook, on her her personal family website, anywhere. From what I’ve read, Barbara Stark married Barry Chandler. I think this is correct; not 100% sure as of yet. Doing online searches for each Chandler family member and the L.A. Times (they owned the L.A. Times), and there is VERY LITTLE you can find. Tried Otis, Norman, Jeffrey – all Chandlers – and amazingly no pictures of the majority of the kids in their very extensive timelines.
• Where IS this Rachel Chandler living? Us Anons have been digging & digging all of her social media accounts for over a year now, commenting, copying her pictures, archiving, etc… I have yet to see a current article on her specifically, but as of late March 2019, her personal Instagram account is private. Walter Pearce’s is now completely deleted. The seedy, dirty, so-very-sad and scary pictures of young children in awkward positions with frightening comments on her Midland Agency’s pages have been removed.
Whoa that’s a hella link Pede!! The “Live Art” conspiracy blows my mind! Aaand…another link to the Port of Long Beach 👇🏼. I wonder if there’s tunnels from Long Beach to Getty Museum? I’d put money on it?!
“Live Art” is not a conspiracy. It is a very real thing. I got permanently kicked off Twitter without notice with a pretty small account because I was following people who were researching all of these things. They had names, pictures and video evidence. Everyone researching these subjects got permanently removed from Twitter. They do not want you to know the depths of their satanic lifestyles. As long as they remain in the shadows they can continue their depraved addictions. This is why if you look at the US from a strategic standpoint you will see that all of their strongholds give them easy access to all borders, ports and major waterways. They have held these strongholds for a really long time and have no plans to give any of them up ever. All depraved vices known to man are all they live for. We are in the way. In the end God wins but for now it is for us to discover how repulsive and evil the powers of darkness are. There is no neutral ground. We must choose to walk in the light.
Beautifully written. Live Art is a subject I just heard about here regarding the ports, Customs, museums etc. The more we learn the bigger the sicko web seems to be. Huge. The redpill is our vaxx for NCSWIC…many normies will implode when it hits them. If ever?
This was a very good example of live art:
Performance Artist Marina Abramović Was Attacked With a Portrait of Herself at a Retrospective
That’s what I call a “happy story”. Bottom of article Marina said “I was also a young, not famous artist, but I never (got caught-my add) hurt anyone.”. No…just babies., RIGHT?!!
Why would an ARTIST say they never hurt anyone? Marina's going to HELL.
Her favorite ingredients for Spirit Cooking: Blood, Sperm, Breast Milk, Menstrual blood, human bodily fluids including human waste and human pork and beans. Can you imagine the potluck party with Podesta, Hillary, the Obamas and Bushes? 🤢
Marina: "Would you like to have dinner at my house on Saturday?" 🍽
Anyone with a brain: "No thanks, I'm busy Saturday." (Runs away). 🏃♂️🏃♂️🏃♂️
Exactly. Inverse logic and the idiots are all-in smh 🤮
Damn, had seen most but some connections anons have made I had not seen before. Thanks for posting.
WOW! This is like drinking from a fire hose. They make some amazing connections. I couldn't stop reading. Thanks for sharing. More research will be done later.
If true, this goes much deeeeeper than I imagined. This will take many months to expose and for the normies to process and consume.
She married a Guinness, no?
Posted just before I saw this… I could remember she got her payoff (married into one of the mob families) but couldn’t remember which one
Wow! That white rabbit...
this is a great link
i have worked for the largest ship chandling company in the world for the last 10 years in sales.
i have been saying this stuff for years. Great link for red-pilling
Mouthy Buddha has some good stuff on the art in embassies and smuggling
One thing that is not in Mouthy Buddha’s video is how Art in Embassies really began.
Racine, Wisconsin was the source of the collections that gave Art in Embassies the credibility it needed.
Racine, Wisconsin is the Root and model of their entire Agenda.
Before the Internet which was unveiled at Washington Hilton where Frank Lloyd Wright planned Crystal Heights, they used other methods. Art and the hotel industry played a major part. Cornell University based in Finger Lakes is the key institution for the international hotel industry, and is also closely connected with Racine.
Epstein knows all about Racine through groups including NXIVM and the Knights of Pythias. What is the real story of Pythias?
👀Hunter Biden's back tattoo;
That is correct.
The same year Joe Biden made his big speech at Cornell, the school received its largest donation - from Racine, Wisconsin.
It was not a coincidence that Joe Biden made the “highly unusual move” to rig a billion dollar referendum in Racine in the April 2020 primary.
Anna Makanju led Biden’s Ukraine deals, led the censorship efforts at Facebook and led community organizing for Soros in Racine, Wisconsin.
Finger Lakes and Racine are also major human trafficking hubs.
What is happening now goes far beyond a Color Revolution.
A certain intelligence agency recruits from Cornell for very specific reasons.
This has been planned for generations.
All of the global elite know about Racine. All of them.
The connections between Finger Lakes and Racine explain why the author of the Wizard of Oz grew up on Finger Lakes and why the actor who played the Wizard of Oz went to school at Finger Lakes (Cornell). It's because the "men behind the curtain" live in Racine and join the Sphinx Head Society at Cornell, which is why the Wizard of Oz held it's premier in Kenosha in 1939, the same year that Frank Lloyd Wright built an "Emerald City" complex in Racine consisting of the Johnson administration building, the Johnson research tower and Wingspread conference center which spawned many of the most important institutions of the 20th century ranging from the first nuclear arms control agreements and the international criminal court, to NPR and the curriculum for American schools.
It explains why SC Johnson made the biggest donation in Cornell's history the same year that Joe Biden spoke there, and why Biden went to Racine to endorse a rigged referendum the same year that he stole the presidential election.
From Old French, from Late Latin rādicīna (“root”), from Latin rādīx, rādīcis (“root”),
Racine is also what many civilizations believe to be the gateway to the Path of Souls through Orion and the Milky Way.
What are Kabbalah and Qabalah based on? What is Unitarian Universalism? Why did Lady Gaga really spend 3 days in a “vessel” and what lodge did she grow up in? It was the Knights of Pythias closely linked with Racine, Wisconsin.
Who is Lady Gaga’s mentor? Marina Abramovic. How did she know Gurjieff who Frank Lloyd Wright claimed to be the greatest man in the world? Frank Lloyd Wright did not design homes, businesses and museums. He designed temples. The Frank Lloyd Wright Trail leads to Exit 333 33 E 4 Mile Road in Racine.
Why do they credit Gilbert Knapp when it was really the Bavarian Illuminati who took control of Racine so long ago?
Esalen Institute > Bernie De Koven > De Koven Ave > Kranz Inc
I bet the FFA has its filthy fingers in it too
Rachel's long face is a good match for Epstein's face. She also dyes her hair blond but many early pics with dark hair. I did a search on her family tree and it is impossibly obscure.
I had to search on Yandex because even DDG was limiting searches. Found this old dig by Jewely Blue with interesting points of interest on Yandex.
DDG is garbage. Try looking up the book Elephants Are Not Birds. Zero results on DDG. Every other search engine shows the book.
Elephants Are Not Birds is a 2021 children's book by Ashley St. Clair and published by Brave Books.
I now use with the Brave broweser or Bing with FireFox
That chin!
...and cheekbones
The willingness to fuck everybody…it’s all there.
That shit eating grin.... literally....the elite eat shit and people right? Well that is jiss lain mawells shit eating grin if I've ever seen it! Boom anons!! Over the target! Nailed it!
Well I'm stunned. How is this the first time we're seeing photos of Ghislaine pregnant?? Where has this gem been hidden?? Is this what Q warned us that they'll call deep fake? Is it just my brain making connections or does Rachel actually look like Ghislaine?? Wow.
The deep fake accusations will come when videos surface of elites abusing kids.
The eyes
Well, what do you know? I just floated this idea out here yesterday:
I must have missed that yesterday, thanks for the link!
I’ve been waiting for that name to pop up during this trial. Very plausible
I saw an article saying she was 29 in 2016. I think the age fits as the photo looks mid 80’s to 90’s
Yeah, that would make her being born around 1987. Look Ma! I did math! (with my phone calculator)
Her face is a perfect match and blend of Epstein and Maxwell. She is theirs, this explains a lot.
Not that nose lol
Rich elites never get nose jobs? lol it's the most common thing.
This is bigger than when we found out that Finkle is Einhorn....Einhorn is Finkle!
Shower required!
Grand Slam!! Wow! We’ve been told over & over to watch her! Spawn of satan.
Good thing Epstein wasn't able to create his clone army, re-population scheme, he's not makin' 10s that's for sure.
I wonder how many kids he did end up creating in his baby farm
Perhaps if she did a dna match, she could get an inheritance if there’s any money left.
𝙳𝚛. 𝚀𝚞𝚒𝚐𝚕𝚎𝚢 @CarrollQuigley1
has two excellent threads on Rachel Chandler.
"I've asked people about this in the past..
Everyone constantly claims Rachel Chandler is part of the Epstein story but has anyone ever seen any evidence of this?"
more at links:
Weren't there a pic of Rachel Chandler and Bill Clinton on JE lolita express? Seems like anons proved local and verified photo as legit. WEIRD thing gets me still is her Instagram security cam pic with channel 10 being cannibalism. Ray Chandler and her pics, websites were strange to say the least, obvious foul play trafficking was happening with her. I always looked forward to justice served in all this...... Still looking
The camera pictures are so creepy, that’s when I knew we were dealing with pure evil.
and then there’s this;
It’s the fictional story from 1997 George magazine survival guide to the future edition.
the blond woman is the 2020 female president dealing with a ‘crisis’ involving the elderly.
has wall of video screens just like Epstein Island...
The Jewely Blue link listed somewhere in this feed has the pic you referenced.
Epstein’s chin, Maxwell’s nose. This is a plausible theory.
Q called out Rachel Chandler in a post.
"If the records come unsealed much will be revealed. Watch the news for Rachel Chandler. Q"
I'm thinking intra family molestation from an early age is how they begin the MK Ultra style brainwash they do on their own family members to make the very large global clown army we're seeing be revealed. Rape is a way to subjugate slaves. Rape and lots of money-build back better='s bully-bribe-bullets-banrupt-browbeat (on Clowns are us CIA Social Media)
It's even worse than that. I once read a book about Satanic ritual abuse that claims the torture starts while the baby is still in the womb. They are born into this sick Satanic lifestyle.
There was a document going around about project monarch. Pretty out of the world stuff. But yeah, they have different programs for kids with the blood line and for those without. I believe they put all their kids through that so they can always follow the plan and not get distracted by real life.
Eaten by Lady GaGa and some Fourtune 500 CEO to be named later?
Apparently there was a pic (painting?) of a baby skeleton on one of the walls...
The jaw. The eyes. The nose.
she looks like ghislane
I’ll tell you what….RC’s face looks like Ghislaine a bit.
Best takes right here! Even when they're wrap up smears. I love it! ( not saying it's not true!)
I wonder if Ghislaine attended her daughters wedding in Feb 2012.
The plot thickens. Was this hinted to in any drops?
She looks very much like Ghislaine
From digs a couple of years ago, I read that Ghislaine's father, Robert Maxwell, introduced her to Epstein in 1988. Rachel Chandler was born in 1988 so it would have been fast work.
If Rachel is one of the LA Times Chandler family, the Dorothy Chandler Pavilion was named after her grandmother. The Oscars were held there for years.
I can tell you first hand that it can be extremely hard to find information on wealthy families if they do not want the public knowing about them. I almost married a guy from one of the most affluent families in the US - realized I did not love him enough to marry him but we remained friends. If I did not know the family's name, I would not be able to find squat about them.
Rachel would've made that possible connection. Every single drop with her name is creepy as hell.
How old is she though. She looks way too old to be the child..
I have seen records on Ancestry for a Ghislaine Epstein. There can't be very many people in the US with that first name or that combination.
Sacrificed to the devil probably