Well the Jacobins were a socilalist revolution and Robespierre wasn't really a good guy in the story. The real conservative revolution happened with the Napoleon coup, which didn't have any bloodshed.
I seem to recall the revolutionaries chopping their heads off of people who did not agree with them, of tying priests and nuns together and tossing them into rivers to drown to death in a mocking “marriage”, I also recall the peasants of the Vendée, simple French farmers and peasants who tried to fight back and were slaughtered in a complete literal genocide. The revolutionary soldiers would cut the heads off of the babies and toss them back-and-forth on the tips of their bayonets in a game. The French Revolution was a MASONIC. That’s all we really need to know, bc we know who writes the history books.
Those two groups are a batch of psychopaths being led by sociopaths who never get their hands dirty; once you find out who directs them, don't be surprised if it is a so called "good guy" like Noname..
I was drawing a parallels with October Revolution in Russia
same atrocities and killing off of the Christian noble mans and plebs alike...
So I have no sauce or proof but am pretty sure on who organized the French revolution
Sure, but one can't really claim, "The french are MASTERS of war" with them losing the north and west part of their territory after one battle and surrendering the rest of their country a month later.
They fought England for 100 years to solidify their hold on their territory. They were the terror of Europe under Napoleon. They hung on like bulldogs during the meat grinder of WW1 trench warfare.
It is fascism and it needs to be called out more often. Sadly the handful of French people I know through work are normies, they talk about the upcoming French Presidential election like it’s politics as usual.
But I refuse to believe France is lost, there is still a resistance, there still is hope. And something tells me France holds a key to bringing down the cabal, don’t know why, just a gut feel. Still it is sad to see the police going along with what they are be ordered to do, someday they will regret they allowed themselves to engage in immoral behavior.
It's not fascism. Don't use that term, because it will confuse the issue. It is globalist communism. The New World Order. Use those terms!! Rule by Satan is good, too.
Respectfully disagree, they don’t mind being called globalist or communist. There are a lot of brainwashed normies who think both are good things. But almost everyone recoils at the term Nazi or fascist.
The reality is globalism is a form of fascism. Q also makes it clear these people are connected to the Nazis; therefore, fascism in post 936 and several other posts.
It's global communism its fascism it's the masons it's the illuminati, it's the Jesuits it's crony capitalism it's Satanism it's Gnosticism it's it's it's.
It's Supremacist Judaism and oppression of the goyim and it always has been.
That explains 9/11, Iraq war, US congress, asymmetric hate speech laws, etc. Not so much the Iran deal, and Israel's vaccination rates (unless they come out less damaged somehow).
We can assume the Khazar mafia is the biggest, but that's no reason to ignore the 2nd biggest, and 3rd etc. No reason to fear nuance, especially when judging the crimes of Barack Obama.
Except it's not crimes of Barack Obama, it's Khazarian Mafia's installed instrument, I don't know how you can associate 9/11 with them and then believe Barack Obama who came after had any agency in his job.
french anon here, I can't even begin to imagine how we, as a people, would react... There would be many great protests, that one I'm 100% positive about.
That would mean, though, that the truth gets told on TV which doesn't happen much to say the least...
If that ever occurs and that we do have a great awakening I believe anything can happen in France and in many other countries.
Not from where I stand, i might be a bit of a doomer when it comes to France awakening but I don't really feel or see any power rising to a position where we'd be free. I guess it has to come from the people and even that seems to be a very long shot... I guess we need a trigger event
No! I do not think France is lost. How many weeks in a row have they protested now? Something over 30, I know. They have shown complete dedication to wresting their freedom from the hands of the DS there.
Rather than thinking France is lost, I believe their despotic government should instead start fearing for their necks.
I think HumblePede is on to something, remember the Generals in France sent Macron a very severe warning. Then last May they repeated it https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9561561/Macron-sent-chilling-warning-soldiers-earlier-letter-calling-military-action.html the French are weird but in the end they are almost as patriotic and freedom loving as the US. Truth be told the two greatest revolutions for Freedom were in the USA and France. We all know what's going to happen with the USA blows, France has been on a longer slower fuse. Macron's tyranny is completely unavoidably out in the open now - the pressure is building.
La Marseillaise lyrics (in English) are remarkably violent and seems to be the promise of angry men who will not be slaves again. We WILL see for certain of the level of sacrifice the French are prepared to do to accomplish the goal of Freedom..
The Patriots are protesting every week end since October 2020 so past 60 weeks but the marches and gatherings are only sizable (5k+) since last summer so it depends on the point of view this would be closer to your 30 yes. Unfortunately it seems that France cannot go past that and go beyond mostly ineffective peaceful protests, into Canada type actions or even Kazakhstan. I didn't follow too much nor got reliable info on that but it seems to me that our freedom convoy failed to achieve much except expose yet a bit more of the dictatorship.
Yes, it is tyranny, for sure. You can call it fascism, but it's really the NWO. We've never had them so exposed before. It's new. People need to call it what it is. Globalist communism.
Agreed. NWO runs PR as socialism slogans, implying that plebs will receive handouts. The only handouts they will get is free tickets to gulags and aids shots.
Socialism reigns in France when you can’t even display patriotism by carrying a flag. Their enticement, just like the U.S. and Canada must be replaced for their tyranny and overreach of dictatorial powers.
France overthrew the Vichy Occupation and they are old hands at this sort of thing. The cabal has tried to control France for a long time. This will also fail.
I can't believe its not even been 100 years. There are WWII era citizens still alive who can sound the alarm and give testimony to the situation. I'll bet they never dreamed they would witness France's occupation twice in their lifetime. So very sad.
The more extreme a country gets the closer they are to the precipice. A lost country wouldn't need to escalate restrictions, the sheep would just go along.
France was doing good until Louis XIV took the noble guys out of their castles and forced them to spend their time around him… which was a genius move but more profitable for the king than they-the-people…
As a French citizen, I don’t think so. I’m counting on the upcoming elections a lot. I have a feeling Zemmour is going to win (as the government hasn’t been able to pass the mail-in ballots bill although they’ve managed to install more machines). If Zemmour wins, I think we’re going to be fine. Just a bit more than 2 months to go.
The people from the Freedom Convoy whom I had staying at my place were unfazed by the tear gases and have moved on to Brussels yesterday. I’m expecting a lot from this Freedom Convoy movement as well.
I agree and I have to admit that this scares me somewhat. However, Zemmour supported Trump during the election theft, which means that he’s not naive and knows about fraud. He’s supported by a rich guy called Bolloré who’s a big media company owner - what he’s doing a candidate here is absolutely incredible. So, yes, I don’t think Zemmour would have decided to run for President had there been zero chance of him winning. Time will tell.
Jean Lasalle n’a aucune chance. Je soutiens Philippot mais voterais Zemmour car Philippot n’a aucune chance. Bigre, je voterais même Melenchon contre Macron. Il faut en finir avec la macronie.
One of my colleagues says the same thing : « Please not Zemmour ». But what people have to understand, IMO, is that I we should be united in wanting to take Macron down, and we absolutely have to put our differences aside and all strive towards achieving that goal. Not voting if it’s Melenchon (but it’s going to be Zemmour) is akin to voting Macron as he’s the favourite candidate. My only aim is to recover our liberty, and if I have to vote for Melenchon (au second tour) for that to happen, so be it.
I live in the same country as you but I don't see the same things there. Although Zemmour is a great speaker and speaks many truths, he will not be president.
It allowed to definitively oust Le Pen, and will give hope to the nationalists. That's all.
It's a circus, he has its role. All these elections are bogus.
I remain firmly convinced that Pécresse will be the great elected, if she arrives in the second round. We are not in March yet, a lot can happen between now and then.
Those citizens are gonna resurrect Bastille Day 2.0. Those cops and the pols will be kneeling before the chopping block..
Well the Jacobins were a socilalist revolution and Robespierre wasn't really a good guy in the story. The real conservative revolution happened with the Napoleon coup, which didn't have any bloodshed.
When you write history Cabal puppets like Napolean rock.
I seem to recall the revolutionaries chopping their heads off of people who did not agree with them, of tying priests and nuns together and tossing them into rivers to drown to death in a mocking “marriage”, I also recall the peasants of the Vendée, simple French farmers and peasants who tried to fight back and were slaughtered in a complete literal genocide. The revolutionary soldiers would cut the heads off of the babies and toss them back-and-forth on the tips of their bayonets in a game. The French Revolution was a MASONIC. That’s all we really need to know, bc we know who writes the history books.
Yikes. Seems like the revolutionaries are complete monsters in some cases. What drove them to such deprevity?
A little of what u/mengderen and u/freeDacian said plus a whole lot of poverty, starvation, and rage.
Still, there should be no excuse for utter barbarism rivaling the worst ISIS and MS 13 has to offer.
Those two groups are a batch of psychopaths being led by sociopaths who never get their hands dirty; once you find out who directs them, don't be surprised if it is a so called "good guy" like Noname..
Mob rule..
their religion
They were atheists who banned the Bible.
I was drawing a parallels with October Revolution in Russia same atrocities and killing off of the Christian noble mans and plebs alike... So I have no sauce or proof but am pretty sure on who organized the French revolution
I said many times... Macron deserves a date with Madam Guillotine more than Louis XVI ever did.
Home of the Guillotine 💀
Obummer ordered 3000 gilotines and had them delivered to Washington state. Trump had them destroyed. Biden has ordered 3500 more.
I know we joke about them surrendering. But if there was a people to execute traitors it would be France.
Except ww2
Where the resistance played a pivotal part.
Sure, but one can't really claim, "The french are MASTERS of war" with them losing the north and west part of their territory after one battle and surrendering the rest of their country a month later.
And the British aren't either since they got cornered in Dunkirk? And the Americans in Hawaii got sucker punched too.
But surrendering the entire country? Is the title 'Masters of War' just a participation trophy type thing for you?
They fought England for 100 years to solidify their hold on their territory. They were the terror of Europe under Napoleon. They hung on like bulldogs during the meat grinder of WW1 trench warfare.
Well, it was a french volunteer unit that was one of the last to go down in Berlin. Fought to the last man, none surrendered.
As they should.
That’s the Spirit
Stasi not cops.
It is fascism and it needs to be called out more often. Sadly the handful of French people I know through work are normies, they talk about the upcoming French Presidential election like it’s politics as usual.
But I refuse to believe France is lost, there is still a resistance, there still is hope. And something tells me France holds a key to bringing down the cabal, don’t know why, just a gut feel. Still it is sad to see the police going along with what they are be ordered to do, someday they will regret they allowed themselves to engage in immoral behavior.
It's not fascism. Don't use that term, because it will confuse the issue. It is globalist communism. The New World Order. Use those terms!! Rule by Satan is good, too.
Respectfully disagree, they don’t mind being called globalist or communist. There are a lot of brainwashed normies who think both are good things. But almost everyone recoils at the term Nazi or fascist.
The reality is globalism is a form of fascism. Q also makes it clear these people are connected to the Nazis; therefore, fascism in post 936 and several other posts.
Nazis are not fascists. Nazis are Nazis. National socialists.
It is fascism. It is not communism at all. Corporatism + government = Fascism. That is the very definition.
It's global communism its fascism it's the masons it's the illuminati, it's the Jesuits it's crony capitalism it's Satanism it's Gnosticism it's it's it's.
It's Supremacist Judaism and oppression of the goyim and it always has been.
That explains 9/11, Iraq war, US congress, asymmetric hate speech laws, etc. Not so much the Iran deal, and Israel's vaccination rates (unless they come out less damaged somehow).
That "etc" is doing a whole lot of work.
We can assume the Khazar mafia is the biggest, but that's no reason to ignore the 2nd biggest, and 3rd etc. No reason to fear nuance, especially when judging the crimes of Barack Obama.
Except it's not crimes of Barack Obama, it's Khazarian Mafia's installed instrument, I don't know how you can associate 9/11 with them and then believe Barack Obama who came after had any agency in his job.
Easy there, goyim!
Fascism requires nationalism, the antithesis of globohomo.
Its not communism, its a technocracy
It’s not a bird it’s not a plane it’s super man
Meh, it's at best both. But it's at least fascism.
If it were fascism, you wouldn't be fined for using the countries flag.
This is international tyranny.
Whether come in as Fascist, Socialists, Communists, etc. let's call them all for what they are, TYRANTS!
/sic semper tyrannis
Analyze it all you want, but bottom line—and throughout history—it’s ALWAYS the Elites against the Pedes!
The police follow orders. Doesn't matter if they're told to beat the shit out of a child or elderly person, they'll do it.
Can you imagine when the people of France discover that everyone now has HIV due to the "vax"?
It will be very bad, and I think they will go beserk.
If they have the CARDIO....
french anon here, I can't even begin to imagine how we, as a people, would react... There would be many great protests, that one I'm 100% positive about.
That would mean, though, that the truth gets told on TV which doesn't happen much to say the least...
If that ever occurs and that we do have a great awakening I believe anything can happen in France and in many other countries.
What about those retired generals? Any hope there?
Not from where I stand, i might be a bit of a doomer when it comes to France awakening but I don't really feel or see any power rising to a position where we'd be free. I guess it has to come from the people and even that seems to be a very long shot... I guess we need a trigger event
No! I do not think France is lost. How many weeks in a row have they protested now? Something over 30, I know. They have shown complete dedication to wresting their freedom from the hands of the DS there.
Rather than thinking France is lost, I believe their despotic government should instead start fearing for their necks.
I think HumblePede is on to something, remember the Generals in France sent Macron a very severe warning. Then last May they repeated it https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9561561/Macron-sent-chilling-warning-soldiers-earlier-letter-calling-military-action.html the French are weird but in the end they are almost as patriotic and freedom loving as the US. Truth be told the two greatest revolutions for Freedom were in the USA and France. We all know what's going to happen with the USA blows, France has been on a longer slower fuse. Macron's tyranny is completely unavoidably out in the open now - the pressure is building.
La Marseillaise lyrics (in English) are remarkably violent and seems to be the promise of angry men who will not be slaves again. We WILL see for certain of the level of sacrifice the French are prepared to do to accomplish the goal of Freedom..
The Patriots are protesting every week end since October 2020 so past 60 weeks but the marches and gatherings are only sizable (5k+) since last summer so it depends on the point of view this would be closer to your 30 yes. Unfortunately it seems that France cannot go past that and go beyond mostly ineffective peaceful protests, into Canada type actions or even Kazakhstan. I didn't follow too much nor got reliable info on that but it seems to me that our freedom convoy failed to achieve much except expose yet a bit more of the dictatorship.
Yep. Hardcore freedom fighters 👍 God's soldiers
I will pretend this is a joke, because it hurts too much if this is real
Those people will say that it's a good thing that the French can't do this.
They should read their coins out load. Liberté, égalité, fraternité.
Yes, it is tyranny, for sure. You can call it fascism, but it's really the NWO. We've never had them so exposed before. It's new. People need to call it what it is. Globalist communism.
Agreed. NWO runs PR as socialism slogans, implying that plebs will receive handouts. The only handouts they will get is free tickets to gulags and aids shots.
Yes I tend to only see violence too. But watching the Canadians tho....
But the French already stood their ground when they brought out the armored trucks. :)
I think it's all BS... (them having power and us having none) the media and fear porn have made us think they have power.
They have NONE, all we need to do is Stand Up, and the illusion of the power they have disappears.
Like breaking a spell...
Keep praying 🙏
Yeah I agree
So many innocents killed by refugee violence, police violence, how much more do you need?
Shits about to pop off I'd think
Do NOT back down PEOPLE! Continue to STAND and FIGHT! They cannot arrest or find everyone to fine.
This is worse: Globalist communism. The NWO. Satanism. Take your pick.
Yep, whatever we call it, it's not freedom, it only enslaves us all.
Bottom line.
To topple tyranny you must make the tyrants act like tyrants.
Normies will become rabid zombies when they awaken. We need only to stay out of the way.
Did you mean to say rabid zombies? Rapid zombies works too a quick moving body of pissed off people works lol.
Not lost, they are just getting started:)
Socialism reigns in France when you can’t even display patriotism by carrying a flag. Their enticement, just like the U.S. and Canada must be replaced for their tyranny and overreach of dictatorial powers.
Macron is losing control, and he knows it.
France overthrew the Vichy Occupation and they are old hands at this sort of thing. The cabal has tried to control France for a long time. This will also fail.
I can't believe its not even been 100 years. There are WWII era citizens still alive who can sound the alarm and give testimony to the situation. I'll bet they never dreamed they would witness France's occupation twice in their lifetime. So very sad.
Viva le residence!!!
« Liberté, Égalité, Fraternité » is France’s motto. They made it forbidden to utter a third of it.
Well said
Let’s get our (US) shit straight…then, as always, we’ll help them sort things out!
Fines for holding a French flag or saying freedom...in France.
With every day the honking gets louder
And I don't mean trucks
Vive la France! Vive la Republique! May God bless the Patriots!
This dish needs more sauce, boss
Time for a bit of the ultraviolence on the people's part
Europe has descended into fascism again and no Hitler necessary.
Just makes one think....
Lot of hangings the last time. Madame Guillotine wasn't the the only fate for the aristocracy, and the French still have plenty of rope...
Panem et circenses / « Bread and games ».
Oh no, it's the French.
They'll just burn harder.
Yea...if the authorities are taken measure that draconian, I'd have to guess they are desperate and losing the game.
I really like the part that goes
To arms, citizens! Form your battalions!
Let us march!
Let us march, that with impure blood
Our fields may flood!
It's cyclical
No. France is not lost. They’re just getting started. And angry. Guillotines soon to follow! Veva La France!
The more extreme a country gets the closer they are to the precipice. A lost country wouldn't need to escalate restrictions, the sheep would just go along.
Yeah, that's what they said about Canada.
Hasn't France always been lost? All I remember hearing about them growing up is they have a bunch of twice dropped but never fired rifles for sale lol
France was doing good until Louis XIV took the noble guys out of their castles and forced them to spend their time around him… which was a genius move but more profitable for the king than they-the-people…
That was the italians
As a French citizen, I don’t think so. I’m counting on the upcoming elections a lot. I have a feeling Zemmour is going to win (as the government hasn’t been able to pass the mail-in ballots bill although they’ve managed to install more machines). If Zemmour wins, I think we’re going to be fine. Just a bit more than 2 months to go.
The people from the Freedom Convoy whom I had staying at my place were unfazed by the tear gases and have moved on to Brussels yesterday. I’m expecting a lot from this Freedom Convoy movement as well.
I hope you are right, but your elections are probably no more legitimate than ours here in the USA.
I agree and I have to admit that this scares me somewhat. However, Zemmour supported Trump during the election theft, which means that he’s not naive and knows about fraud. He’s supported by a rich guy called Bolloré who’s a big media company owner - what he’s doing a candidate here is absolutely incredible. So, yes, I don’t think Zemmour would have decided to run for President had there been zero chance of him winning. Time will tell.
J’adore Jean Lassalle, c’est le seul candidat qui respire l’espoir et l’enthousiasme. J’ai voté pour lui en 2017.
Jean Lasalle n’a aucune chance. Je soutiens Philippot mais voterais Zemmour car Philippot n’a aucune chance. Bigre, je voterais même Melenchon contre Macron. Il faut en finir avec la macronie.
Pas la Méluche, pitié.
One of my colleagues says the same thing : « Please not Zemmour ». But what people have to understand, IMO, is that I we should be united in wanting to take Macron down, and we absolutely have to put our differences aside and all strive towards achieving that goal. Not voting if it’s Melenchon (but it’s going to be Zemmour) is akin to voting Macron as he’s the favourite candidate. My only aim is to recover our liberty, and if I have to vote for Melenchon (au second tour) for that to happen, so be it.
I live in the same country as you but I don't see the same things there. Although Zemmour is a great speaker and speaks many truths, he will not be president. It allowed to definitively oust Le Pen, and will give hope to the nationalists. That's all. It's a circus, he has its role. All these elections are bogus. I remain firmly convinced that Pécresse will be the great elected, if she arrives in the second round. We are not in March yet, a lot can happen between now and then.
Ah. We shall see.
Where are you in France?
Dans les campagnes du Nord