Their moms are disgusting man. That’s just gross parenting.
I feel for you. I spend a lot of time unlearning my kids from school. They understand that they are there to learn how to interact with folks - and that most of what school wants is for them to obey authority. That’s the exercise.
No parent should teach fear. That’s grotesque shit Nazis would have done.
“Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street building has been renamed, every date has been altered. And the process is continuing day by day and minute by minute. History has stopped. Nothing exists except an endless present in which the Party is always right.” ― George ORWELL, 1984
When the truth finally comes out and these parents find out what they've done to their kids, you know what's going to happen? Nothing, they're not going to be able to handle it and they'll just be in denial and blame other people for it. And their kids, well I think there is going to be a big uptick matricide and patricide.
I have not listened to the interview yet, but there are no long term reproductive studies on any of the inoculations or medications being developed for Covid - period. But there are some early indicators that should give us pause. We do know that there have been reports from obstetric nurses that there are baby boys being born to inoculated parents that have swollen gonads. The biological distribution studies that we do have to date show that some of the ingredients in at least the Pfizer inoculation, have an affinity for ovaries and to a lesser extent the gonads. What that means is yet to be determined. Adverse reactions that involve reproductive organs have been reported to VAERS. Let us not forget that some of the biggest pushers of this poison already have a history of putting sterilizing components in vaxxines and testing them in places like Africa and many of them are card carrying eugenicists. So, until the long term reproductive effects have been analyzed, which could be years from now, we just don't know what the impact on male or female fertility will be - and for anyone to come out and claim one way or the other is being premature in their conclusions. But, it is not looking good for the human race.
Only because it's being perpetrated by shitty parents.
I'm a work at home Dad who takes care of my toddler all day, er'yday. I come into contact with a lot of shitty parents. And that's sad, but OK. I give their kids just as much love as my own when I'm around them. They light up immediately and profoundly.
Kids are exceptional and I urge everyone to go out of their ways to be awesome to all kids, always. A ton of them need it from us, caring strangers.
Nothing is beyond God's repair. That said, if their families are unbelievers, there may be little to keep these kids and their families from a sad spiral downward.
This is one major reason I’m so upset at President Trump for playing to the covid lie. It’s the flu and we’ve spent two years pretending it’s a pandemic, to our kids’ great detriment, instead of addressing stolen elections.
Perhaps you haven't noticed but vaccine injuries have been ongoing for decades, its called autism. Few decades ago it used to be 1 in 10,000, today its 1 in 54 and getting worse each year. Why did it take you till now to realize vaccines are killing our society? Oh, was it something Potus 45 did? You should send him a thank you letter.
You were woke up by people opposing the vax. First they had to see how bad the vax was before they could tell you not to take it. If the vax was not bad, you would still be asleep and heading for 1in 4 autism rate. See your flaw?
This all happened years ago before President Trump was president.
And we already had a mechanism to avoid bad “medicine,” which anons took and advised me to utilize. Those actions are what swayed me to utilize this mechanism myself and for my kids.
If anons had supported vaxxes and told me and everyone I know to vaxx as a 4D chess move to show us how vaxxes are bad, I might not have learned the truth before having kids.
The way to oppose things is to oppose them. Don’t get confused on that, because there’s more coming down the pipeline that we’re going to have to oppose. We don’t need half our team emulating President Trump and his peculiar brand of opposing something by supporting it.
This is a teaching moment. Explain how some people are sheep and obey authority without question, while others are individuals who think for themselves.
Also use this as a teaching moment to ask OPs child "well, you have other friends, yes?" And try to help facilitate growing OP's child's friendships with them. Arrange playdates, talk to other Sane parents.
He needs some special gift card or something for withstanding that’s pressure. This has been an awful, yet very effective method to figure out who people really are inside.
My brother and sister in law are very adamant about the kids not getting vaccinated and though it's been hard on him, he understands why this is happening and why he shouldn't get the vaccine.
He's mature for his age, but I know it's still very hard.
This is part of the plan. The next step is for the children to sneak a vaccine behind their parents back. This is some big league bullying for sure. Ultimately the government is bullying your child.
No need to lie. Just tell them the truth - that they're medicaIIyiIIterate narcissists who are too afraid to be ostracized from their collective groupthink that they're willing to put them through an experimentaItreatment if it means a few more upvotes on their socials.
I live with two vaccinated people (wife and MIL), and one is fully boosted (MIL).
MIL is staying in her room all day consuming nonstop CNN and refuses to be around me. She's giving me the silent treatment and somehow believes that's supposed to be a punishment or something.
I made it perfectly clear to my wife I wasn't going to get vaccinated, that I believed she shouldn't, but that it was up to her to make the decision for herself. MIL has been pressuring her to convince me to get the jab and she hasn't caved on that.
Wife's doctors said it was safe and she took their advice over my caution.
I take quercetin, zinc, vitamin D and have also incorporated a daily teaspoon of black seed oil into my regimen. I've been eating healthy and have lost a lot of weight after switching to intermittent fasting/OMAD. I've lost nearly 6 inches off my waist since November 2020.
I'm not worried except for my wife and my MIL (love your enemies, after all).
And its not even the kids' fault... thats the worst aspect. E.g. Clown World! God said He was coming back and He will be angry. I now understand why He is so angry. This is a mess down here. 😔
Make sure he understands history! Teach him where this has happened before and he is on the right side of history. My kids haven’t faced that yet but they are so worried about their friends getting the death jab. My 15 yo son and 9 yo daughter are the most aware. My son stresses but I just tell him to have faith it will all work out.
I’ve explained to my older kids to never share food or drinks with their friends. We are in NY and most kids here are fully vaxxed. My eight year old says only one other kid in his class isn’t vaxxed. My 12 and 16 year old know two kids who aren’t vaxxed. . Everyone else they know are.
Oh that’s so sad that so many kids are being poisoned! We are in the Midwest but in a huge county that is more liberal. My daughter said only herself, our neighbor and one other girl in the class aren’t getting the death jab (4th grade). I hope she is wrong but she is Unmasked (exemption) as well as my neighbors son and the other girl. We are part of the moms fighting the mandates and we got exemptions for our kids from the same doctor last year. This year my daughter had chosen a seat by her best friend at meet the teacher. First day of school she was moved. Found out the other unmasked girl in the class had to be moved from the other girls because our children are not safe enough to sit next to a few kids. Luckily my daughters best friend and family are reasonable. They buy into the covid Bs but don’t discriminate, she went over to their house today but when they are out in public they wear masks. Pretty sure they jabbed their kids too but I don’t know for sure. I’ve told her mom lots of my “crazy conspiracy theories” she doesn’t believe them but also doesn’t avoid me. I told her one day when things don’t make sense, think twice about it and come back to me.
Pay close attention to who these people are, as well as those who sympathize with their position. They are the people who would have been collaborators and informants for the Nazis in WW2 Germany. Have nothing to do with them, watch your 6.
It’s gonna happen again. Sucks he has to learn this so early, but he will be stronger in the long run. Now is a good time to teach the whole “if everyone else jumped off a cliff, would you?” lesson.
poor kid, I'm sorry. That's a hard lesson for anyone to learn, let alone an eight year old. In the end, it will make him a wiser, more discerning person. Why not try getting him involved in some hobby or sport that is new to him? Might meet some real friends there.
Reminder - if he is clearly identified as unvaxxed he could be a potential target for a kidnapping/murder/sacrifice. Ritual. I wish I were joking. Practice OPSEC. He’s better off w you.
But they can go to school together and spend all day in a room together. My son has a cousin who lives on our street. For whatever reason he hasn't come over or hung out all summer. But something changed, either he got vaxxed or they've had enough of the bullshit. They've been riding bikes and even went a movie together the other day.
I'm sorry for the young ones. And maybe just trust that there's Divine Orchestration involved. Those parents are clearly not right in the head and are best avoided.
I live in NY- and the region I live in, kids in the 5 to 11 age group who have completed the vax series is only 20%. And that's in super liberal NY.
You (your child) is in the majority.
I think what these moms are doing is disgraceful and hurtful, but at the end of the day, there should be lots of like minded kids (families) for playdates.
People can be such a$$holes. As a special needs parent, I know all too well the hurt that comes from exclusion (regardless of the reason). My heart goes out to you and your kiddo.
Unfortunately his friends aren’t going to be around much longer anyway due to their psycho moms. I wish that wasn’t the case. It will be easier for him to cope when that does happen is the only slight silver lining here.
I think it’s time to have a talk with him. This isn’t an issue that will go away. The world has bifurcated and it will be that way for awhile - a “lifetime” as far as an 8 year old is concerned even if it’s only a few years until this bifurcation goes away. So you may need to level with him in a way one normally wouldn’t with an 8 year old. Good luck. I am so glad my son (a conservative) is out of all schooling. It has to be hard to be a parent right now.
bummer for your kid to have to learn that lesson so early... I hope his new friends till be coming along soon! I told our boys that when they're looking to date girls and eventually find one to settle down with, their first date they need to find out if they've been vaxxed... no sense in getting emotionally attached to damaged goods. it would be aweful to find out that they want to marry someone that can't have kids because of the toxic jabs. seems crazy, but that's what purebloods must to to remain so.
Might be better yet to find out even before the first date to minimize the risk/pain to both parties - before anyone gets their hopes up, starts fantasizing or starts rationalizing about how great the person was, how well they got along, how attractive they were, how "it might not matter" and how everything "might be ok anyway".
Lay it all out on the table before either party wastes time, money or effort on a train going to nowhere.
Spouse/mate decisions SHOULD ALWAYS be some of the most important decisions ever made as they determine what kind of life one is going to have, with whom they're going to share it, what religion(s) they'll follow, how they'll handle finances, what types of habits they'll live with, how they handle conflict, what type of relationships they'll have with extended family, where they'll live, if they're going to have kids and how the they're going to raise them, etc., etc., etc. (Perhaps all this will force more people to make better life choices?)
'Sounds harsh, but if things shake out the way it seems they might, these interactions and relationship decisions may be matters of life and death.
He may as well learn the lesson early.
His two 8-year-old best friends, if they are fully Covid mRNA vaxed, are probably sterilized. They may have serious medical problems for life.
It's best to stay clear of them.
I thought of that.
Their moms are disgusting man. That’s just gross parenting.
I feel for you. I spend a lot of time unlearning my kids from school. They understand that they are there to learn how to interact with folks - and that most of what school wants is for them to obey authority. That’s the exercise.
No parent should teach fear. That’s grotesque shit Nazis would have done.
The cold is just the excuse.
This is about those who break free of the mob and hammering them to get back in line.
Always has been.
Homeland Security was established to be what?
Who is Markus Wolf?
When the truth finally comes out and these parents find out what they've done to their kids, you know what's going to happen? Nothing, they're not going to be able to handle it and they'll just be in denial and blame other people for it. And their kids, well I think there is going to be a big uptick matricide and patricide.
This made me think of that part on A Christmas story where Ralphie goes blind and says its from the soap. Kek.
I hope they hang themselves in guilt like Judas.
They may even be dead a year from now. Or crippled.
Or Democrat voters.
Like he said:
Bullets are quicker
I have not listened to the interview yet, but there are no long term reproductive studies on any of the inoculations or medications being developed for Covid - period. But there are some early indicators that should give us pause. We do know that there have been reports from obstetric nurses that there are baby boys being born to inoculated parents that have swollen gonads. The biological distribution studies that we do have to date show that some of the ingredients in at least the Pfizer inoculation, have an affinity for ovaries and to a lesser extent the gonads. What that means is yet to be determined. Adverse reactions that involve reproductive organs have been reported to VAERS. Let us not forget that some of the biggest pushers of this poison already have a history of putting sterilizing components in vaxxines and testing them in places like Africa and many of them are card carrying eugenicists. So, until the long term reproductive effects have been analyzed, which could be years from now, we just don't know what the impact on male or female fertility will be - and for anyone to come out and claim one way or the other is being premature in their conclusions. But, it is not looking good for the human race.
You can't reproduce if you are dead from myocarditis. 🤷♂️
We won't know for decades..
The damage being done to children is beyond repair.
Only because it's being perpetrated by shitty parents.
I'm a work at home Dad who takes care of my toddler all day, er'yday. I come into contact with a lot of shitty parents. And that's sad, but OK. I give their kids just as much love as my own when I'm around them. They light up immediately and profoundly.
Kids are exceptional and I urge everyone to go out of their ways to be awesome to all kids, always. A ton of them need it from us, caring strangers.
Good for you! Likely another reason for how the children respond to you is that so many parents are on their phones instead of parenting their kids.
That's about 95% of it, yes. ☹️
Yes completely. In so many ways.
Nothing is beyond God's repair. That said, if their families are unbelievers, there may be little to keep these kids and their families from a sad spiral downward.
Proverbs 1:20-33
20 Wisdom crieth without; she uttereth her voice in the streets:
21 She crieth in the chief place of concourse, in the openings of the gates: in the city she uttereth her words, saying,
22 How long, ye simple ones, will ye love simplicity? and the scorners delight in their scorning, and fools hate knowledge?
23 Turn you at my reproof: behold, I will pour out my spirit unto you, I will make known my words unto you.
24 Because I have called, and ye refused; I have stretched out my hand, and no man regarded;
25 But ye have set at nought all my counsel, and would none of my reproof:
26 I also will laugh at your calamity; I will mock when your fear cometh;
27 When your fear cometh as desolation, and your destruction cometh as a whirlwind; when distress and anguish cometh upon you.
28 Then shall they call upon me, but I will not answer; they shall seek me early, but they shall not find me:
29 For that they hated knowledge, and did not choose the fear of the Lord:
30 They would none of my counsel: they despised all my reproof.
31 Therefore shall they eat of the fruit of their own way, and be filled with their own devices.
32 For the turning away of the simple shall slay them, and the prosperity of fools shall destroy them.
33 But whoso hearkeneth unto me shall dwell safely, and shall be quiet from fear of evil.
I'll bet a compound radius maple fretboard and a Duncan Distortion in the bridge.
This is one major reason I’m so upset at President Trump for playing to the covid lie. It’s the flu and we’ve spent two years pretending it’s a pandemic, to our kids’ great detriment, instead of addressing stolen elections.
Perhaps you haven't noticed but vaccine injuries have been ongoing for decades, its called autism. Few decades ago it used to be 1 in 10,000, today its 1 in 54 and getting worse each year. Why did it take you till now to realize vaccines are killing our society? Oh, was it something Potus 45 did? You should send him a thank you letter.
It was anons who woke me up to the risk. They did so by opposing vaccines and the vaxx.
Disappointingly, President Trump hasn’t done that. He gets zero credit. And negative credit for fucking pushing the vaxx.
You were woke up by people opposing the vax. First they had to see how bad the vax was before they could tell you not to take it. If the vax was not bad, you would still be asleep and heading for 1in 4 autism rate. See your flaw?
This all happened years ago before President Trump was president.
And we already had a mechanism to avoid bad “medicine,” which anons took and advised me to utilize. Those actions are what swayed me to utilize this mechanism myself and for my kids.
If anons had supported vaxxes and told me and everyone I know to vaxx as a 4D chess move to show us how vaxxes are bad, I might not have learned the truth before having kids.
The way to oppose things is to oppose them. Don’t get confused on that, because there’s more coming down the pipeline that we’re going to have to oppose. We don’t need half our team emulating President Trump and his peculiar brand of opposing something by supporting it.
This is a teaching moment. Explain how some people are sheep and obey authority without question, while others are individuals who think for themselves.
Yes, but in kinder terms. 😉
Also use this as a teaching moment to ask OPs child "well, you have other friends, yes?" And try to help facilitate growing OP's child's friendships with them. Arrange playdates, talk to other Sane parents.
This situation is heartbreakingly tough on kids.
Makes me so sad to hear this, poor guy.
Me too. I’m sick to my stomach. Do kids need to show vax status now to be invited to a birthday party? How bad can this get
My nephew who is 15 wasn't invited to a birthday celebration where all his friends went...he was the only one not vaccinated and not invited.
He was very hurt. It really is so sad what kids are experiencing from COVID craziness.
He needs some special gift card or something for withstanding that’s pressure. This has been an awful, yet very effective method to figure out who people really are inside.
It’s like Shallow Hal.
That's a great parenting idea!
I remember that movie. This is true.
My brother and sister in law are very adamant about the kids not getting vaccinated and though it's been hard on him, he understands why this is happening and why he shouldn't get the vaccine.
He's mature for his age, but I know it's still very hard.
Create communities of like minded parents!
Or rather - parents with minds, period. The Covidians just maneuver from feels to propaganda to feels. No mind needed.
Only pure children invited? kek.
Only free children
I thought bullying was frowned upon? 🤡🌎
The left fully support bullying if it's against people who they think "deserve" it.
Whites, heterosexual, males, and now unvaxxed.
Feels good being 4/4. I'm a "fourfer" 👍🏼
The answer to this in many cases is “yes”. (Do kids need to show fax status to go to a birthday party?)
This is part of the plan. The next step is for the children to sneak a vaccine behind their parents back. This is some big league bullying for sure. Ultimately the government is bullying your child.
This is true.
Well then their moms are teaching their children to discriminate. He’ll be surround by better people
Tell him they are contaminated and dirty and trying to hide it by projecting onto him. Play their game on them.
No need to lie. Just tell them the truth - that they're medicaIIyiIIterate narcissists who are too afraid to be ostracized from their collective groupthink that they're willing to put them through an experimentaItreatment if it means a few more upvotes on their socials.
I live with two vaccinated people (wife and MIL), and one is fully boosted (MIL).
MIL is staying in her room all day consuming nonstop CNN and refuses to be around me. She's giving me the silent treatment and somehow believes that's supposed to be a punishment or something.
I made it perfectly clear to my wife I wasn't going to get vaccinated, that I believed she shouldn't, but that it was up to her to make the decision for herself. MIL has been pressuring her to convince me to get the jab and she hasn't caved on that.
Wife's doctors said it was safe and she took their advice over my caution.
I take quercetin, zinc, vitamin D and have also incorporated a daily teaspoon of black seed oil into my regimen. I've been eating healthy and have lost a lot of weight after switching to intermittent fasting/OMAD. I've lost nearly 6 inches off my waist since November 2020.
I'm not worried except for my wife and my MIL (love your enemies, after all).
How annoying. You must have the patience of Job.
Yes true
Was gonna say 👆🏼💥
These people are deranged, I feel sorry for the kids.
Stupid kids are just as much of a pain :(
And its not even the kids' fault... thats the worst aspect. E.g. Clown World! God said He was coming back and He will be angry. I now understand why He is so angry. This is a mess down here. 😔
Absolom was killed because of David's sin. The kids always pay to the third or fourth generation.
Make sure he understands history! Teach him where this has happened before and he is on the right side of history. My kids haven’t faced that yet but they are so worried about their friends getting the death jab. My 15 yo son and 9 yo daughter are the most aware. My son stresses but I just tell him to have faith it will all work out.
I’ve explained to my older kids to never share food or drinks with their friends. We are in NY and most kids here are fully vaxxed. My eight year old says only one other kid in his class isn’t vaxxed. My 12 and 16 year old know two kids who aren’t vaxxed. . Everyone else they know are.
Oh that’s so sad that so many kids are being poisoned! We are in the Midwest but in a huge county that is more liberal. My daughter said only herself, our neighbor and one other girl in the class aren’t getting the death jab (4th grade). I hope she is wrong but she is Unmasked (exemption) as well as my neighbors son and the other girl. We are part of the moms fighting the mandates and we got exemptions for our kids from the same doctor last year. This year my daughter had chosen a seat by her best friend at meet the teacher. First day of school she was moved. Found out the other unmasked girl in the class had to be moved from the other girls because our children are not safe enough to sit next to a few kids. Luckily my daughters best friend and family are reasonable. They buy into the covid Bs but don’t discriminate, she went over to their house today but when they are out in public they wear masks. Pretty sure they jabbed their kids too but I don’t know for sure. I’ve told her mom lots of my “crazy conspiracy theories” she doesn’t believe them but also doesn’t avoid me. I told her one day when things don’t make sense, think twice about it and come back to me.
You guys are both awesome mothers. Thanks for sharing and inspiring.
“I told her one day when things don’t make sense, think twice about it and come back to me.”
Good line
These stupid jabs are literally bringing out the worst in people.
Except the jabbed aren't actual people. They are NPC soldiers of the information war; programed and owned by the enemy.
Tell him he’s a Chad and he has to keep it hidden because otherwise he cannot get acknowledged by a real lady.
Chads walk chest out, head high. No need to hide anything. 😁
Chads never went on play dates.
It's a figure of speech, He-Man. 😉
In 2 years your kid will be 10. Theirs won't.
Pay close attention to who these people are, as well as those who sympathize with their position. They are the people who would have been collaborators and informants for the Nazis in WW2 Germany. Have nothing to do with them, watch your 6.
^this. They will come down with the 'rona. At least if your boy is not hanging out with them they cannot blame him for catching it. Good news!
Unfortunately they will likely all be dead before you know it.
Unfortunately, probably true. WTF kind of parent is vaccinating eight year olds, and younger. The boy needs new friends.
I don't want it for the kids but I want death for all the left. Remission isn't possible unless the cancer is removed.
It’s gonna happen again. Sucks he has to learn this so early, but he will be stronger in the long run. Now is a good time to teach the whole “if everyone else jumped off a cliff, would you?” lesson.
that is pathetic. Those boys need real fathers.
Real mothers, too.
Real family.
Very unfortunate but at this point protecting children from this clownworld insanity is paramount.
That is heartbreaking, I’m so sorry to hear that. Come on down to Texas, we’re mostly normal here.
poor kid, I'm sorry. That's a hard lesson for anyone to learn, let alone an eight year old. In the end, it will make him a wiser, more discerning person. Why not try getting him involved in some hobby or sport that is new to him? Might meet some real friends there.
I’m waiting for this to happen to my 8yo and 5yo’s. Red State blue County
Reminder - if he is clearly identified as unvaxxed he could be a potential target for a kidnapping/murder/sacrifice. Ritual. I wish I were joking. Practice OPSEC. He’s better off w you.
But they can go to school together and spend all day in a room together. My son has a cousin who lives on our street. For whatever reason he hasn't come over or hung out all summer. But something changed, either he got vaxxed or they've had enough of the bullshit. They've been riding bikes and even went a movie together the other day.
I'm sorry for the young ones. And maybe just trust that there's Divine Orchestration involved. Those parents are clearly not right in the head and are best avoided.
I live in NY- and the region I live in, kids in the 5 to 11 age group who have completed the vax series is only 20%. And that's in super liberal NY.
You (your child) is in the majority.
I think what these moms are doing is disgraceful and hurtful, but at the end of the day, there should be lots of like minded kids (families) for playdates.
People can be such a$$holes. As a special needs parent, I know all too well the hurt that comes from exclusion (regardless of the reason). My heart goes out to you and your kiddo.
Unfortunately his friends aren’t going to be around much longer anyway due to their psycho moms. I wish that wasn’t the case. It will be easier for him to cope when that does happen is the only slight silver lining here.
I think it’s time to have a talk with him. This isn’t an issue that will go away. The world has bifurcated and it will be that way for awhile - a “lifetime” as far as an 8 year old is concerned even if it’s only a few years until this bifurcation goes away. So you may need to level with him in a way one normally wouldn’t with an 8 year old. Good luck. I am so glad my son (a conservative) is out of all schooling. It has to be hard to be a parent right now.
bummer for your kid to have to learn that lesson so early... I hope his new friends till be coming along soon! I told our boys that when they're looking to date girls and eventually find one to settle down with, their first date they need to find out if they've been vaxxed... no sense in getting emotionally attached to damaged goods. it would be aweful to find out that they want to marry someone that can't have kids because of the toxic jabs. seems crazy, but that's what purebloods must to to remain so.
Might be better yet to find out even before the first date to minimize the risk/pain to both parties - before anyone gets their hopes up, starts fantasizing or starts rationalizing about how great the person was, how well they got along, how attractive they were, how "it might not matter" and how everything "might be ok anyway".
Lay it all out on the table before either party wastes time, money or effort on a train going to nowhere.
Spouse/mate decisions SHOULD ALWAYS be some of the most important decisions ever made as they determine what kind of life one is going to have, with whom they're going to share it, what religion(s) they'll follow, how they'll handle finances, what types of habits they'll live with, how they handle conflict, what type of relationships they'll have with extended family, where they'll live, if they're going to have kids and how the they're going to raise them, etc., etc., etc. (Perhaps all this will force more people to make better life choices?)
'Sounds harsh, but if things shake out the way it seems they might, these interactions and relationship decisions may be matters of life and death.
Get your kid Out Of Government mandated conversion camps
Those parents are evil.
He's lucky that ya'll found out now.
Those weren't good friends anyway.
Those Karen moms are flat out bitches!