Not quite. I'm not sure what he's planning on doing at all, but this tweet discusses the very real possibility of them assisting Zelensky's "gvt in exile," which serves to simply put the idea out in normie land that "governments in exile" are a thing, which then points back to what Trump has done with devolution.
The Trump / devolution connection won't be in normie land for a while yet, but the stage is getting set.
Will hammering on having govt in exile over this open normie minds to the concept easing acceptance when it becomes self evident Trump is legit POTUS running things outside of the Whitehouse he legit won in 2020? How could it not?
What a crowd! What a crowd!
I wasn't feeling great, but I got better.
Got in an accident last night.
Rear-ended a cop.
Took a sobriety test.
Walk in a straight line.
Put your finger on your nose.
I failed.
Blew into a breathalyzer.
I passed.
Cop said, "What's up?"
I told him the truth.
It was topless ping-pong night at Mar a Lago.
I don't think anyone was ever as funny as Dangerfield & you know what? He only made fun of himself & his closest relations. That's a real comedian. The trash we have these days just makes me vomit. It seems like they are all controlled by the cabal/mob
Was he, by any chance close with the owner of Mar-a-Lago? Just curious. I wouldn't be surprised.
Wouldn’t this also give Russia a Legal Discovery standpoint?
Starting to think our legal system was so obviously compromised - what if “How do you introduce evidence” literally meant being it to a place where it could actually see the light of day? IE Russian Jurisdiction? If THEY start bringing in evidence on Zelensky / Azov and it shows the total complicit nature of DC / NATO / CIA etc - that immediately has to be heard on a world stage. Hence is this why the world is pushing the entire “block everything Russian immediately” and Musk putting in immediate access protocols?
This changes the game significantly and the panic is palpable ( I don’t say that casually - I actually see panic ).
They’re fucked and it’s obvious. They don’t know what to do. They legit are terrified and know they absolutely can not do anything but watch Trumps words of “What good is NATO? What are we even paying for?” Are being echoed more every day.
“If Kiev falls and Putin installs a puppet regime.........”
We can’t have Putin installing a puppet regime to replace the US puppet regime we installed in 2014 when Obama/Nuland/Sullivan worked so hard running a color revolution to do so.
First thing I thought too. The cabal propaganda pattern is boring, they simply accuse the white hats of the shit they have done or are actively doing. Like every goddamn time.
I am disgusted I am in a country that participated in this crap and open war crimes. Of course they finally openly conduct operations against We The People now.
It only took One Generation, Reagan.
Seriously I knew what 9/11 was. It happened and I told my girl “millions are going to die. This starts a whole new age.”
I talked to THOUSANDS. People were not willing to accept their government was so Evil. People that SAW IT CLEARLY thrashed around looking for excuses and shyed away from reality. Took SO LONG to find people that just saw what I saw and were willing to anything - understanding that if it goes unanswered we give the bastards that did this Open Season on the world.
God Bless Russia. Is Russia perfect? No. Is Putin perfect? Hell no. Is he saying more truth than I have heard uttered out of any of our politicians in 20 years? Yes.
To any of you doubting this possibility
They went into a near identical situation and devastated. Understand?
Azov / ISIS / Al Qeida / Mujahadeen / Antifa - seeing a pattern? Has Russia been at the wheel in some form through this all? See why Babyface McGooGoo is shitting himself? He saw what happened to NO NAME and he knows it’s coming for him.
I am starting to see the NATO play is - sterile and always was. Just a get rich scheme? No interest in winning theaters? Was the goal the entire time to keep nations enslaved in perpetual conflict & profit to the few defense contractors in the middle? That’s the pattern. Every single damn time.
I asked a Ukrainian friend about this and he said both are valid spellings but also found the sudden copy-paste all over the place to be weird. He also confirmed that those regions like Crimea are primarily Russian and don't historically belong to Ukraine.
Yes! I lived in Ukraine as a missionary many years ago and always referred to it as Kiev. I was also encouraged to study the Russian language rather than Ukrainian. I lived in the central/eastern part of the country where there was a stronger Russian influence.
On Friday, NBC News reported that a group of House conservatives had met with Robert O’Brien, former US president Donald Trump’s national security adviser, who urged them to support Zelensky’s government regardless of where it relocated.
“We should recognize them as a government in exile, in Warsaw or in London, and we ought to refer to Ukraine as occupied Ukraine,” O'Brien told NBC after the meeting. Lawmakers in Washington believe there is “substantial value” in Zelensky remaining in Ukraine, including a “political advantage,” an “optics advantage” and a “morale advantage,” but not in case his life is “in jeopardy,” NBC reported.
Just because they met with him doesnt mean hes a bad guy. Keep your friends close, your enemies closer. And never interrupt an enemy when he is destroying himself.
How will those who see the possibility that Trump is running a government in exile, reconcile Trump not intervening in the disasters the resident in the White House has done? Instead of thinking it had to be done this way to reveal what the Dems and Deep State are capable of, won’t they just blame Trump for not making everything return to “normal” as they know it, further causing animosity towards Trump? I can see Congress and government officials trying to set Zelensky up in exile because they don’t want to easily give up the money laundering, bio weapons labs, depopulation, NWO scam they had going. It certainly will reveal more of the traitors within government.
What a comedy this movie is.... OUR illegitimately installed regime, is going to interject itself into the situation of another country having a puppet government, on another continent? Oh ok...
All the while the price of Gas, food, clothing, animal feed and anything else you want or need has gone up so high. Now they have something to point to as to why. Buy what you need now if you haven’t already, things are heating up and it’s effecting the bottom line!
If this is accurate, and Biden et al is planning for a "government in exile," it points to Devolution of Trump's government in exile.
It brings the concept into the normie sphere.
Nice Anon! On point.
Thank you, Mod Fren!
Just what I was thinking
Not quite. I'm not sure what he's planning on doing at all, but this tweet discusses the very real possibility of them assisting Zelensky's "gvt in exile," which serves to simply put the idea out in normie land that "governments in exile" are a thing, which then points back to what Trump has done with devolution.
The Trump / devolution connection won't be in normie land for a while yet, but the stage is getting set.
I could have phrased it better at the beginning lol wrds r hrd
Don’t be so hard on yourself; you are doing pretty darn good for a velociraptor.
yw <3
Fun fact if not typing on a phone
Alt + 3 = ♥
I lo♥e that ;)
Aw damn! I love keyboard shortcuts!! Gonna try when I’m on my pc! Got anymore?? 🙏🏻😎🙏🏻
not on a mac
Will hammering on having govt in exile over this open normie minds to the concept easing acceptance when it becomes self evident Trump is legit POTUS running things outside of the Whitehouse he legit won in 2020? How could it not?
Not sure how many will accept right off the bat. TDS sufferers will take a bit longer (if at all)
Lol reminds me of guiado when they tried to pretend he was president
And Maduro is legitimate?
They are talking about recognizing a government in exile. Most American's have no idea what that means.
Devolution is pointing to an American government in exile. This is another way to wake up people
Rodney Dangerfield
McEnany Boom Boom Room
What a crowd! What a crowd!
I wasn't feeling great, but I got better.
Got in an accident last night.
Rear-ended a cop.
Took a sobriety test.
Walk in a straight line.
Put your finger on your nose.
I failed.
Blew into a breathalyzer.
I passed.
Cop said, "What's up?"
I told him the truth.
It was topless ping-pong night at Mar a Lago.
I don't think anyone was ever as funny as Dangerfield & you know what? He only made fun of himself & his closest relations. That's a real comedian. The trash we have these days just makes me vomit. It seems like they are all controlled by the cabal/mob
Was he, by any chance close with the owner of Mar-a-Lago? Just curious. I wouldn't be surprised.
O, the humanity!
Wouldn’t this also give Russia a Legal Discovery standpoint?
Starting to think our legal system was so obviously compromised - what if “How do you introduce evidence” literally meant being it to a place where it could actually see the light of day? IE Russian Jurisdiction? If THEY start bringing in evidence on Zelensky / Azov and it shows the total complicit nature of DC / NATO / CIA etc - that immediately has to be heard on a world stage. Hence is this why the world is pushing the entire “block everything Russian immediately” and Musk putting in immediate access protocols?
This changes the game significantly and the panic is palpable ( I don’t say that casually - I actually see panic ).
They’re fucked and it’s obvious. They don’t know what to do. They legit are terrified and know they absolutely can not do anything but watch Trumps words of “What good is NATO? What are we even paying for?” Are being echoed more every day.
OLD GUARD = NATO? ( RE: Systematic Destruction )
Exactly! I can't wait for Putin to drop those bombs!
Their panic certainly seems to have increased!
IRL predictive programming?
Oh wait, still a movie. 😜
“If Kiev falls and Putin installs a puppet regime.........”
We can’t have Putin installing a puppet regime to replace the US puppet regime we installed in 2014 when Obama/Nuland/Sullivan worked so hard running a color revolution to do so.
You just can’t make this shit up..!
First thing I thought too. The cabal propaganda pattern is boring, they simply accuse the white hats of the shit they have done or are actively doing. Like every goddamn time.
Bunch a Jebs.
Seriously the world is tired of it.
I am disgusted I am in a country that participated in this crap and open war crimes. Of course they finally openly conduct operations against We The People now.
It only took One Generation, Reagan.
Seriously I knew what 9/11 was. It happened and I told my girl “millions are going to die. This starts a whole new age.”
I talked to THOUSANDS. People were not willing to accept their government was so Evil. People that SAW IT CLEARLY thrashed around looking for excuses and shyed away from reality. Took SO LONG to find people that just saw what I saw and were willing to anything - understanding that if it goes unanswered we give the bastards that did this Open Season on the world.
God Bless Russia. Is Russia perfect? No. Is Putin perfect? Hell no. Is he saying more truth than I have heard uttered out of any of our politicians in 20 years? Yes.
To any of you doubting this possibility
They went into a near identical situation and devastated. Understand?
Azov / ISIS / Al Qeida / Mujahadeen / Antifa - seeing a pattern? Has Russia been at the wheel in some form through this all? See why Babyface McGooGoo is shitting himself? He saw what happened to NO NAME and he knows it’s coming for him.
I am starting to see the NATO play is - sterile and always was. Just a get rich scheme? No interest in winning theaters? Was the goal the entire time to keep nations enslaved in perpetual conflict & profit to the few defense contractors in the middle? That’s the pattern. Every single damn time.
Great rant! agree, especially about NATO. one question - who is baby face mcgoogoo? NO NAME’s gimpboy
got it ! ha ha ha
Every time!
It's a good way to know what they are up to though
I know. How hilarious!
The puppet govt. was already put in by Soros
I will call this war, the Puppet War.
Every war is a puppet war though.
The Puppet that.
I'm sure they will require billions of our taxes...
I read $10 Billion.
Time to shut it off ...
The money or the Big Guy?
The funds, no money no players ...
Schumer is on it.
For starters.
Blood and treasure
Be honest – what problem in the world is there that cannot be solved by higher taxes and giving up more of our basic fundamental rights?
Don’t be so selfish!
Yeah, I'll sign up for one of those re-education classes soon, at least before my next vehicle registration is due.
We can install a puppet regime, but Putin can't clean out the corruption as a whole. Peak clown world.
Putin's not allowed to remove "our" puppet regime! That's racist!
Is Kyiv the same place as Kiev?
Yep... from what I understand, they're virtue signaling by making a point to use the dumbass-sounding Ukrainian pronunciation (eye roll)🐸
I asked a Ukrainian friend about this and he said both are valid spellings but also found the sudden copy-paste all over the place to be weird. He also confirmed that those regions like Crimea are primarily Russian and don't historically belong to Ukraine.
Thanks for the info! It's that pronunciation that annoys me, admittedly, more than it should😁
Yes! I lived in Ukraine as a missionary many years ago and always referred to it as Kiev. I was also encouraged to study the Russian language rather than Ukrainian. I lived in the central/eastern part of the country where there was a stronger Russian influence.
You have something in common with Hunter Biden. He spent a lot of time in Ukraine in the missionary position as well.
это ты Hunter?
They are removing the Y.
Petty tyrants love to change the names of places.
Lmao I thought Russia was getting its ass pounded by the mighty Ukrainians 😂
I heard that The Ghost of Ukraine is actually Catturd.
You're half right.
/spit out my coffee. Roflcopter.
its been 10 years since i've seen a roflcopter. updoot for you!
Puppet regime being someone who is not the current puppet.
A puppet regime. Just like we have here in the USA.
as apposed to the US/cia puppet regime?
Russia has been successful.
WTF this says:
On Friday, NBC News reported that a group of House conservatives had met with Robert O’Brien, former US president Donald Trump’s national security adviser, who urged them to support Zelensky’s government regardless of where it relocated.
“We should recognize them as a government in exile, in Warsaw or in London, and we ought to refer to Ukraine as occupied Ukraine,” O'Brien told NBC after the meeting. Lawmakers in Washington believe there is “substantial value” in Zelensky remaining in Ukraine, including a “political advantage,” an “optics advantage” and a “morale advantage,” but not in case his life is “in jeopardy,” NBC reported.
I thought O'Brein was a good guy.
Just because they met with him doesnt mean hes a bad guy. Keep your friends close, your enemies closer. And never interrupt an enemy when he is destroying himself.
Doesnt mean he isnt either.
I understand that is likely. Just wanted the board to be aware of that move.
How will those who see the possibility that Trump is running a government in exile, reconcile Trump not intervening in the disasters the resident in the White House has done? Instead of thinking it had to be done this way to reveal what the Dems and Deep State are capable of, won’t they just blame Trump for not making everything return to “normal” as they know it, further causing animosity towards Trump? I can see Congress and government officials trying to set Zelensky up in exile because they don’t want to easily give up the money laundering, bio weapons labs, depopulation, NWO scam they had going. It certainly will reveal more of the traitors within government.
LOL General Milley gets to lead from the front lines this time, taking his army of the vaccinated into battle.
Only if he promises to wear a lippie that matches his heels.
Maybe he will learn the difference between the battlefield and the fashion runway.
What a comedy this movie is.... OUR illegitimately installed regime, is going to interject itself into the situation of another country having a puppet government, on another continent? Oh ok...
exactly^ it's a farce/reminds me of some of the old comedy movies.
Projection much
And of course, only the Deep State are allowed to install puppet regimes, like in 2014. I'm with Putin on this one. This is his Cuba Missile Crisis.
I wonder why we haven't deployed troops... after that rambling- er speech or whatever, I thought the troops were going in...
Is it... because he's not the Commander in Chief.
"Puppet regimes are only okay when we do it"
All the while the price of Gas, food, clothing, animal feed and anything else you want or need has gone up so high. Now they have something to point to as to why. Buy what you need now if you haven’t already, things are heating up and it’s effecting the bottom line!
Biden tells staff he is bypassing Putin and will only negotiate with Tzar Nicholas.
"A puppet regime." How hilarious. Here is why.
npcs lining up for the latest upload of their personality
Puppet regime?! Lol. Let’s go Brandon!!!!!!!!
Puppet regime is what they would be replacing lol.
Government in exile?
The Soros connection:
And there is that Kolomoiskyi/PrivatBank/Burisma/Biden connection too.
So far, Ukraine is doing a great job of bombing itself.
Rofl I know right!?
Oi! Do you have a license for all that thinking?!
who are "they?"
I guess one of the reasons anons do research is that the MSM and Big Tech lie. And there are shills all over the place here, but you know that.
if, by information, you mean low effort, propoganda reposts, I agree.