I'm getting really tired of this being called an mRNA vaccine. There is so much ignorance, confusion, and generalizations going around about this.
Most of the arguments about this assume 2 things,
1: the vaccine is mRNA (it's not)
2: DNA transcription goes one way, and the vac can't alter your DNA. (also not true)
Time to 'follow the science'
to start, a little about how DNA works.
searchx/startpage: "reverse transcriptase"
- Reverse transcriptase An enzyme that generates DNA
"A reverse transcriptase (RT) is an enzyme used to generate complementary DNA (cDNA) from an RNA template, a process termed reverse transcription. Reverse transcriptases are used by viruses such as HIV and hepatitis B to replicate their genomes, by retrotransposon mobile genetic elements to proliferate within the host genome, and by eukaryotic cells to extend the telomeres at the ends of their linear chromosomes. Contrary to a widely held belief, the process does not violate the flows of genetic information as described by the classical central dogma, as transfers of information from RNA to DNA are explicitly held possible. "
normally info flows from DNA- RNA but we have latent code from old viruses AND DNA repair / anti-cancer code that will try to 'fix' DNA in your cells by repairing it with RNA.
kind of a "look at the RNA floating around, better make sure it source code is in the DNA" situation going on in the body. It doesn't happen 100%, as in it won't update the DNA in all your cells overnight, but it DOES happen, and if it happens in the sperm/eggs it can be passed down.
Now, most people DON'T have mRNA floating around in their blood. even the vaxxed. They mostly have the spike protein coursing through their bodies, which can be transmitted to you but won't directly alter your DNA. You will just make antibodies for the spike proteins you are exposed to.
The people that get vaxed have a not zero chance of DNA alteration in one or more cells in their body, but probably not their entire body.
Ok, now that we have that out of the way, onto the main attraction.
I have noticed this is something that people don't talk about at all. I would like to change this, so please help me spread some of this science info.
The vaccine is NOT mRNA!!!! There are enzymes in your body that go around looking for mRNA, find it, and break it down into component parts to be re-used. mRNA is supposed to create a message to do something, then vanish once that something is done. On-going effects, normally cause continuous streams of RNA to be made.
This was undesirable from the point of vac manufacturers.
So they 'stabilize' it. to keep this normal safe process from happening. How do you keep the RNA from breaking down so fast and sticking around longer? They change it so it's not real RNA and your body doesn't detect it to break it down normally. They do a TON of stuff, under the term 'stabilization', and play it off like all they are doing is adding salt to the mixture and keeping the vax cold. Nothing could be further from the truth.
They are doing 6 things to the 'RNA' that make it, well not really RNA...
A 'cap' is put on the start of the RNA. This cap is made out of 3 different sub caps stringed together. 'nucleotide methylation' This 'header' of non-RNA at the start of the RNA does 4 things, makes it hold together better, attracts transcription enzymes to make more than normal proteins out of it, stops the body from recognizing it as foreign, and stops the breakdown enzymes from attaching.
A flag is attached between the cap and the RNA that allows the transition enzymes attracted by the cap to latch on and transcribe easier than normal RNA. all 4 of the above molecules are NOT RNA and are NEVER found on normal RNA
nucloside modified 'mRNA' RNA normally consists of adenine (A), uracil (U), cytosine (C), and/ or guanine (G) strung together. The 'fraken-RNA' includes the incorporation of modified nucleotides in the mRNA sequence, such as methylated nucleosides or pseudouridine.
Cytidines can also be replaced with numerous chemical modifications, including 5-methylcytidine (m5C); uridines can be converted into 5-methyluridine (m5U), 2-thiouridine (s2U), 5-methoxyuridine (5moU), pseudouridine (ψ) and N1-methylpseudouridine (m1ψ), while adenosines can be replaced by N1-methyladenosine (m1A) and N6-methyladenosine (m6A)
So normally DNA / RNA has an alphabet consisting of 4 letters each, from a total of 5 letters. the DNA->rna process transcribed the 4th letter for the 5th, which is what makes DNA and RNA actually different.
The 'vaccines' introduce 8 new 'letters' to the RNA sequence, that do not get detected by your body as RNA. They get transcribed by the transcriber, sure. but it is NOT RNA. The current batch is using "pseudouridine (ψ)" as a substitute for uridine.
Another noncoding flag is put at the end of the sequence, further increasing stability and preventing the breakdown
followed by another artificial not even pretend RNA tail at the end to help hold shape for optimal transcription and to prevent breakdown.
Encapsulation: normally your body would detect a Frankenstein molecule like this as not RNA and destroy it before it ever gets into your cells to pretend to be RNA. However, the vaccines encapsulate it in something else to stop this from happening. 6a) lipid foam - wrapped up in vacuoles, pretending to be tiny not-cell cells, that look like tiny cells from the outside but are basically empty inside. Your white blood cells will consume these, travel to the heart, and die releasing them to build up in the cardio system (myocarditis) 6b) nanoparticles with iron cores, same problem as the lipid foam but ALSO these make you magnetic 6c) wrapped up in a viral shell, like old school vaccines.
source: National Institute of Health: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8299225/
TL;DR RNA contains URIDINE (U) PSUDO RNA CONTAINS pseudouridine (ψ)
Human civilization survived for centuries without all these jabs, pills and invasions to our bodies. I don't begin to understand any of this but I do know that evil people are trying to control us, exploit us and kill us - so it's no jab for me.
All, please note my new post inspired by these facts, where I show that Forbes admitted last month, and Wikipedia still implies, that injections change lymphocyte DNA, potentially up to 1 in 400 cells in the human body; then the same day Forbes tried to scrub all evidence of that admission and spread a new lie, but failed.
And some new data that doesn't need its own post yet but someone might build on it.
Correct answer: Omicron (B.1.1.529) cannot be determined without sequencing, but for simplicity any presence of "SGTF" is allowed to be interpreted as a proxy marker of Omicron. WHO:
Most Omicron variant sequences reported include a deletion in the S gene, which can cause an S gene target failure (SGTF) in some PCR assays. Although a minority of publicly shared sequences lack this deletion, SGTF can be used as a proxy marker to screen for Omicron. However, confirmation should be obtained by sequencing, since this deletion can also be found in other VOCs [variants of concern] (e.g. Alpha and subsets of Gamma and Delta) that are circulating at low frequencies worldwide.
Translation: Instead of confirming every Omicron result as genetic Omicron, all reporters are allowed to treat every quick SGTF result as Omicron! That mean that if you have a positive Omicron test, you have either one of a majority of Omicron cases, or one of all Alpha cases, or one of some Gamma and Delta cases. Well no wonder every MSM in lockstep is reporting that Omicron represents 73% of all new cases! (Search "omicron 73" anywhere.)
Remember (FDA), Q: Do COVID-19 tests check for the delta and other variants? A: There are no authorized COVID-19 antigen or molecular tests that specifically report the presence of the SARS-CoV-2 delta variant. I simply looked for how they do test for Omicron, and WHO told me in its initial release of 26 Nov, Several labs have indicated that for one widely used PCR test, one of the three target genes is not detected (called S gene dropout or S gene target failure) and this test can therefore be used as marker for this variant, pending sequencing confirmation. So the plot to use an existing-variant marker (known since Alpha) was all ready from the first official designation of Omicron (even though .529 data goes back to about March). The "one widely used PCR test" is called TaqPath by ThermoFisher Scientific (somebody check their stock). The dropout occurs in positions 69-70.
TLDR: Unless sequenced, an "Omicron positive" means either any Alpha, most Omicron but not all, or lots of Gamma and Delta: it doesn't mean Omicron only. That's why "Omicron positive" is reported by everyone as 73% of new cases.
That's also why Delta antibodies heal "Omicron", why Delta cases have nearly vanished when Omicron appeared, and why they claim to know what Omicron is without sequencing. They're taking four of the top five variants (Beta excepted) and calling them all Omicron. At the same time, the proxy is not catching a minority of sequenced Omicron cases so there are also false negatives.
Spread the talking points! Thanks again u/cosmicspiritwarrior.
Thanks to you and OP for the science explanation.
They didn’t live as long though but that I think was from their love of war.
Imagine, even in the Wild West. Didn’t Andrew Jackson fight in duels?
Look at how big of pussies are in congress now. Back then you disrespected someone in Congress you got shot. And no one said anything. https://constitutioncenter.org/blog/settling-scores-the-duels-of-our-forefathers
I always take the life expectancy to be low from infant mortality being high but the ones that lived past it lived long lives.
Yep, that's the correct context.
But still a lot died before age 5.
Ever been to West Texas?
I mean, isn't our expected lifespan shortening? If the vaccines aren't lengthening life... Then what the fuck are we even doing outside lining pockets of money-driven "Mdical" Establishment?
What's the point?
Length of life has increased, but to just be a doddering blob in some rest home for the last ten years of your life is no life!
Life spans in the West have shortened by FOUR YEARS the last 22 months. This is the first time in modern history to see such a decrease, especially such a rapid one.
Life span has only went up the last 50 years. Nothing to do with the vaccine, but we take better care of ourselves now, exercise and the way we eat.
But for thousands of year the human life expectancy was in the 30s and 40s, in part because of infectious diseases, which used to be the leading cause of death.
Not saying the jab isn’t evil, but saying that there have been some benefits from modern medicine.
Lots of infectious diseases were spread from water ways that became eventually polluted. Almost all major civilizations from early history started near major rivers or near coastline for a reason.
So advances in clean water practices and sanitation was the huge leap for humankind's ability to reduce infectious diseases and increase life expectancy.
NOT due to Medicine - modern or otherwise.
Sanitation on a citywide scale. Internal plumbing, sewer systems, the automobile (think about 10,000 horses crapping in the streets on a daily basis), showers / hand washing, etc).
THAT is what took humans from a 30-40 year life expectancy to a 80-100 year expectancy.
Soap, antibiotics
Kind of random comment from me here, but what if we aren't the peak of human society? Look into Tartaria. If you haven't learned yet that they lie to us about everything, try history. Gorgeous, stone buildings, perfectly symmetrical, of gigantic stature, etc. built in a time of horse and carriages? Those people likely had a far advanced understanding of medicine and health. Some who have done past life regressions speak of sound frequency manipulation as a tool for numerous things, one being healing.
I've also heard that the 30s and 40s life expectancy is overstated due to how many newborns didn't make it back then
Is there any modern proof of this tartaria it has a atlantis vibe. Youd think neighbouring countries like...uhh Japan would have extensive records
If you research old maps it's actually listed on there.
The low life expectancy was only when the super high infant mortality rate was factored in. Once you survived early childhood, it was not uncommon at all to live to be very old.
how old is " very old". From the limited research I have done, before modern medicine, people very rarely lived to be over 70, today, that's quite normal.
people used to live to be 100-200 years old, it was rare but not super rare like it is to hit 100 now.
Who lived to be 200 years old? From every bit of research I have done, people live longer on average today than during any point in our history. if you are going to claim that people could live to 200 years old, you have to provide evidence for that
I would guess a similar normalcy as now - 60s and 70s, with those of money and clean diets possibly going further (much more rare). Look at some of our Founding Fathers who had money.
trump eats mostly hamburgers, I'm not sure a clean diet is as important as you think
I'm sure off camera he consumes a lot better food than just fast food. I am sure there are some well-done steaks in there too (w/ ketchup). ;)
why would he only eat good food off camera? Also anyone who eats well-done steak (w/ ketchup) should be thrown into the sea
To your point though about diet, you are correct. Some people have better genetics for aging or anti-cancer like that old chinese lady who smoked for like 100 years and you have people getting throat cancer 5 years in to smoking.
Sanitation. It's all due to better sanitation. Clean water. Functioning sewer systems. Also no child labor anymore - kids died in factories and hellish factory conditions for all during industrial revolution times.
Why vaccinate children? There is another reason!!! It removes liability! Listen to this 2 minute video.
What parts do you have questions about? I can break it down further in the comments but didn't want to overwhelm people with to much text in the original post.
Eeermergerd LOLzzzz!!!!!!
Also, what do you think about the parasites discovered under microscope?
don't like them, but don't know much about them. nano-particle experiments we are not given data on. What more needs to be said?
debate on this. not really, but a little bit kinda sometimes.
don't have the data on that yet. It's completely different from the other vacc's though. It has some new shape they are excited about, that has attachment points on it for multiple molecules to allow it to induce a response vs multiple variants. one of the valid criticisms of the other vaccines is they target one piece of one variant, and any mutations cause a miss.
the military vacc can target multiple parts of the same strain and/or multiple variations of the same part
Tendie…I can hear Bahbwa’s voice!! 😂
Wondefuwl..!! 😂
This is very important! But as you say you want it to be as fact-based as possible before wider presentation. I'd suggest trimming it but enlarging the TLDR to convey:
ModRNA (modified) is not mRNA (messenger)!
NIH published the differences!
ModRNA is not composed just of the 4 RNA bases but can have up to 8 other bases to make it easier to produce!
ModRNA is not just the bases but is surrounded by flags, caps, lipids, nanos, and a viral shell to give it unnatural advantages over mRNA!
RNA is known to sometimes change DNA (reverse transcription), and ModRNA does so with a vengeance!
As you go make sure to spell "franken" correctly and to make sure each time whether you mean uracil (the nucleobase) or uridine (the nucleoside). I don't know for sure which to say in each case without reading the paper closely.
My next suggestions would be:
Use brief quotes to demonstrate that people are in fact miscalling it mRNA, which should not be the scientific term (modRNA is) and deliberately easy to mistake. As you note, to say "mRNA vaccine" allows people to infer it contains unmodified mRNA and not much else. [Example: the "milk" in "almond milk". Some producers honestly admit "We call it that only because we 'milked' the nuts."]
Include comment on why the CDC or other sites are saying DNA is not affected even though reverse transcription exists. (It's also possible the pathway is not reverse transcription but lymphocyte modification, the same way natural viruses are recognized, as we've recently heard that all the "vaccine" deaths are lymphocyte failure!) And, I've just found a smoking gun at Forbes about this that is big enough to need a separate comment.
On initial review it appears to me that the body naturally substitutes pseudouridine at times, so this dodge by the producers is less important than all the "plastic wrap" they surround the modRNA with, and emphasis should be balanced accordingly.
It's great news. See if you have some further edits and I'll request a sticky in a moment.
Now I feel silly.
Hence, Mod-e-RNA. Moderna.
Makes perfect sense.
Well, I never was going to take it -- but now I'm never going to take it even harder!
Ahh, the body of SOME animals does produce it a very select few times, corresponding to extreme stress and for a limited duration. There are certain pathways around it, and apparently another 200 ish alternative bases they have discovered throughout the entire plant/animal kingdoms (and other lifeforms) and want to start experimenting with. According to the papers they have no idea how any of it works, or why it's used, but they really want to play with it more.
I'm conflicted about what to say about that, how much detail to put in. I already thought it was long.
I read that if you had HIV or have it, you likely have the needed enzymes for the reverse transcription that would essentially incorporate this modified RNA into your cells...dooming them to make it forever. Do you know more about this? Are there other enzymes that could be in one's body if you DIDN'T have HIV, that could do this? i.e. - another viral infection? I mean...do they EVEN know what the h*ll they are playing with here?!??
what I do know, is that when I read the papers that should be answering these questions there are lots of unknowns. We don't know very much at all about this stuff, lots of this medical nano tech is brand new. People vastly overestimate the knowledge and skills of the 'experts' and 'professionals' in charge of this.
Definitely - these researchers are really guessing with this sh*t and this is one grand experiment. People really need to realize this! Thanks for your post and all this great info!
The guy who invented mRNA says otherwise.
It's my understanding that the guy who invented mRNA was Jesus Christ, within the Godhead, and God is pretty clear that mRNA is not modRNA. We can define words the way we want, but we also need to acknowledge the many differences between what we made and what he made.
mRNA technology was not invented by God, just like the wheel was not invented by God. All things exist because of God, but God gave man dominion over all the earth.
Dr Robert Malone invented the mRNA tech used in the “vaccines.”
Thanks for explaining, those are two different kinds of mRNA tech. One is the natural info processing tech invented by God that works so perfectly that we take it for granted, the other is the additional workaround info processing tech that creates shortcuts in case we fall prey to the effects of abusing the original tech (i.e. sin).
It’s not “tech” unless it is modified by man.
Creation is what God made.
Technology is what man does with it.
Really interesting.
There's a lot of information here that I missed and I've been paying attention for months. I didn't know they used modified bases in the mRNA. I couldn't figure out how they expected it to persist in the body when normal mRNA is quickly recycled. Thank you.
Yes, I'd figured out that DNA alteration caused by the vax is probably quite a rare event in the body and probably nothing we can't handle, just like DNA damage from other sources.
From my research, it appears the application of the jab is an important factor. if they hit a vein and it goes into the blood instead of muscle mass it's more likely to end up in the reproductive organs, instead of just messing with a few shoulder muscle cells. That majority of people should be fine, but we just don't know how many people the complications will affect, and what those complications will be. We haven't tested all these 'stabilization' methods thoroughly until the present 'test'
It's funny isn't it, that the public is persuaded that a compressed testing time schedule is ok for these vaxes. more compressed than existing vaccines, but this is an entirely new tech with god-knows-what issues emerging a few years down the road. It really would require 20 years of safety testing because it's so radical.
The pharma companies are happy to revise the vaxes as well without further testing.
This alone should put everyone off unless they are in their last year of life and there are no alternatives.
We tested a new sports car. Testing time was compressed into 7 days from 12 months. Oh and the seatbelts cause heart attacks but you need maybe 3 or 4 to buy groceries. Stop denying science asshole.
"...but we just don't know how many people the complications will affect, and what those complications will be...."
And that's the point for the bio medical industry, they've been dying to test it on the masses and now they've done it. We're just an experiment to them.
Isn't there another virologist stating that the spike protein or problem from the vaccine can and will spread around the body because of the very mechanism they are using to keep the vaccine alive or something?
That explains the random nature how some seem fine, others die & various stuff in between / thanks
Watch every news story or TV commercial showing someone getting the vax. NONE of them show the lab tech pulling back on the syringe plunger to see if any blood shows up.
When I got the shot (i had no choice stop commenting I should have not gotten it the gov forced me) I had to argue to get the needle aspirated. They would not do it as it is not the recommended procedure. This was at a gov run kill clinic. The supervisor came over and said they are allowing it if requested and the nurse agrees to do it but it is not recommended and is not best practice. Fucking wow. Anyway an older lady did agree to aspirate it. Fuck canada and fuck trudeau. May canada collapse.
You did a better job than most explaining this distinction. Now, could you please explain all the vaccine injuries, specially clotting and mycarditis etc, in the same fashion? Or is this a non issue as the mRNA vaccine is really not a mRNA vaccine despite being labeled as such?
oh, thats caused by the body's reaction to the encapsulation step. Macrophages (white blood cells) in your body go around 'eating' the 'transport pods' of the psudo-mRNA vaccines. When they 'get full' they go back into the bloodstream to die (and get recycled) only thing is, the lipid pods never really get broken down. It turns into a 'lipid foam' of big clusters of lifeless empty shells of cells. they get eaten over and over by white bloodcells who just die from overeating. It causes big clumps of dead white blood cells, their breakdown, and recycling stuff, and mounds and mounds of this foam, that is in the wrong place, and the wrong format to be useful and reusable by your body.
Is there any way to break down these lipids? is NAC useful for this? What about keeping the lipids mobile and sweating them out?
If nothing else works, then maybe there could be a blood separation and filtration technique somewhat like dialysis in that is is done outside the body?
I can see now why the vaxxed get low on CD8 natural killer cells. All the time I thought it was the spike proteins, but you point out that it's non biodegradeable lipid pods.
well NORMALLY they are contained in cells, like this: https://www.startpage.com/av/proxy-image?piurl=https%3A%2F%2Fpathologia.ed.ac.uk%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2018%2F03%2FAtherome_step3_en.png&sp=1640678673T68b0dbc8d939c591268594be5b065f62e44fd89412fed799d081b0195e164658
when there is an excess amount, they start calling it myocarditis and there is no know cure.
You have to wait for it to be 'contained' in plaque deposits throughout your entire circulatory system.
I can see why the foam cells can lead to plaques in blood vessels, but isn't the acute myocarditis caused by something else? Some other inflammatory reaction?
I reckon it's a spike protein initiated autoimmune attack on the heart muscle and may be something to do with ACE2 receptors.
It very well could be we don't fully understand this yet
Thank you for this post which has moved my understanding along considerably.
“Another important potential mechanism for myocar- ditis is molecular mimicry between the spike protein of SARS-CoV-2 and self-antigens.50 Antibodies against SARS-CoV-2 spike glycoproteins have been experimen- tally shown to cross-react with structurally similar human peptide protein sequences, including α-myosin.50 How- ever, severe adverse events or autoimmune reactions have been very rare.46,47 Although COVID-19 vaccination does not appear to provoke de novo immune-mediated adverse events, it is possible that it may trigger preex- isting dysregulated pathways in certain individuals with predisposition, resulting in a polyclonal B-cell expansion, immune complex formation, and inflammation.48“
Wow, so at best it decreases your life span a little with these plaque deposits
I think it just piles up :(
Hardly. It depends on how good you are at detoxing your body. I’m tired and can’t go into it but foam cells don’t get caught if you are heating your body up, that cleans the body. Then you should do a cold dump like get in the cold air so you lymphatic system contracts and dumps the waste in your body.
So exercise and get temp extremes, plenty of water and good nutrition, fiber.
Yeah people get sick from foam cells, that’s called heart disease. They don’t move and they become overweight. Foam cells calcify and they become arterial plaque.
Oh and added calcium, as in those calcium supplements we found was calcifying foam cells. Should get all calcium in a balanced fluid matrix and men only need 800 mg of calcium a day, that’s two cups of milk or equivalent.
So get more water than milk products you don’t want your foam cells to either: get stuck. Or: calcify.
Heat, a good cool down. I do hot sauna and cold bath. With drinking water in the sauna I get the dump in my intestines from the lymph. I know my nutritional needs and what types of balanced diet is best.
You can do hot shower and cool shower. We should be doing this anyway because our body makes foam cells constantly.
Thank you! I knew the info was out there and the process was understood to some extent, I just hadn't found it. It almost seems like they don't want us to know how this works, and they prefer us to end up with heart disease and clogged arteries.
We can always fix it at the last moment with emergency bypass surgery, right!?
Good points. I've noticed over the years that a scary percentage of our population consumes entirely too much calcium, their pH levels are acidic from the garbage foods we eat & drinks we consume today, and entirely too many people don't drink nearly enough water.
I've told countless people that if your pee isn't coming out clear, then you aren't drinking enough water (i.e. 6+ bottles/glasses per day). I've also told people with digestion/going #2 problems that they need to drink more water, and they look at me like I'm crazy, while they drink Pepsi and Coffee from sun up to sun down.
Americans have been heavily attacked via foods/drinks over the last 100 years and their brains have become so addicted to the flavor and sugars that many won't ever change their ways.
"I'm thirsty, I need a drink! And don't tell me to drink water, that's nasty!"
ppl literly go their whole lives, drinking no water at all on an average day, and wonder why they feel like shit all the time, and blame everyone else for their problems.
Haven't there been some reports of increased problems with the 3rd booster of the fizzy company juice?
It could also be from mRNA particles from the bloodstream entering heart cells (and other tissue leading to other problems), causing the cells to express spikeprotein, which in turn would lead to CD8 mediated cytosis. There is just so many potential problems with these "vaccines", it baffles me that anyone with more than a basic knowledge of biology would ever recommend is ng these vaccines, much less mandate them
Look up fenbendazole and cancer stories - that's one thing.
Look up deuterium depletion (through diet, water source and sun/cold exposure)
Also look at the connection between Vitamin D levels and all cause mortally incl. all cancers. I'm talking about REAL Vitamin D levels - from the sun - not from supplements. Directly inverse correlation between Vitamin D levels and cancer.
Another thing is melatonin levels. They tried giving mice cancer but couldn't as long as they had sufficiently high melatonin levels. Again - NATURAL levels, not artificial supplements.
The reason the supplements are like pissing your pants is a) it screws the bodies endogenous production, and b) it's like having your personal trainer do your pushups for you. Meaning - the vitamin D/melatonin levels are a PROXY for how well you're otherwise doing with your environment. Popping a pill will NOT fix the environment in which you got sick.
What gets Vitamin D levels high? Sun-exposure, low inflammation, remove EMF, proper cellular hydration, circadian rhythm etc.
What gets Melatonin levels high? a) You PRODUCE them at daytime from SUNLIGHT, and good food sources. b) You RELEASE it at night after sunset (after LIGHT is GONE). MEANING: artificial light DESTROYS your melatonin levels = circadian rhythm disorders = cancer.
Melatonin and Vitamin D levels are great proxies for how well your autophagy and apoptosis programs are running. Autophagy and apoptosis MUST run properly for you not to get cancer and recover from already existing cancers. Autophagy and apoptosis is "cell-repair" and "cell-suicide".
I have a skin condition, (no pigment) sun gives me cancer and burns, doctors tell me to avoid it and have been taking vit d and melatonin supplements at docs orders and will be for rest of life. I already spend as much time as possible in nature (in the shade), and have been doing sleep hygiene therapy. what would you suggest to maintain Autophagy and apoptosis with my condition?
Is it vitiligo?
Key take away: avoid artificial light AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE! Including behind windows. You ar more sensitive to it than other people. Get am/pm sun as much as possible (i.e. the red light).
In that case you need to see the morning am sun and evening sun and get lots of red ligth that way. Then you can slowly build you solar callus and be exposed to more and more sunlight.
The other thing is vitiligo is linked to melanopsin issues. It is melanopsin induced. o when your skin and eyes are exposed to too much blue light your retinol/melanopsin gets uncoupled (which in turns lowers your dopamine and melatonin levels - i.e. not good, at all).. What is the take away? Artificial light at all times (and especially at night/in the morning creates havoc in your system. I even go to the length if you have a condition like vitiligo being inside behind windows (which blocks UV AND especially red light) then that is an issue and goes under the category of "artificial light". Also, never ever ever ever wear sunglasses or lenses, especially outside.
if it's albinism then you need all the red light you can get. I'd buy a red light panel (with low flicker rates) and test that out.
See the allopathic approach has very narrow applications and these conditions are not part of that. Just be aware of that. Many diseases they haven't reversed or cured, just keeping symptoms at bay. It shouldn't be like that. And it doesn't have to.
If you take vitamin D3 you need to make sure it has no bad oils in them. Hydrogenated oils etc. You also need to remove that from your diet - and also look at low deuterium diets.
What's your sleep hygiene "protocol"?
vitiligo. and you just gave me more information about it than ANY doctor in the healthcare system has. (and I always ask)
Also.. you REALLY should look into photobiomodulation (PBM) and red light therapy. Red ligth therapy has been shown to stimulate melanocyte migration and proliferation. Those red light panels are really good (albeit can be expensive).
Do you have to squint your eyes outside? Do you get brain-freeze easy (when you eat/drink icy things)?
I've seen several cases of vitiligo conditions reverse like this. FYI.
More than happy to help
Great comment. My life has changed 180 degrees post-cancer. Diet, sunlight & an alkaline pH are crucial. Although you’re correct about supplementing, I take a bunch. Plus fenben 👍🏽
I believe it does explain it....' lipid foam - wrapped up in vacuoles, pretending to be tiny not-cell cells, that look like tiny cells from the outside but are basically empty inside. Your white blood cells will consume these, travel to the heart, and die releasing them to build up in the cardio system (myocarditis)'
The spike protein does this in Covid too, we see microclotting, clotting and inflamed cardiac tissue.
Clots: It’s from activating the immune response. Megacaryocytes are normally in bone marrow. Some immune pathway interferes with the signaling and we see megacaryocytes in the lungs, brains, all secreting platelets. This is in Covid.
I was just reading about Covid and heart inflammation and I’d have to review it.
There were some clots called VITTS which was similar to HIT like syndrome after vaccination.
So basically HIT is when you have knee surgery and you’re given heparin. But prior use of heparin made autoantibodies. Your body thinks the heparin is a pathogen to it attacks the heparin and clots form as heparin thins the blood and the body tries to reverse it.
VITT is vaccine induced thrombobotic thrombocytopenia. It’s not heparin but chondroitin causing autoantibodies and the same process. I actually figured this out three days prior to the CDC saying it was chondroitin. And I told them that three days earlier.
Maybe they figured it out around the same time I did heh.
But regular thrombotic events aside from VITTS are speculation, it could be the megacaryocytes again by a pathway triggered from the immune response.
I think some of it *is because of VITT because chondroitin lines the blood vessels and is a main protein. But that’s my theory and mine alone. I’m excited to see the breakdown from others speculating about thrombotic events and the vaccine because if I have time, I might shred into it. And I’ll leave out the kid language. ;)
This is just a bunch of word salad bullshit. Regardless of the modifications, there is still a genetic sequence that is taken up by your cells so that your ribosomes produce the spike protein in your cells. What point are you even trying to convey?
That the vaxx makers intentionally create look-alike molecules and structures that your body can't break down, leading to a lot of toxic waste products to build up in various organs.
It's a lot like artificial sweeteners, where they look similar to normal sugar, so they taste sweet, but are different enough that the body can't break them down for calories. The difference is that artificial sweeteners can get flushed out via the kidneys, but the vaxx's psuedo-RNA and lipid bubbles are just left to hang out in whatever organ takes them up.
The S protein mRNA are broken down, at least according to the documentation. The Pfizer docs say the half life is about 2 days (as opposed to 10 hours for the average mRNA). The modifications do not prevent break down, they are actually using natural (as in, found in nature) methods to extend the mRNA half-life by a factor of about 5.
The nanoparticles themselves are constructed of PEG and fatty acids (albeit not natural ones). Tests on PEG show it is broken down and flushed out just fine. The documentation on the fatty acids also say they are broken down by normal lipid breakdown pathways.
Does that mean that the documentation is telling the truth? Nope. But there is no reason to doubt it either. There is nothing suspicious about any of these molecules with regards to the endogenous break down mechanisms that exist. Unless there is evidence to support fears of "won't get broken down", then any statements can't be more than suspicions. At best suspicions only lead to experiments to determine if a hypothesis is correct. Promoting hypotheses (suspicions) as fact is exactly what The Matrix does to keep people contained within it.
Overall, the idea that these things "last forever" is ludicrous. Not a single atom of your body is the same as the ones you were born with. Everything gets replaced. The only questions are, how long does it take, and how much damage does it do in the mean time. In the case of all of the things in the "vaxx", all of them seem to not take very long, according to the documentation (which are not terribly suspicious, though they should be double and triple checked).
How much damage they do in the meantime is certainly up for debate, but the idea that it is a "forever" thing is nothing but a fear that has no evidential support, and a ton of support against.
Good info that is underappreciated becuaes it doesn't fit the narrative people want.
Yeah it is. I am still hopeful that a detox can help me flush out all of it. Having had the J&J shot, at least my body isn't constantly turning out spike proteins even during the times it should not be.
it's got a bunch of nano-bot-machinery attached to it, and it's made up of stuff that isn't even RNA. They themselves call it pseudo in the scientific papers about it. It's designed to bypass your body's clean-up systems by being cybernetic instead of organic.
in school they teach you 'rna is made of these 4 chemicals, and this is how these chemicals behave and interact in the body.'
then they say, 'these vaccines are 'just' normal rna and are no danger' they leave out all the synthetic stuff attached to the molecule that is not rna and we don't know what the long term effects of having it inside your cells and blood is.
Well taken
God bless Texas, you, and your family <3
RT is almost never expressed in most cells (Line-1 specifically is the most common endogenous RT and it is never expressed in most cells). If it is expressed, it is almost never expressed during cell division. Getting mRNA from the cytosol into where DNA is almost never happens except maybe during cell division. Even if both of those "extremely unlikelies" happened, the mRNA would have to then be placed into a region thats "translatable", i.e. with a TATA box the right distance away, promoter regions nearby, etc.
The probability of it happening at all is basically zero. Is it exactly zero? Of course not, but it might as well be. To say "it can happen" is, according to the evidence, a lie of context. Yes, it is biologically possible, but its probable that not one single individual on the planet has had a germ cell altered in such a way as to create a "GMO" sperm, which would then have to go find an egg and be the lucky victor in that battle.
As for any cells having it happen at all. IF (BIG IF) it has happened at all, the most likely scenario for that cell is that it will be removed by the immune system, since that is the design purpose of the "vaxx". It is inappropriate to address this and suggest it is a possibility. It really isn't in any meaningful way.
The nucleoside modifications are found in nature and are used by the body for the same purpose, to extend the half-life of the mRNA in the cytosol. The average mRNA half-life is about 10 hours. For the vaxx the mRNA is about 2 days (from memory, I can't find the source atm, I read it in the pfizer docs). That's a substantial extension, but its not "omg".
Can you show me some evidence to support this?
As for the rest, I agree with the statements if not the conclusion. To say it is "not mRNA" is getting too technical. It is effectively mRNA, and that is important. The Ribosome attaches by the same mechanisms. It is translated by the same mechanism. It is broken down by the same mechanism. Even if it uses a bit of special chemistry to achieve all these results better than the average mRNA, It is for all intents and purposes exactly mRNA. To call it "not mRNA" would only be true for people who really understand what that means.
With regards to what it is and what it does it is more appropriate to call it mRNA than anything else. Even saying "artificial" mRNA, even if that is technically more accurate, is also more misleading for the vast majority of people. The audience matters for communication. To deny that allows for the creation of disinformation by telling too much of the truth without all the required contextual knowledge to understand what it means.
What about somatic hypermutation by antigen stimulation?
Do you mean with regards to RT activity?
First, SHM uses pre-mRNA, not mature cytosolic mRNA. There is no reasonable mechanism to get cytosolic mRNA into the area of the nucleus where the hypermutation activity is occurring
Second, their is no reason to suspect that the "vaxx" (S) mRNA would be preferably used by any such hypothetical mechanism to get cytosolic mRNA into the nucleus out of the millions of mRNA floating around at any one moment.
Third, it mismatches on a regular basis (thus the mutations), which means whatever it uses will not be what is written. Who knows how many more mismatches will occur because of all the nucleoside modifications? If its all errors, can you really say its "being written to DNA"?
Once again, its a contrivance of "what ifs". Yes, I concede it is possible because biology is surprising, but its not reasonable. Everyone seems to always forget the milieu of the cytosol in all their "what if" predictions. All of our cells are chock full of mRNA all the time. Adding in a little more is not a large concern. What is a concern is what they produce (i.e. a cell surface presenting toxic protein designed to create an autoimmune response). I'm not saying there aren't any other legitimate concerns, but "writing to DNA" is not one of them as far as I can see.
Unless someone can show me a mechanism by which cytosolic mRNA gets written to DNA with any meaningful frequency AND that these S mRNA are preferential I just can't give this idea any credence.
Thank you for your informative post. It's helping me in my search to find and spread some truth amod the lies, coverups, and misguided overreactions.
I feel like i should post a baby yoda picture where i adoring read your posts back and forth and admire a conversation thats about 10 levels above my simple brain. I know enough enough to know i have no idea what half of that means but you both are very smart and I am going to re read your posts and responses and try to build a better understanding. What is your thought on the Andrea Noack hypothesis about graphene hydroxide and the rumor he was apparently killed right after posting his video about it?
MY thoughts are that this post ONLY covers the 'pseudo-mRNA' ingredients. I wouldn't want any of the graphene or other artificial structures that have been found in the vaccine floating around in my blood. They have very sharp edges and can do physical damage, that doesn't even get into the chemical properties and what reactions they may be involved with.
Understood. What is the need for graphene to be found in any of these? What purpose does it serve?
Thank you for the response. I agree, just wanted to see if you thought his theory was justified. I mean since he was arrested and killed three days later thats probably my answer
The source of this information is from the exact people who push the jab. May be credible, but I still will not trust it. If they put out false information about the virus, about the jab, about everything, how can anyone trust this information is correct? Thank you for the information you provided, but for me, it still won't get me jabbed. It could be explained in remedial terms, I still can not and will never trust the source.
Me either. Sicko eugenicists all of em.
I've had this lecture from my daughter who got the vax. Her m-i-l is was an immunologist and head of science at a major university, also vaxxed. So far they are fine, hope that continues. Am wondering what long term effects may manifest though.
I wouldn't have a problem with it if they were upfront about it, what it really is, and how it actually works. The lying, and covering up makes me want to wait it out until the truth is easier to find.\
I'm hoping they worked out the bugs from the animal trials, and that they are tracking lot #'s and adverse events behinds the scenes comparing the vax to placebos, even if it's all being swept under the rug publicly, but I don't trust that is happening.
I don't trust the vax pushers but I am starting to think there is propaganda and disinfo on both sides.
yes, the worst thing ever was politicizing medicine. It isn't about facts and science to most anymore, it is all talking points and narratives, yes both sides are guilty of this. However it is difficult to be in, with mandates, propaganda, and secrecy the facts are hard for lots of people to find. They don't know WHAT to look for, or WHERE to find it.
I was worried they were tryna swap you out with that pseudoundine!
Grasps for straws as trump is criticized
What interest does the anti-vax crowd have? Are they making billions from being anti-vax?
I thought the animals all died in the trials, but then the 'modified' it some more and started testing it on us?
OK.... so I will bottom line it for you all! OP.... GREAT job, much very useful info:)
Conclusion: I ain't takin that shit!
Thank you, good info and a better way of how I've been saying to normies that it does change your dna but on a very low level.
What I would like to know is how long that poison lasts fucking up your cellular machinery to make the deadly spike proteins. I was forced to take the vax by the government (fuck trudeau and fuck canada) and Would like to know just how long I am going to be poisoned with fraknekspikes. I am taking NAC, vit C & D, quercetin, zinc, aspirin and tumeric every day because they say it can help with the spikes.
I am also taking ivermectin every 6 or 7 days.
the good news is that the vaccine stops 'making more stuff' after only a few months. The problem is that your body has a mutually exclusive two-part immune system, (very broadly and oversimplified as) general and specific. and the tradeoff of the specific response the vac generates is a suppression of the more general response. We don't know how long the suppression lasts. This is why the vax detox regimes are always full of immune boosters, you want to do everything to get your body out of 'i'm trying to fight this one thing I'm infected with' mode and back into 'i'm prepared for anything' mode. This is why you hear people referring to the vax as AIDs, because that is what aids does, it hijacks the immune system and switches off certain modes by activating other things and giving them false targets.
Ok thanks I am aware it fucks with the innate immune response. I was just wondering how long I should take the supplements. I was figuring every day for 3 or four months. Then I could slow down the pills. I am taking like 15 or so pills a day to try and mitigate as much as possible of the damage. I think the study from brazil about taking ivermectin before during and after the kill shots eliminated almost all short term heart damage is correct. Perhaps the reports of heart parasites is true and the ivermectin kills them before they can cause the damage.
I was just about to ask soooo where's the whole immune system deteriation come in. Thanks! I was overwhelemed after just working then reading all of this lol
So do you think immune boosters are the best thing for those who regret being vaxed? What is the best that they can do (Not me but people I know) For instance I know a woman (early 30's) whose period stopped 6 months after. From reading your comments sounds like she got it in the blood. Is there any way for her to recover or is that it? Is she infertile now for life?
Also any other general help for those who were fooled thanks
Would these spike proteins be replication incompetent though? I am not sure that. I realize the J&J vax is DNA based and will modify my DNA just slightly just to make my cells code for a spike protein. I have looked at some scientific literature on Pubmed that discusses the adenovector vs the mRNA based vaccine. From what I've read, there isn't long term data on how DNA based adenovector vaccines effect humans years after vaccination. I ended up being bullied and coerced by my mother into getting a vaccine and I happened to choose the J&J as I thought I'd have the lower likely hood of having heart problems as it is a single dose vaccine. I am taking supplements to detox though. Of is quecertin (an ACE inhibitor). I also wonder if the cellular replication is limited by resources that would eventually run out or would it be based on a permanently present genetic blueprint that's transcribed into my cells?
Would this 'slightly modified DNA' pass on to next generation?
Separately, are blood transfusions from non-verified sources out of the question? Or would you think that there is an 'age out' period in which that blood might no longer be tainted?
This is what people are freaking out about when they talk about the chicken vaccine. (merk? I think...) if you vaccinate a chicken it won't get sick, but any babies it has will have zero protection from the disease without the vacc and will die as the vacced act as carriers and will infect the babies. Thus, 100% vacc rate is mandatory, and the disease keeps mutating and the vax has to keep getting updated. ITs known as a huge medical failure in the poultry industry and people are worried humans will get stuck in the same situation.
it's ultimate boomer mentality. 'well I'm vacced and I'M safe, fuck the future generations they can just get the vac like I did' ignoring all the horrible effects on society it will have as the virus gets deadlier and dedlier and the vaccs get more and more vital.
I don't know. I still have questions about whether or not I could end up having problems years from now depending on if the spike proteins at some point stop being produced in my body despite the J&J being a DNA vaccine. My biggest question is, is there a finite amount of resources available to the modified cells that produce the spike protein from the DNA insertion process?
TY…added to my regimen. 👍🏽
Zinc every day? Ugh
yup every day
Not sure that's a good think. Might cause copper issues, from what I read. Look into it.
Take Black Seed Oil gelcaps too.
With raw honey and on an empty stomach.
Thanks. Very interesting. Explaining this to the avg. individual is pretty time consuming and may be interpreted as minutiae. Perhaps, the way to simply phrase it is he Pfizer and Moderna injectoid uses a synthetic (anthropogenic) mRNA though or as Dr. David Martin states it is a computer operating system. This is how genetically modified plants and animals have been created. Moderna boasts on its website that its COVID "vaccine" is like a computer operating system or application.
I don't really understand any of this, I just know I don't want any of that in my body.
I live with a medical scientist. All I know is inwont get the jab and don't take test for a fake disease.
Sorry for the late sticky, fren. Good research here. Lots of meat for our researchers. Well done. 🐸🐸
I'm not doing the work for recognition friend. I just want to help figure out the science. These documents can be hard to find, and hard to parse. The more eyes the better.
Dude, thanks for this! I was starting to think I was going crazy because I distinctly remember reading about the pseudouridine, and I remember this because the greek symbol (ψ) conjured the image of devil's horns.
In the beginning I just believed that having a new "alphabet" would be enough to scare any normal human being from taking this shit. Clearly, it has been memory holed.
On top of everything else you have mentioned, this is just fucking around with nature, and while I am not a scientist and I dont know anything about this, I strongly suspect that there is a non-zero chance (even if its infinitesimal) that these new alphabet might get incorporated into some DNA as well (if its indeed 0 chance, let me know).
Imagine just one child in a billion born with this new alphabet, and that child will not even be a human being and the implications are ming bogglingly enormous.
well, I said it was an extremely small chance, and got a ton of replies (and dm's) from supposed scientists telling me I was wrong, and it would not happen, but ALL capitulated it was Possible, but just very very small chance, would not give me numbers, just saying it would be rarer than I said.
Only person to attempt any math and give me numbers actually said I was underplaying the chance, and with the number of cells in our bodies it was more likely to affect 1 out of ever 400 people exposed, however they said it was really rare that the part of you that got messed up would have any effect. It would probably just be a few random muscle/skin/fat cells that get messed up then recycled by your bodies clean up processes with no long term effects.
so, either its a pretty big deal but super rare or its not a big deal and will affect many to no effect. or so I'm told. I'm not super knowledgable on that topic.
Lets say one in a million of the people who had atleast one cell that got messed up, happened to have it in a sperm or egg cell that was used for fertilisation. If we have 3 billion adults who got vaccinated, we have a chance that 6 of them would have an offspring with this messed up DNA.
Now we have non-humans, (not even organic in any natural way) to contend with. What happens when they reproduce? Remember, in these 6 people, every single cell is going to be having this new alphabet. I shudder to think about this.
Even if we forget all these fantastical stuff, what if even a fraction of these 1 in 400 people who got their DNA messed up in some muscle/skin/some other cell developed tumours and cancer?
Scientists who dismiss as nothing to be worried about are criminally negligent.
So All of the Doctors and Scientists we are posting videos and articles about are wrong and some random dude on the web is a right?
Lots of doctors and scientists haven't read this shit, and just repeat what the news / their bosses tell them. It's not me making these claims, it is the scientists at the NIH.
Go down to free downloads and view dna and mark questions. The references he has referred to are at the end of the paper. I know we all believe differently, but you cannot deny what they are doing worldwide. Suppression and culling the human population. What easier way than to introduce the new "vaccine" 'mRNA,RNA" etc... https://anthonypatch.com/
The end goal is phyresis. They are working on altering the human genome so it is more receptive to inorganic compounds -- in order to do this they have to alter your DNA and blow away the body's natural defense systems -- once your genome has been exposed they can begin the process of turning flesh into metal and you will witness the dawn of a new man; the machineman -- a living cyborg devoid of free will or the human soul.
A mindless drone.
We are so privileged to have great minds such as yours on our side and in our midst. Even though this really went way over my head, I’m certain there are many who will/can understand every word, and we will ALL be wiser for what comes out of you having shared it. Thank you.
Well they call it RNA, lol. It’s not body RNA. They do a lot of things like that to normalize it.
I had the shots. I actually hope I turn into a unicorn.
Great work and learning. I remember when I blasted the FDA and CDC about the VITTS syndrome being caused by chondroitin. Three days later they published it was caused by chondroitin. I blew them up though. I sat and read for many hours and weeks because I was off and had a vested interest. I have filler in my face and vaccines were causing reactions to it. I did some looking into and connected that collagen and chondroitin are in the same class of proteins and chondroitin is involved in blood clotting.
Now I’m on the FDA because of cheap glucosamine chondroitin supplements possibly having hypersulfated chondroitin which would cause those clots.
Those supplements are one of the most common, I know as a nurse.
Anyway I’m harassing the FDA now so they do a better job at shipments of Chinese supplements that are tainted. I bet I scared the hell out of them haha. Like who is this lady with the studies? Oh shit she’s right.
Confused, here. If FDA doesn't regulate supplements, what can they do re Chinese tainted shipments?
It's a shame the govt agencies only do the bare minimum of their jobs when private citizens come along and harass the shit out of them to force it. I'm just pissed I lost my doctors.
I can't get any health care now, and when I go in to try to get anything done I can only talk to WAY overworked nurses who are from another practice filling in to a job that's not even their field working a case load of 5 doctors, with zero knowledge of the issues I'm facing, no resources to do anything about it, no time to even talk to me, and everything they DO accomplish is vetoed, or undone by some nameless administrator somewhere.
They keep insisting a doctor somewhere is signing off on my care, but no one seems to be able to talk to them about anything or even tell me who they are.
Has a Virus been Isolated?
I still haven't seen any evidence to prove it has. Just private corps and governments saying they found markers/flags in proprietary secret tests and not releasing any of the data. I DON'T WANT TO BE RIGHT. I'm hoping someone will come along and prove us all wrong, but I just get insulted and have generalizations thrown at me.
That always seems to be the roadblock. They keep the information we need to get answers.
This is so far above my head. Good work tho
I don't care if it's sunshine and rainbows. My body my choice.
Funny how the numerous “whistleblowers” thought it was mRNA? And then there are the “understated” VAERS statistics that do indicate this vaccine be like no other. IMO, the vaccine and Covid smell like three day old dead fish.
Whatever it "technically" is, it's evil shit created by evil people meant to harm you.
how does virus work? tricks body into replicating its DNA. so, no matter what you tell me I know its possible and I know they're doing if they can and working on it if they cant because they're evil.
Well then, I guess if the totally honest and never-deceitful NIH says it, then it MUST be true, right? Right?
The NIH has not taken down the studies showing that Ivermectin is an effective treatment against COVID-19 either. They haven't brought total censorship to the Pubmed database.
ivermectin is the 2nd best reatment after monoclonal antibodies which they won't give people anymore because of supply issues.
The moderna and pfizer vaccines are base mRNA technology. Period.
mRNA and reverse transcriptase does NOT change host DNA map, it does fill gaps or “repair” host DNA expression. That’s the whole point of the technology.
mRNA and reverse transcriptase only causes effect when present in your body, it has a “run” time, then gets disposed of through liver and kidneys (both organs highly susceptible to toxic effects).
This is why they keep boostering people, been the plan all along. The more you get, the longer the run time. Using your body asAnd existing genetic map to produce spike proteins or what ever other devious effect they’ve built into this code.
So, ... zombies. Makes sense.
You say a lot but don't really explain how it's not messenger RNA. Mod/Pfizer certainly uses RNA particles, therefore making it RNA. Even if U is a deriviative, it's still RNA.
So you are saying it's not mRNA?